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本文(《2015春走向高考》高三英语一轮(人教版)复习练习:专题3 形容词与副词.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

《2015春走向高考》高三英语一轮(人教版)复习练习:专题3 形容词与副词.doc

1、第二部分专题三.语法单句填空1People say that young Chinese students eyesight keeps dropping _(sharp) because of both too much homework and poor learning conditions.答案:sharply句意为:有人说中国青年学生的视力持续急剧下降是因为太多的作业和不良的学习条件。sharply意为“急剧地”。2With the word “PM2.5” _(constant) appearing in media reports, people pay greater atte

2、ntion to it and seek health tips for smoggy days.答案:constantly句意为:随着PM2.5词在媒体上的持续出现,人们更加关注这个话题并且寻找雾霾天气下的健康贴士。3One of the tasks of education is to develop childrens ability of solving problems _(depend)答案:independently句意为:教育的任务之一就是培养孩子独立解决问题的能力。4His car ran over another in the highway! Too horrible!

3、_ he is safe nowthats the main thing.答案:Anyway句意为:他的车在高速上碾过了另一辆车!太可怕了!不过不管怎样他目前安全,这是最主要的。5Progress has been very good so far. We are, _ , confident that the work will be completed as expected.答案:therefore句意为:目前进展不错。所以,我们肯定能够如期完成工作。6With high technology introduced, the average output of the factory i

4、s _(steady) increasing.答案:steadily句意为:随着高科技的引进,这个厂子的平均产量正稳步增长。7My neighbor is as _(energy) as a young man and dislikes sitting around doing nothing all day.答案:energetic句意为:我的邻居像年轻人一样精力充沛,他讨厌整日无事闲坐。8I believe his design is _(origin), for its completely different from others.答案:original句意为:我相信他的设计是原创的

5、,因为它与其他人的完全不同。9Are you satisfied with the result of the discussion?Not at all. It cant be a _(bad) one.答案:worse句意为:你对讨论结果满意吗?一点儿也不,没有比这再差的讨论结果。形容词比较级与否定词not,no等连用表示最高级含义。易错警示英语中有两个结构:“否定词语比较级”和“否定词语”,用比较级、原级表示最高级含义。例如:Nothing is so easy as this.Nothing is easier than this.This is the easiest th

6、ing.10This hat looks more beautiful than that one which costs almost twice _.答案:as much句意为:这顶帽子比那一顶好看,而且那一顶要花近两倍的价钱。“A倍数as形容词/副词asB”结构表示“A是B的几倍”;价钱用much修饰。方法总结倍数的常用表达法为:(1)A is倍数比较级thanB;(2)A is倍数as原级asB;(3)A is倍数the名词(size,length,height,weight width等)ofB。11Come and see me whenever it is _(convenien

7、ce) to you.OK, I will.答案:convenient句意为:方便的时候过来看我。好的,我会的。convenient表示“某人方便做某事”要用“it be convenient for/to sb. to do sth.”句式。12Greatly _(surprise), I read diary after diary, each _(express) a similar theme.答案:surprised; expressing句意为:我读了一篇又一篇的日记,很惊讶地发现每一篇表达的主题都是大同小异的。surprised意为“感到惊讶的”,surprising意为“令人感

8、到惊讶的”。独立主格结构中,现在分词表示逻辑主语主动发出的动作,过去分词则表示逻辑主语被动承受的动作。方法总结(1)ed形容词通常用于说明人。若修饰物,则多为appearance(外貌),face(表情),mood(心情)等显示某人的情感状况的名词。(2)ing形容词主要用于说明事物,表示事物的性质或特征。若修饰人,则表示此人具有此性质或特征。13Experts at the conference agreed that such a product with environmentally friendly technology is worthy _ (promote)答案:of bein

9、g promoted/to be promoted句意为:与会的专家同意这种带有环保技术的产品值得推广。be worthy of being donebe worthy to be done表示“值得被做”。方法总结worth常用于be (well) worth doing.;而worthy则用于下列结构:be worthy ofn.(抽象名词);be (quite)worthy of being done;be worthy to be done。这些结构容易混淆,但也可以转换,如:The book is worth reading.The book is worthy of being r

10、ead.The book is worthy to be read.14My recent trip to Europe has left a _ (last) impression on me.答案:lasting句意:最近我到欧洲的旅行给我留下了持久的印象。lasting为形容词修饰名词impression。15He said he would come; he didnt, _.答案:though句意:他说他会来,然而他没来。though为副词,表“然而”。.单句改错1The secondhand car Amy bought last month is almost new.Howev

11、er, it is in excellent condition.2She is an American, but she likes learning Chinese.She says Chinese is so popular a language as English.3There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are living there, warm and comfortably.4Firms that provide relative high wages and good working cond

12、itions do not seem to have problems attracting employees.5Take a vocabulary notebook with you all the time. Collect any good words, sentences or articles, particular famous and wise sayings.6He was warned not to get closely to the burning building.答案:1.However改为Besides2.so改为as3comfortably改为comfortable4.relative改为relatively5particular改为particularly6.closely改为close

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