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1、2011-2012年上学期兴化市高一英语好题集:单选题2单选题1、Im sorry I cant go to the film with you because I have a lot of things to _.A.take to B.get toC.see to D.keep to答案:C解析该题考查介词“to”的固定搭配,“take to”意为“养成的习惯,沉湎于”;“get to”意为“到达”,“see to”意为“负责、留意、照顾”;“keep to”意为“在某一位置移动或停留、局限于”,由题意“我有许多事要做”可知答案。出处:校本练习 考查内容:固定词组 入选理由:词组要求掌握

2、但平时不常见2、Mr.Smith was_ to be a doctor but he became a teacher when he grew up.A.demanded B.supposedC.suggested D.agreed答案:B解析“be supposed to do/to be”为固定搭配,意为“应该、大家认为是”。出处:校本练习 考查内容:固定结构 入选理由:高一重点结构3、It would be very safe if you_ the door_ to the garden.A.fasten;led B.will fasten;leadsC.fastened;lead

3、ing D.fastened;to lead答案:C解析此处为虚拟语气,条件句中用一般过去式,主句中用would+v.(原形)表示对现在的虚拟;第二空用分词作后置定语。出处:校本练习 考查内容:虚拟语气 入选理由:条件句的虚拟语气,高一课本中多次出现4、They are_ to eat Chinese food though they have been in America for years.A.content B.please C.interested D.fond答案:A解析固定搭配be content to,表示“乐意做某事”,interested需和in搭配,而fond常构成be

4、fond of词组。出处:校本练习 考查内容:固定词组 入选理由:重点词组5、Mr Black is the professor_I have the greatest respect.A.to whom B.for whomC.whom D.who答案:B解析此处为一介词提前的定语从句;“have respect for sb.”为固定搭配,意为“尊敬”。出处:校本练习 考查内容:定语从句、固定词组 入选理由:have respect for是高一重点词组,定语从句是高一重点。6、The boy was seen_ in the examination and was punished by

5、 the teacher.A.having cheated B.cheatedC.cheating D.cheat答案:C解析此处考查“see sb./sth. doing sth.”的被动语态,即“sb./sth. be seen doing sth.”意为某人(物)被当场看到正在做某事。出处:校本练习 考查内容:感官动词词组用法 入选理由:感官动词的被动语态易被学生忽略7、Take this medicine,_ you will be getting worse.A.or rather B.or elseC.for that D.for another答案:B解析or else为固定搭配

6、,意为“否则”,表转折。出处:校本练习 考查内容:连词用法 入选理由:这几个连词高一学生学生较少遇到8、A new technique_, the yields as a whole increased by 20 percent.A.working outB.having worked outC.having been worked outD.to have been worked out答案:C解析该题考查现在分词短语作状语的用法,由题意知“新技术应是被钻研出”,此处应用其被动语态形式,即“having been+过去分词”。出处:校本练习 考查内容:非谓语动词 入选理由:悬垂结构的非谓语

7、动词,学生容易错。9、He told me he had been offered a very well-paid_ abroad.A.service B.businessC.position D.work答案:C解析position意为“职位”,相当于post或job,不选答案D是因为work为不可数名词。出处:校本练习 考查内容:词语辨析 入选理由:position是高一重点词汇。10、18.The officer made his men_his order at once.A.carry out B.work outC.make out D.act out答案:A解析此处考查词组。“

8、carry out”意为“执行、实现”;work out意为“算出”;”make out“意为”看出、了解”;“act out”意为“用手势及动作”表示。出处:校本练习 考查内容:词组辨析 入选理由:“carry out”是高一重点词组11、This is the first time I_ my first picture with my own hands.It is time that you_a picture for me.A.took;tookB.have taken;tookC.took;will takeD.will take;have taken答案:B解析该题考查“time

9、”的两个句型,“This /It is the 1st/2ndtime(that)”中that从句中谓语动词应用现在完成时,译为“这是第一、二次”“Its time that”从句中,动词应用过去时(即虚拟语气),译为“该的时候了”。由此可知答案。出处:校本练习 考查内容:时态 入选理由:时态里的固定结构12、51.She listened to the music with her face_ in tears.A.bathes B.bathingC.to bathe D.bathed答案:D解析“with+n.+分词”结构作状语,表伴随,此处名词face与分词间为动宾关系,故用过去分词。出

10、处:校本练习 考查内容:with的复合结构 入选理由:bathe和with的复合结构都是高一重点内容13、Hell be very upset if you_his offer of help.A.turn off B.turn outC.turn over D.turn down答案:D解析该题考查关于“turn”一词的搭配,“turn off “意为关上(音响、电器、水笼头等)”“turn out”意为“证明是”;“turn over”意为“翻过来,翻身”;“turn down”则为“将音量关小、拒绝”;由题意“如果你拒绝他的帮助,他会坐立不安”可推知答案。出处:校本练习 考查内容:固定词

11、组 入选理由:turn的词组是高一重点内容。14、The very idea_a man can think of driving in such a state is really unthinkable.A.which B.if C.what D.that答案:D解析此处考查定语从句用“that”引导的特殊情况,当先行词中有very,few,little,only等词修饰时,这时宜用that。出处:校本练习 考查内容:定语从句 入选理由:定语从句“thatwhich”的选用。15、All _is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of

12、 life.A.what is needed B.for our needsC.the thing needed D.that is needed答案:D解析此处“that”引导一定语从句,“that”在定语从句中作主语,故不可省略“all that”相当于“what”。出处:校本练习 考查内容:定语从句 入选理由: “thatwhich”的选用以及从句单复数。16、She admitted _ a story to explain the reason why she was late.A.to have made up B.having told C.to have told D.havi

13、ng made up答案:D解析“承认做过”,要用admit加分词的完成时;“编造故事”,用词组make up。出处:校本练习 考查内容:固定词组 入选理由:考查了admit的用法和时态。17、It wasnt such a good dinner _ she had promised us.A.that B.which C.as D.what答案:C解析such跟as构成搭配,表示“像这样的”。as后引导定语从句,as在句中作宾语。出处:校本练习 考查内容:定语从句 入选理由:学生容易误以为普通定语从句。18、The_look on his face suggested that the n

14、ews was_.A.excited;exciting B.exciting;exciting C.exciting;excited D.excited;excited答案:A解析此处考查“exciting”与“excited”的用法。“exciting”的主语一般为物;“excited”的主语一般为人,“the excited look”意为“兴奋的表情”。出处:校本练习 考查内容:非谓语动词 入选理由:“使”动词的两个形容词一直是考查重点。19、These two maths problems cant be used in the exam.They are too_to the stu

15、dents.Everyone can remember the answers.A.easy B.difficult C.familiar D.simple答案:C解析“物+familiar to sb.”为固定词组,意为“某事对某人是熟悉的”。出处:校本练习 考查内容:固定词组 入选理由:高一重点词组20、How long did the meeting last this afternoon?It was supper time _ the meeting was over.A.that B.at which C.when D.until答案:C解析此句中when引导时间状语。出处:校本练习 考查内容:状语从句 入选理由:易与定语从句混淆.精品资料。欢迎使用。高考资源网w。w-w*k&s%5¥u高考资源网w。w-w*k&s%5¥u


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