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1、台儿庄2014高考英语短语总结、阅读理解训练(40)及答案1、real-_adv. _n. _v.2.reason-_adj _ (反形)3.relax-_n.4.rely-_adj.5.religion-_adj6.remain_adj7.respect-_n._adj8.represent _(人)9.repeat_(n) 110. require _(n)11.reserve_(n)12.responsible_n.13.rob-_n.参考答案R-Keys:1.really,.reality/realization,realize 2.reasonable,unreasonable 3.

2、relaxation 4.reliable5.religious 6.remaining 7.respection,respectful/respectable 8.representative 9.repetation 10.requirement 11.reservation 12. .responsibility 13.robbery*结束1.safe_n.2.satisfy-_adj_n3.science_(人) _(反形)6.sense-_adj7.separate-_n.8.serve-_n._(人)9.sil

3、ent-_n._(人) 12.specal-_n13.spirit-_adj 14. starve-_n15.strong-_n_v16.succeed-_n -_adj17.suggest-_n 18.suitable-_ v-_n19.survive-_n20.surround-_adj参考答案S- 2.satisfied,satisfaction 3.scientist,scientific,scientifically 5.selfish, selfishness,uns

4、elfish 6.sensible7.separation 8.service,servant 9.silence,silently 10.sleepy11.society,socialism,socialist 12.specalist,specially 13.spiritual14.starvation 15.strength;strengthen 16.success;successful17. suggestion 18. suit; suit 19.survival 20.surrounding*结束1.taste-_adj 2.terrible-_adv3.thirst-_adj

5、4.traditiona-_adj5.translate_n-_(人)6.treat-_n7.true-_adv-_n参考答案T-Keys: 1.tasty 2. terribly 3. thirsty 4.tradittional 5.translation,translator 6.treatment 7.truly,truth*结束unconscious-_(反形)_(反名)参考答案U-Keys: 1.conscious, consciousness V.Keys: 1. valuable 2. variety, various*结束value-_adjvary-_n_adj*结束W1.

6、 warm-_n 2.weak-_n_(adv)3.wealth-_adj 4.week-_adj5.wind-_adj 6.wise-_n参考答案参考答案W.-Keys: 1.warmth 2.weakness,weakly 3. wealthy 4. weekly 5. windy 6.wisdom *结束1.young-_n参考答案1.youth*结束*结束 Some people who find themselves unable to solve a problem react by just giving up . But it is not good to escape fro

7、m problems by giving up or by making excuses for failures. You may be sure that all young people go through the same difficult process that you are going through: meeting new situations, developing new skills, and testing their abilities.If you are unhappy about something, face it. Try to state the

8、problem in a few words, so that you will know exactly what you are up against. Then see if you can put your finger on the cause of your unhappiness.In many cases, we only “think” there is no solution to a particular problem. But often we can overcome the problem and achieve the goal by making a dire

9、ct attack. For example, a boy wanted to be a debater. When he tried out for the debating team as a freshman , the coach thought he was hopeless .He was shy ; he had a high-pitched (音调) voice ; and his posture (体态) was poor . Although he was given little hope of success, he took advantage of very opp

10、ortunity to debate. He studied successful speakers and sized up his own weaknesses and assets. Then he spent many hours learning all the facts on the topics for debate, and worked a developing good posture and at speaking clearly. By his junior year, he made the school debating team, and in his seni

11、or year he was on the winning team in his state. He achieved his goal because he had made a direct attack upon his problem.Although direct attack is often the best way to meet problems, we have to be realistic in judging situations. Sometimes it is necessary to change either the tactics (策略) or the

12、goal .A boy who wants to be a great football player may be too light and not quite fast enough for football. In this situation, becoming a great football player may be an unreasonable goal for him. However, he may become outstanding in tennis or golf, and satisfy his desire to take part in sports.A

13、girl who had plain features may decide that she cannot win popularity with her face, and so she may try to develop an interesting personality, which eventually will get her much further. In this situation, she must change her method of achieving her goal.So, although direct attack is often the best

14、way to handle problems, it is important to study the situation and make a wise decision about what to do.68The underlined phrase in the second paragraph probably means .Apoint outBlook intoCpress downDgive up69What does the author mean by taking example from the boy who wanted to be a debater?AWe ca

15、n escape from problems by making excuses for failures.BWe can overcome the problem and achieve the goal by making a direct attack.CIt is necessary to change our method of achieving our goal.DIt is important to be realistic in judging situations.70Which of the following can be the main idea of the te

16、xt?ASome people who find themselves unable to solve a problem react by just giving up. BIf you are unhappy about something, face it, and try to state the problem in a few words.CAll young people go through the same difficult process that you are going through.DAlthough direct attack is often the bes

17、t way to handle problems, it is important to study the situation and make a wise decision about what to do.71The writer expresses his arguments by .Areasoning and giving examplesBintroducing and making comparisonsCexplaining and giving figuresDdescribing and making comments*结束 My bookshelves are ful

18、l of dust and with good reason. When it comes to cleaning that part of my home, I suffer from the most serious case of avoidance (回避反应症).The thing is this: when I do set out to clean and re-organize my books, which seldom happens, I place myself into a really bad situation. No sooner do I take a tit

19、le from the shelf, blow off the dust, and wipe down the cover than I find myself sitting on the floor with legs crossed and my back against the wall. Pretty soon books get piled up on my legs as I am reunited with old friends.It is as if these books have voices, and each wants to say its piece. “Rem

20、ember me? I was given to you when you went into the Navy, so that you would never lack for companionship,” one whispers. Another says, “I was your first book of poems, given to you before you learned to love poetry.” And a third, “I was the book that made history so attractive to you.” Perhaps the g

21、reatest pleasure of re-organizing my books are the surprises or better said, reunions that occur. During my latest book-cleaning adventure, I found one that had fallen behind the shelf: “Tales of Edgar Allan Poe.” Not an unusual title, but the words written on the first page made it very special: “W

22、ith Love from Mom and Dad, Christmas 1965.” Whats this? A book on the physics of lasers(激光). It is filled with mathematical statements, and I had bought it at a library sale when I was 12, not long after the laser had been invented. I couldnt understand a bit of it, but I did learn what “laser” mean

23、t.What I end up with when I empty my bookshelves is a cross-section (横剖面) of my personal history. Its like a road cut where one sees all the layers of rock going back through time to the beginning of the simplest life forms. The books Ive read and kept are not just old friends. They are my rsum.72Wh

24、at can be inferred about the author? AHe is too busy to tidy up his bookshelves. B He considers his books treasured possessions. CHe has made a lot of notes in his books. D He is a lover of science books. 73By saying that his books have voices, the author means .Athey bring back happy memoriesBthey

25、are recorded in human voiceCthey say a lot about human historyDthey offer good topics for discussion74What does the author enjoy most from re-organizing his books? AFinding some missing books. BPutting books in good order. CLearning something new from the books. 来源:学科网DRediscovering interesting stor

26、ies behind some books. 75By sharing his own experience, the author wants to express that .Athe course of cleaning his bookshelves is like going back to his history Bhe has suffered from the most serious case of avoidance Cthe re-organizing of his books is a surprising adventureDthe books on his book

27、shelves have voices参考答案*结束Passage *My sister and I grew up in a little village in England. Our father was a struggling _36_, but I always knew he was _37_. He never criticized us, but used _38_ to bring out our best. Hed say,” If you pout water on flowers, they flourish. If you dont give them water,

28、 they die. ” I _39_ as a child I said something _40_ about somebody, and my father said, “_41_ time you say something unpleasant about somebody else, its a reflection of you. ” He explained that if I looked for the best _42_ people, I would get the best _43_. From then on Ive always tried to _44_ th

29、e principle in my life and later in running my company. Dads also always been very _45_. At 15, I started a magazine. It was _46_ a great deal of my time, and the headmaster of my school gave me a _47_: stayin school or leave to work on my magazine. I decided to leave, and Dad tried to sway me from

30、my decision, _48_ any good father would. When he realized I Had made up my mind, he said, “Richard, when I was 23, my dad _49_ me to go into law. And Ive _50_ regretted it. I wanted to be a biologist, _51_ I didnt pursue my _52_. You know what you want.Go fulfill it. ” As _53_ turned out, my little

31、publication went on to become Student, a national _54_ for young people in the U. K. My wife and I have two children, and I d like to think we are bringing them up in the same way Dad _55_ me.36. A. biologistB. manager C. lawyerD. gardener37. A. strict B.honest C.special D.learned38. A. praise B.cou

32、rage C. power D. warmth 39. A. think B. imagine C. remember D. guess 40. A. unnecessary B. unkind C. unimportant D. unusual 41. A. Another B.Some C. Any D. Other 42. A. on B. in C. at D. about 43. A. in case B. by turns C. by chance D. in return 44. A. revise B. set C. review D. follow 45. A. unders

33、tanding B. experienced C.serious D. demanding 46. A. taking up B. making up C. picking up D. keeping up 47. A. suggestion B.decision C. notice D. choice 48. A. and C. even if D. as if 49. A. helped B.allowed C. persuaded D. suggested 50. A. always B.never C. seldom D. almost 51. A. rather B.but

34、 C.for D. therefore 52. A. promise B.task C. belief D. dream 53. A. this B.he C. it D. that 54. A. newspaper B. magazine C. program D. project 55. A. controlled B. comforted C. reminded D. raised答案 36.C 37.C 38.A 39.C 40.B 41.C 42.B 43.D 44.D 45.A 46.A 47.D 48.B 49.C 50.A 51.B 52.D 53.C 54.B 55.D*结束

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