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2007届高三英语强化模拟测试 (四).doc

1、2007届高三英语强化模拟测试 (四)I.听力(1-20略) (20分)II单项填空 (15分)21. These two chemicals interact with each other at certain temperature to produce substance(物质) which could cause an explosion.Aa ; a B/ ; aCthe; the Dthe ; a22. Yesterday top Chinese leaders met visiting African leaders Beijing Summit of the Forum on

2、 China Africa Co operation.Ahaving attendedBattendedChad attendedDattending23. On the farm, the children always did the same work as grown - ups did _got paid less.A. as B. if C. though D. and24. They each _ a new dictionary.A. has B. have C. is D. are25. After the war, a new school building was put

3、 up _there had once been a theatre. A. that B. where C. which D. when26Are you engaged in making your plan? Yes, I it this afternoon, the latest. Ajust finish Bhave just finished Cam just going to finish Dam just finishing27. Coming to another country to study requires a big adjustment and it takes

4、a while to . Afit for Bfit up Cfit in Dfit on28. Among her books were that helped with her research,which Professor Smith gave her as birthday presents Athe ones Bones Csome Dthe others29. She more visits to her parentsShe has been regretting not doing so since they passed awayAshould pay Bwould pay

5、 Cshould have paid Dwould have paid30. The Queen accompanied President Hu Jintao in_ a Guard of Honour. A. viewing B. visiting C. checking D. inspecting31. Does this tie look OK with this suit?Yeah, .Ait fits Bit works Cits goes Dit matches32.The teachers reading room is said instruments made in Sha

6、nghai Ato equip with Bto be equipped with Cto have equipped with Dto be equipping with33. Excuse me, is this the right way to No. 1 Middle School? Sorry, Im not sure. But it _ be. A. can B. might C. mustD. need34. Just like a voyage at sea, our life journey,_ days are limited, is full of difficultie

7、s. A. which B. that C. its D. whose35. The problem is _ we should do _ him.A. that; and help B. how; to help C. what; to help D. why; and helpIII.完形填空(30分)One morning Mary Works boss handed her some heavy new assignments. She was 36 that for the next few weeks he intended to push her “to the brink(边

8、缘)”.“Hes a slave driver(严厉的监工)”,Mary thought to 37 ,“how can he be so insensitive?” She typed a message on her computer 38 about the “androids(机器人)”lack of feeling, then sent it over the office network to a(n) 39colleagues computeror, 40 , she meant to. But Mary realized her mistake seconds 41 she s

9、aw the look of a big shock on the bosss red face across the room. 42 directing the message to her friend, she had sent it to him!After a few deep breaths, Mary wrote a note quickly to the 43 , asking to have a few words with him. He44,and they went to an empty conference room.“Obviously, I didnt45 t

10、hat message for you,” she said, “Im really sorry,” She explained that the 46 android was a joking, shorthand way to describe how he seemed distant and insensitive to her. Marys boss was almost 47to hear her criticism in reasonable terms. He even promised to48 to be more understanding. “Mary,” he sai

11、d, “when we walk out of here, this incident is over,” He kept his49 ,and from then on Mary found it much easier to50 with him. By talking it out. Mary 51 help her boss clam down and deal with the problem.Everyone makes a mistake 52 .At first, were stunned with disbelief. But 53 the damage is done, w

12、e must try, as gracefully as we can, to 54 the pieces. 55 , there are many good ways to make amends(赔罪)and move on.36AinformedBtold Csaid Dannounced37Aher BhimCherselfDhimself38AcomplainingBtalkingCdiscussing Dquarrelling39Apleased BunderstandingCinspiringDsatisfied40Aat most Bat allCat timesDat lea

13、st41Aafter Bwhen Cbefore Dwhile42AMore than BInstead ofCIn place of DOther than43Aboss Bfriend Ccolleague Dleader44Arefused Bagreed Creceived Drejected45Awant BmeanCplan Dhope46Awords Bphrase Cterm Dexpression47Aangry Bunhappy Csurprised Dgrateful48Aexpect BmanageCdesire Dtry49AsayingBpromise Cthoug

14、ht Dhope50Atalk Bstay CcommunicateDlive51Acould Bwould Cwas able toDshould52Aall the time Bfrom time to time Cat one time Dat a time53Aonce Bwhile Csince Das54Apick out Btake away Cpick up Dthrow away55AUnluckilyBQuickly CSoon DFortunatelyIV. 阅读理解(40分)A“So, Mr. Banks, youre going on holiday with you

15、r family to Bournemouth,” said the police officer. “You left Brandford early this morning and came down the motorway. Then you left the motorway near Tewkesbury and stopped to buy a paper at a little place called Stanway. It was 11 oclock. Then you stopped about fifteen minutes later here, in Stow,

16、and went into the back of your SomnaMobile, but your wife wasnt there.”“Thats right, officer.”“Perhaps she got off at Stanway,” the policeman said.“We didnt hear mum,” Vicki said, “I think ”“I want my mum,” Eddie said. He began to cry.“Well find her, sonny(宝贝)” the policeman said kindly.“So, Mrs. Ba

17、nks,” the man said, “Your husband stopped here, in Stanway, about fifteen minutes ago and you went into the supermarket to get some coffee. Your husband didnt know you werent in the back of the Somna and ”“Perhaps he knew she wasnt there,” the woman said.“Quiet, Matilde. He didnt know and must have

18、driven away. Then we stopped and our Somna is exactly the same as yours. So you got in and made coffee.”“Ive lost my husband and my children,” Fay said. “Dont worry, Mrs. Banks,” the man said kindly.“Well find them. I suppose they are traveling south”.56How many people took part in the conversation?

19、ASeven BSix CFive DIt is not shown in the passage.57Which of the following statements is true?AMatilde lost her husband and children.BMr. Banks dropped his wife halfway to Bournemouth.CMr. Banks lost his wife halfway to Bournemouth and he went to the police for help. DThe police officer knew where M

20、rs. Banks was.58Fay was now .Ain the police station Bat the supermarketCin a bar Din Matilde and her husbands Somna59What mistake did Fay make to cause the trouble?AShe went to the supermarket during the trip.BShe got off the Somna without telling her husband.CShe got in a wrong Somna. DShe shouldnt

21、 have bought the coffee. BBeauty crosses all cultural and sexual barriersPeople all over the world generally agree on what makes a human face beautiful,British and Japanese researchers reported in MarchBeautiful women have high cheek-bones and large eyesAttractive men have strong chins“Beautiful” fa

22、ces tend to be the ones with the most average proportionsThe new study , using computer-generated images based on photographs of real persons,found people said a face was more pleasing if certain features of an “average” face were improvedThe more attractive face had higher cheek-bones,a thinner jaw

23、 and larger eyes relative to the size and shape of an average faceThe attractive shape also had shorter distances between the mouth and chin and between nose and mouth“What we did was look at faces already judged attractive,”David Perrett of the University of St Andrews said by telephone“Then we exa

24、ggerated(夸张) the attractive features”They took the attractive parts,such as large eyes or a strong chin,and made them slightly largerSure enough,people taking part in the experiment chose the “exaggerated” facesBut Perrett said this only worked to a degree. “Theres a danger of a bug-eyed monster som

25、ewhere along the line”he said. “The eyes could become totally important at some point”.Perrett said it was not clear why people found certain features attractivePerhaps attractive facial features signal sexual maturity and fertility, emotional expressiveness or charmThe effect worked across cultures

26、. Japanese and Caucasian observers showed the same preferences for the same facial composites,suggesting that beauty judgments of face shape are similar across different cultural backgrounds.”Perrett said earlier studies showed that black people also agreed on universal judgments tend to be the same

27、 from men,women and children60The best title of the passage is ABeauties all alike BThe similar idea in the worldCThe judgments of beauty DResearches into beauties61Which of the following is NOT answered in the passage?Awhy do people have the same judgments?BWhat kind of face is called beauty?CWhat

28、is the difference between men and womens face?DHow do the researchers do the experiments?62What does the underlined word “them” (Para. 7) refer to?AThe researchers BPeople all over the world CThe attractive parts DLarge eyes or strong chins63That different people have the same idea about beauty sugg

29、ests AJapanese,British people and black people are human beingsBwhat is considered the most attractive is the sameCall the people have the same culturesDdifferent cultures cross on some pointsCThe classroom is a mans world, where boys get two thirds of the teachers attentioneven when they are in a m

30、inority- taunt (辱骂) the girls without punishment, and receive praise for careless work that would not be tolerated from girls. They are accustomed to being teachers pets, and if girls get anything like equal treatment, they will protest eagerly.These claims are made in a book out this week, written

31、by Dale Spender, a lecturer at the London University Institute of Education. She argues that discrimination against girls is so deeply in co-educational schools that single-sex classes are the only answer.Her case is based on tape recordings of her own and other teachers lessons. Many of them, like

32、Spender, had on purpose set out to give girls a fair chance. “Sometimes,” says Spender, “I have even thought I have gone too far and have spent more time with the girls than the boys.” The tapes proved otherwise. In 10 taped lessons (in secondary school and college), Spender never gave the girls mor

33、e than 42 percent of her attention (the average was 38 percent) and gave the boys less than 58 percent. There were similar results for other teachers, both male and female. In other words, when teachers give girls more than a third of their time, they feel that they are cheating the boys of their ri

34、ghtful share. And so do the boys themselves. “She always asks the girls all the questions,” said one boy in a classroom where 34 percent of the teachers time was given to girls. A boy in another class said his sex got 63 percent of teachers attention. Boys regarded two-thirds of the teachers time as

35、 fair deal, and when they got less they caused trouble in class and even complained to higher authority. “It is important to keep their attention,” said one teacher. “Otherwise, they play you up something awful.” Spender concludes that, in mixed classes, if the girls are as boisterous and pushy as t

36、he boys, they are considered “unladylike”, if they are quiet, they are ignored.64. If girls are better treated in class, would be better. A. single-sex classes and co-educational classes B. co- educational classesC. single-sex classes D. none of the above 65. Dale Spender obtained the evidence for h

37、er claims by _. A. her own lessons in secondary school and college B. the other teachers tape recordings C. both male and female teachers lessons D. tape-recordings of her own and other teachers lessons66. What are the boys reactions when girls are given more attention? A. They will keep the teacher

38、s attention again. B. They will make more trouble and complain to the headmaster. C. They will not listen to the teacher. D. They will feel they are cheated by teachers.67. The word “boisterous” in the last paragraph probably means _. A. rough B. brave C. terrible D. encouragingDThe US airline indus

39、try is facing a new threat to its profits-heavier passengers, a report has found. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the average US adult put on ten pounds (4.5kg) of weight during the 1990s. Transporting the extra weight cost airlines an extra 275 million in fuel costs

40、in 2000, the report says. Earnings at airlines have already been under pressure due to the decreasing demand and a record increase in the price of crude oil(原油). In the US, a number of airlines have gone bust while others are struggling to survive in an even more competitive market place. While it i

41、s relatively easy to check the weight of a travelers luggage and charge those that burst limits, it is much harder to regulate a persons waistline. Some firms have toyed with the idea of (jokingly suggested) charging overweight travelers for two seats, but it is not a practice that has taken off ind

42、ustry-wide. Last year, the American Federal Aviation Administration increased the average passenger weight they use to calculate aircraft loads by ten pounds. Since then, crude oil prices have hit record levels, with many firms responding by raising the fuel charge they add to ticket prices.The risi

43、ng level of obesity in the US and in Europe has prompted government health campaigns and harsh criticism of a number of food firms. Restaurant chain McDonalds has taken the main force of the attack, and has in recent months reworked its menu to include healthier options, which has helped lift profit

44、s. As with fast food restaurants, timely adjustment may be the best solution presently for American airlines. The prediction by experts, however, is that humans are set to become bigger. 68This passage is most probably taken from . Aa government report Ba yearly economy reviewCan airline guidebook D

45、a newspaper69The underlined phrase “gone bust” (paragraph 2) is closest in meaning to . Abecome stronger Bgot bannedCfailed financially Dexpanded further70The underlined word “those” (paragraph 2) most probably refers to .Aoverweight travelers Boverloaded casesCtravelers waistlines Dextra large seat

46、s71What measures did many American airlines take in response to the record increase in the price of crude oil last year? AThey increased the average passenger weight when calculating aircraft loads. BThey brought up their ticket prices. CThey charged obese travelers for two seats. DThey overcharged

47、travelers luggage.72What does the last sentence of the passage imply? AAirline profits in America will be under even greater pressure. BThe population of obese people will increase rapidly. CAmerican airlines will charge more for fuels. DFast food restaurants will be forced to change their menus. E

48、We gather a great deal of incidental knowledge from petsIf we look after them properly, we learn what they like and dislikeWe do not set out to gain this knowledge purposely, but in attending to our pets we gain it by the wayIt is got without our realizing itIn keeping our dogs or cats we learn abou

49、t various diseases that can affect them,and the cures for these diseasesWe learn how much sleep they need and what kind of food keeps them healthy. In looking after our fish we learn about the composition of water. We get to know what kinds of fish can live peacefully together and what kinds are hos

50、tile(敌对的)to each other. We learn that animal,fish and birds have a lot of things in common with human beings If children keep pets, their general education is helped by this kind of incidental knowledgeOne little incident after another in which their pets are involved adds to their store of learning

51、It is a more interesting form of learning than that given in the biology lesson in schoolPeople who keep pets should have a sense of responsibility towards themChildren,too,should be taught to be responsiblePets are completely dependent on their owners and the owners should respond to this dependenc

52、e by looking after themIrresponsible behavior towards pets is a form of cruelty In deciding to keep a pet we take on a task, we make ourselves responsible for providing proper food and shelter for the petIn a crowded city like Hong Kong, where there is so little room for the exercise required by lar

53、ge pets,we should think twice before undertaking the responsibility of keeping one73For children Akeeping pets widens their general knowledge Bkeeping pets adds to their trouble Call kinds of knowledge are obtained by keeping pets Dincidental knowledge is more important than general knowledge74In ke

54、eping pets,responsibility means Adepending on them Btaking care of themCwriting to them Dteaching them75In the last paragraph, the word “twice” can best be replaced by“ ” A . later B. two times Csecond D carefullyV.对话填空 (10分)W: Did you see todays n 76 ? That building over in Centerville 76. was just

55、 s 77 by lightning for the fourth time! 77. M: Im not s 78 . If the conditions for lightning to strike are right 78. one time, they might be as good another time.W:Well, I dont take any chances. If Im c79 in a thunderstorm, 79. I look for a building or a closed car. Also, I was told that if youre st

56、uck o80 , the best thing you can do is 80. to keep yourself c 81 to the ground and avoid bodies of water. 81. M: To tell you the t 82 , even when Im at home, I dont take baths 82. or showers during a thunderstorm. And I dont use anything thatw83 electrically. Maybe I m too anxious. 83. W: I wouldnt

57、say that. A84 to the article, lightning starts thousands of fires 84. every year in the United States alone. Hundreds of people are i 85 85. or even killed. I think youre just being sensible.VI.书面表达(25分)你校同学进行了一场有关高考英语听力测试的讨论。主题是:高考英语测试中的听力部分该不该取消?请根据提示写一篇短文,介绍讨论的情况。(词数120左右,不包括已给出的起始句)一些同学认为:1不应该取消

58、2听是学习语言的四项基本技能之一,不能忽视3听是获取信息的重要途径之一4国际合作(international cooperation)日益增多,听,说能力应加强 另一些同学认为:1应该取消2考试中各地收听效果好坏不一,不公平3英语教师和语音设备城乡差异过大4今后并非人人都要与外国人进行口头交流The students of our school had a discussion about whether listening test in the National Matriculation English Test should be kept or canceled. Some stud

59、ents think that listening test should not be canceled(取消). They insist listening is among the four basic skills. We therefore can not ignore it. Besides, listening is one of the important channels for us to get information from the outside world. So it should be strengthened today when international

60、 cooperation is becoming more and more frequent. But others don t agree. They think not everyone has to communicate with foreigners in the future. Moreover, listening test is unfair to the students in the areas where radio signals cannot be picked up effectively. And for certain reasons, there is a

61、big difference in teachers and equipment between the countryside and the city.In my opinion, with the development of society, we will have to do more business with foreigners. Its necessary for us to improve our listening ability through listening test in the NMET. Only in this way can we make our country better-off.强化模拟测试 (四)21-25 ADCBB 26-30 CCACD 31-35 DBBDC3640 BCABD 4145 CBABB 4650 CDDBC 5155 CBACD56-59 ACDC 60-63 ACCD 64-67 CDBA 68-72DCBBA 73-75 ABD76. newspaper 77. struck 78. surprised 79. caught 80. outdoors81. close 82. truth 83. works 84. According 85. injured

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