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2018-2019学年人教版高中英语必修五学案讲义:UNIT2 THE UNITED KINGDOM-词汇篇(学生版) .docx

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1、Unit2 The United Kingdom-词汇篇_1. 掌握重点词汇的搭配及用法,能够正确完成基础类型题。2. 掌握重点句型的用法,会模仿句型进行写作和翻译。 重点词组:1. keep your eyes open 睁大你的眼睛 2. consist of由组成 3. leave out省去 不考虑 遗漏 4. divide into 分成 5. prepare to 准备 6. compare A with B 与比 7. compare A to B 把A比作B 8. asked the boss on the phone 通过电话 9. work out 做出;解决;设计出;计算

2、出;锻炼;发展,进行;work on对.起作用;企图影响或说服,忙于 work in 在工作 work off 渐渐消除 处理 排除 卖掉 发泄 10. a furnished house with all modern conveniences 一个带家具的房子有所有的现代方便的设施 11. familiar with熟悉 12. worried about the time available担心时间不够13. make a list of 列出关于的清单 14. on special occasions 在特殊的场合 15. the four-hundred-year-old unifo

3、rm 有四百年历史的制服 16. set the world time设置世界时间 17. on either side of the line 在线的两端 18. fall asleep入睡 19. with delight 十分喜悦的词句精讲1. consist vi.由.组成, 在于, 一致 consist of=be made up of 由组成;由构成典例 1) Substances consist of small particles called molecules. 物质是由叫做分子的微粒组成的。2) True charity doesnt consist in almsgiv

4、ing. 真正的慈善不在于施舍。 练习 翻译:1) 这支球队由12人组成。2) 这位艺术家的风格上的美在于它的简朴。Keys: 1) the team consists of 12 players. 2)The beauty of the artists style consists in its simplicity.2. 区别: separate . from (把联合在一起或靠近的人或物分离出来) divide.into 把分开 (把整体分为若干部分)e.g. The teacher divided the class into two groups.e.g. The Taiwan St

5、rait separates Taiwan from Fujian.3. debate about sth.e.g. They debate about the proposal for three days. debate/argue/discuss/quarrel辩论,争论【解析】debate就已经确定或统一的问题,各述己见,公开,正式的争论.含交锋的意思;argue指提出理由或事实,试图在争辩中说服对方,或促使他人拥护自己倡导的理由或观点;discuss指一般讨论,谈论;quarrel常指因琐事而感到气愤,进行争吵【练习】选择debate/argue/discuss/quarrel或pu

6、zzle并用其适当的形式填空1)The couple are always _quarreling about the past.2)Have you _ the problem with anyone?3)I _ with her all day about the situation.Keys: 1)quarreling 2)discussed 3)argued4. clarify: vt./vi. (cause sth. to )become clear or easier to understand 澄清;阐明;清楚;明了e.g. I hope what I say will clar

7、ify the situation.e.g. Can you clarify the question? 5. be linked to = be connected to /be joined to 连接【习惯用语】 link A to B 将A和B连接起来6. refer to 1)提及,指的是 e.g. When he said “some students”, do you think he was referring to us?2) 参考;查阅;询问 e.g. If you dont understand a word you may refer to your dictionar

8、ies.e.g. Please refer to the last page of the book for answers. 3) 关系到;关乎 e.g. What I have to say refers to all of you.e.g. This rule refers to everyone. reference: n. 参考 e.g. reference books 参考书7. to ones surprise (prep) “to ones + 名词” 表 “令某人”,常见的名词有 “delight, disappointment, enjoyment, astonishmen

9、t 等。e.g. I discovered, to my horror, that the goods were entirely unfit for sale. To Johns great relief they reached the house at last.8. . found themselves united peacefully “find +宾语宾补( adj; adv; v-ing; pp; 介词短语;不定式)”e.g. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found smoking in the kitchen.e.g.

10、Youll find him easy to get along with. e.g. They found themselves trapped by the bush fire.e.g. When I woke up, I found myself in hospital.e.g. I called on him yesterday, but I found him out.9. leave out省去,遗漏典例 1) You have left out the most important word in this sentence. 你在这一句中遗漏了最重要的一个单词。2) Dont

11、leave me out when you invite people to your party. 当你邀请人们去参加晚会时,别把我漏掉了。重点用法 leave for 动身到(某处) leave alone不管;撇下一个人leave aside搁置 leave behind遗忘;遗留练习 请填人适当的介词或副词:1) They were left _ in the wilderness. 2) He was asked to make up the information left _ by the leader.Keys: 1) alone 2) out10. break down损坏,

12、跨,压倒,分解典例 1) The bridge broke down. 桥塌了。2) The engine broke down. 发动机坏了。3) He has broken down from overwork. 他因工作过度而累垮了。4) Water can be broken down into hydrogen and oxygen. 水可以分解为氢和氧。5) The plan to build another chemical work has broken down because it will cause serious pollution. 再建一个化工厂的计划失败了,因为

13、这将引起严重的污染。词汇激活 break away from摆脱,脱离 break in闯入;插话 break into闯入;破门而人;打断(谈话)break off中止;折断;打折 break out爆发;突然发生 break through突破;冲垮break up分解;(使)结束;分开,分离练习 请填人适当的介词或副词: 1)To understand the grammar of the sentence, you must break it _ into pieces.2) The elevator broke _.3) Fighting broke_ in the prison c

14、ells.4)Fire broke _during the night. 5) On the way to the prison house, the prisoners suddenly broke _ from the policeman.Keys: 1) down 2) down 3) out 4) out 5) away11. take the place of代替,取代典例 1) In the future, natural gas will take the place of petrol as the major fuel.将来天然气会代替汽油成为主要的能源。2) Ill tak

15、e the place of Mr. Lin next week. =Ill take Mr. Lins place next week. 下周我将代替林老师。重点用法 take place发生;举行 take ones place就位;代替某人in place of (= instead of)代替 in place在适当的位置out of place不得其所,不适当地 in the first place首先 from place to place到处;各处练习 选择以上短语填空1) A sudden accident _ in the street last evening. 2)She

16、 likes everything _ before she starts to work. She hates a mess. Keys: 1)took place 2)in place12. influence 1) v. 对产生影响 e.g. What influence you to choose a career in teaching? 2)可数n. 产生影响的人或事 e.g. He is one of the good influences in the school. 3) (不可数n.) 影响 e.g. A teacher has great influence over h

17、is pupils. 13. There is no need to debate any more about why different words are used to describe the four countries. 没有必要去争论为什么要用不同的词去描述这四个国家。解释 There is no need to do没有必要做某事There is no doubt that 是毫无疑问的练习 翻译1) 我们有必要再去那一趟吗?2) 没必要给他写封信告知这个消息.Keys: 1) Is there any need for us to go there again? 2) Th

18、ere is no need to write to him and inform him the news.14. It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London. 这似乎是一件怪事:这位发展了共产主义的人竟然在伦敦生活过,而且在伦敦去世.解释 It is/seems/that 从句用虚拟语气,由“should+v.原形”构成典例 1) It is strange that my mother should agree with me.真奇怪我妈妈竟

19、然答应了我。2) It was strange that my mother should have agreed with me. 真奇怪我妈妈竟然答应了我。练习 翻译1)真奇怪,他竟然考试不及格.2)似乎很奇怪,他能够通过触摸判断花的种类。Key: 1) Its strange that he should fail the exam. 2) It seemed strange that he could tell the different kinds of flower by touching.1. The lecture given by the professor _ the st

20、udents attention.A. paid B. attracted C. pushed D. used2. Its said that the team _ twelve top European players.A. consists of B. is consisted of C. made up of D. make up of3. The teacher stressed again that the students should not _ any important details while retelling a story.A. bring out B. let o

21、ut C. leave out D. make out4. The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without _his notes.A. bringing up B. referring to C. looking for D. trying on5. He hasnt slept at all for three days. _he is tired out.A. There is no point B. There is no need C. It is no wonder D. It is no

22、way基础演练一、用适当的介、副词填空。1. How many countries does the UK consist _?2. Wales was linked _ it in the thirteenth century.3. Next England and Wales were joined _ Scotland _ the seventeenth century and the name was changed _ “Great Britain”. 4. Finally the English government tried in the early twentieth cen

23、tury to form the United Kingdom _ getting Ireland connected _ the same peaceful way.5. _ their credit the four countries do work together _ some areas, but they still have very different institutions.6. _ example, Northern Ireland, England and Scotland have different educational and legal systems as

24、 well as different football teams _ competitions _ the World Cup!7. England is the largest _ the four countries, and _ convenience it is divided roughly _ three zones.8. _ historical architecture you have to go to older but smaller towns built _ the Romans.9. The greatest historical treasure _ all i

25、s London _ its museums, art collections, theatres, parks and buildings.10. If you look _ the British countryside you will find evidence _ all these invaders.巩固提高.佳句翻译与仿写1. Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well.翻译:_ _仿写:他发现这个地方发生了巨变。_ _2. To their credit the four countries

26、do work together in some areas (eg, the currency and international relations), but they still have very different institutions.翻译:_ _ _仿写:他觉得她救他是应该的她也确实救了他。_ _ _3. Although, nationwide, these cities are not as large as those in China, they have worldfamous football teams and some of them even have t

27、wo!翻译:_ _ _仿写:我虽然有车,但因为交通堵塞很少使用。_ _ _4. It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors.翻译:_ _ _仿写:你不能再多停留些时间,真是遗憾。_ _ _5. You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom enjoyable and worthwhile.翻译:_ _ _仿写:(1)请保持地

28、面干净。_ _(2)他所说的让我很生气。_ _ 一、单项填空1. People may wonder why different words are used _ these four countries:England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.A. to describe B. to describing C. describe D. for describe2. Now when people _ England you find Wales included as well.A. stick to B. keep to C. refe

29、r to D. point to3. Finally the English government tried in the early twentieth century to form the United Kingdom by getting Ireland _ in the same peaceful way.A. to connect B. connected C. connect D. connecting4. However, the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and _ to form its own government.A

30、. broke down B. broke away C. broke up D. broke out5. (2014. 桐乡模拟)Any help from you will be greatly appreciated. Please give me a re ply at your earliest_.A. convenienceB. considerationC. interruption D. imagination6. Although, nationwide, these cities are not as large as _ in China, they have world

31、famous football teams and some of them even have two!A. it B. one C. that D. those7. It is a pity that the industrial cities _ in the nineteenth century do not _ visitors.A. building; attack B. built; attackC. to build; attract D. built; attract8. (2014陕西榆林六校第四次质量训练)_more tourists, travel agencies f

32、rom both China and the DPRK have developed a package of new products.A. Attracting B. AttractedC. To attract D. Having attracted二、选词填空be known as, make up, as well, link.to., break away from, look around, to ones credit, under construction1. He will come to Canada next month and of course, his wife

33、will come _.2. Generally speaking, lung disease _ smoking.3. Oxford _ one of the best universities in the world.4. It is greatly _ that you have passed such a difficult exam.5. The boy _ a story. It was not true.6. Some roads are blocked because they are _.7. What can we do to help them to _ the dif

34、ficult position?8. Would you please lead me to _ your factory?_一、单词拼写1. We must u_ to fight against racism.2. The drama course should give me enough c_ to finish my degree.3. This is a c_ of TangSong poems, which I like very much.4. The film a_ a great number of young people to go to the cinema.5. T

35、hough the task was difficult, they managed to a_ it in time.6. Living in the city is much more expensive than in the c_.7. I hope this _ (阐明) my position.8. We have provided seats for the _(方便) of our customers.9. We offer you our sincerest wishes for a very _(令人愉快的) Mothers Day.10. Your hand was _(

36、粗糙的) but strong and warm.二、单项填空1. There are plenty of jobs _ in the western part of the country.A. present B. available C. possible D. convenient2. Shes arranged _ swimming lessons next month. A. her son to have B. for her son to have C. for her son having D. her son having3. The building was named

37、Ford Hall _a man named James Ford.A. in need of B. in memory of C. in charge of D. in search of4. How about your journey to Mount Emei?Everything was wonderful except that our car _ twice on the way.A. slowed down B. broke down C. got down D. put down5. _, many countries have promised to do what the

38、y can to slow the climate change.A. With our great delight B. Greatly to our delightC. Great to our delight D. To our delighted6. (2014厦门质量检测)If you sit in an office all day long and rarely_, youre likely to suffer from neck and back pains.A. cut in B. work outC. break down D. stay up7. Having a tri

39、p abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains _ whether they will enjoy it.A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen8. My cats really fat.You _have given her so much food.A. wouldnt B. couldnt C. shouldnt D. mustnt9. _ makes this shop different is that it offers more personal service

40、s.A. What B. Which C. Why D. While10. (2014石家庄质量检测二)To my mind, the secret to happiness _your successful work and your contribution towards others happiness.A. results in B. consists in C. brings in D. takes in三、完形填空One afternoon I toured an art museum and I was looking forward to a quiet view of th

41、e masterpieces. A young couple viewing the paintings ahead of me talked _1_ between themselves. I watched them a moment and _2_ she was doing all the talking.I _3_ his patience for putting up with her talkativeness. _4_ by their noise, I moved on. I _5_ with them several times as I moved through the

42、 various rooms of art. Each time I heard her _6_ flood of words, I moved away quickly. I was _7_ a purchase at the counter of the gift shop when I _8_ the couple approaching the exit. Before they left, the man took out a walking stick and then _9_ his way into the coatroom to get his wifes jacket.“H

43、es a _10_ man,” the clerk at the counter said. “Most of us would give in if we were _11_ at such a young age. During his recovery, he made a vow(发誓) he wouldnt _12_. So, as before he and his wife come in whenever theres a new _13_ show.”“But what does he get out of the art?” I asked. “He cant see.”“

44、Cant see! Youre _14_. He sees a lot. More than you or I do.” The clerk said. “His wife _15_ each painting so he can see it in his _16_.”I _17_ something about patience, courage and love that day. I saw the _18_ of a young wife describing paintings to a person without _19_ and the courage of a husban

45、d who would not allow blindness to change his life. And I saw the love _20_ by two people as I watched this couple walk away hand in hand.1. A. continuouslyB. secretlyC. silentlyD. carefully2. A. saidB. warnedC. decidedD. appreciated3. A. hatedB. admiredC. ignoredD. expected4. A. DelightedB. Satisfi

46、edC. MovedD. Annoyed5. A. metB. quarreledC. observedD. compared6. A. softB. constantC. brokenD. weak7. A. takingB. bringingC. producingD. making8. A. glaredB. staredC. noticedD. glanced9. A. tappedB. feltC. forcedD. kept10. A. patientB. unluckyC. braveD. clever11. A. dyingB. blindedC. deafD. wordles

47、s12. A. improveB. endC. completeD. change13. A. playB. artC. architectureD. car14. A. wiseB. foolishC. intelligentD. wrong15. A. paintsB. buysC. admiresD. describes16. A. spiritsB. earsC. headD. soul17. A. learnedB. toldC. judgedD. considered18. A. braveryB. patienceC. politenessD. coldness19. A. he

48、aringB. sightC. complaintD. delay20. A. shownB. valuedC. sharedD. received四、阅读理解To the west and off the European Continent, there are several thousands of islands on the Continental shelf(大陆架). They are generally called the British Isles. Of all these isles, the largest one is called Great Britain.

49、For convenience, it is often shortened to Britain. Still to the west of Great Britain is the second largest island known as Ireland. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) is made up of Great Britain, Northern Ireland, and a number of smaller islands around them. The total are

50、a of the country is some 240,000 square kilometers with a population of about 57 million.Great Britain runs nearly 1,000 kilometers from south to north and extends, at the widest part, about 500 kilometers from west to east. Its area is some 230,000 square kilometers. Great Britain is traditionally

51、divided into three parts, or countries: England in the south, Scotland in the north, and Wales in the southwest. There are discernible(可辨别的) differences between them even now.England is the largest and most developed of all the three. Its area, about 130,000 square kilometers, takes up nearly 60% of

52、 the whole island. Its population is more than 46 million which makes up 85% of the countrys whole population. The importance of England is so great in Britain that some foreigners just say “England” when they mean Britain. The same is true of the custom of speaking of the British people as the Engl

53、ish who are the majority in the United Kingdom.Scotland is the second largest both in area and population. It has an area of about 78,760 square kilometers, less than 30% of the whole island, with a population of 5 million, less than onetenth of the whole population.Wales is the smallest of the thre

54、e both in area and population. In area, 20,700 square kilometers, makes up less than 9% while its population, 2.7 million, does not exceed(超过)5% of the whole.1. The British Isles is made up of _.A. the European Continent and Great BritainB. the U. K. and the Republic of IrelandC. England, Scotland a

55、nd WalesD. several thousands of islands to the west and off the European Continent2. Which of the following figures shows the correct position of Great Britain?3. From the third paragraph we can infer that Great Britain has a population of about _ million.A. 54 B. 46 C. 60 D. 574. Which of the follo

56、wing statements is TRUE?A. England is six times larger than Wales in area.B. England is six times larger than Scotland in area.C. Scotland is six times larger than Wales in area.D. Great Britain is six times larger than Wales in area.Several years ago, a television reporter was talking to three of t

57、he most important people in America. One was a very rich banker, another owned one of the largest companies in the world, and the third owned many buildings in the center of New York.The reporter was talking to them about being important.“How do we know if someone is really important?” the reporter

58、asked the banker.The banker thought for a few moments and then said, “I think anybody who is invited to the White House to meet the President of the United States is really important.”The reporter then turned to the owner of the very large company. “Do you agree with that?” she asked.The man shook h

59、is head, “No. I think the President invites a lot of people to the White House. Youd only be important if while you were visiting the President, there was a telephone call from the President of another country, and the President of the US said he was too busy to answer it.”The reporter turned to the

60、 third man, “Do you think so?”“No, I dont,” he said. “I dont think that makes the visitor important. That makes the President important.”“Then what would make the visitor important?” the reporter and the other two men asked.“Oh, I think if the visitor to the White House was talking to the President

61、and the phone rang, and the President picked up the receiver, listened and then said, “Its for you.”1. This story happened in _.A. England B. America C. Japan D. Australia2. There are _ in this passage.A. two men and two womenB. three men and one womanC. three women and one manD. four women3. The ba

62、nker thought _.A. he was really important because he was a rich bankerB. the visitor to the White House was really importantC. the visitor who met the President of the United StatesD. the reporter was really important4. The owner of many buildings thought _.A. he was really important because he owned many buildings in the center of New YorkB. the owner of the very large company was really importantC. the visitor was really important if he was talking to the President and the President received a telephone call for the visitorD. the person who worked in the White House was really important


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