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1、班级_小组_姓名_层次_ Unit 4 Cyberspace 导学案 (7)Lesson 4 Virtual Tourism 编者:田娟 审稿:高一英语组Tips: The landscape belongs to the man who looks at it . 风景属于看风景的人Learnint aims:1) To master some important words and phrases. 2) To learn some important sentences. Learning importang and difficult points:Must the following

2、 words : retire; apply; apply for; depend on; congratulation; on timelearning process:StepFinish the words (A)1. The serious earthquake caused the total _(毁灭) of a new town.2. A few minutes later, the old man _(消失) in the crowds.3. He o_ me 300 dollars for that television.4. You are informed (通知) (正

3、式) that you have been employed as our companys sales manager.5. He has _(安排) for me to attend the meeting.6. His accent s_ he was a stranger here.7. Scientists often do s_ research.8. He _(拒绝) a request from the old man.9. It is said that this _(罪犯) will be put into prison for setting fire.10. There

4、 are all kinds of _(娱乐活动) for children on Childrens Day.11. The Hope p_ has does a lot of work to help those poor students with their studies.12. The old man made a very good _(建议)at the meeting last week.13. This is a h_ event of China.14. Beijing is our final _(目的地)15. I know the place well, so le

5、t me be your g_.16. My hometown is _(坐落在) by the Changjiang River.17. I want to own a house at the _(海滨).18. They lived in the _(市郊)19. They are on a wedding _(旅游).Step Read the text on page 14 and complete the table belowPopulation Location History Famous sightsClimate Step underline the correct wo

6、rd to complete each sentence .1.The schools location /located /locate is right near the river but the hospital is location /located /locate on the other side of the town . how will I location /located /locate you when I arrive in town .2.Maybe we should meet in the central/centre of the town .the li

7、brary is very central/centre .do you know where it is ?3.The library is bulit where the european settle/settlement/settlers originally was. I wonder why they chose to settle/settlement/settlers so far from the river?I suppose the settle/settlement/settlers were worried that the river might flood .4.

8、Im going to look like a real tour/tourist/tourism with my map and my camera .and I am going to take a tour/tourist/tourism of the city . is it true that tour/tourist/tourism is now a big industry in new zealand?Step 小结(1) 这篇文章我还有这些地方不理解:_(2) 这节课我的收获是:_班级_小组_姓名_层次_ Unit 4 Cyberspace 导学案 (8)Lesson 4 V

9、irtual Tourism 编者:田娟 审稿:高一英语组Tips:Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. 生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘。Learning aims:(1) Help the students must some key words(2)Understand some important sentencesLearning important and difficult points:How to help the students understand the key words better .le

10、arning process:StepDictation (A)_Step重点句型(B)1. It has a population of just under a million people and is located on North Island . 翻译: 【导学】 population n. ; 有多少人口 用 have a population of (1)问人口有多少 ,需用what 如:What is the population of Ireland ? 翻译: (2)表示人口有多少,用形容词large或small 来修饰 如: 中国人口众多。 翻译: (3)popula

11、tion 单独做主语,谓语动词用单数,如果 与百分数、分数连用作主语,谓语动词用复数形式。Eight percent of the population in China are peasants .翻译: 拓展 be located on /at /in The school is located at the foot of the mountain. 翻译: 修武位于焦作的东部 。翻译: 2. The history of the city goes back to 650 years when the Maoris settled in the area.翻译: 【导学】when引导

12、从句【练习】There was a time when there no radios, no telephones or no TV sets.翻译: 我永远不会忘记我参军的那天。翻译: go back ; *The children have to go back to school next week .翻译: *这件事要追溯到五年前。 翻译: settle 用作及物动词,意为 ; He has settled in Britain for many years.翻译: 我们必须马上解决这些问题。 翻译: 3.Famous sights include MT Eden, one of m

13、any large volcanoes , as well as the Aukland Harbour Bridge .翻译: 【导学】as well as , In examining a problem , we ought to see the whole as well as the parts . 翻译: 注意:as well as 连接两个主语时, 谓语应与第一个主语相一致。He as well as his friends likes going shopping. 4. It is known as “ the city of sails ” because of all t

14、he boats there . 翻译: 【导学】be known as 意为: ; 其宾语是主语的同位语成分。 *汤姆以成功的商人而著称。 翻译: *The west lake is known as the paradise on earth . 翻译: 【拓展】be known for 意为: 其宾语是主语的从属内容。 杭州以美丽的西湖而著名。 翻译: Step 词组的适当形式填空 (C)Be known as , be located on , as well as , depend on Go back , carry out , happen to, 1.The story of

15、this custom moore than three thousound years .2.Our hometown the east part of a small island . 3.Beijing our capital as well as a beautiful tourist city .4.I have some difficulty in the plan .5. Im sure youd the first to be sorry if anything was to him .6.You cant others but yourself in almost anyth

16、ing .7.You should respect your parents other people .Step 小结本节课不好理解的地方在于: 班级_小组_姓名_层次_ Unit 4 Cyberspace 导学案 (9Lesson 4 Virtual Tourism 编者:田娟 审稿:高一英语组Tips: If you run after two hares at once ,you will catch neither . 追二兔,一无所获Learning aims:(1) Help the students write a short composition. (2) Review s

17、ome key words of this unit .Learning important and difficult points:How to help the students write a short composition.learning process:StepDictation (A)_StepListening : A Song (B) Listen and complete the song “The Telephone Call” - by KraftwerkThe (1)_you have reached has been disconnected.I give y

18、ou my affection and I give you my (2) _.Trying to get a connection on the (3) _line.You are so close, but (4) _away .I call you up all (5) _ and(6) _.I call you up from time to (7) _.To hear your (8) _on the telephone line .Step Writing (C) 介绍地点有四项基本要求:一是要抓住此地点的基本特点;二是要遵循一定的顺序;三是要运用恰当的说明方式;四是语言要准确无误

19、。一般可分为三部分来写:第一部分:直接介绍地点的位置、面貌和大小。例如:第二部分:可详细介绍该地点的主要特点,如:风景名胜,认为历史。例如:第三部分:写出自己的态度、感受。例如:Step Choose the best answer.1)The chairman thought _necessary to invite professor Smith to speak at the meeting.A. that B. it C. this D. him2)The doctor advised Vera strongly that she should take a holiday, but

20、_didnt help.A. it B. she C. which D. he3)The scientists are doing everything they can _the dying panda.A. to save B. save C. saving D. to be save4)He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he _the goal.A. had scored B. scored C. would score D. would have scored5) Without the air t

21、o hold some of the suns heat, the earth at night _for us to live.A. would be freezing cold B. will be freezing coldlyC. would be frozen cold D. can freeze coldly6) If only he _quietly as the doctor instructed, he wouldnt suffer so much now.A. lies B. lay C. had lain D. should lie 7) -You ought to ha

22、ve come to see Alice yesterday. -Yes, I know I_.A. must have B. should have C. ought to D. could have8) I _2,500 yuan _ buying the gold necklace.A. spent; in B. cost; on C. buy; for D. paid; in9) -Dont you believe me? -_, I will believe _you say.A. No; whatever B. Yes, no matter what C. No; no matte

23、r what D. Yes, whatever10) Im planning to hold a party in the open air, but I can make no guarantees because it _the weather.A. as result of B. depends on C. connects to D. decides on 1-5 BAADA 6-10 CBADB单词拼写: 1.affected 2. destruction 3. disappeared 4. offered5. officially 6. arranged 7. suggested

24、8. scientific 9. rejected10. criminal 11. entertainments 12. project 13. suggestion 14. historical 15. destination 16. guide 17. located 18. seaside 19. suburb 20. tourIII. 单句改错:(只改动/去掉/添加一个单词)(共15分)1. The group is made up of ten students. That is, the group consisted of ten students.2. The day they

25、 looked forward to coming at last.3. Can you imagine what difficulty I had settled the problems?4. They spent the whole night locking in the room.5. It is not surprised that he didnt win the prize.6. New Zealand was the first country to having the eight-hour work time.7. They have got in touch with

26、each other for 3 years. 8. Paul doesnt have to be made learn. He always works hard.9. They two strangers are talking warmly as if they are old friends.10. My suggestion is that a plan for study will be made at first.11. It is obviously that this destruction will become more dangerous in the future.

27、12. He is possible to pass the exam. After all, he studies hard.13. He hopes his dream that he will become an actor will be come true. 14. He is lying on the grassland, with his eyes focusing on the blue sky.15. Can you lend me the Guide on English Grammar? 单句改错:1consisted-consists 2. coming-came 3.

28、settled-settling4. locking-locked 5. surpried-surpring 6. having- have7. got-been/ kept/stayed 8. made后加 to 9. are-were10. will-should 11. obviously-obvious 12. possible-likely13.去掉 be 14.focusing-focused 15. on-to五、改错:单句改错,下面每个句子均有一处错误,请在题中指出并在后面的横线上改正。1.English is the working language of the most

29、international organizations. 2 Hiking is funny and exciting, but you shouldnt forget safety. 3.They send each other pictures and tell each other about their every day life .4.He told her whether she could repeat the address or not. 5.Suddenly, the two plates jump and an earthquake is happen. 6.The b

30、us was empty except one old lady. 7.Though this is her first film, everybody thinks high of her acting skills. 8.Look up at the large head and down at the large feet, we felt so small. 9.This was a film which Spielberg used real actors instead of toys. 10.Friendship helps us understand who we are, why we need each other and we can do for each other. 五、改错: 1. 去掉the (第二个) 2: funnyfun 3:every dayeveryday 4:toldasked5. is happenhappens 6: except 后加 for 7:highhighly 8:LookLooking 9: which前加in 10:we前加what默写单词-.精品资料。欢迎使用。高考资源网w。w-w*k&s%5¥u高考资源网w。w-w*k&s%5¥u


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