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1、四川省兴文第二中学校2021届高三英语上学期入学考试试题第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将 试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最 佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题 和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15. 答案是 C。 第二节(共 15 小

2、题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个 选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各 个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 1. What does the man want to do? A. Buy a magazine right now. B. Get his library card back. C. Find a quiet place to read. 2. How does the woman lik

3、e the movie? A.Its scary. B.Its fun. C.Its dull. 3. What are the two speakers talking about? A. Their new district. B. Foods and restaurants. C. Eating out together. 4. What does the woman mean? A. She pays no attention to sports. B. She wishes a different team won. C. She is very excited about the

4、news. 5. Whats the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Doctor and patient. B. Teacher and student. C. Husband and wife. 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。 6. Where does the conversation take place? A. In a bank. B. In a library. C. In a cafeteria. 7. How is the man feeling now? A. Cold. B. Angry. C. H

5、ungry 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。 8. How does the woman feel about her winning the award? A. Proud. B. Surprised. C. Reasonable. 9. What kind of music does the woman into? A. Jazz. B. Saxophony. C. Pop music. 10. What is the man most probably? A.A magazine journalist. B. A dramatic actor. C. A film produ

6、cer. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至第 13 题。 11. Where are the speakers? A.On a farm. B. At a restaurant. C. At a supermarket. 12. How does the spice(香料) affect the woman? A. It makes her feel tired. B. It makes her mouth hurt. C. It makes her unable to feel her mouth. 13. Why does the man refuse to give the woman

7、 some peppers? A. He just ran out of them. B. He doesnt have any extras. C.They are not in season. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 16 题。 14. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. The womans past illness. B. The dangers of medicine. C. Natural ways to make the man feel better. 15. What advice does the wom

8、an give to the man? A. He should call the doctor. B. He could breathe in some hot steam. C. He should only eat fruit for a week. 16. Why does the man refuse to take medicine? A. It makes him sleepy. B. It reacts badly on him. C. It has side effects on him. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。 17. How old are th

9、e UK children when they start to receive compulsory education? A. 5 years old. B. 6 years old. C. 7 years old. 18. How long does an autumn half-term holiday last? A. One week. B. Two weeks. C.Five weeks. 19. What subjects must the UK students learn throughout compulsory education? A. Physics, scienc

10、e and IT. B. Chemistry, IT and math. C. English, math and science. 20. What are grammar schools also called? A. Public schools. B.Private schools. C. Comprehensive schools.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答 题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Come to the AG Societys expedit

11、ion (探险) program and you will surely get unique experiences! SWIM WITH THE HUMPBACKS(座头鲸)OF TONGA Darren Jew and his team are your hosts for an unforgettable AG Society adventure, filled with in-water meetings with humpback whales in the Kingdom of Tongas group of islands. WHO: Darren Jews underwate

12、r whales DATES: 26 September-4 October 2018 COST: $ 5,450 per person BOOKINGS: Call 0756679413, email reservations whalesunderwater. com or visit whalesunderwater. com 11-DAY KIMBERLEY COASTAL CRUISE(乘船游览) The AG Society is partnering with APT to present an exciting voyage along the Kimberley coastl

13、ine. Expedition cruising offers the easiest way to explore the Kimberley. Guests on this 11-day voyage will go ashore, explore natural wonders, meet traditional owners, see rock art and spot wildlife. WHO: APT DATES: 6-16 September 2018 COST: $13,395 per person BOOKINGS:Visit kimberleywild. com. au

14、LIGHTNING RIDGE FOSSIL(化石)DIG The AG Society offers you a chance to hunt for fossils. Guided by experts, youll go to special locations, seeking new fossils for the collections of the Australian Opal Centre. Your discoveries will further establish these museum collections as a world-class scientific

15、and cultural resource. There are also a series of lectures on mining history, fossils, dinosaur hunting and new dinosaurs. WHO: The Australian Opal Centre DATES: 20 -25 August 2018 COST: $2,200 per person, including all activities and lunches and dinners BOOKINGS: Call 0427904587, email dig australi

16、anopalcentre. com or visit australianopalcentre. com AG DEVIL ARK EXPEDITION Come and join Tim Faulkner for a unique hands-on experience with this Tasmanian devi(l 袋 獾)feeding program in the beautiful Barrington Tops of NSW. Youll get to see Tasmanian devils up close when you help with feeding indiv

17、iduals. In addition to working with the animals, therell be opportunities to explore the areas natural treasures and spot local wildlife. Dont miss your chance to get involved in this important conservation effort. WHO: Devil Ark DATES: 24-26 November 2018 COST: $1,750 per person BOOKINGS: Call 0243

18、408610, email info devilark. org. au or visit devilark. org. au 21If you join in LIGHTNING RIDGE FOSSIL DIG, you can . Ago to seek new fossils individually Blearn something about mining history Ccollect the world-class scientific fossils Dbecome an expert and go to special locations 22What can you d

19、o if you take part in AG DEVIL ARK EXPEDITION? AHelp protect wildlife. BLearn about dinosaurs. CWatch humpback whales. DEnjoy an exciting voyage. 23Which program will you choose if you want to enjoy rock art? AAG DEVIL ARK EXPEDITION BLIGHTNING RIDGE FOSSIL DIG C11-DAY KIMBERLEY COASTAL CRUISE DSWIM

20、 WITH THE HUMPBACKS OF TONGA B Id like to share a little story that happened when I was four. I remember it clearly. Our loving family dog was nearing the end of his life. My father picked him up and put him in a little bed we had made for him. Our dog, my companion, whom we had cared for, bit my fa

21、ther when he attempted to help him. How could he? Why? I couldnt understand it. I didnt like him anymore. I hadnt thought about that story for a long time but something that happened last week brought it back to me. I went to speak with a friend. When I knocked on the door, I met an instant an angry

22、 look and a few harsh(尖刻的)words. When the door was skimmed(砰地关上)in my face, I stood there shocked, and in a rush, I was reminded of my dog which bit my father 20 years ago or so.What brought that story back was that same feeling of betrayal. Both stories taught me something the next day. You see, wh

23、en I got up in the morning and was told my dog had died, it became clear to me that he must have been in great pain. For him to have bitten a family member, he could not have been himself. Much the same for the other story when I learned that my friends wife had just left him. We are all beings of o

24、ur environments, our opinions and feelings. And all of those things can cause you to say and do things that cant be understood by those who are not in the same situation with you. If you meet someone either behaving out of character or acting in a way that doesnt seemto fit the situation, be patient

25、 when you think it is least possible for him to do so and try to get to know why he had such behaviour. 24.Whats the influence of the incident that happened when he was four? A. It hurt his fathers feeling deeply. B. It has puzzled the author ever since. C. It left a deep impression on the author. D

26、. It made the author dislike dogs. 25. Why did the authors friend say harsh words to the author? A. Because he was bad-tempered. B. Because they once quarreled and couldnt forgive the author. C. Because he was bothered by an unexpected visit. D. Because he was suffering the pain of losing his wife.

27、26. What conclusion did the author get from the two stories? A. Misunderstanding should be removed in time. B. Sometimes one will be hurt without any reason. C. Many people think more of themselves and less of others. D. Many factors will affect ones behavior. 27. Whats the authors advice to us? A.

28、Learn to understand others. B. Look before you leap. C. Help those in need. D. Tolerance is a kind of virtue. C Why do people lie? Many psychologists agree that lying can start from childhood. There are various reasons why children make false statements. They usually tell untruthful stories to cover

29、 up the mistakes that they have done in the past. Lying is also a way to avoid receiving punishments from parents. If parents, fail to reprimand their children for making up false stories, then there is a possibility that they will continue to lie during their teenage years. Teenagers lie because th

30、ey want to be accepted by their friends. This is the main reason why they create stories that are not true just to become presentable and acceptable to other people. In some instances, teenagers tell untruthful statements to avoid criticisms from their families and friends. As teenagers grow, lying

31、becomes one of their habits. Their knowledge on making up untruthful stories becomes more developed. People lie in workplaces if they fail to meet the deadlines and if they fail to accomplish and do their tasks efficiently. Some of the common lies made in workplaces are getting sick and having emerg

32、encies at home. The danger involved in frequent lying is when it becomes a character. Frequent lying causes the development of the condition known to doctors as pathological (病态的)lying. Pathological lying is a mental health condition, which is associated with individuals who have the urge to tell un

33、truthful statements. Patients suffering from it make up stories about everything and anything. These individuals pretend to meet the standards of other people who they want to please. These patients cheat other people because it gives them an unexplained pleasure. One of the best ways of treating pa

34、thological liars is to help them tell true statements and stories at all times. This may be hard for them, but as they are accustomed to it, they will start to realize that they will be more accepted by their families and other people if they stop themselves from making up false stories. 28. What do

35、es the underlined word reprimand in Paragraph 1 mean? A.satisfy B. criticize C. discourage D. praise 29. Why do Teenagers tell lies according to the passage? A. Because they want to avoid being punished. B. Because they want to fool other people. C. Because they want to satisfy others. D. Because th

36、ey want to attract others attention. 30. Why is Pathological lying a disease? A. Because the patients cant help lying. B. Because the patients lose interest in everything. C. Because the patients are critical about themselves. D. Because the patients have the urge to please others. 31. How does the

37、writer explain pathological lying? A. By showing some typical examples. B. By predicting the future consequences. C. By listing a group of phenomena. D. By analyzing its causes and development.D Heres something to think about the next time you ask your teacher for help:struggling with schoolwork on

38、your own can help you learn.According to a recent study,the more you struggle while you are learning new information,the better you can remember it later. This theory might surprise you.When teachers are presenting new information,they often give students lots of help.But a new study shows this may

39、not be the best way to support learning.Dont be too quick to get help when learning something new,education expert Manu Kapur told TFK.Try to work on it yourself even if it means trying different ways. Kapur came up with the idea that struggling can lead to better learning.Then he tested it out on s

40、tudents in Singapore.He separated students into two groups.In the first group,students were asked to solve math problems with the teachers help.In the second group,students were asked to solve the same problems by helping one another,instead of getting help from the teacher. With the teachers help,s

41、tudents in the first group were able to find the correct answers.Students in the second group did not solve the problems correctly.But they did come up with a lot of good ideas.The students were then tested on what they had learned.The group without any help from a teacher scored much higher than th

42、e group who had help.Kapur said working to find the answers helped students understand the process,not just the solution. Kapurs advice for kids is to put a lot of effort into learning something new rather than going to your teacher for help.Simply doing a little work or nothing at all wont work,say

43、s Kapur.The struggle needs to be a genuine attempt to figure out or solve a problem in as many ways as possible. 32.What had you better do when you have doubt on schoolwork? A.Ask your teacher for help. B.Make it clear by yourself. C.Ask your classmates to help you. D.Ask your parents for help. 33.W

44、hats Manu Kapur educational idea on learning new knowledge? A.Give students much help as soon as possible. B.Let students learn it on themselves in one way. C.Let students learn it by themselves in the same way. D. Let students learn it for themselves in different ways. 34.How did Kapur check his id

45、ea on better learning? A.By asking questions. B.By solving art problems. C. By group comparisons. D.By solving science problems. 35.What is most important in learning knowledge?. A.Grasping the learning course. B.Getting the students help. C.Getting the teachers help. D.Receiving the final solution.

46、 第二节(共 5 小题:每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多 余选项。Are you a bookworm? Is your head permanently stuck in a book? 36 There are many benefits to reading. Getting into a good novel improves our literacy. But who or what encourages us to pick up a book and start reading? Of course, w

47、hen we are young, our parents and teachers inspire us by introducing us to characters that we love or hate. As a child, I loved books written by Roald Dahl, such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The Twits. 37 They are popular with children even today, despite competition from contemporary au

48、thors. One modern-day childrens author is J. K. Rowling, whos known for her books about the wizard, Harry Potter. 38 The UKs National Literacy Trust awarded her the title for “turning a generation of children into readers”. 39 It can also help people in difficult circumstances. The author Pat Winslo

49、w worked as a writer in prisons and found reading and discussing stories helped prisoners reflect ontheir patterns of behavior. She says, “very often we would have discussions about the moral compass of a character. What was the motivation of somebody? Why did they behave that way?” Today I like to

50、read factual books such as biographies, where you get an insight into the lives of important and well-known people. I also enjoy looking at travel books and learning about journeys and new destinations. 40 A. If so, thats a good thing for you. B. Its a good substitute if you cant visit in person. C.

51、 Good writing can really capture our imagination. D. Reading books is more than an enjoyable leisure time. E. These fictional stories were funny, twisted and slightly evil. F. Who are your favorite authors and which are your favorite books? G. She was named as a literacy hero for improving peoples l

52、ove of reading. 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 At a young age, Darrius Simmons fell in love with the piano. As he watched others play,he was 41 by the joy the piano gave them. He wanted to experience that, too, but knew

53、 for him it would be a/an 42. “I decided at age 10 that I wanted to learn how to play the piano, 43 it was going to take a little bit 44 work for me to learn,” Simmons says. “I knew most people had 10 fingers while I had four, yet I was pretty 45 I could make it work.” The Warren,Ohio teenager was b

54、orn with a genetic 46 called ectrodactyly (先天性缺指畸形). He has three fingers on his right hand and 47 finger on his left. But it didnt 48 Simmons from following his 49. With no formal training, Simmons taught himself by ear how to play the piano. He practiced and practiced, finding a way to 50 the keys

55、 with four fingers while mastering the pedals with his prostheses (假肢). Simmons knew he would have to 51 his own style of playing. “I couldnt base it 52 the technique of somebody who has 10 fingers.It just wouldnt 53.” He says. “Thats 54 it was hard for me to take piano lessons. Its very 55 for some

56、body who has learned how to play with 10 fingers to adjust and teach me with only four.” The now 18-year-old not only learned how to play and read music but also began composing. His mother, Tamara Simmons, isnt surprised by Darrius 56. She knows how focused and 57 he can be. From mastering music to

57、 beating 58 challenges, Darrius Simmons sets out to 59 the world. “I like to be somebodys 60,” he says. “If I play in front of a whole crowd and I see one person smile, thats a job well done.” 41.A.frightened B.amazed C.interested D.disturbed 42.A.challenge B.opportunity C. fortune D. trouble 43.A.b

58、ecause B.but C.and D.therefore 44.A.more B.much C. fewer D.less 45.A.surprised B.worried C.sure D. glad 46.A.condition B.environment C. situation D.tendency 47.A.one B.two C.three D.five 48.A.encourage B.prevent C. remove D. change 49.A.actions B.roads C.instructions D.passions 50.A.reach B.repair C

59、. remove D.clean 51.A.adopt B.abandon C.develop D. change 52.A.by B.in C.through D.on 53.A.support B.run C.operate D.work 54. A. why B.because C.when D.whether 55.A.easy B.tough C. funny D. stupid 56.A.ideas B. creations C.difficulties D.achievements 57.A.kind B.determined C.talented D. generous 58.

60、A.spiritual B. mental C. physical D.emotional 59.A.please B.persuade C.inspire D. cheer 60.A.partner B.symbol C.aim D. motivation 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 More than 1,000 elephants face 61 (starve) in Thailand because of the coronavirus crisis. An almost total absenc

61、e of visitors 62 (mean)that many caretakers are struggling to afford food for Thailands 4,000 captive elephants. The animals can eat up 63 200kg of food a day. Lek Chailert, 64 (found) of the Save Elephant Foundation, told the BBC: “If there is no support 65 (keep) them safe, these elephants, some o

62、f whom are pregnant, will either starve to death 66 may be put on to the streets to beg.” Some elephants may be sold to zoos or they may 67 ( return) to the illegal logging business, which 68 (official) banned the use of elephants in 1989. “Its very 69 (hope) until some financial help is received im

63、mediately,” Lek Chailert adds. Its a challenge to keep the animals fed and healthy at 70 best of times but now its the dry season, which makes the situation even worse.英语试题 第 10 页 (共 10 页) 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分) 注意:将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。作文 中共有

64、10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号()并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 You must have heard about Dolly and have been amazed by the first cloned animal. But here came a problem:should we clone humans? When being as

65、ked about this question, a large number of people which are interested in the topic hold the view that its beneficial to clone humans. Therefore, some other people, me including, are against this idea. Cloning humans can bring negative effects and wrong informations. In the first place, they may not

66、 be treated equal as normal people, which I believe will make him suffer a lot. In second place, human cloning may lead in some social disorder, and it is quite dangerous. 第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分) 如今,云游博物馆成了年轻人足不出户领略文化的新潮流。假如你是李华,你的英国 网友 Lucy 发邮件给你,想知道你们现在的“虚拟博物馆”活动。请你给她写封电子邮件,告知 相关内容。 内容包括: 1.该活动原因; 2.该活动

67、优点(至少两点); 3. 推荐一个虚拟博物馆。 注意::1.词数 100 左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:virtual 虚拟的 Dear Lucy, Yours sincerely, Li Hua二一八级高三入学考试英语答案第一部分:听力 1-5 CCBAA 6-10 BCBAA 11-15 BCBCB 16-20 CAACC第二部分:阅读理解第一节:21-23 BAC 24-27 CDDA 28-31 BCAD 31-35 BDCA第二节:36-40 AEGDB第二部分:基础知识应用第一节:完形填空 41-45 BABAC 46-50 AABDA 51-55 CDDA

68、B 56-60 DBCCD 第二节:语法填空 61.starvation62.means63. to64.founder65. to keep66.or67. be returned68. officially69. hopeless 70. the第五部分:写作第一节:改错1.came-comes 2.删掉 being 3.which- who/that 4.Therefore-However 5.including-included 6.informations- information 7.equal-equally 8.him- them 9.in后加 the 10.in-to 第二节:作文(仅供参考)


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