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本文(四川省三台中学实验学校2019-2020学年高二英语6月月考试题(含解析).doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、四川省三台中学实验学校2019-2020学年高二英语6月月考试题(含解析)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)1.What does the man give to the woman?A. Cards. B. Flowers. C. Nothing.2.What are they going to do next?A. Go to the office. B. Have a meeting. C. Eat something.3.What are the two speakers probably going to do?A. Invite some

2、friends to dinner.B. Listen to the weather report.C. Have a picnic this afternoon.4.How will the woman get to London?A. By car. B. By train. C. By plane.5.When does the bookstore close on Sundays?A. At 4 p.m. B. At 5 p.m. C. At 8 p.m.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。6. What does the woman thin

3、k of horror movies?A. They are frightening. B. They are not real. C. Theyre full of imagination.7. What is the man really afraid of?A. Mice. B. Bees. C. Campfire.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。8. Which size does the woman want?A. Size 4. B. Size 6. C. Size 10.9. What does the woman think of the jacket?A. Its too

4、expensive. B. Its too big. C. Its color is too bright.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。10. What does the woman ask the man about?A. His family. B. His meals. C. His work.11. What does the man eat for lunch now?A. Pizza. B. Fried chicken and chips. C. Rice and vegetables.12. What do we know about the mans wife?A. Sh

5、e seldom cooks. B. She doesnt like cooking. C. She cooks very well.听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。13. How is the mans wife now?A. She feels tired. B. Shes terribly sick. C. She eats little.14. What is the man complaining about?A. His baby is not a boy.B. He cant earn much money.C. He doesnt get enough sleep.15. Wha

6、t will the man do after he finishes his work in hand?A Get some sleep. B. Go home. C. Do tomorrow s work.16. Why does the woman have no interest in having another child?A. Shes going to have grandchildren soon.B. The family cant support another child.C. Her son refuses to have a brother or a sister.

7、听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。17. What was the Renaissance mainly about?A. The Latin language. B. Arts and science. C. The Christian religion.18. When did Leonardo da Vinci live?A. In the 1300s. B. In the 1400s. C. In the 1600s.19. What does the term “renaissance man” mean?A. Someone doing many things well.B. Some

8、one living in Italy in the past.C. Someone being very famous throughout history.20. What is da Vinci best known for?A. His paintings. B. His inventions. C. His songs.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ASTEM is short for Science, Technology, Engin

9、eering and Math. Strengthening STEM education is vital to preparing kids to compete in the 21st century economy, because kids success is driven not only by what they know, but by what they can do with what they know. As a result, its more important than ever for youth to be equipped with the knowled

10、ge and skills to solve tough problems, gather and evaluate evidence, and make sense of information. The following camps provide the skills needed to succeed in the highly competitive society.Steve & Kate s CampDecember 26th to January 24thSteve & Kates Camp was founded on the belief that when you tr

11、ust kids, they learn to trust themselves, and develop creative confidence that will help them unleash (突然释放) their true potential. It offers a safe, judgement-free environment where kids can be themselves, explore their passions and make a few mistakes along the way.Phone:415-389-5437App CampFebruar

12、y 16th to March 28thAsheville School is offering a unique app camp experience for teenagers across the US and abroad who are interested in learning how to make exciting new apps for the iPhone and iPad. Students will learn about Apples Swift programming language and learn Apples new AR technology.Ph

13、one:828-254-6345Game Camp NationApril 17th to June 9thUse your childs energy for video games to fuel their future, strengthen self-confidence and make new friends. Creativity, Critical thinking & Communication: We emphasize the 3Cs needed for success in todays media-driven world. Hands-on projects s

14、park curiosity. Our groups are intentionally kept small, and our staff encourage the kinds of peer interaction that easily make friends.Phone:619-446-6495Camp Motor-sportAugust 10th to October 7thFor the camper who loves to hear those famous words “Start your engines!” Camp Motor-sport offers exciti

15、ng motor-sport focusing on summer camp programs for girls and boys aged 9 to 17. In addition to gaining valuable seat time, campers get hands-on experience with the STEM aspects of automotive design. When not driving, Camp Motor-sport still has all the fun campers expect including a private lake wit

16、h swimming, boats, and gaga ball just to name a few.Phone:888-836-12121. Which camp will you choose if your kid has a long Christmas vacation?A. Game Camp nation.B. Camp Motor-sportC. Steve Kates Camp.D. APP Camp.2. If interested in programming, the kids can choose _.A. Steve & Kates CampB. APP Camp

17、C. Game Camp NationD. Camp Motor-sport3. What number will you call if your kid wants to have much fun in the camp?A. 415-389-5437.B. 828-254-6345.C. 619-446-6495.D. 888-836-1212.4. What do Steve Kates Camp and Game Camp Nation have in common?A. They both make learners become confident.B. They both a

18、ppeal to learners full of curiosity.C. They are both popular with programming language learners.D. They are both free of charge for teenagers all around the US.5. The passage is written to _.A. motivate teenagers to prepare for the competitionB. share information on how to spark kids curiosityC. hel

19、p teenagers compete successfully in societyD. attract parents to enroll their kids in the camps【答案】1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. D【解析】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了4个令营地的概况和联系方式。【1题详解】细节理解题。根据Steve Kates Camp的开始时间和结束时间(12月26日到1月24日)可知,Steve Kate冬令营恰逢圣诞节之后,由此可知,如果你的孩子有一个很长的圣诞假期,可以选择Steve Kate冬令营。故选C。【2题详解】细节理解题。根据App Camp部

20、分的Students will learn about Apples Swift programming language and learn Apples new AR technology. 学生将学习苹果的Swift编程语言和苹果的新AR技术。由此可知,如果对编程感兴趣,孩子们可以选择APP Camp。故选B。【3题详解】细节理解题。根据最后一段的Camp Motor-sport offers exciting motor-sport focusing on summer camp programs for girls and boys aged 9 to 17. 汽车运动夏令营为9至1

21、7岁的男孩和女孩提供令人兴奋的汽车运动项目。由此可知,Camp Motor-sport能够提供给孩子们很多有趣的汽车运动项目,所以如果你的孩子想在夏令营里玩得开心,你会拨打888-836-1212,故选D。【4题详解】细节理解题。根据Steve & Kate s Camp部分的they learn to trust themselves, and develop creative confidence他们学会了相信自己,培养了创造性的自信,以及根据Game Camp Nation部分的Use your childs energy for video games to fuel their fu

22、ture, strengthen self-confidence and make new friends. 把孩子的精力用在电子游戏上,为他们的未来加油,增强自信,结交新朋友。由此可知,Steve & Kate s Camp和Game Camp Nation的共同点是它们都使学习者变得自信。故选A。【5题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段的Strengthening STEM education is vital to preparing kids to compete in the 21st century economy, because kids success is driven not

23、only by what they know, but by what they can do with what they know.加强STEM教育对于让孩子们在21世纪的经济中做好竞争准备至关重要,因为孩子们的成功不仅取决于他们所知道的东西,还取决于他们能用所知道的东西做什么。再根据本文列出的四个令营地可知,这篇文章是为了吸引父母让他们的孩子参加夏令营。故选D。BI was 63 years old when I lost my job. After many years of rushing between home and job, between raising kids and

24、pushing ahead professionally, it was quiet. In those silent spaces, I had time to ask myself what I really cared about. Finally I came to an answer. I cared about young peoples future. Burdened by huge education debt, unable to find a Job, many were feeling hopeless. They were in danger of becoming

25、a lost generation.But what contribution could I make to creating a better future for the next generation? I started a free program in which coaches and mentors (顾问) would volunteer to help unemployed young people launch their careers. Id enjoyed mentoring younger people at work, and this fit with my

26、 desire to assist the next generation. Through my coaching contacts, 25 wonderful life and career coaches signed up to volunteer.On The young people find us through word of mouth. Coaching is done by phone or Skype (网络电话), so location doesnt matter.So far 55% of over 220 graduates have found desirab

27、le jobs within a few months of finishing the program. Ninety percent have rated the coaching positively and say they are closer to their goals.Over the course of 12 one-hour periods, the coaches help them figure out what work aligns with (使一致) their values, skills and passions, and then assist them

28、in making a plan to move forwardincluding helping them with resumes, networking, interviewing, and job search strategies.In exchange for the free coaching, we ask all the young participants to “pay it forward” to someone who needs their help. We explain that we wont know whether they do or not, but

29、the potential is there to create a ripple effects of kindness spreading outward in unforeseen ways. If fact, a number of them have offered to mentor other graduates in the program.6. According to the passage, the author showed great concern for _.A her childrens careerB. her own achievementC. young

30、peoples futureD. young kids education7. How does the author make her program known to younger people?A. Via the Internet.B. Through word of mouth.C. By phone or Skype.D. In the local newspaper.8. What does the author want to tell us in paragraph 4?A. The program is beneficial to all the participants

31、.B. Most participants fail to land a good job.C. High attention is brought to the program.D. The program is quite a success.9. Young participants receiving the free coaching are asked to _.A. make a future planB. recommend the programC. mentor other graduatesD. find better-paid jobs10. Which of the

32、following can best describe the author?A. Confident and kind.B. Caring and devoted.C. Courageous and calm.D. Dynamic and considerate.【答案】6. C 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. B【解析】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。主要描述了作者为了帮助年轻人,开设了一个帮助年轻人开始自己职业生涯的项目,事实证明,这个项目是成功的。【6题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段的I cared about young peoples future. 我关心年轻人的未来。由此可知作者对年

33、轻人的未来表现出了极大的关注,故选C。【7题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段的On The young people find us through word of mouth. 关于年轻人是通过口碑找到我们的。由此可知,作者是通过口碑让年轻人知道她的项目的,故选B。【8题详解】推理判断题。根据第四段的内容可知,220多名毕业生中有55%在完成学业后的几个月内找到了理想的工作。90%的人对教练的评价是积极的,他们说自己离目标更近了。由此可推知,作者在第4段想告诉我们这个项目非常成功。故选D。【9题详解】细节理解题。根据最后一段的In exchange for the free coaching,

34、we ask all the young participants to “pay it forward” to someone who needs their help. 作为免费培训的交换,我们要求所有的年轻参与者“把它传递给”需要他们帮助的人。由此可知,言外之意是接受免费培训的年轻学员被要求指导其他毕业生。故选C。【10题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段的I cared about young peoples future. 和第二段的But what contribution could I make to creating a better future for the next gen

35、eration? 可知作者很关心年轻人的未来,并想着为下一代创造一个更好的未来做出什么贡献,由此可知,关心和奉献最能描述作者,故选B。CChina has entered the cinematic space race. The Wandering Earth, the countrys first blockbuster sci-fi, is on track to be one of the most successful films in Chinas history.Set in the distant future, the governments of the Earth, fa

36、ced with destruction from an unstable sun, have strapped thrusters (助推器) onto the planet, carrying it out into the universe in search of a new home. But as the Earth approaches the Jupiter, something goes wrong in the system puts it on course to crash into the planet. Therefore, countless people hav

37、e come forward to face the challenge and save the Earth.The film is seen by some as the dawn of Chinese sci-fia field that has long been dominated by Hollywood.China is already home to a thriving science and speculative fiction literary scene. The Wandering earth is based on the work of Liu Cixin, t

38、he author of the Three-Body Problem series and the first Chinese author to win a Hugo Award, “The Wandering earth fills the gap in Chinese sci-fi movies. It means that Chinas sci-fi movies have officially set sail,” one fan of the film wrote on Douban.Chinas film market is expected to overtake the U

39、S as the worlds largest by 2022, but there is still a long way to go. The main difference between Chinese and US audience is trust. “Building trust between producers investors and the audience is the biggest challenge here. Not so many people have faith in a Chinese sci-fi movie.” said Liu. the auth

40、or of the novel.Some noted that unlike many Chinese blockbusters, The Wandering earth dials back on the patriotism. Rescue teams from around the world scramble to get the thrusters back up and running. A Russian soldier sacrifices his life to help a Chinese colleague.“This is not a patriotic film bu

41、t a film about humans saving themselves,” one reviewer said.11. What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?A. The plot of the film.B. The influence of the film.C. The peak of the film.D. The background of the film.12. Which is the closest in meaning to the word dominated in Paragraph 3?A. cont

42、rolledB. challengedC. abandonedD. affected13. What is the biggest challenge for Chinese sci-fi films right now?A. Chinese sci-fi films are poorly produced.B There is not enough money to put into sci-fi films.C. Chinese movie-goers lack faith in home-made sci-fi films.D. Chinese sci-fi films dont hav

43、e a good atmosphere for creation.14. Why does the author mention a Russian soldiers sacrifice in the film?A. To add more vivid and moving details to the film.B. To compare the film with Chinese traditional films.C. To arouse the readers interest in watching the film.D. To prove the films theme is fa

44、r beyond patriotism.15. Which can be the most suitable title for the text?A The Wandering Earth helps Liu Cixin win a Hugo AwardB. The Wandering Earth challenges Hollywood in sci-fiC The Wandering earth calls for sacrifice to save the earthD. The Wandering earth changes Chinas film industry【答案】11. A

45、 12. A 13. C 14. D 15. B【解析】本文是一篇说明文。主要内容是中国第一部科幻大片流浪地球的出现打破了好莱坞长期以来在科幻电影领域的统治地位。【11题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段和第二段的内容可知,流浪地球设定在遥远的未来,政府面对不稳定的太阳,不得不在宇宙中找一个新家的故事,所以第二段讲的是电影的情节,故选A。【12题详解】词义猜测题。根据第三段的内容和常识可知,这部电影被一些人视为中国科幻电影的开端,而这一领域长期以来一直由好莱坞主导。由此可推知,此处的dominated和controlled的意思相近,故选A。【13题详解】细节理解题。根据Building trust

46、 between producers investors and the audience is the biggest challenge here. Not so many people have faith in a Chinese sci-fi movie. 在制片人、投资者和观众之间建立信任是最大的挑战。没有多少人相信中国的科幻电影。由此可知,中国科幻电影目前面临的最大挑战是中国观众对国产科幻电影缺乏信心。故选C。【14题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段的This is not a patriotic film but a film about humans saving themse

47、lves. 这不是一部爱国主义电影,而是一部关于人类拯救自己的电影。由此可推知,作者在电影中提到一名俄罗斯士兵的牺牲的原因是为了证明这部电影的主题远远超越了爱国主义。故选D。【15题详解】主旨大意题。浏览全文以及根据第一段的The Wandering Earth, the countrys first blockbuster sci-fi,和第三段的The film is seen by some as the dawn of Chinese sci-fia field that has long been dominated by Hollywood.可知,中国第一部科幻大片流浪地球的出现打

48、破了好莱坞长期以来在科幻电影领域的统治地位,故B选项(流浪地球向好莱坞的科幻电影发起挑战)可以作为本文的标题,故选B。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。When the winter comes, millions of Americans realize they dont feel as happy as usual, and may be depressed If youre one of them, you may be suffering from “seasonal a

49、ffective disorder” or SAD, whose symptoms include exhaustion, difficulty concentrating, sleep problems, body aches and pains, and a loss of interest in activities you normally enjoy. _16_Take extra Vitamin D.Researchers at the University of Georgia analyzed more than 100 articles that examined the l

50、ink between Vitamin D and depression. They found that a lack of Vitamin D appeared to be a major factor in the development of SAD. _17_18_Most researchers agree that the people who fall victim to SAD most often are particularly sensitive to the lack of light. Weather permitting, go for a walk. In yo

51、ur home or office, try sitting close to a window that faces south.Increase exercise.Although exercising may be about the last thing you want to do and would rather curl up with a book or watch a DVD, studies have shown that upping your exercise routine can counteract SAD. And experts advise exercisi

52、ng at least 20 minutes a day at least three times a week. _19_ The benefits are also long lasting. The longer you do it, the more benefit youll get.Eat more fish._20_ Studies have found that people who have low levels of two chemicals found in fish, EPA and DHA, are at increased risk for depression.

53、 Either eat more fishat least three times a weekor take fish oil capsules to combat SAD.Although dark winter days got you down, dont worry because nature is always waiting to help. Just enjoy the winter days and benefit from the nature! A. Take medicine.B. Get more light.C. If the weather permits, t

54、ake a walk.D. Any type of exercise offers benefits.E. Fatty fish contain omega-3 fatty acids.F. To fight SAD, here are some easy, natural ways.G. So the vitamin D Council recommends at least 2, 000 IU daily.【答案】16. F 17. G 18. B 19. D 20. E【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了对抗季节性情绪失调的几种方法。【16题详解】根据上文的提到的“seasona

55、l affective disorder” or SAD(季节性情绪失调)以及这种疾病的症状可知,下文主要介绍的是如何对抗SAD,故F选项能承接上下文,故选F。【17题详解】根据本段的小标题Take extra Vitamin D.可知G选项和小标题相呼应,再结合下文的内容可知,缺乏维生素D似乎是导致SAD的一个主要因素,所以维生素D委员会建议每天至少摄入2000国际单位。由此可知,G选项和前文是因果关系,故选G。【18题详解】分析文章结构可知,空处填本段小标题,再根据Most researchers agree that the people who fall victim to SAD m

56、ost often are particularly sensitive to the lack of light. 季节性情感障碍的受害者往往对光线不足特别敏感。所以此处建议要“获得更多的阳光”,故选B。【19题详解】根据本段的小标题Increase exercise.可知,D选项与小标题相呼应,根据下文的The benefits are also long lasting.可知,D选项中的benefit与下文相呼应,且语意(这些好处也是长期的)衔接下文,故选D。【20题详解】根据本段的小标题Eat more fish.可知E选项fish和主题相呼应,另外,本段的主要内容是鱼的营养价值,且E

57、选项语意(富含脂肪的鱼类含有-3脂肪酸)符合本段主旨内容,故选E。【点睛】单词复现法是七选五常用的方法之一,也就是说选项中的某些单词在文章当中重复出现,我们可以利用这个方法解决这一类题型。本题比较典型,5道小题皆利用这个方法。第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。“Nice to see you again!” “How are you doing today?” “Great to see you, have a nice day

58、!”I _21_ my book and looked around in my seat, watching the driver _22_ passengers. Id never heard a more cheerful bus driver.At each stop, the bus driver flashed a wide _23_ , nodding his head at familiar faces and greeting people onto his lowly bus.I was just watching the flow of the bus, and the

59、bus drivers air of pleasant calm, like nothing could go wrong. It _24_ me a bit. Most bus drivers Id met are not so cheery. Theyre always swimming up against a long list of complaints, communicating with nameless busy riders, and constantly racing the clock so as not to run late though its never so

60、easy to control. This bus driver completely _25_ my sense of what it means to drive a bus. It almost brought me back to my pre-school days, when wed sing, “The wheels on the bus go round and round,” to images of smiling bus drivers greeting their _26_ and serving society with each shinning spin of t

61、heir wheel or honk of their horn.I completely put my books away, _27_ there in awe. A thought _28_ my head that I should tell the driver how much I appreciated seeing all the small, bold, courageous moments of his _29_ Id run into in this bus._30_ the bus approached my stop, I walked to the front of

62、 the bus.“Thank you so much for your kindness to passengers. Its really nice to see you,” I offered.“Aw, thats really glad to hear. Thank you so much! Its nice to know that someone _31_.” the bus driver said.“Well, I really appreciate seeing it. It is _32_ and makes my day,” I told him with a smile.

63、“Thank you!” he _33_ with an ever-shining bright smile.We talked a little more, and any wave of doubt completely _34_.Stepping _35_ the bus a little lighter, I remembered a quote: “Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”21. A. put awayB. put downC. put

64、upD. put out22. A. assistingB. directingC. servingD. greeting23. A. smileB. lookC. mouthD. face24. A. excitedB. attractedC. confusedD. cheered25. A. changedB. developedC. affectedD. deepened26. A. conductorsB. customersC. colleaguesD. passengers27. A. runningB. sittingC. standingD. waiting28. A. occ

65、urredB. cameC. struckD. appeared29. A. kindnessB. patienceC. generosityD. encouragement30. A. SinceB. AsC. AfterD. Until31. A. noticedB. knewC. understoodD. needed32. A. boringB. inspiringC. frustratingD. exciting33. A. repliedB. saidC. toldD. shouted34. A. decreasedB. formedC. aroseD. faded35. A. o

66、nB. offC. outD. down【答案】21. B 22. D 23. A 24. C 25. A 26. D 27. B 28. C 29. A 30. B 31. A 32. B 33. A 34. D 35. B【解析】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了作者坐公交车注意到公交车司机会微笑着向乘客们问好,改变了作者对公交车司机的固有想法,并且有了很大的感悟。【21题详解】考查词组辨析。句意:我放下书,在座位上环顾四周,看着司机招呼乘客。A. put away放好;B. put down放下;C. put up张贴;D. put out熄灭。根据下文内容可知,作者开始环顾四周,应该是先放下

67、书,故选B。【22题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我放下书,在座位上环顾四周,看着司机招呼乘客。A. assisting协助;B. directing管理;C. serving服务;D. greeting问候。根据第一段的那些问候语可知,此处表示作者在看作者向乘客打招呼,故选D。【23题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:每到一站,巴士司机都面带灿烂的笑容,对着熟悉的面孔点头,并向坐在他的低档巴士上的人们打招呼。A. smile微笑;B. look样子;C. mouth嘴巴;D. face脸。根据前文的“我从未听过比他更快乐的司机”,可知巴士司机面带灿烂的笑容,故选A。【24题详解】考查动词词义辨析

68、。句意:这让我有点困惑。我遇到的大多数公共汽车司机都不太高兴。A. excited使兴奋;B. attracted 吸引;C. confused使困惑;D. cheered欢呼。根据下文的内容可知,作者遇到的大多数巴士司机都不太高兴,所以这里表示作者对这位司机的做法感到很困惑,故选C。【25题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:这位公共汽车司机彻底改变了我对驾驶公共汽车的理解。A. changed改变;B. developed发展;C. affected影响;D. deepened加深。根据前文内容可知,这位巴士司机不同于其他司机的做法让我改变了作者对巴士司机的看法,故选A。【26题详解】考查名词词

69、义辨析。句意:脑海中浮现出公交司机微笑着招呼乘客,用每一个闪亮的转轮或喇叭为社会服务的画面。A. conductors管理人;B. customers顾客;C. colleagues同事;D. passengers乘客。根据第一段的watching the driver _2_ passengers. 可知巴士司机和乘客打招呼,此处和前文相呼应,故选D。【27题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我把书完全收起来,敬畏地坐在那里。A. running跑步;B. sitting坐;C. standing站立;D. waiting等待。根据第一段looked around in my seat,可知此处

70、作者是坐在那里,故选B。【28题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我突然有个想法。A. occurred发生;B. came来;C. struck打击;D. appeared出现。根据下文that后的内容可知,此时作者脑海中突然有了一个想法,a thought struck ones head意为“某人突然想到”,故选C。【29题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我应该告诉司机,我多么感激在这辆公共汽车上能够遇到这样的时刻所有的小小的、大胆的、勇敢的善良。A. kindness善良;B. patience耐心;C. generosity慷慨;D. encouragement鼓励。根据Thank you

71、 so much for your kindness to passengers. 可知,司机在每一站跟乘客问好,作者认为这是一种善良和善意,此处和下文相呼应,故选A。【30题详解】考查状语从句连词辨析。句意:当公共汽车接近我的车站时,我走到公共汽车的前面。A. Since自从;B. As 当;C. After之后;D. Until直到。根据语境可知,此处用as引导时间状语从句,意为“当时”,符合句意,故选B。【31题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:“啊,听你这么说真高兴。非常感谢!很高兴有人注意到了。巴士司机说。A. noticed注意到;B. knew知道;C. understood懂得;D

72、. needed需要。根据句意可知,当巴士司机听到作者的反馈之后,没想到会有人注意到这些,故选A。【32题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:“嗯,看到它我真的很感激。这样我很受鼓舞并且使我很快乐。A. boring令人厌倦的;B. inspiring鼓舞人心的;C. frustrating令人沮丧的;D. exciting兴奋。根据语境可知,此处表示作者看到巴士司机对乘客笑脸迎人的问候很受鼓舞,故选B。【33题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:“谢谢你!他回答说,脸上总是挂着灿烂的笑容。A. replied回应;B. said说;C. told 告诉;D. shouted呼喊。根据句意可知,司机笑着回

73、复道,故选A。【34题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们又谈了一会儿,所有的怀疑都烟消云散了。A. decreased减少;B. formed形成;C. arose提高;D. faded褪去。根据前文的It _4_ me a bit.可知,作者最开始还有些怀疑,此处表示作者经历了这些,疑惑也都褪去了,故选D。【35题详解】考查介词词义辨析。句意:我轻轻走下车,想起一句格言。A. on在之上;B. off从偏离;C. out从里面离开;D. down往下。根据语境可知,经过简单的交谈之后,作者下了车,step off意为“走下车”,故选B。第卷(非选择题,共25分)第二节(共5小题;每小题1分,

74、满分5分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(仅限1词)或括号内单词的正确形式(不多于3个词)。The works of Charles Dickens are as popular now as they were 150 years ago. Oliver Twist, a hit _36_ (publish) in 1838, told the story of a young orphan, who lives alone in the dangerous streets of London. The story ends _37_ (happy)the young boy disc

75、overs _38_ his real parents are and finds a loving home. It brought child poverty _39_ the attention of the public. As a result, the lives of the poor children _40_ (improve).【答案】36. published 37. happily 38. who 39. to 40. were improved【解析】本文是一篇说明文。简要介绍了英国作家查尔斯狄更斯的作品雾都孤儿,因为该作品也引起了人们对贫困儿童的广泛关注。【36题详

76、解】考查非谓语动词。句意:1838年出版的热门小说雾都孤儿讲述了一个年轻孤儿独自生活在伦敦危险街道上的故事。分析句子结构可知,空处填非谓语动词,再结合句意可知,Oliver Twist和publish之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词形式做后置定语,故填published。【37题详解】考查副词。句意:故事快乐地结束了。分析句子结构可知,空处填副词修饰ends,所以用happy副词形式,故填happily。【38题详解】考查宾语从句连词。句意:小男孩发现了他真正的父母是谁,并找到了一个充满爱的家。分析句子结构可知,空处填连接代词做are的表语,再结合句意可知,who在宾语从句中可译为“谁”,故填w

77、ho。【39题详解】考查固定搭配。句意:它引起了公众对儿童贫困问题的关注。分析句子结构可知,bring sb. to the attention意为“引起的关注”,故填to。【40题详解】考查被动语态。句意:贫困儿童的生活得到了改善。分析句子结构可知,空处填谓语,结合语境可知,此处用一般过去时,又因the lives做主语,且和improve是被动关系,所以应用一般过去时的被动语态,故填were improved。第四部分 写作(共两节;满分20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)41.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有5处语言错误,每句中最

78、多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词;删除:把多余的词用()划掉;修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改5处,多者(从第6处起)不计分。Cheer-leading began in all-men colleges in late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. As time passes, more and more colleges started cheer-leading and more wome

79、n started doing it. It was not until the 1920s when pompoms began to play an important part in cheer-leading. At about the same time, cheerleaders began to include gymnastics in their routines. Found at most athletic events, and cheer-leading competitions are an important part of school and college

80、life. Nowadays, many American are amused by cheer-leading.【答案】in后面加上thepassespassedwhenthatand去掉AmericanAmericans【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文。简单介绍了美国拉拉队的发展历程。【详解】第一处:考查冠词。表示方位、地点的构成是“介词+the+地点名词”,故在in后面加上the。第二处:考查时态。根据语境可知,此处应用一般过去时,故将passes改为passed。第三处:考查强调句。句意:直到20世纪20年代,pompoms才开始在啦啦队中扮演重要角色。分析句子结构可知,it is/

81、was not untilthat是not until的强调句,故将when改为that。第四处:考查句子结构。分析句子可知,Found at most athletic events在句中做定语,and 连接分句,所以句中无主句,故将and去掉。第五处:考查名词的数。句意:如今,许多美国人都被啦啦队长逗乐了。根据句意可知,many后加可数名词复数,American的复数形式是Americans,故将American改为Americans。第二节 书面表达(满分15分)42.假设你是李华,你的朋友Kevin给你发邮件说,他想从成都出发到西安旅行,想请你为他介绍一下西成高速铁路(Xian- Ch

82、engdu high- Speed Railway)的情况。请你回复邮件,内容包括:1.西成高速铁路始建于2012年,2017年12月开通运营,全长658公里,时速高达250公里/小时;2.途径绵阳等20多座城市,沿途无数美景、美食,全程大约只需3个半小时;3.高铁列车设施齐全,安全舒适;但票价略高。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.首尾已写好,不计入总词数。Dear Kevin,Knowing that you plan to travel from Chengdu to Xian,_Hope you have a wonderful trip.Yours,L

83、i Hua【答案】Dear Kevin,Knowing that you plan to travel from Chengdu to Xian, Im writing to tell you something about the Xian-Chengdu High-Speed Railway.First built in 2012, the Railway went into operation in December, 2017, with its overall length being approximately 658 kilometers. Via more than 20 ci

84、ties, Mianyang included, it runs at a speed of up to 250 kilometers per hour, making it only about three and a half hours needed from Chengdu to Xian. During the trip, you can not only appreciate fantastic scenery but also taste delicious food. Besides, all kinds of facilities in the train make your

85、 trip safe and comfortable. However, it is true that this high-speed railway has the high train fare.Hope you have a wonderful trip.Yours,Li Hua【解析】【分析】本文是一篇应用文。给朋友Kevin回信,介绍西成高速铁路的一些情况。【详解】第一步:首先审题,给朋友Kevin回信,介绍西成高速铁路的一些情况。第二步:确认时态,选用正确的人称和时态,本文可用一般现在时或一般将来时,第二人称来写。然后写出单个句子,使用正确的连词,连句成段。第三步:文章可以分为三

86、段,第一段提出写信的目的;第二段介绍西成高速铁路的概况;第三段预祝对方旅途愉快。第四步:注意事项:写这篇文章时,要注意文中给出的细节都要包括,不要遗漏;这篇文章对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括,缺一不可;写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,不能出现文章脱节问题;尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。【点睛】本篇书面表达要点全面,结构紧凑,是一篇较好的范文。这篇短文使用了大量的高级词汇、复合句和高级语法。例如:过去分词做定语:First built in 2012, the Railway went into operation in December, 2017, 独立主格结构:with its overall length being approximately 658 kilometers. 现在分词作状语:making it only about three and a half hours needed from Chengdu to Xian. 并列连词:you can not only appreciate fantastic scenery but also taste delicious food.

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