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06-07年上学期同步测控优化训练高一英语同步检测十四 UNIT7(A卷)(附答案).doc

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06-07年上学期同步测控优化训练高一英语同步检测十四 UNIT7(A卷)(附答案).doc_第1页
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06-07年上学期同步测控优化训练高一英语同步检测十四 UNIT7(A卷)(附答案).doc_第6页
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1、0607年上学期同步测控优化训练高一英语同步检测十四 Unit7(A卷)(附答案).单词拼写1.Although (文化的) differences are real and can add richness understanding to our lives.答案:cultural2.There are five of us in the family,or six if you (把算进去) the dog.答案:include3.The palaces that were badly damaged in the war have been carefully (修复).答案:rest

2、ored4.Watch out for fire.Sally is (烧) the fallen leaves.答案:burning5.Look at that little girl!What a (美人)!答案:beauty6.She found an old p of herself,which was taken when she was a girl at school.答案:photograph/photo7.The earthquake caused great d ;many people died and many more lost their homes.答案:damag

3、e8.The p is to build a new library which will cost one million pounds.答案:project9.The two o languages in Canada are French and English.答案:official10.A new law has been passed to l pollution of the air.答案:limit.句型转换1.A:Why dont you speak to him about it?B:ak to him about it?答案:Why not2.A:At least eig

4、ht people were killed,including five policemen.B:At least eight people were killed, .答案:five policemen included3.A:Would you like to go for a walk with me?B:Lets go for a walk, ?答案:shall we4.A:I advise him to do more exercises.B:I suggest he more exercises.答案:do5.A:We started early so that we could

5、catch the early bus.B: catch the early bus,we started early.答案:In order to.用适当的介词或副词填空1.Seen space,the earth looks a blue ball.答案:from;like2.The dam was built several reasons which I didnt know much .答案:for;about3.Electricity can be made water which rushes the base of the dam.答案:from;through4. a res

6、ult of the dam,the water level of the lake was going to rise 63 metres.答案:As;by5. the area of Aswan there are a lot of old temples,which date about 1250 BC.答案:Around;from6.Engineers made plans rescuing the temple.They decided to move the whole temple stone stone.答案:for;by7.They worked in different c

7、ities,but they often kept touch each other.答案:in;with8.He always stays to write articles a magazine.答案:up;for9.Now there are scores high buildings our city.答案:of;in10.Sitting the chair,the old man slept and his bag slipped the floor.答案:in;onto.用所给单词或短语的适当形填空give in give up give off give out bring ab

8、out bring back bring.back to lifebring up pull down pull through1.The fish a terrible smell.答案:gives off2.There goes the bell;its time to the examination papers.答案:give out3.All the girls swam across the lake except two who halfway.答案:gave up4.The boy kept asking his mother for chocolate and finally

9、 she .答案:gave in5.His carelessness his failure.答案:brought about6.All the library books should have been by the end of this month.答案:brought back7.Nobody can a dead person .答案:bring;back to life8.He was an orphan(孤儿) and by a kind couple who had no children of their own.答案:brought up9.The house was ;

10、it was too old for restoration.答案:pulled down10.He is still quite sick,but the doctor is sure he will .答案:pull through.单句改错1.The storm did a lot of destroy to the crops.答案:destroydamage2.Not the students but our English teacher need help.答案:needneeds3.The river runs over the city from west to east.答

11、案:overthrough4.Please put the book there it was.答案:therewhere5.What about the two of us to go for a walk in the park?答案:to gogoing6.Perhaps Mr Green will come to China this year;he would very much like.答案:likelike to7.This is true that the 28th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.答案:ThisIt8.When s

12、he returned home from the market,she found the door open and many things missed.答案:missedmissing9.Knives can be used to cutting things.答案:tofor10.Restore the city and its cultural relics was very difficult.答案:RestoreRestoring.单项选择1.In order to prevent the fire spreading,some of the houses nearby had

13、 been before the firemen arrived.A.pulled backB.pulled downC.brought backD.burned down答案:B提示:句意为“附近的一些房子在消防员到来前被拆毁”。pull down意为“拆毁(建筑物等)”,又如:They are pulling down those houses to make room for a new hotel.为建造新旅馆,他们正在拆除那些房屋。2.They not only make it difficult to sleep at night,but they are damage to ou

14、r houses and shops.A.doingB.raisingC.puttingD.producing答案:A提示:do damage to指“对造成伤害”,为固定搭配。3.Do you smell something ?A.burnB.burntC.was burningD.burning答案:D提示:smell sth. burning“闻到某物被烧焦的气味”。4.We must set a to the expense of the trip.A.limitB.speedC.timeD.distance答案:A提示:set a limit to.意为“给定一个限度”。5.The

15、little boy kept on asking his mother to buy a toy car for him,and finally the mother gave .A.inB.upC.awayD.out答案:A提示:句意为“母亲终于屈服了,即答应了孩子的要求”。6.The few hours I had spent in the library my old passion for reading,as the result of I bought a lot of books.A.brought back;itB.took back;itC.brought back;whi

16、chD.took back;which答案:C提示:由从句中的old passion(旧时的激情)可知,在图书馆度过的几个小时使我恢复了这种激情;后一句是个非限制性定语从句,which指代上文内容。7.Several rounds of air and ground attacks from the allied force left the whole Bagdad,capital of Iraq, .A.in piecesB.in ruinsC.in partsD.in places答案:B提示:句意为“来自联军的空中及地面的攻击使巴格达市沦为一片废墟”,而in pieces表示“破成碎片

17、”,in parts表示“在部分程度上”,无in places 词组。8.When you have finished the book,please it on the shelf.A.replaceB.take placeC.take place ofD.in place of答案:A提示:take place为不及物动词词组,意为“发生”。replace在此意为“放回原处”;in place of相当于instead of,常用来作状语。9.The city came during the night.A.in attackB.in the attackC.under attackD.u

18、nder the attack答案:C提示:under attack是习语,意为“处于攻击之中”。句意为“城市在晚间受到了攻击”。10. the city and its cultural relics seemed impossible,but the people of this great city would not .A.Restoring;give upB.Restore;give upC.Restoring;be give upD.Restore;be given up答案:A提示:“.the city and its cultural relics”作主语,故应用restore

19、的-ing形。give up中止;放弃,其主语是某人,表主动。又如:All the girls swam the lake except two,who gave up halfway.除了两名女孩中途退出外,所有女孩都游过了湖。11.Daddy,what does the sign “&” mean?It the word “and”.A.presentsB.showsC.representsD.means答案:C提示:句意表示“代表”,而present表示“表明;呈现”,show表示“表明”,mean表示“意思是”。12.The terrible car accident on the f

20、reeway caused 50 people to be killed or injured, ten children.A.to includeB.includedC.includingD.include答案:C提示:句意为“特大车祸导致50人或死或伤,其中包括10个小孩”。位于名词前,表示“包括在内”时,用including表示,此时相当于一个介词。若放在名词后面,则要用included的形。 13.John shut everybody out of the kitchen he could prepare his grand surprise for the party.A.whic

21、hB.whenC.so thatD.as if答案:C提示:John把众人关在厨房外的目的是为了给大家准备一个大大的惊喜。14.A board by the side of the well on which this words , “Danger,keep off!”A.set up;wroteB.put up;wroteC.was set up;is writtenD.was set up;were written答案:D提示:set up a board竖起一块牌子,board同set up之间为被动关系,words与write之间也存在被动关系。15.Roses need speci

22、al care they can live through winter.A.becauseB.so thatC.even ifD.as答案:B提示:句意为“玫瑰需要特殊的护理它们才能过冬”。so that引导目的状语从句,意为“以便”。16.The window is dirty.I know.It for weeks.A.hasnt cleanedB.didnt cleanC.wasnt cleanedD.hasnt been cleaned答案:D提示:由for weeks可知,用完成时态,且clean与window之间为被动关系且上下文时态要求一致。17.George and Lucy

23、 got married last week.Did you go to their wedding?No,I .Did they have a big wedding.A.wasnt invitedB.hasnt been invitedC.hadnt been invitedD.didnt invite答案:C提示:“邀请”的动作发生在got married之前,即表“过去的过去”。invite同I之间存在被动关系,故应用过去完成时的被动语态。18.The new suspension bridge by the end of last month.A.has been designedB

24、.had been designedC.was designedD.would be designed答案:B提示:by the end of last month同过去完成时连用。design和bridge之间存在被动关系。19.Ive been looking for the lost key at least for half an hour,but it yet.A.havent been foundB.hasnt been seenC.hasnt been foundD.hasnt been invented答案:C提示:句中含有yet,多用现在完成时,key与find之间是被动关系

25、。20.This year an increased number of drivers for speeding.A.have arrestedB.have been arrestedC.has punishedD.has been punished答案:B提示:a number of+n.(pl.)的谓语动词要用复数形。本句是叙述今年内发生的动作,所以最好用现在完成时。.汉译英1.地震之后这个城镇一片废墟。答案:The town lay in ruins after the earthquake.2.这个小组由五个医生及十个护士组成。答案:This team is made up of f

26、ive doctors and ten nurses.3.在广东你能听到和看到粤语节目。答案:In Guangdong Province you often hear or watch programmes on the radio or TV in Cantonese.4.很久以前,一些旅行者从亚洲来到北美洲,并在此定居下来。答案:Long ago,some travellers went to North America from Asia,and then settled down on the continent.5.他与他妻子分别在不同的城市上班,但他们常保持联系。答案:He and his wife worked in different cities,but they always kept in touch with each other.


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