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本文(《2014年秋备课》高中英语(外研版必修5)语法讲解:MODULE 2 易混短语辨析.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

《2014年秋备课》高中英语(外研版必修5)语法讲解:MODULE 2 易混短语辨析.doc

1、易混短语辨、练、析(Module 2)一、 have an effect on; put into effect; take effect; come into effect1. It was nearly an hour before the sleeping pill_.2. I think this will_ the future of both mother and son.3. A new system of taxation (税收制度) will be_ next year.4. The new regulation did not_ until the first of Oc

2、tober.5. A word from the teacher will_ a great_ my son.Key: 1. took effect 2. have an effect on / upon 3. put into effect 4. come into effect 5. have; effect on / upon【简析】 have an effect on表示“对有影响”、“对产生作用”,其中on是介词,可以用upon替代,在名词effect前面可以用形容词修饰(如2和5);put into effect表示“使生效”、“使起作用”,可以用于被动语态(如3);take ef

3、fect表示“生效”、“奏效”,是动词短语(如1);come into effect表示“实施”、“生效”,是固定搭配(如4)。二、 pass by; pass on; pass through; pass out1. Miss Wang went back to work while she was still ill, and finally she just_.2. When the car accident came about, I happened to_ there.3. The waterway is wide for many ships to _ .4. If theres

4、 no further discussion, perhaps we can_.5. Brown said we _ him this morning, but we did not see him.Key: 1. passed out 2. pass by 3. pass through4. pass on 5. passed by【简析】 这四个以pass为中心词的短语动词,由于后面接的介词或副词不同而含义和用法也各异。pass by表示“从旁边经过”(如2),还表示“回避”、“不理”,其中by 是介词(如5);pass on表示“谈下一个问题”、“往下谈”,其中on是副词(如4);pas

5、s through表示“穿过”、“通过”,其中through是介词(如3);pass out表示“失去知觉”、“晕倒”,其中out是副词(如1)。三、 take. for granted; take for a ride; take for1. He speaks English so well, that hes often_a native.2. It is_ that everyone is equal before the law.3. If you paid more than $8,000 for that car, youve been_!4. She knew that she

6、 was in danger of_ him too much .Key: 1. taken for 2. taken for granted 3. taken for a ride 4. taking; for granted【简析】 take. for granted表示“想当然认为(会是某种情况)”,是固定短语(如2),还表示“认为没问题”(如4); take for表示“以为”、“(错)当作”、“认为”,是短语动词,后面接名词或代词(如1);take for a ride表示“使上当”、“使受骗”,是固定搭配,可以用于被动语态(如3)。四、 take notice; take noti

7、ce of; give notice; give notice of1. We must speak with one voice if the management is to_our suggestions. 2. This news makes us all sit up and_.3. You must _changes in the arrangements.4. The whistle blew to_ that the boat was about to leave. Key: 1. take notice of 2. take notice 3. give / take notice of 4. give notice【简析】 take notice of表示“理会”、“注意”,是短语动词,其中of是介词,后面接名词或代词(如1);take notice表示“当心”、“注意”,是动词词组,通常单独使用(如2);give notice表示“通知”、“使为人所知”,是动词词组,后面接that引导的宾语从句(如4);give notice of表示“通知”、“使为人所知”,是短语动词,其中of是介词,后面接名词(如3)。

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