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本文(四川省2012届高三英语二轮复习专题训练:单项选择(17).doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、四川省2012届高三英语二轮复习专题训练:单项选择(17)从A、B、C 、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Youve been getting home very late recently. - _? Cant I enjoy myself if I want to?A. So how B. So what C. So why D. Like what 2.Was it _ she said or something that she did _ you were angry at so much?A. What ; that B. that ; which C. that

2、 ; what D. what; which3.Mr. Black took the police back to _ place _ she witnessed the robbery.A. the same ; as B. the same; where C. the same; that D. as the same; as4. Got your driving license? - No. I _ too busy to have enough practice, so I didnt take the driving test last week. I am going to nex

3、t week.A. was B. have been C. am D. had been5. How could you find _ space to park your car? - A kind young man managed to make _ room for me. A. /; a B. a; / C. a; a D. /; /6. _ that Maria was able to set up new branches elsewhere.A. So successful her business was B. So successful was her businessC.

4、 Such her business was successful D. So was her successful business7._, Ill get the work finished. A. Given one more hour B. One more hour C. Giving me one more hour D. Give me one more hour8. _ many times, my brother was at length _ to the team. A. Applying; permitted B. Applied; permitted C. Havin

5、g applied; admitted D. Had applied; admitted9. -Did Mary come to the party? -No. She _, but her car got stuck in the snow. A. could have B. would have done C. couldnt have D. may have done10. Its said that the popular CD has been sold out. - What a pity! How I regret that I didnt buy_. A. another B.

6、 that C. it D. one11. The house rent is high. Ive got about half the space I had at home and Im paying _here.A. as three times much B. as much three timesC. much as three times D. three times as much12. -How much is your sweater _? - $ 25.A. cost B. paid C. worth D. worthy13. He has made some progre

7、ss recently. - So he has. He could have achieved more, _.A. yet B. though C. either D. although14. The lawyer rarely wears anything other than jeans and a T-shirt _ the season.A. whatever B. whenever C. wherever D. however15. _ is reported in the newspaper, talks between the two countries are making

8、 progress.A. It B. As C. That D. What16. Did Jack come back early last year? - Yes. It was not yet eight oclock _ he arrived home.A. before B. when C. since D. that17. A woman was dug out _ after being buried deep in the ruins for more than 200 hours. A. living B. alive C. lively D. live18. Mr. Smit

9、h said that their first trip to the seaside town was_ one but their second one was even more interesting. A. the most interesting B. very interesting C. a most interesting D. a more interesting19. As the light turned green, I stood for a moment, not _, and asked myself what I was going to do. A. moved B. moving C. to move D. being moved20. Without proper lessons, you could _ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano. A. keep up B. pick up C. draw up D. catch up 1-5 CABDB6-10BACAD 11-15DCBAB 16-20 BBCBB高考资源网独家精品资源,欢迎下载!高考资源网Ks5uK&S%5#UKs5uKs%U高考资源网高考资源网高考资源网

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