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本文(2011-2012学年高一英语必修1(译林牛津版)素材(含教案和练习)UNIT 2 GROWING PAINS(2).doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2011-2012学年高一英语必修1(译林牛津版)素材(含教案和练习)UNIT 2 GROWING PAINS(2).doc

1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家2011-2012学年高一英语必修1(译林牛津版)素材(含教案和练习) Unit 2 Growing pains(2)一. 教学内容: Unit 2 Growing Pains (II)二. 教学目标:掌握Unit 2语法定语从句三. 教学重难点:掌握介词关系代词引导的定语从句 掌握关系副词引导的定语从句(一)定语从句复习用定语从句把下列句子连接成一个句子1. The book is mine. He is reading the book.The book (which/that) he is reading is mine.2. I like the gir

2、l. The girl is wearing a red skirt.I like the girl who is wearing a red skirt.3. She is the student. We saw her yesterday.She is the student (who/whom/that) we saw yesterday.4. The athlete is a famous runner. You talked to him.The athlete who you talked to is a famous runner.5. I have lost the book.

3、 He gave me it yesterday.I have lost the book (which/that) he gave me yesterday.6. I have seen the film. You talked it about last night.I have seen the film (which/that) you talked about last night.7. I threw the chair. Its legs are broken.I threw the chair whose legs are broken.(二)介词关系代词引导的定语从句用定语从

4、句把下列句子连接成一个句子1. This is the teacher. Weve learned a lot from her.This is the teacher (whom/who/that) weve learned a lot from.This is the teacher from whom weve learned a lot.2. The policeman is a friend of mine. Mr Henry is talking with him in the office.The policeman (who/that/whom) Mr Henry is tal

5、king with in the office is a friend of mine.The policeman with whom Mr Henry is talking in the office is a friend of mine.3. The ladder began to slip. I was standing on the ladder.The ladder (which/that) I was standing on began to slip.The ladder on which I was standing began to slip.4. Great change

6、s are taking place in the city. They live in the city.Great changes are taking place in the city (which/that) they live in.Great changes are taking place in the city in which they live.5. This is the library. I borrowed Harry Potter from this library.This is the library (which/that) I borrowed Harry

7、 Potter from.This is the library from which I borrowed Harry Potter.总结:关系代词在从句中作宾语时,介词可提至关系代词前,构成“介词which/whom从句”结构。注意:(1)介词提前时,关系代词不可省略;(2)介词提前时,只能用“介词+which”(指事物)以及“介词+whom”(指人)结构,此时不能用that或who。(3)当关系代词作look after, look for, take care of等不能拆开使用的短语动词的宾语时,介词不能提前。eg. 这是我们进行了很多讨论的问题。This is the questi

8、on about which weve had so much discussion.我跟他说话的那个人是个老师。The man to whom I spoke is a teacher.关系代词前介词的确定1. 动词与介词的搭配e.g. The city _ which I live is a beautiful one.2. 形容词与介词的固定搭配e.g. Youd better not bring your child to see the animals _ which he is afraid.3. 先行词与介词的搭配习惯e.g. 1949 was the year_ which t

9、he P.R.C. was founded.KEY: in, of, in典型例题1. The sun gives us heat and light, _ we cant live.答案:without which We cant live without the heat and the light. 意为我们离开了光和热就不能生存。指物用which2. The student _ we were talking just now is the best student in our class.答案:about whom talk about sb谈论某人,指人用whom3. Ill n

10、ever forget the day _ she said goodbye to me.答案:on which She said goodbye to me on the day. 指物用which4. Who can give me the reason _ he hasnt turned up yet?答案:for which reason固定与介词for搭配。指物用which5. Is that the newspaper _you often write articles?答案:for which write articles for the newspaper意为为报刊写文章。指物

11、用which6. Can you explain to me how to use these idioms_ Im not sure.答案:about which Im not sure about the idioms. 意为不确定的习语。指物用which(三)关系副词when, where, why的用法1. Great changes are taking place in the city in which they live.Great changes are taking place in the city where they live.2. 1949 was the year

12、 in which the P.R.C. was founded.1949 was the year when the P.R.C. was founded.3. Who can give me the reason for which he hasnt turned up yet?Who can give me the reason why he hasnt turned up yet?关系副词都等于一个适当的介词which,在从句中作状语1. when在定语从句中作时间状语,相当于“介词+ 关系代词(which)”。Ill never forget the day when I joine

13、d the league.= Ill never forget the day on which I joined the league.2. where在定语从句中作地点状语,相当于“介词+ 关系代词(which)”。This is the house where I lived two years ago.= This is the house in which I lived two years ago.3. why在定语从句中作原因状语,相当于“介词for+ 关系代词(which)”。Do you know the reason why she was late?= Do you kn

14、ow the reason for which she was late.when=in/at/on/+which;where=in/at/on/+which;why=for /+which注:区分关系副词与关系代词的区别。只要在定语从句中担任状语的,就是关系副词。你还记得我们一起去参观博物馆的那一天吗?Do you still remember the day when (on which) we went to visit the museum together?这是我父亲曾经工作过的工厂。This is the factory where (in which) my father onc

15、e worked.这就是他愤怒的理由。This is the reason why (for which) he was angry.关系副词引导的定语从句作用:1、在定语从句中替代先行词。2、在从句中担任状语成分,起副词和介词短语的作用。3、起连接作用,把两个句子连接成为一个带有定语从句的主从复合句。关系词关系代词Who人主/宾Whom人宾Which物主/宾That人或物主/宾/表关系副词Whose人或物定语Where地点状语When时间Why原因【典型例题】1、The continent _ I visited last year was not the one _ I once work

16、ed. A. which; where B. which; which C. where; which D. where; where答案:A这里有两个定语从句,第一个是_ I visited last year,先行词为continent,这里缺少关系词,关系词在从句中做宾语,所以用which;第二个定语从句是_ I once worked,这里的关系词在从句中做状语而不是宾语,因为我们不能说I worked the one(the continent),所以用where。所以选A。【模拟试题】(答题时间:15分钟)I. 用适当的介词和关系代词填空1. This is the house _

17、 I was born on a rainy evening.2. The table _ we often have lunch is being painted.3. Is the girl your friend _ you shook hands just now?4. The accident _ the paper wrote is really a serious one.5. The young should never forget the day _ the Communist Party of China was founded.6. The pen _ I wrote

18、the letter just now is gone.7. There is a very big tree in the village _ the villagers often have meetings in summer.8. I dont like the way _ she cook the fish.9. I cant find the gold ring _ I spent 100 dollars.10. The traffic police stopped you because the speed _ you were driving was too fast.II.

19、用介词+关系代词结构的定语从句合并下列各句11. This is the woman. I learned the news from her several hours ago.12. This is the problem. We argued a lot about it at the last meeting.13. Here is the boy. Everyone in the school is talking about him.14. Mr Smith is a professor. I learned a lot from him four years ago.15. Ki

20、tty is a little girl. I bought some flowers from her yesterday. III. 用关系副词填空16. He wants to return to the college _ he studied chemistry when he was young.17. The children today are lucky as they are living in a time _ our country is developing fast.18. My grandfather was born in the year _ the Seco

21、nd World War broke out.19. Do you know any shops nearby _ I can buy flowers?20. His mother was ill. Maybe that was the reason _ he was late this morning.21. Uncle Tom could never forget the day _ the little girl died.22. Blues first appeared in the countries _ there were a lot Black people.23. The s

22、tory happened in 1980 _ China was just open to the outside world. 24. He often thinks of the small village _ he grew up and had lots of sweet memories.【经典幽默】More politeA fat man and a skinny man were arguing about who was more polite.The skinny man said he was more polite because he always tipped hi

23、s hat to ladies. But the fat man said he was the more courteous because whenever he got up and offered his seat, two ladies could sit down.【试题答案】 I. 1. in which2. on which3. with whom4. about which5. on which 6. with which7. under which8. in which9. on which10. at whichII. 11. This is the woman from

24、 whom I learned the news several hours ago.12. This is the problem about which we argued a lot at the last meeting.13. Here is the boy about whom everyone in the school is talking.14. Mr Smith is a professor from whom I learned a lot four years ago.15. Kitty is a little girl from whom I bought some flowers yesterday.III. 16. where17. when18. when 19. where20. why21. when22. where23. when24. where.精品资料。欢迎使用。高考资源网w。w-w*k&s%5¥u高考资源网w。w-w*k&s%5¥u 版权所有高考资源网

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