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《成才之路》2014-2015学年高中英语强化练习必修三(十二省)UNIT 5 第1课时.doc

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1、Unit 5 第一课时.单词拼写1The plane crashed killing all 157 passengers _ (在飞机上)2Two pieces of _ (行李) have gone missing, which makes the woman very sad.3There is a national park on the _ (边界) between Kenya and Tanzania.4My kids spend hours _ (聊天) on the phone to their friends.5There are seven _ (洲) in the wor

2、ld.答案:1.aboard2.baggage3.border4.chatting5.continents.语法填空1The problem the new teacher is faced with is that it always takes the class a while to settle_ at the start of the lesson.答案:down句意:这位新老师面临的问题是这个班在开始上课时总得一段时间后才能静下来。settle down安静下来。2(2014浙江,12改编)Facing up to your problems _ running away from

3、 them is the best approach to working things out.答案:rather than句意:面对你的问题而不是逃避它们是解决它们的最好的办法。rather than而不是。3Are you worried about the result of the exam?Only _(slighty)答案:slightly句意:你很担心考试结果吗?稍微有点。4He has a gift_ language, while his sister is a _(gift) pianist.答案:for; giftedhave a gift for. 有的天赋,a gi

4、fted pianist一位天才钢琴家。5The government must take _(measure) to prevent the water of the river _(pollute)答案:measures; (being) polluted句意:政府必须采取措施来阻止河水被污染。take measures采取措施;the water与pollute之间是逻辑上的动宾关系。6The question has been raised at the meeting _ each member country should share the expenses of the com

5、mittee.答案:whether句意:是否每一个成员国都应该分摊委员会费用这个问题在会议上已经被提出来了。whether引导名词性从句不作句子成分,只保留词义“是否”。该句是由whether引导的同位语从句,谓语部分将其和名词the question分隔开。if不能引导同位语从句。7What happened to the heroes at the end of the book?All of them managed_ (escape) from the enemy prison and began their new life.答案:to escape句意:在书的结尾,这些英雄怎么样了

6、?他们都设法从敌人监狱里逃了出来,开始了新生活。manage to do sth设法做成了某事。8There was a hole in the door, through which I _ (catch) sight of Mr. Brown sitting in a chair.答案:caught句意:门上有个洞,透过这个洞我看到布朗先生坐在椅子上。catch sight of看见,瞥见。9A dog was knocked down by a car while running across the road, his owner _ (chat) with others withou

7、t noticing it.答案:chatting考查独立主格结构。根据句中的逗号可知,后面应用独立主格结构或从句,但逗号后没有连词引号从句,故只有用独立主格结构且owner和chat之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,因此用动词ing形式。10Its the protection for the trees _ really matters, _ how many trees are planted each year.答案:that; rather than句意为“至关重要的是树木的保护,而不是每年种植了多少树”。It is/was. that.是强调句型;rather than“而不是”;other

8、 than“除了”;or rather“更确切地说”;more than“不仅仅”。由句意可知,只有C项符合题意。.阅读理解(2014天津)“Dad,” I say one day, “lets take a trip. Why dont you fly out and meet me?”My father had just retired after 27 years as a manager for IBM. His job filled his day, his thoughts, his life. While he woke up and took a warm shower, I

9、screamed under a freezing waterfall in Peru. While he tied a tie and put on the same Swiss watch, I rowed a boat across Lake of the Ozarks.My father sees me drifting aimlessly, nothing to show for my 33 years but a passport full of funny stamps. He wants me to settle down, but now I want him to find

10、 an adventure. He agrees to travel with me through the national parks. We meet four weeks later in Rapid City.“Whats our first stop?” asks my father.“What time is it?”“Still dont have a watch?”Less than an hour away is Mount Rushmore. As he stares up at the four Presidents carved in granite (花岗岩),hi

11、s mouth and eyes open slowly, like those of a little boy. “Unbelievable,” he says. “How was this done?”A film in the information center shows sculptor Gutzon Borglum devoted 14 years to the sculpture and then left the final touches to his son.We stare up and I ask myself, Would I ever devote my life

12、 to anything?No directions, no goals. I always used to hear those words in my fathers voice. Now I hear them in my own.The next day were at Yellowstone National Park, where we have a picnic.“Did you ever travel with your dad?” I ask.“Only once,” he says. “I never spoke much with my father. We loved

13、each otherbut never said it. Whatever he could give me, he gave.”That_last_sentenceits_probably_the_same_thing_Id_say_about_my_father._And_what_Id_want_my_child_to_say_about_me.In Glacier National Park, my father says, “Ive never seen water so blue.” I have, in several places of the world. I can kee

14、p traveling, I realizeand maybe a regular job wont be as dull as I feared.Weeks after our trip, I call my father.“The photos from the trip are wonderful,” he says, “ Weve got to take another trip like that sometime.”I tell him Ive decided to settle down, and Im wearing a watch.文章大意:本文介绍了一对父子,父亲忙于工作,

15、很少和儿子交流。而儿子整日漂泊,不愿意安定下来,后来通过一次旅行,父子俩都改变了原来的生活态度。1We can learn from Paragraphs 2 and 3 that the father _.Afollowed the fashionBgot bored with his jobCwas unhappy with the authors lifestyleDliked the authors collection of stamps答案:C 推理判断题。第二段和第三段都描述了父子两人的不同和分歧,和对彼此的期望。故可以推断出父亲对于这一切都是不高兴的。2What does th

16、e author realize at Mount Rushmore?AHis father is interested in sculpture.BHis father is as innocent as a little boy.CHe should learn sculpture in the future.DHe should pursue a specific aim in life.答案:D 推理判断题。从文中的We stare up and I ask myself, Would I ever devote my life to anything?和I realizeand ma

17、ybe a regular job wont be as dull as I feared.可推知答案。3From the underlined paragraph, we can see that the author _.Awants his children to learn from their grandfatherBcomes to understand what parental love meansClearns how to communicate with his fatherDhopes to give whatever he can to his father答案:B

18、句子理解题。上文说道,父亲和他的父亲彼此深爱,但是都不向对方表达。作者认识到自己和父亲也是这样,自己也希望将来自己的儿子能向自己表达爱。故本题选B项。4What could be inferred about the author and his father from the end of the story?AThe call solves their disagreements.BThe Swiss watch has drawn them closer.CThey decide to learn photography together.DThey begin to change th

19、eir attitudes to life.答案:D 推理判断题。纵观全文可知,父亲原来只忙于工作;而儿子整天流浪;经过这次旅行之后,父子两人都改变了,儿子要安定下来,脚踏实地,父亲开始欣赏生活中的美好。故本题选D项。5What could be the best title for the passage?ALove Nature, Love LifeBA Son Lost in AdventureCA Journey with DadDThe Art of Travel答案:C 主旨大意题。纵观全文可知,是这次和父亲的旅行改变了作者和父亲对生活的态度和彼此的关系。故选C项。.完形填空(20

20、14全国新课标)Joe Simpson and Simon Yates were the first people to climb the West Face of the Siula Grande in the Andes mountains. They reached the top _1_, but on their way back conditions were very _2_. Joe fell and broke his leg. They both knew that if Simon _3_ alone, he would probably get back _4_. B

21、ut Simon decided to risk his _5_ and try to lower Joe down the mountain on a rope(绳)As they _6_ down, the weather got worse. Then another _7_ occurred. They couldnt see or hear each other and, _8_, Simon lowered his friend over the edge of a precipice(峭壁). It was _9_ for Joe to climb back or for Sim

22、on to pull him up. Joes _10_ was pulling Simon slowly towards the precipice. _11_, after more than an hour in the dark and the icy cold, Simon had to _12_. In tears, he cut the rope. Joe _13_ into a huge crevasse(裂缝)in the ice below. He had no food or water and he was in terrible pain. He couldnt wa

23、lk, but he _14_ to get out of the crevasse and started to _15_ towards their camp, nearly ten kilometers _16_.Simon had _17_ the camp at the foot of the mountain. He thought that Joe must be _18_, but he didnt want to leave _19_. Three days later, in the middle of the night, he heard Joes voice. He

24、couldnt _20_ it. Joe was there, a few meters from their tent, still alive.文章大意:这是一篇记述文,两个朋友Simon和Joe在成功登顶后回程途中遭遇恶劣天气,Joe又摔断了腿,Simon冒着生命危险尽力营救Joe,但是,最后不得不含泪放弃。而Joe努力自救,最后二人团聚。全文体现了人们对于生命对于友谊的坚持、不放弃。1A.hurriedlyBcarefullyCsuccessfullyDearly答案:C 由上文他们是爬上the Siula Grande的第一批人,可知他们成功登顶。故选C项。2A.difficultB

25、similar Cspecial Dnormal答案:A 上文是成功,but表示转折可知下文是不好的情况,所以选A项,“回去的路上,情况很困难”。其它都不合题意。3A.climbed BworkedCrested Dcontinued答案:D 由上文Joe摔断了腿,可知如果simon(不照顾Joe)自己继续走下去的话,他会回去的。4A.unwillingly Bsafely C.slowly D.regretfully 答案:B Simon自己会安全地回去的。Safely安全地,强调结果。而slowly慢慢地,此处应该强调对比照顾与不照顾Joe的结果。故选B项。5A.fortune Btime

26、 Chealth D.life 答案:D 由上文提到如此艰难的环境,还要照顾断腿的Joe,这是冒着生命的危险,故选D项。6A.lay Bsettled Cwent Dlooked 答案:C 由上文可知,他们是在下山,所以选C项,go down下去;而lie down躺下,settle down定居下来,look down向下看,皆不合题意。7A.damage Bstorm C.change D.trouble 答案:D 由下文“他们彼此既看不见又听不见”,可知“又一个问题出现了”,故选D项,trouble问题,麻烦事。8A.by mistake Bby chance Cby choiceDby

27、 back答案:A 由上文“他们彼此既看不见又听不见”,且由and连接,可知由此产生了不好的结果,因此选A项,by mistake错误地。By chance偶然地,by choice出于自愿, by luck幸运地,皆不合题意。9A.unnecessary Bpractical Cimportant D.impossible 答案:D 由上下文可知Joe爬回去是不可能的,Simon把他拉上去也是不可能的,故选D项。10A.height BweightC.strength Dequipment 答案:B 由上下文可知,Joe在下面,他的重量正在把Simon拉下悬崖。11A.Finally BPa

28、tientlyCSurely D.Quickly 答案:A 在寒冷和黑暗中经过了一个多小时,最终,Simon不得不做出决定,应选A项,finally,最后,此处强调事情的结果。12A.stand back Btake a restCmake a decision Dhold on 答案:C 由下文In tears, he cut the rope.可知是Simon不得不做出决定。13A.jumped Bfell Cescaped D.backed 答案:B 由上文,Simon割断了绳子,那么Joe只能摔落,掉进下面的冰的裂缝中。Fall摔倒,跌落。其它不合题意。14A.managedBplan

29、ned C.waited D.hoped 答案:A 由下文,他出了裂缝,开始朝向营地爬,可知要用manage设法做成了某事,强调成功做成的结果。而BCD项“计划”、“等待”、“希望”,与下文题意不符。15A.run Bskate C.moveD.march 答案:C由上文,Joe摔断了腿,可知只能朝向营地移动,用move。而run跑、skate滑冰、March行军,都是不可能的。16A.around Baway C.above D.along 答案:B 营地有十公里远,用away,离开,远离,符合题意。17A.headed for Btraveled to C.left for D.retur

30、ned to 答案:D 由下文Simon不愿意离开,可知Simon回到了营地。故选D项。18A.dead Bhurt C.weak D.late 答案:A根据上文环境那么艰苦而Joe又断了腿,可以推断“Joe一定是死了”。故选A项。19A.secretly Btiredly C.immediately D.anxiously 答案:C 由but表示转折可以看出,虽然Simon认为Joe一定是死了,但他不愿意马上离开。故选C项,immediately迅速,马上。其它不合情景。20A.find Bbelieve C.make D.accept 答案:B 他听到了Joe的声音,因为以为Joe已经死了

31、,所以不能相信他还活着。故选B项。.短文改错We spend two weeks in London last year. We went there in the autumn.We think it is the best season to visit England. The weather is usually good but there arent too many tourists in October.We stayed in a small hotel in the West End.It was convenient as we did most of our trave

32、ling by foot. We went to look at the places where all tourists see. We saw Buckingham Palace and the National Gallery.We went to shopping in Oxford Street and spent too many money.What we liked most, though, was going to theatre. We dont have the chance to see so wonderful plays at home.A lot of peo

33、ple say English food is very badly. We didnt think so. Its true that most of the restaurants are French or Italian or Chinese, but we had some very good meal.答案:We two weeks in London last year. We went there in the autumn.We think it is the best season to visit England. The weather is usually good

34、but there arent too many tourists in October.We stayed in a small hotel in the West End.It was convenient as we did most of our traveling foot. We went to look at the places all tourists see. We saw Buckingham Palace and the National Gallery.We went shopping in Oxford Street and spent too money.What we most, though, was going to theatre. We dont have the chance to see wonderful plays at home.A lot of people say English food is very . We didnt think so. Its true that most of the restaurants are French or Italian or Chinese, but we had some very good .


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