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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家2010届上海市高三英语二模汇编翻译(奉贤)1、 中国文化与西方文化是不同的。(different)2、他似乎过了很久才意识到应该充分利用这个机会。(before)3、这座大楼有特殊通道,让残疾人可以自由出入。(allow)4、我们都知道掌握只是很重要,但更重要的是要学会学习。(matter)5、将在上海举行的2010年世博会收到全世界的关注,作为上海公民,我将为她的圆满成功尽自己最大的努力。(focus)1. Chinese culture is different from Western culture.2. It seemed a long time b

2、efore he realized that he should make full use. of this opportunity.3. This building has special entrance, allowing disabled people to come in and out freely.4. As we know, it is very important to master knowledge, but what matters more is to learn how to learn.5. The 2010 Expo, which is to be held

3、in Shanghai, is the focus of the whole world, and as a Shanghai citizen, I will do my best to make it successful.(虹口)1. 世博期间上海许多旅馆的房间必须提前预定。(reserve)2. 因灾害频发,旅行社必须向游客确保旅行的安全。(assure)3. 如果你一收到消息就能给我答复的话,我将不胜感激。(the moment)4. 期望过高和缺乏工作经验是很多毕业生未能找到理想工作的主要原因。(lack of)5. 尽管付出的努力不可估量,但那些偏远山城都已通车,这让全国人民感到无

4、比自豪。(accessible)1. Rooms in many hotels in Shanghai must be reserved (1.5分) in advance during the Expo. (1.5分)2. Because of frequent disasters/Because disasters occur frequently (1分), the travel/tour agency must assure the tourists (2分) of the safety of travelling (1分).3. I would appreciate it very

5、much (1分) if you could reply to me/give me a reply (1分) the moment you receive the message (2分).4. Too much expectation (1分) and the lack of working experience (1分) are the main reasons why many graduates fail to/cant find ideal jobs (2分). The main reasons why many graduates fail to/cant find ideal

6、jobs (2分) are their/the lack of working experience (1分) and too much expectation (1分).5. Although the efforts made (1分) are beyond measure, (1分) those remote mountainous cities (1分) have been accessible to cars (1分), which makes all the Chinese people / the whole nation feel very proud/full of pride

7、 (1分).(黄浦)1. 公共场所请不要大声喧哗。(loudly)2. 通过参加像打篮球和踢足球这样的团队运动,我能交到许多朋友。(by)3. 上课的时候我会把手机关掉,你可以发短信给我。(keep)4. 异常的天气表明我们的生存环境正日益恶化,而这正是大自然给予我们的警告。(which)5今天我们开会的目的是要讨论如何来解决问题,而不是谁造成了这个问题,所以请不要再浪费时间争论该责备谁了。(blame)1. Please dont speak loudly in public.2. I can make a lot of friends by taking part in team game

8、s like basketball and football.3. I will keep my mobile off when I am having classes, so / but you can send me short messages.4. Unusual weather indicates that our living environment is getting worse, which is the warning to us from nature.5. The purpose of our meeting today is to discuss how to sol

9、ve the problem, not who (has) caused it, so please dont waste time arguing about who is to blame (any longer). (静安、杨浦、宝山、青浦)85. 父亲听到这个消息很兴奋。(excited)86. 不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹。(without)87. 众所周知,他的成功完全是努力的结果。(due to) 88. 当你怀疑自己的时候,不要忘了最重要的是建立自信。(doubt)89. 为了按时完成任务,志愿者们正竭尽全力把复杂的问题简单化。(simplify)85. Father was ver

10、y excited to hear the news/when he heard the news.at the news/(on) hearing the news 86. There is no rainbow without wind and rain. How can you see the rainbow without going through the storm? 87. It is known to all that his success is entirely/totally/completely due to his hard work./As is known to

11、all, his success is entirely/totally/completely due to his hard work./We all know that his success is entirely/totally/completely due to his hard work.88. When you doubt yourself, dont forget that it is the most important (thing) to build up self-confidence. 89. In order to accomplish/finish/complet

12、e the task in time, the volunteers are trying their best/doing all that/what they can to simplify the difficult/complicated matters.(卢湾)1. 环境友好型理念越来越为我们所熟悉。(familiar)2. 劳累一天后洗个澡可以解乏。(recover) 3. 每次叫他做家务,他总是假装在看书。(every time)4. 年轻时多学点技能是明智的,以备不时之需。(in case)5. 老实说,尽管阴雨绵绵,所有参加艺术节的同学无不为周到的安排、精彩的表演所深深打动。

13、(impress)1. We are getting more and more familiar with the concept of friendly environment.The concept of friendly environment is getting more and more familiar to us.2. Having a bath after working hard for a whole day, you can recover from tiredness.Having a bath after working hard for a whole day

14、can help you recover from tiredness.3. Every time he is asked to do housework, he always pretends to be reading.4. It is sensible/ wise to learn more skills when young in case of need.It is sensible/ wise to learn more skills when young in case of unexpected needs.It is sensible/ wise to learn more

15、skills when young in case (that) they are needed in the future.5. To be honest, in spite of/ despite continuous rain, all the students who attended the art festival were deeply impressed by the thoughtful/ considerate/ careful arrangement and wonderful performance.To be honest, in spite of/ despite

16、raining continuously, all the students who attended the art festival were deeply impressed by the thoughtful/ considerate/ careful arrangement and wonderful performance.To be honest, even if it was raining continuously, all the students who attended the art festival were deeply impressed by the thou

17、ghtful/ considerate/ careful arrangement and wonderful performance.(闵行)1. 他太年轻,无法胜任这份工作。(tooto)2.众所周知,英语是一种广泛使用的国际语言。(As)3. 每当灾难发生时,总有热心的人们向受难者伸出援助之手。(every time) 4. 许多医务工作者在3月5日那天为上海各社区的老人提供免费医疗服务。 (provide)5. 尽管各国政府已做出了不懈的努力,但要应对日益严重的全球性气候变暖问题还需制定更有效的措施。 (despite)1. He is too young to do the job s

18、uccessfully (well). 2. As is known to all, English is a widely used international language.3. Every time disasters happen, warm-hearted people will lend helpful hands to the victims (those suffering from the disaster).4. Lots of doctors and nurses provided free medical services to the elderly people

19、 in every community in Shanghai on March 5th.5. Despite the great effort made by governments, more effective measures should be made to deal with the ever worsening problem of global warming.(浦东)1 应该为公司的进一步发展制定一个新的计划。(make)2 遵守交通规则,你就能避免交通事故。(and)3 她常去国外旅游,因为她喜欢了解和体验不同的文化习俗。(enjoy)4 不管自然灾害多么严重,我们都要尽

20、最大的努力帮助灾区人民渡过难关(However)5 鉴于吸烟对环境及健康的危害,上海市政府颁布了公共场所禁烟条例,并于2010年3月1日生效。(issue)1. A new plan should be made for the further development of the company. 2. Obey/ Observe/ Follow the traffic rules/ regulations, and (thus) you can avoid traffic accidents.3. She often goes traveling abroad, as she enjoys

21、 learning and experiencing different culture/cultures and customs. She always goes abroad, as she enjoys learning and experience another culture and different customs. take a trip abroad 4. However serious/ severe the natural disaster(s) is, are /was, were, we will try our best /do our best/ make ev

22、ery effort/ spare no efforts to help people in disaster-stricken areas/disaster areas out/ overcome the difficulties/difficulty/ deal with/cope with the difficulties/difficulty.4. However awful/ big/ dreadful/ great/ terrible the natural disaster(s) is, are /was, were, we will do all in our power/ d

23、o everything /all we can/ do our utmost/ strive tooth and nail / work to the best of our ability to help the victims of the disaster (to) overcome the difficulties/difficulty/ deal with/cope with the difficulties/difficulty.5. Considering /In view of the fact that smoking is harmful to/does harm to/

24、 is bad for both health and the environment, the Shanghai government issued the ban on smoking / regulations on banning smoking/ rules on/about forbidding smoking in public (places), which took effect/came into effect on March 1st, 2010. As/Since smoking does harm to 翻译评分标准1 第1小题,3分;第2至第4小题,每题4分;第5小

25、题,5分。共20分2 在每题中,单词拼写、标点符号、大小写错误累计每两处扣1分。3 语法错误每处扣1分。每句同类语法错误不重复扣分。4 译文没有用所给单词,扣1分。(普陀)1. 避免犯同样的错误就意味着取得进步。(mean)_2. 有关部门作出决定将采取措施进一步使苏州河变得更清澈。(take)_3. 他不能总陪伴在他的父母身旁,因为他的工作要求他经常出差。(involve)_4. 增加农民的收入是我们现在面临的主要问题之一。(face)_5. 我们迟早要面对这样一个现实,那就是我们总有一天要离开父母独立生活。(independently)_1. Avoiding making the sam

26、e mistake means making some progress.2. A decision was made to take, further measures to make the Su Zhou Creek cleaner.3. He cant always be with his parents, for his job involves frequent business trips.4. To increase farmers income/the income of farmers is one of the main issues/problems we are fa

27、cing/ faced with now.5. Sooner or later, well have to face the fact that one day we will leave our parents and live independently.(松江)1. 这美丽的风景是无法描述的。 (beyond)2. 日常运动对保持身体健康很重要。(play)3. 宇航员们曾尝试在太空种植西红柿。(attempt v.)4. 那位科学家认为还要好几年这个理论才能付诸于实践。(before)5. 正是由于他利用各种机会用英语交流,才使他的英语水平有了很大提高。(It that)1. The

28、beauty of the scenery is beyond description.2. Daily sports play an important part/role in keeping healthy. Daily exercise plays an important part/role in keeping healthy.3. Astronauts attempted to plant tomatoes in space.4. The scientist believed that it would be years before the theory was put int

29、o practice. Or: The scientist believes that it will be years before the theory is put into practice.5. It is because he takes every opportunity to communicate in English that his English has been improved greatly. / has improved greatly(徐汇)1. 校园内禁止吸烟。(allow)2. 我建议你星期一早上早点起床,因为总是会塞车。(suggest)3. 国际问题应

30、该以和平方式而不是暴力方式来解决。(rather than)4. 多亏父母的理解与支持,他终于实现了当一名宇航员的梦想。(Thanks to)5. 应该鼓励学生多参加户外运动,缺乏体育锻炼可能会对他们的成长造成许多负面的影响。(lack)1. Smoking is not allowed on campus/ in school(s).2. I suggest you (should) get / your getting up earlier on Mondays, because there are always traffic jams.3. International issues s

31、hould be settled in a peaceful way rather than in a violent one.4. Thanks to his parents understanding and support, he finally realized his dream of becoming an astronaut.5. Students should be encouraged to take part in more outdoor activities, because lack of physical exercise may / can / is likely

32、 to / will probably have a negative influence on their growth. (闸北)1. 她勇敢的行为值得表扬。 (worth)2. Jack 向老师保证不再未经允许使用学校电脑。 (assure)3. 那里的服务无懈可击,还免费出借雨伞。 (borrow)4. 现在常常开车的人发现越来越难找到地方停车。(find)5. 他们咨询了许多学生,然后才决定用已故总统的名字来命名新建的图书馆。(before) 1. Her brave act is worth praising. ,2. Jack assured the teacher that h

33、e would never use the school computer without permission again.3. The service there is perfect and umbrellas are borrowed free of charge.4. Now those who often drive will find it more and more difficult to find a place to park their cars.5. They had consulted many students before they decided to nam

34、e the newly-built library after the late president.(长宁)欢庆春节时是中国的传统习俗(custom)良好的教育史你今后可以受用终身的。(benefit)许多科学界对李教授正在实施的科研项目的价值任然表示怀疑(doubt)尽管这个女孩当众受到责备,但她任然面带微笑,继续工作。(scold)年轻人如果不知道他们的人生目标,也不为之而努力奋斗,那注定要失败的。(It)1To celebrate / Celebrating the Spring Festival is a traditional custom in China. is a custo

35、m in China / a Chinese tradition.is a Chinese custom. Its a Chinese custom to celebrate the Spring Festival.2A good education is what you can benefit from all your life / in your whole life. benefits you You can / will benefit from a good education all you life / in your whole life. A good education

36、 can / will bring benefits to you in your whole / future life ( for a lifelong time).3Many scientists still doubt about/of the value of this research (program) (carried out / done / conducted) by Prof. Li./ which is being carried out / done / conducted by Prof. Li / which Prof. Li is carrying out /

37、conducting / doing. Many scientists doubt (ed) whether the research by Prof. Li is (was) valuable / has (had) value.Many scientists have some doubt(s) about/over/ as to the research 4Although the girl was scolded in public, she went on/ continued working(went on with her work) with a smile( on her f

38、ace). Although scolded in public, the girl went on /continued working/ went on with her work with a smile (on her face).Although scolded in public, the girl went on /continued working, smiling / wearing a smile on her face. 5It is certain that young people will fail if they dont know what their ambitions / goals are or strive for/ work hard for / fight for them. Young people are certain to fail / suffer a loss / failure, if they dont /unless they have their ambitions / goals or - 8 - 版权所有高考资源网


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