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本文(2020高考英语大二轮专题复习冲刺经典版文档(学案+训练):语法部分 专题三 重难点课时 第3讲 并列句和复合句 WORD版含解析.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2020高考英语大二轮专题复习冲刺经典版文档(学案+训练):语法部分 专题三 重难点课时 第3讲 并列句和复合句 WORD版含解析.doc

1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家第3讲并列句和复合句并列句和复合句也是历年高考的必考点和易失分点,考生应高度重视。造成失分的主要原因是不能区分并列句和复合句而误用连词,因此考生必须知晓并列句与定语从句、状语从句及名词性从句的用法区别。解答此类试题的关键在于要学会分析句子并理清逻辑关系。考点感悟语法填空短文改错语法填空对并列句和复合句的考查是不给提示词的,主要考查应用哪个关连词。感1.(2019全国卷)They were well trained by their masters _ had great experience with caring for these animals.答案:wh

2、o分析句子结构可知,所填词引导定语从句,修饰指人的先行词their masters,且在从句中作主语,故填关系代词who。2.(2015广东高考)One day, the cow was eating grass _ it began to rain heavily.答案:when此处为sb. be doing . when . 结构。3.(2018江苏高考)Selfdriving is an area _China and the rest of the world are on the same starting line.答案:where该句为定语从句,句中an area为先行词,在从句

3、中作地点状语,故用where引导该定语从句。句意:自动驾驶是中国和世界其他地区站在同一起跑线上的领域。4.(2018天津高考)The gold medal will be awarded to _wins the first place in the bicycle race.答案:who/whoever介词to后是宾语从句。从句中动词wins前缺主语,此处表述: 获得第一名的人/任何获得第一名的人。故用who/whoever引导宾语从句。5.(2018天津高考)_we dont stop climate change, many animals and plants in the world

4、 will be gone.答案:If句意:如果我们不停止改变气候,世界上的很多动植物都将会灭绝。if引导条件状语从句,意为“如果”。短文改错对并列句和复合句的考查主要集中于连词的误用、缺失或多余。感1.(2019安徽示范性高中皖北协作区高三联考)I got my meal. I thought the food would be dull, what wasnt the case at all._答案:whatwhich句意:我原以为饭菜会很乏味,但事实并非如此。在非限制性定语从句中,应该用which指代前文内容,并在从句中作主语,what可以引导宾语从句、表语从句等, 但不能引导定语从句,

5、故将what改为which。2.(2019四川遂宁市高三第三次诊断)The police doubted that what he said was true and decided to make a further investigation._答案:thatwhether句意:警方怀疑他所说的是否真实,决定进一步调查。doubt用作动词时,在肯定句中其后通常接whether或if引导的宾语从句,而在否定句或疑问句中通常接that从句。分析本句可知,本句是肯定式,因此后面的宾语从句要用whether,而不是that。故把that改为whether。3.(2019四川攀枝花市高三统考)As

6、visitors, we should do something to protect the park after it becomes a huge dustbin._答案:afterbefore句意:作为游客,我们应该做些事情来保护公园,以防它变成一个巨大的垃圾箱。before作连词,意为“在以前;以防”,故把after改为before。4.(2018全国卷)At the end of out trip, I told my father that I planned to return every two years, but he agreed._答案:butand根据语意可知,此处

7、为并列递进关系,而非转折关系。5.(2014全国卷)In fact, he even scared my classmates away during they came over to play or do homework with me._答案:duringwhen从句必须由连词来引导,during为介词而非连词,又根据语意可知,此处应用when来引导时间状语从句。悟 无论并列句还是复合句,首先必须要分清句式结构并理清逻辑,了解各种句式基本用法及固定句式,注意各种句式的用法禁忌和易错点,这是破题的关键所在。考点素能一 并列句1并列连词及重点句式(1)并列连词的功能及常用的并列连词并列连词

8、既可以连接并列的单词或短语,也可以连接并列的分句。在语法填空无提示词的考查中,当两个或两个以上的单词、短语之间没有连词时,一般是填并列连词;当两个或两个以上的句子之间没有连词时,就需要根据逻辑关系来判定用并列连词还是从属关联词。常见的并列连词有:(2)并列句的重点句式祈使句and/or陈述句。sb. was doing sth. when ./sb. was about to do sth. when . 2并列句的易错点(1)并列句本身的易错点并列句本身的易错点主要集中在三方面:一是逻辑关系不清,误用连词;二是连词的多余,如,although/though不能和but连用,because不能

9、和so连用;三是连词的缺失,要牢记,两个谓语之间或两个分句之间应有一个连词。(2)并列句与定语从句的区别并列句与定语从句的主要区别在于:并列句是由and, but等并列连词连接两个简单句,这时就不能再用引导定语从句的关系词了。典例1They live in a small house, in front of _ stands an orange tree.They live in a small house, and in front of _ stands an orange tree.解析两句的区别是连词and,句逗号后为非限制性定语从句,空格处为引导词,表示物,故填which;句and

10、连接两个并列分句,空格处指代前面分句中的small house,故填it。(3)并列句与状语从句的区别并列句是连词连接两个“互不依存的主谓结构”,两者之间是并列关系;而在状语从句中前后两个句子一个是主句,一个是从句,从句是用来修饰主句的。典例2_ money is necessary for a happy life, it cant buy happiness.Money is necessary for a happy life, _ it cant buy happiness.解析两个题都应该填连词。句空格所在句子是让步状语从句,故填从属连词Although/Though;句空格前后是转

11、折关系,是两个并列的简单句,故填并列连词but。二 定语从句1定语从句的引导词和解题步骤定语从句的引导词定语从句的解题步骤典例But my connection with pandas goes back to my days on a TV show in the mid1980s, _ I was the first Western TV reporter permitted to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild.解析第一步:找出句子中的先行词,并将其还原代入从句中,使从句成

12、为一个完整的句子“in the mid1980s I was the first Western TV reporter permitted to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild”;第二步:确定被代入部分在从句中充当的成分。in the mid1980s在从句中作时间状语,应用关系副词;第三步:先行词in the mid1980s指时间,故填when。2定语从句的易错点易错点1what不能引导定语从句典例(2016四川高考)The dishes what I cooked wer

13、e Moms favorite.解析dishes后为定语从句,what不能引导定语从句,此处引导词在从句中作cooked的宾语。故whatthat/which或去掉what。易错点2that不能引导非限制性定语从句典例(2014北京高考)I borrowed the book Sherlock Holmes from the library last week, that my classmates recommended to me.解析分析句子结构可知,先行词为the book,逗号后为非限制性定语从句,且关系词在非限制性定语从句中作宾语,故thatwhich。易错点3定语从句中关系代词和

14、关系副词的选择典例I simply cut the branch _ the bird was sitting on.解析定语从句的先行词为表示地点的branch,但定语从句缺少宾语,故填that/which。注意:此处不能用where。易错点4逗号后面的引导词不一定用which典例(2019六安模拟)To realize my dream, I must learn as much as I can to get into a good medical college, which I can make full preparations for the job of a doctor.解析

15、逗号后为非限制性定语从句,先行词为a good medical college,引导词在从句中作地点状语,故whichwhere或which前加in。易错点5that与which的误用下列情况只用that不用which当先行词是all, any, anything, everything, nothing等不定代词或被它们修饰时;当先行词被形容词的最高级或序数词修饰时;当先行词被the only, the very, the just, the same等修饰时;当先行词既有人又有物时。易错点6非限制性定语从句中as和which的误用as和which均可用来引导非限制性定语从句,指代主句的内容

16、,但as可位于句首,而which常位于句中;as常用于肯定句,而which可用于否定句;as常用于被动句,而which常用于主动句。此外,as译作“正如,正像”,而which译作“这,这一点”。The mother tried to persuade her son to give up smoking, which didnt help.母亲竭力劝说儿子戒烟,但没有作用。As the old saying goes, “You cant judge a book by its cover”正如谚语所言“人不可貌相”。三 名词性从句 名词性从句包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句这四种

17、从句。1名词性从句的引导词2名词性从句的易错点易错点1that与what的误用典例1(2019泉州模拟)That you have gained is the result of your hard work.解析is前为主语从句,引导词在从句中作宾语,意为“所的东西”。故ThatWhat。典例2It is cheerful what the local authorities have promised them to shorten the time of obtaining it.解析It为形式主语,cheerful后面的句子为主语从句,引导词在从句中不作任何成分也无任何意义。故what

18、that。易错点2that与if/whether的误用典例1Im glad to hear if youre coming to Sichuan in August.解析hear后为宾语从句,句意表示“我听说你要来”,而非“我听说你是否要来”。故ifthat或去掉if。典例2(2019济南模拟)There is no doubt whether it is of great help to their study and future life.解析doubt后为同位语从句,此处是一个事实,而不是一个疑问。故whetherthat。易错点3which与that, what的误用典例1(2019

19、太原模拟)His promise which he would give away half of the years income to the disabled turned out a lie.解析在名词性从句中that为连接词,不作任何成分,而which为连接代词,需要作成分表示“哪一个”。本句中promise后为同位语从句,后面的引导词在从句中不作任何成分。故whichthat。典例2(2019南昌模拟)All were happy with which they received.解析在名词性从句中which和what都为连接代词,但which表示“哪一个”,而what表示“的事情

20、/东西”。故whichwhat。易错点4if与whether的误用典例(2019运城模拟)Success partly depends on if you have the patience to do simple things perfectly.解析if和whether都可引导名词性从句意为“是否”,但if受到很多限制,例如不能位于句首,介词后的宾语从句不能用if引导,不能跟or not连用等。故ifwhether。易错点5that, what与连接副词的误用典例1(2019湖北宜昌示范高中协作体联考)I usually swim in a swimming pool close to

21、that I live.解析to后为宾语从句,引导词在从句中需作地点状语,表示“靠近我居住的地方”。故thatwhere。典例2(2019庆阳模拟)I hope this town will not change; just keep where it is.解析keep后为宾语从句,从句缺少表语,意为“的样子”应该用连接代词引导。故wherewhat。四 状语从句1状语从句的分类及常用连词续表2状语从句的易错点易错点1逻辑关系不清,导致连词误用典例If I was only a child when I studied in that classroom, I will never forg

22、et it.解析根据语意“尽管我在那件教室学习时还只是个小孩子,但我永远不会忘记那间教室。”可知,此处应为让步状语从句,故应将If改为Although/Though。易错点2受到汉语干扰,导致连词重复典例Every time when he arrived home at the end of the day, wed greet him at the door.解析汉语可以说“每次当时候”,但英语中every time和when同为连词,不能同时引导时间状语从句,故去掉when。过关检测(限时:30分钟).单句语法填空1The number of smokers, _ is reported

23、, has dropped by 17 percent in just one year.答案:as2_ makes the school famous is _ more than 90% of the students have been admitted to universities.答案:What; that3Sorry to have kept you waiting so long, but itll still be some time _ Mr Smith is available.答案:before4One day, the cow was eating grass _ i

24、t began to rain heavily.答案:when5Scientists have advanced many theories about why human beings cry tears, none of _ has been proved.答案:which6We should help and learn from each other as a group.I cant agree more. _ you are strong, I am weak.答案:Where7There are as many as five student clubs in our schoo

25、l. You can join _ interests you most.答案:whichever8Many young people, most of _ were welleducated, headed for remote regions to chase their dreams.答案:whom9_ we can have clean drinking water lies in _ effective measures will be taken by the government about water pollution.答案:Whether; what10How can I

26、help them to understand _ they wont listen to me?答案:when.单句改错1With many cities in China dreadfully blanketed by thick haze, the environmental problem is that Chinese people concern most nowadays._答案:thatwhat2Running Man is such a funny reality show that has the gravity to pull you in front of your t

27、elevision._答案:thatas3When you look at how great effects the climate has on our life, you will agree that it is the most serious problem._答案:howwhat4What did you think of the trip to Beijing?I had such a good time that I visited the Great Wall last month._答案:thatwhen5My grandmother lived in a generat

28、ion which women were looked down upon._答案:whichwhen6He didnt make that clear when and where the meeting would be held._答案:thatit7I asked him what was the matter. He smiled and told us about the funny things what had happened in the cinema._答案:第二个whatthat/which8Although the sun was shining, but it wa

29、snt very warm._答案:去掉but9The naughty boy hid himself behind the door, from which he could hear what we talked about clearly._答案:whichwhere10He had a deep voice, which set him apart from others in our small town, he was strong and powerful._答案:第二个he前加and.语法填空(2019华中师大附中高三检测卷)In the summer of 2015, I w

30、as in Finland for an internship. Although I _1_ (read) that Finnish people are reserved and like to stay within their space, I had not expected it to be this:At a bus stop: You are alone in the shade of _2_ stop and that is your space. No one will come _3_ (bother) you. Inside a bus: You enter a bus

31、 and see that all the window seats _4_ (occupy). The bus is “full”. You have to stand. Respect that space! This is rather a hard situation, and you really get anxious as to _5_ you should sit.You are scared to shout to the driver to stop the bus: I was running _6_ all my strength to catch the bus an

32、d signaled the driver to stop. I entered the bus and all eyes were _7_ (seeming) on me. I had never felt so _8_ (guilt) at anything.In most _9_ (case), when a Finn wants to leave his apartment but his neighbor is in the hallway, hell just slip away, _10_ (pretend) not to see the neighbor.1_2._3._4._

33、5_6._7._8._9_10._篇章导读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章讲述了作者在芬兰所受到的文化冲击。1had read考查动词的时态。尽管“我”(之前)读到过芬兰人很保守,他们喜欢待在自己的空间里,但“我”没想过会是这样。此处陈述的是发生在2015年夏天作者去芬兰之前的事,表示过去的过去,所以用过去完成时。2the考查冠词。此处特指前面提到的bus stop,故用定冠词the。3to bother考查非谓语动词。没有人会过来打扰你。分析句子结构可知,此处应用不定式作目的状语。4are occupied考查动词的时态和语态。所有靠窗座位都被占了。see后的that所引导的宾语从句中描述的是芬

34、兰平时的情况,再结合前后句的时态可知,此处应用一般现在时;且seats与occupy “使用,占用”是被动关系,故用被动语态。5where考查名词性从句的连接词。至于你应该坐在哪儿,你真的会感到焦虑的。分析句子结构可知,介词to后为宾语从句,设空处在此引导宾语从句,且在从句中作地点状语,故填where。6with考查介词。“我”用尽全身力气跑着赶公共汽车。with “使用”,with all ones strength “用尽全力”。7seemingly考查词性转换。“我”上了公共汽车,似乎所有的目光都在注视着“我”。空处修饰谓语动词,应用副词seemingly。8guilty考查词性转换。作

35、者从来没有感到如此内疚过。feel是系动词,其后应接形容词作表语,故填guilty。9cases考查名词。case作“事例,实例”讲时是可数名词,空前有修饰词most,故用case的复数形式。10pretending考查非谓语动词。在大多数情况下,当一个芬兰人想离开他的公寓而他的邻居在走廊时,他就会溜走,假装没有看见邻居。主句有谓语动词,且空前无连词,故空处应用非谓语动词作状语,he与pretend之间是主动关系,故用现在分词作状语。.短文改错(2019江西重点中学联考)Last night I was at a coffee shop. There was a wonderfully mus

36、ic show. As I got up to get a cup of coffee and a cookie, I notice a middleaged woman near me. Clearly, she had caught in a fire of some kind. His face was so badly burned that she looked very tight. I thought about how brave she was to come out but appeared in public. When I returned back to my sea

37、t, I turned towards the woman and said, “Isnt he a wonderful performers?” And I gave her the largest smile I was able to give. To my delighted, she looked right at me and gave me a huge smile for return. It was her smile which made her whole face light up last night. She was beautiful.答案:Last night

38、I was a coffee shop. There was a music show. As I got up to get a cup of coffee and a cookie, I a middleaged woman near me. Clearly, she had caught in a fire of some kind. face was so badly burned that she looked very tight. I thought about how brave she was to come out appeared in public. When I returned to my seat, I turned towards the woman and said, “Isnt he a wonderful ?” And I gave her the largest smile I was able to give. To my , she looked right at me and gave me a huge smile for return. It was her smile made her whole face light up last night. She was beautiful.- 14 - 版权所有高考资源网

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