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本文(《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(外研版选修六)课时作业:MODULE 2 第3课时 WORD版含解析.docx)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

《创新设计-课堂讲义》2016-2017学年高中英语(外研版选修六)课时作业:MODULE 2 第3课时 WORD版含解析.docx

1、Period ThreeIntegrating Skills.单词拼写1You cant escape _ (惩罚) for what you have done.2Some advertisements _ (吸引) to peoples desire to save money.3They have been _ (结婚) for 20 years.4She is a _ (有天赋的) singer.5I dont want to _ (负担) you with my worries.6You should make an _ (调整) to your plan.7You would be

2、come a “walking _ (靶子,对象)” if you dressed in such a bright colour.8The professor is busy preparing his chemistry _ (课程) plan.选词填空1She _ singing.2They _ and lived a happy life.3Nowadays students _ too much homework.4We can finish the work _.5I dont want to _ that company.6We _ parents to take care of

3、 their children.同义词辨析1用alone,lonely填空(1)She lives _ and often feels _.(2)I can do it _.(3)They went to a(n) _ place in the mountains.2用set out,set about的适当形式填空(1)He _ writing his novel.(2)He _ to clean his room.(3)We will _ for Guangzhou.单项填空1Thousands of foreigners were_ to the Shanghai World Expo

4、the day it opened.Aattended BattainedCattracted Dattached2How did you like Nicks performance last night?To be honest,his singing didnt _to me much.Aappeal BbelongCrefer Doccur3It was foolish of him to _ his notes during that important test,and as a result,he was _.Astick to;punished Brefer to;punish

5、edCkeep to;punishing Dpoint to;punishing4It was from only a few supplies that she had bought in the village _ the hostess cooked such a nice dinner.Awhere BthatCwhen Dwhich5The journalist immediately _ to obtain the important facts.Aset about Bset downCset out Dset up6The soldier was _ of running aw

6、ay when the enemy attacked.Acharged BscoldedCpunished Daccused7I will not _ you with a lengthy account of what happened.Aoffer BgiveCput Dburden8I heard Joe _ again.Thats good news.Agot hurt Bgot firedCgot married Dgot stuck9The Ministry of Education announced that the _ for all schools would includ

7、e information technology.Acurriculum BscheduleCcertificate Dstructure10In summer Mary likes to walk along the beach with _ feet,leaving footprints on the sand.Ablank BvacantChollow Dbare.完形填空Antonia left Athens and came to America to make her _1_.She wanted to be a famous _2_,so she went to live in

8、Hollywood,California.At first,Antonia had very little _3_,so she was _4_ to watch every penny _5_ visiting the movie agents offices.For over a year,she worked only in small _6_.She found life extremely _7_.She had to take buses or _8_ to everywhere,and she ate only one _9_ a day.Even though she work

9、ed nights as a _10_,Antonia could not really make ends meet._11_,one day,the star of the film became _12_,and the director asked Antonia to _13_ the part.Her acting was wonderful.After the premiere (首映) of the film,she became an overnight success.She received many _14_ for future starring roles.Sinc

10、e then,Antonia has _15_ her whole way of life.Now she wears _16_ furs and drives a RollsRoyce.She lives in a twentyseven rooms mansion (公馆) in Beverly Hills,with seven _17_.All her needs are _18_ for.For Antonia,America is truly the land of streets paved with gold._19_ her hard work,she had earned t

11、he fame she _20_ so much.1A.fameBchanceCfortuneDadventure2A.modelBsingerCdesignerDactress3A.successBmoneyClimitDenergy4A.forcedBableCaskedDready5A.andBwhileCifDor6A.placesBplaysCpartsDstudios7A.unfairBsimpleCdifferentDhard8A.driveBwalkCstayDsleep9A.mealBdinnerCdietDfood10A.nurseBtypistCsalesgirlDwai


13、rough20A.wishedBbeggedCdesiredDadmiredon doing.一就On seeing her mother,she burst into tears.一见到她妈妈她就放声大哭。On arriving in Jinan,please call me at once.一到济南请马上给我打电话。 答案.1.punishment2.appeal3.married4.gifted5burden6.adjustment7.target8.curriculum.1.has a gift married3.are burdened with4.ahead of

14、 associated with6.appeal to.1.(1)alone;lonely(2)alone(3)lonely解析(1)alone作形容词时,指客观上独自一人,作表语。作副词时,表示“单独,独自”。(2)lonely用作形容词,可作表语和定语。作表语时,表示心里感觉“孤独的,寂寞的”;作定语时,修饰地方,意为“荒无人烟的”。2(1)set about(2)set out(3)set out解析(1)set out出发,动身;着手做(后接to do sth.)(2)set about着手做(后接doing sth.).1.Cattract吸引,符合句意。atten

15、d参加;attain达到;be attached to附属于。2Aappeal to吸引,符合句意。belong to属于;refer to谈到;occur to发生在,被想起。3B句意为:他在如此重要的考试中偷看笔记,真是愚蠢,因此他受到惩罚。refer to参考,查询;punish惩罚,因为与主语he有被动关系,所以应使用被动语态;be过去分词。stick to坚持;point to指向。4B考查强调句型。句意为:正是用她从村子里买来的供应品,女主人才烹制出如此好的饭菜。句子使用了强调句。此处所用强调句的结构为:It was被强调部分that句子其他部分。5C考查动词短语辨析。句意为:那个

16、记者立即动身去获取重要的事实。set out to do sth.开始着手做某事,符合句意。set about doing sth.开始做某事;set down写下,记下;set up创立,建立。6D考查动词辨析。句意为:那个士兵被指控当敌军进攻时逃跑。be accused of被指控,符合题意。be charged with被指控;be scolded for因而受到责骂;be punished for因而受到惩罚。7D考查动词词义辨析。offer/give sb. sth.提供/给某人某物;burden sb. with sth.用某事给某人添麻烦。句意为:我不想把发生的事详加叙述,免得给

17、你增加麻烦。8C考查交际用语和动词短语辨析。get hurt受伤;get fired被解雇;get married结婚;get stuck被困住,被难住。根据答句的Thats good news可知,只有C项为最佳答案。9Acurriculum意为“课程”;schedule意为“时间表”;certificate意为“证(明)书;执照”;structure意为“结构;构造”。句意为:教育部宣布所有学校课程将包括信息技术。10D四个词都含有“空的”的意思,但用法不同。blank意为“空白的”,指表面无字迹;vacant指因暂时没有人居住或占据而空着的;hollow指所描绘之物的中心是空的;bare

18、意为“光秃秃的”。bare feet “赤脚”。句意为:夏天,玛丽喜欢赤足走在海滨上,在沙滩上留下脚印。.1.Cmake ones fortune找出路,碰运气;发财。2D根据后面的Hollywood可判断句意为:她想成为有名的演员。3B由下文知,她起初几乎没有钱。4A由上文知,由于几乎没有钱,所以她被迫。5Bwhile此处等于while she was,是省略式。6C指安东尼娅只扮演了一些小角色。7D由下文知,她生活艰难。8B因为生活艰难,所以只好坐公交车或步行。9A由于缺钱,有时甚至一天只吃一顿饭。10D根据她的生活状况可推断是服务员。11B指机遇的突然到来。12CA、B、D三项都不合文意,只有C生病比较合适。13Atake the part扮演14Doffers这里指她被提供在电影中扮演角色的机会。15A因为一夜成名,可推断是彻底改变成活方式。16B安东尼娅有了钱,自然穿名贵时装。17C根据上下文,可推断是“佣人”。18A有些仆人照顾她的生活起居。care for照顾。19Dthrough hard work指“通过艰苦的劳动”。20Cdesire渴望。

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