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本文(江苏省淮安市高中校协作体2022届高三上学期期中考试英语试题 WORD版含答案.docx)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

江苏省淮安市高中校协作体2022届高三上学期期中考试英语试题 WORD版含答案.docx

1、淮安市高中校协作体2021-2022学年第一学期高三期中考试英语试卷第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.How does the girl usually talk to Tara?A.Through the Internet.B.Through phone calls.C.Through text messages.2. What does the man need help with?A.The tall box.B.The wide box.C.T

2、he heavy box.3. What does the womans teacher suggest about paragraphs?A. They should be roughly the same length.B.They should have dramatic effect.C.They can be of any length.4. What are the speakers probably going to do?A.Make a sandwich.B.Give a presentation.C.Buy some bread.5. What are the speake

3、rs mainly talking about?A.Cheese.B.Apples.C.Sausages.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.How old was the woman when they played the game last time?A.6.B.11.C.21.7. Which ball was worth the fewest points?A.The

4、red one.B.The green oneC.The blue one.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8.What does the man need from the woman?A.A signature.B.A package.C.A delivery slip.9.Who is Ronald Fields?A.The mans brother.B.The womans brother.C.The womans neighbor.10.Where are the speakers probably?A.At the post office.B.At the police stati

5、on.C.At the womans house.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11.What is the man looking for?A.A restaurant.B.A gymC.A hotel.12.How much will the man probably pay per month at the new gym?A.30.B.25.C.22.50.13.What is a benefit of the new gym?A.Free breakfast.B. Views of the bridge.C.Discounted hotel rooms.听第9段材料,回答第14至

6、17题。14.What does the man want to be?A.An engineerB.An astronaut.C.An astronomer.15.What does the man want to save mankind from?A.The virus.B.Climate change.C.The aging problem.16. How can the womans tone be described?A.Surprised.B.Indifferent.C.Humorous.17.What is the probable relationship between t

7、he speakers?A.Mother and son.B.Teacher and student.C.Scientist and assistant.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18.Which region is Nicola Sturgeon the leader of?A.England.B.Scotland.C.Wales.19.How many First Ministers have there been in total?A.One.B.FourC.Five.20.Who is Peter Murrell?A. A news reporter.B.An executi

8、ve officer.C.A former First Minister.第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AUltimate Expression 2021 is an international online art contest which is open for all children of age group 6 to 19 years old. It has been started to motivate artistic and creative mi

9、nds.More details are mentioned as follows.Date:June 13th-July 13th,2021Subject or Theme: Painting on any subject or theme is accepted except related to violence, drugs or adult themesEntry Fees:NO entry feesAwards/Certificates: Winners will receive Art Recognition Pack, which consists of publication

10、 of painting in the website, publication of winners photo in the winners gallery. Certificate of Achievement and Recognition as Star Artist, Diamond Artist and Gold Artist. Winners will be judged on 10 point scale.9.0 to 10.0 pointsStar Artist8.0 to 8.9 pointsDiamond Artist6.0 to 7.9 pointsGold Arti

11、st5.0 to 5.9 pointsSilver Artist(Award not offered)Fees for Art Recognition Pack & Certificate: The fees is $1.5 for Star artists and $17 for some selected Artists.Judgments: Innovation, Creativity, Engaging, Perfection,Age of Artist,Presentation and Artistic AbilityThe entries may be REJECTED due t

12、o following reasons: Your art-work contains any objectionable subject or copyrighted material. The image of the painting is not clear. You dont conform to the age limit of the art contest. You submitted the drawings multiple times. Signature of the artist is not on the painting.How to participate: C

13、lick the button below. In the next page you need to fill the form and upload the painting, and click on submit button.21.How much will the artist pay if he is judged 7.5 points according to Art Recognition Pack &Certificate?A.$1.5.B.$15.5.C.$17.D.$18.5.22. Which of the following will be the reason l

14、eading to rejection?A.The participant is 17 years old.B. The artists name is on the painting.C.A few of copyrighted materials are used.D.The painting is submitted only one time.23.Where is the text probably from?A.A website.B.A guidebook.C.A newspaper.D.A brochure.BIt was a stormy evening, and all t

15、hat Neil could hope was to find a shelter that could keep him protected from the chilly wind and cold rain. After work he had to get home on time, as his busy schedule was preventing him from spending quality time with his family. The bus stop on the way provided temporary shelter, where Neil was be

16、coming increasingly agitated(焦虑不安的) with every passing minute. All his evening plans were washed out.“Sir,why dont you buy a pack of groundnuts(花生) from me?”Neil looked around to see a man in rag standing by his side. “Oh, no, Im not interested right now.”“Fried groundnuts will do you a world of goo

17、d now. Moreover, you can also take some for your family.” The very mention of family brought a concern to Neil. His wife had specifically told him to come home early, if not for her sake, at least for the sake of their seven-year-old son.When he was lost in thought, the groundnut seller had filled a

18、 bag with the remaining nuts and offered him an unexpectedly low price. But, Neil refused to buy them: “I do not want to buy anything at this point!” Suddenly, he heard a voice of a kid. “Dad, I want some money to buy books for the school.”He saw a ten-year-old boy, totally drenched from top to bott

19、om, as though he had just run a race. He was talking to the groundnut seller. “Yes, yes, Im ready to leave now. Come! How many books do you want? Why did you get wet in the rain? Your mother must be getting worried.”Neil was touched and turned to the seller. There was an instant when they both made

20、the perfect eye contact. Neil had the look of I know what it is to be a father. The groundnut seller did not say anything and gave the packet of groundnuts without saying a word. Neil pulled a note from his wallet, placed it in the mans hand, and walked away without waiting for the change.24.Why did

21、 Neil become more anxious at the bus stop?A. The rain stopped him from getting home on time.B.The chilly wind made him feel colder and colder.C.He thought of his boring and heavy workD.He couldnt find a good place to keep off the rain25. Why didnt Neil buy the mans groundnuts at first?A.He didnt hav

22、e enough money on him.B. His family doesnt like groundnuts.C.His family was a little poor.D.He was in a bad mood at that time.26. What does the underlined word “drenched” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A.Wet through.B.Very excited.C.Well dressed.D.Sweat heavily.27.What made Neil buy all the sellers gr

23、oundnuts?A.The sellers generous action.B.The sellers greatness as a father.C.His having a pity for the sellerD.His being moved by the sellers son.COn a sunny but bitterly cold February day a line of small children snaked their way from Dale to Dale Fort on the Haverfordwest estuary. They were the la

24、st of more than 2,000 volunteers who over the last year have collected, stored and put seagrass seeds into little bags, ready for planting. These seagrass seeds were soon to join others on the seafloor a few hundred metres off-shore from Dale to recover two hectares of seagrass meadow(草甸)。This recov

25、ery is the latest attempt to change a century of destruction.In the UK we can only estimate the loss but in Denmark, seagrass records dating back to the1880s give a very serious and accurate picture. At the turn of the last century fishing was vital tothe Danish economy. It was known then that seagr

26、ass meadows were a vital habitat for young seafish and so in 1908 botanist Carl Ostenfeld was asked to study the seagrasses then found in all theestuaries and entrance of Denmark. That study provided a clear standard against which to measurethe loss of seagrass in Denmark, a loss that currently stan

27、ds at 95 percent.Why does this matter? Seagrass not only provide a nurturing habitat for fish but also stabilises the shore and absorbs energy,reducing the impact of storms. Boat anchors(船锚)are one cause of damage to seagrass; seashore development another. But the main cause is river water pollution

28、, particularly nutrients from fertiliser and dirty water. These excess nutrients cause algal(藻类) growth that blankets the seagrass, cutting out light, and then later,when it dies off and rots,removes all oxygen. One of the important messages is, if you stop killing sea life and protect it, then it d

29、oes come back. We can turn the oceans around and we know it makes sense economically, for human health and,of course,for the environment.28.What did the kids do in Dale over the last year?A.Have an interesting trip.B.Gather seagrass seeds.C. Protect seagrass from snakes.D.Make an important study.29.

30、What can we know about Carl Ostenfelds study?A. It was carried out in the UK and Denmark.B. It contributed to Danish economy greatly.C. It showed the loss of seagrass in Denmark.D. It made some practical measures for Denmark.30.Which of the following affects seagrass most seriously?A.Algal growth.B.

31、Seashore development.C.Air pollution.D.Boats anchors31.What is the purpose of the text?A. To show recovering seagrass is beneficial.B. To ask people to plant much seagrass.C.To present the dangers to seagrass.D. To persuade people to catch fewer sea fish.DThe UK government has a plan to reduce waste

32、 that shifts the responsibility for disposal(处置)from the state to the companies that make it.The legislation requires waste producers to pay into the system themselves or through their suppliers that is what the government termed, a “polluter pays” principal. Businesses will have to change their was

33、te processing before the tax comes into play. This is similar to the anti-waste legislation passed in France in February 2020 that prohibits the destruction(销毁)of unsold clothing, cosmetics, hygiene products and electrical products. Companies will have to reuse,or recycle the items.Dealing with wast

34、e is a global problem and we must deal with the over 2 billion metric tons of solid waste generated every year. The World Bank estimates that overall waste will increase to 3.4 billion tons if nothing is done to change the situation.The demand for legislation like the tough attitude the UK is taking

35、 has been increasing according to Positive News. And it is not just environmental groups calling for the changes. This is a consumer driven movement and people are willing to pay more for sustainable brands. Josh Bowden,co-founder of Noissue told Positive News.What is absolutely certain is that loca

36、l governments will save a lot of money as the responsibility shifts to the polluters. That could be better invested in things like social care or parks or libraries.” Other countries have made great progress in reducing waste. Swedens recycling program is so efficient that the country is running out

37、 of trash. The recycling rate is almost 99 percent and they are rapidly approaching zero waste. Today, large companies are greening their brands and moving to sustainable packaging including Colgate,Waitrose,Nestle, and Unilever which now has recyclable black packaging. The government of the UK hope

38、s that other companies will follow their example. A partnership between government legislation and private companies will go a long way to reducing the tons of waste going into our environment every year. Laws like the ones in the UK and France can be implemented around the world.32. Who will pay fo

39、r the costs dealing with UKs waste in the future?A.The UK government.B.The companies.C.The World BankD.The customers.33.How should French shops deal with unsold goods?A.By destroying them.B.By throwing them away.C.By donating them to poor people.D.By reusing them.34.What does The World Bank think of

40、 world waste disposal problem?A.Serious. B.Optimistic. C.Uncontrolled. D.Hopeful.35.What can we infer for the last paragraph?A.Local governments will spend more money controlling pollution.B.Almost all companies are willing to reduce the wasteC.Sweden has done a good job in dealing with waste.D.Laws

41、 controlling waste in the UK and France is complete.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。You may have grown up living with lots of siblings, or this may be your first time sharing your living space with someone else.36.Follow these tips to make sure you and your roommate

42、 keep things pleasant and supportive throughout the year(or even years! ).Address problems when theyre littleIs your roommate always forgetting her stuff for the shower, and taking yours? Are your clothes being borrowed faster than you can wash them? Addressing things that bug you while theyre still

43、 little can help your roommate be aware of something she may not otherwise know. And addressing little things is much easier than addressing them after theyve become big.Respect your roommates stuffThis may seem simple, but its probably one of the biggest reasons why roommates experience conflict. D

44、ont think hell mind if you borrow his cleats for a quick soccer game? For all you know, you just stepped over a line that is not crossable. _37.Be mindful of who you bring into your room-and how oftenYou may love having your study group into your room._38.Be mindful of how often you bring people ove

45、r. If your roommate studies best in the quiet, and you study best in a group, can you alternate who hits the library and who gets the room?Be friendly, without expecting to be best friendsDont go into your roommate relationship thinking that you are going to be best friends for the time youre at sch

46、ool._39_.You should be friendly with your roommate but also make sure you have your own social circles.40Treat your roommate like youd like to be treated. Deal with problems properly. No matter what your relationship is at the end of the year, you can take comfort knowing you acted like an adult and

47、 treated your roommate with respect.A.However,your roommate may also think soB. But your roommate may notC. Dont borrow, use, or take anything without getting permission firstD.Address problems when they are big,tooE. If nothing else, follow the golden ruleF. While having a roommate inevitably has i

48、ts challenges, it can also be a great part of yourlife experienceG. It may happen, but expecting it sets both of you up for trouble第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Sometimes we didnt have the strength to face one more challenge.

49、41 back,I have felt this way several times throughout my life. One dark time 42 above the rest. At the time, I was 26,43 full time, a husband and a father of two. This would be enough to deplete(耗尽) anyone, but my one-year-old son Paul had just had his fourth operation.After that operation, my wife

50、and I brought him home. 44 ,things got worse.I drove my wife and him back to the 45.The news removed what was left of my spirit. The doctors thought it was a 46 enough issue that they needed another operation. The first thing I thought was, “I dont think I can 47 my son having another operation. I d

51、ont have the 48 ”Fortunately, many friends came to encourage us. In the end, my wife and I 49 good news. It turned out that my son had a bad reaction to medicine. But he would be just_50It has been years since that day,but the 51 I learned has stayed with me. When we are 52,friends are strong for us

52、.When times are hard we have a 53 to feel powerless. But it is in these times that we must 54 we need the strength of friends. It is friends who get us through whatever 55 ahead.41.A.LookingB.BringingC.DrivingD.Turning42.A.takes inB.shows offC.stands outD.turns up43.A.researchingB.workingC.learningD


54、ble51.A.caseB.experienceC.courseD.lesson52.A.ruinedB.frightenedC.weakD.hurt53.A.preferenceB.determinationC.senseD.tendency54.A.acknowledgeB.realizeC.seekD.understand55.A.rushesB.liesC.staysD.drawsII卷(非选择题)第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。We tend to think a

55、bout success in terms of wealth and accomplishments. Thats a fair measurement, but the problem is that when we addict into the 56_(victory),we tend to overlook the sacrifices required in order to get there. In fact,57_ (neglect) to account for the existing sacrifices is one reason why so many of us

56、have a hard time sticking to 58_(health) habits and following up on goals.Time is a factor when it comes to making sacrifices. As Warren Buffett famously 59_(say), “Its the only thing you cant buy. I mean, I can buy anything I want, basically, but I cant buy time.”Hes 60_(absolute) right. Should you

57、 watch another section of your favorite Netflix show 61_ give up TV for two months so you can plant that garden you always dreamed about?Making the decision isnt easy, but the good news is 62_ we already do this naturally. A 2009 study found that people are “far 63_ (little) willing to keep many cho

58、ices open” when some have bigger rewards than others. If the payoffs are unknown, however, we have a harder time giving them up. Thats why doing an activity check is so important. You have to actually take the time 64 _(figure) out the opportunity costs, gains of each and what to pursue over the 65_

59、第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)假定你是李华,寒假期间没有参加学校组织的各种网课。请你给班主任英语老师 Linda写一封解释信,内容包括:1.没上课的原因;2.将通过其他参与网课的同学学习网课内容。注意:1.词数80左右,开头和结尾已经给出。2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Linda,Yours sincerely,Li Hua第二节读后续写(满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。As mountains go,1,642-foot Squaw Peak isnt particular

60、ly grand. But its inviting views of western Massachusetts have tricked hikers into becoming self-satisfied with its steep,slippery cliffs(悬崖),resulting in countless injuries and even deaths.Henry Grant, a week shy of starting his freshman year at Ithaca College, respected Squaw Peaks record.Therefor

61、e, he stayed a good ten feet from the edge while waiting for his mother to catch up to him one day. He watched 15 or so other hikers enjoy the vista; one hiker, around 60 and dressed in pink, was peeking over the lip of the cliff with her husband.When Grants mother rejoined him, the two turned to co

62、ntinue on their way. Suddenly,he heard a heavy dull sound, he told the Cornell Daily Sun. Then he heard something chilling: “Paula! Paula!” a man yelled wildly. Grant wheeled around. The woman in pink was no-where to be seen. Shed fallen off the side of the mountain.Several hikers immediately starte

63、d looking for her, but their view was blocked by trees.Grant told his mother,“I hate to say this, but theyre probably going to find a body.”Uncertain they could help, Grant and his mother headed down the trail. But when he saw hikers still searching, he decided to lend a hand. “My young dumb brain w

64、as like, I can do it,” he says.After assuring his mother that he would be safe, he made a long and difficult journey alone, hoping he wasnt too late.After 15 minutes of scrambling over the large rock, pushing past prickly(多刺的)brush,and slipping down patches of loose dirt, Grant spotted a figure abou

65、t 25 feet above him. She was dressed in pink and crumpled in a kneeling position on a small rocky.The woman had fallen about 75 feet.Unexpectedly,she was alive.“Paula!” Grant shouted.“Paula.Is that you?”注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Paragraph 1:The woman barely responded.Paragraph 2:About 45

66、minutes later, first responders arrived on the top.淮安高中校协作体2021-2022年度高三期中考试答案听力答案:15 ACAAC 610 BCABC 1115 BCCAB 1620 BABCB阅读答案:21-23 CCA24-27 ADAB 28-31 BCAA 32-35 BDAC七选五:36-40FCBGE完型填空:41-45 ACBAB46-50 DBDAC 51-55 DCDAB语法填空:56. victories57. neglecting58. healthy59. said60. absolutely61. or62. tha

67、t63. less64. to figure65. Other第四部分第一节应用文写作Dear Linda,Im writing to make an explanation for not attending the online lessons organized by our school. I regret having missed the opportunity to learn from teachers but I had sorted out my own problems in some subjects before winter vocation. So I had t

68、o spare some time for them at the cost of school lessons.To be honest, learning by myself benefited me a lot. Anyway, I promise I will make up for the online lessons by learning from other classmates.Yours sincerely,Li Hua读后续写【范文】Paragraph 1:The woman barely responded. She was clearly hurt and almos

69、t mad. Grant called 911 to report her location. He waited where he was for a bit, but she kept trying to move, and every time she moved, she slipped a little more. Afraid that in her muddled state of mind she might tumble off the outcropping to her death, Grant crawled on all fours up a tight, narro

70、w path, gaining traction by digging into the dirt with his fingers and feet until he reached Paula. She was moaning and barely making sense. Her head, arms, and legs were bleeding. Securing himself against a tree, Grant gently put her hand in his and tried to keep her mind off the pain by peppering

71、her with questions.Paragraph 2:About 45 minutes later, first responders arrived on the top. To reach them, a rescuer rappelled down and secured Paula to a stretcher. Rescuers at the summit lifted the stretcher to the top and then carried her to a waiting ATV. Eventually, Paula and her husband would

72、be flown by helicopter to a hospital听力原文Text 1M: Tara messaged me earlier. I am going to give her a call later tonight. Do you want me to say hello for you?W: Sure, but we actually talk all the time. We have an online chat room with some other girls from the school. (1)Text 2W: Do you want me to com

73、e downstairs and help you, Jeremy? Those boxes are really big.M: Yes, please. Im fine with these tall and wide boxes. They actually dont have that much in them. Its this small one full of books that I cant lift. (2)Text 3W: How many lines should a paragraph be? My teacher says I should try and make

74、them 8 to 10 sentences each. (3)M: It depends on what you are writing. I was writing a short story, so I used long and short paragraphs for dramatic effect.Text 4W: How do you make the perfect sandwich? It always looks so good.M: Ill show you if you like. (4) Its all about the presentation and using

75、 thick slices of bread.W: You reminded me. I made some bread this morning. It should be ready.Text 5W: I found a local butcher that makes the most amazing pork sausages. He makes some with apples that are out of this world.M: Yeah. I had some in England with cheese baked inside. They were very diffe

76、rent but also very tasty. (5)Text 6W: I want to play Sunshine Ball for my 21st birthday. (6)M: We havent played that game since we made it 10 years ago! (6) What were the rules again? The green ball was two points and the red ball was three, right? (7)W: Yes, and the blue ball was a single point. (7

77、) You guys always used to fight each other, while I was busy getting points.M: Oh yeah, you were so much better than Dave and he used to get so angry!W: I guess, but Dave was only six, and you did beat him on his birthday that one time. I bet he is still angry after all these years.Text 7M: Good mor

78、ning, I have a package for a Mr. Ronald Fields. (9) I require a signature. (8)W: Im afraid he isnt in just now, but I can sign it for him. (8)M: Can I take your name?W: Mrs. Laura Graham. Im Mr. Fields sister. (9)M: Could I ask for a favor? I have a package for your neighbor, but they are not in. Co

79、uld you take it for them? (10)W: Certainly. Ill take it to them this evening when they get back from work. (10)M: Thanks. Ive put a delivery slip through their door. I just need to take a photograph as proof of delivery, if thats OK.W: Do you need me to smile?M: No, its just of the package. Perfect,

80、 cheers.W: Have a nice day.Text 8W: I need to go on a diet. I put on so much weight during the coronavirus.M: I know. I wanted to go back to my gym, but they have closed for good. I need to find a new one. (11)W: Have you checked out the new one at the bridge? (12)M: I thought that was a hotel. (12)

81、W: It is, but they have a gym as well. (12)M: I imagine it will be expensive.W: They are offering a discount because we live locally. (12)M: How much of a discount?W: Well, the gym is 30 a month, but they are offering a 25% discount. (12)M: Then it would be 22.50.(12) Thats only 2.50 more than I was

82、 paying at my old gym.W: You also get a 10% discount at the hotel. (13)Ive used it when my mom comes to visit. She loves it.M: Thats really good. My sister is due to visit in a few months. Shed prefer that than sleeping on my floor.W: Yeah.Plus, the restaurant is really nice, too. It has the most am

83、azing breakfast. Obviously, you have to pay.Text 9 (第17题为推断题)M: I have decided to devote my life to the pursuit of science.W: Thats a big goal. What science do you want to pursue?M: I want to see the stars and explore space.W: So you want to study astronomy(天文学)?M: No, I want to build the ships that

84、 take us there. (14)W: Sounds like you want to be an engineer. (14)M: I guess, (14)but it doesnt sound very scientific when you put it like that.W: It uses a lot of science. You need to know physics and chemistry, so you can design a ship that will keep the astronauts safe.M: Ill also need to find a

85、 job for Barney.W: Well, he can be your assistant, because youll need support if you are working so hard.M: I dont think youre taking this seriously.W: I am. If you want, we can speak to your teacher about extra classes.M: That would be great. I think space exploration is the key to saving mankind.

86、(15)W: Saving mankind from what? (15)M: Climate change. (15) Even when the world was shut down by the virus, climate change was not really affected. We need a better solution. W: Well, how about we worry about graduating first? (16)M: This is serious. If we dont act now, we may not have a planet to

87、live on in a few years. W: Honey, you need to stop reading all these stories online. The planet will be here when Im old and grey. Now go finish your homework. (16)Text 10Our award for best leader goes to a woman who has led her country for over five years. She took swift action against the coronavi

88、rus, resulting in a sharp drop in cases in Scotland compared to its neighbors, England and Wales. (18) She took over the role of First Minister from Alex Salmond, who quit after the disappointing result of the 2014 independence vote. She is only the fifth person to hold the office of First Minister,

89、 but the first woman to do so. (19) She has inspired a new generation of female political minds to join the debate and help shape their country, something that will have lasting influence. She is known for talking straight, which is a welcome change from many politicians who talk at length without e

90、ver answering the question you have asked. They say behind every strong woman is a strong man, but its more like a partnership, because Peter Murrell, also works in politics as the leading partys executive officer. (20)No doubt hell be made to carry this award home for her. So, without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for Nicola Sturgeon. (18)

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