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2019英语同步人教必修三刷题首选卷(基础练+能力练):单元过关检测卷(四) WORD版含答案.docx

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1、单元过关检测卷(四) 考试时间:120分钟满分:150分第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)扫一扫听录音听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。Text 1M:Shall we go to the concert this evening? I have two tickets.W:Oh, sorry. Im afraid I cant. Im seeing my dad off at the railway statio

2、n at 8:00.1What will the woman do this evening?AMeet her dad at the station.BSay goodbye to her dad.CGo to the concert.答案:BText 2W:Why dont we stay at the Grand Regency Hotel?M:You are joking! Do you know how expensive that place is? There is no way we can afford to stay there.2What does the man mea

3、n?AHe doesnt like the hotel.BThey cant afford to stay at the hotel.CThey do not want to stay at the hotel.答案:BText 3M:Would you like to hear the concert?W:Sure! Its got one of my favorite songs.3What are they doing now?AThey are discussing about the picnic.BThey are listening to the music.CThey are

4、planning a concert.答案:CText 4M:Look. This is my sister Susan. She works for a toy company. Heres my grandfather. He lives in Florida. And this is my wife Mary. Of course its me, by her side.W:Oh, shes very pretty.4What do you think they are doing?AWatching TV. BLooking at a photo.CReading a book.答案:

5、BText 5M:Id love to go to the Super Bowl next week, but I dont think there are any more tickets.W:Why dont you talk to Laura? Shes a big football fan. She might be able to give you some advice on how to get a ticket. And I know she is planning to go herself, so maybe you could go with her.5What is t

6、he woman doing?AOffering suggestions.BExpressing dissatisfaction.CAsking for help.答案:A第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。Text 6W:Hello, Dick. Id like you to go to a movie with me tomorro

7、w. Will you be free at two oclock tomorrow afternoon?M:Yeah. Whats on?W:On Golden Pond at the Empire Theatre. Jane, Henry Fonda and Katherine Hepburn are in it. Its supposed to be very good.M:Ive read a very good review of the movie in the San Francisco Chronicle. Well, it should be good with old ti

8、mers like Henry Fonda and Katherine Hepturn in it.W:I was told that the cinematography is splendid, too. Are you going?M:Sure. Id love to.W:Great! Ill pick you up at 1:30 then. See you tomorrow!M:See you!6What are the two speakers talking about?AThey are talking about an old song.BThey are talking a

9、bout a movie.CThey are talking about an old friend.答案:B7When will they meet?AAt 2:00 tomorrow afternoon.BAt 1:30 tomorrow afternoon.CAt 2:30 tomorrow afternoon.答案:B听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。Text 7M:Do you want to go to the movies tonight?W:I cant. I have to review my lessons.M:Are you having a test tomorrow?W:

10、Yes. Were having our midterm exam.M:Wish you good luck.W:Thanks. But Im a little nervous.M:Nervous? You used to study very well.W:But I havent studied for a long time.8Why didnt the woman go to the movies?ABecause she had to review her lessons.BBecause she went to a concert.CBecause she went swimmin

11、g.答案:A9What did the man think about the woman?AShe never studied hard.BShe studied very well.CShe couldnt pass the exam.答案:B听第8段材料,回答第10至13题。Text 8W:So whats your schedule for tomorrow, Dave?M:Well, first I have to do the accounts on the new computers. Then Im meeting Tony.W:I thought you had alread

12、y finished that.M:Yeah, but we have to check the final reports.W:So you wont have any time left?M:Not until in the evening I am afraid. Do you have anything particular tomorrow evening?W:Not really. I think I have a lot of time to kill.M:Well, then, wont you come over to my place to have dinner with

13、 me?W:With pleasure.M:Let me do the cooking this time.W:In that case, I will do some shopping tomorrow.10Who is the man going to meet tomorrow?ADave.BTony.CHis girlfriend.答案:B11What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?AHusband and wife.BClose friends.CBoss and secretary.答案:B12What

14、will the woman do tomorrow evening?AGo shopping.BStay at home.CHave dinner with the man.答案:C13Where are the two speakers going to have dinner?AIn a restaurant.BIn the womans house.CIn the mans house.答案:C听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。Text 914Who was going to give a party for Mary?AMr Green. BMarys friends.CMrs Gr

15、een.答案:C15How old was Mary going to be?AThirty. BTwenty.CThirteen.答案:C16What did Mrs Green buy for the party?ASome fruits like apples, oranges and bananas.BSome food like cakes, bread and meat.CSome drinks like tea, coffee and milk.答案:A17When did the party begin?AAt three oclock. BBefore three ocloc

16、k.CAfter three oclock.答案:C听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。Text 10More than 200 people, mostly middleschool students and workers at a nearby construction site, fell violently ill after eating breakfast from a soybean milk shop on Saturday in Nanjing, and several dozens died.The shop supplied breakfast to the nearb

17、y boarding middle school, as well as sold food to walkin customers. Although it was the weekend many students were taking additional courses, and boarders stayed on the campus.The victims were sent to 10 local hospitals for emergency treatment. “It is really unbearable to see the young children dyin

18、g right before my eyes and their parents crying desperately.” said one doctor at the rescue site. Another doctor said that conditions of most patients were basically stable.A father of a victim said that his daughter bought two cakes and ate most of them on her way to school. Soon she felt sick and

19、collapsed. “Luckily, she vomited(呕吐) the stuff out on the way to hospital. So the doctors said she was not among the seriously poisoned.” the father said.More than 500 medical specialists are helping in the rescue work and Public Security authorities are still looking into the case.18Why did so many

20、 students eat the food from that soybean milk shop even on Saturday?AStudents liked the food from that shop.BIt was so convenient for them to get food from that shop.CMany students were taking additional courses on Saturday.答案:C19Why did the father of a girl student say that his daughter was lucky?A

21、She was sent to hospital in time.BShe ate only a little of the food she had bought from that shop.CShe vomited out most of the food she had ate.答案:C20What is NOT known so far about the accident?AThe cause of this food poisoning accident.BThe number of people hit in the accident.CThe time of this acc

22、ident.答案:A第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AThe Central Park SummerStage hosts dance and music events throughout the summer. Many of them are free, while others require tickets.The SummerStage is in the open air, located at Rumsey Playfield.Entrance to the Su

23、mmerStage area begins 90 minutes before the shows start on weekends, and 60 minutes before weeknight performances.Things to bring to the Central Park SummerStageWaterBlanketsPicnic dinnerSunblock/Sunhats for daytime showsThings not to bring to the Central Park SummerStageCamerasGlass bottlesChairsSk

24、ateboardsBikesGood to know about the Central Park SummerStageThere are no tickets for free events, but space is limited and available on a “firstcome, firstserved” basis. Sometimes, lines form over an hour before the gates open.There is a special area where people can spread out blankets and sit dur

25、ing the show.If youre attending a show during the daytime, keep in mind that there is little shade (阴凉处), so sunblock and sunhats are necessary. Also, drink plenty of water to avoid getting dehydrated (脱水的)Food is allowed. And you can order everything from the Park Shop. But remember to take away yo

26、ur rubbish, otherwise youll be fined.If you want to get into events more easily, pay for SummerStage Membership (会员资格) which offers members the fasttrack entrance to shows and seats on the bleachers (露天看台)If youre not into crowds and are satisfied with just hearing the music, there is plenty of spac

27、e on the grass outside of the Central Park SummerStage area.For more information, follow SummerS on Facebook.篇章导读:本文是一篇应用文。在美国纽约的中央公园内,夏季舞台SummerStage每年夏天都会举办大量音乐和舞蹈演出。本文介绍了SummerStage的一些具体情况以及观看演出的注意事项。21If a show begins at 8:00 pm on Sunday, people start to enter at _. A6:00 pm B6:30 pm C7:00 pm D

28、7:30 pm答案:B细节理解题。根据文章第三段的内容可知,周末观看演出时,观众在开演前90分钟开始入场。22What is the possible use of sunblock? ATo protect you from the sunlight. BTo sit on while enjoying the show. CTo help you avoid getting dehydrated. DTo help you see clearly in the sunlight.答案:A推理判断题。根据文章倒数第五段首句的内容可知,场地内少有阴凉处,所以观众在白天观看演出时应备好防晒用品,

29、由此可推知sunblock的用途是防晒。23With SummerStage Membership, you _. Awill get free food from the Park Shop Bdont have to buy tickets for all events Ccan book seats on the bleachers online Dcan enter the area faster than nonmembers答案:D细节理解题。根据文章倒数第三段的内容,尤其是核心信息“fasttrack entrance to shows and seats”可知,会员可通过快速通

30、道提前进入演出场地和露天看台上的座位。BThere are strong arguments on space travel, and below you will find a list of many frequently used arguments.Pros of space travel:Space travel has inspired many people to continue improving technology such as inventing Velcro and nonstick frying pans.If you look at the total GDP

31、worldwide, space only accounts for a very small percentage of the total budget.Better to spend money on our future, than on other projects that would have a much lower potential reward.If we were to colonize (开拓成殖民地) another planet, it would reduce the population on Earth, which is already overpopul

32、ated. This will result in the survival of our species when our planet can no longer support human life.Multinational space stations have helped diplomacy (外交) among multiple nations.Cons of space travel:There is a very large percentage of the earths oceans we have yet to explore. We should continue

33、exploring the remaining unknown regions of our oceans before continuing to another planet.The funding for space exploration comes from the tax payers pockets. Many do not think that they should be forced into paying for something they oppose.The total contribution from space travel is minimal, when

34、considering the total cost.We should not be thinking about colonizing the moon, or a planet. Its better to save our existing planet first. If we are to destroy one planet, what is to stop us from repeating the_mistakes on another planet.Not only is the cost of manned space missions high, but space t

35、ravel can have a serious effect on the human body over an extended period of time. The only way to solve it is by using robots, which reduces the human risk factor, and reduces the overall cost.Overall, most people approve of (赞成) our current exploration methods. In my opinion, these methods should

36、be reviewed to help reduce the cost of launches. I believe the potential of finding resources on other planets will make the cost of several decades of space exploration worthwhile.24Which of the following benefits of space travel is NOT mentioned? ACreating more job opportunities. BReducing the ove

37、rpopulation on Earth. CBringing about advanced technologies. DDeveloping relationships among countries.答案:A细节理解题。根据Pros of space travel部分可知B、C、D三项均有提及,唯独A项没提到。25The underlined part “the mistakes” here probably refers to _. Acolonizing the moon Bdoing damage to Earth Cspending money with little rewar

38、d Dhaving a wrong understanding about other planets答案:B词义猜测题。根据画线词前的“Its better to save our existing planet first.”和“destroy one planet”可知,“the mistakes”指的是我们对地球的破坏。26Whats the authors attitude towards space travel? ANegative. BDoubtful. CPositive. DNot mentioned.答案:C推理判断题。根据文章最后一段尾句可知,作者相信有朝一日可以在其他

39、星球上发现资源来回报多年太空探索的巨大付出,故作者的态度是积极的。27What would be the best title for this passage? AThe future of space travel BThe benefits of space travel CWhy space travel is expensive DWhether space travel is worthwhile or not答案:D标题判断题。本文探讨了太空旅行值不值得的问题。CMany of New Yorks finedining establishments take part in wh

40、at is known as Restaurant Week, an event held since 1992 that offers locals and tourists the opportunity to enjoy a more affordable threecourse culinary (烹饪的) experience. For a fixed lunch price of $25, or $38 for dinner, there are 340 restaurants and 28 types of cuisine (菜肴) to choose from through

41、March 6. On any other day of the year, such meals could cost 25 percent to 50 percent more.One of the pioneers of this event is Tracy Nieporent, restaurant committee chairman for NYC & Company. He said participating restaurants make a smaller profit per meal, but benefit from an increase in overall

42、business. “Its really an honor to get in, and people want to be in,” he said. “Its obviously economically beneficial to the restaurants who participate in the event.” For waiters, Restaurant Week means extra work. But typically, that translates to higher wages. “The tips get a little higher,” said J

43、ose Miguel Cruz, a waiter at Tribeca Grill. “I would say they increase more than 20 percent.” Cruz, who has served at Tribeca Grill for 25 years, said the effort pays off in other ways. “People enjoy it,” he said. “It also openseither winter or summer timeanother chance to bring more customers.” Aff

44、ordability and convenience matter in New York, where the cost of living is high. “Restaurant Week is great because you can try everything you can,” said New York resident Mario Milana. “You have good menus, and usually a wine selection that goes well together.” Another New Yorker, Kim Bible, said Re

45、staurant Week provides “an incentive to go to restaurants when you usually wouldnt go out” New Yorks Restaurant Week model has since been copied in other cities across the nation. It works so well because it provides real value.篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。全文主要介绍了纽约餐馆周。从1992年开始举办的纽约餐馆周通过比平时低很多的价格、向大众提供美食,吸引了众多游客和本

46、地人。28The same cuisine on any other day of the year would cost at most _.A38 dollars B44 dollarsC50 dollars D57 dollars答案:D推理判断题。由第二段可知,餐馆周最高价是38美元一份,平时的最高价要比餐馆周的价格高出50%,即需要多花19美元,381957。故选D。29With much lower prices, so many restaurants still want to get in because _.Athe overall sales can go upBthey

47、 can build a good reputationCNYC & Company asks them to do thatDit is a chance to enjoy a culinary experience答案:A细节理解题。由第三段内容可知,在餐馆周,尽管价格比平时低了许多,但饭店的整体成交额有所增加。30The underlined word “incentive” in Para. 5 means “_”Apromise BattractionCneed Dappointment答案:B词义猜测题。由画线词所在语境可知,纽约的生活成本很高,而在餐馆周,一些饭店以低廉的价格提供

48、多样化的美食,这吸引了平时不外出用餐的人。故选B。31What can we learn about New Yorks Restaurant Week?AIt benefits a lot of people.BIt faces economic difficulties.CIt should develop in a creative way.DIt reduces the overall cost of living.答案:A推理判断题。由第三段可知,参加餐馆周的饭店的成交额会得到增加;由第四段可知,在餐馆周,虽然服务员的工作量增加了,但他们可以得到更多的小费;由第五段Mario Mil

49、ana所说的可知,在餐馆周,人们可以尝试很多不同的菜品、品尝不同的美酒,由Kim Bible所说的可知,餐馆周激发了人们外出用餐的热情。故选A。DAstronauts on shorter spaceship tasks often work very long days. Tasks are scheduled so tightly that break times are often used to finish the days work. This type of schedule is far too demanding for long missions on the Intern

50、ational Space Station (ISS). ISS crewmembers usually live in space for at least a quarter of a year. They work five days on and two days off to mimic the normal way they do things on Earth as much as possible. Weekends give the crew valuable time to rest and do a few hours of housework. They can com

51、municate with family and friends by email, Internet phone and through private video conferences.While astronauts cannot go to a football game or a movie in space, there are many familiar activities that they can still enjoy. Before a mission, the family and friends of each ISS crewmember put togethe

52、r a collection of family photos, messages, videos and reading material for the astronauts to look at when they will be floating 370 kilometers above the Earth. During their mission, the crew also receives care packages with CDs, books, magazines, photos and letters. And as from early 2010, the Inter

53、net became available on the ISS, giving astronauts the chance to do some “Web surfing” in their personal time. Besides relaxing with these more common entertainments, astronauts can simply enjoy the experience of living in space.Many astronauts say that one of the most relaxing things to do in space

54、 is look out of the window and stare at the universe and the Earth. Both the shuttle and the ISS circle the planet several times each day, and every moment offers a new view of the Earths vast land mass and oceans.32In Paragraph 1, what does the word “mimic” mean?AAdmit. BCover.CChange. DCopy.答案:D词义

55、猜测题。根据句子后半部分“the normal way they do things on Earth as much as possible”可知,此处指模仿他们在地球上的正常生活。故选D项。33According to the context, which of the following best describes the families of the astronauts on the ISS?AThey are excited and fascinated.BThey are worried and upset.CThey are patient and annoyed.DThe

56、y are caring and thoughtful.答案:D推理判断题。根据第二段第二句和第三句可知,宇航员的家人为他们细心地准备一切,所以他们都是考虑周到和体贴的。故选D项。34In the last paragraph, the writer shows that astronauts _.Aget more pleasure in space than on the EarthBlove to see the Earth from spaceCregard space life as commonDfind living in space a bit boring and tirin

57、g答案:B细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句可知,宇航员们喜欢从太空看地球和宇宙。故选B项。35The passage mainly discusses how astronauts _.Awork for shorter missions in spaceBspend their time in spaceCobserve the Earth from spaceDconnect with people on the Earth答案:B主旨大意题。全文均在介绍宇航员在太空中的工作和生活情况。故选B项。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选

58、项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 We all have plans to achieve success in life, but what we are lacking is the motivation that keeps us going to put plans into action. Here are the ways that can effectively ease the problem. _36_Just grab a book, especially an inspirational book or a book of success stories. You can l

59、earn from others and the story will motivate you to move ahead with your plans. It also makes you refocus your energy on your goals rather than the problems at hand.Think of your purpose._37_ Your purpose could be to improve the life of others, or help people to do things more efficiently. Thinking

60、of your purpose is an important way to motivate you.Talk to a supportive friend.Talking to a supportive friend would be able to overcome the problem of lacking motivation. Find someone that you are comfortable with and share your problems with him. _38_Go through your goals daily.Prepare a list of g

61、oals that you want to achieve and go through your goals at least once a day. _39_ By doing this, you refresh your mind with the goals you have set for yourself.Do it at once.Another way is to get started with what you need to do. _40_ But by forcing yourself to just do it, youll probably make progre

62、ss little by little and without realizing it, you have actually finished the task on hand.ARead a book.BSee a motivational film.CYou should have plans to achieve success.DAfter it, you will feel recharged and reenergized.EThink of why you want to achieve what you want.FSometimes you dont feel like d

63、oing what you want to do.GYou need to do this even more if you feel down and have no motivation.36A本空为本段的标题句,联系下文“Just grab a book, especially an inspirational book or a book of success stories.”可知,本段内容与读书有关,A项符合语境。37E本段的标题是“Think of your purpose.”,E项中的“why you want to achieve what you want”即为本段提到的y

64、our purpose。38D联系空格前的“Find someone that you are comfortable with and share your problems with him.”可知,此处讲对朋友诉说你的问题的好处。39G本空是对上句的进一步解释。G项中的“even more”与上句的“at least once a day”呼应;G项中的this指代上句中的“go through your goals”,且与下句中this呼应。故选G项。40F由空格后的“But”可知,本空和下句构成转折关系,下句所表述的内容是“但是通过强迫自己去动手做,就会逐步有进展,不知不觉就完成了手

65、头的事情”,所以反推出设空处表示有时你不愿做你想干的事情,故选F项。第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Busy. Busy. Busy. Ive got no _41_ for anything. Im exhausted at the end of the day. How many times have you _42_ this in a day when talking to others? No doubt that life is _43_

66、. Regardless of what is draining (耗尽) your time, it can still create a sense of loss of self or imbalance in daily life _44_ considerable stress. There are 86,400 seconds in a _45_. No more, no less. You must spend these seconds every 24hour period. There is no banking of time, _46_ it for later. Yo

67、u spend all of it and then it resets every day for another 86,400 seconds. The _47_ becomes: are you spending your 86,400 seconds where you want to spend them or are you letting the busyness of life dictate (支配) where you spend them? This question usually is _48_ by thoughts of “Do I really know whe

68、re I want to spend my time?” and “What makes me _49_?” Ive found it is hard to find _50_ to these questions when we are so caught up in being busy. There are many _51_ running through our brains. It becomes easy to make excuses and _52_ that we just dont have time to put balance and _53_ back into o

69、ur lives. One solution to this is meditation (沉思). Its a simple solution. It doesnt _54_ anything. Its a great way to _55_ the mind and to relax the body from stress and tension. _56_ I listen to relaxing music while I meditate. I find it can also _57_ the quality of my sleep. _58_ we only have 86,4

70、00 seconds each day; I want to be confident about how I plan to _59_ them. Controlling the busyness of life is a choice. Dont get caught up in making _60_ that you dont have time. Choose to be more in control. Choose to have more balance. Choose your life!篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。在日复一日忙碌的生活中,我们每个人都有可能迷失自我,我们该以

71、什么样的态度去度过每天的86,400 秒呢?文章给出了解决方法。41A.distance Btime Cinformation Dmethod 答案:B由上句Busy可知,“我”每天都很忙碌,没有多余的时间。42A.heard Bunderstood Cmeant Dappreciated答案:A从空格后“when talking to others”得出,当你跟别人谈话时,你可能多次听到别人这样说。43A.active Bregular Csimple Dbusy答案:D上文“Im exhausted at the end of the day.”有提示,毫无疑问,我们的生活非常忙碌。44A

72、.depending on Bconsisting of Cleading to Ddealing with 答案:C根据空格前“loss of self”和“imbalance”判断,这些琐事耗尽了我们的时间,迷失感与不平衡感产生,从而导致了很大的压力。45A.hour Bweek Cmonth Dday答案:D由空格前的数字和下文“every 24hour period”可知,此处指一天当中有86,400秒。46A.sparing Bsaving Cbalancing Dcollecting答案:B空格前banking有提示:世界上没有时间银行,我们无法贮存时间。47A.passage B

73、difficulty Cquestion Dpuzzle答案:C空格后是两个问题:你是准备把这86,400秒花到你想做的事情上呢?还是让这忙碌的生活来决定你把它们花到哪里呢?48A.accompanied Braised Csolved Dleft答案:A联系空格后的“Do I really know where I want to spend my time?”可知,这个想法伴随上个问题产生。49A.responsible Bhappy Camazed Dwise答案:B到底生活中什么能使我们快乐?50A.answers Bresults Cfacts Drequests答案:A联系空格后的

74、“to these questions”可知,当我们陷入生活中的忙碌时,我们一时很难找到答案。51A.suggestions Bdistractions Corders Ddreams答案:B我们的大脑中充斥着许多令人分心的事。distractions “使人分心的事”。52A.exchange Bpredict Cprove Dbelieve 答案:D我们很容易找到借口,认为我们真的没有时间来让生活回归平衡。53A.expression Bpity Ccontrol Dwealth答案:C联系最后一段中的“Choose to be more in control.”可知,此处指让自己重新掌控

75、生活。54A.reduce Bcost Cdrop Dcover答案:B从上句simple判断,这是一个非常简单有效的解决办法,不用额外耗费什么。55A.quiet Bcomplete Cset Dchallenge 答案:A由and可知,此处与空格后relax并列:它能使我们的心态平和、身体放松、压力减轻。quiet此处为及物动词,意为“使平静,使安心”。56A.Surprisingly BRecently CPersonally DFortunately答案:C联系空格后的“I listen to relaxing music while I meditate”可知,作者在这里讲述自己的一

76、些情况。57A.relax Breset Ceducate Dimprove答案:D联系空格后的“the quality of my sleep”可知,“我”发现它还能改善“我”的睡眠质量。58A.Remember BGuess CListen DReport答案:A记住,我们每个人每天只有86,400 秒,“我”想每天信心百倍地利用好这86,400秒。59A.require Bfind Cuse Dcelebrate 答案:C联系空格前的“we only have 86,400 seconds each day”可知,要利用好这个时间。60A.sentences Bmistakes Cpro

77、mises Dexcuses 答案:D上文excuses有提示:不要找理由,认为你没有时间。第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Young people _61_ (bear) in 1995 or later have another name in EnglishGeneration Z.Now entering adulthood and soon to join the workforce, Generation Z grew up in a special period of time when techno

78、logy developed fast and the Internet became_62_ (universe)It _63_ (believe) that Generation Z is the generation that is going to shape our future, _64_ is why policymakers are trying _65_ (they) best to understand these young people. Most people agree that the biggest difference between Generation Z

79、 and other generations is how connected they are. This is a group of people who have been familiar _66_ social media as soon as they came to the world. It may be true that Generation Zers have a shorter attention span (持续时间) _67_ a goldfish does, but since they grew up among social changes, they are

80、 more active in _68_ (political)Generation Zers are also culture creators. _69_ (grow) up with the Internet has freed this generation from traditional cultural expression. These young people never _70_ (willing) let their creativity be limited by their parents or traditional rules.61_62._63._64._65_

81、66._67._68._69_70._61born考查非谓语动词。句子已有谓语动词have,所以此处填非谓语动词,people与bear之间为被动关系,故用过去分词作后置定语。故填born。62universal考查词性转换。became为系动词,其后用形容词作表语,故填universal。63is believed考查固定句型。It is believed that . “人们相信”。故填is believed。64which考查定语从句的引导词。which引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面主句的内容,在从句中作主语。故填which。65their考查代词。try ones best to do

82、 sth. “尽某人最大的努力做某事”。根据“policymakers”可知代词为their。故填their。66with考查介词。be familiar with “对熟悉”。故填介词with。67than考查比较级。根据文中“shorter”可知,句中使用了比较级,故填than。68politics考查词性转换。句意:Generation Z的注意力持续时间可能比金鱼的还要短,但随着社会的变化他们不断成长,他们在政治上更加活跃。介词in后应加名词,故填politics。69Growing考查非谓语动词。句意:在互联网环境下成长已使这一代人从传统的文化表达中解放出来。此处在陈述一般性的事实,


84、Read English newspapers is my favourite activity. When I entered into high school, I began to enjoy doing such work. Thanks for the teachers help, I realize that reading English articles are of great importance. It is a good way to improving my English. I have learned more new words and expression b

85、y doing so. I also get many information, including news about China and the world outside. It opens my eyes widely. Which I love most is the section about TV programmes in the coming week. I dislike reading long articles there are many new words. I will work hard to keep on as if it is a particularl

86、y hard task for me.答案: English newspapers is my favourite activity. When I entered high school, I began to enjoy doing such work. Thanks the teachers help, I realize that reading English articles of great importance. It is a good way to my English. I have learned more new words and by doing so. I al

87、so get information, including news about China and the world outside. It opens my eyes widely. I love most is the section about TV programmes in the coming week. I dislike reading long articles there are many new words. I will work hard to keep on if it is a particularly hard task for me.难项分析:第四处:ar


89、连贯。Greener Life, Cleaner Air精彩范文Greener Life, Cleaner AirThe heavy smog that occurs in recent years is an unforgettable experience for most of us. It affects many areas in China, causing much inconvenience and even doing harm to our life and health.The situation warns us to take action to fight for

90、clean air before it gets worse. And I believe a green lifestyle can make a big difference to the air quality. Firstly, its good to take buses or other means of public transportation instead of cars whenever possible. Whats more, we should be aware of the significance of saving water, electricity and paper. Moreover, recycle whatever we can no longer use. Last but not least, dont forget to influence those around you!


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