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1、代词的用法1)人称代词: 人称代词分主格和宾格两种,前者在句子中担任主语,后者担任动词或介词的宾语。They study German. / Please pass me the ruler.人称代词的用法:a.当代词成对地使用或一个代词与一个名词搭配使用时,两个部分的句法功能必须一致。Li Hong and I went shopping yesterday. It was our teacher who smoothed away the difference between you and me.注:人称代词的排列一般为:第二人称,第三人称,第一人称。you, he and I them

2、 and us如有其他代词时,其他代词排列于人称代词之后,如:he, I and some othersb.人称代词用作表语时,如说明主语,一般要用主格,如说明宾语则要用宾格。If I were she, I would take your advice. I would share the room with you if you were him.“It”的用法。a.用作人称代词,代替前文提到过的事物。Where is the cat? Its in the kitchen. Jack is ill. Have you heard about it?My book is missing.

3、I cant find it anywhere.b.用以代替指示代词this, that。Whats this? Its a frog. /Whose pen is that? Its mine.c.表示时间,天气,距离等。A lovely day, isnt it? /Its two oclock. Its about two li from here to our school.d.用作形式主语,形式宾语,代替不定式短语,动名词或从句。Its no use talking with him about that. It took me twenty minutes to get there

4、.We think it important that college students should master at least one foreign language.e.用在强调结构中。为了强调句子的某一成分(通常是主语,宾语或状语),常用强调结构“It is (was) + 被强调成分 + that(或who)”。It was Liu Ming that I saw in the street this morning.It was in the classroom that he told me about it.2)不定代词:all / botha.both用于两个人或事物,

5、all用于两个以上的人或事物,均可作主语。All (of us) like fruits. /Both (of them) are good at English.b.用作同位语。作主语同位语时须注意它们的位置不同,位于行为动词之前;位于be动词之后。They all (或both) agreed with me. /They are all (或both) very healthy.I know them all (或both).one / it(人称代词)one 代替可数名词,表示上面所提到的那一类人或物中的一个,其复数形式带定语时用ones,不带定语时用some。而it则用于指代上文提到

6、的那个表示物的名词本身,既可指单数可数名词也可指不可数名词。I dont have a watch but Im going to buy one(或some).I have a bicycle. My aunt gave it to one / noneno one 只用于指人,而none 既可指人也可指物。如果说“若干人(物)之中一个也不”,用“none of”,后接复数名词时,谓语可以用复数,也可用单数;后接不可数名词时,谓语用单数。如:No one told me that he had gone to Shanghai.None of them have(或has)arr

7、ived yet.(不用no one)None of the money is mine.some / any /no /every +(thing, one, body等。)some 类用于肯定句,any类用于否定和疑问句。I know nothing of what had happened to him.I have little rice, so I cant lend you any.She is going to buy some new dresses.注:everyone和every one 前者意思是“每个人”,与everybody同义,后面不可跟of短语,后者意思是每个人或

8、物,后面跟of短语。试比较:everyone in the classroom(教室里的所有的人)every one of the children(这些孩子中的每一个)every one of the books(这些书中的每一本)部分否定与全部否定:当all, both, each和every(body, thing)等表示整体意义的代词与否定词连用时,一般只表示部分否定,如果表示全部否定,应该用none, no one, neither, nobody, nothing等.All of the students were not late for the class. 不是所有学生上课都

9、迟到的。(现代英语中常写成:Not all the students were late for the class.)None of the students were late for the class.没有一个学生上课迟到的。3)疑问代词:用于构成特殊疑问句,其中what, which, whose兼有形容词特征,可以和名词连用。What job do you want to find? /Whose girl is she? Which subject is your best one?所有疑问代词都可以起名词作用,在句子中担任成分。Who told you? /Whom are y

10、ou waiting for? Whose are those books?在学习疑问代词时,对以下几组词注意区别: which和what两者均可与名词连用,就人或物提问。但是which一般用于有一定选择范围的情况,what用于无选择范围或究竟是什么还不清楚的情况。Which colour do you likegreen, red, yellow or brown?What colour is her dress?What writers do you like best? which和who 两者都可作代词,它们的区别是不管选择的范围是大还是小,which一般用作指物。Which woul

11、d you like to eat steak or fish?Who won the game Smith or Johnson ?当有一定选择范围时,which one代替who作宾语.Which one do you like better, your mother or your father?Which of可和人称代词或指人的名词连用,如:Which of you has taken away my English book?4)连接代词who, whom, whose, which, what, whatever, whoever等,除起连接作用外,还可以在从句中担当主语,宾语,

12、定语,表语等成分。如:The question is who can operate the new machine.(引导表语从句作主语)They asked whose idea this was.(引导宾语从句作定语)When you are older, you can watch whatever programme you like.(引导宾语从句作定语)Ill give my ticket to whoever wants it.(这里whoever可看成“anyone who”,or“the person who”).试完成下列高考单项选择题:1.We couldnt eat

13、in a restaurant because _ of us had _ money on us. A.all, no B.any, no C.none, any one, any2.Few pleasures can equal _ of a cool drink on a hot day. A.some B.any C.that D.those3.I read about it in some book or other, does it matter _ it was? A.where B.what D.which4.The Parkers bought a new house, but _ will need a lot of work before they can move in. A.they D.which5.I agree with most of what you said, but I dont agree with _. A.everything B.anything C.something D.nothing(答案1-5 C C D B A )

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