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四川省巴中市2022届高三上学期“零诊” 英语 WORD版含答案BYCHUN.doc

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1、巴中市普通高中2019级“零诊”考试英语(满分150分 120分钟完卷)注意事项:1.全卷分第I卷和第II卷两部分。答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、班级、考号填写在答题卡规定的位置。2.答选择题时请使用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;非选择题答题时必须用0.5毫米黑色墨迹签字笔,将答案书写在答题卡规定的位置,在规定的答题区域以外答题无效,在试题卷上答题无效。3.考试结束后,考生将答题卡交回。第I卷(选择题 100分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。1. What are the speakers main

2、ly talking about?A. A book. B. A writer. C. An animal.2. What will the man eat tonight probably?A. Burgers. B. Pizza. C. Sandwiches.3. What did the woman do during the holiday?A. She went climbing. B. She did reading. C. She went swimming.4. Where is the man calling from?A. A clients house. B. A caf

3、e. C. A farmhouse.5. How does the man feel about his job?A. Satisfied. B. Confused. C. Bored.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. When will the man leave for the airport tomorrow at the latest?A. At 4:00 am. B. At 5:00 am. C. At 8:00 am.7. What is the man going to do now?A.

4、Make a call. B. Collect his key. C. Make a payment.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. What does the man suggest the woman do?A. Increase her study time. B. Make a revision schedule. C. Manage her time properly.9. When will the speakers hold a party?A. On the 25th. B. On the 26th. C. On the 27th.10. What will the wo

5、man do next?A. Prepare food. B. Play some music. C. Revise for the exams.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. How did the woman feel about the Paris Film Festival this year?A. Disappointed. B. Surprised. C. Interested.12. Who is Dalton Thompson?A. A screenwriter. B. An actor. C. A doctor.13. What does the woman say

6、 about Carrie Barker?A. She loves the Beatles. B. She is promising. C. She will change her career.请听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。14. What gives East Centre an advantage over West Centre?A. The appointment system. B. The medical equipment. C. The doctors skills.15. Who is good at dealing with leg trouble?A. Dr. J

7、oe. B. Dr. Sam. C. Dr. Jerry.16. Which group of patients can get free medication from the health centre?A. Retirees. B. Babies. C. Pregnant women.17. What will the woman do next?A. Complete a form. B. Get a prescription. C. Make an appointment.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. What will students do on Monday mo

8、rning?A. Visit the library. B. Apply for the student card. C. Register for the sports centre.19. When can students know course arrangements?A. On Monday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Wednesday.20. What do students need to do on Thursday?A. Hand in the optional course form.B. Collect the new curriculum.C. At

9、tend the welcome party.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThis is a list of places to spend the 2020 Olympics if you arent going to Japan.AustraliaThe fact that the summer Olympics fall during Australias winter season is worth keeping in mind f

10、or two reasons: it makes traveling there cheaper, and its still not too cold. As far as the Olympics are concerned, there will be no shortage of opportunities to watch the Games in between your various explorations of the country and its limitless activities.ThailandThailand is a breathtaking place

11、to spend some time during any summer, and provides a perfect setting for Olympic viewing: You can go scuba diving one morning before watching sports all afternoon, or simply duck out for world-famous street food in between events. But Thai sports fans may also be taking extra interest in the Olympic

12、s these days.United StatesThe U. S. is likely to be as interested in the Olympics as any other nation, given its collection of athletes who will be taking center stage. You can rest assured it wont be difficult to watch the Games no matter where youre visiting specifically. This leaves you with all

13、sorts of fun options. You can visit a luxury ski resort town like Aspen, which turns into a gorgeous hiking destination in the summer.Great BritainNot unlike the US, Britain will make for a fun place to spend the 2020 Olympics because theres a great deal of national interest in a number of different

14、 sports, and the local athletes are expected to be competitive. Summer can also be a good time to be in Britain in general, with relatively mild temperatures allowing for full exploration of the country. That means you can stay in the beautiful Lake District if you like, hiking or kayaking when your

15、e not watching the Games.21. What is special about Australia as a destination in an Olympic summer?A. Its season. B. Its activities. C. Its sports. D. Its scenery.22. Which country can you go to if you are a street food lover?A. Australia. B. Thailand. C. United States. D. Great Britain.23. What do

16、the U. S. and Britain have in common as fun places to spend the 2020 Olympics?A. They both have a pleasant temperature. B. They are both interested in the Games.C. They both own lots of sports centers. D. They are both English-speaking countries.BStan Lee, co-founder of the Marvel Universe(漫威宇宙)and

17、co-creator of many of its most popular superheroes, died at the age of 95.Lee was born Stanley Martin Lieber in New York in 1922. As a son of working-class Jewish immigrants from Romania, times were hard and he lived with his family in a shabby single-bedroom apartment. After graduating from high sc

18、hool at 16, Lieber landed a job as an assistant at Timely Comics. By the early 1940s, he was a temporary editor for the company. It was at this time that he began using his pen name-Stan Lee. In 1947, two years after returning from serving for the U. S. Army, Lee married his wife, Joan. The two bega

19、n their 70-year marriage and had two children.In the late 1950s, DC Comics breathed new life into its classic superhero and experienced a significant success with its updated version of the Flash, and later with super-team the Justice League(正义联盟)of America.To compete against DC Comics, Lee was give

20、n the task of creating their own group of superheroes. In 1961, Timely Comics changed its name into Marvel Comics after Atlas Comics, and that November saw the debut(首次亮相)of the Fantastic Four. Lee s later famous and lasting creations of comic-book superheroes included Spider-Man, the Hulk, Thor, Ir

21、on Man and the X-men.Over the course of his career, Lee was an icon of Marvel Comics. As a writer and editor and, at various points, both the publisher and vice president of Marvel Comics, Lee not only introduced interesting characters to the industry, but changed the way that comic books came toget

22、her. He also created a cooperative workflow between writers and artists, which became known as the Marvel Method. Lee received a National Medal of Arts in 2008 for his innovations that revolutionized(=completely changed)American comic books.24. What do we know about Lee from paragraph 2?A. He served

23、 for the U. S. Army for two years. B. He suffered from an unfortunate marriage.C. He had a tough and struggling childhood. D. He adopted his pen name at the age of 16.25. What was the company called when Spider-Man was created?A. Timely Comics. B. Marvel Comics. C. Atlas Comics. D. DC Comics.26. Wha

24、t does the underlined word icon in the last paragraph?A. Theme. B. Character. C. Assistant. D. Symbol.27. What could be the best title for the text?A. Stan Lee, the Godfather of Marvel Comics. B. The Development of Marvel Comics.C. Stan Lee, a Superhero in Comic Books. D. The Popular Superheroes of

25、Marvel Comics.CA trip to the library was like a great journey to a different country. To get there, we had to walk a mile. But our weekly journeys to the library were a piece of perfection. I had around me at one time all the people I loved best-my father and mother and brothers and sister-and all t

26、he things I loved best-quiet, space and books.I read a lot of books about science: not the spaceships my brothers preferred, but the birds and the bees-literally. I brought home a book of birds and searched the trees for anything other than robins(知更鸟). I went through a phrase of loving books with p

27、ractical science experiments and used up a whole bottle of white vinegar by pouring it on the sides of our apartment building to prove that it was constructed of limestone(石灰石).One Saturday, as I wandered through the young adult section, I saw a title: Little Women, by Lousia May Alcott. I had learn

28、ed from experience that titles werent everything. A book that sounded great on the shelf could be dull once you got it home. So I sat in a chair near the shelves to skim the first paragraphs.I read and read and read Little Women until it was time to walk home, and, except for a few essential interru

29、ptions like sleeping and eating, I did not put it down until the end. Even the freedom to watch weekend television held no appeal for me in the wake of Alcotts story. It was about girls, for one thing, girls who could almost be like me, especially Jo. I had found someone who thought and felt the way

30、 I did.28. What can we say about the authors family?A. They enjoyed traveling abroad. B. They were library frequenters.C. They were very fond of walking. D. They led a perfectly quiet life.29. What does the author mainly want to show in paragraph 2?A. Her different hobbies from her brothers.B. How s

31、he conducted science experiments.C. Why she loved books about the birds and the bees.D. Her reading interests during a particular period of time.30. What opinion does the author hold on books?A. Book titles can sometimes be misleading.B. Science books are as interesting as novels.C. The first few pa

32、ragraphs of a book are attractive.D. Books seem duller when read in libraries than at home.31. How would the author describe Little Women?A. It helped her to discover her true character. B. It made her forget about food and sleep.C. It inspired confidence in her. D. It kept her absorbed.DAccording t

33、o the statistics shared by UNESCO, at least 43% of the total languages that are estimated as being spoken across the world are in danger of extinction. Moreover, many languages around the world have less than 1, 000 speakers now. Linguists(语言学家)and researchers believe that by the end of the century,

34、 at least half of the worlds languages will have died. This is troublesome, given that cultural identity and languages go hand in hand.Language activists and people who speak these endangered languages are fighting back tooth and nail. Scientists believe that digitalization might be our only hope to

35、 preserve some of these quickly disappearing languages in the online world.For instance, Oxford University Press launched Oxford Global Languages a few years ago. It is an initiative that boosts digitally underrepresented languages. They are focused on promoting languages that might have close to a

36、million speakers worldwide, yet have little or no online presence. Therefore, they have been creating digital dictionaries as a fundamental building block to help preserve them.There have been countless other projects like this with the same aim. Another is the Rosetta Project, which aims to create

37、a handheld digital library that will carry more than 1,500 languages. It will be appropriately sized to fit nicely into our hands, and will come with around 13,000 pages of information. It will also have a high life expectancy of anywhere between 2,000 and 10,000 years. Initiatives like these have a

38、s their primary objective to ensure the preservation of local languages long after their speakers have died.Countless languages are dying every day, and they will continue to perish as the remaining speakers die. Of course, we cannot merely rely on digitization to deal with worldwide languages loss.

39、 However, it is a step in the right direction. These digital tools offer endangered languages an opportunity to bounce back and survive.32. What does the data in paragraph 1 mainly show?A. Many languages are endangered.B. Culture determines language evolution.C. Human development results in fewer la

40、nguages.D. Many linguists attempt to protect threatened languages.33. What does Oxford Global Languages try to do?A. Promote online courses of local languages.B. Publish paper dictionaries of global languages.C. Increase dying language speakers to a million.D. Make certain languages available in dig

41、ital form.34. What can we learn about the digital library to be created by the Rosetta Project?A. It is portable but has a short life.B. It is sponsored by Oxford University Press.C. It provides protection for linguistic diversity.D. It contains automatically updated information.35. Which of the fol

42、lowing can replace the underlined word perish in the last paragraph?A. Be enriched. B. Be lost. C. Be acquired. D. Be invented.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Five Things Ambitious People Never SayI cant do this-its too hard.Ambitious people never limit themselves or un

43、dervalue hard work with these words. 36 .Im not good enough.Ambitious people never say they are not good enough. Saying you are not good enough holds you back and makes you easy to quit when things get a little rough. And quitting when things get a little rough is never a good thing. The most succes

44、sful people in the world are not quitters. 37 Be confident and believe in yourself, or no one else will.I wont make it through the obstacles.Challenges and obstacles are tests of your resolve and desire to succeed. 38 They say they will make it because they know better things lie ahead-the sun alway

45、s shines after the storm. 39 The only time people wont take you seriously is if you dont take yourself seriously. Insisting that people wont take you seriously is an excuse not to do what you know you should do. Ambitious people never say these words. Start respecting yourself and honoring what you

46、do and people will respect and take you seriously.Im going to fail for sure. 40 It can teach you valuable lessons and redirect you to the right path. Ambitious people dont say they are going to fail and let that stop them from trying. They challenge the fear of failure by taking calculated risks bec

47、ause they know the only time you are truly defeated is when you dont try at all.A. People wont take me seriously.B. People think me impossible.C. Ambitious people say they can do everything well.D. Ambitious people never say they wont make it through the hard times.E. They are hard workers who belie

48、ve in themselves and their abilities.F. Failure is not entirely bad.G. They tell themselves they can do it.第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。After my husbands Chinese kung fu school was open for about a week, my daughters and I

49、 decided to see how it was going. We were deeply 41 to see there wasnt a single student in the school. My husband was standing 42 in the school waiting for customers.We had to 43 ! We decided to be his 44 until he got some real ones. We thought it was better to have five people in the school 45 just

50、 him if a passerby looked in the window. He started teaching us 46 and forms. We found that some of them actually were 47 to ballet moves but much more difficult. It was kind of fun but 48 , too! We were attracted by then, so we 49 as learners. 50 , we got actual students in our school. There were m

51、any men and teenage boys, and we 51 lots of other girls and women as well. One special student was a 52 seven- year-old girl. She was going 53 and had other health problems. With my daughters help and 54 this little girl got to be a real kung fu kid. Although she is now a sightless, grown adult, Im

52、confident she can 55 herself if she needs to.I am 56 to say my daughters are more confident in every area of their lives. This experience taught me to 57 things I never would have 58 before kung fu. I havent been 59 in all of my efforts, but Ill give almost 60 of niceness a try!41. A. bored B. upset

53、 C. nervous D. moved42. A. cheerfully B. aggressively C. alone D. forever43. A. act B. joke C. appear D. learn44. A. families B. workmates C. consultants D. students45. A. more than B. in place of C. rather than D. in case of46. A. speeches B. moves C. manners D. designs47. A. useful B. accessible C

54、. similar D. comparable48. A. challenging B. astonishing C. relaxing D. inspiring49. A. got together B. signed up C. broke away D. stayed on50. A. Eventually B. Unfortunately C. Obviously D. Regularly51. A. discovered B. joined C. united D. attracted52. A. traditional B. homeless C. disabled D. typi

55、cal53. A. blind B. deaf C. lame D. stupid54. A. threat B. encouragement C. adjustment D. approval55. A. protect B. recognize C. feed D. educate56. A. stubborn B. proud C. sensitive D. tentative57. A. apply to B. give up C. try out D. hold back58. A. appreciated B. predicted C. ignored D. considered5

56、9. A. helpful B. successful C. cheerful D. enthusiastic60. A. some B. either C. none D. any第II卷(非选择题 共50分)第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Terry was going to give his girlfriend Anna, a very special gift for their first-year anniversary. He was going to make something

57、 61 (him).Even though he wasnt 62 (particular) handy, he still wanted to give it a shot, because he knew that 63 he wanted to give her could not 64 (buy) in a store.Terry 65 (decide)to make Anna a necklace. It took a good amount of time for Terry 66 (design)the necklace and glue everything together.

58、 On the day of their anniversary, Terry took Anna out to dinner, 67 he was going to reveal his big surprise.After finishing the dinner, Terry finally revealed his surprise to Anna. He took out his hand-made necklace and gave it to her. Annas 68 (respond) to the gift was far from what Terry expected.

59、 Anna was on cloud nine after 69 (receive)the necklace. Her reaction to the gift made Terry very relieved.The fact that Terry had made the necklace himself made it much more special to Anna. She wore her boyfriends gift as soon as he gave it to her and never took it 70 again.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文

60、改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下而写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。My parents have decided to take me to pay visit to Britain. I am excited, hope to make

61、 good use of this opportunity. Firstly, I will talk to native speaker as much as I can to improve on my English. Secondly, there are many attractions that interest me a lot, among which is Big Ben. Besides, football, that is popular in England, is my favorite sport. They have been dreaming of watchi

62、ng a live football match there but now the dream will come true. My friend Alice lived in London. I will probable meet her. However I do, I am sure I will have a good time.第二节 书面表达(满分25分)假设你是李华,你的好友Peter将作为交换生来你校学习,他来信询问你们每天学习生活是如何安排的。请给他写封回信,主要内容包括:1.作息时间;2.课程设置;3.课余生活。参考词汇:course(课程)注意:1.词数:100词左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数Dear Peter,Im glad that you will come to study in our school as an exchange student. Yours truly,Li Hua


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