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1、 上高考资源网 下精品高考试题2008全国高考新题型预测-4(英语)Chapter 4 SBI Units 7- 8重点句型1. Where there is a river, there is a city.where 引导地点状语从句2. Strong, proud and united, the people of St. Petersburg are the modem heroes of Russia. 形容词作状语3. We would do everything we can to save our city.表示“竭尽全力”的说法4. Id rather watch it th

2、an play it.would rather的用法5. Every four years, athletes from all over the world take part in the Olympic Games. 表示“每隔”的说法6. To make it the best ever games, the capital city will make several big changes. 不定式作目的状语7. It is true / certain.that. it作形式主语代替主语从句8. Yao Ming has more than just size. more tha

3、n 的用法重点词汇1. cultural adj. 文化的2. represent vt. 代表;表现3. include vt. 包括;包含4. beauty n. 美;美景5. portrait n. 肖像6. recreate vt. 再创造7. period n. 一段时间8. damage n. & vt. 损害;伤害9. website n. 网址10. ancient adj. 古代的11. project n. 计划;方案;工程12. official n. & adj. 官员;官方的13. pollution n. 污染14. limit vt. & n. 限制;有限15.

4、sincerely adv. 真诚地16. continent n. 大陆;陆地17. athlete n. 运动员18. competitor n. 竞争者;对手19. motto n. 座右铭20. rank vi. 分等级;排名21. prepare vt. 准备22. profile n. 简介23. weight n. 重力;重量24. position n. 位置;职位25. facial adj. 面部的26. gesture n. 手势;姿态27. effect n. 影响;效果28. title n. 题目;头衔重点短语1. give in 让步;投降2. in ruins废

5、墟;遗迹3. bring.back to life 使苏醒;使生动4. pull down 拆毁;推毁5. set up 设立;建立6. stand for 代表;代替7. because of 因为;由于8. in preparation for 为准备9. in ones opinion 以某人看来10. under attack 被袭11. with the help of 在的帮助下12. In modem times 在现代;在近代13. as follows 如下14. change ones mind 改变主意15. live ones dream 实践某人的梦想16. in p

6、ieces 碎片17. track and field 田径18. take part in 参加19. so far 到目前为止20. have great effects on sb. 对某人有深刻的影响短语闯关下列短语都是这两个单元学过的重要短语,请你根据汉语在横线上填人一个正确的词,每个词5分,80分才能过关,你一定能过关,做好了闯关的准备吗?那么我们就开始吧?1. give _ 让步;投降;屈服2. _ ruins 成为废墟;遭到严重破坏3. bring.back to _ 使苏醒;使生动;使活泼4. pull _ 拆毁,摧毁;推翻5. set _ 设立,创立6. stand _ 代

7、表;代替;象征;支持7. because _ 因为,由于8. _ skating 速滑9. _ and field 田径10. would _ 宁愿,宁可11. take _ 参加12. _ preparation for 为准备13. _ four years 每四年14. look _ over俯视;面朝15. _ modern times(在)现代16. do / try ones _ 尽全力17. live ones _ 实现梦想18. be _ on建立在基础上19. _ ones opinion在某人看来20. _ attack受到攻击交际用语1. You should take

8、the advice of your teacher.2. It might be, I suppose.3. Good try, but not quite right.4. Thanks for your advice but I have to consider it myself.5. What about? How about? Why not?6. Whats your favorite sport?7. Which would you prefer or . ?8. Are you interbred in . ?9. I prefer fishing to swimming.1

9、0. What position do you play?词汇短语【考点2】effect的用法构词:effective adj. 有效的被实施的,给人深刻印象的,实际的现行的搭配: be of no effect 无效,没有作用。不中用 bring / carry / put into effect实行,实施,使生效,实 现 come / go into effect 开始生效,开始实施 have (an) effect on / upon 对有影响;对起 作用,产生效果 have / take effect 见效,生效;开始发生作用;实施, 实行 in effect 实际上;(规律,法律等)

10、生效,有效,在实行 中【考例2】2004辽宁 Deciding on the amount of waterthat will be used in any particular period requires careful planning, so that people can manage and use watermore _. A. effectively B. easily C. conveniently D. actively考查目标考查effect及其派生词的词义。答案与解析A effectively是effect的副词形式意思是“高效地”。【考点5】escape的用法搭配:

11、 escape from / out of 从漏出逸出;从逃脱 escape doing sth 避免做某事【考例5】The fire was too strong that nobody could_ from the building A. rescue B. escape C. set free D. let out考查目标 本题考查escape的词义。答案与解析B escape意思是“逃脱,逃跑”,常和厂tom等介词连用。【考点6】feed的用法搭配: feed.on / with sth 以某物喂(养) feed sth to. 把某物喂给 feed on sth 以某物为食【考例6

12、】The news came that the baby _ very well, so the parents stopped worrying. A. was fed B. was fed on C. fed D. fed on考查目标 本题考查feed以及feed on的用法。答案与解析A on的后面接表示“食品”的名词或代词,本句没有这类名词。因此on不能保留。【考点3】free的用法构词:freedom n. 自由,自主,无拘束,率直,随便freely adv.搭配: be free to do sth 可以自由随便做某事 for free = free of charge 免费地,

13、无偿地 set sb. free 释放某人,使某人获得自由【考例3】2000京皖春招 The new ones always wentwild at first,but this never lasted long. The _took some getting used to. A. freedom B. habit C. time D. people考查目标考查free及其派生词的意思。答案与解析A freedom是free的名词形式,意思是“自由,随便”。【考点4】hold的用法搭配: get / take / catch / lay / keep / seize hold of 抓住

14、lose hold of松手放开放弃 hold back 踌躇,阻止抑制(情感、情绪),隐而不宣 hold down 保有(一份T作);压迫;压低;控制 hold in 抑制,压抑 hold oneself in 压抑自己的情感 hold off (使)保持距离 hold on 坚持,保持坚定;(打电话时)等一下。别挂断 hold on to 不丢掉;保持【考例4】NMET 2002 We thought of selling this oldfurniture, but weve decided to _ it. It might bevaluable. A. hold 0n to B. k

15、eep uD with C. turn to D. look after考查目标 hold构成的词组的意义。答案与解析 A hold on to意思是“保存不丢弃”。1. include vt. 包括;包含;列在里面 I think youll find the plan includes most of your suggestions. 我想你会发现这个计划包括了你的大部分建议。 I included eggson the list of things to buy. 我把鸡蛋列在要买的东西中了。 My job doesnt include making coffee for the bo

16、ss. 为老板煮咖啡不是我工作份内的事。 比较 including “包括”,表主动;included “包括”,表被动 Im ordering some extra office equipment. some new desks and a word processor included. including some new desks and a word processor. 我准备额外订购一些办公室设备,包括一些新的办 公桌和一台文字处理机。【考点7】limit的用法构词:limited adj. 有限的搭配: go beyond / over the limit 超过限度 rea

17、ch the limit of 达到的极限辨析:limit;restrict这两个动词的一般含义为“限制”或“局限”。limit 指时、空、程度、蟹等方面的“限定”。其内涵是如果超出了这种限度就会受罚或遭到令人不快的后果;此外,这个词也常用来表示“局限”。例如:You should limit your speech to 15 minutes. 你必须把你的讲话限制在15分钟内。restrict 区别于 limit 的地方在于:restrict限制”的是范围,而limit侧重于表示“限制”到某个点。例如:ln democratic countries any efforts to restr

18、ict the freedom of the Press are rightly condemned. 在民主的国家里,限制新闻自由的任何努力都要受到公正的谴责。The trees restrict our view. 这些树局限了我们的视野。【考例7】Mark said his English was so _ that hewasnt too sure about some of the idioms. A. limit B. limited C. limiting D. limitless考查目标 本题考查limit相关分词的用法。答案与解析 B limited是limit的过去分词,意

19、思是“有限的”。【考点8】point的用法搭配: at this point 在此地,在此刻 be on the point of doing sth 正要做某事 to the point 切题,说中要害 off the point 离题,走题【考例8】Every time we were on the _ of givingup, the captain called us back. A. edge B. top C. point D. centre考查目标本题考查point及其构成的短语的意思。答案与解析C on the point of. 意思是“就要(差点)做了某事”。【考点1】pr

20、epare的用法构词:preparation n. 准备,预备prepared adj. 准备好的精制的搭配: prepare (sth) for./ to do sth 为作准备() prepare sb / oneself for. / to do sth 使某人自己准 备好 be prepared for. / to do sth 准备好 be in preparation 在准备中;在编辑中 in preparation for 作为的准备 make preparations against 为对付作准备 make preparations for 为作准备【考例1】2004北京- W

21、hats that terrible noise?- The neighbors _ for a party A. have prepared B. are preparing C. prepare D. will prepare考查目标考查prepare在作谓语时的用法。答案与解析B 从上句叙述的情况来看,“准备”正在进行。2. prepare vt. / vi. 准备 拓展 preparation n. 准备;make preparations for. 为做准备 词组 prepare sb. for / to do sth. 使某人对作 好准备 The teachers are prep

22、aring the students for the final examinations. 老师们正在让学生准备期末考试。 prepare sb. sth. 为某人准备 The host and the hostress prepared us a ddicious meal. 主人为我们准备了美味佳肴。 prepare for sth. 准备做 The students are busy preparing for the college entrance examination. 学生们正忙于准备考大学。 be prepared for. 为准备;对做好了准备, 表示结果 The stu

23、dents are well prepared for the sports meeting. 学生们为运动会做好了充分的准备。 比较】 prepare sth. 宾语必须是动作的直接承受者。例如: prepare the lesson / a speech / a meal。 prepare for sth. 中for的宾语是表示准备的目的。例 如:prepare for the exanl / an operation / a trip。牛刀小试 1用所给单词的适当形式填空:(enjoy, prepare, effect, limit, point)1. Few students in t

24、his college got _ for the fu- ture work.2. The medicine left no _ on the patient, so he left the hospital at last.3. The emperor walked on the street, _ up his head high.4. The driver said to the policeman that he didnt know the speed _.5. Long. long ago the scientists _ out it is wrong to go agains

25、t nature in the agriculture produc- tion.词语比较1. realize,come true realize 和 come true都有“实现(理想愿望等)”之意, 但两者用法不同。realize是及物动词,常用于sb. realize sth. 这种结构;come true 是不及物动词词组, 通常用来表示“理想、愿望等”的名词作句子的主语。 The Chinese people ale working hard to realize the meAemizations. 中国人民正在为实现现代化而努力工作。 His dream of becoming

26、a teacher came true. 他当教师的理想实现了。2. be able to, can (could) (1) be able to 可用于多种时态,can 只有现在时和过 去时eould。 One day people will be able to run a kilometre in two minutes. 总有一天人们会两分钟跑完一千米的。(一般将来 时) He has not been able to come. 他没能来。(现在完成时) (2) can 和 could 除了表示“能力”,还可表示“可能 性”。 My grandmother can be very u

27、npleasant at times. 我的祖母有时候会让人非常不愉快。 (3) be able to 的过去式was / were able to 表示在过去 某时的某一场合设法做成了某事,相当于managed to do;而could则无此意义。 The fire was very big; only a few people were able to escape from it.3. ruin, destroy, damage 三个词都有“毁灭”、“破坏”之意,但它们的含义不 同:ruin强调毁灭的彻底性,并且是一次性地行动。 这种毁灭也许力量不是很大,但其严重性却使其不 能修复。它强

28、调的是破坏的长期结果;destroy指通 过某种有力的或粗暴的手段使之毁灭或无用,一般 不能或很难修复,有时用于比喻意义;damage则指 对价值和动能的破坏,多用于无生命的东西,一般还 可以修复。 Youll ruin your health if you go On like that. 这样下去你会毁了你的健康。 The earthauake destroyed many lives. 这次地震夺走r许多人的生命。 The strong wind damaged several houses. 强风损坏了几间房子。4. join in, take part in, attend, joi

29、n (1) take part in + activities / work, discussion / research等。 take parr in 强调参与性,特别是有众多人参加的活 动,含在活动中起一定作用,负有责任之意。 Millions of workers took part in (=joined in) the strike / revolutionary movement / fighting 数以百万计的工人参加了罢工革命运动斗争。 He took an active part in (joined actively in) international academic

30、exchanges.他积极参加国际学术交流活动。Well take part in social activities during summervacation.这个暑假我们将参加社会活动。(2) join可表示参加一个组织或成为其中一员或与人为伴,和某人一起做某事,而take part in则不这样用。He joined the army / League / Part / club / studentsunion.他参军入团入党参加俱乐部学生会。Pleasejdn us / my family / Mary.和我们家人玛丽作伴。(3)join in + activities (相当于ta

31、ke part in) 或 join sb.in + activities. 指和他人一起参加活动、比赛等。I didnt join them in writing that book.我没有参编那本书。All of us joined in the English speech competition.我们都参加了英语演讲比赛。(4) attend v.“参加”是正式用语,指出席会议,参加婚礼,典礼等,又可指上学,上课,听报告。He was invited to attend Marys wedding ceremony.他被邀请参加玛丽的婚礼。5. competition, game, r

32、ace, match (1) competition 意为“比赛”,“竞争”,可指各种形式 上的竞赛。 (2) game意为“游戏”,“比赛”,通常指有一定规则, 凡参加者均需遵守,可指连续的游戏或比赛活动中 的一局。说球赛时,一般用game,美国人用game,英 国人则用match。另外game用作复数时可指大型体 育运动会,如:Olympic Games 奥运会,the Asian Games 亚运会。 (3) race 通常指一种跑的竞赛,可以是人也可以是动 物,一般不指短距离赛跑 (短距离赛跑用dash),如: 赛跑,赛马,赛车,赛船等。 (4) match 常指体育代表团之间的较重大

33、的公开赛, 在有些情况下与game相同,一般指竞技比赛。如: 拳击,网球,高尔夫球等。6. hold, take place, happen (1) hold为及物动词,“举行;召开”。 The meeting will be held next Sunday. (2) take place指按计划或安排所要发生的事情,它是 不及物动词短语,不能带宾语,没有被动语态。 The meeting is going to take place tomorrow. (3) happen多指偶然发生的事,不及物动词,无被动 形式。 Do you know what has happened over t

34、here?7. more than, morethan (1) more than主要有以下用法: 后接名词,表示超出该名词之所指,意为“不只是, 不止”。 Bamboo is used for more than building. 竹子不仅仅用于建筑。 后接形容词或动词,用来加强语气,“很;非常”。 She is more than pleased with her daughters performance. 她对女儿的演出十分高兴。 后接副词,加强语气,表“十分”,“不止”之意。 He was dressed more than simply. 他穿的岂止是朴素,简直近乎破烂了。 后接

35、含有情态动词Carl的从句,其本意是“超过”, 常用来表示否定意义,可译为:“简直不”,“远非”。 The beauty of this city is more than words can describe. 这城市之美是无法用语言描述的。 后接数词,表示超出该数,意思是“多于;大于”。 The factory turns out more than one hundred cars daily. 该厂日产汽车一百多辆。 (2) more.than 结构中间常插入形容词或副词,表 示以下两种含义: 表示普通的比较级,指两种不同的事物(人)在同 一属性上的比较。 This coat is m

36、ore expensive than that one. 表示“与其说是不如说是”,指对同一事 物的两种属性进行选择。 She is more diligent than wise. 与其说她聪明,不如说她勤奋。8. weigh,weight,weighty weigh vt. 称;vi. 重 weight n. 重量;重要性 weighty adj. 重的 They weighed the apples they picked from the trees. 他们把从树上摘下来的苹果过了秤。 The goods were carefully weighed before they were

37、shipped off. 货物在用船运走之前仔细过了称。 - Howmuch doesthe boxweigh? - It weighs six pounds. “这个箱子重多少?”“重六磅。” What is your weight? = How much do you weigh? 你的体重有多少? 【短语归类】4. bring.back to life 使恢复;使苏醒;使生动 They did all they could to bring him back to life. 他们尽一切努力以使他苏醒。 A great actor can bring a character to lif

38、e. 一个伟大的演员能使角色生动起来。 拓展 bring.back to health 使恢复健康 come back tolife 苏醒过来 与bring构成的词组: bring about 引起;造成 bring up 提出;抚养大 bring together 使和解 bring back 使回想起 bring down 降低;减少 bring in 有收入;请来;引进 bring on 引起;使发生5. change ones mind改变主意 Nothing could change her mind, so the meeting broke up. 什么也改变不了她的主意,所以会

39、议解散了。 词组bring back to mind 使回想起 keepinmind 记住 have something / somebndy in mind 心里想着某事某 人 make up ones mind 下决心(mind在此可数) read ones mind 看出某人的心思 take something off ones mind去掉某人的心事6. in modem times 在现代 time 做“时代”解时,通常用复数形式 (times)。 Times have changed, and we shouldnt fall behind them. 时代变化了,我们不应该落后于

40、时代。 Inancient times, people lived on wild fruits and wild beasts. 在古代,人们靠吃野果和野兽为生。 词组 in no time 立刻;马上 at one time 曾经 on time 按时 in time 及时 at a time 一次 for a time 一度 behind the times 落伍 at all times 一直;经常 at times 有时候 from time to time 不时;有时【考点2】set短语 set off 出发,动身,启程 set ones mind to 一心想做 set free

41、 释放 set up 设立创立 set out 出发陈列,陈述 set down (使)放下;写下,记下 set to work 开始工作例句They have set off on a journey round the world.他们已经开始环游世界。The government has set up a working party to look intothe problem of drug abuse. 政府已经成立T作组调查滥用毒品问题。Liu Xiang has set up a new world record in mens 110mhurdles. 刘翔创下了新的110米

42、栏世界纪录。You could be a very good writer if you set your mind toit. 你只要专心就可能成为优秀作家。【考例2】(2004江苏) Its ten years since the scientist _ on his lifes work of discovering the valuable chemical. A. made for B. set out C. took off D. turned up考查目标此题主要考查四个短语的辨析。答案与解析B make for走向,有利于;set out开始,着手;take off 脱下,起飞

43、;turn up 出现,到达。本句话意思是“从这位科学家开始发现有价值的化学药品的工作已经十年了”。3. under attack 遭受攻击。under 表示“在(状态) 中”;“在(情况)下” 词组 under repair 在修理中 under study 在研究着 under construction 在建设中【考点3】动词 + down的短语 come down 下来 fall down 倒下,跌落,从落下,失败 go down 下降,下跌 get down 下来 put down 把放下来;平定,镇压 sit down 坐下 shut down 把关上 turn down 关小,调低

44、,拒绝 slow down 减缓,减速,放慢 write / set / note / put down写下,记下 pull down 拆毁,摧毁推翻 get down to business 言归正传例句 The plan fell down because it proved to be tooexpensive. 这项计划因费用过高而告吹。More American troops were sent to Iraq to put downthe rebellions. 很多美国军队被派往伊拉克去镇压反抗。Turn the radio down Im trying to get some

45、sleep. 把收音机声音调小点儿 我想睡会觉。He cant do heavy work, for he has been pulled downby his long illness. 他不能干重活,因为长期患病使得他的身体很虚弱。The road was slippery, so Mr. Jones slowed down thecar. 公路滑,所以琼斯先生放慢了车速。Make sure you write down every word the speakersays. 务必记下讲话者所说的每一个单词。【考例3l(2003全国)News reports say peace talks

46、 between the two countries _ with no agreementreached. A. have broken down B. have broken out C. have broken in D. have broken up考查目标此题主要考查break的动词短语。答案与解析A break down失败坏了break out突然发生。爆发;break in 闯入;break up分开,分解。本句话意思是“有新闻报道说,两国间的和平谈判因没有达成一致意见而失败了”。【考点1】动词+up短语 clean up 清除,收拾干净 eat up 吃光 get up 起床

47、 give up 放弃 grow up 长大,成长 hurry up 赶快 lock sb. up将某人监禁起来 look up 向上看,抬头看,好转,有气色,查寻g) make up 弥补拼凑成 pick up 拾起捡起,学会。获悉,听到,见到,恢复健康 pull up 往上拽 put up 举起,张贴,为提供食宿 ring up 打电话 stay up 不睡熬夜 wake up 醒来唤醒 open up 开设,开业,开放 set up 建立开创使某人有钱创业 clear up 放晴例句 She soon picked up French when she went to livein Fr

48、ance. 她到法国居住后很快就学会了法语。You dont look up well today. Whats the trouble? 你今火气色不太好,怎么了?These days many girls make up when they are still quiteyoung. 如今许多女孩还很年轻就化装。When he was twenty-one, his father set him up in theclothing business. 他21岁时,他父亲把他安顿在服装店。Ive an important meeting to attend. Be sure to wakem

49、e up at seven oclock. 我有一个重要的会议要参加,一定要在七点钟叫醒我。Now that it was raining heavily, they decided to put usup for the night. 由于雨下得很大,他们决定留我们过夜。Ring me up if you learn the truth. 一了解到真相就给我打电话。She promised the children they could stay up for theirfavourite TV programme. 她答应孩子们可以晚点睡,看他们最喜爱的电视节目。【考例1】(2004上海)

50、To keep healthy,Professor Johnson _ cycling as a regular form of exercise afterhe retired. A. took up B. caught on C. carried out D. made for考查目标此题主要考查四个短语的用法。答案与解析A take up开始从事;catch on 继续下去、坚持下去;carry out完成、履行;make for走向、有利于。本句话意思是“为了保持健康教授退休后开始把骑自行车当作锻炼方式”。牛刀小试2句子改错,每句仅一处错误。1. Everyone in the hos

51、pital hoped that he gave up after a few days treatment, and she was optimistic.2. There are thousand dollars, but we still need one thousand dollars to eat up the sum we ask for.3. You make a good singer if you set your mind to sing ing. 4. - Jack, how was it come about that you made so many mistake

52、s in your homework? - I myself havent figured it out yet!5. The lift had broke down yesterday. Well have to walk up to the eighth floor this evening. 【句型归纳】【考点1】Where there is a river, there is a city. 凡有河流的地方。必有城市。该句中的where引导地点状语从旬,兼有条件状语从句的含义。例如:Where is water, there is life.可以引导地点状语从句的有where,wher

53、ever,绝对不能用in which来替换;使用时,注意与定语从句中关系副词where的区别,引导定语从句的where有时可以用in which来替换。【考例l】(NMET 1997) After the war, a new schoolbuilding was put up _ there had once been atheatre A. that Bwhere C. which D. when考查目标地点状语从句。答案与解析B 根据句子意思“战后在原来戏院的地方,盖了一座新的教学大楼。”需要引导地点状语从句的引导词where。【考点2】Which one would you like

54、to see most? 你最想去看哪一个?该句中的would like表示“想,打算”。would like是表示“打算,想”的常用短语,后常接名词代词,不定式,复合宾语等。也可以写成would love;而表示“想要的”feel like后接doing sth。例如:Would you like a glass of beer?来杯啤酒怎么样?He feels like being invited to give all kinds of lectures.他喜欢被人邀请去作各种各样的讲座。How would you like sth? 这一句型用来“询问某人对某事物的印象或看法。” 例如

55、:- How would you like Guilin?- Good. It is worth visiting again.你认为桂林怎么样?不错,值得再去玩一次。而“What be + 主语 + (look) like?”则表示“主语看起来怎么样?”like是介词意思是“像”必须与系动词连用,才能做谓语,what为它的宾语。例如:- What was the earthquake like? 地震像什么?- It was like being on a boat. 像坐在船上。【考例2】(NMET 1997)1 would love _ to theparty last night bu

56、t I had to work extra hours to finish areport. A. to go B. to have gone C. going D. having gone考查目标句型“would love to do sth。答案与解析B 首先排除C、D两项;A项表示对将来的打算;would love / like to have done 表示“本来打算做某事,然而却没有做”;句子的意思是“昨天晚上我本来打算去参加聚会,然而我不得不加班完成一份报告”。【考点3】Most of the sports were the slime as they arenow. 许多项目跟现

57、在一样。该句中as为连词,引导状语从句。例如:Do in Rome as the Romans do. 人乡随俗。as 作为连词,可以引导5种从句。1. 时间状语从句。例如: As time went by, it became colder and colder.2. 原因状语从句。例如: As he developed a bad cold, he didnt go to school yesterday.3. 方式状语从句。例如: Do as I tell you to.4. 让步状语从句。例如: Child as he is, he knows a lot.5比较状语从句。例如: lt

58、 is not as hot in Beijing as in Wuhan【考例3】(NMET 1990) _ the day went on, theweather got worse. A. With B. Since C. While D. As考查目标状语从句。答案与解析D 句子的意思是“随着岁月的推移,天气越来越糟”。应该选as引导时间状语从句。【考点4】In sydney the Chinese team got 28 gold medals,ranking third of all the competing countries. 在悉尼奥运会上。中国队共获28枚金牌,在所有的参

59、赛国中,金牌总数名列第三。该句中的ranking为v-ing形式作状语。例如:He went awayIeaving the door open他走了,没有关门。v-ing在句中作状语,常常表示时间、原因、伴随、方式、结果等。【考例4】(2004吉林) We cant go out in this weather,said Bob, _ out of the window. A. looking B. to look C. looked D. having looked考查目标wing形式作状语。答案与解析A 句子意思是“鲍勃看了看窗外,说这种天气我们不能出去”。句型诠释1. Where th

60、ere is a river, there is a city. 有河流的地方,就有城市。 在这个句子中,where 引导了一个地点状语从句,意 思为“有的地方,就有”。 Where there is a will, thereis a way. 有志者,事竟成。 Where there is enough sunlight and water, crops grow well. 阳光和水充足的地方,庄稼就长得好。 Go where he tells you to go. 他让你到哪儿,你就到哪儿。 拓展 where 引导的状语从句与定语从句的区别 where引导状语从句时,其前面无先行词,w

61、here也 不能换成“介词+which”。 where 引导定语从句时,其前面有名词做先行词, where 可以换成“介词 + which。 Make marks where you have any questions. (状语从 句) Make marks at the places where you have any questions. (定语从句) 在你有问题的地方做上标记。2. Strong, proud and united, the people of St. Petersburg are the inodenl heroes of Russia. 坚强,骄傲,团结,圣彼得堡

62、的人们是俄国现代的 英雄。 本句中strong,proud and united是形容词作状语, 说明句子主语的特征和性质。 Helpless, we watched the house being destroyed by the strong wind. 眼睁睁地看着房子被狂风摧毁,我们无能为力。 The thief hid himself in the corner, afraid of being caught. 小偷躲在角落里,担心被人捉住。 do what one can to do sth.3. do au one can to do sth. do everything oll

63、e caIl to do sth. do ones best to do sth. 这几个句型结构都表示一个意思“尽某人最大努力 做某事”。do what one carl to do sth. 中的 what 引导 一个宾语从句;do all one can to do sth. 和 do everything one can to do sth. 中省略了定语从句的关 系代词that,all 和everything 做先行词。在这几个 句型中的不定式表目的,做目的状语。 We should do everything / we can / what we can / our best to

64、 learn English well. 我们要竭尽全力把英语学好。 拓展 make every possibl effort / mare the greatest effort to do sth. 尽可能最大努力来做某事4. Id rather watch it than play it. 我愿意观看,不愿参与。 (1) rather.than. 常与 would / had 连用,意思是 “宁可;宁愿”,“与其不如;宁愿而不愿 He is rather wise than honest. 与其说他诚实不如说他聪明。 I would rather stay at home than go

65、 for a walk. = I would stay at home rather than go for a walk. 我宁愿呆在家里也不出去散步。 (2) rather than 而不;宁可;情愿 He prefers to chemistry mther than physics. 他喜欢化学而不喜欢物理。 Rather than go by air, Id take the slowest train. 我宁可坐最慢的火车去也不乘飞机去。 拓展 would mther 后接动词原形,它常用于以下结 构。 Would rather do sth. / not do sth. / do

66、 sth. than Would rather 有时接从句,从句的谓语动词要用虚拟 语气。一般过去时表示现在与将来的动作或状态; 过去完成时表示过去的动作或状态。 Id rather you met her at the airport tomorrow morning. 我宁愿你明天早上到机场接她。5. Every four years athletes from all over the world take part in the Olympic Games. 每四年,来自世界各地的运动员们都要参加奥运会。 (1 )every 和表示数量的词连用 every 可与表示数量的词连用,表示时

67、间或空间。 I usually gO to my uncles every three days ( =every third day). 我通常每三天(每隔两天)去我叔叔家一次。 They looked up and gave a smlle to each other every few minutes. 每隔几分钟他们抬起头相互笑笑。 【注意】every 后可接few,但不能接 a few,因every- 词包含了a之意,另外every后也不能接some, several, many等词。 (2) every后接序数词时,则修饰单数可数名词。 every可与other + 单数可数名词连

68、用,表示“每隔.”。 Please write on every other line (third line). 请隔行写。(请隔两行写一行) They planted a tree every other metre along the road.他们在马路边每隔一米栽一棵树。牛刀小试31. Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, es- pecially _ father was away in France. (NMET 1994) A. as B. that C. during D. if2. The famous scien

69、tist grew up _ he was born and in 1930 he came to Shanghai. (2002 上海春招) A. when B. whenever C. where D. wherever3. Little Jim should love _ to the theatre this evening. (NMET 1992) A. to be taken B. to take C. being taken D. taking4. Suddenly, a tall man driving a golden carriage _ the girl and took

70、 her away, _ into the woods. (2004 上海春招) A. seizing; disappeared B. seized; disappeared C. seizing; disappearing D. seized; disappearing 【交际速成】【考点l】Giving advice Making suggestions 提出意见和建议(2004年重庆)- Lets go and have a good drink tonight- _ Have you got the first prize in the competi- tion? A. What f

71、or? B. Thanks a lot. C. Yes, Id like to. D. Glad to hear that. 答案与解析A 本题考查对提出建议的应答。根据答语的后句话可判断A项符合此时语境,意为“为什么要好好喝一杯呀?”【归纳】英语中表达提出意见和建议的用语有: Lets. Youd better. I think its better (for you / us) to. I suggest (that) you (should) . I advise you (not) to . I wonder if you should. Lets., shall we? Maybe

72、we eould. Id 1ike to. Cant / Should / Shall we.? Would you like / love to.? Have you considered.? What shaIl we.? why not.? Why dont you / we.? What / How about.?【考点2】Talking about interests and hobbies 谈论兴趣和爱好(2003年东北三校)- I enjoy Chinese food very much. - _. A. Please taste quickly B. Have moreDIea

73、se C. HeIp yourself D. Eat slOWly whiIe it is hot答案与解析 C 本题考查谈论兴趣和爱好时的功能用语。A项不合语境,B、D两项属汉语应答,C项符合英语习惯。【归纳】英语中谈论兴趣和爱好时的用语有: Which d0 you like, .or.? I like. Whats your favorite sport? Which sport do you like best? Which d0 you prefer.or.? What about.? Are you interested in.? I prefer.to.应答用语有: Shooti

74、ng, I think Id rather watch it than play it. Yes, very much. No, not really. Sure. I love sports.牛刀小试 41. -What about having a drink? - _. A. Good idea B. Help yourself C. Go ahead, please D. Me, too2.- Ladies and gentlemen, lets drink to Mr. Browns health. - _. A. Congratulations B. Good luck C. Ch

75、eers D. Good idea3. - Do you want tea or coffee? - _. I really dont mind. A. Both B. None C. Either D. Neither4. - Cant you wait a few more minutes? - _. I have no time. A. Yes, I can B. No, I cant C. Yes, I cant wait D. No, I cant do 精典题例( )1. The Foreign Minister said, _ our hope that the two side

76、s will work towards peace. (2004北京) A. This is B. Thereis C. That is D. It is 【解析】选D it作形式主语;that引导的从句作真正的主语。( )2. The famous scientist grew up _ he was born and in 1930 he came to Shanghai. (2002上海 春) A. when B. whenever C. where D. wherever 【解析】选C where在此引导一个状语从句。( )3. Hes got himself into a dange

77、rous situation _ he is likely to lose control over the plane. (2001上海) A. where B. which C. while D. why 【解析】选A where在此引导一个定语从句。where在引导定语从句时,必须有先行词,where在定语从句中充当状语,在此题中where表示“在状况下”。( )4. - Can the project be finished as planned? - Sure, _ it completed in time, well work two more hours a day. (2005

78、 福建) A. having got B. to get C. getting D. get 【解析】选B动词不定式做目的状语。( )5. The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone _ get out. A. had to B. could C. would D. was able to 【解析】选D Was ableto在此表示“努力并成功地做了某事”,相当于Succeeded in doing sth., managed to dosth., could则没有这种用法。( )6. These plants are

79、 watered _. (2001北京 春) A. each other day B. every other day C. each of two days D. every of two days 【解析】选B every other day表示“每隔一天”。( )7. - Shall me go skating or stay at home? - Which _ do yourself? A. do you rather B. would you rather C. will you rather D. should you rather 【解析】选B would rather是固定搭

80、配。( )8. - Whats that terrible noise? - The neighbors _ for a party. (2004北 京) A. have prepared B. are preparing C. prepare D. will prepare 【解析】选B本题考查动词时态的用法。第一句运用一般现在时,询问的是(现在)可怕的噪音从何而来,所以答语的时态要用现在进行时来回答。( )9. You should make it a rule to leave thirigs _ you can find them again. A. when B. where C. then D. which 【解析】选B where引导地点状语从句。( ) 10. The sailors returned twenty days later, _. A. felt ill, tired and unhappy B. ill, tired and unhappyC. ill, tiring and unhappyD. feeling ill, tired, unhappily【解析】选B 形容词作伴随状语。共23页第23页


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