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1、2007高三英语冲刺单项选择精选1000题及答案从 A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案:1. Jack?- _.A. Present, Sir. B. I am, Sir C. Here, Sir D. Yes, Sir.2. -What are you busy with ?- We are carrying out a research _ the causes of cancer.A. into B. onto C. to D. in3. -_ the paper ?- No, I have still got one page to finish.A. Hav

2、e you done B. Do you do C. Did you do D. Had you done4. _ in all parts of the state, pines are the most common trees in Georgia .A. Found B. Finding them C. To find them D. They are found5. They _ the game.A. are disappointed at losing B. disappointC. are disappointing D. are disappointed6. Will it

3、rain tomorrow?- No. I dont doubt _.A. whether it will rain B. that it will rain C. whether it rains D. that it rains7. Jasper is a great painter. He is _ Picasso.A. as a great as B. as great painter as C. as great a painter as D. so great a painter as8. The great use of the school education is not s

4、o much to teach you things _ to teach the art of learning.A. rather than B. than C. nor D. as9. Travelling from England to Scotland you _.A. neednt a passport B. dont need to have a passportC. neednt to take a passport D. dont need take a passport10. The radio doesnt work well; it needs_.A. fixing B

5、. being fixed C. to fix D. fixed11. I was trying to repair that stupid machine, but I failed.- Well, you_. A. neednt do that B. neednt have done C. neednt have D. neednt12. The children had _basketball.A. a great fun playing B. great fun playingC. great fun to play D. a great funny playing13. _it is

6、 to jump into the water in hot summer!A. What fun B. How funny C. What a fun D. How fun14. He has done a job which is _as the one I have done.A. as well B. as good C. as better D. so best15. The news finally came, which _them all!A. disappoints B. disappointing C. disappointed D. disappointAAAAA BCD

7、BA CBABC16. - _ the letter on your way to office.-O K. I _.A. Dont forget posting; will B. Do remember to post; willC. Do forget to post; do D. Do remember posting; do17. He has collected _ six hundred dollars.A. as many as B. so many as C. so much as D. as much as18. The Whites are leading a very h

8、appy life; the farm is big enough for them to _.A. live on B. live C. live in D. live with19. He took a second driving test and finally _.A. succeeded in passing it B. succeeded in itC. succeeded to through D. succeeded to pass it.20. They have got _ so far.A. as many equipment as we do B. as much e

9、quipment as we areC. as many equipments as we have D. as much equipment as we have21. After graduation in 1997, he took _degree in Florida .A. another B. the pother C. other D. others22. There we found one lion lying near the river, and _under a tree.A. one B. the one C. the other D. another tiger23

10、. I know nothing about him except that he works in _company.A. certain B. some C. one D. an24. One the last day he _.A. decided a big decision B. decided greatlyC. made a decision D. had made a decision25. He picked up an envelope _50 dollars in it.A. containing B. contained C. which contains D. whi

11、ch was contained26. Tom received an invitation from Carrol but he _.A. refused to go to the party B. refused herC. refused her to the party D. refusing to go27. They treated her very well _one of the family members.A. like B. as C. as if D. seems28. After he won all the money they treated him _a kin

12、g.A. like B. as C. as if D. seemed29. Is this the piano _ your familoy for over eighty years?A. belonged to B. belongs to C. belonged D. belonging to30. _they have been working hard to find?A. Is that what B. Is that C. It is that D. Is it thatBDAAD AABCA ABADA31. The key you have just got _ the fro

13、nt door.A. is used to opening B. is used to be openedC. is used to being opened D. is used to open32. There is a saying which _like this: “ Still waters run _.”A. goes; deeply B. comes; deep C. goes; deep D.comes; deeply33. The animal of this kind is _; wed better _.A. dangerous; keep away B. is dan

14、ger; keep away from itC. dangerous; keep away from it D. in danger; keep away34. Driving the halfway I _ my car was out of gas.A. noticed B. find C. found out D. saw35. The policemen are searching for the _car on the highway.A. damaging B. damaged C. destroying D. destroy36. In the last ten years sh

15、e _ like this; she is killing her health.A. works b. has been working C. worked D. is working37. She did not take the advice that she _ at rush hour, so she got lost.A. not travel B. did not go C. should travel D. goes shopping38. Have they found out the _ of the fire?- Yes. It was a cigarette end t

16、hat _ the fire.A. cause; started B. reason; causedC. causing; caused D. reason; cause39. Do you know _?- Someone wants to find his dog back.A. what the notice says B. what the notice writesC. what is the notice written D. what does the notice say40. You seem to have made another decision.-You are ri

17、ght. I am considering _. California , you know, is my first choice.A. to move out B. getting out of here C. to move my house D. moving family41. She wont come over for a visit unless_.A. being invited B. invited C. inviting D. was invited42. Does it matter if I give it up this time?- It _if you do.

18、You wont have _chance.A. does; the other B. does ; secondC. does matter; another D. does matter; the other43. They have made medicine from a new plant _a cure for fever.A. used it as B. using as C. and used as D. used as44. _the house was started before she went to Africa and now it is still under c

19、onstruction.A. Working B. Working at C. Working on D. Work on45. The new law has come into _; surely it will have _on industry of the country.A. affect; an effect B. effect; affect C. effect; an effect D. an effect; an effectDCCAB BAAAB BCDDC46. As we know, the coming of radio in this century made o

20、cean sailing much _.A. cheaper B. safer C. easier D. faster47. I hear there will be _ talk on English study tomorrow morning.-Do you mean _ speech our teacher asked us to listen to?A. a; the b. the; a C. the; the D. a; a48. Steve. We will take an examination in physics next week.- Yes, but dont work

21、 too hard. _.A. It doesnt matter B. All the best C. Take it easy D. Try your luck49. Mary told me she would _computer study.-Really? Ill try my best to ask her to _such foolish ideas.A. pick up; give up B. put away; give up C.give up; put away D. give up; pick up50. China daily is popular with stude

22、nts of English because it helps to improve _ English.A. our B. my C. ones D. their51. When the people all over the world are of one heart, _ becomes easy.A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything52. It is thought that a new system _ the place of the old one in that company. But things are ge

23、tting worse and worse.A. must have taken B. will take C. wont take D. had taken53. The young lady spoke so fast that I understood _ of her speech.A. a little B. little C. a bit D. lot54. The largest collection, _in England , was one of about 200 000 silver pennies.A. to be found B. has found C. bein

24、g found D. ever found55. I can see the problem. But I hope to win and _.-Well put. _.A. so do I; So shall I B. so I shall; So shall IC. so I shall; So do I D. so do I; So I do56. Bruce _his leg when he _ in a football match yesterday afternoon.A. broke; played B. has broken; was playingC. broke; was

25、 playing D. was breaking; played57. We were very busy yesterday. Otherwise we _part in the discussion.A. would take B. did take C. had taken D. would have taken58. Look! What are those boys doing _ the table?-Well, they are playing cards.A. on b. around C. under D. beside59. The famous scientist was

26、 going out _ he found himself surrounded by lots of young people.A. when B.before C. while D. after60. A computer cannot remember who_; it simply does what _.A. will use it; it is told B. uses it; it has toldC. used it; it is told D. has used it; it told61. The little girl couldnt work the problem o

27、ut. She wasnt _clever.A. that B. much C. many D. too62. As soon as the manager enterd his office, he began to _the telephone.A.look up B. look upon C. look through D look for63. _for his expert advice, he was able to help a great number of people with their personal affairs.A. Being known B. Having

28、known C. Well known D. Knowing 64. Excuse me, Madame. Is this plane _take off soon?-Oh, yes. In five minutes.A. about to B. starting to C. beginning to D. to65. So far the young man hasnt had any success; _ he will keep trying.A. whenever B. no matter C. wherever D. howeverBACCD DABDC CDBAC ADCAD66.

29、 Can I _, sir?-Yes, please. Two dinks.A. order you B. have your order C. obey your order D. order67. Against _advice from his friends, he insisted _alone at the rush hour.A. a; on traveling B. the; to travel C. the; on traveling D. at; to travel68. The man insisted that he _ nothing wrong and that h

30、e _ free.A. had done; be set B. did; was C. had done; would be D. did; would be69. The telephone lines were brought down by the _ trees and branches.A. fall B. fallen C. fell D. falling70. Dont touch the _ wire. Its dangerous.A. alive B. lives C. lived D. live71. They live on their small farm _ the

31、family with corn.A. providing to B. provided C. providing D. provided to72. Its hard for us to make a choice, which means we have not decided _.A. to take a step B. to take which step C. which step to take D. to take what73. Its getting dark, Tim. Mum must be expecting me home.-Dont worry. Ill _ in

32、my car.A. send you home B. send you to homeC. take you home D. drive you to home74. Standing on top of the mountain, we watched the sun _ the horizon.A. sink below B. sinking under C.sinking below D. sink under75. Leaves flying in the air, it _ the old good days I spent in the mountain village.A. su

33、ggests B. suggest me C. thinks D. thinks of76. Though his salary is _ , he always _ money, in debt.A. good; lends B. fine; borrows C. fine; lends D. good; borrows77. When I suggested that someone in the village _ his wine, he didnt believe.A. must have drunk B. should drink C. have drunk D. has drun

34、k78. I dont know if he _ us; if he _, Ill let you know.A. will come and help; comes B. comes and helps; will comeC. will come and help; will come D. comes and helps; comes79. At the meeting he gave us some suggestions, one of which was that we_ someone to check the information.A. sent B send C. woul

35、d send D. should have sent80. Of the Kars boys, Robert is the richest; in other words, Andrew and Krist are _.A. less rich B. less richer than he C. more poor D. not richer as he is.81. Seeing this, the boss _ and he_ Tod to serve the customer this and that.A. got excited; got B. got exciting; made

36、C. excited; had D. exciting; force82. - _is that used for?-_ the floor.A. Why; To cleaning B. What; Cleaning C. Why; To clean D. What; clean83. Dont you think it a very nice motorbike?-Yes, but would you please _ it on my lawn?A. not to park B. not parking C. not park D. to not park84. After a long

37、time for many years, he is now _.A. sickness for his home B. sicking for his homeC. illness for his home D. sick for his home85. Where do these books _?-Put them back _they were.A. go; where B. lay; where C. lie; in which D. lie; whichBCADD CCCCA DAABA ABCDA86. Lets go skating, shall we?-Thats not a

38、 good idea; the ice is too thin _ your weight.A. to bear B. bearing C. bore D. born87. Have you _?-Yes. Let me take you to a place to celebrate.A. paid B. got paid C. got paying D. pay88. Its right of you to do that; you know, it _one to be honest.A. gives B. takes C. pays D. offers89. I am bad _nam

39、es.A. in B. in remembering C. to remember D. at remembering90. He finished his school in 1992; he was _that year.A. fifteen years of age B. at the age of fifteenC. fifiteen years age D. fifteen old91. What are doing over there?- I am eating my meal. Would you come_?A. to join B. and join me C. joini

40、ng D. to take part in92. The vase rolled over the table, fell onto the floor and _.A. was broken b. broke C. breaking D. broken93. They traveled _, all the way up to Wisconsin .A. the north B. in the north C. north D. the south94. The old man came, _a big dog.A. followed B. following by C. and follo

41、wing D. followed by95. Finally they managed to find a path _.A. to follow B. following C. to go D. going96. _ surprise you have brought us!A. What a B. What C. How a D. How97. Are you married?-No, still_.A. one B. single C. separate D. myself.98. _ several years he has been working like this.A. In B

42、. After C. For D. Since99. _ the windows _ the pictures of different styles.A. Among; hang B. Between; hanged C. Among; hanging D. Between; hang100. She sat there without her shoes on, _.A. watching B. watched C. looking D. looked101. How much do you _ mending a pair of shoes?- $ 15.A. ask B. spend

43、for C. charge for D. pay102. The swimming pool is 80 meters _ and 40 meters _.A. in long; in wide B. in length; in width C. long; in width length; wide103. These plants _ lack of water.- You should have watered them.A. died for B. dead for C. was killed D. died104. _ he stayed in England , he v

44、isited some of his friends.A. When B. During C. For D. In105. You two follow me; the rest _ where you are.A. stays B. lay C. stay D. stayedABCDA BBCDA ABCDA CBAAC106. Dear Jenny, thank you for your letter which _ on April 1st.A. arrived B. arrived at C. arriving D. arrived me107. _, they delivered t

45、he message as quickly as they could.A. Arriving at B. On arriving C. When arriving D. Arrived108. I do believe that _ swim across the river, but, in that situation, I _ do that.A. am able; couldnt B. could; was able toC. was quite able to; couldnt D. couldnt was able to109. He has got a very nice bi

46、ke which has a basket _ and a seat _.A. in front; at the back B. at front; at the backC. in front; in back D. at the front; at the back110. Where the hell are you guys _?-Sports ground! A. heading for B. heading C. heading to D. head for111. When _ America and Britain , this famous writer said that

47、the same language _ the two people.A. talking of; separates B. talked of; separatedC. talking; separates D. talks; separates112. Jane is a smart girl in the class who is prettier than _.A. any other girls B. any other girl C. any girls D. any others113. The driver as well as _ passengers _ injured.A

48、. other seven; got B. other seven; hasC. seven other; got D. seven other; has114. The English Channel , _ England from France , is wide enough for her to swim across.A. separated B. separates C. is separates D. separating115. What makes her so upset?- _.A. Losing her bike B. because of her bikeC. Lo

49、st her bike D. Because she lost her bike116. Finally they arrived at a place_ sold cigarettes and other small articles.A. where B. which C. in which D. what117. She tried _, but failed; now she could do nothing but wait till her husband came.A. to search the pockets her key B. searching her keys for

50、 her pocketsC. searching the pockets for her keys D. to search her keys for the pockets118. She _ another match and in the light she made her way without making any noise.A. hit B. beat C. knocked D. struck119. Our trip was_. We did not find anything unusual.A. exciting B. disappointing C. excited D

51、. disappointed120. We tried _ her milk to drink, but she did not get better.A. giving B. to give C. having given D. to have given121. _ himself with great strength, he raised himself.A. Filled B. To fill C. Being filled D. Filling122. They were walking around the town _ a place for the party.A. in s

52、earch of B. to search C.searching D. searched for123. They all say TITANIC is a good movie which is worth _second time.A. seeing the B. seeing a C. to see a D. being seen the124. Who is the man_ here?- Captain Cook.A. in the charge B. under the charge C. in charge D. in charge of125. I remember _ th

53、e key in the box under the bed, but its not there!A. putting B. to put C. put D. being putABCDA ABCDA BCDBA DABCA126. Can you tell me _ to join the army?A. how does a person have to be old B. how old does a person have to beC. how old a person has to be D. how a person has to be127. What did you thi

54、nk of the place?- I didnt care for it at _first, but after _ time I got to like it.A. /; a B. the; a C. a; the D. /; the128. - _.- Thank you. I certainly will.A. Happy birthday to you. B. let me help you with your mathsC. Dont forget to post the letter D. Please remember me to your family.129. Why a

55、sk me to take that early bus?- Because that bus _ the 9:30 train at Boston .A. joins to B. joins up C. unites with D. connects with130. What place is it?-Havent you found out we _back where we _?A. were; had been B. are; were C. were; have been D. are; had been131. The heavy rainfall has caused vege

56、table prices to rise daily _ the last two months.A. by B.since C. for D. with132. I liked this new house, but I hadnt expected it _ so small.A. to be B. be C. of being D. to being133. I dont know the _ income of the family, but I do know it is very small.A. true B. real C. actual D. exactly134. Neit

57、her is that _ . A. your nor is that mine B. yours nor is that me C. yours nor that is mine D. yours nor is that mine135. You are not afraid of snakes, are you?- No, certainly not. Not rats, not flies, and _ ants. A. at best B. at least C. best of all D. least of all136. How does Alma like her new wo

58、rk?- She _ with the hours.A. cant satisfy B. isnt satisfied C. doesnt satisfy D. hasnt satisfied137. How do you like this park?- Its wonderful. I never dreamed of _- such a quiet place in this noisy city.A. having been B. there being C. having to be D. there to be138.Lu Xun said, “ The _ were made b

59、y people.”A. tracks B. ways C. roads D. paths139. Was he preparing for the exam yesterday evening? - Yes, hes _ next month.A. to give B. to take C. making D. done140. You seem to have had that car for years.- Yes. I should sell it _ it still runs. A. after B. during C. until D. while141. Ill be surp

60、rised _ an accident. He drives too fast.A. if Tom doesnt have B. if Tom hasC. unless Tom doesnt have D. unless Tom hasnt142. How about going to the cinema with me tonight?-Ill ask my parents if they _ me go.A. have let B. let C. will let D. are going to let143.For quite a number of pupils, their tea

61、chers advice is more important than _of their parents.A. one B. that C. which D. what144.Jean could be a very pretty girl, but she _to her clothes.A. pays no attention B. was paying no attentionC. paid no attention D. had paid attention145.The great use of the school education is not so much to teac

62、h you things _ to teach the art of learning.A. rather than B. than C. as D. norCADDB CACDD BBDBD ACBAC146.Women are always thought _the weak.A. of as B. of C. as D. of being147.After the party was over, the children were asked to _the fire.A. put up B. put out C. put off D. put away148. What caused

63、the fire?- _. A. Because of a cigarette end B. cigarette end caused C. A cigarette end D. Because a cigarette did149. What a big surprise to see you here! I _ you _ still abroad.A. think; were B. thought; are C. think; are D. thought; were150. I didnt enjoy the play given by those young people.- _.A

64、. Me, either B. Me, too C. I, either D. I, too151. Either you have made a mistake or he has.- I _.A. have B. made C. am D. was152.- _.- Yes. Two minutes earlier, we could have caught the bus.A. Miss B. Missed it C. Missing it D. Having missed it153.The day for the meeting _, they all left the confer

65、ence room.A. was fixed B. fixing C. fixed D. being fixed154.The lady in tight black dress _ the dishes, thinking which was her choice.A. fixed upon B. fixed her eyesC. fixing her eyes upon D. fixed her eyes upon155.He was deep in thought with his eyes_ on the ceiling.A. fixed B. fixing C. fix D. to

66、be fixing156.The young man was lying on the grass with his horse _a tree.A. being tied B. tied to C. tying to D. was tied to157.This time every year we are driving down the country road, which _ us home.A. brings B. gets C. lead D. takes158. How was your holiday?- Very nice, though I _.A. get sunbur

67、n B. look sunburnt C. got sunburning D. look sunburning159._ I got home, the clock struck 12.A. When B. While C. During D. /160.Soon they got to a point where two roads met; they didnt know _.A. which road to go B. what road to goC. which road to take D. what road to take161. Is it true that Jack _?

68、- Exactly. He damaged a very expensive machine.A. got fired B. got a fire C. get fired D. fired162.The car _ and soon it disappeared.A. moved off B. drove off C. drove away D. was moved away163. Lovely day, isnt it ?- Yes, _?A. is it B. isnt it C. it is D. it isnt164.A housewife is busy all day; she

69、 has house to clean, clothes to wash and kids_.A. to take care B. taking care C. to take care of D. taking care of165.Harry is far _ his brother in English.A. over B. good C. well D. beyondABCDA ABCDA BDBAC AABCD166.The weatherman said that it is _ to rain, but not _.A. possible; probable B. probabl

70、e; possibleC. possibly; probable D. probably; possibly167.He has _good knowledge of _English language but not much of English history.A. / ; the B. a; the C. / ; / D. the; the168.They climbed rocks, _rivers and settled in the valley.A. across B. crossing C. crossed D. and crossing169.They were known

71、 as “ aborigines”, _ “the first people of the country”.A. it means B. which mean C. that means D. meaning170.He must be the person who has been late a third time this week, _?A. isnt he B. hasnt he C. mustnt he D. must he171. What have you _ my film?- Ive got _. Ill go and get it this afternoon.A. d

72、one with; it developed B. done; it developedC. done with; developed D. done; it developing172.Jerry read the book you lent me, _?A. mustnt he B. didnt he C. hasnt he D. dont you173. Does this hat _me ?-Well, Im afraid the color is too bright.A. fit B. fit for C. suit D. suitable for174.Last summer I

73、 had _ in the south of France .A. amusing experience B. a amusing experienceC. an amused experience D. an amusing experience175.Badminton is a _ by an Englishman.A. game invented B. play inventedC. match inventing D. match invented176.I could have helped him out, to tell the truth, I _ too busy.A. a

74、m B. was C. have been D. had been177.As we all know, Jack is experienced _ the problem of this kind.A. to work out B. at working C. at working out D. for working out178.The natives could live for thousand years in the desert land _ a foreigner could starve.A. on which B. which C. in that D. where179

75、._ of us knows how many of them have been killed in that accident.A. None B. No one C. Not all D. Not a one180.It will be a long time _- he returns.A. until B. before C. when D. after181.I stood there patiently until he _ his work.A. has finished B. would finish C. had finished D. finishes182.In the

76、 market I found the prices of vegetables were _ high.A. very too B. fairly too C. quite much D. rather too183.The population of the country is 3 million, _ Kooris.A. 1 % of which were made up of B. 1 % of it were KoorisC. and 1 % of which were made up of D. 1 % of them were184.He insisted on staying

77、 _ back home.A. rather than going B. rather than goC. than going D. rather than to go185.When speaking in public, _.A. speech should be understood B. B. speech should be easy to understandC. one should make himself understoodD. one should make listeners understandABCDA ABCDA BCDAB CDAAC186._ from hi

78、s family for over two years, he is now eager to go back home.A. Having been separated B. Being separatedC. Separating D. Having separated187.The boy is not _ he used to be; he looks _.A. what; strong B. what; stronger C. that; strong D. that; stronger188._ lying on the floor, the old man was immedia

79、tely taken to hospital.A. Finding B. Being found C. Found D. Having found189. I have a very bad cold.- Well, have you ever heard of a saying which goes “_ a cold and starve a fever?”A. feeding B. to feed C. fed D. feed190. What are those men nover there?- _ Green Peace.A. A group calling themselves

80、B. A group called byC. Called by D. Calling191.In that country about 80 percent of the population _ farm.A. live on B. lives on C. live by D. lives by192.The animal is _; we must do something to save it.A. dangerous B. a danger C. in danger D. dangerous one193.Not until he got to the factory _that h

81、e had lost his papers.A. he found B. did he find C. had he found D. has he found194. Sir, we have failed to work out this problem. What is exactly the right way?- Look. Only in this way _ , but you boys _ a wrong way.A. you can work it out; take B. you can work out it; takeC. can you work it out; ta

82、ke D. can you work it out; took195. How soon could they cover the distance?- _.A. For two hours B. During the two hoursC. After two hours D. In two hours196.People at weekends go walking and _ in the country, _”bush”.A. camping; called B. camp; calledC. to camp; calling D. camping; calling197.They h

83、ave rich and beautiful forests _ in the south of the country.A. grown B. growing C. planted D. planting198.The meaning of the word is various _ different situation.A. depends on B. depending C. depending on D. depended on199. Will you go with us to the National Park?- Well, it _.A. depending B. depe

84、nds C. depends on D. is depended200._ to an Australian home, you will probably eat outside and cook meat on the open fire.A. Asking B. Being asked C. If asked D. If asking201. Do you know where Mary is?- She has gone away _ the weekend.A. at B. on C. during D. for202._ the office work, he came to th

85、e sitting room and relaxed a while.A. Finishing B. Being finished C. Having finished D. Finished203.Meeting _, managers left the room one by one.A. finishing B. being finished C. having finished D. finished204._ in the Kooris for years, I decided to learn their langyage.A. Being interested B. intere

86、stingC. Having interested D. To be interested205.From the classroom window we saw a huge snake _ the yard.A. crossing B. cross C. across D. having crossedABCDA ACBDD ABCBC DCDAA206. Why not take _ friend with you? Then you can share _ cost of the car.- That sounds like a good idea.A. a; a B. the; th

87、e C. a; the D. the; a207. I am sorry to have shouted at you. I didnt mean to be so rude.- You were very angry. Anyway, _.A. youre welcome B. thats right C. it doesnt matter D. Im sorry about that208. How often do you go to see your parents?- _.A. In no time B. After a while C. In a short time D. Fro

88、m time to time209.They believe that the spirit stays with the body for three days, _someone always stays with the dead person.A. so during this time B. so during whichC. during this time D. so when210.Because it was snowing hard, buses could _ get through, _did taxi appear on the street.A. both; and

89、 B. either; or C. not only; but also D. neither; nor211.No dictionary can _all the English idioms.A. tell B. show C. say D. cover212.As a writer, she succeeded in calling _ to many of the terrible wrongs that existed at that time.A. interest B. attention C. notice D. mind213.He who is proud of his w

90、ealth has rarely _else to be proud of.A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing214. She was in clas on Friday afternoon, but no one has seen her since.-She _ an accident.A. might have B. might have had C. may have D. ought to have had215.The city _ by an army of 600 men was difficult to take

91、.A. defending B. to defend C. having defended D. defended216.Two fifths of the police _ in the school near the town.A. has trained B. have trained C. has been trained D. have been trained217.We would like to go and thank him ourselves, but we _ out his address yet.A. havent found B. hadnt found C. d

92、idnt find D. dont find218.Was it because it snowed last night _ he didnt come?A. why B. that C. when D. then219.The purpose of the research had a more important meaning for them than _.A. ours B. with us C. for ours it had D. it did for us220.Believe it or not, he came _.A. drunk home last night B.

93、home last night drunkC. home drunk last night D. last night home drunk221.Work starts every day at 7 a.m. and goes on until late afternoon _ a break at midday .A. by B. with C. for D. after222.Perhaps this is the only market _ you can get such cheap goods.A. that B. of which C. by which D. where223.

94、We _ at the house as we _ of buying it.A. looked; were thinking B. looked; had thoughtC. were looking; thought D. were looking; were thinking224. Did you enjoy the book?- Yes, it was so interesting that I couldnt _ it.A. get rid of B. break away from C. keep away from D. tear myself away from225._ a

95、ll the inventions have in common is _ they have succeeded.A. What; what B. That; that C. What; that D. That; whatCCDAD DBABD DABDC BDDDC226.One of the orders that we received was that we _ there on time.A. get B. got to C. arrived D. would get227.Thank you very much. Without your help, I _the exams.

96、A. could not pass B. could not have passedC. did not pass D. could not passed228.We have already placed an order _ that company _ the machines.A. for; with B. for ; for C. with; for D. to; with229.He is _ an American as an apple pie.A. so B. the same C. as the D. as230.We all look forward _ your bea

97、utiful country.A. to visiting B. to visit C. to D. visiting231._, I cannot accept your invitation. Hopefully, well get together some time next year.A. To my regret B. To regret C. Regretted D. For my regret232. You should not have said that to her. It hurt her.- I know. I regret _.A. to have done th

98、at B. to do that C. having done that D. I have done that233. Shall I give you a hand?-I can handle it. _.A. Thank you B. Thank you all the same C. it doesnt matter D. Thats all right234. Did you telephone the managers office?-Yes. He _ back by noon .A. was expected B. expected C. is expecting D. is

99、expected235._, he has finished his job ahead of time.A. As is expected B. Which is expectedC. It is expected D. It is as expected236.Id like _ trip to Shanghai . Do you want to go with me?A. to have another B. havingC. taking D. to make another237. I like your house very much.- Thank you, but this h

100、ouse is _.A. badly in need of paint B. bad in need of paintingC. badly in needing of paint D. badly in need of painting238._, no one is sure who discovered America .A. As a matter of fact B. As the fact of matterC. As the matter of fact D.As a factual matter239.As I _, I suddenly remembered that it

101、was your birthday.A. to feed my cats B. am feeding my catsC. had feed my cats D. was feeding my cats240.The history of nursing _ the history of man.A. as old as B. is old, also oldC. that is as old as D. is as old as241. Do you enjoy listening to records?- I think records are often _ an actual perfo

102、rmance. A. as good as or better than B. as good or better than C. like good or better than D. as good as any other242. Does this bus go to the 84th street?- No, 30th street is _.A. the rather the bus will go B. as far as the bus goesC. only so far as the bus is going D. far as the bus is going243._,

103、 you can stay the whole summer.A. Whoever it concerned B. As far as Im concernedC. As you are concerned D. Concerning you and me244.My glasses cost me _ the lost pair that I bought.A. times three B. three times more thanC. three times as much as D. as much three times as245. Do you regret paying fif

104、ty dollars for the dog?- No, I would gladly have paid _ for him.A. as much twice B. twice so muchC. much twice D. twice as muchABCDA ACBDA ADADD ABBCDD246.He is always the first _ and last _.A. to come; to leave B. coming; leavingC. to come; leaving D. coming; to leave247.I was about to leave the ho

105、use _the telephone rang.A. before B. when C. while D. after248.Remember, when you _your work, you might go out and play.A. finished B. will finish C. have finished D. had finished249. Phoenix is a very nice city with plants and flowers _the year round.A. grown B. planted C. planting D. growing250. H

106、ow much did you pay for that?- I paid _ that you paid.A. half the money B. half C. the halves D. a half251.More than one girl _, as we expect.A. has come B. had come C. came D. have come252.As we all know, two thirds of the earths surface is water, _ a lot of fish.A. provided b. providing C. which p

107、rovides D. it provides253.Jack is the _- child in the family; he wants to have a brother.A. one B. single C. only D. separate254.Only in this way, directed by the teacher, _work out the problem the day before.A. had they B. they could C. could they D. did they255.Hw went swimming on a hot day, _.A.

108、only to be drowned B. so as to be drownedC. in order to be drowned D. so that he could be drowned256.The wounded policeman _though doctors made every effort to save him.A. died B. had died C. killed D. has been dead257. Could you tell me where Mr. Smith lives?- Well, he is _here. He passed away thre

109、e years ago.A. no longer B. no more C. not more D. not longer258.Your bicycle looks _ as mine. When did you get it?A. same B. like C. the same D. /259.In the country area about one in ten _ have enough to eat.A. havent B. arent C. hadnt D. didnt260.Now the city is _ it used to be.A. three times as l

110、arge as B. three time larger asC. larger as three times as D. as three times larger than261.The buildings of this style can be seen _.A. all of Europe B. all over Europe C. all the Europe D. all European262.30 % of the young trees, attacked by diseases, _pine trees.A. is B. are C. was D. has been263

111、.Tomato, which used to be called “love-apple”, is not _but _.A. fruit; vegetable B. fruit; a vegetable C. a fruit; a vegetable D. a fruit; vegetables264.- _ do you have in this season?- You can have anything you want.A. What fruit B. Which fruit C. Which fruits D. What fruits265.The letter _London,

112、May 24th, 1898 .A. is dated from B. was dated in C. dated in D. dated fromABCDA ABCDA ABCDA BBCDD266._-Maria will come to the party makes no difference.A. Whether B. If C. That D. How267._ has been reported _ sales of beef in China will increase.A. It; which B. It; that C. What; that D. That; that26

113、8. What _to stop this world _hungry?- Birth control.A. can be done; to go B. we do; goingC. can be done; going D. will happen; going269.We _-word from him so far. Where could he be?A. dont have B. havent any C. have no D. have had no270.His idea is _ youd better _ a jar of jam at home.A. that; keep

114、B. that; not to get C. which; keep D. which; not to get271.Products made in this factory _ well; they have sold _all their products.A. sell; out B. are sold; over C. sell; off D. are sold; away272.Farmers grow crops either to _their family _to sell.A. feed; and B. feed; or C. supply; or D. supply; n

115、or273.If you offer him some help this time, since he once helped you, that would be _.A. equal B. more equal C. fairer D. more fair274.If _ guests we have, we would need _ food.A. more; less B. fewer; more C. few; less D. fewer; less275.The problem with people in Africa _that the more is given and t

116、he more _.A. is; is needed B. are; is needed C. is; they need it D. are; they need it276.The reason _ he is absent is _he has a bad cold.A. why; that B. why; because C. that; because D. for; that277._ people died _ starvation that year will never happen.A. That; of B. That; from C. What; from D. How

117、; of278._ hard it might be, I will work it out.A. Whatever B. How C. However D. What279.You may give this message to _ is at office.A. who B. whom C. whomever D. whoever280.You may have one of these; in other words, you have _ you choose.A. whichever B. what C. no matter what D. no matter which281.T

118、hey say in many western countries a large number of beef cattle _.A. are raised B. is raised C. is risen D. rise282.He is _ to come back tonight. Then well have a small party.A. most like B. most likely C. mostly like D. very much like283._cash crops will be produced next year is not yet decided.A.

119、It B. What . C. That D. Which284.90 % of the debts _ so far.A. is paid back B. have been paid off C. has been paid off D. are paid off285.In order to repay the money they borrowed, 60 % of the farmers _cash crops.A. are forced growing B. is forced growingC. grows D. growABCDA ABCDA ABCDA ABCCD286._l

120、ife in a new country can be difficult, it can broadcast a persons view of the world.A. If B. Although C. Because D. While287. Have you seen _ workers pass by?- Yes, Ive seen _ them.A. woman; hundreds of B. women; hundreds ofC. woman; two hundred of D. women; hundred of288.-_.-Thank you. I will.A. I

121、wish you happiness B. I greatly appreciate our friendshipC. May I help you? D. Remember me to your family289.It was five oclock in the afternoon _they arrived at the hotel.A. since B. before C. that D. when290.Youd better change another book because _page of the book is torn, and _cover looks old.A.

122、 the; the B. a; a C. a; the D. the; a291._ that everyone stared at him.A. Too rude is he B. So rude was he C. Such rude he was D. So rude he was292.There were two small rooms in the house, _served as kitchen.A. the smaller of which B. the small of whichC. the smaller of them D. the smaller one293. W

123、as the driving pleasant when you vacationed in Mexico last summer?- No, it _for four days when we arrived, so that the roads were very muddy.A. was raining B. had been rainingC. would be raining D. have rained294.Hillen used to be very shy but she has grown _it now.A. without B. over C. away D. out

124、of295. Did you notice John was not at work today?- No. If _working, I would have noticed it.A. Id be B. I wasnt C. Id been D. I werent296. I cant get my car _on cold winter mornings.-Have you tried _ the radiator with hot water?A. started; to fill B. starting; to fill C. start; filling D. to start;

125、filling297.The building _ in our school is for us teachers. Though theres noise most of day, we still feel happy about it .A. built B. has been built C. being built D. to be built298.It is no longer a question now _ man can land on the moon.A. that B. if C. whether D. what299.Some people believe tha

126、t giving gifts is one way _by others.A. to love B. love C. to be loved D. is loved300.Jenny _ with him at that time, for I was having dinner with her in my home.A. cant have been B. mustnt have beenC. must be D. may be301. Why does everyone like him?-Because he always _ a good after-dinner joke.A. t

127、ells B. talks C. states D. says302.your daughter must be pretty.- But to tell you the truth, she is _being such a beauty as you can imagine.A. far from B. as well as C. as a result of D. by means of303.The boy _ he took notes.A. listened with attention B. listening attentively whileC. listened atten

128、tively before D. listening with attention304. Shall I tell Ann how to improve for painting?-Yes, but _ of suggestions may discourage her.A. a too long list B. too long a listC. list too long D. a list of too long305.However _, the native people do have something in common.A. hard B. ordinary C. diff

129、erent D. poorBBDDC BABDC DCACA AACBC306.People sell their products _advertisement in the newspaper.A. by putting an B. to put anC. by putting a D. putting an307.I _ him to stop smoking, but failed.A. persuaded B. tried to persuadeC. try persuading D. tried persuading308.Thanks is a common _ used in

130、English. You can never use it too much.A. word B. words C. expression D. expressing309.I dont think I will agree _ you _this point.A. with; with B. on; on C. with; to D. with; on310.I dont like the way _ he talks; he is so rude.A. that B. which C. where D. in that311.Could you keep silent a few minu

131、tes, please? You are here_.A. in a way B. on the way C. in my way D. by the way312.The climate here in the country _; it rained almost every day.A. didnt agree with me B. never agrees with meC. doesnt agree to me D. I didnt agree with313.We are so _ to see the same thing every day. Cant you show us

132、something_?A. boring; interesting B. bored; interestedC. boring; interested D. bored; interesting314.The movie, for one thing, is boring; for _thing, it looks like _.A. another; another B. the other; the otherC. another; the other D. the other; another315.Dont worry about it. _ time to learn English

133、.A. It spends B. That takes C. Which takes D. It takes316. Tommy, you should be reading your Maths right now.- I know I _.A. should be B. should C. should have D. did317.What _you here, my old friend?- Its you.A. brought B. has brought C. takes D. fetched318.It would _us a _ time, but fortunately, w

134、e didnt.A. take; along B. take; longer C. have taken; longer D. have taken; long319.The _ of economic development in our country went well.A. five year plan B. five-year-plan C. five-years-plan D. five-year plan320.- _office equipment been fixed yet?- Yes, we have everything now.A. Have B.Has C. Are

135、 D. Is321.You may find the answer _ page 25.A. at the top of B. at the topC. on the top of D. on the top322.We did the work _, and as a result, we were taken in.A. to their satisfaction B. to their satisfiedC. satisfied D. to their satisfy323.The advertisement _ always _ peoples attention.A. in big

136、print; pays B. in big print; drawsC. with big print; pays D. with big print; catches324.A man may be known _- he keeps.A. by the man B. by the womanC. by the company D. the firm325.We have 24 offices, each _computers.A. is equipped with B. equipped byC. is equipped by D. equipped withABCDA CADAD ABC

137、DB AABCD326._of modern agriculture, more and more waste is produced.A. With the development B. With the developingC. By the development D. By the developing327. Do you have any idea which to choose?- Well, youd better take this one. Its _in price and good in quality.A. lower B. cheaper C. high D. hi

138、gher328. What are you advertising _?-_. I need a place to stay at.A. for; The house B. to; A houseC. for; A flat D. to; A room329.Since advertising can increase sales of production, _it can _the price.A. so; reduced B. so; reduce C. /; be reduced D. / ; reduce330.A dark cloud is a _of rain.A. sign B

139、. signing C. mark D. signature331.Deaf people talk _.A. with signs B. with sign language C. by signs D. by speaking sign language332.Seeing the man on the bike with a boy at the front and the other at the back, the policeman signed _stop.A. to the man B. to the man toC. for the man for D. to the man

140、 for333.A _may be given _means of flags, lights, and guns.A. sign; by B. signal; in C. signal; by D. sign; in334.There are many other ways to advertise _ broadcast advertisements on radio and TV.A. except B. as well C. beside D. besides335. I spent $ 20 for this shirt. How much is yours?- I just pai

141、d _.A. half the money B. halfB. halves D. the half money336.As this apple is too big for her to eat, lets cut it _.A. in half B. in halves C. into half D. as a half337.Part of the family _ out on holiday. They are supposed to be back at the end of this week.A. is B. are C. was D. were338.I know that

142、 half of _ I spend _ is wasted.A. that; to advertising B. what; to advertiseC. what; on advertising D. what ; on advertise339.Its high time they _ to reduce the cost of production.A. take measures B. took measuringC. should take measuring D. took measures340.Please post this to us if you want to _.A

143、. make your life easier B. make life easyC. take life easier D. take your life easy341. Readings of this sort have _ on the children.A. an ill effect B. have a effect C. a badly effect D. affect342.Ive been waiting here_ morning; they havent showed up yet.A. all the B. the whole C. whole D. the all3

144、43. Is this the newspaper _?-Yes, it is.A. of yesterday B. yesterdays C. for yesterday D. to yesterday344.Mail or gifts posted by companies to customers _ advertising.A. are another B. is the other C. are other D. is another345.I dont think I am _ ; it is said that _- is the mother of success.A. a f

145、ailure; failure B. failure; a failureC. a failure; a failure D. failure; failureABCDA ABCDA ABCDA ABCDA346.In the past five years Tomlison with his daughter _all over the world.A. has travelled B. traveled C. have traveled D. were traveling347. Can you see what is written on that?- It _”No Camping”.

146、A. reads B. is read C. writes D. is reading348.I am here not because I want to earn money _I want to educate the children.A. but B. but because C. but for D. and because349.Staring into his eyes, I could see a _ look in his eyes.A. puzzle B. puzzling C. puzzled D. puzzley350.The purpose of the adver

147、tisements is to _peoples attention, _them to buy the things.A. pay; attract B. draw; persuade C. attract; persuade D. attract; persuading351.Generally speaking, children living in a city can not _ ox _ cow.A. tell an; from a B. tell; fromC. tell a; from a D. tell; from a352.A person will _ remember

148、the advertisement but not the name of the products.A. possible to B. possiblyC. be possible to D. be possibly to353.Seeing from the foot of the mountain, clouds are seen beautifully _over its top.A. hung B. hanged C. hanging D. being hung354. She isnt feeling very well today.-Youre right. _ to have

149、caught cold.A. It appears B. It appears thatC. She appeared D. She appears355.He escaped from death, because he changed his plan _ the last minute.A. at B. in C. for D. on356.His life was devoted to _the poor out.A. helping B. help C. being helped D. having helped357._by the noise, they had to finis

150、h the meeting early.A. Being disturbed B. DisturbedC. Disturbing D. Having disturbed358._by the sales figures, they decided to go out and _.A. Excited; to celebrate B. Exciting; celebrateC. Excited; celebrate D. Exciting; celebrating359.The news _ them, they decided to go out for a celebration.A. ex

151、cites B. excited C. having excited D. exciting360.The old lady died from the _on her head; she was _when cleaning windows on the ladder when she fell off it.A. injury; injured B. wound; wound C. wounded; hurt D. hurt; injured361.They made their way in the shop _shoppers.A. crowded with B. crowded C.

152、 crowding with D. was crowded with362.We must take some photographs _the microcomputer.A. for B. of C. with D. from363.He was about to leave _the telephone rang; _was from his mother.A. when; that B. before; which C. when; it D. before; this364.This time last year I paid a visit _Shandong which is 5

153、000 kilometers _.A. for; far away B. to; far away C. for; away D. to; away365.Mrs Baker has her hair _every Friday afternoon after work.A. done B. do C. doing D. being doneAABCD ABCDA ABCDA ABCDA366. Whats the date today?-Its _.A. Sunday B. August the nineth C. the first of May D. October fifth367.D

154、id Li Huas parents leave her any money?- No. She has to support _by selling newspapers.A. on her own B. by herself C. alone D. herself368._arriving in Tibet , the soldiers at once joined them _their work.At; with B. On; in C. For; with D. After; to369.When did the concert_?-Oh, two days ago.A. happe

155、ned B. take place C. hold D. start370.Will you _me _out this problem myself?-OK.A. make; work B. permit; working C. let; work D. allow; work371.Did you find your new dictionary?-Yes. I found it _I had left it.A. in where B. in the place whichC. where D. which372.-There is a lot of smoke coming out o

156、f the teaching building.-Really? It _be a fire, most probably.A. can B. ought to C. have to D. must373._ has already been pointed out, grammar is not a set of dead rules.A. As B. It C. That D. This374.Be sure to go to the concert with me, _?A. will you B. arent you C. mustnt you D. dont you375.Every

157、body in our country, men and women, old and young_sports and games.A. are fond of B. enjoys C. got in for D. take part in376.Will you go to the exhibition tomorrow?-Yes. I will go _its windy.A. if B. even though C. as soon as D. as though377. Im going to Qingdao . Would you mind looking after my dog

158、?-_.A. Sorry, I have no time B. Id rather notC. With pleasure D. No, I wouldnt378. Hainan is _-island.A. China s second largest B. the China s second largestC. the second China s largest D. Chinas the second largest379. This is _room I told you about. - I see. Is it _bright one?A. a; a B. the; a C.

159、the; the D. a; the380.The bus driver was badly _on both legs in the traffic accident.A. wounded B. broken C. injured D. destroyed381.Without your help, I _the exam last term.A. havent passed B. wouldnt passC. would have failed in D. failed in382. _, so she had to be sent to hospital.A. Being ill B.

160、Her mother was illC. Her mother being ill D. Having been ill383. -_progress you have made this year! -Thank you. But I have a long way to go.A. What a good B. How rapidC. What great D. How big384. Tom spent his childhood in England . Is it true? - No. It was in China _he spent his childhood.A. where

161、 B. that C. which D. in which385. _he realized it was too late to return home.A. No sooner it grew dark thanB. Hardly did it grow dark whenC. It was not until dark thatD. It was until dark thatCDBBC CBAAB BCABC CBCBC386. This passage is _A Tale of Two Cities.A. taken from B. brought from C. taken in

162、to D. brought into387. I _ him for a foreigner. Why didnt you tell me earlier?A. have taken B. took C. take D. had taken388. I want to change my desk. It _too much room.A. took up B. has been taken up C. takes up D. is taken up389. A reminder is something which reminds somebody_somebody or something

163、 else.A. from B. for C. with D. of390. Please make a note _ you have any questions when reading.A. where B. in which C. which D. that391. Did she make a mark _she found the word?A. where B. in which C. which D. that392. For little kids, drawing is _.A. necessary done B. necessarily doneC. necessary

164、to do D. necessarily to do393. Its hard for people to make their way _.A. in the rushing hours B. at the rushing hoursC. at the rush hours D. on the rush hours394. The children were packing up in a hurry, for the night _.A. draws near B. drew nearerC. was drawn near D. drew near395. He looks as if h

165、e _the answer. - He has.A. has known B. knows C. had known D. knew396. You seem to have learnt it by heart.- Yes, I_. A. seem B. have C. do D. did397. There _an old tree here. I wonder how they could manage to remove such an old tree.A. seemed not B. not seemedC. didnt seem to be D. didnt seem to ha

166、ve398. Do you know you _to be here by 7:30 ? - Yes, I do.A. are supposed B. supposeC. are supposing D. supposed399. _they say, just take your own way.A. No matter B. WhatC. However D. No matter what400. I see something lying in the corner, moving - Let me see _.A. what is the matter B. what the matt

167、er isC. what matter D. matter is what401. _noise, please! I have something important to tell you.A. Less B. Not C. Little D. Much402. We might as well take a rest; we have _trying paper.A. run into B. run out of C. ran out D. ran across403. The other day on the street he _one of his friends whom he

168、hadnt seen for ages.A. run into B. run across C. ran into D. ran away404. _, and listen to the teacher carefully. A. Gathering B. GatherC. Gathered D. Having gathered405. The excited speaker was talking on, _.A. a crowd gathered B. a crowd gatheringC. gathered a crowd D. gatheringABCDA ABCDA BCADB A

169、BCBB406. _to get rid of waste _a big problem for the human beings today.A. How ; is B. What; is C. What; are D. How; are407. She is in hospital now_treatment.A. receives B. being received C. receiving D. received408. _ waste water was put into the rivers, and lakes which were badly polluted.A. At on

170、e time B. At a time C. One time D. A time409. It is _that the letter will _you this afternoon.A. most like; arrive B. likely; reachC. mostly like; get D. best like; reach410. Never chase two rabbits _.A. at one time B. one time C. at a time D. for a time411. It will be a long time _we see each other

171、; take care and good-bye.A. before B. until C. after D. for412. Though he told me a second time about it, _I didnt understand.A. but B. still C. however D. but yet413. A cat is similar _a tiger in many ways.A. with B. for C. to D. form414. Bad luck. It never rains but it _.A. is poured B. pours C. p

172、ouring D. poured415. _drinks the polluted water gets sick. A. People who B. Person who C. Anyone D. Anyone who416. This is the book _with the world population.A. dealing B. dealt C. to be dealt D. being dealt417. That man is difficult _.A. dealing B. dealt with C. to deal with D. to be dealt with418

173、. I spent _ of my time in this work.A. a plenty B. a good many C. a good deal D. great deal419. We must do something to stop the pollution and protect the world _harm.A. to B. with C. for D. from420. They wandered around the village, _the _ bike.A. seeking; missing B. sought; missedC. seeking; misse

174、d D. sought; missing421. The plane was out of _, but now we are in completely_ the situation.A. control; control of B. control; controlC. control of control D. controlling; control422. Children are taught to be active _ the environment.A. to protect B. in C. protecting D. in to protect423. I would b

175、uy one soft-drink can, but I _ money on me.A. didnt have B. dont have C. had to D. wont have424. She is going to _ a show on _tonight.A. make; 5 Channel B. take; Channel 5C. make; Channel 5 D. take; 5 Channel425. Can you imagine _?A. what his doing B. What is he doingC. what he is doing D. he is doi

176、ng whatACABC ABCBD ACCDA ACBCC426. Jerry is now out of reach; she is traveling _.A. in the Europe B. in an European countryC. in Europe D. in European427. Id like to thank you very nuch for every effort you _me.A. have made for B. have taken forC. took for D. made428. Material, such as paper and gla

177、ss , _ collected, sorted and _ again.A. is; using B. is; usedC. are being used D. is; being used429. Waste paper can be reused _ new paper, which is called recycling.A. as B. for C. for making D. to be made430. I found an old pot _ in the ground.A. buried B. being buried C. burying D. to be buried43

178、1. _ with the results of the experiment, she started to try again.A. Disappointed B. DisappointingC. Being disappointed D. having been disappointed432. The answer _ the teacher, she asked the little boy to try a second time.A. disappointed B. disappointingC. being disappointed D. having been disappo

179、inted433. _, and Charles felt hopeless.A. Because he was sentenced to deathB. As he was sentenced to deathC. Sentenced to deathD. He was sentenced to death434. They saw a lady beautifully _.A. dressed B. dressing C. being dressed D. well dressing435. _, they managed to escape in a boat. A. Defeated

180、and alive B. Defeating but alive C. Defeated but alive D. Defeated and alive436. The reason _ the accident occurred is still unknown.A. why B. what C. how D. which437. I have no idea _ children starved to death in northern Africa .A. how much B. what C. where D. how many438. _her education, she was

181、anxious to find a job.A. Finishing B. FinishedC. Having finished D. Being finished439. _ two years to _after the sick woman, she badly needed a holiday.A. Devoting herself; look B. Devoted; lookingC. Devoting; looking D. Devoted; looked440. _, she was now dressed up for the party.A. Taking a shower

182、B. Having taken a showerC. She took a shower D. Taken a shower441. _ we shall be able to defend the camp or not is another matter.A. Whether B. If C. What D. That442. My companions are not used to _-.A. drinking strong B. drink strongC. strong drink D. strong drinking443. People all over the world s

183、hould work together; no _country can save the environment.A. alone B. single C. lonely D. one444. I am mad with them. They never take me _.A. seriously B. serious C. seriousness D. very serious445. The moment I got onto the train, it was _away.A. pulling B. pulled C. being pulled D. about pullingCAB

184、CA ABDAC ADCBB ACBAA446. There is a football match tomorrow, you know. - What _pity! I havent got _ticket for tomorrow.A. a; a B. a; the C. the; the D. the; a447. After a long walk, they were _ very tired, but _ of them would stop to rest.A. all; neither B. both; none C. all; none D. both; neither44

185、8. Was it _ Toms carelessness _ your keys were all lost?A. because; which B. for; whatC. because of; that D. since; /449. Excuse me, have you ever been to Japan ? - _.A. No, I dont B. Never C. Sorry, I cant D. Dont mention it450. Among them I like this kind of food _, for it is _ sugar and water.A.

186、best; mostly B. best; mostC. most; best D. most; mostly451. The English teacher often said in class, “Lets _in English.”A. talk B. say C. spoke D. tell452. _, the workers still continued working.A. Since it was snowing B. It was snowingC. Late as it was D. Though it was early453. Our teacher told us

187、 _ story _ we all never forget it.A. so an interesting; so that B. so interesting a; whichC. such interesting a; that D. such an interesting; that454. Man _a battle against pollution at once.A. must start fighting B. had to start to fightC. is starting fighting D. is beginning fighting455. I must ap

188、ologize for _you so much. - Thats all right.A. to have troubled B. bringing trouble toC. being troubled D. having troubled456. By the time we got to the hospital, the patient _ for half an hour.A. died B. had diedC. had been dead D. has been dead457. It is no good _. You should _.A. to smoke; give u

189、p B. smoking; give it upC. smoking; give up it D. to smoke; give it away.458. He tried to _to cook a meal on the island but he failed.A. light fire B. make a fire C. make fire D. set fire459. This is one of the best films _ this year.A. they have been shown B. that has been shownC. that have been sh

190、own D. which has been shown460. Where does Mr Zhang live? - He has been on the island _the end of the Long March.A. since B. by C. in D. at461. The number of people who _cars _increasing in Beijing .A. owns; are B. owns; is C. own; is D. own; are462. The leader ordered that the soldiers _ to the fro

191、nt at once.A. sent B. should send C. be sent D. should take463. So little _agree on the plan that they could not settle their differences.A. did they B. do they C. they did D. they did not464. _come, please tell him to wait for me at the gate.A. He should B. Should he C. If he D. If he would have465

192、. You must do as you are told. - Oh, I must, _?A. should I B. mustnt I C. neednt I D. must IACCBA ACDAD CBBCA CCABD466. He doesnt think you are able to do this alone, _?A. does he B. doesnt he C. arent you D. is it467.Though he has retired, I think he is _ to attend college.A. old enough B. young en

193、ough C. enough young D. enough old468. If you sit still on_, the boat will not shake.A. another end B. other endC. the other end D. the end469. By the end of next year we _- our middle school.a. have finished B. will finishC. had finished D. will have finished470. If we paint the wall a bit blue, we

194、 will make it look_.A. prettier B. more pretty C. nice D. more nicer471. Here is a rule for you to remember: No drawing _on the wall. A. is done B. does C. is drawn D. are done472. He sat there with his eyes _upon the ceiling.A. fixing B. fixed C. closing D. having closed473. That old lady wont stop

195、 me _the radio.A. to listen B. listening C. listening to D. hearing474. I have a good sleep on Sundays. I _ until lunch time.A. get up B. dont stay in bedC. will get up D. dont get up475. There is a hole _the wall _ a gun is pointing outside.A. in; through which B. on; from whichC. in; that D. on; w

196、hich476. On the board is a notice _”No Smoking!”A. said B. saying C. which is written D. to say477. Tom, I cant see your text-book. - Miss Red, I _ it here but I cant find it any more.A. bring B. brought C. take D. took478. _ it is snowing today, youd better walk to school.A. Because B. Since C. As

197、D. For479. _ tired after a long days work, they went bed early.A. Having been B. To be C. Been D. Being480. He couldnt _ last night, because he was thinking how to finish his work early.A. go to bed B. go to sleepC. go to the bed D. fall sleep481. Is everything you do _?A. done B. to be done C. has

198、been done D. had been done482. That is a five-story building; his room is on_.A. the third storey B. storey twoC. the third floor D. the floor two483. What do you think of the painting? - It looks a bit ugly _ it is.A. when B. as C. while D. for484. Those villagers looked _ at the house washed away

199、by the flood.A. sad B. sorrow C. sadly D. with sad485. The work is well done with all the electric wires _.A. fixed up B. fixing C. fixing up D. to be fixedABCDA ABCDA BBCDB ACBCA486. They say the repair work _ the office building will start on Monday.A. on B. at C. over D. for487. The house is so o

200、ld that it calls _ .A. to repair B. for repairingC. for being repaired D. repairing488. The two countries were _ between 1989 and 1991.A. peace B. at no war C. at peace D. at peaceful489. The police arrived _ two minutes after he dialed 911.A. at the scenery B. the sceneC. on the place D. on the sce

201、ne490. On the platform he _ his trouble to a man who was there waiting for train.A. explained B. talkedC. made an explanation d. explained for491. Jasper is one of his three sons who _in the army; the other two _in the navy.A. is; are B. are; are C. is; is D. are; is492. We have a long summer season

202、 _six months.A. which last B. lasting C. lasts for D. that last for493. I know _type of machine is needed but I have no idea which type.A. certain B. two C. some D. an494. The board that he _ there two days before _there.A. laid; laid B. had laid; lieC. lay; lay D. had laid; lay495. Is Mary still at

203、 work? - Yes, but she said she _ a holiday next Saturday. Shell pay a visit to Italy .A. will go on B. went on C. took D. went on for496. Hardly _-out when it began raining.A. had he stepped B. did he stepC. he had stepped D. stepped he497. Nowhere else _ find such a beautiful scenery.A. you can B.

204、can you C. we can D. we are able to498. A bomb sent the ship _ to the bottom of the sea.A. to sink B. sunk C. sinking D. being sunk499. _, the woman drove off.A. Filled with gas B. Being filled with gasC. Filling the car with gas D. Having filled the car500. He rushed out of the house, _the door ope

205、n.A. leaving B. left C. having left D. and leavingABCDA ABCDA ABCDA501. This is a long hard winter, with everything _, white.A. covered B. covered by C. covering D. covered with502. Jack as well as his classmates _the importance of the matter.A. realize B. realizes C. have realized D. are realizing5

206、03. Of the two problems the first one is _ .A. the most important B. more importantC. the less important D. less important504. We are busy all day long, and now there is lots of repair work for us _.A. to do it B. to be done C. to do D. to do them505. Our guide has organized _.A. a tour of the templ

207、e for tomorrowB. a tomorrow tour of the templeC. tomorrows tour of the templeD. a tour of the temple to tomorrow506. The temple is 20 kilometers _. Lets take a _.A. away; taxicab ride B. away; taxis rideC. far away; taxi ride D. far away; ride507. More than one stone _ so far.A. have been washed B.

208、has been washedC. are washed D. had been washed508. An expert with 40 workers _the work. They are supposed to finish the work next week.A. have started B. start C. has started D. are starting509. If you are obey the rules _visitors, you will _here in our country.A. for; enjoy B. to; enjoy your stay

209、C. to; enjoy staying D. for; enjoy your stay510. Without his help, I _ the test given on Monday.A. couldnt have passed B. couldnt passC. wont pass D. dont pass511. I need one more _ my collection of Bird stamp.A. to complete B. to have completed C. finishing D. to have finished512. I have _ works of

210、 Shakespeare. I have spent $ 300.A. completed B. a complete C. finished D. a completed513. It _ six years since I saw you last.A. was B. have been C, is D. had been514. Was it six years ago _ we met for the first time?A. which B. When C. since D. that515. The trip cost us more than we _.A. had expec

211、ted B. expected C. expect D. have expected516. There is nothing in the bag but an _.A. article of clothing B. piece of clothingC. clothes D. dress517. Dont forget _- waiters; in England , people give _to waiters and taxi drivers.A. to tip; tips B. to give tip; tip C. tipping; tips D. tipping; tip518

212、. The farm is huge, lying between the valleys, and _ an area of 15 square kilometers.A. covered B. being covered C. covering D. covers519. Finally came the news_everybody in the twon.A. astonished B. to astonish C. that astonished D. that was astonished520. Soon the news _ across the whole country,

213、_the people.A. spread; exciting B. spread; excitedC. was spread; excited D. was spread; excitingABCCA ABCDA ABCDA AADCA521. One should keep _facing danger.A. quiet B. calm C. still D. silent522. - _I go there, too? - No. You _.A. Must; cant B. Need; mustntC. Can; neednt D. Must; dont have to523. In

214、China , _ bicycle is _popular means of transportation.A. the; a B. a;/ C. the; the D. a; the524. Shall we go swimming? - OK. Ill just go and get _.A. to change B. to be changed C. changed D. changing525. Our guests are arriving from Shanghai at 10: 30 . - Really? I _ it _ 12:30 .A. think; is B. thou

215、ght; wasC. have thought; will be D. had thought; will be526. We wrote a letter of thanks to _ had helped us.A. who B. whom C. whoever D. whomever527. He must _ a shower, for I can hear the water _.A. have; run B. be having; runC. have; running D. be having; running528. Excuse me, but could you tell

216、me the way to 24th street ? -_.A. Sorry, but Im a stranger myself B. OK. Its not far from hereC. Yes. Go ahead. D. Well, you will get there.529. _is well known, _Hong Kong returned to China on July 1st, 1997 .A. It; that B. It; which C. As; / D. As; as530. Jack fell off a ladder yesterday, but he is

217、 all right. - He is lucky. He _ himself badly.A. could wound B. could have woundedC. could hurt D. could have hurt531. Do you think the bad weather will _? - I _.A. go on; dont hope so B. keep up; hope notC. take up; think not D. keep on; dont think so532. Not until we got off the bus _ that his wal

218、let _.A. he found; was stolenB. had he found; had stolenC. did he find; had been stolenD. had he found; had been stolen533. Do you mind if I smoke here? - _.A. Youd better not B. Yes, you can smokeC. Of course D. No, please dont534. _several times, but he still doesnt know how to do it properly.A. B

219、eing shown B.Having shownC. Having been shown D. Ive shown him535. There _no strong earthquake in this area in the near future, people are easy in mindA. is B. will be C. being D. is going to be536. Since the plan has been worked out, we must put it into _.A. practice B. reality C. action D. fact537

220、. Does he work hard? -Not at all. Nobody else could be _.A. harder B. more hard-working C. lazier D. more lazy538. Shall I tell them the news? -No, I would rather they _ know.A. wont B. dont C. wouldnt D. didnt539. His German isnt very good even _hes stayed in Germany for over two years.A. now B. th

221、ough C. when D. after540. My grandfather is over 95 and _ is worse, in poor health. He _ goes nowhere.A. that; almost B. what; nearly C. which; nearly D. what; almostBDACB CDACD BCADC ACDBD541. You may _a lady by asking her age.A. anger B. angry C. be angry D. be angry with542. Its rude _you to ask

222、his salary the first time you _him.A. of; meet B. of; met C. for; meet D. for; meet with543. Take care of yourself. See _ you dont catch cold.A. if B. when C. that D. whether544. You _me earlier, but you didnt.A. should tell B. should have toldC. shall tell D. could tell545. I dont trust that man; h

223、e is the guy who _.A. never eat his word B. never keeks sayingC. always eats his word D. keeps his word546. Sorry not _you, but you know I was terribly busy then.A. have helped B. helpC. to have helped D. to be helping547. What do you think of my new dress? Just speak _.A. your truth B. heart C. you

224、r mind D. really548. Good to see you again. I _ I_not see you here today.A. thought; could B. thought; canC. think; can D. think; could549. Im looking forward to _to Hong Kong .A. visiting my visiting C. visit D. my visit550. You _so much since I last saw you .A. changed B. are changingC. have chang

225、ed D. had changed551. I need your help. Your friendship is a great help to me. I_.A. meant it B. mean C. meant D. meant serious552. _every means that could be tried been tried?A. Is B. Has C. Are D. Have553. Sorry. I always _you.A. understand B. not understandC. misunderstand D. dont understand554.

226、When you are speaking, youve got to make yourself _.A. understand B. understoodC. be understood D. being understood.555. Im very glad _you here today. Nice day.A. to meet B. to have met C. having met D. meeting556. Id go to hell _stay with you.A. than B. rather C. rather than D. better than557. Id r

227、ather _a boat, doing nothing at all.A. sit on B. to sit in C. sitting in D. sit in558. He is as changeable as Moon; he is sure to change his mind _.A. at the last minute B. on the last minuteC. in the last minute D. for the last minute559. We are determined to get _before May Day.A. the work done B.

228、 work being doneC. the work do D. the work to do560. We have been invited _this Friday. Could you stay home alone?A. to dinner B. for a dinnerC. for dinning D. to dineAACBC CCADC ABCBB CDAAA561. After the little boy finished his meal, he asked the lady _.A. for more B. more C. many more D. for many5

229、62. At the post office he asked _.A. stamps B. some stampsC. four stamps D. for four stamps563. The ball went over the fence and the football player asked a boy to _ it.A. bring B. take C. fetch D. give564. My father asked _.A. Tom and me to help B. me and Tom to helpC. I and Tom to help D. Tom and

230、I to help565. What did you aunt say? - She asked me _ leave yet.A. not to B. dont C. that I shouldnt D. that I dont566. Those are very pleasant rooms. How much do you _them?A. want B. demand C. ask for D. ask567. Lets go and find out _.A. whether she at home or not B. whether at homeC. whether home

231、she is or not D. whether or not she is home568. May I help you? -Yes, please. Can you tell me how much _?A. these hats cost B. do these hats costC. have these hats cost D. will these hats cost569. Many people worked on the project, but in terms of dollars and cents, the cost was _.A. few B. very lit

232、tle C. hardly any D. not many570. However much _, it will be worth it.A. does the watch cost B. costs the watchC. the watch will cost D. the watch costs571. How many books does he have? - He possesses _them.A. plenty of B. very much C. a great deal D. an amount of572. Is the radio bothering you? - I

233、t certainly is. Id like it _off.A. turning B. to turn C. turned D. turns573. To ask someone for help is to turn _him.A. to B. for C. on D. by574. To reject an offer is to turn it _.A. out B. over C. back D. down.575. Please dont leave without _the lights.A. you turn off B. to turn offC. turning off

234、D. youll turn off576. What excuse did John give for his rudeness at the meeting? - He didnt even mention it, _ explain it.A. let alone B. and even notC. or not D. as opposed to577. Shall we go ? -No, _.A. not allowed B. not shallC. shall not D. lets not578. The chairman requested that _.A. the membe

235、rs studied more carefully the problemB. the problem was more carefully studiedC. with more carefulness the problem could be studiedD. the members study the problem more carefully579. The history of nursing _ the history of man.A. as old as B. is also oldC. that is as old as D. is as old as580. What

236、shall we get Jane for her birthday? - _. A. What is she wanting B. What does she want C. What she wants D. What she is wantingADCAA CDABD ACADC ADDDC581. Have you ever _the Atlantic ?A. Flown along B. Flowed aloneC. flown across D. flowed across582. James has just arrived. - Oh! I didnt know he _unt

237、il yesterday.A. will come B. was comingC. has been coming D. comes583. I wish you had brought your wife with you. - Ill get her _on the next trip.A. coming along with me B. to come on with meC. to come along with me D. with me to come along584. Jean _ a cold when she was in Los Angeles .A. came by B

238、. came down withC. came into D. came off with585. This picture of cowboys is terrible. - It _ out better than I expected, for I was facing the sun.A. had come B. would have comeC. came D. comes586. My father will be here tomorrow, but at first I thought that he _today.A. was coming B. is coming C. w

239、ill come D. comes587. I was looking forward to _, but no letter came to me.A. hear him B. hearing himC. hearing from him D. hear588. I told you to look up that matter. -All right, Ill _.A. look up it B. look up C. look it up D. it look589. To respect someone is to look _ to him.A. up B. on C. at D.

240、ahead590. Western Nebraska generally receives less snow than eastern Nebraska _.A. does B. in C. it does in D. in it does591. My wife wants me to _ my shoes.A. go away with B. get rid ofC. get them killed D. mending592. Mary never tells anyone what she does for a _-.A. job B. work C. profession D. l

241、iving593. When Toms mother wasnt feeling well last night, Tom washed the supper dishes, _?A. didnt he B. did he C. dont they D. did they594. I bought a radio today. - How much _for it?A. did they pay B. do you payC. did you pay D. did it paid595. Why is he stopping the car? -He says it will _ to get

242、 out and stretch our legs.A. do us good B. be better of usC. do us well D. be fine of us596. Cars moved very slowly in the 1920s, but they _ move more quickly than in 1910.A. were to B. did C. will D. can597. Why are you so upset about losing a pen? -That was a _pen!A. ten-dollars B. tens-dollarsC.

243、ten-dollar D. tens-dollar598. What did you win for having the best costume at the Party? -Two _.A. ten-cents toys B. ten-cent toysC. toys of ten vents D. toys of ten cent599. She _ from a fall by catching the railing.A. prevented herself B. saved herselfC. stopped D. held her own self600. Are you do

244、ne with the book I gave you? - Not quite. I have read all _ the last chapter.A. but B. until C. just D. yetCBCBC ACCAA BDACA BCBBA601. You didnt spell _word right; you missed _ “ u” here.A. the; an B. the; a C. a; an D. a; a602. We decided to turn to _can help us.A. whoever B. anyone C. someone D. w

245、homever603. Is Mr White out of danger? - No, _ than before, Im afraid.A. no better B. a little betterC. not worse D. no worse604. Dont forget to turn off the light when you leave. - I _.A. mustnt B. wont C. dont D. cant605. Will you go to Li Pings birthday party? -No, _ invited to.A. if B. until C.

246、when D. even though606. Whats wrong with our lunch? - Cooks are late _ it again, _often happened before.A. with; as B. for; with C. to; that D. with; it607. It was very kind of you to have carried the box for me. - _.A. Id love to B. Thank you for saying soC. My pleasure D. My duty608. You look so e

247、xcited. I suppose you won the game. - You _it.A. are guessing B. will guessC. guess D. have guessed609. John is _of the students who _able to get the first place.A. the one; are B. the only one; isC. one; is D. only one; are610. From the school name _ on it, we decided that the package belongs to a

248、student.A. to be marked B. markingC. marked D. having marked611. Are you hungry now? - No, not _.A. a little B. a bit C. at least D. the least612. I like a house with a garden more than _ with a swimming pool.A. one B. the only one C. that D. it613. Only _ the way to the valley besides Tom.A. can Ma

249、rk know B. knows MarkC. does Mark know D. Mark knows614. On the way to the market, Mrs Turner _ to see one of her old friends.A. called on B. called at C. dropped in D. visited615. Children are always _ about what they see for the first time.A. pleased B. curious C. interested D. fond616. Having don

250、e three experiments without rest, they were _out to go on with _one.A. so tired; a fourth B. so tiring; the fourthC. too given; the fourth D. too worn; a fourth617. We had a wonderful time that day. It was years_ we had enjoyed ourselves so much.A. since B. when C. until D. that618. The reason for h

251、is absence is _ he had to look after his sick wife.A. why B. because C. that D. whether619. The meeting is to begin at 4;00 p.m. and we are _to be there a bit earlier.A. invited B. supposed C. allowed D. hoped620. People were used to _ clothes of cotton and wool, but now more and more other material

252、s are used to _ clothes as well.A. make; making B. making; makeC. making; making D. make; makeBAABD ACDBC BADCB DACBB621. Some New Years parties begin _ ten or eleven oclock in the evening.A. with B. in C. at D. on622. He lives _ 23 Arthur Avenue .A. at B. in C. on D. with623. We are _ our desk now.

253、A. with B. at C. in D. on624. The principal is _ the door now.A. with B. at C. in D. on625. She usually comes back fro her work _.A. at noon B. in noon C. on noon D. with noon 626. He had learned English well _ the end of six month.A. in B. at C. though D. by627. I think John will win the race. - Ye

254、s, he started off _ a great speed. A. with B. at C. though D.by628. John may win the first prize. He has started _ the speed of 80 miles.A. at B. of C. on D. in629. Belva Lockwood taught school for many years and became a lawyer in 1873 _43.A. age B. the age C. at the age of D. she was at the age630

255、. He entered a university _-.A. when he had sixteen yearsB. when sixteen years were his ageC. at the age of sixteenD. at age sixteen years old631. What will you do with your apartment when you leave? - John will take _ the apartment and pay the rent.A. up B. in C. over D. along632. When I met Jennys

256、 sister, I took a liking _ her immediately.A. to B. for C. on D. in633. Hospital doctors dont go out very often as their work _ all their time.A. takes away B. takes in C. takes over D. takes up634. To look like ones father is to take _ him in appearance.A. from B. over C. after D. for635. Did you s

257、ay that our neighbour _ in the accident?A. badly hurted B. was badly hurtedC. had badly hurted D. was badly hurt636. There is a police car in front of our neighbours house. - What do you suppose _?A. is happened B. has happenedC. would happen D. did happen637. It _ a year ago.A. has happened B. happ

258、enedC. happens D. was happened638. I like this warm weather. It feels _ spring. A. like B. as C. like as D. as like639. He felt _ that he should leave.A. strong B. strongness C. very strong D. very strongly640. The old vase will _ an attractive lamp-holder.A. compose B. form C. make D. be shownCABBA

259、 BBACC CBDCD BBADC641. When he was in college, he used to speak _English language.A. the B, / C. a D. an642. It is the part _ you can enjoy the show. A. that B. where C. in which D. when643. It is in the place _ it was given days ago.A.where B. that C. in which D. when644. It was 1998 _ he spent his

260、 first Christmas in England .A. that B. in which C. where D. when645. It was many many years ago _ he paid his first visit to London .A. that B. when C. since D. for646. It is I who _ on duty today.A. am B. are C. is D. has been647. What were you doing when she called? -I had just finished my work a

261、nd _.A. was starting to take a bath B. was started to take a bathC. to start to take a bath D. starting to take a bath648. You were late again this morning. -I think you had better _on.A. to start to be B. start beingC. started being D. to be649. We dont sell foreign newspapers because there is no _

262、 for themA. request B. claim C. requirement D. demand650. Why are you unhappy? - The other students made _.A. of me the fun B. fun of meC. fun with me D. with me the fun651. When the fire broke out, _.A. the house became emptying B. the house had emptiesC. the house had emptied D. the house was made

263、 empty652. I could just see a car in the distance, but I couldnt _ what color it was.A. make out B. look to C. look out D. take in653. Im leaving now. - Make sure _ the door.A. for you to lock B. to have lockedC. of locking D. you lock654. The subject of these lectures _ by the lecture committee.A.

264、announces B. have beenC. announced D. has been announced655. Legal tender is any type of money that must, _, be accepted in a payment of a debt.A. law B. by law C. its law D. which law656. Did you feed the baby milk? - No, he can _.A. feed for himself B. feed by himselfC. eat by himself D. eat for h

265、imself657. Is she older than you? - Yes, she is older than _two years.A. me for B. I am by C. I for D. me by658. My roommate lost a lot of weight _ every day.A. to exercise B. for exerciseC. for exercising D. by exercising659. How can I help you the most? - _.A. For you to stay B. To stayC. By stayi

266、ng D. With your staying660. How did you pay these workers? - Well, as a rule, they were paid _.A. by an hour B. by the hourC. by hours D. by a hourABBDA AABCB DADDB CBDCB661. By the time he retires, Professor Baker _ for almost forty years.A. will teach B. has taughtC. will have taught D. will be te

267、aching662. By the time he gets home, his aunt _ for Puerto Rico .A. will leave B. leaves C. will have left D. left663. “X” _ for the unknown quantity.A. puts B. stands C. sits D. goes664. The old man asked her to leave because he _-in that chair.A. used to sit B. was used to sitC. used to sitting D.

268、 was used to sitting665. I _ bacon and eggs every morning.A. am used to eat B. used to eatingC. am used to eating D. use to eat666. Why was Fred so upset? - He isnt used _ criticized. A. be B. to be C. to being D. having been667. Its too bad you fell down during the race. - Yes, but I could never _

269、the other runners anyway.A. catch up with B. have caught upC. have caught up with D. catch up668. When did you give that to Mr. Bell? -As soon as I could last week; I _ it to him.A. had given B. would give C. gave D. was giving669. Did you have a good time? - Wonderful. You really gave me some excel

270、lent advice _ the best places to visit.A. in B. on C. above D. over670. Where did you get that handsome picture? - It was _ by my father.A. given for us B. a gift to usC. given to us D. a gift for us671. The rescue party _ four days later when no traces of the missing hikers could be found.A. gave u

271、p their hopes B. put away their hopesC. cherished hope D. gave up hope672. Dick certainly has a bad cough. -If hes sensible, he will give up _.A. the smoking B. smokingC. to smoke D. to be smoking673. Nancy sat in the front seat on the left side of the room. -Oh? I thought she _ in the back.A. sat B

272、. had sat C. is sitting D. has sitting674. Could you tell me _?A. where he lives B. where does he liveC. where did he live D. where lived675. When will the plane arrive? - I will tell you when _.A. I have been finding out B. I find outC. I am finding out D. I will find out676. We are considering buy

273、ing a house in Gainesville , but we want to find out _there first.A. what the taxes are B. what are the taxesC. the taxes what are D. the taxes are677. Everyone is responsible for _ own composition.A. his B. their C. nobodys D. all their678. Martin visited his aunt two days before he _ town.A. left

274、B. will leave C. had left D. is going to leave679. I will try to finish this work _.A. up till you can come B. before you can comeC. up to the time you are able to come D. until you come680. What did Mr Jones do before he retired? - He _ a city bus for over twenty-five years.A. is driving B. drove C

275、. has driven D. drivesCCBAC CCCBC DBBAB AAABB681. Wouldnt it be _ wonderful world if all nations are in _peace with another?A. the; / B. the; the C. a; / D. a; a682. I just dropped in to say hello. - _.A. Its a pleasure B. Pleased to see youC. You are welcome D. Thats kind of you683. _ in front of i

276、t, this temple really needs _.A. To see; repairing B. See; repairingC. Having seen; making repairs D. Seeing; to be repaired684. I cant find Tom anywhere. -He _his homework upstairs.A. might have done B. must be doingC. should have done D. is able to do685. _ much advice I gave him, he did what exac

277、tly he wanted.A. No matter so B. WhateverC. Although D. However686. Were all the passengers in the bus injured in the accident? - _ only four who got hurt.A. No, there are B. Yes, there wereC. No, there were D. Yes, it is687. Nothing that he did was right, _?A. did he B. didnt he C. wasnt it D. was

278、it688. What has made you so upset? - _the ticket for the film TITANIC.A. Because I lost B. LostC. Because of losing D. Losing689. When will he be back? - Not exactly. But it wont be long _ he comes back.A. before B. since C. until D. that690. At the center of the garden there stands a little board _

279、”Dont Pick Flowers”.A. on which writes B. that sayC. which reads D. on which is read691. Why are you spraying water on the ground? Didnt it rain last night? - No, mum, but I wish it _.A. was raining B. rained C. had rained D. would rain692. The scientist buried himself in his studies in the belief _

280、 they could serve the country with his knowledge.A. when B. that C. where D. which693. What would you like for afternoon tea? -_ will do.A. Everything B. Something C. Nothing D. Anything694. The doctor ought _ you out of hospital so soon, otherwise, you would feel better.A. not to have let B. not to

281、 letC. to have not let D. not to let695. You were_ to give us a hand. -Sorry. I _ delayed by the traffic.A. hoped; was B. hoping ; have beenC. supposed; was D. supposing; have been696. During the Gulf War the CCTV _the latest news in Iraq .A. broadcast B. reported C. announced D. published697. Your

282、mother is very strict with you. -Yes, so _ and so _.A. is she; is my father B. she is; my father isC. is she; my father is D. she is; is my father698. This house looks beautiful, doesnt it? -Well, Id rather have a house _ to look, but _ to live inA. not beautiful; most comfortableB. less beautiful;

283、more comfortableC. less beautiful; most comfortableD. beautiful; comfortable699. What did she _ so much money? - Nothing but a necklace made of glass.A. spend on B. pay for C. buy for D. sell to700. Dont worry, Mary. You will _this climate before long.A. be fit for B. get used toC. get along well wi

284、th D. fitCDBBD CDDAC CBDAC ADBCB701. San Diego _ the oldest settlement for Europeans in the United States .A. is B. being C. being for D. where702. Look at this room. - Never in my life _ such a mess.A. I see B. do I see C. have I seen D. Ive seen703. Take those apples which _ a bit green.A. we real

285、ize B. often C. it seems D. never704. Did you make a mule trip to the bottom of the canyon? -I learned it only after I spent _.A. the most of my money B. most of my moneyC. mostly of my money D. the mostly of my money705. Have you ever _ in an airplane?A. gone to B. up there C. been up there D. gone

286、 flying706. It seemed to Mrs. Garber that the pork smelled somewhat _; she could not serve her guests.A. bad B. badly C. worst D. worse707. Which jackets are yours? - Let me see._.A. What are in the hall closet B. They are in the hall closetC. The jackets in the hall closet D. The ones in the hall c

287、loset708. It seems very difficult _.A. to stop the child to cry B. restraining the child to cryC. to keep the child from crying D. holding the childs crying709. A beginner in learning electricity should not touch television_.A. for you would be shocked if you have doneB. for he would be shocked if h

288、e didC. for he will be shocked if he didD. for he would be shocked if he had done710. _, he would have signed his name in the corner.A. If he painted that pictureB. If he paints that pictureC. If he had painted that pictureD. If he would have painted that picture711. _ furniture do you have in your

289、house?A. How many B. How much C. What many D. What much712. Sarabeth had spent _ studying.A. the whole day B. all during the dayC. altogether a day D. entirely a day713. Why wasnt Mary in class? - She overslept and was _ late that she missed the bus. A. so B. too C. much D. very714. Ted was so worn

290、out that he just _ down and slept for ten hours. A. lied B. laid C. lay D. had lain715. Mr. Wilson is expected back at noon . -Would you have him _ then, please? A. calling me B. call me C. to calling me D. called me716. What did you do when _?A. hes making a noise B. he makes noiseC. he made noise

291、D. he made a noise717. Tomorrow is a holiday! Why are you doing your homework? -Im doing the exercise now so that I wont have _ on Sunday.A. for B. them C. it D. to718. Collecting stamps is his hobby _.A. but listening to music also gives him pleasureB. but he also enjoys musicC. but music is enjoye

292、d by him tooD. and also music is enjoyed by him719. The students in the rooms were forbidden, unless they had special passes, _after 11 oclock p.m. A. staying out B. stay out C. from staying out D. to stay out720. I dont know why _.A. my sister Mary was laughingB. did my sister Mary laughC. my siste

293、r Mary laughingD. was my sister Mary laughingACABC ADCBC BAACB DCADA721. Id get it for you _ I could remember who last borrowed it.A. except that B. if only C. on condition that D. considering whether722. Did you call Mr. Jackson? - No, because he said he would rather not _ disturbed this morning.A.

294、 to be B. being C. be D been723. Have you ever been to New York ? - Yes. I _ there last summer.A. have been B. was C. am D. go724. The settlers at Jamestown lived on wild plants and roots because they had _ to eat.A. nothing else B. anything elseC. something other D. nothing other725. Why didnt you

295、take part in the club meeting held in the Student Union last Tuesday? - I would have if _ time.A. I had B. Id have had C. Id had D. I have726. Im sorry. Were you speaking to me? -Yes, I was. Would you please _ in this room?A. not to smoke B. not smoke C. no smoking D. no smoke727. You didnt hear us

296、come in last night. That was good. We tried_ noisy.A. to be not B. not to be C. not be D. be not728. Youll have to give me fifty cents more. -Then I owe you 2 dollars and 50 cents, _?A. wont I B. dont I C. is so D. is correct729. You should have gone to the grand opening ceremony, _? - I thought you

297、 would go with me.A. arent you B. shouldnt you C. wouldnt you D. dont you730. Jean worked just so much _.A. like what she was told to B. as she was told toC. as to what she tried to do D. like she was told to731. _he went to New York .A. On the next day morning B. On the next days morningC. In the n

298、ext days morning D. On the morning of the next day732. Ill help you whenever you need me. -Good. Ld like _ me tomorrow.A. you helping B. that youll helpC. you to help D. that you help733. Eric doesnt like American beer. -_ does Anna.A. So B. Neither C. Either D. Also734. How much milk do we have in

299、the refrigerator? - Not much, _.A. only one quart theres left B. its only one quart leftC. one quart is only left there D. theres only one quart left735. Im disappointed with the new officers elected in our club, but theres no point _about it.A. to worry B. in worrying C. with as worrying D. if we w

300、orry736. They dont seem to answer the phone when I call; there isnt anyone at home, _?A. isnt there B. is there C. is it D. isnt it737. Where should I put my hat? -Just put it on _.A. the hall table B. the table of hallC. halls table D. hall table738. Some Asian countries make their household goods

301、that are designed both to work well _.A. and to be looking beautiful B. and to look beautifulC. and to be beautiful D. as well as to look beautifully739. Will Mary be here today? -No, and _.A. her sister wont, too B. neither her sister willC. neither wont her sister D. neither will her sister740. Is

302、 the climate of Italy_?A. somewhat like Florida B. somewhat similar to Florida C. something like Florida D. somewhat like that of Florida BCBAC BBBBB DCBDB BABDD741. The scenery over there is beyond _.A. described B. description C. describing D. describe742. Im making an apple pie. -Do you find it a

303、 difficult _? A. pie to make B. pie for to make C. making D. pie for making743. _ was too much for the child to carry. A. The steels weight B. The weight of a steel C. The weight of the steel D. Steels weight744. A country cannot develop its industrial power _.A. from one night B. in a nightC. over

304、night D. immediately745. Thats a nice watch.- Its the same _.A. as John B. like John C. as Johns D. like Johns746. _ practising with the band this week? A. Has been Paul B. Has Paul been C. Has Paul D. Paul been747. The exam will be on the first half of the book. - That means well have to finish_.A.

305、 fifteenth chapter B. fifteen chapterC. chapter fifteen D. chapter fifteen748. How wide is the table? - It is _.A. three feet and one half foot B. three and half feetC. three and one half feet D. three and one half foot749. Jean has not been able to recall where _.A. does she live B. she livesC. did

306、 she live D. lived the girl750. Professor Johnson has announced that the exam _will be given soon. -That is not fair. How much time _ for us to prepare?A. there is B. is there C. it is D. is it751. Any parent hopes to gain the best education possible for _children.A. his B. her C. their D. they752.

307、Do you like to play basketball? - No, but I _ play basketball at college.A. used to B. was used to C. get used to D. use to753. Pluto, the outermost planet of the solar system, _photographically in March 1930.A. discovered B. was discoveredC. by discovery D. when discovered754. I walked 8 miles toda

308、y. - I would never have guessed you could walk _ far.A. that B. this C. such D. as755. We had a disagreement _ the bus was late.A. because of B. cause of C. because D. caused756. Will Eddie use his brothers bicycle? - No, he wants one _.A. for him B. of his own C. his alone D. only of himself757. _

309、I get to know her, the more I like her. A. For more B. More C. The more D. The most758. David will probably _, but Martha must leave early.A. stay late B. be late to stay C. being late D. staying late759. What will you do during Christmas vacation? - I dont know, but its about time _ something.A. Im

310、 deciding B. Ill decide C. Id decide D. I decided760. The old lady cant hope to _ her cold in a few days.A. get away B. get off C. get out D. get overBACCC BCCBB AABAC BCADD761. Though he has got well, he still looks _ weak.A. fairly B. rather C. much D.too762. What do you think of the concert? - I

311、really enjoyed it. I didnt expect it was _ wonderful.A. as B. more C. most D. very763. Would you go to the cinema or stay at home? - _ the film is good, I ll stay at home.A. No matter what B. In spite ofC. Even if D. As though764. They elected him _ monitor of their class for _ second time.A. /; a B

312、. the; / C. a; / D. a; the765. My brother enjoys swimming very much. - So does _.A. yours B. he C. mine D. him766. The bottle is quite big. I think it can _ five pounds of water.A. hold B. fill C. take D. get767. I would _ all of them _ with us.A. suggest; to go B. demand; to goC. expect; going D. l

313、ike; to go768. He had_ there for two years. - Really? Then he _ have known the town quite well.A. stayed; should B. been; mustC. got; can D. come; may769. Is Jack tall? - Yes, he is _ his brothers.A. the taller of B. the tallestC. tall one of D. taller than770. Lets see how much has been _ building

314、the new house.A. paid B. cost C. spent D. taken771. We must work out a plan on _ with the rubbish as soon as possible. A. what to do B. what to deal C. how doing D. how dealing772. Im sorry that I cant stay with you. - _.A. Not at all B. I dont think soC. Dont think so D. Thats all right773. Its sug

315、gested that the work _ at once.A. should do B. must be done C. be done D. could do774. The boy is badly hurt. We must _ for the doctor immediately.A. send B. ask C. search D. look775. Is this the very way _ to the valley?A. leading B. raise C. to improve D. to raise776. Im determined to do what I ca

316、n _ my English.A. improve B. raise C. to improve D. to raise777. The fire broke_at five a.m. and half an hour later it _.A. out; was put out B. off; died outC. up; went out D. in; was let out778. Life in the country is quite different from _ in the city.A. one B. the one C. that D. which779. Doctor,

317、 I have a terrible headache. - _.A. Never mind B. It doesnt matterC. Thats all right D. Take it easy780. Will you please show me the way to the only tall building _stands near the post office?A. / B. which C. that D. whereBACAC ADBDC ADCAA CACDC781. He always _ my friends.A. makes fun B. makes fun w

318、ithC. makes fun of D. makes fun in782. How long have you worked in this library? -Two years, but Im thinking _.A. to stop B. of stop C. to stopping D. of stopping783. This pencil is different from _.A. that B. those C. that one D. that ones784. John, why did you come so early for lunch today? - Oh,

319、I thought the bell _.A. had already rang B. has already rungC. already had rung D. had already rung785. Francis Preston Blair, Jr. _ born in Kentucky , lived and practiced law in Missouri .A. was B. he was C. although D. who he was786. To begin a trip is to set _ on it.A. to B. up C. out D. by787. I

320、m going on a trip to Spain . -Will you be there_?A. long time B. for some long timeC. for long D. longer788. I did not call to book my ticket for the airline, but I _.A. should have B. may have C. must have D. shall have789. The manager was angry because somebody _.A. had allowed the photographers t

321、o enter the buildingB. had let the photographers to enter the buildingC. permitting the photographers enter the buildingD. the photographers let into the building without the permit790. Your mother and I are looking forward _ you.A. of seeing B. for seeing C. to see D. to seeing791. His story proved

322、 _.A. truly B. true C. truth D. true not792. He gave _.A. to the class a tough classworkB. the class tough classworkC. tough classwork for the classD. a classwork very tough to the class793. I did it again. I slept until noon . - _through the alarm seems to be your biggest problem.A. Asleep B. To sl

323、eep C. To be asleep D. Sleeping794. Have you seen Mary today? - Yes, I _a minute ago.A. see her come in B. have seen her to come inC. saw her come in D. see her coming in795. Your English is about as perfect as it can be. - Thanks. Ive been _ time.A. to study long B. studying for a longC. studying h

324、ard D. study hard796. Are there going to be many people at your party today? - I hope that _.A. there will be B. there are goingC. there are D. there going to be797. I have been in London twice _ 1965.A. in B. since C. during D. when798. Are you going to the football game? - No. The tickets are _ ex

325、pensive for me.A. very much B. so much C. too D. highly799. Would you please _ an example to the children?A. make B. take C. do D. set800. Did the book give the information you need? - Yes, but _, I have to read it entirely.A. for finding it B. to find itC. finding it D. by finding itCACDC CCAAD BBD

326、CB ABCDB801. Is your new hat like the one in the window? - No, but it is somewhat similar _ that one over there.A. than B. for D. as802. I waited for two hours. - When did she_? A. show off B. show up C. show on D. show about803. This house is very big and beautiful. I think the rent must be _a

327、s that one.A. three times more B. three times as mucuC. as many three times D. as three times more804. Mary said _.A. during the meeting Helen acted like a foolB. Helen during the meeting acted like a foolC. Helen acted during the meeting like a foolD. Helen acted like a fool during the meeting805.

328、Ms. Jones isnt as nice _ Ms Smith.A. as B. for C. like D. to806. We are both pleased _honoured to be the guests of the president.A. also B. and C. alike D. as807. Where did he go? -He went to the bookstore_.A. for buying a book B. to buying a bookC. for a book D. buy a book808. Who is Alan Crockot?

329、- He is the speaker _ heard last week.A. we had B. we C. we would have D. which we would have809. Wed better hurry or well be late for the exhibition. -No, we wont. The museum doesnt even open _ another hour.A. during B. for C. in D. at810. We were amazed to see the _.A. amount of people waiting in

330、line at Macys storeB. number of people waiting in line at MacysC. amount of persons waiting in line at MacysD. amount of persons waiting at Macys in line811. The ticket agent said that the plane would be boarding at _.A. the gate six B. sixth gateC. gate six D. the six gate812. I thought I saw Profe

331、ssor Davis _ in the library last night.A. working B. to work C. worked D. works813. Is shopping there expensive? - Yes, the price runs _ fifty dollars.A. so high to B. as high toC. so high as D. as high as814. On entering another country, a tourist will have to _ the Customs.A. pass through B. pass

332、byC. pass over D. pass for815. The boys parents were prepared to go to any_to keep his name out of the papers.A. ways B. depths C. measures D. lengths816. Some of these trousers go with the jackets and _ are sold separately.A. anothers B. the other C. some other D. others817. Must we take a bus? -No

333、, you _. You can walk from here.A. must not B. dont mustC. dont have to D. better had it818. How did you feel after the car nearly hit you? - I _ for several moments.A. stood shaking B. was standing and shakenC. stood in shaking D. was standing shaken819. Why do you drink so much coffee? -Well, _ it

334、 doesnt keep me awake nights, I see no harm in it.A. although B. as long as C. as far as D. for820. I guess Jones didnt have the chance to win the election. -He certainly didnt. _ the people in the city were for his opponent.A. Almost all of B. Most all ofC. Most of all D. Almost the whole ofCBBDA B

335、CBBB CADAD DCABA821. Who is going to _ the cooking tonight?A. make B. fix C. do D. set822. _ his cold, he came first in the sports meet.A. Regardless B. In spite C. In spite of D. Despite of823. Do you remember _ my watch?A. had I put B. had put I C. I put D. put I824. Why did you bring so much lugg

336、age? - Irene insisted _ it all.A. bringing B. on bringing C. to bring D. that we bringing825. Will the cottage be cold? -Yes. Make sure _the heater.A. you light B. lighting C. youll D. for lighting826. I had to pay ten dollars for this bowl. -Its probably _.A. worth B. worth so C. worth them D. wort

337、h it827.- Have you finished studying ? - No, but I wish I _.A. would B. had C. should D. have828. When will you move? -As soon as _ another apartment.A. were finding B. we foundC. wed find D. we find829. I like Jean but I dont like _.A. her sing B. her singingC. she sing D. she singing830. Mr. Brown

338、 is _ the telephone now.A. in B. on C. at D. with831. What a boring speaker! - Yes, by the time he finishes, everyone _. A. will sleep B. be sleep C. will be asleep D. will fall to sleep832. Did you watch Tim go to sleep?- Yes. He yawned, closed his book, and _ down on the table. A. put his head B.

339、his head is C. is having his head D. his head put833. In fact, Mary would rather have left for San Francisco _ in Los Angeles .A. by staying B. that stay C. than have stayed D. to stay834. _ left before the deadline it doesnt seem likely that John will complete the job.A. Although such a short time

340、B. It is a shortC. With so short time D. With such short time835. I like your garden very much. - Thanks. Everything is _ now.A. in bloom B. by bloom C. on bloom D. at bloom836. He likes to swim _.A. and to play tennis B. and he also likes playing tennisC. and playing tennis D. and he likes to play

341、tennis837. This drink tastes a little _ to me.A. strongly B. so strong C. strong D. too much strong838. Where are you going to do your shopping? - I am going to the _.A. shoess B. shoe store C. shoes store D. shoes store839. Its a shame that you have _ time in New York on the tour.A. so few B. so li

342、ttle C. a few D. none840. Did you tell Betty about our change in plans?- Yes, I told her wed be _. A. some late B. a little late C. a few late minutes D. late several minutes CCCBA DBDBB CACDA ACBBB841. Can you tell me _to join the army?A. how a person has to be oldB. how does a person have to be ol

343、dC. how old a person has to be oldD. how old does a person have to be842. “If I hadnt practiced when I was young, “ he says, “I _able to play now.”A. wont be B. wouldnt be C. would be D. wouldnt have been843. All the doctors in the hospital insisted that he _badly wounded and that he _at once.A. sho

344、uld be; be operated B. were; must be operated onC. was; should be operated D. was; be operated on844. Sorry, he is out, and _ back until six oclock .A. he comes B. hell come C. he wont come D. hell be845. You may go out _you are back by eleven.A. so long as B. so long C. so far D. so fast846. It is

345、necessary that every student _ eye exercises during the break.A. do B. does C. must do D. will do847. Peter isnt a hard-working student, for it is the third time he has been late, _?A. is he B. isnt it C. has he D. hasnt he848. Why not go out and play football? - _.A. Yes, I think so B. Yes, I willC

346、. Its a good game D. Thats a good idea849. Do you have any clothes _? Id like to wash them for you. -No, thank you. Ill wash them myself.A. to be washed B. to wash C. washed D. being washed850. - _ is her elder brother ?- The man repairing the car over there.A. Who B. What C. Where D. Which one851.

347、Sara hopes to become a friend of _ shares her interests.A. anyone B. whomever C. whoever D. no matter who852. Shanghai is _ the largest cities of China .A. belonging to B. belonged to C. about D. among853. - _- John be coming here tonight? -Im not sure, but he _stay at home. A. My; might B. Can; mus

348、tC. Must; might D. Can ; might854. Have you ever been to London ? -Yes, _ shall I forget _it for the first time.A. however; visiting B. never; visitingC. ever; to visit D. forever; to have visited855. We havent heard from Jean for a long time. - What do you think _ to her?A. was happened B. was happ

349、eningC. happened D. has happened856. Has Jane arrived yet? - No, she _ an hour ago.A. was supposed to come B. must have comeC. should come D. ought to have come857. He didnt understand me , did he? -No, _.A. I didnt think so B. I dontC. I dont hope that D. I think so858. I didnt gop to class last ni

350、ght because my car broke down. -You _ mine. I was using it.A. could borrow B. could have borrowedC. may borrow D. may have borrowed859. Such a sudden turn on the road is too difficult for the new driver, isnt it? - _. Hes dealt with all kinds of troublesome situations before.A. No, it isnt B. Yes, i

351、t isC. No, not yet D. Yes, I think so860. Have you finished your composition? - Oh, sorry, I _ all about it. A. forget B. forgot C. has forgotten D. had forgottenCBDCA ABDAD CDDBD DABAB861. Will you argue with the teacher about your grades? - No, I ll _.A. let rest the matter B. let the matter restC

352、. let the matter resting D. let resting the matter862. Are you ready now ? - Yes. Lets hurry_ a seat near the front.A. so to get B. for gettingC. get D. and get863. I dont think we should move in next week. - Then are you considering _ with us?A. to live B. living C. lived D. live864. Which is the c

353、ar he drives? - Its _.A. cart fifty-four B. the fifty-four carC. fifty-four car D. the fifty-fourth car865. How many brand-new cars there are ! - Automobile production in the last ten years has increased _.A. highly B. high C. great D. greatly866. This new soap is not much _ the others that I have t

354、ried.A. different B. different than C. different from D. different that867. Did Alice learn Spanish in high school? - I imagine _.A. that B. she was C. so D. it868. Is today your birthday? - Yes, and my mother made _.A. a cake to me B. me a cakeC. a cake me D. a cake of me869. Ralph seems to like th

355、is country. -Yes, he is _ here as he was at home.A. almost as happy B. as happy almostC. as almost happy D. almost happy as870. Do you know anyone in Chicago ? - No, but Ill made friends once _.A. Im settled B. Ill be settled C. Ive been settled D. I had settled871. Shall we take a walk before dinne

356、r? -Oh, yes, _ is my favourite time of day.A. the early evening it B. in the early eveningC. the early of the evening D. early evening872. What did you think of Bellows new book? - I enjoyed _ it.A. to read B. reading C. to have read D. the reading of873. I doubt that the guard will allow you to ent

357、er. - Im going in _.A. without his permitting B. although he says otherC. no matter what he says D. despite his saying it874. May I help you with some shoes, sir? - Yes. Id like to try on those brown _.A. one B. ones C. two D. pair875. Shall I turn on the television? - No. Id rather not _ television

358、 tonight.A. watching B. to watch C. watch D. for watching876. Have you seen the doctor? - No, but _-.A. I go B. Im going to see C. I go to see D. Im going to877. Will the child recover? -Right now, there is no way_.A. for knowing B. to have known C. of knowing D. to be known878. This cake is delicio

359、us! - Well, at least its _ the one I baked last week.A. as worse as B. no worse thanC. as better than D. not better as879. Elizabeth borrowed the book a month ago. -Then she should _ it by now.A. to finish B. have finished C. finish D. had finished880. When you refuse an offer, you turn it _.A. away

360、 B. out C. down D. offBDBDD CCBAA DBCBC DCBBC881. To visit someone unexpectedly is to drop _.A. out B. in C. off D. down882. Shall I ask her to come? -Yes. Please_type these for me.A. her to B. have her C. she has D. has she883. Greg should have left the party an hour ago. -Yes. I keep telling him t

361、o go , _ he stays anyway.A. because B. but C. instead D. however884. Shall I open the window? -Yes, please. I wish _ it.A. you would open B. your openingC. you shall open D. you will open885. To repair or improve the appearance of something is to fix it _.A. out B. off C. up D. over886. Are you enjo

362、ying the studies here? -Yes, very much. I wish I _ have to leave so soon.887. What are you going to do next year? -I dont know. But its time _ something.A. I decided B. I deciding C. Ill decide D. Id decide888. David is buying some apples for Maria. - Id like some for _.A. myself B. me C. she D. her

363、self889. Todays libraries differ greatly from _.A. the past B. those of the past C. that are past D. those past890. Is Bush over his cold yet? - He _. He went ice-skating yesterday.A. must be B. ought to C. will be D. has to891. Shall I mail this letter for you? -Yes. Ill appreciate _.A. that you do

364、 B. this C. you to do it D. it892. Children learn very quickly. When they learn about a new subject they often _.A. become too interested B. very much are interestedC. become much interested D. are intereted very much893. Im surprised to learn that you are going back to Chicago . - Yes, Id hoped tha

365、t I _ have to go back again, but I do.A. dont B. wont C. hadnt D. wouldnt894. Mr Anderson left for Columbus , Ohio long ago. -Oh. Thats a pity. I wish _.A. Id meet him B. Ill have met himC. Id met him D. Id met him895. Anne acts in an unfriendly way. -I think she is _ than unfriendly.A. shyer B. shy

366、 C. more shy rather D. more shy896. How did you get your car out of the ditch.? - _ it.A. Push B. Having pushed C. From pushing D. By pushing897. Only in recent years _ begun to realize that wild dogs, kept within bounds, often do more good than harm. A. people have B. since people haveC. have peopl

367、e D. people who have898. For todays homework, do pages forty and forty-one in the workbook. -Professor Jones, I think that is _ work.A. too much B. much the more C. too hard D. hardest899. I hear you and Francis will spend your vacation in Nepal next spring. -Yes, we are planning _.A. to B. to be C.

368、 it D. to do it900. Irene _New Hampshire in 1976 and _ in Virginia since then.A. left; worked B. has left; has workedC. left; has worked D. has left; workedBBBAC DAABA DCDDD DCAAC901. Did the tree fall to Bob, too? -No, Bob jumped _ the way.A. out of B. away from C. beyond D. from902. Either Maria o

369、r Tom must have eaten _ lunch here.A. his B. their C. their D. her903. Do you like the book Sidney gave you? - Very much. Its exactly _ I wanted.A. one which B. the one C. one what D. the what904. _ you rather sit by the window.A. Dont B. Will C. Wouldnt D. Wont905. Senator Mitchell has just arrived

370、.- Really? I didnt think he _ until next week.A. is coming B. has come C. was coming D. had come906. It seems to me that they want it reasonably. -No doubt it is, and maybe they would get it if they _in a nice way. A. only asked for it B. for it asked C. asked only for it D. asked for it only907. I

371、prefer writing a term paper _ taking an examination.A. than B. to C. for D. that908. My wife is visiting her mother today. -In that case_ you have dinner with us tonight?A. will B. wouldnt C. wont D. can909. Does the school have any cars? -Yes, it has two _.A. old German ones B. German old onesC. ol

372、d Germans D. old German910. A good carpenter is likely to be very particular about another persons using_tools.A. out B. his C. their D. her911. Last Sunday was _ that we took a drive in the country.A. so beautiful day B. such a beautiful a dayC. such a beautiful weather D. so beautiful a day912. Th

373、at cake is delicious, but I cant get _ more.A. any B. some C. no D. much913. Will Susan get her Ph. D? - It is likely she _.A. will B. does C. will do it D. gets it914. She _ a beautiful nightgown.A. dreesed B. wore C. was dressing D. clothed915. The policeman is looking for a _ car.A. stealing B. s

374、tolen C. steal D. steals916. Some boys have two names; _ boys have three.A. other B. another C. the other D. none other917. Im sorry. I broke your dish. -It _.A. matter nothing all B. has no matter anywaytC. doesnt matter D. is no matter918. I suggested that a meeting _ at some other time.A. holds B

375、. is holding C. be held D. hold919. The bookstore had ordered _ texts for all the students in the course.A. plenty of B. enough C. as many D. enough of920. I used to want to be a politician. -I always dreamed _ the conductor of an orchestra.A. to become B. that I will becomeC. that I become D. of be

376、comingAABCC ABB AB DAABB ACCBD921. - I hear _ number of workers of that factory_out of work.-Yes, and _ number _ quite large.A. a; are; the; is B. the; is; a; areC. the; is; a; is D. a; is; the; are922. Can I do the job? - Im afraid not, because it _skill and patience.A. calls on B. calls out C. cal

377、ls up D. calls for923. Every minute must be made full use of _our lessons, for the college entrance examination is coming. A. going over go over C. go over D. our going over924. Do you mind if I open the window? -_, but I have caught a bad cold today. A. No, not at all B. Yes, of course not C.

378、Yes, please D. Im sorry925. I think it _ to smoke, _. A. was wrong; neither do I B. wrong; so do I C. wrong; so I dont D. wrong; so I dont so926. What was Tom doing when you went in? -He had just finished his homework and _read a novel. A. starting to B. has started to C. was starting to D. has star

379、ted to927. She looks worried. She _.A. mustnt have passed the examB. must fail in the examC. cant have got a good jobD. must have lost the exam928. By five oclock this evening, the spaceship _eighty times round the earth.A. has traveled B. will have traveledC. has been traveling D. traveled929. Who

380、do you think he would _the letter of congratulations to the teacher?A. have write B. have written C. have to write D. have writes930. Is this research center _ you visited the modern equipment last year?A. where B. that C. the one that D. the one where931. Why did you spend _ money buying _giftes?A.

381、 so little; so small B. such little; so littleC. so little; such little D. such little; such little932. Has your brother got up? - Sorry, Im not sure. He _got up.A. must have B. cant have C. would have D. might have933. He, like his parents, _ flowers and watch the growth of them.A. like to grow B.

382、likes to growC. likes growing D. like growing934. Such a little girl as you _ ticket.A. needs not B. doesnt need C. neednt to get D. needs no935. Seeing the soldiers well _ for the flood-fight, the general nodded with satisfaction.A. preparing B. prepared C. prepare D. having prepared936. Closing th

383、e factory means _ more workers out of work.A. to put B. put C. putting D. being put937. Some of the families in the flooded areas _ their children to colleges, but the government provided them with the money_.A. couldnt afford to send; neededB. failed to afford to send; was neededC. didnt afford to

384、send; they neededD. couldnt afford sending; needed938. If Jims father _ that he was going to play video games, he _ him to go out.A. knew; would forbidB. had known; would forbidC. had known; would have forbiddenD. knew; would have forbidden939. Every means _, but none proved _.A. have tried; success

385、ful B. has been tried; successfulC. has tried; to be successfully D. have been tried; successfully940. Did you check the progress of the project yourself last week? - _.A. Yes, I had B. Yes, I checkedB. C. No, I had it checked D. No, I checked the week before lastADBDC CCBAD DDBDB CACBC941. The news

386、 that they failed their driving test discouraged him, _?A. did they B. didnt they C. did it D. didnt it942. They are not very good, but we like _.A. anyway to play basketball with themB. to play basketball with them anywayC. to play with them basketball anywayD. with them to play basketball anyway94

387、3. My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday afternoon, so he _your lecture.A. couldnt have attended B. neednt have attendedC. mustnt have attended D. shouldnt have attended944. My uncle _ until he was forty-five.A. married B. didnt marry C. was not marrying D. would marry945. Not a single so

388、ng _ at yesterdays party.A. she sang B. sang she C. did she sing D. she did sing946. _ of the land in the district _covered with trees and grass.A. Two-fifth; is B. Two-fifth; are C. Two-fifths; is D. Two-fifths; are947. _she couldnt understand was _fewer and fewer students showed interest in her cl

389、ass. A. What; why B. That; what C. What; because D. Why; that948. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, _was very reasonable. A. which price B. the price of which C. its price D. the price of whose949. Someone is ringing the door bell. Go and see _. A. who is he B. who he is C. who is it D. who

390、 it is950. She found her calculator _ she lost it. A. where B. when C. in which D. that951. She sent me an e-mail, _to get further information. A. hoped B. hoping C. to hope D. hope952. I know nothing about the young lady _ she is from Beijing . A. except B. except for C. except that D. besides953.

391、What he has done is far from _. A. satisfactory B. satisfied C. satisfaction D. satisfy954. Youare standing too near the camera. Can you move _? A. a bit far B. a little farther C. a bit of farther D. a little far955. Greenland , _ island in the world, covers over two million square kilometers. A. i

392、t is the largest B. that is the largestC. is the largest D. the largest956. If only he _quietly as the doctor instructed, he would not suffer so much now.A. lies B. lay C. had lain D. should lie957. _in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States .A. Being founded B. It

393、 was founded C. Founded D. Founding958. An awful accident _, however, occur the other day.A. does B. did C. has to D. had to959. The _ boy was last seen _ near the East Lake .A. missing; playing B. missing; play C. missed; played D. missed; to play960. Tony was very unhappy for _to the party.A. havi

394、ng not been invited B. not having invitedC. having not invited D. not having been invited961. Shall I help you with that suitcase? - _.A. Its all right, thanks B. Yes, go ahead, pleaseC. I dont want trouble you too much D. No, please dont do it962. You have given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs W

395、ang. - _.A. Oh, I am afraid I didnt cook very wellB. Im glad you enjoyed itC. Come again when you are freeD. Itd not necessary for you to say so963. Do you mind if I keep pets in this building? - _.A. Id rather you didnt, actually B. Of course not, its not allowed hereC. Great! I love pets D. No, yo

396、u cant964. I dont have any change with me. Will you pay the fare for me? - _.A. Thats fine B. nothing serious C. Never mind D. No problem965. I didnt know this was one-way street, officer. - _.A. Thats right B. I dont believe youB. C. How dare you say that D. Sorry, but thats no excuse966. The lion

397、is considered the king of the forest as it is a (n) _of courage and power.A. example B. sign C. mark D. symbol967. We volunteered to collect money to help the _of the earthquake.A. victims B. folks C. fellows D. villagers968. If you dont take away all your things from the desk, there wont be enough

398、_for my stationery. A. area B. place C. room D. surface969. One of the advantages of living on the top floor of a highrise is that you can get a good_. A. sight B. scene C. view D. look970. Excuse me, may I ask you some questions? -Sorry, Im too busy and havent even a minute to _. A. spend B. spare

399、C. share D. stop971. Although the working mother is very busy, she still _a lot of time to her children. A. devotes B. spends C. offers D. provides972. When I opened the door, a parcel on the floor _ my eye. A. met B. caught C. drew D. attracted973. After the president made an official announcement,

400、 she expressed her _opinion. A. personal B. private C. single D. individual974. Alice laid her baby on the sofa_and wrapped it with a blanket. A. silently B. tenderly C. friendly D. comfortably975. Fred is second to none in maths in our class, but belive it or not, he _passed the last exam. A. easil

401、y B. hardly C. actually D. successfully976. Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. _, our minds are developed by learning. A. Probably B. Likely C. Similarly D. Generally977. He holds an important position in the company; _, I dont quite trust him. A. thus B. furthermore C. otherwise D. nev

402、ertheless978. If you had _your test paper carefully before handing it in, you would have made fewer mistakes. A. looked up B. thought about C. gone over D. gone round979. It is widely accepted that young babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to _. A. rewards B. prizes C. awards D. resu

403、lts980. I wrote him a letter to show my _of his thoughtfulness. A. achievement B. agreement C. attention D. appreciationDBABC CABDA BCABD CCBAD ABADD DACCB ABABB CDCAD981. The police have _power to arrest bad people by _law. A. the; the B. / ; the C. / ; / D. the; /982. When their first child was bo

404、rn, they _for three years. A. had married B. got married C. had been married D. had got married983. The housework is too much for me, Jack. -Sorry, but I cant help_ it, Joan. Ive got something important to do, you know. A. do B. doing C. to be doing D. having done984. Have a sweet dream. - _. A. Yes

405、, I will B. Thank you all the same C. All right D. You too985. You can never imagine what great difficulty I have _ your house. A. found B. finding C. to find D. for finding986. Im too busy to go to the cinema with you, John. - _. The film is said to be a very good one. A. Thats all right B. Im so s

406、orry C. What a shame D. Its too disappointed987. Thats funny! I remember putting my glasses on my desk, but now theyre_. A. missed B. broken C. gone D. disappeared988. I came home very late last night, _, early this morning. A. at latest B. on the whole C. in a word D. or rather989. You look not a b

407、it older than you did five years ago. How do you_ so young? A. change B. grow C. become D. stay990. So funny _ that everybody burst out laughing. A. she looked B. was she looking C. did she look D. had she looked991. Everything _into consideration, they ought to have another chance. A. to take B. ta

408、ken C. to be taken D. taking992. Its pity that the quarrel _their friendship. A. broke up B. put down C. gave up D. took away993. I think youve got to the point _ a change is needed, otherwise youll fail. A. when B. that C. where D. which994. Why did she spend so much time searching shop after shop

409、only for a blouse? - Oh, she was very _about her clothes. A. special B. particular C. especial D. unusual995. Id like you to meet David, a _ cowboy. A. dark, handsome, tall B. tall, handsome, dark C. handsome, dark, tall D. tall, dark, handsome996. what do people wear when they go to the theatre? -

410、Well, it isnt very _. People can wear anything they like. A. normal B. certain C. modern D. simple997.- Lucy, you wash the dishes, _? - Mum, cant Lily do it? Its her turn. A. dont you B. can you C. shall you D. will you998. Did you visit the famous museum? - No. We _ it, but we spent too much time s

411、hopping. A. could have visited B. must have visited C. cant have visited D. shouldnt have visited999. Where is George? He said he would meet me here at 3. - He seems _ with Mr. Brown in the office. A. to talk B. to be talking C. to have talked D. talking1000. I heard Back Street boys will sing at the New Theatre. - Where did you _? A. pick that up B. put that up C. make that up D. take that upDCADB CCDDC BACBD ADABA

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