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本文(2021届高考英语调研大一轮复习外研版精练:必修5 课时作业25B WORD版含答案.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2021届高考英语调研大一轮复习外研版精练:必修5 课时作业25B WORD版含答案.doc

1、课时作业25British and American English.阅读理解A(2019山东北镇中学检测)No one enjoys hearing the sound of someone else chewing their food. Most of the time, though, its not that big a deal but a minor annoyance.But for a small group of people with misophonia (恐音症), the sound can be painful, causing extreme anger and

2、 deep discomfort.The most ordinary sounds of chewing and breathing can drive them crazy. Past attempts to explain the causes of misophonia have suggested everything from compulsive disorder to an easilyannoyed personality but according to a study published yesterday in the journal Current Biology, t

3、he true criminal is the structure of the brain.For the study, a team of researchers led by Newcastle University neuroscientist Sukhbinder Kumar recruited (招募) 42 volunteers, of whom around half had extreme misophonia and the other half served as the control group, and played them several different n

4、oises: some ordinary; some harsh, like the sound of a person screaming; and some that were ordinary for the control group but known to be annoying for misophonics, people with misophonia, like the sound of breathing. As the participants listened, the researchers monitored them for signs of anxiety,

5、both physical symptoms and behavioral expressions, and observed their brain activity using FMRI scans.The only significant difference in reaction between the two groups happened, during the misophoniaspecific sounds, when those with the condition showed physical changes that suggested they were ente

6、ring fightorflight mode.Misophonics had increased activity in the AIC, an area known to play a central role in the system that determines which things we should pay attention to. When the trigger sounds were played, there was not only more activity in this region but also abnormally high levels of c

7、onnection to other regions.Misophonia, in other words, may be a result of misplaced attention the brain of a misophonic focuses on things that other people normally tune out (不予理会). On a related note, on behalf of misophonics and mannersminded moms everywhere: Please, chew with your mouth closed.本文主

8、要讲述了一些恐音症患者对某些细小的声音都会有极大的反应,及其发生的原因。1What is the true criminal of misophonia?ASounds of chewing and breathing.BCompulsive disorder.CAn easilyannoyed personality.DThe structure of the brain.答案:D解析:释义:细节理解题。根据第二段Past attempts to explain the causes of misophonia have suggested everything from compulsiv

9、e disorder to an easilyannoyed personalitybut according to a study published yesterday in the journal Current Biology, the true criminal is the structure of the brain.可知,恐音症的罪魁祸首其实是大脑结构。结合选项,故选D。2Which way did researches use to carry out their research?APlaying volunteers several different voices.BO

10、bserving volunteers heart activity using FMRI scans.CMonitoring volunteers for signs of anxiety.DAnalyzing volunteers answers to specific questions.答案:C解析:释义:细节理解题。根据第三段As the participants listened, the researchers monitored them for signs of anxiety, both physical symptoms and behavioral expression

11、s.可知,当参加测试的人在听各种声音的时候,研究人员检测他们的焦虑程度,身体症状和行为表现结合选项,故选C。3Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AMisophonics had decreased activity in the AIC during the misophoniaspecific sounds.BThe brain of a misophonic concentrates on things other people normally ignore.CAround 42 volunteers with

12、 extreme misophonia were recruited in the research.DChewing food noisily is appreciated by the people all over the world.答案:B解析:释义:细节理解题。根据最后一段Misophonia, in other words, may be a result of misplaced attention the brain of a misophonic focuses on things that other people normally tune out (不予理会)可知,恐

13、音症者会错误地关注其他人们不会理会的一些声音,因此他们会对某些声音敏感。结合选项,故选B。4What is the main idea of the passage?AReasons why misophonics cant stand even small noises.BMisophonia may cause misplaced attention.CWe should care for misophonics.DSymptoms of misophonia.答案:A解析:释义:主旨大意题。根据文章内容可知,文中主要讲述了一些恐音症患者对某些细小的声音都会有极大的反应,并讲述了其发生的原

14、因。结合选项,故选A。B(2019贵阳一中模拟)It could happen just about any time you step out in public. You get onto an almostempty bus, but the next passenger decides to ignore dozens of empty seats and sit right next to you. While youre waiting in line at a supermarket, the next customer insists on standing only two

15、inches behind you and shouting into his cellphone. You go into a public restroom, and the next person to enter decides to use the next stall. Transgressions (冒犯) like these dont just make us feel uncomfortable; we often feel anxious, alarmed and violated (被侵犯的). It is the attack of the personalspace

16、 invaders.In any society, shared definitions of personal space govern how we interact with other people.People living in densely (密集地) populated cities like Mumbai, Beijing, or Mexico City tend to require less personal space than people living in sparsely (稀少地) populated places within the country. I

17、n America, New Yorkers often have smaller requirements than residents of western states, like Montana, Shenandoah and Wyoming. Because everyone has different standards, gestures that are innocent in one place can be interpreted as opposite in another, especially in Britain.As the British etiquette (

18、礼仪) website Debretts puts it, as a British person, somebody standing too close may make you “focus less on what somebody is saying than on how close they are to you”. Simple acts like putting an arm around someone you dont know may seem friendly in China, but they can make British people very uncomf

19、ortable. People from many European countries such as France and Spain kiss each other on the cheek when they meet, yet to British people, this seems too friendly and “touchfreely”. The website explains, “The British are not backslappers (拍人后背的人) and generally do not show affection in public.”Are Bri

20、tish people unfriendly? Far from it. The website adds that they are not as “standoffish and aloof” as they may seem, but very friendly and helpful to foreigners. However, remember not to be too close. If you are going to come closer than an arms length, please let them know.本文是一篇说明文,介绍了在不同国家、不同文化背景下

21、的社会礼仪的不同。5According to the passage, if you were meeting a British for the first time, it would be polite of you to _.Akiss him/her on the cheekBkeep an arms length away from him/herCput an arm around him/herDslap his/her back答案:B解析:释义:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“.as a British person, somebody standing too close m

22、ay make you focus less on what somebody is saying than on how close they are to you”可知,初次与英国人见面站得太近会让他感觉不舒服,所以最好保持一臂的距离,故B项正确。6According to the passage, who tend to require more personal space?APeople living in Beijing and people living in Mexico City.BPeople living in Mumbai and people living in Sh

23、enandoah.CPeople living in Wyoming and people living in New York.DPeople living in Wyoming and people living in Montana.答案:D解析:释义:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“In America, New Yorkers often have smaller requirements than residents of western states, like Montana, Shenandoah and Wyoming.”可知,生活在人烟稀少的怀俄明州、谢南多厄州和蒙大拿州的人

24、需要更多的私人空间,故D项正确。7The underlined word “standoffish and aloof” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to “_”Acold and indifferentBmodest and coolCgentlemanly and kindheartedDindependent and strongwilled答案:A解析:释义:词义猜测题。根据画线词后的“.but very friendly and helpful to foreigners.”可知,英国人并不是像看起来那样冷漠,而是十分友好,

25、故A项正确。8What can we conclude from the article?ABritish people like to sit next to other people on empty buses.BBritish people usually kiss strangers on the cheek to greet them.CBritish people are helpful though they may not appear to be.DBritish people are delighted to show affection in public.答案:C解析

26、:释义:推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“The website adds that they are not as standoffish and aloof as they may seem, but very friendly and helpful to foreigners.”可知,尽管英国人看起来冷漠,但其实是十分友好的,故C项正确。.完形填空(2019福建东山二中模拟考试)I was waiting for the red light to change to green at a busy crossing in our city. Then I saw an elderly ma

27、n _1_ to get up off the ground. He had fallen off his bike which had _2_. It seemed that his leg was terribly hurt and he was crawling _3_ forward to get his vegetable basket, which was now in the _4_ of coming traffic._5_ giving it a second thought, I hurried to get out of my car, rushed to him and

28、 _6_ him to sit on the side of the road. Quickly I _7_ the basket for him. Then I walked to _8_ and stood it back up again.As he looked up at me, he smiled and said, “Thank you.” I made sure that he was OK and then I _9_ to my carBMW, which I had left at the crossing. _10_, there had been a long lin

29、e of cars, waiting for me. But to my _11_, those drivers just looked at me and _12_ was honking (按喇叭). In fact, I clearly remembered a man looking at me from across the _13_, giving me a big smile.Generally, most people think rich men are _14_ and perhaps they found it strange that I would help a po

30、or old man in the street. The funny thing is that I think the other drivers only thought of me as a selfish _15_ person at first. They were judging me by my shining clothes and expensive car. _16_ they thought I was the _17_ person to offer a helping hand to someone in _18_. However, looks can be ch

31、eating _19_.Today the smiles on peoples faces _20_ me. Now I know that I can be judged by what I do, not what I own.人们通常会认为有钱人是冷漠的。但作者用自己的行动告诉我们:评判人的标准不是你拥有了什么,而是你做了什么。1A.tryingBhopingCwaiting Dmanaging答案:A解析:释义:根据下文可知,老人骑车摔倒了。所以,他正试图要站起来。 down Bbroken upCgot over Dturned over答案:D解析:释义:老人从自行车上

32、摔下来了,车子自然也倒了。turn over翻倒。3A.quickly BslowlyCcarefully Dgradually答案:B解析:释义:根据上文可知,老人的腿摔得很严重,因此他正向前慢慢地爬。4A.way BfaceCcontrol Droad答案:A解析:释义:in the way of“挡住的去路”。5A.ByBWithoutCThroughDWith答案:B解析:释义:“我”没有迟疑就上前帮助老人。6A.persuaded BadvisedCbrought Dhelped答案:D解析:释义:“我”冲过去,帮助老人到路边坐下。7A.gave out Bhanded overCp

33、icked up Dput up答案:C解析:释义:根据上文可知,老人的菜篮子摔出去了,“我”帮他捡了起来。8A.his bike Bmy carCmy seat Dhis seat答案:A解析:释义:根据下文的stood it back up可知,“我”又走向老人的自行车,把它扶了起来。9A.approached BcameCreturned Dwaved答案:C解析:释义:在确定老人没有什么问题之后,“我”就回到自己的车内。10A.At a time BAt one timeCAt times DAt that time答案:D解析:释义:根据上下文可知,就在那时,由于“我”停车,已经阻挡

34、了其他车前行的道路。所以,车子已经排起了长队。11A.surprise BangerCamusement Dexcitement答案:A解析:释义:根据空前But可推断,令“我”感到吃惊的是,尽管“我”妨碍了其他人的行驶,但他们也只是盯着“我”看,没有任何人在着急地按喇叭。12A.somebody BanybodyCnobody Deverybody答案:C解析:释义:参照上题解析。 BstreetCcar Dcrowd答案:B解析:释义:across the street意为“从街道的那边”。14A.cold BpoliteCwarm Drude答案:A解析:释义:根据空后可

35、知,人们通常会对有钱人在大街上帮助一位穷老头感到很奇怪,因为他们认为有钱人是冷漠的。15A.poor BrichCmad Dkind答案:B解析:释义:根据下文可知,“我”想起初人们只会认为“我”是一个自私的有钱人,因为他们看到“我”穿着华丽的衣服,开着昂贵的汽车。16A.AsBButCAndDBecause答案:C解析:释义:根据上下文可知,这里表示承接关系。并且他们会认为“我”最不可能去帮助一个需要帮助的人。17A.firstBlastConlyDvery答案:B解析:释义:the last person to do sth.意为“最后一个做某事的人”,也就是最不可能做某事的人。18A.despairBpovertyCsightDneed答案:D解析:释义:someone in need意为“需要帮助的人”。19A.sometimesBalwaysCoftenDever答案:A解析:释义:人的外貌有时也是会骗人的。20A.saved BreceivedCsatisfied Ddisturbed答案:C解析:释义:今天,旁观者的微笑让“我”觉得很满足。

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