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2013届高三英语二轮复习课件:第3章 阅读理解.ppt

1、第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)2011年高考早已落下帷幕,综观全国18套高考卷,不难看出2011年阅读理解的命题完全符合考试大纲的要求,体现了突出语篇,强调应用,体裁和题材丰富多样,凸显能力考查等特点。同时,阅读理解也是高考试题中难度最大、区分度最高的题型。考查了考生整体把握语篇和准确理解特定细节的能力。2011年高考阅读理解题呈现以下特点:第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)一、题材丰富,语篇真实;体裁多样,搭配合理2011年高考阅读理解题目选

2、材真实,题材多样,涉及了较多的话题,包括生活、文化、时事、科技、人物、环保、动物、校园、艺术、营销、广告、健康等。体裁包括记叙文、说明文、议论文、应用文等,而且每组阅读试题中的体裁搭配合理,避免了体裁的单一。研究2010年全国及各地试题可知,阅读理解的体裁以说明文居多,其次是记叙文和应用文。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)二、词汇要求高,活用词比比皆是高考阅读理解对运用英语词汇能力的要求有所提高,凡是能利用构词法知识判断出词性和词义的都不作为生词处理,不再给出汉语注释,纯超纲词汇也屡有出现;一词多义,熟词生义现象更是使用频繁;活用词比比皆是。考生在平时应多积累词汇,阅读时

3、才能不断克服词义理解的困难。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)三、语篇结构较为复杂,长难句较多高考阅读材料基本保留了其原有的语言风格,短文的语篇结构都有一定难度。作者在阐述问题时都使用了多种语篇手段和修辞方法,文章的展开不全是平铺直叙,而是兼有倒叙、插叙等多种方式;一词多义,多种时态的混用,简单句、复合句、虚拟语气,结构复杂的长句、倒装句、省略句以及插入语等语言现象也随处可见。行文的跳跃程度也比较大,陈述次序富于变化,隐含信息较多,再加上阅读材料的文化含量加大,文章的遣词造句趋于地道,因此,许多文段读起来感到“生涩”,常常要反复阅读几次才能读懂。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二

4、轮专题复习 英语(通用版)四、题型分布合理,加大了对整体理解、根据、推理和判断能力的考查命题既重视对表层意义的理解,又重视对深层含义的考查,深层考查题主要是通过寻找文章段落的主题句,结合文字脉络来归纳文章的中心话题、确定文章标题、推断作者意图或态度等。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)高考解题视角如下:一、提高词汇复习质量,夯实阅读基础阅读水平的高低取决于阅读基础的强弱,其中词汇量的大小是非常重要的阅读基础。因而,考生平时一定要注意积累词汇,注重培养自己的词汇处理能力以及根据构词法判断派生词及合成词的词义和词类的能力;培养根据上下文处理一词多义、熟词生义等语言现象的能力;留

5、意一些与阅读理解密切联系的词汇及其功能,如:替代词、街接词、语法连接词、逻辑连接词的功能。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)二、“精”“泛”结合,相互补充精读时,要弄清每个词、每句话的确切含义,仔细分析文章中的种种语言现象。其语言点、句子结构、词语用法搭配等要熟读甚至能够背诵。同时,也要求考生能从整体上把握文章,看作者是如何组织材料、谋篇布局的。此外,精读应选择高质量的阅读训练材料,熟读乃至背诵,通过阅读提高阅读能力,通过阅读记忆词汇,通过阅读理解语法,通过阅读学习写作。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)考生还应坚持每天泛读12篇文章,一可扩大知识面,提

6、高理解力;二可通过日积月累的泛读增加文化背景知识储备,同时培养英语语感。泛读应注意不同内容、题材、体裁的搭配,尤其应多涉猎交际功能强、使用性强的应用文和说明文,最好能每天阅读一定数量的最新英语报刊或网络上的文章,以积累和丰富语言经验。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)三、培养快速阅读的能力近几年的高考阅读理解题篇幅加长,不断加大对阅读速度的考查力度,不少考生存在阅读速度慢、快速处理信息的能力差等问题。对此,考生应从两个方面着手提高阅读速度:1.矫正不良阅读习惯。如声音化、伴随动作、画线法、翻译法、用手指字、复读等。阅读时应做到把注意力放在语言意义上,把领会作者要表达的主要意

7、思作为第一目的,加大“目光跨度”,以“意群”为阅读单位,养成意群阅读的习惯;要学会动作略读、扫读、跳读等技巧快速阅读,搜寻关键词、主题句,捕捉时空、顺序、情节、人物、地点,理清文章脉络,把握语篇实质。2.有针对性地进行限时阅读训练。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)四、培养大量阅读和长时间阅读的信心和毅力很多考生习惯于58分钟的单篇阅读理解,而当面对总词数达2000多、历时35分钟的高考英语阅读理解时,常会烦躁不安、无信心和缺乏毅力。因此,平时必须限时阅读与高考难度及长度相当的阅读材料,以适应高考阅读理解的测试形式。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)高考

8、答题策略如下:一、快速读题,正确理解题干,定位关键词,带着问题读文章通过快速读题,确定题干中的关键词,即能够反映题干的中心信息或能体现题干最大特征的词,如时间、数字、专有名词、实义名词、抽象名词、典型的形容词和副词以及中心动词等。把握题干中的关键词有助于有的放矢地阅读及确定正确答案。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)二、运用正确的阅读策略,变速阅读文章,学会处理文中冗余信息在把握文章的中心时运用略读法(skimming),即仔细读文章的首尾段和中间段的首尾句;在寻找文中具体信息时可运用扫读法(scanning)。备考时,考生要学会变速阅读,即阅读时有所读有所不读。要慢读重点

9、句、首尾段,特殊语言现象,含有题干关键词的句子,连续数行并列或同义的句子,作为解释、说明、类比的例子或细节。对于所有题目已定位的剩余部分(不含考题的句段)要快速阅读。广告应用文体中与题目无关的信息可以略读。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)另外,由于阅读量增加,语篇加长,信息量随之增大,必然会出现很多冗余信息。因而,考生在阅读时要学会捕捉和综合利用有效信息,不拘泥于个别与阅读理解题无关的词语、句子或段落。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)三、注意特殊语言现象,在含关键词的句子处做上标记特殊的语言现象指文中表示因果、比较、转折、举例等关系的语言现象。阅读时

10、应留意表示这些关系的标志词,如连接词、副词、代词、介词短语、关系词、插入语等,如:since/because/as/for/with/because of/due to/thanksto/owing to/though/as/while/whereas/but/yet/however/which/and/therefore/so/for example/so that/so.that./onthe one hand.on the other(hand).等。它们在上下文中具有让步、转折、指代、递进、对比、列举、承上启下等作用,正确理解并掌握这些词汇的作用,对做阅读理解题大有好处。第三章 阅读理

11、解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)四、注意正确项和干扰项的特征,回读全文,确定答案正确项的特点有:1.正话反说;2.肯定句变双重否定;3.同义词替换;4.叙述角度转换,意思不变。干扰项的特点是:1.绝对化,选项中出现绝对化的词汇,如only,all,any,every,absolute,always,never等时应格外小心;2.偷换概念,如扩大或缩小范围,要特别关注名词前有无限定词;3.片面化,以偏概全,以细节代主题等;4.换段现象,如某题考第二段内容,但把别的段落的信息放在选项中;5.无中生有,如加上最高级、唯一性、虚假比较、无关话题等。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(

12、通用版)五、利用排除法或题目间的内在逻辑关系来判断题目答案有些题目不能从某句中直接找到答案,而是涉及全文的多个句子或段落,这时可使用排除法。有些题目尤其是主旨题,如果利用排除法也难以解决,则可利用题目之间的内容逻辑关系,即通过题目之间的关系来考虑。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)六、合理猜测,推敲生词考生在阅读文章时,常常会遇到一些生词。这时,要沉着冷静,细心思考。有些生词可从构词法角度分析判断词义,比如unforeseeable一词,其中词根为see,fore的含义是“早先,预先”,un为前缀,是“不”的意思,able是形容词后缀,由此可以推知,此词词义为“未能预见的”

13、。多数生词可根据上下文来推测其词义。首先要把整段、整篇文章看完,通过对全篇短文的理解,就很有可能猜测出生词的词义。另外,还可以根据含有生词句子的前后句来猜测其真正含义。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)典例1(2010浙江卷,E)I needed to buy a digital camera,one that was simplygood at taking good snaps(快照),maybe occasionally formagazines.Being the cautious type,I fancied a reliablebrand.So I went o

14、n the net,spent 15 minutes readingproduct reviews on good websites,wrote down the names ofthree top recommendations and headed for my nearest bigfriendly camera store.There in the cupboard was one of thecameras on my list.And it was on special offer.Oh joy.Ipointed at it and asked an assistant,“Can

15、I have one ofthose?”He looked perturbed(不安).第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)“Do you want to try it first?”he said.It didnt quitesound like a question.“Do I need to?”I replied.“Theres nothing wrong with it?”This made him look abit insulted and I started to feel bad.“No,no.But youshould try it,”he said enc

16、ouragingly.“Compare it withthe others.”第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)I looked across at the others:shelves of similarcameras placed along the wall,offering a wide range ofslightly different prices and discounts,with each companyselling a range of models based around the same basic box.With so many mode

17、ls to choose from,it seemed that Iwould have to spend hours weighing X against Y,alwaystrying to take Z and possibly H into account at the sametime.第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)But when I had finished,I would still have only thesame two certainties that I had entered the store with:first,soon after I

18、carried my new camera out of the shop,itwould be worth half what I paid for it;_and second,mywonderful camera would very quickly be replaced by a newmodel.第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)But something in the human soul whispers that youcan beat these traps by making the right choice,the cleverchoice,the

19、wise choice.In the end,I agreed to try the modelI had chosen.The assistant seemed a sincere man.So I lethim take out my chosen camera from the cupboard,showhow it took excellent pictures of my fellow shoppers.andwhen he started to introduce the special features,Iinterrupted to ask whether I needed t

20、o buy a carrycaseand a memory card as well.第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)Why do we think that new options(选择)still offer usanythingnew?Perhapsitisbecausetheyofferanopportunity to avoid facing the fact that our real choices inthis culture are far more limited than we would like toimagine.本篇通过作者购买相机的一次经历

21、,告诉我们买产品时没有必要做太多的选择。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)1The shop assistant insisted that the writer should_.Atry the camera to see if there was anything wrongwith itBcompare the camera he had chosen with the othersCget more information about different companiesDtrust him and stop asking questions第三章 阅读理解 走向

22、高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)答案:B。事实细节题。由第一段售货员所说的话“Do you want totry it first?”;“No,no.But youshould try it”;“Compare it with the others.”可知售货员坚持让作者将所选的相机与其他相机作比较,故选B项。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)2What does the writer mean by“it would be worthhalf what I paid for it”(Paragraph 2)?AHe should get a 50%discount.BTh

23、e price of the camera was unreasonably high.CThe quality of the camera was not good.DThe camera would soon fall in value.第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)答案:D。推理判断题。画线部分所在句的后半句“.my wonderful camera would very quickly be replacedby a new model.”提到我的照相机将很快被一个新的型号代替,这样的话老产品就容易降价,故选D项。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通

24、用版)3The writer decided to try the model he had chosenbecause he _.Aknew very little about itBdidnt trust the shop assistantCwanted to make sure the one he chose would be thebestDhad a special interest in taking pictures of hisfellow shoppers第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)答 案:C。事 实 细 节 题。由 第 三 段 第 一 句“Bu

25、tsomething in the human soul making theright choice,the clever choice,the wise choice.”可知作者想试他所选择的模型是因为确定自己做出了正确的选择,故选C项。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)4It can be inferred from the passage that in thewriters opinion,_.Apeople waste too much money on camerasBcameras have become an important p

26、art of ourdaily lifeCwe dont actually need so many choices whenbuying a productDfamous companies care more about profit thanquality第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)答案:C。推理判断题。由第一段作者所说的话“DoI need to”以及最后一段的内容及语气,如“it is becausethey offer an opportunity to.than we would like toimagine”可知在比较完之后,作者没说过一句自己认为值得

27、比较的话,可推出作者认为当我们买产品时没有必要做太多的选择。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)典例2(2010重庆卷,A)One morning more than thirty years ago,I entered theTrack Kitchen,a restaurant where everyone from thehumblest(卑微的)to the most powerful came for breakfast.I noticed an empty chair next to an elderly,unshaven man,who looked somewh

28、at disheveled.He was wearing a wornout hat and was alone.I asked if I might join him.Heagreed quietly and I sat down to have my breakfast.第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)We cautiously began a conversation and spoke about awide range of things.We never introduced ourselves.I wasconcerned that he might hav

29、e no money and not be able toafford something to eat.So as I rose to go back to thecounter and buy a second cup of coffee,I asked,“May I get you something?”“A coffee would be nice.”第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)Then I bought him a cup of coffee.We talked more,and he accepted another cup of coffee.Final

30、ly,I rose toleave,wished him well,and headed for the exit.At the doorI met one of my friends.He asked.“How did you get to know Mr.Galbreath?”“Who?”“The man you were sitting with.He is chairman ofthe Board of Churchill Downs.”I could hardly believe it.I was buying,offering a freebreakfast,and feeling

31、 pity for one of the worlds richest andmost powerful men!第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)My few minutes with Mr.Galbreath changed my life.Now I try to treat everyone with respect,no matter who Ithink they are,and to meet another human being withkindness and sincerity.本文是一篇议论文。文章通过“我”和世界上最富有、最有影响力的人物Mr.Ga

32、lbreath在Track Kitchen餐馆的不期而遇,以及我误认为他是非常贫穷而为他支付咖啡钱的故事,告知我们:不要以貌取人。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)1What does the underlined word“disheveled”mean?AUnfriendly.BUntidy.CGently.DKind.答案:B。猜测词义题。由文章第一段信息句“Inoticed an empty chair next to an elderly,unshavenman(我注意到空桌旁坐的那位年龄较大且满脸胡须的人)”和“He was wearing a wornout

33、hat(他戴着一顶破旧的帽子)”可知,这人外表看起来显得有点不整洁(untidy)。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)2The author bought coffee for the old man because_.Ahe thought the old man was poorBhe wanted to start a conversationChe intended to show his politenessDhe would like to thank the old man答案:A。事实细节题。由第二段信息句“I wasconcerned that he mi

34、ght have no money and not be able toafford something to eat(我担心他可能没钱买吃的)”可以得知,作者为那位老人支付咖啡钱的原因就是他认为那位老人可能很穷。故选A。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)3How did the author probably feel after he talkedwith his friend?AProud.BPitiful.CSurprised.DRegretful.第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)答案:C。推理判断题。文章前三段主要讲述“我”和老人的不期而遇以

35、及“我”对老人的直观感觉似乎穷困,衣冠不整;而“我”令人啼笑皆非的是:当“我”朋友问我是如何认识这位世界最富有、最有影响力的人物Mr.Galbreath时,“我”简直无法相信自己的耳朵(I couldhardly believe it)。从而判断“我”不是感到骄傲(proud)、可怜(pitiful)和遗憾(regretful),而是感到非常惊讶。故选C。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)4What is the message mainly expressed in the story?AWe should learn to be generous.BIt is hono

36、rable to help those in need.CPeople in high positions are not like what weexpect.D Weshouldavoidjudgingpeoplebytheirappearances.第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)答案:D。主旨大意题。纵观全文,特别是最后一段Now I try to treat everyone with respect,no matter who Ithink they are,and to meet another human being withkindness and si

37、ncerity可以推测,我们判断一个人不能只看外表,即:不要以貌取人。故选D。我们应该学会慷慨(A);帮助需要帮助的人是一种荣幸(B);职位高的人与我们所想象的不一样(C),文章根本没有涉及。故排除A、B和C。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)典例3(2010安徽卷,B)Have you ever wondered?1.Why do airplanes take longer to fly west than east?It can take five hours to go westeast from New York(NY)to London but seven hou

38、rs to travel eastwest from London to NY.The reason for the difference is an atmos-pheric phenomenon known as the jet(喷射)stream.The jet stream is a very high altitude wind which always blows from the west to the east across the Atlantic.The planes moving at a constant air speed thus go faster in the

39、westeast direction when they are moving with the wind than in the opposite direction.第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)2.What would happen if the gravity on Earth wassuddenly turned off?,Supposing we could magically turnoff gravity.Would buildings and other structures(建筑物)float away?What happened would dep

40、end on howstrongly the things were attached to the Earth.The Earth ismoving at quite a speed,moving at over a thousand milesper hour.If you turn something around your head on astring(细绳),it goes around in a circle until you let go ofthe string.第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)Then it flies off in a straig

41、ht line.Switching offgravity would be like letting go of the string.Things notattached to the Earth would fly off in a straight line.Peoplein buildings would suddenly shoot upwards at a great speeduntil they hit the ceiling.Most things outside would fly offinto space.本文是一篇科普文,作者向我们解释了两种自然现象:1.飞机向西飞行

42、比向东飞行时间长的原因;2.如果地球引力突然消失将会出现的结果。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)1What information can we get from the first passage?AIt is the jet stream that affects how fast airplanesfly.BPlanes go slower when they are moving with thewind.CIt takes more time to fly from NY to London thanfrom London to NY.DThe jet stre

43、am always blows from the east to thewest across the Atlantic.第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)答案:A。推理判断题。由第一段最后两句可知喷射气流穿过大西洋时总是从西吹向东,因此飞机顺风飞行比逆风飞行速度快,故推出喷射气流影响飞行速度,故选A。B和第一段最后一句矛盾,句中的slower应该写成faster;C和第一段第一句意思相反,句中的more应该是less;D中的from the east to the west应该是from the west to the east,故排除。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题

44、复习 英语(通用版)2The word“shoot”underlined in the 2nd passageprobably means“_”Asend forBmove quicklyCcome outDgrow quickly答案:B。猜测词义题。由本词后的upwards at agreat speed可知shoot在此的意思应是“move quickly(快速移动)”。send for“派人去请”;come out“出来”;growquickly“快速生长”。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)3It can be inferred that without grav

45、ity _.Abuildings and other structures would float awayBtrees and buildings would not so easily fly offCsomething around your head would not float awayDeverything outside buildings would fly off intospace答案:B。推理判断题。由第二段第三句可知地球引力消失对物体的影响大小取决于物体本身对地球的依附强度。所以可推出B(树和建筑物不会容易地飘走)。而A、C和D太绝对,故排除。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)4Where can we most probably read this text?AIn a research paper.BIn a short story.CIn a travel magazine.DIn a students book.答案:D。推理判断题。由常识可知,本文是一篇科普文,介绍了一些科学知识,所以D(学生课本)比较合适。而A中的research paper意为“研究论文”;B中的a shortstory意为“短篇故事”;C中的travel magazine意为“旅游杂志”。第三章 阅读理解 走向高考二轮专题复习 英语(通用版)
