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本文(2019秋英语高中北师大版必修2检测:UNIT 5 LESSON 3 EXPERIMENT IN FOLK WORD版含解析.docx)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2019秋英语高中北师大版必修2检测:UNIT 5 LESSON 3 EXPERIMENT IN FOLK WORD版含解析.docx

1、Lesson 3Experiment in Folk即时检测一、语法填空1Finally,his dream of becoming a (piano) came true.答案pianist2To be a professional (music) calls for many years of practice.答案musician3He doesnt look well off,but you shouldnt judge his appearance.答案by/from4America has great universities and big opportunities for t

2、he truly (talent).答案talented5There is no lack of (beautiful) in the world but the eye of finding it.答案beauty6Police are trying to discover the identity of the baby found by the side a road.答案of7Can you help me (gather)some information on Chinese traditional festivals?答案gather/to gather8The poor litt

3、le girl is made (do)a lot of housework every night.答案to do9After graduation Yale University,he went on to study in Stanford University.答案from10If a person talks about his weak points,his listener is expected (say) something in the way of encouragement.答案to say二、根据汉语及括号内的提示翻译句子1我父亲在两年前就戒烟了。(quit)答案It

4、 was two years ago that my father quitted/quit smoking.2这个小孩子不能被要求做如此困难的事情。(make)答案The little child cannot be made to do such a difficult thing.3我说英语时偶尔会出错。(time)答案I make mistakes at times when I speak English.4他的计划迅速变为现实。(transform)答案His plans were transformed quickly into reality.5这部电影太好看了,我已经决定要再

5、看一遍。(such.that)答案It is such a good movie that Ive decided to see it again.6既然我们没钱给对方买礼物,就自己动手做一件吧。(since)答案Since we dont have money to buy each other a present,we can make one by ourselves.7你最好不要独自一人进森林,因为天要黑了。(because)答案Youd better not go into the forest alone because it is getting dark.8英语太重要了,所有的

6、学生必须学习。(so.that)答案English is so important that all the students have to learn it.三、完形填空The Grand Ole Opry,in Nashville,Tennessee,has always been Americas most important concert hall for country music.Every Saturday night the place is filled with country music 1.One 2 in January 1967,it was a very 3

7、night at the Opry.For the first time,a 4 man was an attraction.5 music had always been thought of as “white music”.For many,it was a strange 6 to see Charley Pride step 7 the Opry stage.Some people felt 8 about whether a black man could sing country songs.9 Charleys smooth voice quickly 10 over the

8、Opry 11.Charley was so good that before long,he was the country musics biggest 12.Like many country singers,Charley was 13 on a farm.He spent his youth milking cows and picking cotton.But he knew he wasnt going to make 14 his career.Later he became a baseball player.Charley made it to a major league

9、 team.But he didnt stay on for more than one season.In the winter,after the baseball season,Charley 15 at a local nightclub.One evening,Red Sovine,a great country music star,16 Charley sing.Red told Charley to sing.He told Charley to forget about 17 and go for a singing career.Charley took the 18 an

10、d became a true hit maker.His 19 were always near the top on the list.Some were number 1 all over the country.Today Charley Pride is 20 one of the biggest stars in country music.But he says his real wish is to own a baseball team.1A.peopleB.soundC.fansD.songs解析到音乐厅(concert hall)来听乡村音乐的是喜欢乡村音乐的人。fan通

11、常译为“迷”,如音乐迷、球迷等,符合题意。答案C2A.SaturdayB.dayC.timeD.concert解析上文提到“Every Saturday night the place is.”,由此可知,这里指的是1967年1月的一个星期六。答案A3A.coldB.specialC.darkD.successful解析从下文可知,那天晚上是黑人第一次登上美国最重要的乡村音乐大厅的舞台,所以这是一个“特别的”(special)夜晚。答案B4A.youngB.famousC.strongD.black解析从下文中的“whether a black man could sing country s

12、ongs”可知查理是个黑人。答案D5A.ClassicB.CountryC.PopularD.Light解析全文讲的都是跟乡村音乐(country music)相关的事情。答案B6A.lookB.sightC.eventD.evening解析look意为“看”;sight意为“情景,奇观”;event意为“事件”;evening意为“夜晚”。由上文可知,查理登上舞台是一大创举,sight符合文意。答案B7A.inB.upC.forD.onto解析step onto the stage意为“登上舞台”。答案D8A.unsureB.curiousC.badD.excited解析因为以前黑人从未在音

13、乐厅的舞台唱过乡村歌曲,所以有些人对查理登台演出能否成功没有把握。答案A9A.ThenB.AsC.ButD.So解析可是查理那圆浑的歌喉很快征服了在场的所有观众。答案C10A.tookB.wonC.lookedD.ran解析take over意为“接管”;win over意为“战胜,压倒,赢得”;look over意为“仔细检查”;run over意为“轧过,碾过”。由下文可知,查理的歌声征服了现场的观众,win over符合文意。答案B11A.hallB.crowdC.concertD.singers解析被征服的是音乐厅里的观众,crowd符合文意。答案B12A.winnerB.player

14、C.starD.fan解析那天晚上的演出非常成功,于是之后不久,查理就成了大明星。答案C13A.knownB.raisedC.trainedD.found解析像很多乡村歌手一样,查理是在农场长大的。raise意为“抚养”,raised相当于brought up。答案B14A.singingB.labouringC.sportsD.agriculture解析下文提到查理成了一名棒球运动员,由此可推断他不想以务农为生。答案D15A.sangB.playedC.foughtD.worked解析查理有唱歌的天赋,所以在棒球赛季结束之后,他到一家俱乐部去献唱。答案A16A.madeB.heardC.he

15、lpedD.let解析由下文雷德告诉查理的事可推断,雷德在酒吧听过查理的歌声。答案B17A.musicB.jobsC.baseballD.agriculture解析雷德听了查理的歌后,让他忘掉棒球,专心于歌唱事业。答案C18A.songB.companyC.orderD.advice解析由and后的“became a true hit maker”可知,查理听从了雷德叫他放弃棒球并从事歌唱事业的建议。答案D19A.fansB.picturesC.recordsD.concerts解析唱歌走红,查理成了焦点人物,他的唱片排名总是名列前茅。答案

16、t解析直到今天,查理仍是最优秀的乡村音乐歌手之一。答案A四、七选五阅读理解High placesaltitudes of 2,500 m and abovedemand special preparation.Here are some ideas to help you reach the tallest mountains of the world.TrainIts often not practical to prepare by actually spending time up high,but you can train your heart and lungs for altit

17、ude,even at sea level.Do at least four-hour-long sessions per week of full-effort aerobic exercise(有氧运动),such as running,biking or swimming.1.Rest2. Spend two or three days resting and drinking plenty of wateraround four to six litres per day.Dehydration(脱水) worsens altitude problems,so does drinkin

18、g alcohol.Keep eating3.You will burn more calories even at rest when up in the alpine(高山的) cold.Climb high,sleep lowAbove 3,000 m,if the geography allows,dont go up more than 300 m a day.If you do,plan to sleep no more than 300 m higher than you did the previous night until you are well acclimatised

19、(习惯的).4.Tough days,rough nightsNights may be tough at first.Breathing rate slows when you sleep and you may wake frequently feeling short of breath.Propping(支撑) yourself up with your backpack to sleep half-sitting may help.5.Its normal to have some headaches when you are first above 2,500 m.Breathle

20、ssness is normal at altitude.A cough,a severe and persistent headache,and loss of coordination(协调) are signs of Acute Mountain Sickness(AMS).This potentially fatal condition demands rapid descent(下降).A.Know the danger signs.B.However,its not easy to hold on.C.Climbing high may bring some bad effects.D.Find steep mountains to climb wherever you can.E.Acclimatisation takes one to three days for any given altitude.F.You may lose your appetite when first at altitude,but its important to keep eating.G.If you are flying or driving to the high places,the first thing you must do is rest.答案15 DGFEA

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