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本文(2019版高考英语一轮复习浙江专版精选提分专练(含2018最近模拟题):第四周 星期三 WORD版含答案.docx)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2019版高考英语一轮复习浙江专版精选提分专练(含2018最近模拟题):第四周 星期三 WORD版含答案.docx

1、.阅读理解(2018吉林舒兰第一高级中学期中)A couple of weeks ago,my 12yearold daughter Ella,threatened to take my phone and break it.“At night youll always have your phone out and youll just type,”Ella says,“Im ready to go to bed,and try to get you to read stories for me and youre just standing there reading your texts

2、 and texting other people,” she adds.I came to realize that I was ignoring her as a father.Ella isnt the only kid who feels this way about her parents relationship with devices.Catherine SteinerAdair,a psychologist at Harvard,wrote The Big Disconnect: Protecting Childhood and Family Relationships in

3、 the Digital Age.For her book,SteinerAdair interviewed more than 1,000 kids from the ages of 4 to 18.She talked to hundreds of teachers and parents.“One of the many things that knocked my socks off,” she says,“was the consistency(一致性) with which childrenwhether they were 4 or 8 or 18talked about fee

4、ling exhausted and frustrated or mad trying to get their parents attention,competing with computer screens or iPhone screens or any kind of technology.”A couple of years ago,my daughter got a laptop for school.And because she was becoming more independent,we got her a phone.We set up rules for when

5、she could use the device and when shed need to put it away.We created a charging station,outside her bedroom,where she had to plug in these devices every night.Basically,except for homework,she has to put it all away when she comes home.SteinerAdair says most adults dont set up similar limits in the

6、ir own lives.“Weve lost the boundaries that protect work and family life,”she says.“So it is very hard to manage yourself and be present in the moments your children need you.”After my daughters little intervention(介入),I made myself a promise to create my own charging station.To plug my phone insome

7、where far awaywhen I am done working for the day.Ive been trying to leave it there untouched for most of the weekend.1.Why did Ella threaten to break her fathers phone?A.Her father spent a lot of money on his phone.B.Her father did not do any housework at home.C.Her father made a lot of noise by tal

8、king on the phone.D.Her father gave his attention to his phone instead of her.2.The underlined phrase “knocked my socks off” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to “ ”.A.made fun of me B.surprised me a lotC.took my socks off D.made me exhausted3.In SteinerAdairs opinion,parents .A.should control th

9、eir use of phonesB.have a lot of things to learn from kidsC.dont have to focus more on their kidsD.should not buy phones for their kids4.We can infer from the text that the writer .A.will not use his phone from now onB.plans to create more charging stations at a man who learns from his mist

10、akesD.doesnt think a laptop is helpful to his daughter.完形填空(2018河南漯河高级中学期中)My friend called me over to the play area.My heart 5 .The look on her face pretty much 6 it all.I saw my 25monthold sitting with her head 7 low next to your little boy as his cheeks were red with lots of tears.The play area w

11、as quite crazy and you hadnt 8 yet realized what my little girl had done to your son.My 9 maternal(母亲的) reaction was to hold your precious poor baby up in my arms and immediately 10 you.As we exchanged 11 ,you immediately 12 to hug him and comfort him in your arms.You didnt 13 me or my child and I w

12、ill be honestI wouldnt have 14 if you did.I could blame it on the 15 shes going through,as we are experiencing a tight family budget.I could think of where I must have gone wrong as she has met this kind of matter before and clearly not learned her 16 .I could run through several valid reasons of wh

13、y this is 17 ,and I just wished it wouldnt have happened at all, 18 speaking.As I sat in great embarrassment and shame,I was so 19 you had got them.There were many days when we were left to feel so helpless and 20 where we went wrong.Today you kept 21 .You didnt point fingers at my sometimes badlybe

14、haved 25monthold girl.You 22 that neither of us wanted to be in the position,and you didnt make it harder on me or my daughter who made a bad 23 .You made this Mama of four realize that my children are 24 ,and they make mistakes.5.A.beat B.brightenedC.flied D.sank6.A.suggested B.mentionedC.drew

15、opped7.A.sticking B.fallingC.handing D.hanging8.A.also B.evenC.just D.never9.A.intelligent B.naturalC.regretful out for B.stand forC.cheer for D.look B.giftsC.eyes D.opinions12.A.devoted B.contributedC.applied D.reached13.A.judged B.ignoredC.looked

16、 away B.held onC.broken down D.given up15.A.surprise B.stageC.examination D.game16.A.skill B.studyC.intention D.lesson17.A.normal B.regularC.occasional D.advanced18.A.generally B.franklyC.relatively D.roughly19.A.grateful B.hopefulC.fearful D.careful20.A.admire B.remindC.prove D.question21.A.still B

17、.coolC.energetic D.curious22.A.refused B.expectedC.understood D.doubted23.A.apology B.wishC.performance D.promise24.A.humans B.friendsC.failures D.heroes.概要写作阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。Winter sports can help you burn calories,increase your cardiovascular fitness,and strengthen muscles.Being outdoors

18、and getting exercise are good for your mental health.Exercise boosts mood,and sunlight seems to help beat back the winter blues.So slap on some sunblock and go.Winter is a great time to experiment with new sports.If you like to walk,keep walkingon snowshoes.If you want to try an endurance sport,go f

19、or crosscountry skiing.And snowboarding is just plain fun.Runners can also train during the winter,although they should be careful about wet and slippery roads.Or slip on a pair of snowshoes.One of the easiest sports around,snowshoeing can be excellent coldweather crosstraining for runners and cycli

20、stsor anyone wanting to take a wintry walk in the woods.Whatever sport you choose,dont rely on a friend for instruction.You wouldnt let an amateur perform brain surgery on you;why let one teach you to ski or skate?Thats what instructors are forto help newcomers start out right.Instructors can give y

21、ou advice about equipment,techniques,safety,and dealing with injuries if they do happen to you.Its tempting for an eager athlete to advance too quickly through learning the ropes.Resist the temptation.If you want to progress,invest your time in learning the basics thoroughly.Everything else you do a

22、s a skier,snow boarder,or skater will be built on these first skills.Play safely by figuring out what special equipment and safety gear youll need.Planning an afternoon of snowshoeing or crosscountry skiing?Pack water,snacks,fruit,and extra socks.If youre going out for a long time,keep your water bo

23、ttle insulated from the cold so it doesnt freeze.Dont head out onto the slopes or into remote country areas alone.Always go with a buddy and tell a friend what time you plan on returning.If you get in trouble and dont show up when you are supposed to,your friend will have your back. 答案精析.1.D细节理解题。根据

24、第一段中的“Im ready to go to bed,and try to get you to read stories for me and youre just standing there reading your texts and texting other people”可知父亲把时间都花在手机上而没有时间陪孩子,所以孩子有意见。故选D。2.B词义猜测题。“knocked my socks off”的意思是“让人大跌眼镜”,此处指让人感到吃惊。根据句意可知选B。3.A推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的内容可知,SteinerAdair认为家长应该控制自己过度使用手机。故选A。4.C推

25、理判断题。根据最后一段第一句“After my daughters little intervention(介入),I made myself a promise to create my own charging station.”可知作者知错就改,通过女儿的介入明白了要多陪陪孩子。故选C。.语篇解读这篇短文讲述了作者的女儿做错了事,但是对方没有责怪作者和女儿,让作者心存感激。5.Dbeat打,拍打;brighten明亮,变亮;fly放飞;sink下沉。根据下文女儿做错了事,可知“我”的心一沉。故选D。6.A句意为:她脸上的表情几乎暗示了一切。suggest暗示;mention提及;draw

26、描绘;stop阻止。故选A。7.Dstick刺,戳;fall落下;hand传递,交给;hang(使)低垂,下垂,悬挂。根据下文“your little boy as his cheeks were red with lots of tears”和“realized what my little girl had done to your son”可推知小女孩做错了事低着头。故选D。8.B句意为:游戏区相当疯狂,你甚至还没有意识到我的小女儿对你儿子做了什么。also也;even甚至;just仅仅;never从不。故选B。9.B句意为:我作为母亲的本能反应是把你那可怜的宝贝抱在怀里,然后立即寻找你

27、。intelligent机智的,聪明的;natural自然的;regretful后悔的;forced被迫的。故选B。10.D句意见上题解析。watch out for密切关注,小心提防;stand for代表,象征;cheer for为欢呼,喝彩;look for寻找。故选D。11.C句意为:当我们交换眼神的时候,你立刻过来拥抱了他,并在你的怀抱里安慰他。toy玩具;gift礼物;eye眼睛,眼神;opinion看法。故选C。12.D句意见上题解析。devote献身;contribute贡献;apply应用;reach到达。故选D。13.A句意为:你没有批评我或我的孩子。judge批评,指责;

28、ignore忽略;look看;respond回应。根据常理受伤的一方通常责怪质问对方。故选A。14.B句意为:如果你这样做了,我也不会坚持和你争论。run away逃跑,跑开;hold on继续,坚持;break down出故障;give up放弃。故选B。15.B句意为:我可以把它归咎于她正在经历的阶段,因为我们正经历着家庭预算的紧缩时期。surprise惊奇;stage阶段;examination考试;game游戏。故选B。16.D句意为:我能想到我错在哪,因为她以前遇到过这样的事,而且显然没有吸取教训。skill技能;study学习,研究;intention意图,目的;lesson功课,


30、re钦佩;remind提醒;prove证明;question怀疑。故选D。21.Bstill静止的,不动的;cool凉爽的,冷静的;energetic精力充沛的;curious好奇的。由对方没有急切地指责作者和她的孩子可推知对方很冷静。keep cool保持冷静。故选B。22.C句意为:你知道我们俩都不愿意让这种事发生,你也没有为难我和我做错事的女儿。refuse拒绝;expect预料,期望;understand理解;doubt怀疑。故选C。23.C句意见上题解析。apology道歉,歉意;wish希望;performance表现;promise允诺。作者的女儿做了错事,也就是说女儿表现不好。

31、故选C。24.Ahuman人类;friend朋友;failure失败;hero英雄。根据语境可知,此处表示:你使我意识到孩子是人,是人都会犯错。故选A。. 参考范文Winter sports can not only strengthen your physical body,but also benefit your mental health.While there are many new sports in winter you can experiment with,you should know some basic skills,and dont rely on a friend for instruction.To play safely,you should figure out the special equipment and safety gear youll need,and shouldnt go out alone to faraway places.

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