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1、上一页返回首页下一页理基础自主初探精剖析典例突破重应用知能达标Section 3 Using Language上一页返回首页下一页.单词拼写1The scenery and weather were _(精彩的)2Hes sitting his final exams in _(会计)3The main _(功能)of the merchant banks is to raise capital for industry.4The details are clearly set out in an _(附录)5The place looks more _(繁荣)than ever.上一页返回首

2、页下一页【提示】action/function1action 指作用的效应。2function 指事物固有的特殊功用或职能。【答案】略上一页返回首页下一页.选词填空look up,come up,build on,all in all,get through1I finally _this homework assignment.2_,her condition is greatly improved.3Our friendship _proletarian,internationalism.4The question _ in conversation.5I _ the word in th

3、e dictionary.上一页返回首页下一页【提示】come up 意为“出现;被提出;走近;升起;(植物)长出地面”等,均为不及物,没有被动形式。come up with 提出(及物);come up to 接近;达到;come up for 到的时候。【答案】略上一页返回首页下一页.话题交际翻译下列表示喜欢、不喜欢以及祝愿的句子1祝你成功。_2祝你新年愉快。_3你愿意看看我们的新衣服吗?_上一页返回首页下一页4今晚我们出去吃顿饭怎么样?我无所谓。_5我不太喜欢歌剧。_上一页返回首页下一页【提示】表示喜欢和不喜欢的常用句式:I quite like.I really enjoy.Im fo

4、nd of.Im rather keen on.I dislike.I cant bear.表达祝愿、期望的常用句式:上一页返回首页下一页I wish.May.Have a good time.Happy birthday.I hope.【答案】略上一页返回首页下一页mention 单句改错Nobody mentioned me anything about it._句型转换He has two big houses in this country,not to mention his villa in France.He has two big houses in this country,

5、_ _ his villa in France.上一页返回首页下一页完成句子_(不用谢)Thank you for all your help.单句语法填空He mentioned _(rescue)the trapped people in an accident at the meeting.【答案】Nobody mentioned anything to me about it.without mentioning Dont mention it rescuing上一页返回首页下一页mention sb.(mention to sb.that.)向某人提及not to me

6、ntion.without mentioning.更不用说mention doing.提及做某事Dont mention it.不客气。注意:动词 mention 不接双宾语,即不能说 mention sb.sth.类似的动词还有:announce,explain,say,report,describe,suggest,express 等。上一页返回首页下一页look up 根据句意用 look 短语填空You mustnt _ the disabled.Im _ working with you.I _ him _ my best friend.As I _ the newspapers,I

7、 found some useful information.He _ her face with great interest.上一页返回首页下一页介词填空Look_ this proposal for me,and tell me what you think of it.I often look_ the words I dont know in the dictionary or on the Internet.【答案】look down on/upon looking forward to look on/upon;as looked through looked into thro

8、ugh up上一页返回首页下一页look forward to 盼望;期待look into 调查;观察look up 抬头看;查阅look on/ 把看作look out(for.)注意;留神look through 浏览;看穿;审查look down on/upon 轻视,瞧不起上一页返回首页下一页come up 根据句意用 come 短语填空How did it _ that you were late for half an hour?When he _,he found himself surrounded by a lot of people.We dont know

9、 when the universe _.Christian Slater has a new movie _ next month in which he plays a vigilante.上一页返回首页下一页单句改错Have you came out with some new ideas?Yeah.Ill tell you later._Alvin,are you coming with us?Id love to,but something unexpected would came up._【答案】come about came to came into being coming

10、out out 改为 up would 改为 has上一页返回首页下一页come up 走近;发生;被提出come up with 提出come across 穿过;偶遇come about 发生come to 苏醒;总计;谈到come into being 形成;产生come out 泄露;出版上一页返回首页下一页build on 完成句子不要盼着今年夏天去国外,我们的钱可能不够。Dont _ this summer;we may not have enough money.各方面的压力越来越大,他因负荷太重有好几个星期没上班。All the pressure_and he was off

11、work for weeks with stress.上一页返回首页下一页用 build up,build on,或 build up ones hopes 的适当形式填空A new gymnasium _ our campus.The more confidence you _ in yourself,the greater are your chances of success.Dont _ too much.Something unexpected may happen anytime.【答案】build on going abroad built up has been built o

12、n build up build up your hopes上一页返回首页下一页build on 以为基础;建立于build up 增强;树立build up ones hopes 使某人抱有希望be built of 用建造上一页返回首页下一页如何写申请信【探究应用】假定你是李华,亚洲冬季运动会将在你居住的地方举办,现正在招募志愿者,你希望成为其中一员。请按要求用英语给组委会写一封申请信。内容应包括:1个人情况:年龄、性别、学历;2个人条件:英语好、爱好体育、善于交往、乐于助人、熟悉本地情况;3承诺:提供最佳服务。_上一页返回首页下一页【思路探究】求职信有一定的模式可以遵循。概括地讲,常常分

13、为三段,包含几个要点。第一段:介绍消息来源,表明求职心愿。第二段:介绍个人简历及特长、优势。第三段:说明成功求职后的打算以及联络方式,并期待回音。除此之外,还要注意不要试图面面俱到,而是简明扼要地说出自己的能力、特点经历以及优秀的品质;态度要诚恳谦虚、彬彬有礼、落落大方、不卑不亢,既不要太过自信、狂妄自大,也不要可怜哀求。上一页返回首页下一页【句式预演】1我很高兴得知我们校报需要一名英文编辑。I am _ glad to know that our school newspaper wants an English editor.2我对此很感兴趣,因为这是个可以提升我的英语水平的好机会,尤其是

14、我的写作能力。Im quite interested in it,because this is a good opportunity _ my English,especially my writing ability.上一页返回首页下一页3作为一名 18 岁的学生,我读书很多,涉猎广泛。As a student _,Ive read a lot and have much knowledge in many fields.4如果您能考虑我的请求,我将不胜感激。I would _you considered my request.上一页返回首页下一页【范文填空】Dear Sir/Madam,

15、My name is Li Hua.I 1._(想工作)as a volunteer for the Winter Asian Games.I am a boy/girl of 17 and I am studying at high school now.I 2._(擅长)English and I can talk with foreign tourists in English freely.I believe I can do a good job for the Games.First,I like sports and I know the place very well.Seco

16、nd,I 3._(和相处)others easily,which is especially useful for a volunteer.Third,I 4._(乐于)give help whenever it is needed.My promise is 5._(提供最好的服务给)the people at the Games.上一页返回首页下一页Please consider my request,and Im 6._(盼望)your early reply.Yours faithfully,Li Hua上一页返回首页下一页【答案】句式预演1more than 2.for me to

17、improve 3.aged 18 4.appreciated it if范文填空1would like to work good at 3.get along with ready to offerthe best service possible to 6.looking forward to上一页返回首页下一页.常用单词1volunteer 志愿者2foreign 外国的3tourist 游客4service 服务5request 请求上一页返回首页下一页.常用短语1would like to do.想做2be good at.擅长3talk with 和交

18、谈4get along with 和相处5be ready to do.乐于做6look forward to 盼望上一页返回首页下一页.常用句型1I read from the newspaper needed in our company.从报纸上得知我们公司需要2Im interested in the job of.我对工作感兴趣。3I work hard and I can get along well with others.我工作努力可以和其他人相处的很好。4I have had six years experience as a.作为我已经有六年的经历。5If I am accepted,I will do my best.如果我被录取,我将尽最大努力。6I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.盼望收到您的信。上一页返回首页下一页1求职信属于较为严格的书面文体,所以必须讲究遣词用句。2写求职信时需注意的“四要四不要”:措辞要直接,不拐弯抹角;语言要简洁,不要过分渲染;语言要礼貌,不过分谦卑;检查要认真,不留错漏遗憾。上一页返回首页下一页重应用知能达标 点击图标进入

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