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本文(2014-2015学年高中英语同步检测题《5》及答案:UNIT5(人教新课标必修4)综合.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2014-2015学年高中英语同步【百强校】检测题【5】及答案:Unit5(人教新课标必修4)综合单元测试 Unit 5 Theme ParksI. 单项选择 (15分) 1. - They are twins, you know. - _ they look so alike. A. No doubt B. No wonder C. No way D. No problem 2. Why didnt you tell me that _ so that I was made so embarrassed? A. in the meantime B. on your own C. by thi

2、s means D. in advance 3. The new policy made the old city _. A. come back B. come to itself C. come to life D. come out4. Although he has been away from his hometown for many years, he is still familiar _ the streets and buildings there. A. to B. in C. with D. for 5. You may go _ this path and turn

3、left _ the first crossing. A. along, to B. down, at C. for, on D. up, in6. My father has decided to _ a trip around the world next year. Which of the following is not right? A. make B. take C. have D. carry来源:学科网7. - What has happened?- There was _ accident here about an hour ago. _ car hit a tree a

4、nd _ driver was killed. A. the; A; the B. an; A; the C. an; The; a D. the; The; a8. They decided to _ the school the base for scientific research. A. try B. make C. advance D. create9. She stepped back_ so surprised that she didnt know what to say. A. appeared B. appearing C. appear D. to appear10.

5、We visited Mr Brown in order to learn how he _ his company. A. runs B. cares C. ranks D. calculates11. He often tells us of the fighting he _ in Tibet years ago.来源:Z&xx&k.ComA. joined B. took part C. took part in D. attended12. - I was so tired yesterday.-Its no _ that you slept so fast last night.A

6、. wonder B. doubt C. problem D. way13. Since the girls were in the _, the decision was made according to the boys opinion.A. majority B. unique C. length D. minority 14. - Did the boy _ at school yesterday?- No. I think there was just a small misunderstanding with his teacher.A. dislike B. disagree

7、C. misbehave D. misrepresent 15. Now some people like to save money _, others like use money for investment. A. in the future B. for the future C. in future D. to the future II. 完形填空 (30分):阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入来源:Zxxk.Com空白处的最佳选项。I dreamed I had an interview with God. “So you would l

8、ike to interview me?” God asked. “If you have the time,” I said. “My time is eternity(永恒),” God smiled, “What questions do you have 16 for me?” “What surprises you most about humankind?” God answered, “That they 17 bored with childhood, they rush to grow up, and then long to be children 18 . That th

9、ey lost their health to make money and then lost their money to restore their 19 . Then by thinking anxiously 20 the future, they forget the 21 , so that they live in neither the present nor future. That they live as if they will never die, and die 22 they had never lived.” Gods hand took mine and w

10、e were silent for a while. And then I asked, “ 23 a parent, what are some of lifes lessons you want your children to 24 ?” He answered, “To learn they 25 make anyone love them. All they can do is to let themselves love 26 . To learn that it is not good to compare themselves to others. To learn to fo

11、rgive by practicing forgiveness. To learn that it only _ 27 _ a few seconds to open profound(深的) wounds in those they love, and it can take many years to heal 28 . To learn that a rich person is not one who has the most, but is the one who need the 29 . To learn that there are people who love them 3

12、0 , but simply have not yet learned how to express or show their 31 . To learn that two people can look at the same thing and 32 it differently. To learn that it is not enough that they forgive one 33 , but they must also forgive themselves.” “Thank you for your 34 ,” I said humbly. “Is there anythi

13、ng else you would like_ 35 _ to know?” God smiled and said, “Just to know that I am always here.”16. A. in life B. by heart C. at hand D. in mind17. A. run B. live C. get D. prove18. A. either B. too C. further D. again19. A. life B. health C. lives D. spirits20. A. about B. in C. for D. over21. A.

14、children B. living C. time D. present22. A .so that B. in order that C. as though D. in case23. As B. For C. About D. By 24. A. listen B. study C. learn D. attend25. A. cant B. wont C. neednt D. mustnt26. A. others B. anyone C. everyone D. someone27. A. gets B. has C. spends D. takes28. A. it B. the

15、m C. themselves D. these29. A. best B. least C. last D. health30. A. mainly B. lovely C. dearly D. fairly31. A. words B. expressions C. ideas D. feelings32. A. see B. watch C. regard D. treat33. A. other B. another C. of them D. itself34. A. time B. word C. belief D. kindness来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_K35. A. me

16、 B. your humankind C. your life D. your children III. 阅读理解 (40分)第一节:从四个选项中选出正确答案。ALast month, James Connolly, a junior at the University of Massachusetts, stood in front of a local police station wearing a loose garment as punishment. His crime? He was charged with underage drinking, illegal possess

17、ion of alcohol and very big noise while holding a party.This shaming punishment has increased in the US in recent years, mostly decided by local judges for less-serious crimes such as drunk driving and theft. They believe shame is the best small crime punishment. For example, in Tennessee, Judge Jam

18、es McKenzie has made a shoplifter stand outside Wal-Mart with signs that read, “Im a thief put here by order of judge McKenzie”.Some experts think alternative punishments like community service and fines dont convey moral condemnation of the criminal because they arent shameful enough. Shaming punis

19、hments are sometimes called Scarlet Letter punishments. The name comes from US author Nathaniel Hawthornes 1850 novel, The scarlet letter. In this novel, a woman is forced to wear a scarlet(red) “A” on her clothes as punishment for her adultery.However, not everyone agrees. Experts said there is an

20、important difference between the shaming punishments of colonial America and those assigned in states like Tennessee. “Early societies often had a “re-acceptance” ceremony to welcome the offender back into main society, contemporary punishments in America lack this.”Supporters of shaming punishment

21、argue that public shaming is a good way of expressing community values. Some judges say shamed offenders seldom repeat their crimes. Others arent so sure. “There is little evidence to suggest that shaming punishments are successful in preventing people from committing special crimes. And a shamed cr

22、iminal may face a hard battle to regain reputation in society. So a shaming punishment may force the offender into more crime to support himself.”36. James Connolly was punished because_. A. he wore a loose garment in front of a local police station B. he drank too much and caused an accident C. he

23、broke the law of alcohol consumption and held a noisy party D. he stole things from a supermarket37. In early American societies, offenders_. A. wore a scarlet “A” on their clothes as shaming punishment B. would never gain respect from others C. didnt receive any moral condemnation D. had the chance

24、 of being accepted by the societies again38. We can infer from the passage that_. A. shaming criminals publicly is a good way of expressing community values B. shaming punishment has a long history in the US C. shaming punishment can always have good results D. community service and fines dont conve

25、y moral condemnation of criminals39. What is the best title for the passage? A. Doubtful Punishment. B. Successful Punishment. C. The Increasing Punishment in the US D. The Result of shaming Punishment in the USB来源:学+科+网Battery powerEven though you must never do experiments with main electricity, yo

26、u can discover a lot about electricity in complete safety using small batteries and bulbs. Batteries are useful because they are small enough to be carried from place to place.The first batteryThe first battery was made in 1800 by an Italian scientist, Alessandro Volta. Volta discovered that some me

27、tals and a liquid could work together to produce electricity.He made a “sandwich” of paper soaked in salt water between a piece of silver and a piece of zinc. When he joined the two metals with a wire, he found that a current flowed through the wire. As the current was very weak, he made a pile of h

28、is “sandwiches” and when he touched a wire from the top of the pile to a wire from the bottom, he got sparks of electricity. Voltas battery came to be known as the Voltaic pile.How a battery worksThe batteries we use today work in a similar way to be battery made by Volta. The case of a battery is m

29、ade of zinc metal; this is often covered with card and plastic or tin to prevent the battery from leaking. Instead of a piece of silver or copper, there is a carbon rod in the middle of the battery. The battery case is not filled with salt water because this would easily leak out. Instead, there is

30、chemical paste between the carbon and the zinc casing.The chemicals in the battery make electricity. As the electricity is taken from the battery, the chemicals are slowly used up. Eventually, the battery cannot make electricity any more. Some batteries, such as those used in cars, can be recharged

31、so they go on working for longer.40.Volta put lots of “sandwiches” together in order to _. A. keep electricity B. save electricity C. get a stronger current D. prevent the battery from leaking41. Which of the following statements is true? A. The inventor of the first battery was an American scientis

32、t. B. You need many different metals in a Voltaic pile. C. Salt water is still used in modern batteries. D. The battery runs out because the chemicals are used up.42. Which of the following is used in a modern battery? A. A piece of silver. B. Zinc metal. C. Salt water. D. A pencil lead.43. What is

33、the writers purpose of writing this article? A. To give the basic knowledge of the battery. B. To warn people of the safety of the battery power. C. To tell the readers the story of Alessandro Volta. D. To let the readers know the story of the battery. CMost people know that the United States is mad

34、e up of fifty states. However, few people know a lot about all fifty of them. Sufjan Stevens is a young American musician. He wants to change this situation.Sufjan Stevens plans to make an album about each of the fifty American states. During college he played in several musical groups and recorded

35、an album of his own music. However, he wanted to be a writer, not a musician. So after college he moved to New York City to study writing.In New York, Stevens had trouble writing stories. He discovered that he missed music. He also discovered that most of the stories he did write were about his home

36、 state of Michigan. So, sufjan Stevens decided to make an album of songs about Michigan.Greetings from Michigan: The Great Lakes State was released three years ago. the album was a big success. Many young people and music critics liked it. Before long, Stevens announced that he wanted to make an alb

37、um for every state. He called it his “fifty states project”.Stevens chose Illinois as his next state. He read many books about Illinois. He studied police documents and old newspapers. He talked to people who live in the state. The CD Illinois was released last year. Critics loved the album. It won

38、many awards. Illinois became popular at colleges throughout the United States. People said the CD sounded different from anything else they had ever heard.Sufjan Stevens is keeping his next state a secret from reporters. People have said that he is writing about Oregon, Rhode Island, or Minnesota. H

39、owever, no one but Stevens knows for sure.44. Why does Sufjan Stevens plan to make an album about each of American states? A. To excite the music talent in ordinary Americans. B. To record an album of his own music. C. To let people know more about all the American states. D. To go on writing storie

40、s.45. What did Sufjan Stevens do to make an album of songs about a state? A. He played in several musical groups. B. He studied police documents and old newspapers and talked to people who live in te state. C. He moved to New York City to study writing. D. He kept his next state a secret from report

41、ers.46. Which of the following can serve as the proper title for the passage? A. Fifty States Project B. The Fifty States in America. C. Songs about American States D. Sufjan Stevens and Michigan.D Google Works Miracles Google(www.G) is a daily miracle to millions of people. If the Internet had only

42、 this very fast search engine, it would have justified its existence many times over. It is the most popular search engine on the web with a 54% market share, ahead of Yahoo! You type almost anything, however unclear, into the space provided and in a second it has come up with hundreds of references

43、. If knowledge is power, then Google commands the gateway.Yahoo Becomes GiantYahoo() was the first wonder of the web, and in many respects, it still is. It started in January 1994 when two California graduate students, Jerry Yang and David Filo, started compiling a database of links, mainly for thei

44、r personal use. But well before the end of the year, it had become recognizable as Yahoo we know today. In the past seven years, Yahoo had grown rapidly, partly through a long string of buys. Yahoo now offers almost everything you could want: emails, instant messages, chats, clubs, photo albums and

45、a lot more.eBay Enables Everyone to Buy and SelleBay(),which deals with online trading and shopping services, is the most impressive large Internet company where people buy and sell goods and services worldwide. It has, for instance, opened up a global marketplace in which people from Beijing, San F

46、rancisco, or Moscow can bid against each other for products put up for sale by someone in London. The companys online service permits sellers to list items for sale, buyers to bid on items of interest, and eBay users to browse through listed items that is available online seven days a week.Amazon Ma

47、kes Buying a New ExperienceAmazon( out as an online bookstore, constantly putting up new book titles it offered for sale. In the late 1990s, Amazon had more than four million titles after adding CDs, videos, DVDs and games, It continued to add new lines of business including toys, computer software,

48、 electronics, like MP3 players, power tools, home improvement products and online sales. For regular users, Amazon has made itself the shortest possible path between wanting and buying.47. What is Google used mainly for? A. Commanding the gateway. B. Searching for information. C. Storing reference b

49、ooks. D. Providing extra space.48. How long did it take for Yahoo to be recognized? A. One year. B. A month. C. Several years. D. Overnight.49. What goods did Amazon sell when it started its business? A. Power tools. B. Mp3 players. C. Different books. D. Videos and games.50. Which of the following

50、is true? A. Buying and selling can only be done through Amazon. B. If you feed in something unclear, Google will refuse to do the searching. C. Yahoo owns more market shares than any other companies on the web. D. eBay Companys online service is always there for its users.第二节:根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处

51、的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)We are all called upon to make a speech at some point in life, but most of us dont do a very good job, 51 So, you have to give a speech-and you are terrified. You get nervous, you forget what you want to say, you stumble(结结巴巴) over words, you talk too long, and yo

52、u bore your audience. Later you think, “Thank Goodness, its over. Im just not good at public speaking. I hope I never have to do that again.”Cheer up! 52 Here are some simple steps to take the pain out of speech making. Ask yourself the purpose of your speech. What is the occasion? Why are you speak

53、ing? Then, gather as many facts as you can on your subject. Spend plenty of your time doing your research. Then spend of your time organizing your material so that your speech is clear and easy to follow. Use as many examples as possible, and use pictures, charts, and graphs if they help you make yo

54、ur points more clearly. 53 Dont talk over their heads, and dont talk down to them. Treat your audience with respect. They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.Just remember: Be prepared. Know your subject, your audience, and the occasion. Be brief. 54 And be yourself. Let your personality come throug

55、h so that you make person-to-person contact with your audience. If you follow these simple steps, you will see that you dont have to be afraid of public speaking. In fact, you may find the experience so enjoyable that you volunteer to make more speeches! Youre not convinced yet? 55 A. It doesnt have

56、 to be that bad.B. Take several deep breaths before your speech.C. This article gives some advice on how to give a good speech. D. Say what you have to say and then stop.E. Dont say what you arent familiar with. F. Never forget your audience.G. Give it a try to see what happens.IV. 短文改错(满分10分)下面短文中共

57、有10处错误,每句中最多两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分Dear Sir:Im Wang Fang from Grade Three, Class One. I was very excited when I read the notice that volunteers wanted for the exchange activity. I think

58、the activity is good opportunity for us to strengthen our friendship with American students and deepen their understanding of Western culture. But I recommend myself to you without hesitation.I have the qualifications for this job. I am an enthusiastic girl with good speaking English so I will have

59、no difficulty communicate with American students about our interested lives and splendid Chinese culture. In addition, I have strong interest in Cross-culture Communication so I think the activity not only help American students know more about China and Chinese teenager, but also help me know more

60、about Western culture. Thank to you for considering my application, and I am looking forward to your reply!来源:Zxxk.Com Yours sincerely, Wang FangV.书面表达(25分)I. 按下列提示,用英语写一则通知。II. 为了提高学生的英语口语水平,校学生会决定组织一次英语演讲比赛。1. 参赛者:高一,高二学生2. 报名时间与地点:4月30 日以前,学生会办公室3. 比赛时间与地点:5月8日下午两点,报告厅4. 五名老师被邀为评委。前六名优胜者获奖。III. 要

61、求:文章要符合通知格式,内容要有条理,清楚。100 词左右IV. 参考词汇:English-speaking contest sign up(报名) lecture hall NOTICE_ 附加题:I. 单词拼写(10分)56. Its reported that no one survived an airplane crash in the _(丛林).57. This kind of creature live deep in the ocean and they have never seen _(阳光).58. The girl has never received _(高等的)e

62、ducation but she has read lots of books.59. Nowadays most teenagers like to wear popular _ (品牌) of sports shoes.60. The boy was excited to have gained _(准许) to a key university.61. He finally discovered that the trouble lay in the _(发动机).62. Most of the houses in this city are _(模拟) after the buildi

63、ngs in some European countries.63. When you live on that island, you can enjoy a _(各种各样) of customs and culture there.64. To our great _(娱乐) , our teacher sang a funny song during class that day.65. The local government should take steps to _(保留) these old temples.II阅读理解(10分)AMaybe ten-year-old Eliz

64、abeth put it best when she said to her father, “But, Dad, you cant be healthy if youre dead.”Dad, in a hurry to get home before dark so he could go for a run, had forgotten to wear his safety belta mistake 75% of the US population make every day. The big question is why.There have been many myths ab

65、out safety belts ever since their first appearance in cars some forty years ago. The following are three of the most common.Myth Number One: Its best to be “thrown clear” of a serious accident.Truth: Sorry, but any accident serious enough to “throw you clear” is also going to be serious enough to gi

66、ve you a very had landing. And chances are youll have traveled through a windshield(挡风玻璃)or door to do it. Studies show that chances of dying after a car accident are twenty-five times greater in cases where people are “thrown clear”.Myth Number Two: Safety belts “trap” people in cars that are burni

67、ng or sinking in water.Truth: Sorry again, but studies show that people knocked unconscious(昏迷)due to not wearing safety belts have a greater chance of dying in these accidents. People wearing safety belts are usually protected to the point of having a clear head to free themselves from such dangero

68、us situations, not to be trapped in them.Myth Number Three: Safety belts arent needed at speeds of less than 30 miles per hour(mph).Truth: When two cars traveling at 30 mph hit each other, an unbelted driver would meet the windshield with a force equal to diving headfirst into the ground from a heig

69、ht of 10 meters.66. Why did Elizabeth say to her father, “But, Dad, you cant be healthy if youre dead”?A. He was driving at great speed.B. He was running across the street.C. He didnt have his safety belt on.D. He didnt take his medicine on time.67. The reason Father was in a hurry to get home was t

70、hat he _. A. wasnt feeling very well. B. hated to drive in the dark C. wanted to take some exercise D. didnt want to be caught by the police68. According to the text, to be “thrown clear” of a serious accident is very dangerous because you _. A. may be knocked down by other cars B. may get seriously

71、 hurt being thrown out of the car C. may find it impossible to get away from the seat D. may get caught in the car door69. Some people prefer to drive without wearing a safety belt because they believe _. A. the belt prevents them from escaping in an accident B. they will be unable to think clearly

72、in an accident C. they will be caught when help comes来源:学科网ZXXK D. cars catch fire easily70. What is the advice given in the text? A. Never drive faster than 30 miles an hour. B. Try your best to save yourself in a car accident. C. Never forget to wear the safety belt while driving. D. Drive slowly

73、while youre not wearing a safety belt. 单元测试 Unit 5 Theme ParksI. 单项选择 (15分)1B考查词组辨析。no wonder 难怪,符合句意。no problem 没问题;no doubt毫无疑问;no way“没门,坚决不行”均不符合句意。2D考查词组辨析。此句意为“你为什么不事先告诉我,结果弄得我这样尴尬?”选项D意为“提前,事先”,符合句意。3C考查动词词组辨析。 come to life意为“活跃起来,恢复生机”,符合句意。4C考查介词搭配。be familiar with是固定搭配,意为“对熟悉”, 符合句意。5B考查介词

74、用法。down有“沿着”之意,而表示“在十字路口处”应用介词at。6B考查动词辨析。表示“去旅行”,是搭配的词组,故选B。7B考查冠词用法。第一、二空均为泛指,没有特指“那场事故或那辆车”, 第三空则特指“出事故的那辆车的司机”。8B 考查动词用法辨析。 此处句意为“使学校成为科研基地。”符合make + n./ pron. + n. 结构。9B考查非谓语动词。appearing表示“看上去”此处作伴随状语。10A考查动词辨析。此处run表示“打理,经营”,符合句意。11C考查动词及动词词组辨析。take part in 表示“参加”,用于“参加(群体活动,如:运动会,打仗,竞赛等)”,符合句

75、意。12A考查名词辨析。Its no wonder是固定搭配, 意为“难怪”, 符合句意。13D考查名词辨析。 Majority“大多数”;unique“独一无二的”;length“长度”;只有minority“少数”符合句意。14C考查动词辨析。misbehave意为“举止无礼,行为不端”,符合句意。15B考查词组辨析。in the future 在未来; for the future为了未来; in future今后 ;to the future 到未来。根据句意“攒钱以备未来之需”,选项B符合题意。II. 完形填空: 本人作者通过虚构的手法,梦想采访了上帝,通过和上帝的对话,借上帝之口,

76、把人类当今的一些困惑和误区揭示出来,以警示人们如果正确处理和面对人与人及人与自己的关系。16Dwhat do you have in mind ?是一个固定搭配的句型,意为“你想什么?”此句句意是“你(脑海里)想了些什么问题要问我?”17Cget (be) bored with 意为“对什么厌倦了”。此句意为“他们厌倦了童年,急于想长大”。18D 结合上句,此处想表达“长大了后,又渴望着再回到童年。”表示人们的一种矛盾心理。19B结合前文,此处表达“他们为了赚钱而失去了健康,而后,为了恢复健康又失去了钱”的矛盾做法。20A此处about与 think搭配,think anxiously abo

77、ut “为而担忧”。21D结合上下文可知,“人们为未来担忧而忘记了现在,结果他们即没有活在当下,又没有活在未来”。22C与上文对比,此处意为,“死了的时候好像从未活过。”23A 读后半句“you want your children to ”,可知,此处想表达的是“作为一个家长”。24C此处learn 与上文的lessons 构成搭配,表示“得到启示,教训”等。25A 看下句中“All they can do is”,可判断出,此处用 cant ,表达句意为,“要懂得 他们无法强迫任何人来爱他们。” 选项D “mustnt”,表示 “不准,不允许”,其它选项也均不符合题意。26A此处与下意句中

78、的others 形成呼应。27D参考and 连接的第二个分句中it can take 可知答案。28B此处them 指代上文的 wounds 。29B与上文the most形成对比。30C“love dearly”表示“深爱着某人”。31D上文中的love代表的是一种情感。Love与此处的express or show搭配,表示“表达或表达(love这样的)情感。”32A与上文中的look at 对比,此处强调“看到的结果不同。”33B此处 和 连用,表示“彼此”。34A此处表示“采访”结束时说的话。结合文章开头部分,采访开始之前,笔者问上帝“If you have time,” 可判断出,此

79、处应该表达,“感谢上帝能够抽出时间接受采访。”35D此处要结合第23、24空处,即: As a patient, whatyou want your children to learn?”可判断出答案。选择D项与上文呼应一致。 III. 阅读理解 A篇本篇探讨社会热点话题,对犯罪情节较轻的罪犯的一种处罚方式;对罪犯进行公开羞辱。文中也涉及社会各界不同的观点。36. C。细节理解题。从第一段可知,他是大学低年级学生,被指控非法藏酒,不到合法年龄喝酒及聚会时噪音太大。37. D。细节理解题。从第四段可知,殖民时期的美国使用羞辱式惩罚之后还有一个“重新接纳”的仪式,欢迎罪犯回到主流社会,而当代美国没

80、有这个仪式。因此有些专家认为,不宜使用这种方式来惩罚违法者。38. B。推理判断题。从文章的叙述看,早在1850年美国作家霍桑的小说红字中就有这样的公开羞辱的方式处罚犯罪者。早期社会有一个仪式,欢迎这些人在被处罚后回到主流社会。由此可知,B项陈述正确,该做法有很长的历史。39. A。主旨大意题。全文介绍美国新进出现的一种对犯罪情节较轻的罪犯的一种处罚方式,以及社会各界不同的观点。 B篇这是一篇说明文。介绍电池的历史,以及电池工作的原理。40. C。细节理解题。第三段讲述科学家福特的研究,说“因为电流太低弱”,他弄了一堆“三明治”,显然这样做的目的是为了解决电流低的问题。41. D。推理判断题。

81、最后一段说电池中的电被使用时,电池中的化学药物就慢慢的被用完了,直到最后电池不能产生电流。42. B。细节理解题。从第四段可知,电池使用的是锌金属和碳棒,不用银和盐水。43. A。主旨大意题。本文介绍电池的历史,以及现今的电池结构。 C篇这是一篇摘自美国之音的人物传记,介绍美国音乐人Sufjan Stevens 的创作,本想成为作家但是他放不下音乐,转而从事他喜欢的音乐创作。他的目标:为美国50个州各谱写一张专辑,以期让人们对每一个州都有更多的了解。44. C。细节理解题。第一段说人们都知道美国有50个州,但是很少人知道所有这些州的详细情况。Sufjan Stevens决定改变这个局面,为这5

82、0个州创作唱片专辑。45. B。推理判断题。从第五段可知,他为了创作Illinois这个CD唱片而从各方面了解Illinois州的情况;阅读相关书籍、文献、报纸及走访生活在这个州的人们。46. A。主旨大意题。全文介绍美国音乐家Sufjan Stevens的宏伟创作目标:为美国50个州各创作一首歌曲,他把这称之为Fifty States Project。 D篇本文介绍网络发展的今天最常见的,对我们生活影响最大的四个网站:谷歌搜狐引擎、雅虎、eBay和Amazon的相关信息。47. B。细节理解题。信息句:第一段It is the most popular search engine on th

83、e web.48. A。推理判断题。第二段关于雅虎的叙述,说他是在1994年建立,当年年底就被大家认可。49. C。细节理解题。信息句:第四段说Started out as an online book store, constantly putting up new book titles.50. D。推理判断题。第三段的叙述说eBay一周有七天都工作。第二节: CAFDGIV. 短文改错第二句,在volunteer后加are;第三句,在good前加不定冠词a ,把代词 their 改为our;第四句将 But 改为 And; 第六句,把 speaking 改为 spoken;communi

84、cate 改为 communicating;interested 改为 interesting;来源:Zxxk.Com第七句,在 前面加 will;teenager 改为 teenagers;第八句,Thank 后面的 to 去掉。V.书面表达 NOTICEIn order to improve the students oral English, the Students Union has decided to organize an English-speaking contest among the students of senior grades. It will be held

85、in the lecture hall at 2:00 p.m. May 8th.Those who would like to take part in the contest may sign up in the office of the Students Union before April 30th. We will invite five English teachers to work as our judges and the first six winners will be given rewards.来源:Z*xx*k.ComAll the students of sen

86、ior grades are welcome to the contest. School Students Union附加题:I.单词拼写 56. jungle 57. sunlight 58. advanced 59. brand 60. admission 61. engine 62. modeled 63. variety 64. amusement 65. preserveII阅读理解文章大意 本文列举了人们对系安全带的集中模糊认识, 继而给予科学的解释,以澄清模糊思想。66. C。推断题。从第二段第一句Dadhad forgotten to wear his safety belt 可得知,他为了回家练跑步,开车时忘记系安全带。而Elizabeth 的意思是“安全第一,健康第二”。67. C。细节题。理由同上。68. B。推断题。从第五段第一句to be serious enough to give you a very bad landing 可得知,被摔倒地面,将受重伤。69. A。细节题。从Myth Number Two 可得知,他们怕系上安全带后一出车祸,就无法从中逃出。70. C。主旨题。全文的目的就是批判人们的误解,向人们建议开车时要系安全带。来源:学_科_网

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