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1、.基础词汇1_ vt.面向;面对2_ n.山脉3_ n.美术馆;画廊4_ n.计划;项目;工程5_ n.发源地6_ adj.古代的facerangegalleryprojectbirthplaceancientn-aladj.continental大陆的formal 正式的normal 正常的central 中央的agricultural 农业的.拓展词汇1_ prep.横过;穿过cross v越过;穿越crossing n十字路口2_ adj.大陆的,大洲的continent n大陆,大洲3_ adj.坐落(某处)的;位于(某处)的situate vt.使位于;使处于situation n处

2、境;形势;地理位置4_ n象征;符号symbolic adj.象征性的5_ adj.位于location n位置,场所6_ n建筑师architecture n建筑7_ n文明civilise vt.开化;使文明acrosscontinentalsituatedsymbollocatedarchitectcivilisation.短语速记1_ 被覆盖2_坐落于;位于3_多于,超过4_在海岸上5_从事;致力于6_因为,由于7_有史以来8_例如;诸如之类9_作为而闻名/出名10_自从以来be covered by/withbe situated/located in/onmore thanon t

3、he coastwork onbecause ofof all timesuch asbe known asever since“由于”词组小结because of 因为,由于due to 由于owing to 由于as a result of 因为,由于.句型熟背1_ another mountain rangethe Pyrenees.法国和西班牙之间有另一座山脉,即比利牛斯山脉。2Paris is the capital and largest city of France,_ the River Seine.巴黎是法国的首都,也是法国最大的城市,坐落在塞纳河畔。3About_ Fran

4、ces artists and writers _ in Paris.法国大约三分之二的艺术家和作家居住在巴黎。Between France and Spain issituated ontwo-thirds oflive“著名”短语集锦be famous for.因而出名be known for.因而著名be famous as.作为而出名be known as.作为而著名be known to.被所熟知.根据课文内容选择正确答案1Which of the following is not the element(要素)to make Paris famous?AThe Eiffel Tow

5、er.BThe Louvre.CIts restaurants,cafs and theatres.DThe artists and writers living in Paris.答案:D2Which of the following statements is TRUE about Barcelona?AIt is the largest city of Spain.BIt is the capital city of Spain.CThe Church of the Sagrada Familia is one of the most famous landmarks of the ci

6、ty.DTo finish the Church of the Sagrada Familia took the architect 20 years.答案:C3Florence is famous for many things except _.Athe RenaissanceBthe landscape of the cityCmany great artists and their worksDsome art galleries,churches and museums答案:B4In which way mentioned in the passage was Athens diff

7、erent from the other three cities?AIt is the capital city and the birthplace of the civilisation.BTwo thousand four hundred years ago,it was the worlds most powerful city.CThere are many famous buildings in Athens.DMany writers living in Athens have influenced other writers with their work.答案:B5How

8、many of the four cities mentioned in the passage are capital cities?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.答案:B.难句分析1Paris is the capital and largest city of France,situated on the River Seine.句式分析本句是一个简单句。situated on the River Seine 为过去分词短语作定语,修饰 Paris,可以转换为非限制性定语从句形式which_is_situated_on_the_River_Seine。尝试翻译巴黎是法国的

9、首都,也是法国最大的城市,坐落在塞纳河畔。2One of Barcelonas most famous landmarks is the Church of the Sagrada Familia,which was designed by an architect called Antonio Gaudi.句 式 分 析 本 句 是 一 个 复 合 句。其 主 干 为One_of_Barcelonas_most_famous_landmarks_is_the_Church_of_the_Sagrada_Familia;which was designed by an architect ca

10、lled Antonio Gaudi 为非限制性定语从句;在此从句中 called Antonio Gaudi 为过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰 architect。尝试翻译巴塞罗那最著名的标志性建筑之一就是由建筑师安东尼奥高迪设计的圣家大教堂。知识点详解重点词汇、短语1across prep.横过;穿过;从一边到另一边语境领悟*There is a bridge across the river.横跨这条河有一座桥。*The students ran across the playground into the classroom.学生们穿过操场跑进教室。易混辨析 across“横过,穿过”,

11、表示动作是从物体表面的一边到另一边,其含义常与 on 有关through“通过,穿过”,表示动作是在某一空间内进行的,其含义常与 in 有关over“跨过,越过”,指从上方跨越而过,从一侧到另一侧即学即练 选词填空(across/through/over)He walked _ the forest alone.When he was walking _ the street,he was hit by a car.He had to jump _ the wall of the yard to open the door.In the Long March(长征),the Red Army

12、fought their way from south to north,_ the meadows(草地),_ the mountains,_ the valleys,till at last they reached Northern Shaanxi.throughacrossoveracrossoverthrough2face vt.面向;面对;面临(困难等)语境领悟*France is Europes third largest country and faces the United Kingdom across the English Channel.法国是欧洲的第三大国家,隔英吉

13、利海峡和英国相望。*Though she was young,she faced the difficulty bravely.尽管她年轻,但她勇敢地面对困难。归纳拓展(1)be faced with 面临,面对face up to 勇敢地面对;承担face danger/difficulty 面对危险/困难(2)make a face/faces 做鬼脸in(the)face of 面对face to face 面对面地lose face 丢面子save ones face 保住面子,挽回面子wear a long face 脸色难看,拉长脸*I was faced with an awfu

14、l task of breaking the news into the girls family.我面临一个头疼的任务,要向女孩的家人通报这一消息。*The boy made a face at his teachers back.那个男孩对着老师的后背做了个鬼脸。名师点津“面临”的选择face 和 be faced with 都有“面临,面对”的意思,在高考命题中常以非谓语的形式出现,请注意单选里面考到 face 的用法时,有with 的常选 faced,没有 with 的常选 facing。即学即练 单句写作面对强盗,她保持镇静。_ robbers,she kept calm.面对危险,

15、他们表现出了勇气。They showed courage _ danger.他们将当面辩论。They will debate _.Faced with/Facingin the face offace to face漫画助记The expression on his face never changed.他脸上的表情总是一成不变。3.range nC山脉;列;排;(变化或浮动的)幅度U(知觉、听觉等的)范围;(枪支等的)射程 v.(在一定范围内)变化,变动语境领悟*Between Italy and France,there is a mountain range called the Alp

16、s.在意大利和法国之间为阿尔卑斯山脉。*I have a wide range of interests.我有广泛的爱好。*The animal is still beyond range of my gun.那只动物还在我枪的射程之外。*He has a number of interests,ranging from playing chess toswimming.他的爱好广泛,从下棋到游泳。*The population of these cities ranges between 3 and 5 million.这些城市的人口在 300 万到 500 万之间。即学即练 介词填空Pri

17、ces range _$10 and$30.This is _ my narrow range of knowledge.The hotel offers a wide range _ facilities and services.betweenbeyondof归纳拓展(1)in/within range of.在范围内;在射程内out of/beyond range of.在范围外;在射程外a wide range of 范围广泛的(2)range在和之间变化range between.and.在范围内变动;从到不等语境助记There is a wide range of

18、 books in the bookshop,whose prices range from 5 to 15 dollars.You can choose books ranged along the shelves.书店里有各种各样的书,价格从 5 美元到 15 美元。你可以选择排列在架子上的书。4.situated adj.坐落(某处)的;位于(某处)的语境领悟*Paris is the capital and largest city of France,situated on the River Seine.巴黎是法国的首都,也是法国最大的城市,坐落在塞纳河畔。*My hometown

19、 is situated in southern Shandong Province.我的家乡位于山东省南部。*I saw the lighthouse situated at the mouth of the river.我看到了位于河口的灯塔。名师点津 situated 在句中常作表语,后接表示位置的地点状语,地点名词的前面可根据句意使用不同的介词 at,in 或 on。归纳拓展(1)situate vt.使位于;使坐落于situation n.情况;形势;处境(2)locate vt.使位于;使坐落于located adj.处于的即学即练 单句语法填空The school is _(si

20、tuate)near to the station.“Would you get involved in a fight?”“It would depend on the _(situate)”situatedsituation漫画助记The Statue of Liberty is situated on an island in New York harbor.自由女神像坐落在纽约港内的一个小岛上。5symbol n象征;符号;标志语境领悟*The most popular place for tourists is the Eiffel Tower,the famous symbol o

21、f Paris.最受游客欢迎的地方就是埃菲尔铁塔,它是巴黎的著名象征。*What is the chemical symbol for copper?铜的化学符号是什么?名师点津 symbol 后跟介词 of 表示“的象征”;跟介词for 表示“的符号”。易混辨析 symbol“象征,符号”,常指作为象征意义的特殊事物,尤指用有形的实物代表抽象的实体sign指“标牌,标记”,代表具有某种固定意义的符号或标志;还可以指将要发生某事的“征兆,迹象”mark指为了易于辨认而做的“记号”或在某一物体上留下的“痕迹”,也有“分数”之意signal“信号;暗号;导火线”,多侧重于指声音或动作的暗示即学即练

22、 选词填空(signal/sign/mark/symbol)A red light is a _ of danger,which is even known to a five-year-old child.The lighthouse on the top of the hill serves as a _ for fliers.Doves(鸽子)are universally viewed as a _ of peace all over the world.There wasnt a _ of life in the place.signalmarksymbolsign6because

23、of 因为;由于语境领悟*Because of my lack of experience,I didnt do the work well.由于缺乏经验,我没有把工作做好。*She had to retire because of her ill health.她因为健康问题不得不退休。易混辨析 because从属连词,后跟一个完整的句子,构成原因状语从句because of“由于,因为”,介词短语,后跟名词、代词或由 what引导的宾语从句*He is absent today because of his illness.He is absent today because he is

24、ill.今天他因病而缺席。名师点津(1)because of 为介词短语,后接名词、代词、动名词或以 what 为主的 wh-引导的名词性从句;because 为从属连词,后接原因状语从句。(2)用来表示原因的介词短语还有:as a result of,due to,owing to,thanks to。即学即练 选词填空(because/because of)She didnt come to his birthday party just _ what he had said to her the day before.The boy was always late _ it took h

25、im a long time to get dressed.because ofbecause7.ever since 自从一直语境领悟*Their work has influenced other writers ever since.他们的作品影响了后世的作家。*Weve been good friends ever since we met at school.自从我们在上学时认识之后,我们就一直是好朋友。名师点津(1)ever since 常与现在完成时连用,既可以单独使用,也可接表示时间的单词、短语或句子。(2)常与现在完成时连用的词或短语还有:since时间点,for时间段,so

26、 far,till now,up to now,lately,recently,yet,in the past few years,ever,just 等。即学即练 单句写作他在圣诞节生病了,此后就一直病着。He fell ill at Christmas and has been ill _.自从他离开后,我就再也没收到他的信了。Ive never heard from him _ he left.ever sinceever since知识点详解重点句型1Between France and Spain is another mountain rangethe Pyrenees.法国和西班

27、牙之间有另一座山脉,即比利牛斯山脉。句式分析本句为完全倒装句。正常语序是:Another mountain rangethe Pyrenees is between France and Spain.归纳拓展 当表示地点的介词短语置于句首时,句子用倒装语序,属完全倒装,即:地点状语谓语主语其他。完全倒装:所谓完全倒装,就是将谓语动词置于主语之前。完全倒装一般具备以下两个条件:谓语动词是单个(即不带情态动词、助动词)不及物动词,且只限于一般现在时或一般过去时;主语只能是名词。完全倒装一般有以下四种情况:(1)以 here 等副词开头引出的完全倒装。有时为了引起注意,而把 here,there,n

28、ow,then,out,in,up,down,off,away 等副词置于句子开头,句子用完全倒装。此时,应注意以下几点:句子主语必须是名词,不能是代词。谓语动词通常是 be,come,go,run,rush,fly,follow,fall 等,且常为一般现在时态。其中的 here,there 不是侧重表示地点,而是侧重用以引起对方的注意。Here comes the bus.公共汽车来了。There goes the bell.铃响了。(2)以表语或状语开头引出的完全倒装。有时为了强调,或者为了使句子平衡,或者为了使上下文衔接得更加紧密,就将表语或地点状语(多为介词短语)置于句首,谓语动词也

29、常置于主语前,构成完全倒装。On the top of the hill stands a temple.这座山的山顶上有一座庙。(3)there be 结构及其变体的完全倒装。There is a tall tree in front of the house.这座房子前面有一棵高树。学法点拨 在 there be 结构中,可以代替 be 动词的还有以下动词:live,lie,stand,appear,rise,remain,happen,come,go 等。误区警示 建议同学们慎用 there be 结构,特别是主语有定语的 there be 结构,如在写作中有这样典型的错误:There

30、are many people think education is very important.事实上只要同学们对 there be结构提高警惕,在写完句子之后观察其结构,就可知道要么去掉there be,要么在主语后用定语从句或非谓语动词形式表达。注意非谓语动词形式要根据这个动词与其逻辑主语的关系来选,如果是主动或者表示进行就用 doing;如果是被动或者表示完成就用 done;如果表示将来或者目的就用 to do。Many people think education is very important.There are many people who think education

31、 is very important.There are many people thinking education is very important.(4)直接引语放在句首引起的完全倒装。若直接引语的部分或全部放在句首,并且说话人是名词时,将say 或 ask 置于说话人前,构成完全倒装。“Are you ready?”asked the teacher.“你们准备好了没有?”老师问道。即学即练 用倒装句翻译下列句子铃响了。_现在轮到你了。_There goes the bell.Now comes your turn.高考再现2017天 津 卷 What to do?Here are

32、four common email accidents,and how to recover.该怎么办呢?这里有四种常见的邮件问题和怎样恢复的办法。2.Twenty percent of the country is covered by islands.这个国家国土面积的 20%被岛屿覆盖。句式分析“分数/百分数of名词/代词”构成的短语在句中作主语时,谓语动词的单复数与 of 后面的名词或代词一致。*Three-fourths of the familys income is from the nonfarming work.这一家庭收入的四分之三来源于非农业工作。*About two-t

33、hirds of Frances artists and writers live in Paris.法国约三分之二的艺术家和作家居住在巴黎。名师点津(1)most of,the rest of,some of,a half of,all of,part of名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数和名词或代词一致。(2)当 percent 作名词表示“百分之”时,不论前面的数字是多少,percent 都不能用复数。(3)Some of them are married women;the rest are single.她们有些是已婚妇女,其余是单身。即学即练 单句语法填空About 50 pe

34、rcent of the land _(be)suitable to grow plants.More than 50 percent of the people _(be)in favour of the plan.isare词语积累situated adj.坐落(某处)的;位于(某处)的more than 多于,不止symbol n象征;符号gallery n美术馆;画廊located adj.位于be located in/on/at.位于landmark n标志性建筑design v设计;制造be designed by 由设计architect n建筑师architecture n建

35、筑学;建筑风格work on 致力于;努力完成(或改善)project n计划;项目;工程the Renaissance 文艺复兴of all time 有史以来(常与最高级连用)sculpture n雕刻;泥塑birthplace n发源地civilisation n文明ancient adj.古代的influence v&n.影响have an influence on sb.对某人有影响influential adj.有很大影响的ever since 自从一直,自以来(常与完成时连用)核心素养链接文化采风埃菲尔铁塔位于塞纳河南岸法国巴黎的战神广场,是世界著名建筑、法国文化象征之一、巴黎城

36、市地标之一、巴黎最高建筑物,被法国人称为“铁娘子”。埃菲尔铁塔高 300 米,天线高 24 米,相当于 100 层楼高。其钢铁构件有 18 038 个,重达 10 000 吨,施工时共钻孔 700 万个,使用铆钉 250 万个。除了四个脚是用钢筋水泥建造之外,铁塔全身由钢铁构件组成。铁塔分三层,分别在离地面 57.6 米、115.7 米和276.1 米处,其中一、二层设有餐厅,三层建有观景台。从塔座到塔顶共有 1 711 级阶梯。Great European CitiesPARISParis is the capital and largest city of France,situated

37、on the River Seine【1】.It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and is visited by more than eight million tourists every year.The most popular place for tourists is the Eiffel Tower,the famous symbol of Paris【2】.One of the worlds largest art galleries,the Louvre,is also located in Paris.Th

38、e city is also famous for its restaurants,cafs and theatres.About two-thirds of Frances artists and writers live in Paris.【1】situated on the River Seine 是形容词短语作状语。【2】the famous symbol of Paris 作 the Eiffel Tower 的同位语。BARCELONABarcelona is the second largest city of Spain and is situated on the north

39、east coast,about five hundred kilometres east of the Spanish capital,Madrid.One of Barcelonas most famous landmarks is the Church of the Sagrada Familia,which was designed by an architectcalled Antonio Gaudi【3】.Gaudi worked on the project from 1882 until his death in 1926.The church hasnt been finis

40、hed yet!【3】which was designed by.Antonio Gaudi 是 which 引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词 the Church of the Sagrada Familia;从句中的过去分词短语 called Antonio Gaudi 作后置定语,修饰 an architect。FLORENCEFlorence is an Italian city which became famous because of the Renaissance,a great artistic movement which began in the 1300s and l

41、asted for three hundred years.【4】During the Renaissance,some of the greatest painters of all time lived and worked in Florence.Many of Florences most beautiful paintings and sculptures were produced by great artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.Florence is visited each year by about a

42、million tourists who come to see the art galleries,churches and museums.The Uffizi Palace is the most famous art gallery in the city.【4】本句中 which became famous.three hundred years 为 which引导的定语从句,修饰先行词 an Italian city;其中 a great artistic.three hundred years 为 the Renaissance 的同位语,该同位语中又包含一个 which 引导的

43、定语从句,修饰先行词 a great artistic movement。两个 which 在从句中均作主语,不能省略。ATHENSAthens,the capital of Greece,is known as the birthplace of western civilisation.Two thousand four hundred years ago,it was the worlds most powerful city.Buildings such as the Parthenon on the Acropolis Hill were built during this peri

44、od.Greeces best writers lived in ancient Athens.Their work has influenced other writers ever since.伟大的欧洲城市巴黎巴黎是法国的首都,也是法国最大的城市,坐落在塞纳河畔。它是世界上最美丽的城市之一,每年有 800 多万游客前来参观。最受游客欢迎的旅游景点是埃菲尔铁塔,它是巴黎著名的象征。世界上最大的美术馆之一卢浮官,也位于巴黎。这个城市也以餐馆、咖啡馆和剧院而闻名。大约三分之二的法国艺术家和作家住在巴黎。巴塞罗那巴塞罗那是西班牙的第二大城市,位于东北海岸,在西班牙首都马德里以东大约 500 千米

45、处。巴塞罗那最著名的标志性建筑之一是圣家大教堂,它是由一位名叫安东尼奥高迪的建筑师设计的。高迪从 1882 年起致力于这项工程直至 1926 年逝世。教堂至今还没有完工!佛罗伦萨佛罗伦萨是意大利的一座城市,因文艺复兴而闻名。文艺复兴是一次伟大的文艺运动,它始于 14 世纪并且持续了 300 年。在文艺复兴时期,历史上一些最伟大的画家在佛罗伦萨生活和工作。佛罗伦萨很多最美丽的绘画和雕塑都是由像列奥纳多达芬奇和米开朗琪罗这样伟大的艺术家创作的。每年有大约 100 万游客来佛罗伦萨参观美术馆、教堂和博物馆。乌菲齐美术馆是这座城市最著名的美术馆。雅典雅典是希腊的首都,作为西方文明的发祥地而闻名于世。2

46、 400年以前,它是世界上最强大的城市。一些建筑,如位于雅典卫城山的帕台农神庙,就是在这个时期建造的。希腊最好的作家生活在古雅典。他们的作品影响了后世的作家。.单词拼写1There is a mountain _(山脉)along the border,by which the two countries are separated.2Papermaking is one of the four great inventions in _(古代的)China.3The entire building _(工程)is expected to be completed in about two y

47、ears.4The Eiffel Tower has long been considered to be the _(标志性建筑)of Paris.rangeancientprojectlandmark5My sister is studying painting and _(雕塑)at an art school in Paris.6The building was constructed from the design of a young _(建筑师)7The Olympic Games were a _(象征)of peace and friendship at the beginn

48、ing.8We see no signs of improvement in the UK and _(大陆的)economy.sculpturearchitectsymbolcontinental.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1_(face)with this challenge,he should meet it without any hesitation(犹豫)2 My grandpa has many hobbies which range _collecting stamps to planting flowers.3The church is _(situate)on the h

49、illside,about a mile from the town.4Pigeon(鸽子)is often considered a symbol _ peace.5She felt very upset because _ what her deskmate said.6Hangzhou is known _“heaven on earth”Facedfromsituatedofofas7The family settled in New York in 1980 and _(live)there ever since.8Then _(come)the days we had been l

50、ooking forward to.9Seen from the space,three-quarters of the earth _(cover)by water.10To our surprise,the thief climbed _ the wall without being noticed.has livedcameis coveredover.课文语法填空阅读下面课文缩写材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Paris,Barcelona,Florence and Athens are four great 1._(Europe)cities.Par

51、is,one of the most beautiful cities in the world,is the capital and 2._(large)city of France.It is famous 3._ the Eiffel Tower,its restaurants,cafs and theatres.The second largest city of Spain is Barcelona,one of whose famous 4._(landmark)is the Church of the Sagrada Familia 5._(design)by Antonio G

52、audi.EuropeanlargestforlandmarksdesignedFlorence,where the Uffizi Palace 6._(situate),became famous for the Renaissance 7._ began in the 1300s and lasted for 300 years and 8._(visit)now by about a million tourists each year.Athens,the birthplace of western civilisation,is the capital of Greece.It used 9._(be)the worlds most powerful city.The work of Greeces best writers 10._(influence)other writers ever situatedthat/which is visitedto behas influenced

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