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1、2006-2007北京工大附中高三英语第二次月考姓名班级学号本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(写作)两部分.考试时间120分钟.第二部分:知识运用(共两节,45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)21. - Anything more to tell me?- Oh, you have to keep medicines on the top shelf, out of the childrens _.A. reachB. handC. holdD. place22. New Zealand is _ island that lies off _ eastern coast

2、 of Australia. A. an; theB. an; /C. the; theD. the; /23. Most kites are made of paper, but a kite made of silk will last _ in weather with rain and strong winds. A. longestB. longerC. the longestD. the longer24. Your manager wants you to design a new model to increase the sales _ Chinese high school

3、 students. A. onB. amongC. ofD. for25. Young as she is, the young girl _ now because she won the first at the Super Girl competition in 2005. A. comes outB. makes outC. works outD. stands out26. Our school is no longer _ it was ten years ago. It is well _ with advanced teaching device. A. how; offer

4、edB. what; managedC. what; equippedD. which; supplied27. What worries us is that, _ more and more forest being destroyed, some animals are facing the danger of dying out.A. withB. byC. asD. for28. He got well prepared for the job interview, for he couldnt risk _ the good opportunity. A. to loseB. lo

5、singC. to be lostD. being lost29. - My e-dictionary has disappeared off the desk. - Who _ have taken it? A. shouldB. mustC. couldD. would30. - Will you attend the press meeting to be held this afternoon? - But I _ anything about it. A. wouldnt be toldB. am not toldC. havent toldD. havent been told31

6、. To our disappointment, every possible means _ to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear. A. has usedB. are usedC. has been usedD. have been used32. - Did Linda see the traffic accident? - No, no sooner _ than it happened. A. had she goneB. she had goneC. has she goneD. she has g

7、one33. My cousin went to Canada two years ago. He _ there for a few months and then went to America. A. workedB. would workC. would be workingD. has been working34. _ more about university courses, call (920) 746-3789. A. Finding outB. To find outC. Find outD. Having found out35. - You couldnt have

8、chosen a better way to solve the issue, I think. - _. A. Well, nothing muchB. Oh, dont complain about itC. Sorry, but Ill find a better oneD. Thanks a lot第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)It seems to me that all writers, including those famous novelists, need encouragement, particular in their early years

9、. As a writer, I was _36_ to meet such a teacher when I was a middle school student. Her name was Marguerite Byrne. She not only _37_ me English, which, of course, involved writing skills but also _38_ me to begin my writing to the press- chiefly poems at that time.To my _39_, the Chicago Tribune no

10、t only published several of my verses, but also _40_ me- the highest encouragement an unknown author can _41_. The editor wrote a secret letter to Miss Byrne, asking her to see _42_ my poems were written by myself. He found it _43_ to believe that a seventeen-year-old student could create material o

11、n such a professional level. When Miss Byrne _44_ the letter with me, I was very _45_ ! It was wonderfully encouraging.Miss Byrne also encouraged me to join in a _46_ organized by the CIVITAN organization. I was literally astonished when I received a letter saying that I was the _47_ of the contest.

12、 The prize was a _48_ for one hundred dollars and an invitation to a banquet at a hotel in downtown Chicago.My mother, at the time, was not even _49_ that I was interested in writing. _50_ I arrived back home that evening, she didnt ask how the evening had gone. I _51_ the one-hundred-dollar check o

13、n the breakfast table _52_ she would see it when she _53_ in the morning, and then I went immediately to bed._54_ later, I was able to repay my debt to Marguerite Byrne by dedicating one of my books, Wry on the rocks, to her. _55_ her encouragement, I wouldnt have achieved so much.36. A. luckyB. sur

14、prisingC. probableD. sure37.A. offeredB. practicedC. gaveD. taught38. A. taughtB. showed C. encouragedD. suggested39. A. shameB. surpriseC. shockD. pity40. A. paidB. praisedC. hopedD. admitted41. A. refuseB. publishC. receiveD. contain42. A. howB. ifC. whenD. why43. A. naturalB. wrongC. possibleD. h

15、ard44. A. showedB. sharedC. unloadedD. delivered45. A. calmB. sadC. afraidD. excited46. A. contestB. showC. matchD. game47. A. ownerB. loserC. holderD. winner48. A. cardB. checkC. credit cardD. note49. A. awareB. sureC. curiousD. familiar50. A. BeforeB. The momentC. WhileD. When51. A. keptB. hid C.

16、placedD. settled52. A. thatB. whereC. whichD. and53. A. awokeB. visitedC. arrivedD. recognized54. A. DaysB. YearsC. WeeksD. Hours55. A. WithB. BesidesC. WithoutD. For第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,共40分)AFilmfest DC has been bringing movies from around the world to Washington DC for twenty years. This twelve-

17、day event takes place in movie theatres all over the city. Thousands of local movie fans enjoy the latest examples of international cinema.The festival celebrated its twentieth year with a special opening of a night party. Visitors saw a new British starring actor Gabriel Byrne, who was also a speci

18、al guest that night. He talked about his successful movie and how it was made. The movie is about a young British boy growing up in Africa in the 1960s. Mr. Byrne said that filming in Swaziland and learning about that country were one of the best experiences in his career.Filmfest DC movies dealt wi

19、th two main subjects this year. One theme was the cinema of Brazil. Filmfest DC officials say Brazil is currently producing many energetic and creative movies. Audience enjoyed ten examples of new Brazilians movies and true-life documentaries.Another theme of the festival was hip-hop music. This kin

20、d of music started in America, but its influence and sounds have traveled all over the world. Several movies explored hip-hop culture in countries like Morocco and Senegal. One movie is called La Fabri-K. It tells about a group of hip-hop musicians from Cuba. The musician said their songs helped exp

21、ress how young people feel in Cuba. The songs talk about social problems such as racial identity.Filmfest DC also showed new movies from the United States. One movie is called Akeelah and the Bee. It tells the story of Akeelah, a young girl with special talent for spelling.56. The main purpose of Fi

22、lmfest DC is to _. A. show the latest movies from all over the world B. praise those who made contributions to the film industry C. award the most famous actors and actresses D. discuss the future of the film industry around the world57. According to the passage, we can learn that _. A. Swaziland is

23、 a beautiful country in Europe B. filmfset DC mainly showed movies of the developed countries C. filmfest DC promoted multicultural development in some sense D. the audience could enjoy documentaries about racial problems58. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in this passage/ A. Brazilian film

24、industry is booming nowadays. B. Some movies were related to hip-hop culture. C. A British director told of his filming experiences. D. Filmfest DC showed some movies produced in AmericaBWhen it comes to graduate schools, there are two main kinds of thoughts. The first- led by anxious parents everyw

25、here- says, “Go right away! Otherwise, youll forget what its like to be in school, and you wont be able to study! Then youll never get a good job in the real world!” If this voice is the one currently pounding in your brain, tell it to be quiet and take a nap. Then, listen to the more rational side

26、of the debate, which is often the specific advice you will get from graduate schools: most graduate students are in their late twenties, and schools like their students to have both excellent life and professional experience before pursuing a higher degree.Of course, not all graduate degrees are cre

27、ated equal. First, there are professional degrees(law, teaching, medicine) versus academic degrees( literature, art, history). Some programs take only a year, and others seem to take the rest of your life. Also, certain professions require you to have more than a masters degree. But some fields are

28、more willing to give a chance to young and inexperienced workers, such as yourself.Ultimately, the best thing to do is ask people who are experienced in your chosen field. Ask them if they think youd better go to a graduate school right away, or you should wait for a while. Ask them about the best s

29、chools, and the best degree you want to get. Dont forget to ask them if their companies ever pay for them to get more education. Frequently, a company will help you pay for it and give you flexible hours, in return for a guarantee of work for a longer period after you have graduated.Attending a grad

30、uate school should not be the last resort. It is too expensive and time-consuming to go without really knowing what you want- at least for the time being.59. Anxious parents believe their children _. A. should go to a graduate school immediately B. will enjoy themselves in a graduate school C. can f

31、ind a very good job with a Bachelor degree D. cant learn a lot in a graduate school60. Graduate schools usually prefer students _. A. who have won the most awards B. who are diligent and respond quickly C. who perform excellently in university D. who have both life and work experience61. According t

32、o the passage, students shouldnt _. A. ask others for information about schools and degrees B. choose to attend a graduate school when everything else has failed C. ask others about whether they can continue studying in companies D. ask others for advice on when it is best to continue studying62. So

33、me companies give employees who are attending school flexible hours, hoping that employees _. A. agree to work for the company for a long time B. are qualified for their jobs and able to do a good job C. feel they are badly needed in the company D. dont feel bored with their work63. Whats the author

34、s opinion according to the passage? A. Graduate schools have some negative effects on the development of students. B. Its not wise for a university student to attend a graduate school right away. C. Students should know what they want to learn before attending a graduate school. D. Students need to

35、study in a graduate school to enrich themselves.CNew survey It is official; the English language has become increasingly varied. BBC Voices, a survey involving 32,000 people, has discovered lots of new words. There had been concerns that regional dialects (方言) were dying out and Americanization was

36、taken over- happily that isnt true!Varied words A similar survey in the 1950s found that there were 84 different regional expressions for the left-handed but now there are 240. These range from cuddly- wifter in Northumbria, molly-duckered in central Scotland, gammy in Cumbria to keggy in the east M

37、idlands.New Cockney (新伦敦腔) Reasoning is twofold: people move about the country a lot more than in previous years and the UK has become increasingly multicultural. Study of the Cockney language has found that due to the influx (涌入) of Bangladeshi immigrants(孟加拉移民) in Londons east part, words and acce

38、nts have both changed. Original Cockney has been replaced by a mixed English of Bangladeshi and British English. However, this doesnt only happen to London. In Liverpool, a mixture of Caribbean-Scouse is becoming common, as is Cardiff-Hindi in Wales.New slangs Cockney slang is also keeping up with t

39、he times. Britney Spears is a new term for beer, and Becks and Posh for nosh (a kind of snack food). A top DJ has even inspired the title of a new film- Its all gone Pete Tong for “ Its all gone wrong.”Language changes all the time, whether it is inspired by other parts of the world. We never know w

40、hat we may be saying next!64. According to the new survey, people find that _. A. BBC Voices has lots of new words B. regional dialects are dying out C. American English is taking over D. English has become varied65. Why did the author take “ the left-handed” for example? A. To show the differences

41、between different dialects. B. To give many examples of the regional expressions. C. To support the idea that dialects are not dying out. D. To present the result of the survey in the 1950s.66. The mixture of languages is the result of _. A. peoples moving frequently B. Bangladeshis immigrating to L

42、ondon C. the UKs traditional culture D. New Cockney replacing Original Cockney67. The best title for the passage might be _. A. English Words under Change B. Language and Culture C. Future Languages D. Words and ImmigrantsDA new report says 75 percent of farmland in Africa has lost nutrients needed

43、to grow crops. The highest rates of nutrient loss are in Guinea, Congo, Angola, Rwanda and Uganda. More than sixty kilograms of nutrients per hectare are being lost each year. The study also warns that food imports to Africa will need to be increased if action is not taken at once.The international

44、nonprofit organization IFDC released the report in New York City last month. The President of Nigeria headed the event. He called on African leaders, aid groups and farming organizations to support a meeting in Nigeria in June to discuss Africas soil crisis.The meeting would discuss ways to increase

45、 agricultural productivity across Africa. These include reductions in nutrient mining, limits on cutting of trees, less use of poor grassland and better farming methods that protect the environment. The meeting would also aim to increase the use of fertilizers (化肥) in Africa.Lack of rain is also har

46、ming the soil in Africa. The World Meteorological (气象的) Organization says dry weather conditions in East Africa will continue in April. Several of the worst affected areas have recorded their driest months since 1961. The United Nations warns that more than eleven million people in the area urgently

47、 need food assistance.The World Food Program has launched a new program that could help pay for a possible humanitarian emergency in Ethiopia this year. The U.N. agency has purchased an insurance agreement that will pay money if rainfall does not reach a certain level this year. The insurance policy

48、 is reported to have cost 930 thousand dollars. It was bought from a French insurance company. The company will pay the World Food Program about seven million dollars if rainfall between March and October in Ethiopia is below a certain level. The money would be used to get emergency aid more quickly

49、. The chancellor of the World Food Program said the insurance program could help change how governments think about emergency aid.68. The first paragraph mainly tells us _. A. Africans will suffer from hunger if they dont stop soil nutrient loss B. only one forth of the farmland in Africa can be use

50、d to grow crops now C. the soil nutrient loss in Africa is getting worse every year D. Guinea and Uganda are suffering the highest rates of soil nutrient loss69. The meeting to be held in Nigeria _. A. will be held by the organization IFDC B. will discuss the soil crisis in Nigeria C. will discuss h

51、ow to increase crop productivity in Africa D. will discuss how to increase nutrient mining and use of fertilizers70. Which of the following doesnt cause the soil nutrient loss in Africa? A. Cutting trees on a large scale. B. Using bad farming methods. C. Increasing the use of the fertilizers. D. A l

52、ack of rainfall for a long time.71. According to the last paragragh, we can learn that _. A. the World Food Program will provide free food for people when necessary B. the U.N. agency has bought an insurance from the World Food Program C. the French insurance company will pay the World Food Program

53、under certain conditions D. the World Food Program has come to an agreement with the U.N. agency72. The best title for the passage would be_. A. African Countries Are Facing Dangers B. Measures to be taken to Fight Against Loss in Soil Fertility C. African Countries Need Humanitarian Aid D. African

54、Farmland Is Found to Be Severely InfertileESocial InfluenceOf the many influences on human behavior, social influences are the most universal. The main influence on people is people. When we hear the term social influence, most of us think of intentional attempts of someone to persuade us to change

55、our actions or opinions. The television commercial comes to mind. But many of the most important forms of social influence are unintentional, and some of the effects we humans have on one another occur simply by means of the fact that we are in each others physical presence.In 1898 a psychologist(心理

56、学家) named Triplett made an interesting observation. In looking over speed records of bicycle racers, he noticed that better speed records were achieved when cyclists raced against each other than when they raced against the clock. This observation led Triplett to perform the first controlled laborat

57、ory experiment ever carried out in social psychology. He asked children to turn a wheel as fast as possible for a certain period of time. Sometimes two children worked at the same time in the same room, each with his own wheel; at other times, they worked alone. The results confirmed his theory: Chi

58、ldren worked faster in co-action than when they worked alone.Soon after Tripletts experiment on co-action, it was discovered that the mere presence of a passive audience was enough to improve performance. This was discovered accidentally in an experiment by Meumann(1904). He found that the tested pe

59、rsons lifted a weight faster and farther whenever the psychologist was in the room. Later experiments have proved this audience effect.It appears that co-action and audience effects in humans are caused by the individuals(个人的) “ cognitive”, that is, worries about competition and the assessment of pe

60、rformance that others will make. We learn as we grow up that others praise or criticize, reward or punish our performances, and this raises our drive level when we perform before others. Thus, even the early studies of co-action found that if the pressure of competition is removed, co-action effects

61、 are reduced. Similarly, audience effects are a function of the tested persons feeling of how much he is being assessed.73. Which of the following would be an example of the co-action effect? A. Joe and his two friends work more slowly when they are together than when each is alone. B. The children

62、finish their homework faster when their father is present than when he is not. C. Players work harder when they exercise together than when they each exercise alone. D. A woman works harder when her boss is in the room than when she is alone.74. What is the main idea of the last paragragh? A. Compet

63、ition and assessment are not related to the co-action and audience effects. B. Competition and assessment increase the co-action and audience effects. C. How people grow up determines their adult behavior. D. People praise and criticize children as they grow up.75. Which of the following shows how t

64、he passage is developed? 第II卷(共35分)第四部分:书面表达(共两节,35分)第一节 情景作文(20分)最近你们班围绕“Whom do you turn to when you in trouble?” 进行了讨论。假如你是李华,请根据下表所列的的讨论结果,用英语写一篇短文,介绍讨论情况,并表达自己的看法。求助对象比例理由同学/ 朋友58%年龄相仿,容易理解与交流老师/家长30%有爱心,有经验,可以信任无12%不愿与人交流,难以与人沟通注意:1. 要点全面,为了使文章连贯,可适当增加内容。2. 词数:100词左右2008年奥运会的帆船比赛将在青岛举行。请你写一篇英语

65、短文,介绍这座城市,主要内容如下:1. 地理位置:山东省东部,面临大海。以蓝色的大海,美丽的海滨而闻名,是避暑胜地。2. 旅游胜地:每年夏天国内外成千上万的游人在这里沿海漫步,游泳,购物,观赏秀丽景色。3. 近年来,该城市发生了巨大的变化,经济腾飞,逐渐成为国际港口城市,对发展中国对外贸易起到重要作用。注意:叙述准确,行文连贯,词数100左右参考词汇:景色 - scenery 港口-port第二节 开放作文(15分)请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。Today you and your friend went to buy some lottery tickets. Your friend asked, If you won five million yuan, what would you do with the money?”You said:” Well”What did you say to your friend? Please tell us in more than 80 words.参考答案:21-25 A A B B D 26-30 C A B C D 31-35 C A A B D36-40 ADCBA41-45 CBDBD46-50 ADBAD51-55 CBABC56-60 ACCAD 61-65BACDC66-70AAACC71-75CDCBD

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