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本文(2006——2007学年北京市第八十中学度第二学期练习一.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、20062007学年北京市第八十中学度第二学期练习一 高 三 英 语2007.2(测试时间:120分钟)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the woman imply?A. The man shouldnt be too eager to start training. B. The man shouldnt take the t

2、raining tomorrow.C. The man is badly injured.2. Who took the empty bottles back to the store? A. Martin B. Karen C. Daddy3. How does the man feel about the class? A. He doesnt have to take it B. He will be used to the class. C. He doesnt like the class at all. 4. What can we learn in the conversatio

3、n? A. There is no clean bowl left at the moment. B. The man does not like to give the woman a bowl. C. The man has to wash bowls.5. How long will they have to wait before the football match starts? A. 10 minutes B. 20 minutes C. 15 minutes第二节(共15题,每小题1.5分,共22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三

4、个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听对话和独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6-8题6. What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Friends B. Colleagues C. A couple7. Where is the man at the beginning of the conversation?A. Inside the house B. At the garden C. In the

5、street.8. What will the man probably do next?A. Continue to water the garden. B. Enjoy a cup of tea. C. Finish watering the garden as quickly as possible.听第7段材料,回答第9-11题9. When does the woman ask some informatjion about the train?A. 4:13 B. 4:29. C. 4:30.10. Why does the woman ask about the food on

6、the train?A. she is hungry. B. She is nervous without food. C. It will soon be time for dinner11. Why doesnt the woman take the train in the end?A. Shes late for the train. B. She thinks foods on the train are too expensive.C. She doesnt like the number of the platform from which the train leaves.听第

7、8段材料,回答第12-14题12. How far is the mans hometown from the sea?A. About 1,000 miles. B. About 100 miles. C. Its quite near13. How old are some of the building s in the town? A. 200. B. 400. C.600.14. What do the tourists do in his hometown? A. They go through the twon by bus and visit the old buildings

8、. B. They go through the town on foot and have a look at the old buildings. C. They pass through the town by bike and look at the old buildings.听第9段材料,回答第15-17题15. Who are the two speakers?A. They are students preparing for the coming college entrance exams.B. They are students preparing for the fin

9、al exams. C. They are colleagues.16. What can we conclude from the conversation? A. They only suffer mentally. B. They only suffer physically. C. They suffer both physically and mentally.17. Which of the following is not the reason for their going to college? A. To get more knowledge. B. Not to let

10、their parents disappointed C. To have time for sports, films and so on.听第10段材料,回答第18-20题18. In her letter Jane said that _. A. she met many young people in the mountains. B. she had been in the mountains for three days. C. she climbed some mountains with the young people.19. Jane said that she _. A.

11、 had visited many lakes. Bwas visiting some lakes. C. had not visited these lakes.20. From Janes card and letter we know that _. A. she didnt like Scotland. B. she didnt make any friends. C. she was enjoying herself very much.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最

12、佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21 He devoted all his life to _ search for _rare species of butterfly in nature.A. / , / B. the, / C. a, the D. / , the 22The offices, labs and museum stand at the top of the hill _ they command a fine view. A. in which B. which C. that D. where 23According to some scientists, it mig

13、ht be decades or more _all cancers are conquered. A. since B. before C. after D. when 24. _ food can be eaten just by putting it in _ water. A. Drying, boiling B. Dry, boil C. Dried, boiling D. Dried, boiled 25. -They _ the road last night, but they wont complete it until tomorrow. - So the road is

14、still closed to the traffic, isnt it? A. repaired B. was repairing C. had repaired D. had been repairing 26. - Do you rent rooms _ the week? You see, I am not sure whether Ill stay for a whole month. - Yes. The rent is _, though. A. by, higher B. for, expensive C. by, cheaper D. for, cheap27. - Hell

15、o! If you are not too busy, could you tell me a little something about the reading club here? - _ A. Yes, never mind. B. Yes, whats the matter with you? C. Yes, what would you like to know? D. Sorry, you cant be too polite. 28. - Could you give another model? - _? Is there anything wrong with this o

16、ne? A. Which B. What C. Where D. Why 29. - Do you tell me how many books he usually reads at the weekend? - _, as far as I know. A. Neither B. No one C. Nothing D. None 30. - Its raining outside. How can I get home since I have no umbrella at hand. - Dont worry. I will_ you _ in a few minutes. A. pi

17、ckup B. bringup C. makeup D. takeup 31. Milk easily _ in hot weather. Youd better put it into the refrigerator. A. go badly B. goes badly C. went bad D. goes bad 32. If you were in my position, you _ I feel. A. would have no idea how B. would have some idea how C. will be having some idea what D. wi

18、ll have any idea what33. The special Olympics _ every two years. A. starts B. take place C. occurs D. happen 34. It is no longer a question now _ man can land on the moon. A. that B. whether C. what D. which 35. We havent heard from Jane for a long time What do you suppose _ to her?Awas happening Bt

19、o happen Chas happened Dhaving happened 第二节 完型填空 ( 共20小题; 每小题1.5分 满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳答案。My 23-year-old son Dan stood in the doorway, ready to say goodbye to his home. In a couple of hours he was going to fly out to France. He was going to be away for at least a year to learn a

20、 foreign language and 36 in a foreign country.It was a milestone in Dans life, a change from school days to 37 . When we were to say goodbye, I 38 closely at his face. I would like to provide him with good 39_ that would last longer than here and now.But not a sound came over my lips. I 40 motionles

21、s and silent, looking 41_ my sons green eyes.I knew that this wasnt the first time I 42 such an opportunity pass me by. When Daniel was a little boy, I followed him to the bus on his first day in preschool. I 43 the excitement in his hand that held mine when the bus came round the corner. He looked

22、at me just _ _44 he did now. And then he boarded the bus and 45 . The bus drove away. And I hadnt 46 a word.Some ten years later, a similar experience 47 . His mother and I drove him to the university where he was going to 48 . Dan was ill in bed when I wanted to say goodbye. _49 the words let me do

23、wn. I only murmured something like “I hope you are 50 , Dan.” Then I turned around and left.Now I stood in front of him and recalled all the 51 when I hadnt make use of those opportunities. Why does it have to be so 52 to tell your son what you feel? My mouth was 53 , and I knew I would only say a f

24、ew words.“Dan,” I 54 stammered out(结结巴巴地说), “if I had the choice myself, I would have 55 you.” That was all I could say. It was nothing, and yet it was everything.36. AexperimentBexperienceCbusinessDknowledge37. AneighborhoodBchildhoodCadulthoodDbrotherhood38. AlookedBfixedCglaredDstared39. AgiftBsu

25、pportCskillDadvice40. AwalkedBstoodCsatDwondered41. AlikeBforCatDinto42. AmadeBhadCletDgot43. AfeltBknewCfoundDrealized44. AwhenBasCsinceDonce45. AenjoyedBranCleftDdisappeared46. AheardBsaidCgaveDleft47. Atook placeBtook onCturned outDturned up48. AplayBvisitCstudyDsearch49. ALuckilyBOnceCAgainDTher

26、efore50. AstrongerBhappierCgreaterDbetter51. AtimesBplacesCdaysDways52. AeagerBimportantCdifficultDlovely53. AwetBdryCanxiousDpainful54. AdirectlyBfinallyCkindlyDnervously55. AlovedBpraisedCsupportedDchosen第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。AThe concept of DINK (Double Income, No K

27、ids) families are widely accepted in China, and pets have become the center and emotional bound in many DINK families, which are usually called DINK- pet families usually consist of young couples with high income, who are fearful of the commitment to children, but want to enjoy the natural bonds and

28、 love of being parents, thus pets take the place of childrenIn a recent survey in Tianjin more than 636% of married young women in the cities do not want to have childrenBearing a child has even become a fear among themThere are many reasons for becoming DINK- pet families, the most important one be

29、ing the carefree lifeAbout 41% of responders to a survey about the life of DINK-pet families in Chinese cities claimed they really appreciated the current light- heartednessMsLiang, working in a joint venture enterprise (合资企业),said that she led a DINK- pet life because raising a child would cost too

30、 much money“Besides life expenses, education ,future job hunting and even the childs marriage will need a lot of money and effort, but pets are differentThey just need three meals a day, and they can bring much fun,” said Liang56Which of the following do you think is probably the best title of the p

31、assage?AHow DINK families live without childrenBPets are popular in Chinese familiesCPets taking the place of children in DINKDWhy do Chinese families like raising pets? 57Pets take the place of children in DINK families because of peoples . Aeconomic problem Bloneliness Cattitudes toward life Dphys

32、ical ability58We can know from MsLiangs words that Athere will surely be a decrease in the population of China in future Bmore families will raise pets to have fun instead of raising children CMsLiang has no money to support a family with a child DMsLiang will still enjoy some fun without a child by

33、 raising petsBParents who spend time and money to teach their children music,take hearta new Canadian study shows young children who take music lessons have better memories than their nonmusical peers(同龄人)The study,to be published in the online edition of the journal Brain, Wednesday,showed that aft

34、er one year of musical training,children performed better in a memory test than those who did not take music classes “The research tells us that if you take music lessons your brain is getting wired up differently than if you dont take music lessons,”Laurel Trainor,professor of psychology,neuroscien

35、ce(神经学)and behavior at McMaster University in Hamilton,Ontario said “This is the first study to show that brain responses in young,musically trained and untrained children change differently over the course of a year”,said Trainor who led the study,Over a year they took four measurements in two grou

36、ps of children aged between four and six-those taking music lessons and those taking no musical training outside school-and found developmental changes over periods as short as four monthsThe children completed a music test in which they were asked to make difference between harmonies,rhythms and me

37、lodies, and a memory test in which they had to listen to a series of numbers,remember them and repeat them .Trainor said while previous studies have shown that older children given music lessons had greater improvements in IQ scores than children given drama lessons, this is the first study to ident

38、ify these effects in brainbased measurements in young childrenShe said it was not that surprising that children studying music improved in musical listening skills more than children not studying music“On the other hand,it is very interesting that the children taking music lessons improved more over

39、 the year on general memory skills that are connected with nonmusical abilities such as literacy, verbal memory, vision spatial(想象空间)processing,mathematics and IQ,”she said.59According to the passage, young children who took music lessons Acompleted a music test more easily than those taking no musi

40、cal trainingBhad a higher IQ than those who were given physical lessonsCimproved more in nonmusical abilities than those took drama lessonsDbehaved quite differently from their nonmusical friends60The passage mainly wants to tell us that Achildren could improve a lot in abilities after a period of t

41、rainingBtaking music lessons is a better way to improve childrens abilitiesCmusic and drama lessons were of great help to develop childrens memoriesDmemories would change differently with the time going even to peers61Which of the following is true about this research?AIt was the first study to show

42、 childrens memories changed differently after a period of timeBThe research lasted a period as short as four monthsCThe greatest discovery from it was that children studying music improved more in musical listening skillsDIt was Laurel Trainor who led this research62It can be concluded from the last

43、 paragraph that Athe number of children taking drama lessons would get smallerBchildren taking music lessons would all be cleverer than other childrenCmusic lessons would be helpful to both memories and other abilitiesDmusic lessons more than one year would do harm to childrens memoriesCI love explo

44、ring new placesWhether I travel across America or around the world,a new adventure is always waitingWhat I dont always enjoy is the time spent 9 000 meters(30 000 feet)in the airTight spaces, long hours, and unexpected-problems can make air travel stressfulFollow these six tips to make your next fli

45、ght an easier one 1Make a checklistBefore you pack,make a checklist of everything you need and mark item off as you put them in your bagBe sure to include important documents such as your passport2Pack lightYou dont need to pack your whole closetChoose clothes, that mix and match for more variety. W

46、ear your largest shoes on the place to save room in your bagAnd pack a few old items that you can leave behind to make more room for souvenirs on the way home3Carry on essential itemsUnfortunately, dependable baggage service is hard to come byWhen you fly, be sure to pack your medicine, important do

47、cuments, and a change of clothes in your carry-on bag4Pack water and snacksNo one wants to get stuck on a runway for hours without food or water. But bad weather or mechanical problems could leave you in troublePack water and crackers in your carry-onBut leave fresh foods at home Most countries wont

48、 allow you to bring them across their borders5Stretch your legsMore and more travelers suffer from blood clots caused by sitting too long in tight spacesYou can help prevent this problem by doing stretches in your seat, taking short walks every hour6Entertain yourselfA long trip can either mean hour

49、s of boredom or an exciting adventurePlan ahead to keep yourself busy with books,magazines and portable CD playerJust dont forget to bring extra batteriesResearch airlines before you book your reservationsFor just a few dollars more,some airlines offer personal entertainment systemsSingapore Air giv

50、es you nearly 70 choices of movies,music channels, and other entertainment!With a little planning ahead,youll be able to sit back and enjoy the ride63It is advised by the writer in this passage to for your flightApack all, the things you will needBleave your important documents behindCcarry some fre

51、sh foods with youDtake some books, magazines and a CD player64Which of the following tips isnt from this passage?AStaying still during the whole flightBResearching airlines before reservationsCCarrying some water and essential itemsDMaking a list of the things you, need65The underlined phrase “come

52、by” in tip 3 probably means Areceive by chanceBget by effortCpass by asideDoffer in satisfaction66We can conclude from this passage that _Ayou can also board the plane without your passportBold items are not allowed to bring back on the way home;Cyou will get sick during the long flight hoursDyou ar

53、e not allowed to carry things as freely as you want D Chinas failing health care system searching for remedy(纠正)Ninety percent of the polled(调查)farmers who joined the system said they were willing to continue another year,and 51 percent who had not joined, said they would do so the next yearThe surv

54、ey also revealed that ninety one percent of the funds collected by the system were spent on farmers in 2005, while the figure was 71 percent in 2004 From 2006,a farmer puts 10 Yuan(1.2 dollars)a year into his personal medical care account and the government adds another 40 Yuan(5 dollars)The governm

55、ent will pay a maximum of 65 percent of his medical charges a year The total allowance provided by the central government from 2006 would reach 423 billion Yuan(529 million dollars),according to the Ministry of HealthIn the next five years, the central government will spend 20 billion Yuan(2.4 billi

56、on dollars)to help rural hospitals and clinics improve technology,upgrade equipmentThe system will cover all 800 million rural residents by 2010,according to the ministry “When it comes to providing health care for its people, no country has discovered a panacea(万灵药),”said Vice Health Minister Zhu Q

57、ingsheng. However, he said, what is clear is that a system which embraces a market-based approach and also addresses the needs of the society works bestA team of 11 State Council departments was set up this SeptemberTheir plan for a new health care system could be announced before next springAs Doct

58、or Henk Bekedam, the World Health Organization representative China,put it, “Health planners must look beyond the cold calculus(微积分)of economics and into the core(核心)of the human values based on the very concept of health care,if they are to develop a truly healthy country.”67You will probably read

59、this passage in the_ column of People Daily OnlineAScience and Education BBusinessCSociety and life DSports68According to the passage,_A51 percent of the polled farmers would join the system the next yearB91 percent to the funds were collected from the farmers who joined the systemCit is the governm

60、ent that will pay for all of the medical care of farmersDthe central government will spend more to improve the health care system in rural areas69The underlined word “embraces in the seventh paragraph probably means_AhugsBtakes CincludesDavoids70We can know from the last paragraph that_ADoctor Henk

61、Bekedam dont think Chinas health care system will be a successBChinas cold economics and human values have a bad effect on its health care systemCboth economics and human values should be taken into account while we remedy the health care systemDthere will not be a good health care system without st

62、rong economics EWe find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enrichedWe feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming(按能力分班)pupilsIt does not take into account ,the fact that children develop at different

63、rates. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and not-so-bright child. After all, it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade! Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one aspect of their total personalityWe ar

64、e concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not just their academic abilityWe also value personal qualities and social skills , and we find that mixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning In our classroom,we work in various waysThe pupils often work i

65、n groups. This gives them the opportunity to learn to cooperate,to share,and to develop leadership skillsThey also learn how to cope with problems as well as learning how to think,to make decisions,to analyze and evaluate,and to communicate effectivelyThe pupils learn from each other as well as thei

66、r teachersSometimes the pupils work in pairs, sometimes the pupils work on individual tasks and assignments,and they can do this at their own- speed . We encourage our pupils to use the library,and we teach them the skills they need in order to do this efficientlyAn advanced pupil can do the advance

67、d work:it does not matter what age the child isWe expect our pupils to do their best,not their least, and we give them every encouragement to achieve this goal71In this passage, the authors attitude towards “mixed-ability teaching” is_Aapproving Bobjective Cnot clearDquestioning72The author argues t

68、hat a teachers chief concern should be the development of the students_Aacademic ability Bpersonal qualitiesCsocial skills Dtotal personality73The underlined phrase “held back”(Line 1,Para 1)probably means“_”Akept in the special position or conditionBprevented from advancing,progress or developmentC

69、taken and kept or supported in ones arms hands,teeth,etcDnot expressed or revealed74The authors purpose of writing this passage is to_Atell us the fact that children are not fairly taught in todays schoolsBargue for teaching bright and not-so-bright pupils in the same classCprove that streaming pupi

70、ls will bring more advantages than disadvantagesDexplain how teachers should teach their students by the different intelligence 75What is mainly talked about in the third paragraph?ATeachers adopt many activities to help pupils develop their full abilitiesBChildren should get the equal chances to do

71、 activities in schoolCStaying in the same class for different students does great harm to themDPupils are free to do the activities that they like in the mixed-teaching class第四部分:书面表达(共两节,满分35分)第一节 情景作文(满分20分)2008年中国将在北京举办第29届夏季奥运会,你班就其将给北京带来的影响展开了激烈 的讨论。假如你是李华,现请根据下表内容给21世纪报的编辑写一封信,说说你们讨论的结果 以及你个人的

72、看法。 积极影响 消极影响 凋动北京人民学习英语的积极性 交通拥挤 增加就业、促进旅游业的发展 造成污染、破坏环境 使北京更美丽 资源浪费 让世界更了解中国Dear Editor,The 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008Recently our class have had a discussion about its effects on Beijing. 参考答案1-5 BBCAC 6-10 CBBBB 11-15 CBBBA 16-20 CCAAC21-25 BDBCB 26-30 ACDDA 31-35 DBBAC36

73、-40 BCADB 41-45 DCABD 46-50 BACCD 51-55 ACBBD56-60 CCDCB 61-65 DCDAB 66-70 DCDBC 71-75 ADBBADear editor,The 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008. Recently our class have had a discussion about its effects on Beijing.Some students believe there are many good effects. They think the Olym

74、pics will encourage people in Beijing to learn English harder, help more people find jobs, prosper tourism and make Beijing more beautiful. Besides it will make China better known to the world. The others think the Olympics will also bring some trouble. For example, at that time, the traffic will be

75、 heavier and the environment will be destroyed. Furthermore, holding the Olympic Games will also cause more pollution and waste resources.As a saying goes, a coin has two sides. So I think the Olympics have both good and bad effects. And it is certain that our government will do something to avoid t

76、he bad. What is more, our competitors will do better in the 2008 Olympic Games. Yours truly, Li HuaFrom the picture, we can see many people carrying water and pouring water into a big vat. The vat is full of holes from which water is leaking out. We can imagine that the final result will be the vat

77、is still empty no matter how much water has been poured into it. Obviously the holes should be plugged first.The way that some students study is just like the situation described above. They just absorb new knowledge and never review it in time or make up loopholes in knowledge. In order to make progress in study, we should not only learn new things as much as possible, but also go over them from time to time so that they will not be forgotten.

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