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1、2006-2007学年度桂城中学小塘分校高三英语备考训练综合测试试题(2006年11月25日 7:30-9:30。)说明:1. 本试卷共10页(不含答题卷),满分150分。考试用时120分钟。2. 所有选择题的答案都必须使用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡对应的序号上;非选择题的答案必须使用黑色的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题卷指定的位置上。3. 考试结束后,把答题卷以及答题卡交回。I. 听力 (共两节,满分32.5分)第一节 听独白或对话 (共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每

2、段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第1段对话,回答第13三个小题。1. What is the man going to do? A. To visit the theatre. B. To see Shakespeares play. C. To take a long walk with the woman.2. Where do the two speakers probably come from? A. One is from England and the other is from France.

3、B. They both come from England. C. Both of them are from France.3. What will the man probably do in the end? A. Go to the theatre on foot. B. Go to a talk about Shakespeare. C. Take a taxi with the woman.听第2段对话,回答第46三个小题。4. Why was Joans coat dirty? A. She was pushed to the floor. B. She fell by acc

4、ident. C. The back of her seat was dirty.5. Where does the conversation most probably take place? A. In the street. B. In the office. C. On the underground train.6. Who caught the robber? A. Two passengers. B. The conductor. C. A policeman.听第3段独白,回答第79三个小题。7. Where could you go to borrow a magazine

5、published in 2005? A. Level 1.B. Level 2.C. Level 3.8. How much is the fine for a book returned 45 days late? A. $ 5.00. B. $15.00C. $22.509. When does the library close on Friday nights? A. 8:30 p.m.B. 9:00 p.m.C. 10:00 p.m.听第4段对话,回答第1012三个小题。10. What is the main topic of the conversation?A. Proble

6、ms with living in an apartment.B. A search for a new apartment.C. The cost of rent near universities.11. What kind of place is Ann looking for? A. An apartment which costs $ 300 a month. B. An apartment with furniture already in it. C. An apartment within a short driving distance of campus.12. How i

7、s Roger going to help Ann? A. He is going to visit an apartment building near his place. B. He is planning on calling a friend who owns an apartment building.C. He will check the newspapers to see if he can find an apartment for rent. 听第5段对话,回答第1315三个小题。13. What is the major problem with the mans re

8、servation?A. There are no rooms available for the 18th.B. The hotel confuses him with another guest.C. Rooms are not available for five people for the 19th. 14. How much is the final discount on the double room for Mr. Nelson? A. 10%. B. 15%. C. 25%.15. How does Mr. Nelson respond when he is told he

9、 will be offered a free room on his next visit?A. He feels he should first receive an apology from the manager.B. He suggests that the hotel should give guests discount in cases like his. C. He implies (暗示) that he might not visit again because of his experience.第二节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)听下面一段对话, 请根

10、据题目要求,从听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卷标号为16-20的空格中。对话读两遍。答题时间为2分钟。Summer Swim ClassesPlaceAt the 16 Start TimeOn 17 , May 1Cost 18 per classLength 19 per classSign up (注册)Take a 20 on April 29 or 30II 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分37.5分)第一节:完形填空(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21-35各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

11、Homebuyers nationwide are watching housing prices go up, up, and up. “How high can they go?” is the question that 21 in the city is asking. But right now, few people seem to have the answer. “ 22 interest rates (利率) stay at about 5 percent, theres no way of knowing,” said a local Guangzhou economist

12、. “Its crazy,” said Li Hua, who is 23 a house near the river. “In 1993, I bought my first place, a two-bedroom apartment in Haizhu district, for 100,000 yuan. My friends thought that I was overpaying and said it just wasnt 24 it. Five years later, I had to move to Shenzhen. I 25 it for 160,000 yuan,

13、 which was a nice profit. Last year, while 26 friends here, I saw in the local paper that the exact same 27 was for sale for 450,000 yuan!” It is a sellers 28 . Homebuyers feel like they have to offer at least 10 percent more than the asking price just to have a chance. Li Hua says the 29 is really

14、difficult. “ 30 you decide to buy or decide not to buy, you still feel like you made the 31 decision. If you buy, you feel like you overpaid. If you dont buy, you want to kick yourself for passing up a great 32 .” Everyone says prices must fall, but everyone hopes it will happen the day after they s

15、ell their house. 33 government officials have no idea what the future will bring. “All we can say is that these things change,” said the state director of 34 . “What goes up must come 35 .”21. A. everybodyB. somebodyC. nobodyD. anybody22. A. WhenB. As long asC. BeforeD. As soon as23. A. looking atB.

16、 looking outC. looking afterD. looking for24. A. valueB. forC. worthD. against25. A. boughtB. soldC. gotD. gave26. A. visitingB. watchingC. makingD. having27. A. friendB. apartmentC. houseD. bedroom28. A. shopB. homeC. houseD. market29. A. placeB. answerC. situationD. result30. A. EvenB. AlthoughC.

17、HoweverD. Whether31. A. rightB. wrongC. strongD. weak32. A. opportunityB. timeC. happeningD. pity33. A. EvenB. WhenC. AsD. Though34. A. educationB. financeC. transportD. housing35. A. inB. aroundC. downD. away第二节:语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,根据上下文填入适当的词语,或使用括号中的词语的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡上标号为36-45的相应位置。

18、Thirteen-year-old Andrew will never forget that Saturday. He was relaxing on his familys sofa with his sister, Susan. Suddenly the heater exploded. His sister, who was unhurt, managed to pull 36 away from the fire 37 his mum dialed for an ambulance. 38 ambulance soon arrived and rushed him to Childr

19、ens Hospital 39 he was operated on immediately. Doctors told his mum there was little chance of Andrew being able to walk again. The damage to his body was so bad and the cuts in his legs so deep that the 40 (operate) took 11 hours. After a couple of weeks, he 41 (allow) to go home but had to spend

20、the next six weeks in a wheelchair. 42 the help of his doctor, this brave young boy returned to school after only two and a half months. 43 (look) back on the accident, Andrew says he believes children can do 44 they want 45 they put their mind to it. III 阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列

21、短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AIt was a quarter past nine as Marie hurried into the office building where she would be working. Her bus had inched along through heavy morning traffic, making her a few minutes late for her very first job. She decided she would start out half an hour earl

22、ier the next day. Once inside the building, she had to stand at the lifts and wait several minutes before one arrived. When she finally reached the office marked King Enterprises, she knocked at the door nervously and waited. There was no answer. She tapped on the door again, but still there was no

23、reply. From inside the next office, she could hear the sound of voices, so she opened the door and went in. Although she was sure it was the same office she had been in two weeks before when she had had the interview with Mr. King, it looked quite different now. In fact, it hardly looked like an off

24、ice at all. The employees were just standing around chatting and smoking. At the far end of the room, somebody must have just told a good joke, she thought, because there was a loud burst of laughter as she came in. For a moment she had thought they were laughing at her. Then one of the men looked a

25、t his watch, clapped his hands and said something to the others. Quickly they all went to their desks and, in a matter of seconds, everyone was hard at work. No one paid any mind to Marie. Finally she went up to the man who was sitting at the desk nearest to the door and explained that this was her

26、first day in the office. Hardly looking up from his work, he told her to have a seat and wait for Mr. King, who would arrive at any moment. Then Marie realised that the days work in the office began just before Mr. King arrived. Later she found out that he lived in Connecticut and came into Manhatta

27、n on the same train every morning, arriving in the office at 9:35, so that his staff knew exactly when to start working.46. Marie felt nervous when she knocked at the door because _.A. she had never met the boss once beforeB. she was a little bit late for workC. she was afraid that she had gone to t

28、he wrong placeD. there was no answer from inside the office47. Marie could hardly recognise the office she went into as _.A. she had been there only onceB. Mr. King was not in the officeC. nobody was doing any workD. the office had a new appearance48. The people in the office suddenly started workin

29、g because _.A. they saw a stranger in the officeB. they had finished their morning breakC. no one wanted to talk to MarieD. the boss was about to arrive49. We can infer (推断) from the passage that the employees of the enterprise _.A. would start their work day by listening to a jokeB. were considerat

30、e to newcomersC. were always punctual for workD. lacked devotion to the company50. What is probably the best title for the passage?A. Punctual Like a ClockB. A Cold WelcomeC. An Unpunctual ManagerD. Better Late Than NeverBA small piece of fish each day may keep the heart doctor away. That s the find

31、ing of a study of Dutch men in which deaths from heart disease were more than 50 percent lower among those who consumed at least an ounce of salt water fish per day compared to those who never ate fish.The Dutch research is one of three human studies that give strong scientific support to the long h

32、eld belief that eating fish can provide health benefits, particularly to the heart.Heart disease is the number-one killer in the United States, with more than 550,000 deaths occurring from heart attacks each year. But previous research has shown that the level of heart disease is lower in cultures t

33、hat consume more fish than Americans do. There are fewer heart disease deaths, for example, among the Eskimos of Greenland, who consume about 14 ounces of fish a day, and among the Japanese, whose daily fish consumption averages more than 3 ounces.For 20 years, the Dutch study followed 852 middle-ag

34、ed men, 20 percent of whom ate no fish.At the start of the study, average fish consumption was about two-thirds of an ounce each day, with more men eating lean fish than fatty fish.During the next two decades, 78 of the men died from heart disease. The fewest deaths were among the group who regularl

35、y ate fish, even at levels far lower than those of the Japanese or Eskimos. This relationship was true regardless of other factors such as age, high blood pressure, or blood cholesterol (胆固醇) levels.51. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. The Dutch research has proved that

36、 eating fish can help to prevent heart disease.B. People who regularly eat fish never suffer from hear disease.C. Heart disease causes more deaths in America than any other disease.D. There is a low level of heart disease in such countries as Japan and Greenland.52. The underlined words “lean fish”

37、(paragraph 5) roughly mean “_”.A. large fishB. fresh fishC. fish that live in salt waterD. fish that have little fat53. The passage is mainly about _.A. the high incidence of heart disease in some countriesB. the effect of fish eating on peoples healthC. the changes in peoples dietD. the daily fish

38、consumption of people in different cultures54. We can infer from the passage that there are fewer heart disease deaths _.A. in DutchB. in AmericaC. in the countries with high consumption of fishD. in the countries with good production of fish55. The phrase “this relationship” (paragraph 6) refers to

39、 the connection between _ and the level of heart disease.A. the amount of fish eaten B. regular fish-eatingC. the kind of fish eaten D. people of different areasCIm usually fairly doubtful about any research that concludes that people are either happier or unhappier or more or less certain of themse

40、lves than they were 50 years ago. While any of these statements might be true, they are practically impossible to prove scientifically. Still, I was struck by a report which concluded that todays children are significantly more anxious than children in the 1950s. In fact, the analysis showed, normal

41、 children aged 9 to 17 exhibit a higher level of anxiety today than children who were treated for mental illness 50 years ago. Why are Americas kids so stressed? According to the report there are two main causes: increasing loneliness brought on by high divorce rates and little communication with so

42、ciety, among other things and a growing perception that the world is a more dangerous place. Given that we cant turn the clock back, adults can still do plenty to help the next generation handle such difficulties. At the top of the list is giving children a better appreciation of the limits of indiv

43、idualism (个人主义). No child is an island. Strengthening social ties helps protect individuals against stress. To help kids build stronger connections with others, you can pull the plug on TVs and computers. Your family will thank you later. They will have more time for face-to-face relationships, and

44、they will get more sleep. Limit the amount of virtual (虚拟的) violence your children are exposed to. Its not just video games and movies; children see a lot of murder and crime on the local news. Keep your expectations for your children reasonable. Many highly successful people never attended Harvard

45、or Yale. Make exercise part of your daily routine. It will help you deal with your own anxieties and provide a good model for your kids. Sometimes anxiety is unavoidable. But it doesnt have to ruin your life. 56. The author thinks that the conclusions of any research comparing peoples state of mind

46、today with peoples state of mind in the past are_. A. surprising B. confusing C. interesting D. questionable57. What does the author mean when he says, “we cant turn the clock back”(Paragraph 3)? A. Its impossible to slow down the pace of change. B. The social reality children are facing cannot be c

47、hanged. C. Lessons learned from the past should not be forgotten. D. Its impossible to forget the past. 58. According to the analysis, compared with normal children today, children treated as mentally ill 50 years ago_. A. had little communication with friends B. were probably less self-centered C.

48、probably suffered less from anxiety D. were considered less individualistic 59. The first and most important thing parents should do to help their children is _. A. to provide the children with a safer environment B. to lower their expectations for the children C. to get the children more active soc

49、ially D. to set an example for the children to follow 60. What conclusion can be drawn from the passage? A. Anxiety, though unavoidable, can be dealt with. B. Childrens anxiety has been taken too seriously. C. Childrens anxiety can disappear with more parental care. D. Anxiety, if properly controlle

50、d, may help children become mature.第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)下面是一篇应用文及其应用场合的信息,请阅读下列应用文和相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。请在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项字母涂黑。Banbury House Tel: 564839Enjoy mixing with other students in comfortable accommodation? 10 minutes walk to the university district and close to all main bus stops. Single and d

51、ouble rooms. Students provide own food but all cleaning services offered. Please bring your own bedding.Enjoy mixing with other students in luxury accommodation 10 minute walk to the university district and close to all main bus routes. Single and double rooms. Students provide own food but all clea

52、ning services offered. Please bring your own linen.首先,请阅读下列的应用文:Three Seasons Tel: 445987We can provide all types of accommodation for all types of single student. Rooms are fully furnished with bedding and there are four bathrooms each floor. Meals provided. 30 minutes walk to the university and ci

53、ty centre. We can provide all types of accommodation for all types of single student. Rooms are fully furnished with linen and four bathrooms each floor. Full board possible. 3540 minutes from main universities and city. First Stop Tel: 223300Suitable for new students. We provide double rooms. If yo

54、u wish, we can offer assistance in finding a suitable person to share a room with. All washing and cleaning services offered at extra charge. Large canteen and three bathrooms on each floor. Sports centre next floor.Sturtin Hotel Tel: 876333Located in pleasant countryside surroundings. We offer scen

55、ic views and old-world attractiveness. Relax after a long day by swimming in the pool or using the exercise gym. Separate study rooms available. No children. Bar & restaurant.Downtown Digs Tel: 882312Do you worry that youll not have enough money to see the term through? Dont waste it on expensive ho

56、using. This is a hostel(宿舍, 旅店) for students run by students. No references and no rules. Shared bathroom, dormitory accommodation.Must provide own linen. All cleaning operates on a rota system. Singles only.Hilton Hostel Tel: 846241Its not quite the Hilton Hotel but all rooms are fully furnished wi

57、th meals, bedding and cleaning services included. Walking distance to the university and bus stops to the city downtown. Minimum stay period of six months. Singles only.请阅读以下5人的个人信息, 然后匹配人物和适合他们住的地方:61. As the daughter of a famous heart surgeon Sarah is used to living in comfort and doesnt want thin

58、gs to change. Now she is starting university. She doesnt like to cook for herself when she could be lazing around the swimming pool.62. John is looking for a room near the university. He is on a very limited budget so he wants to share with his classmate to minimize expenses.63. Billy is a party boy

59、 who is more interested in having fun than studying. He doesnt like people telling him what to do or when to do it. Money is very tight so he also has to work part time to make ends meet.64. Melinda and her husband are visiting students at the university for one year. They need a comfortable room fr

60、om where it is convenient to get to the university as they have no car.65. Edna doesnt like cooking. She is looking for accommodation that is reasonably convenient to both the university where she is studying and the downtown where she works.人物 住宿61. Sarah A. Banbury House62. JohnB. Three Seasons 63

61、. Billy C. First Stop64. Melinda. D. Sturtin Hotel65. Edna E. Downtown Digs F. Hilton HostelIV、写作(共两节,满分为40分)第一节:基础写作(共1小题,满分15分)假设你去泰国旅游后,当地导游John请你在反馈表上写下对该旅行社提供的服务的意见或建议。写作内容1. 表示对旅行社提供的服务总体感到满意。2. 当地导游对游客非常热情,体贴,耐心照顾团中的老人。3导游对游地讲解清晰、生动,增长了我们的见闻。4提出饭馆提供的膳食不合口味。5我们有些人不得不自买食物。6建议应该多提供货真价实的购物场所。写作要求

62、1. 必须使用5个句子介绍全部所给的内容;2. 将5个句子组织成连贯的短文。第二节:读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。Students should think now about what extracurricular (课外的) activities theyd like to participate in. Participating in extracurricular activities may help you deepen your physical, creative, social, political, and c

63、areer interests by bringing you into communication with other like-minded people you didnt previously know.You can join groups as a way to get support from other students. A club or group can also be a great way to meet people who are different from you. Lots of youth programs bring people together

64、with those who are different as a way to break down the barriers between people. Participating in extracurricular activities helps you in other ways, too. It looks good on college and job applications and shows admissions officers and employers youre well-rounded and responsible. Specific activities

65、 help with specific goals.The most basic reason for joining a club or team is that it gives you something better to do than staring at the wall, wandering the hall, or sleeping all afternoon. People who are participating are less likely to pick up bad habits, like smoking or drinking.写作内容1概括短文的内容要点,

66、该部分的字数大约60词左右;2就“学生是否应该参与课外活动”这个主题发表你的看法,至少包含以下的内容要点,该部分的字数大约90词左右:a) 简述你们学校有哪些课外活动;b) 你认为课外活动能给你的学习生活带来什么;c) 你认为学生应如何处理好学习和课外活动之间的关系。写作要求你可以使用实例或其它论述方法支持你的观点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不要抄袭阅读材料中的句子。2006-2007学年度桂城中学小塘分校高三英语备考训练综合测试参考答案(共1页)I、听力1. B 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. B 11. B 12. A 13. A

67、14. C 15. C16. Pool Centre 17. Monday/ Mon 18. $20/ 20 dollars 19. 10 hours 20. swim skills testII、语言知识及应用21. A 22. B 23. D 24. C 25. B 26. A 27. B 28. D 29. C 30. D 31. B 32. A 33. A 34. D 35. C36. him37. while38. The39. where 40. operation 41. was allowed42. With43. Looking44. whatever/ what 45. i

68、f / when III、阅读46. B 47. C 48. D 49. D 50. B 51. B 52. D 53. B 54. C 55. B56. D 57. B 58. C 59. C 60. A 61. D 62. C 63. E 64. A 65. BIV. 写作基础写作I am quite satisfied with the travel agency. First of all, the local tour guide John was very enthusiastic and considerate to all tourists,especially to the

69、older people. The local tour guide explained everything about the places we visited in a clear and lively way, which helped us broaden our horizons. However, the food provided in the restaurant didnt agree with many of us and quite a few of us had to buy extra food. In addition, we wanted to be take

70、n to the shops where we could buy good bargains but were not. 读写任务The author (The passage) discussed the benefit of extracurricular activities including being a way to improve students health, widen their social circle and introduce them to new ideas and people. (30 words)Our school offers many diff

71、erent kinds of after-school activities. These include sports, music and drama. Im one of the members of drama club. I think it is very important for students to participate in extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities can improve our social life, introducing us to new people outside our

72、 class or school. In addition, they can reduce the stress and pressure we experience as the result of our studies. Also, they can bring us a lot of enjoyment. If we feel fresh and relaxed we can study better, so they will also be good for our grades. Thus, in my view, if we focus too much on any one thing, either study or after-school activities will be negatively affected. But with the right balance both can improve. (128 words)高三英语综合测试 第11页 (共10页)

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