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《加练半小时》2020版高考英语(浙江专用)一轮练习:组合练 第2练 WORD版含解析.docx

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1、.完形填空Yesterday,our teacher asked us when a man could be referred to as an old man.David stood up and said people with wrinkles could be called old people.However,Mary didnt 1 ,for some people may gain wrinkles at an early age owing to their 2 lives.Then Lily expressed her idea that those reaching th

2、eir 60s or more could be called old people.However,Emily expressed her 3 and said some old people may still be energetic and trying to pursue their dreams,which makes them appear 4 .The class was over and we still didnt reach any 5 ,so the teacher asked us to think about it after class.The 6 has rem

3、inded me of the saying of JBarrymore that a man isnt old as long as he is 7 something.My grandma is such a woman who pursues her dream 8 when shes 70 now.She has 9 her dream of being a painter since she was a little child. 10 ,because her family was poor,she had to 11 her dream and stepped into the

4、12 to raise money so as to support her family.Though she has 13 abandoned her dream,she could hardly find any 14 to realize it because of the tough work. 15 ,chance came when she retired from her work.She began taking her painting lessons 16 she had allwhite hair and lots of wrinkles.At first,I was

5、17 her idea of attending school at so old an age,but after seeing her paint happily and enjoyably,I 18 feeling it a good choice.She seems 19 and looks fine.So if we have our dreams and seek for them,we arent old.Its when we dont know what we want and let 20 be the center point of our lives that we c

6、an finally be regarded as the old.1A.respond BagreeCidentify Dunderstand2A.negative BboringCtough Dcomplex3A.certainty BwishCdoubt Dconcern4A.attractive ByoungCintelligent Dambitious5A.conclusion BcontractCdecision Ddestination6A.embarrassment BbarrierCquestion Dconfusion7A.preserving BseekingCtreas

7、uring Dpossessing8A.even BnearlyConly Dhardly9A.realized BchangedCpromoted Dkept10A.Therefore BInsteadCMoreover DHowever11A.give up Bsearch forCput aside Dstick to12A.society BrealityCworld Doffice13A.seldom BoccasionallyCalready Dnever14A.time BexcuseChelp Dmoney15A.Suddenly BEventuallyCSoon DGradu

8、ally16A.because BonceCthough Dunless17A.with BforCat Dagainst18A.risked BrejectedCcontinued Dbegan19A.energetic BgentleCoptimistic Dwealthy20A.achievements BregretsCdreams Ddifficulties.语法填空(2018湖南湘潭三模)With seasonal temperatures breaking records almost every year,tree species 21. (expect) to adapt t

9、o the changes by slowly shifting their population centers northward.But 22. recent survey shows the trend toward westward movement is even 23. (strong) than expectedin some cases,species have shifted their ranges to west by as much as 73 percent.The survey shows that roughly threequarters of the 86

10、tree species 24. (survey) have shifted their population centers westward 25. 1980.Obviously,trees arent uprooting 26. (them) and moving elsewhere.The survey provides insight into general population trends as young trees continue to take root in westward land,while some of the older 27. (plant) of th

11、e species in the eastern areas are slowly dying out.In this way,the center of a species range can gradually shift over time.Though scientists arent sure 28. is causing this change,the publishers of the study think that its connected to rainfall.Rainfall totals across the United States have changed,2

12、9. (cause) areas such as the Southeast to experience significantly less rain annually,while the Great Plains is getting far more than its historical average.For this reason,most trees are moving toward the 30. (increasing) watery plains.应用文写作假设你叫明华,你的表哥建华在国外学习,你们经常用英文通信。他即将完成学业,不久前来信就是否回国工作征求你的意见。请给

13、他写一封回信。要点:1建议他回国;2给出理由(学有所用,报效祖国,照顾父母等)。注意:1词数80左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 答案精析组合练.语篇解读作者的老师让他们讨论什么时候一个人才被视为老人,同学们对此各抒己见。作者以70岁的奶奶仍坚持自己的梦想的例子来说明:一个人如果有梦想并为梦想而奋斗,就不算老;只有当我们不知道自己的追求让遗憾成为生活的中心时,我们才可以被视为老人。1Brespond回答;agree同意;identify确定;understand明白,理解。大卫说有皱纹的人即为老人,但玛丽认为“some people may gain wrinkles at an ear

14、ly age”可知,她并不赞成大卫的说法,故选B。2Cnegative消极的;boring令人厌烦的;tough艰苦的;complex复杂的。根据常识可知,艰苦生活易使人有皱纹,故选C。3Ccertainty确定性;wish愿望;doubt怀疑;concern关心。莉莉说60岁及以上的人可谓老人,但艾米丽认为“some old people may still be energetic and trying to pursue their dreams”,即她对莉莉的观点也表示怀疑。可推断选C。4Battractive有吸引力的;young年轻的;intelligent聪明的;ambitiou

15、s有抱负的。结合语境可判断,此空应与“some old people”相对应,即老人“be energetic and trying to pursue their dreams”使他们显得年轻。故选B。5Areach conclusion为固定搭配,意为“得出结论”。根据“so the teacher asked us to think about it after class”可推断出,同学们对老师的提问未得出任何结论,故选A。6Cembarrassment尴尬;barrier障碍;question问题;confusion混乱。根据语境可知,此空应指老师的提问“when a man cou

16、ld be referred to as an old man”,由此判断选C。7Bpreserve保存,维持;seek寻找;treasure珍视;possess拥有。根据下文对奶奶故事的介绍以及“So if we have our dreams and seek for them,we arent old.”可判断选B。8Aeven甚至;nearly几乎;only只有;hardly几乎不。甚至当奶奶70岁了,她还在追求自己的梦想。故选A。9Drealize意识到;change改变;promote提升;keep保持。由上下文可知,奶奶想当画家的梦想从孩提时代到70岁的高龄一直没有放弃过,即一直

17、保持着这个梦想,故选D。10Dtherefore因此;instead相反;moreover 而且;however然而。尽管奶奶一直保持着这份梦想,然而因为家里穷,她不得不将自己的梦想搁置在一旁。前后是转折关系,故选D。11Cgive up放弃;search for寻找;put aside放在一边,暂不考虑;stick to坚持。根据“stepped into the to raise money so as to support her family”可推断奶奶是将其梦想搁置在一旁。故选C。12Asociety社会;reality现实;world 世界;office 办公室。根据该空后的to

18、raise money可知,奶奶选择退学,步入社会去赚钱养家。故选A。13Dseldom很少;occasionally偶尔;already已经; never从不。根据“My grandma is such a woman who pursues her dream when shes 70 now.”可知,奶奶从来没有放弃过她的梦想,故选D。14Atime时间;excuse理由,借口;help 帮助;money钱。根据“.chance came when she retired from her work.”可推断,奶奶退休以后才有时间学画画,即奶奶是因为没有时间才一直未实现她的梦想。故选A。

19、15Bsuddenly突然地;eventually最终地,最后地;soon 很快;gradually逐步地,渐渐地。奶奶年轻的时候将其梦想搁置在一旁,直到退休才终于有时间去实现梦想。故选B。16Cbecause因为;once 一旦;though虽然;unless除非。虽然她满头白发、满脸皱纹,但是她开始上绘画课程。故选C。17Dwith与;for为了;at在;against 反对。根据“.but after seeing her paint happily and enjoyably,I feeling it a good choice.”可知,起初我反对奶奶的想法,故选D。18Drisk冒险

20、;reject拒绝;continue继续;begin开始。起初作者反对奶奶上绘画课的想法,but表示转折意义,所以此处是说作者“开始觉得奶奶的选择是对的”,故选D。19Aenergetic精力充沛的;gentle温和的;optimistic乐观的;wealthy富有的。根据上一句“seeing her paint happily and enjoyably”和该空后“looks fine”可知,此处指奶奶看上去精力充沛。故选A。20Bachievement成就;regret后悔;dream梦想;difficulty困难。全文最后两句互为对应,可推断此句意为“当我们不知道自己的追求而让遗憾成为生

21、活的中心的时候,我们才算老。”故选B。.语篇解读本文主要讲述了调查显示大多数的树种向西迁移。尽管科学家们不确定是什么导致了这一变化,但一项研究认为它与降雨有关。21are expected考查语态和主谓一致。本句中expect的宾语是tree species,故本句要用被动语态。tree species是复数名词,故填are expected。22a考查冠词。句意为:但最近的一项调查显示了,用冠词a泛指“一个”。23stronger考查比较级。根据than可知,要用比较级,故填stronger。24surveyed考查非谓语动词。tree species与survey是被动关系,所以要用过去分

22、词 surveyed作后置定语。25since考查连词。本句中用了现在完成时。连词since(自从)过去的时间状语,主句用现在完成时。故填since。26themselves考查反身代词。分析语境可知,树木不会自己(themselves)连根拔起搬到别处去,故填themselves。27plants考查名词复数。根据some of the older.可知,应该是植物的复数plants。故填plants。28what考查名词性从句。sure后的宾语从句中缺少主语,用what。29causing考查非谓语动词。句意为:美国各地的降雨总量发生了变化,导致东南部等地区每年的降水量显著减少。要用动词的

23、ing形式作状语表示自然而然的结果。故填causing。30increasingly考查副词。修饰形容词watery,因此要用其副词形式increasingly。. 参考范文Dear Jianhua,Im very glad to have received the letter you sent me two weeks ago.Ive been thinking about the question you asked me.In my opinion,you should come back after finishing your studies abroad.For one thin

24、g,what you are studying is badly needed nowadays in China.Therefore,it will be quite easy for you to find a good job.For another,I think it will be much more convenient for you to look after your parents as they are getting old.Therefore,I think its a good idea for you to return.So what are you waiting for?Yours,Minghua


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