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2019英语同步人教选修六刷题首选卷(基础练 能力练):1-4 WORD版含答案.docx

1、Section Learning about Language & Using Language对应学生用书P9基础题单词拼写1Would you please let me know your _ (永久的) address?答案:permanent2(2017江苏高考)Many Chinese brands, having developed their _ (名誉) over centuries, are facing new challenges from the modern market.答案:reputations3The Chinese _ (文明) is one of the

2、 oldest in the world.答案:civilization4He devoted his whole life to the study of _ (当代的) literature.答案:contemporary5The young generation has to be _ (敢作敢为的) in todays competitive society.答案:aggressive6She has such a good f_ that every girl admires her.答案:figure7It is bad manners to c_ words on the sto

3、ne in the scenic spot.答案:carve8The trouble with Tom was that he never had a s_ aim in life.答案:specific9This kind of medicine is effective but some people are a_ to it.答案:allergic10They are a_ to the public for donation for the earthquakehit areas.答案:appealing选词填空1Chris _ eggs. If he eats one, he cou

4、ld die.答案:is allergic to2The difficulty _ providing sufficient evidence.答案:lies in3My father _ giving advice to all my friends.答案:is fond of4It _ you to decide whether to live a meaningful life or not.答案:is up to5I _ sweet food over spicy.答案:have a preference for6How does she manage to _ when she ea

5、ts so much?答案:keep her figure7Ive listened to her records many times but Ive never seen her _.答案:in the flesh8What a pity! I _ you had taken the teachers advice yesterday.答案:would rather9China _ fighting against the flu with its careful and smooth organization.答案:has got a good reputation for10In fa

6、ct, what _ me about her painting is not the style but the colors she uses.答案:appeals to单句语法填空1I would rather be laughed at than _ (quarrel) with him.答案:quarrel2It is _ (amaze) that she should have said nothing about it.答案:amazing3John _ (attract) by the way how the world works since he was a boy.答案:

7、has been attracted4Henry sat alone in his room at his university, _ (feel) homesick and sad.答案:feeling5We dont know her address. If we knew it, we _ (send) her a big bunch of flowers.答案:would send6If the exhibition were worth _ (see) a second time, he would go there next week.答案:seeing7(2017天津高考)The

8、 hospital has recently obtained new medical equipment, _ (allow) more patients to be treated.答案:allowing8Without his wartime experiences, Hemingway _ (write) his famous novel A Farewell to Arms.答案:wouldnt have written9(2017北京高考)Many airlines now allow passengers to print their boarding passes online

9、 _ (save) their valuable time.答案:to save10I wonder _ I might have a chance to chat with him at the party.答案:if/whether单句改错1I saw him in a flesh only half an hour ago._答案:athe2Beautiful colors appeal for small children._答案:forto3I have a preference to serious novels to popular fictions._答案:第一个tofor4C

10、lassical Chinese poetry is well worth read._答案:readreading5More and more advertisers take aim to the young mobile phone users all over the world._答案:toat能力题 完形填空In the world of cartoons, what we see are the finished products. What we dont see are all the things that go into _1_ them. _2_ what you se

11、e and believe, moving cartoons dont move. They are _3_ a series of still images shown at such a fast speed that they give the _4_ of movement. Some films may have tens of thousands of these still images. Making a cartoon is difficult work, even with todays _5_ computer technology.First, the story it

12、self is _6_ on what is called a “storyboard”. A “storyboard” is a largesized comic strip (连环漫画). After the storyboard is _7_, backgrounds are made for the cartoon. These backgrounds are where the _8_ of the cartoon will be performing their movements and are extremely _9_ in order to prepare enough r

13、oom for all the motion that may be required. _10_the drawing of the characters even begins, the voices of the characters are _11_ on tape first. Then each picture must be synchronized (使同步) with the _12_, which includes the voices and music.Finally after all this, the hard work _13_. Yes, it gets ha

14、rder. Every second of film is made up of 24 different drawings. That _14_every cartoon film is made up of a large number of drawings. For example, a onehourlong cartoon film can _15_ as many as 86,400 drawings. Note that all the drawings are in black and white now. If the movements of the characters

15、 are smooth enough to _16_ the test, it is at that time that color is _17_ to all these drawings, all done _18_ hand. They are then superimposed (叠印) onto the back grounds.The next time you watch a _19_, see if you can pick any of these steps out. If it is _20_ done, you wont be able to, because the

16、y are expected to be hidden by skilful artists. 1.A.making BwatchingCpicking Dtrying答案:A上文说我们看到的是成品,那么我们没有看到的应该是其制作过程,而下文中讲解的正是动画片的制作过程。make “制作”符合语境。 2.A.Close to BDifferent fromCFamiliar with DClear about答案:B从后面的“moving cartoons dont move”可知,动画片与我们所看到的和认为的不一样(different from)。 3.A.extremely Bcarefu

17、llyCsuddenly Dsimply答案:D此句描述“moving cartoons dont move”的真相它们仅仅(simply)是“a series of still images”。 4.A.imagination BimpressionCexplanation Dexpectation答案:B上文说到这些画面由于显示的速度快,从而能给人留下动的印象(impression)。 5.A.advanced BrespectedCinteresting Dimportant答案:A即使现在的电脑技术很先进(advanced),制作一部动画片仍然很困难。6A.caught Bencour

18、agedCdeveloped Dcopied答案:Cbe developed on . “在基础上发展起来,展开”,此处指的是故事本身要在所谓的故事板中展开。 7.A.collected BfinishedCfound Dforgotten答案:B前面提到首先要做的是在故事板中展开故事这个环节,该环节结束(finished)后,才会开展下面的工作。8A.stories BstagesCworkers Dcharacters答案:D在背景上“performing their movements(表演他们的动作)”的应该是动画片中的角色(characters)。9A.large BthinClow

19、 Dheavy答案:A为了给表演的动作提供足够大的空间,背景应该是很大(large)的。 10.A.While BBefore CSince DUntil答案:B从后半句的“the voices of the characters are . first”可知,这个步骤是在人物的绘画开始前进行的。 11.A.drawn Bsettled Crecorded Dsigned答案:C声音应该是被录(recorded)在磁带上的。record “录制,录音”。 12.A.drawing Bmemory Csound Dplan答案:C包含“the voices and music”的,应该是声音(s

20、ound)。sound泛指可听见的所有的声音。 13.A.begins Bdrops Cmoves Dagrees答案:A从后面一句中的“gets harder”及本段的描述可知,这里是说困难,或者说更为困难的工作开始(begins)了。 14.A.means Bbelieves Cproves Dnotices答案:A本句是对前一句话的归纳和进一步说明,故用that means从句,表示“这意味着”。 15.A.change Bcontain Cdesign Ddecide答案:B本句举例对前面的“every cartoon film is made up of a large number

21、 of drawings”进行说明,空格处应填入与“is made up of”含义相近的词语。contain “包含”符合语境。 16.A.repeat Breplace Cpuzzle Dpass答案:D在上一个步骤通过(pass)检测后才能进行下一个步骤。 17.A.guided Braised Coffered Dadded答案:D上一段末句指出这些图画一开始是黑白的,到了这个阶段添加上颜色。be added to . “被添加到”。 Bon Cby Dof答案:Cby hand表示“用手;手工做”;to hand表示“在手边;随时可得到”;on hand表示“在手头;即将

22、发生”。根据上下文可知,by hand符合语境。 Bcartoon Cplay Dpainting答案:B上文所述的steps,是制作动画片的步骤,所以应该在看动画(cartoon)的时候寻找它们。20A.well Bfast Ceasily Dactually答案:A根据后文的“they are expected to be hidden by skilful artists”可知,经过精心地制作的动画片中是发现不了这些步骤的迹象的。well done表示“精心制作”。七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to fe

23、el attractive and be confident of yourselfFeeling attractive and confident has little to do with your appearance, and everything to do with how you feel about yourself on the inside. Every person is an individual and has attractive qualities to focus on._1_Do what you can do._2_ Dont complain about

24、something that you are not willing to change. Begin dieting and exercising if you are overweight. Change your hairstyle, have your nails done or arch (使成弓形) your eyebrows._3_Let your hands swing, keep your neck straight and hold your shoulders back. Walking confidently will make you feel more attrac

25、tive and be more confident.Dont compare yourself with others. You dont have to look like a model or a host on TV. However, you can learn to love yourself as you are. _4_ Make a list of your attractive qualities, and think about those each time you want to compare yourself with someone else.Avoid neg

26、ative thoughts about yourself._5_View pictures that show you at your most attractive. Force yourself to think about the things you like about yourself rather than the things you dont like.AWalk confidently.BFocus on the areas over which you have control.CLearn how to be attractive and confident from

27、 models.DYou will be happier when you dont need to compare with others.EFocus on achievements that will make you feel more confident and attractive.FThe way you handle yourself can make you feel more attractive and confident.GEvery time you think something negative, replace it with a positive thought or action.1F空格处起着承上启下的作用。上文讲到了每个人都是一个个体,都有吸引人的品质。下文又提出了一些方法。故选F项。2B根据小标题和本段后面的描述可知,应该关注自己可以掌控的方面。故选B项。3A根据本段中的关键词“Walking confidently”以及其他一些描述性的词汇可知,此处指走路方式。故选A项。4D根据本段的主题句(别拿自己和别人比较)可知,只有D项(当你不必和别人比较时,你会更快乐)符合主题。故选D项。5G本段主题是要避免消极思想。G项告诉人们如何转化消极思想,符合主题。故选G项。

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