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1、四川都江堰市2016高考英语二轮阅读理解练习(6)及答案【2015高考复习】阅读理解 Walk down the drinks section at the supermarket.Look in the drink cooler in your local convenience store.A new drink is taking up more and more space on the shelves,and that drink is water.Bottled water sales in the US rose to 1.7 billion gallons in 2010 fo

2、r plastic bottles alone,compared to total sales of only 700 million gallons in 1990.Whereas bottled water was once associated only with the rich and the privileged (特权阶层),it is now regularly drunk by people at all income levels despite the fact that the price of bottled water can be between 240 and

3、10,000 times higher per gallon than tap water.What accounts for this surprising increase in demand?Traditionally,people have drunk bottled water for health reasons.The practice of “taking the waters” originated with the Romans,who believed that a person developed a healthy mind by building a healthy

4、 body.Across Europe,drinking or bathing in mineral water has been associated with the power to cure various diseases.Health spas at Evian in France and Pellegrino in Italy began bottling water so that their consumers could continue their treatments at home.The consumers in the 21st century are also

5、concerned about health.However,in America,where the habit of drinking bottled water is relatively new,the concern is often more related to the purity or sterilization (消毒) of the water than to its mineral contents.Americans are often worried about the effects of the chemical pollution and other cont

6、aminants on the water supply.Many Americans view bottled water as a safe alternative to tap water.Further reasons for drinking bottled water are its usefulness as an aid to digestion,as a complement to a good meal in a restaurant,and for taste.City tap water is often treated with chlorine (氯) to gua

7、rd against harmful microorganisms.Chlorine,as well as metals from pipes and tanks used to distribute and store tap water,can leave behind an unpleasant taste.【语篇解读】本文从两个方面分析了瓶装水销量提高的原因。1Which of the following statements is true?ABottled water was once drunk both by the rich and the poor.BBottled wat

8、er sales have risen,for its cheaper than tap water.CEuropeans believed in the power of treatment of mineral water.DAmericans have had the habit of drinking bottled water for long.解析正误判断题。由文章第二段的第三句可知,在整个欧洲,饮用或用矿泉水洗澡已经与治愈各种疾病的能力联系起来。答案C2People prefer bottled water because_.Ait does good to their heal

9、thBit has chlorine to make it taste goodCit contains no mineral pollution at allDits a practice originated with the Romans解析细节理解题。由文章第二段的第一句“Traditionally,people have drunk bottled water for health reasons.”可知答案。答案A3The underlined word “contaminants” most probably means_.Apollutants BmicroorganismsC

10、chemicals Dminerals解析词义猜测题。由“the chemical pollution and other”可知画线词与pollutants同义。答案A4Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?AHow Bottled Water OriginatedB“Taking the Waters” Has Been Practiced for LongCWhats the Safe Alternative to Tap Water DWhy Bottled Water Sales Increase解

11、析主旨大意题。文章第一段的最后一句“What accounts for this surprising increase in demand?”是一个承上启下的句子,下面两段都在讲瓶装水销量上涨的原因。答案D2016高考训练-阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。Pilling a cat can be a “terrible” experience. Cats dont want something pushed down their throats, and theyll fight with all their strength to preve

12、nt it. In fact, its amazing how powerful their small bodies can be.The easiest way of pilling a cat is to press the pill into powder. Then mix the powder with a small amount of wet food. If your cat usually eats dry food, she will probably view the wet food as a treat and eat it up.If your cat wont

13、eat the wet food that contains the pill or if she is too ill to eat, you can get a “pill gun”. There are some basic instructions. Getting your cats mouth to open is going to be the most difficult part. First, be sure the pill is in a handy place. Then you can put your cat on a bookshelf with her bot

14、tom in a corner or you can put her on your lap firmly tied. Have your cat facing to the right if youre right-handed. With your left hand, hold your cat at the cheekbones, putting your palm at the top of her head. Keeping your finger off the trigger (扳机), with your right hand, insert the pill gun unt

15、il the pill is positioned over the tongue and open throat. Be sure to give your cat a treat directly after giving the pill.If you dont feel comfortable using a pill gun, you can try giving the pill by hand. Push your cats head backwards just far enough so that her nose is pointing towards the ceilin

16、g. At this point, most cats will slightly open their mouths. With the little finger or ring finger of the hand holding the pill, open the bottom jaw a little more. You may need to hold her top jaw with your other hand while doing this. Aim straight and lightly throw the pill or drop it. Most cats wi

17、ll then swallow the pill.28. Pilling a cat can be a terrible experience because cats _.A. are amazingly powerful and dangerousB. may fight with all their strength against pillsC. refuse something pressed down their throatsD. are difficult to treat once theyve got ill29. What can be inferred accordin

18、g to the second paragraph?A. Wet food with medicine is usually a treat to cats.B. Cats used to dry food must reject wet food.C. The easiest pilling is to press the pill into powder.D. Cats are probably interested in something new.30. Using a “pill gun”, you had better hold your cat _ if youre left-h

19、anded.A. facing to the right B. with your right hand C. at the head D. on your lap firmly31. A cat probably opens its mouth naturally when _.A. its nose is straight upwardsB. it is touched by fingersC. its head is turning aroundD. it is served with its favorite pills参考答案28-31CDB A 2016高考训练-阅读理解。阅读下列

20、短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。The Pew report-which was based on surveys carried out in Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece, Poland and the Czech Republic - concluded that the European Union was “ the new sick man of Europe”. The percentage of Europeans with a favorable view of the EU has

21、 plunged from 60 percent last year to 45 percent now.The UK may be considered the most Eurosceptic(欧洲怀疑论者)country, but its support for the union has barely changed in the past 12 months, slipping only two points to 43 percent.By contrast, Frances backing for the EU has slipped sharply, from 60 perce

22、nt last year to 41 percent today.On the question of whether to remain in the EU, 46 percent of the British want to leave the union and surprisingly, the same percentage went to stay.The Pew reports authors said, “The long-drawn economic crisis has created bad forces that are pulling European public

23、opinion apart, separating the French from the Germans and Germans from everyone else.”They added, “The effort over the past half century to create a more united Europe is now the main disaster of the euro crisis. The European project now stands in a bad reputation across much of Europe.”The only Eur

24、opean leader rated highly by their own voters was the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, with 74 percent voters in favor of her.Prime Minister David Cameron was the next highest with a positive score of 37 percent among the British public, although he can take some comfort from the fact that 58 percen

25、t of Poles and half of all French people think he is doing a good job.In spite of the dark economic future and growing doubt of the EU, there were strong majorities of more than 60 percent in favor of keeping the euro in the five countries surveyed that use the single currency.32. Which of the follo

26、wing is TRUE about the recent Pew report?A. The UK has the smallest number of people against the EU.B. Theres a slight change of the UKs support for the EU.C. More than half the Germans raise doubt about the EU.D. A vast majority of French people are in favor of the EU.33. As to whether to remain in

27、 the EU, _.A. The British are divided equally B. few British want to stayC. half British want to leave D. many British dont care about it34. Whats the Pew reports authors attitude towards the relation between France and Germany? A. Enthusiastic. B. Optimistic. C. Negative. D. Neutral.35. Why does Pr

28、im Minister David Cameron feel a little bit comfortable?A. Only a score of 37 percent of Britons go against him.B. Many of the Poles and French think well of him.C. More than 60 percent of the Europeans are in favor of keeping the euro.D. Angela Merkel has 74 percent voters supporting her.参考答案3235、B

29、ACB阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。The internet will open up new vistas (前景),creat the global village- -you can make new friends all around the world. That,at least, is what it promised us. The difficulty is that It did not take the human mind into account. The reality is that we cannot kee

30、p relationship than a limited number of people. No matter how hard the internet tries to putYou in communication, its best efforts will be defeated by your mind. The problem is twofold(双重的). First, there is a limit on the number of people we can hole in mind and have a meaningful relationship with.

31、That number is about 150 and is set by the size of our brain. Second, the quality of your relationships depends on the amount of time you invest (投入) in then. We invest a lot in a small number of people and then distribute whats left among as many others as we can. The problem is that if we invest l

32、ittle time in a person, our engagement with that person will decline (减弱)until eventually it dies into “someone I once knew”.This is not, of course, to say that the internet doesnt serve a socially valuable function. Of course it does. But the question is not that it allows you to increase the size

33、of your social circle to include the rest of the world, but that you can keep your relationships with your existing friends going even though you have to more to the other side of the world.In one sense, thats a good thing. But it also has a disadvantage. If you continue to invest in your old friend

34、s even though you can no longer see then, then certainly you arent using your time to make new friends where you now live. And I suspect that probably isnt the best use of your time. Meaningful relationships are about being able to communicate with each other, face to face. The internet will slow do

35、wn the rate with which relationships end, but it wont stop that happening eventually.72. What is stressed in the first paragraph?A. The present situation of the internet.B. The difficulty in communication on the internet.C. The socially valuable function of the internet. D. The role of the human min

36、d in the internet communication.73. The underlined word “engagement” in the second paragraph probably means “_”.A. appointment B. connection C. interview D. agreement74. According to the passenger, the author holds the view that_.A. the internet fails to play so valuable a role in communication as i

37、t promisedB. the internet determines the quality of social relationshipsC. the internet greatly increases the size of social circlesD. the internet communication is no less effective than the face-to-face talk75. What is the authors attitude towards the use of the internet to strengthen relationship

38、s?A. He is uncertain about it. B. He is hopeful of it. C. He approves of it. D. He doubts it.【答案】DBAD阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。选材相似度: 设题相似度: 难度系数:Culture helps human societies survive in changing natural environments.For example,the end of the last Ice Age,beginning about 15,000 years

39、 ago,brought an enormous challenge to which humans had to adapt.Before this time,large parts of the northern hemisphere were covered in great sheets of ice that contained much of the earths water.In North America,large animals that roamed the vast tundra provided people with food and materials for c

40、lothing and simple shelters.When the earth became warm,large Ice Age animals disappeared,and many land areas were submerged by rising sea levels from melting ice.But people survived.They developed new technologies and learned how to survive on new plant and animal species.Finally some people settled

41、 into permanent villages,durable houses and farms.Cultural adaptation has made humans one of the most successful species on the planet.Through history,major developments in technology,medicine,and nutrition have allowed people to reproduce and survive in everincreasing numbers.The global population

42、has risen from 8 million during the Ice Age to about 6 billion today.However,the successes of culture can also create problems in the long run.Over the last 200 years,people have begun to use large quantities of natural resources and energy and to produce a great amount of material and chemical wast

43、es.The global population now consumes some crucial natural resourcessuch as petroleum,wood,and mineral oresfaster than nature can produce them.Many scientists believe that in the process of burning fuels and producing wastes,people may be changing the global climate in unpredictable and possibly har

44、mful ways.Thus,the adaptive success of the presentday global culture of production and commerce may be temporary.Notes: tundra n冰原;苔原submerge vt.淹没 crucial adj.关键的ore n矿长短句分析:Many scientists believe that in the process of burning fuels and producing wastes,people may be changing the global climate i

45、n unpredictable and possibly harmful ways.句法点睛:这是个主从复合句。Many scientists believe为主句部分,in the process of burning fuels and producing wastes为宾语从句的时间状语,people may be changing the global climate in unpredictable and possibly harmful ways为宾语从句的主干部分。句意:很多科学家认为,在燃料燃烧和产生垃圾的过程中,人们可能正以无法预测的,甚至是有害的方式改变着全球的气候。【语

46、篇解读】 本文为议论文。文章论述了人类在适应自然环境得到了飞速发展的同时,也带来了系列问题:人类的过度发展破环了自然,以至给人类自己带来了灾难。1What does the first paragraph mainly talk about?AHow the human being survived in the Ice Age.BWhat the situation was during the Ice Age.CWhat caused the Ice Age to come to an end.DWhy the Ice Age was very important.答案A主旨大意题。虽然冰

47、川融化,人类食物链遭到破坏,但由于人类具有认识和使用新技术的能力而得以存活,并发展状大。 2The passage doesnt tell the readers _.Awhat caused the earth to become warmBwhen the ending of the Ice Age beganCthe population of the Ice AgeDthe problem of cultural adaptation答案A细节理解题。短文没有论及地球变暖的原因。3Which is the problem of cultural adaption?AA very dev

48、eloped culture came into being.BToo much species have been endangered.CThe world has become too crowded.DHuman activities have made damage to the balance of nature.答案D细节理解题。人类过量使用自然资源而破坏了生态平衡。4In face of the greater challenge,human beings should _.Astop developing any longerBreduce using too much natural resourcesCfind a way out to stop the warming up of the globeDsave more animals in case they all die out答案B细节理解题。人类过量使用自然资源已经导致了环境的恶化,理智的办法就是减少使用自然资源。


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