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本文(2020-2021人教版英语必修4课件:UNIT 4 BODY LANGUAGE SECTION Ⅱ WARMING UP & READING — LANGUAGE POINTS .ppt)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、Section Warming Up&Reading Language Points.核心单词根据词义写出正确的单词1n.宿舍2n.食堂3vt.&vi.接近;靠近;走近n.接近;方法;途径4n.面颊5adj.主要的6n.成人;成年人 adj.成人的;成熟的7vi.猛冲;突进8n.航班dormitorycanteenapproachcheekmajoradultdashflight.拓展词汇根据词义写出正确的单词,并牢记拓展词汇1adj.可能的unlikely adj.不可能的2n陈述;说明state v陈述;说明3vi.&vt.迎接;问候greeting n迎接;问候;招呼4vt.代表;象征r

2、epresentation n代表;代表团;代理representative adj.代表性的 n代表;代理人likelystatementgreetrepresent5n社团;联系;联想associate v把联系起来6adj.好奇的curiously adv.好奇地curiosity n好奇心7vt.保护;保卫defence n防御;保卫8vt.误解;误会misunderstanding n误解;误会associationcuriousdefendmisunderstand.阅读词汇写出下列单词的汉语意义1simply adv.2Muslim n&adj.3posture n.4cross

3、roads n.简单地穆斯林的;伊斯兰教信徒姿势;体态十字路口.重点短语根据汉语意思写出英语短语1举起;抬起2保卫;防御3吻某人的脸4很可能;有希望5总的来说;通常6防御;保卫以免受putupin defencekisssb.onthecheekbelikelytoingeneraldefend.against.重点句型1句式公式:the first to do.结构was Tony Garcia from Colombia,closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain.第一个到达的人是来自哥伦比亚来的托尼加西亚,随后紧跟着的是来自英国的朱莉娅史密斯

4、。The first person to arrive2句式公式:部分否定the same way,nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.各种文化背景下人们互致问候的方式不尽相同,身体接触和相互间距离的接受程度也不尽相同。Not all cultures greet each other3句式公式:be likely to do sth.It is likely that.有可能However,people from places like Spain,Italy or

5、 South American countries approach others closely and them.但是,像来自西班牙、意大利或南美等国家的人会站在离别人很近的地方,而且很可能(用身体)接触对方。are more likely to touch4句式公式:the way that/in which.引导定语从句These actions are not good or bad,but are simply ways.这些行为无所谓好坏,它们不过是文化发展的不同方式。in which cultures have developed第一板块|核心词汇诠释1greet vi.&vt

6、.迎接;问候(教材P25)There are many different ways to greet someone using words.使用语言会有很多不同的方式问候某人。(1)greet sb.with.用迎接;用向某人打招呼(2)greeting n.(常用复数形式)问候;祝贺;贺词He greeted all the guests warmly as they arrived.客人到达时他都热情接待。Please give my greetings to Miss Macleod.请代我向麦克劳德小姐问好。即学即练 单句语法填空(1)She(greet)us with a smi

7、le when she saw us in the street.(2)I wish to take this opportunity to send my best wishes and festival(greet)to you and your family members.greetedgreetings漫画助记:The moment I arrived at the college,a great many volunteers greeted me warmly.我一到达大学,许多志愿者热情地欢迎我。2.represent vt.代表;象征;表现;描绘;声称(教材P26)Yeste

8、rday,another student and I,representing our universitys student association,went to the Capital International Airport to meet this years international students.昨天,我和另外一个同学代表我们大学的学生会去首都国际机场迎接今年的留学生。represent be.宣称某人是represent oneself as/to be.自称represent sb.向某人说明或传达某事Representing our

9、school,Im glad to tell you something about these activities.我非常高兴代表我们学校告诉你们有关这些活动的一些事情。She represents her mother as the kindest mother in the world.她把她的妈妈描绘成世界上最好的母亲。即学即练 单句语法填空(1)The physicist tried representing his idea the students in a different way.(2)2019全国卷书面表达(represent)our school,Im more th

10、an delighted to invite you to attend a Chinese classical music concert.toRepresenting漫画助记:He represented himself as a doctor,but I felt he was a cheat.他自称是个医生,可是我感觉他是个骗子。3.curiously adv.好奇地(教材P26)After half an hour of waiting for their flight to arrive,I saw several young people enter the waiting ar

11、ea looking around curiously.在等了他们的航班半个小时后,我看见几个年轻人走进了等候区,好奇地张望。(1)curious adj.好奇的be curious about sth.对某事感到好奇be curious to do sth.极想做某事(2)curiosity n.好奇心out of curiosity 出于好奇satisfy ones curiosity 满足某人的好奇心with curiositycuriously 好奇地Curiously enough,a year later exactly the same thing happened again.

12、说来奇怪,完全一样的事情一年后又发生了。The Chinese traditional culture is likely to be a better choicebecause American students are curious about Chinese traditional culture.中国的传统文化有可能会是一个较好的选择,因为美国学生对中国的传统文化好奇。即学即练 单句语法填空(1)People gathered round,curious(know)what was happening.(2)Hearing the noise,the boy stopped and

13、 looked up to the sky(curious)(3)It is good to be about the world around you because I think is the best teacher.(curious)to knowcuriouslycuriouscuriosity语境串记:The boy was curious to know what the bag contained,so out of curiosity,he opened it and saw the things inside,which satisfied his curiosity.这

14、个男孩想知道包里有什么,所以出于好奇,他打开了它并且看到了里面的东西,这满足了他的好奇心。4.approach vt.&vi.接近;靠近;走近 nU接近;C方法;途径;通路(教材P26)Tony approached Julia,touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek!托尼走近朱莉娅,摸了摸她的肩,亲了亲她的脸颊!(1)approach sb./sth.靠近/接近某人/某物be approaching 临近;靠近(2)(an)approach to 接近;近似;(做某事)的方法(途径)at the approach of.在快到的时候B

15、uried in painting,John didnt notice evening approaching.由于专心绘画,约翰没有注意到夜幕正在降临。As Teachers Day was approaching,our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day.随着教师节的临近,今年我们班决定举行一场晚会来庆祝这个重要的节日。即学即练 单句语法填空(1)At the meeting they discussed three different(approach)to the study of maths.(2

16、)All the(approach)to the airport were blocked by the police.(3)The best approach to(build)up your body is to do exercise every day.approachesapproachesbuilding词汇/句式升级普通表达:As the college entrance examination is drawing near,some students are getting more and more nervous.高级表达:,some students are getti

17、ng more and more nervous.(升级加黑词;with 复合结构)With the college entrance examinationapproaching/around the corner名师点津:同义的approach,way,means,method等在表达“(做)某事的方法”时各自的搭配分别是:(1)the approach to(doing)sth.(2)the way to do/of(doing)sth.(3)the means of(doing)sth.(4)the method of(doing)sth.图形助记:As far as Im conce

18、rned,it is right that the policemen in Hongkong use guns to defend themselves agains the violence.依我看来,香港警察用枪保护自己免受暴力袭击这一做法是对的。5.defence n防御;保卫(教材P26)She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands,as if in defence.她后退了几步,看上去有些吃惊,并举起了手,好像是在自卫。(1)in defence(of.)为了保卫()(2)defend vt.保护;保卫;为辩护d

19、efend.from/against.防御;保卫以免受All the people were fighting against the flood in defence oftheir own homes.所有的人都在与洪水作斗争,保卫自己的家园。He has employed one of the UK.s top lawyers to defendhim.他请了英国一位顶尖律师为他辩护。即学即练 单句语法填空(1)Some think that students should be trained (defend)themselves against some attacks.(2)The

20、 monument is in memory of the soldiers who died in(defend)of their country.(3)When a dog attacked me,I picked up a stick to defend(I)to defenddefencemyself语境串记:The majority of students support the idea that they can major inwhat they are interested in.However,their parents think that their children

21、should take their advice into consideration.This is where their major differences lie.大多数的学生支持这样的想法,即他们可以主修他们感兴趣的专业。然而,他们的父母却认为孩子应该考虑他们的建议。这就是他们的主要分歧所在。6.major adj.主要的 vi.主修;专攻 n主修科目(教材P26)I guessed that there was probably a majormisunderstanding.我猜想这里可能有个大的误会。(1)major in 主修,专攻(2)majority n.大部分,大多数;

22、半数以上The major problem at present is how to overcome all the difficulties.目前的主要问题是如何克服所有的困难。He had a heated quarrel with his parents about what he would major in at Stanford University.关于在斯坦福大学主修什么专业,他与父母发生了激烈的争吵。即学即练 微写作2018浙江卷6月书面表达作为主修英语的毕业生,申请这个职位我很高兴。,I feel excited to apply for the position.表示“

23、有可能”的句型还有:It is possible for do sth.It is possible that.It is probable that.As a graduate majoring in the English language一句多译:他将来有可能会创造一项世界纪录。He is likely to set a world record in the future.It is possible for him to set a world record in the future.It is likely/possible/probable that he will

24、 set a world record in the likely to 很可能;有希望(教材P26)However,people from places like Spain,Italy or South American countries approach others closely and are more likely to touch them.但是,来自像西班牙、意大利或南美等国家的人会站在离别人很近的地方,而且很可能(用身体)接触对方。(1)sb./ likely to do sth.Its likely that sb./sth.很可能(

25、2)be unlikely to.It is unlikely that 不可能You are likely to suffer from bad health if you keep smoking.It is likely that you will suffer from bad health if you keep smoking.如果继续吸烟,你的身体健康会受到损害。即学即练 单句语法填空/句型转换(1)I have learned that Mr.Brown disagrees with you.Your suggestion is(like)to be accepted unde

26、r present condition.(2)If you grow up in a large family you,are more likely todevelop the ability to get on well with others.If you grow up in a large family,you develop the ability to get on well with others.unlikelyit is more likely that微写作2018全国卷书面表达如果你不懂中国的餐桌礼仪你有可能使你的朋友感到尴尬。you make your friends

27、 feel embarrassed if you dont know Chinas table manners.,It is likely general 总的来说;通常(教材P26)In general,though,studying international customs can certainly help avoid difficulties in todays world of cultural crossroads!但总的来说,在当今文化交融的世界,学习国际习俗肯定能帮助我们避免交往中的困难!on the whole 总的来说in a word 总之all i

28、n all 总而言之in short 简而言之In general,the number of the people who drive after drinking is smaller and smaller.总体来说,酒后开车的人数量越来越少。All in all,Id be very grateful for your timely help.总而言之,我非常感激你及时的帮助。即学即练 微写作总的来说,她的作文不错,但她的书法令人失望。,but her handwriting is disappointing.In general,her composition is good图形助记

29、:In general/Generally speaking,the weather in London is neither too cold in winter nor too hot in summer.总的来说,伦敦的天气冬天既不太冷夏天也不太热。第二板块|重点句型解构1句型公式:the first/last(one/person)to do sth.“第一个/最后一个做某事的人”(教材P26)The first person to arrive was Tony Garcia from Colombia,closely followed by Julia Smith from Bri

30、tain.第一个到达的是从哥伦比亚来的托尼加西亚,随后紧跟着的是英国的朱莉娅史密斯。the first/second./last/the only/the best名词to do表示“第一个/二个/最后一个/唯一一个/最佳做的人”,动词不定式作定语。My mother is the first woman in her village to receive high education.我母亲是她村庄第一位接受高等教育的女性。As is known to us,he is the best man to do the job.众所周知,他是做这项工作的最佳人选。即学即练 单句语法填空(1)If

31、 I have any further news,you will be the first person to(know)(2)Amy was the only person(witness)the car accident.knowto witness微写作我真的很想采访杨利伟,不仅因为他是第一个去太空的中国人,他也是世界上最伟大的宇航员之一。I would really like to interview Yang Liwei because he is not only but also one of the greatest astronauts in the world.,the

32、first Chinese to go to space发散思维:动词不定式作定语用来修饰的词是抽象名词,常见的有:ability,chance,effort,way,ambition,attempt等。The ability to express an idea is as important as the idea itself.表达思想的能力和思想本身一样重要。2.句型公式:as if引导省略句(教材P26)She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands,as if in defence.她后退了几步,看上去有些吃惊,并

33、举起了手,好像是在自卫。as if in defence是状语从句的省略结构,完整句为:as if she was in defence。He opened the drawer,as if(he was)in search of something important.他打开抽屉,仿佛要找什么重要的东西。David whispered in her ear as if saying a secret thing.大卫在她耳边低语,好像在说一件很保密的事情。即学即练 单句语法填空(1)The woman stood at the gate as if(wait)for someone.(2)T

34、om raised his right hand as if(say)something.waitingto say名师点津:状语从句的省略理清从句中的谓语动词与其逻辑主语的关系是解题的关键,如果是逻辑上的主谓关系通常用现在分词;如果是逻辑上的动宾关系通常用过去分词。Dont enter the office until(you are)asked.Do be careful while(you are)crossing the road.单词拼写1Tomorrow morning the secretary will(代表)the president at the meeting to de

35、liver a speech.2The(航班)from New York to London takes about 7 hours.3It was not until the late afternoon that he began to deal with the(主要的)problem.4When(接近)the forest,he focused his attention on the surrounding environment.representflightmajor/mainapproaching5Judging from his(面部的)expression,he is co

36、ntent with the result.6The(社团)founded in this high school is to keep the school clean.It calls on all the students to avoid using plastic bags in the(宿舍)and(食堂)7Adults often(误解)their children.They think that it is impolite to(猛冲)into the room without knocking at the door.facialassociationdormitoryca

37、nteenmisunderstanddash8The mother(保卫)her child from the mad dog and was injured.9The man who witnessed the accident made a(陈述)to the police.10When you(欢迎)someone,you say“Hello”or shake hands with them.defendedstatementgreet.单句改错1Dont come too closely to the fire,or youll get burnt.2I was to make som

38、e reply with defence of my friend when he entered the room.3Amelia Earhart,the first woman to flying across the Atlantic Ocean,was born in 1897.4Please fasten your seat belts;the plane is now making its final approach of London.5The child looked at him curious and guessed where he might come

39、oselyclosewithinflyingflyoftocuriouscuriously.完成句子1 is that you must be willing to learn.首先要记住的是:你必须要乐意去学。2 well go on a picnic in the forest tomorrow.很可能明天我们去森林里野餐。3 when in emergency.不是每个人都能在危急时刻保持镇定的。4The nurse attends on the patient her relative.这位护士照顾这位病人仿佛在照顾她亲戚似的。The first thing to rememberIt

40、 is likely thatNot everyone can keep calmas if he were5Tom,together with two of his friends.汤姆和他的两个朋友被邀请去晚会。6,parents care more about their childrens health than about their own.通常来说,比起自己,父母更关心孩子的健康。was invited to the partyIn general.课文语法填空Not all cultures greet each other the same way.That is,every

41、 country 1.(have)its own way to express feelings.People communicate with unspoken language as well as 2.(speak)language.In Colombia,people touch ones shoulder and kiss one on 3.cheek.In Britain,people dont touch each other.In Japan,people bow to each other when they meet.In France,people shake hands

42、 and kiss each other 4.(two)on each cheek.In Jordan men nod at women.People also express their feelings 5.(use)unspoken language through physical 6.(distant),actions or posture.For example,English people dont usually stand very close to others or touch strangers.However,people from Spain,Italy or So

43、uth American countries approach others very closely and are more likely 7.(touch)others.These actions are not good or bad,but are simply ways in 8.cultures have developed.9.general,studying international customs can certainly help avoid difficulties in todays world of 10.(culture)crossroads!hasspokenthetwiceusingdistanceto touchwhichIncultural

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