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06-07学年同步测控优化训练高三英语UNIT3 A卷(附答案).doc

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06-07学年同步测控优化训练高三英语UNIT3 A卷(附答案).doc_第1页
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06-07学年同步测控优化训练高三英语UNIT3 A卷(附答案).doc_第6页
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1、本作品版权由冯军老师所有,授权予北京校园之星科技有限公司,任何机构或个人均不得擅自复制、传播。本公司热忱欢迎广大一线教师加入我们的作者队伍。有意者请登录高考资源网()版权所有,盗用必究!共6页第6页高三英语同步检测(五)Unit 3The land down under(A卷).单词拼写根据下列句子及所给汉语注释写出空缺的各单词的正确形式,每空一词。1Modern Australia is made up of six states and two (地区).答案territories2The Sheltlanders(设得兰人) are on (岛屿的) race.答案island3Nobo

2、dy believed his (断言)that he was innocent.答案claim4Some Australian (土著居民)live in a similar way to their ancestors.答案Aborigines5He cant grasp the basic (概念)of mathematics.答案concepts6Jim has an average level of (词汇) for a 3yearold.答案vocabulary7People (发音)the word differently in this part of the country.

3、答案pronounce8Some publishers are now (多种经营) into software.答案diversifying9Although they are twins,they look (完全地) different.答案entirely10Its a (犯罪) to waste money like that.答案crime.单句理解从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出与所给句子意义相同或相近的选项。1Captain James Cook went on a scientific journey and claimed the east coast of the cont

4、inent for British crown.A.Captain Cook found the continent by travelling.B.Cook found the continent and said it belongs to Britain.C.Cook found the continent and said it belongs to the crown.D.Cook found the continent and said the east coast of the continent belongs to Britain.答案D2Some Australian Ab

5、origines still live in a similar way to their ancestors,while others live in cities,towns and the country in the same way as their fellow Australians.A.Some Aborigines live in the same way as their ancestors,but others live in the same way as the major Australians.B.All Aborigines live in the same w

6、ay as their ancestors.C.All Aborigines live in the same way as the major Australians.D.All above are wrong.答案A3Some of the vocabulary used “down under” is quite different from what you may have learnt in your English class.A.Some of the vocabulary used “down under” to show different meaning in Engli

7、sh.B.“Down under” is a different way to speak English.C.Some vocabulary in Australian English is different from we have learnt in our English lesson.D.Australian English is difficult than American English.答案C4Australia was chosen as a new place where prisoners and criminals were sent.A.The Australia

8、n land was used by the prisoners.B.Australia was used as prison by Britain.C.All Australians want to send prisoners to England.D.Australians were chosen as persons who sent prisoners.答案B5Australia is a young country on an ancient continent.A.Australians are growing old.B.Australians ancestors are ol

9、der than the continent.C.The country is young,the continent is old and has a long history.D.Australians are younger than their country.答案C.用所给词的适当形式填空。fellowgovernresembletransformstrengthenconceptentirebarriermediumdiffer1Our tastes from each other.答案differ2They are my at school.答案fellows3The broth

10、ers each other in taste.答案resemble4She is a girl of height.答案medium5A small baby has no of right and wrong.答案concept6Their opinion is opposite to ours.答案entirely7Heat can water into steam.答案transform8The crowd had to stand behind .答案barriers9It is a systematic attempt to our competitive ability.答案st

11、rengthen10Who really this country?答案governs.句型转换在B句空缺处填入适当的词,使完成后的句子与A句意思相同或相近,每空一词。1A:The reason why he took Swiss nationality in 1901 is still a question.B: he took Swiss nationality in 1901 a question.答案Why;remains2A:Australians like their language and love to have fun with it.B:Australians are t

12、heir language and love to have fun with it.答案fond of3A:I didnt recognize her until she said hello to me.B: was not until she said hello to me I recognized her.答案It;that4A:He added some wood to the fire in case it might go out.B:He kept the fire by some wood to it.答案burning;adding5A:Aborigines still

13、live in a similar way to their ancestors.B:Aborigines still live in as their ancestors.答案the same.单项选择从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1 they speak their own kind of English.A.Down underB.Under downC.UnderD.Down解析down under意为“在澳大利亚”。答案A2Modern Australia six states and two territories.A.is made up ofB.is

14、 making up of C.is made fromD.is made of 解析be made up of强调组成整体的部分。答案A3For holidays many people visit the Great Barrier Reef the northeast coast of Australia.A.fromB.farC.offD.by 解析off有“远离”之意。答案C4Australian English pronunciation from British English.A.differentB.differenceC.differD.differs in 解析A为形容词

15、,B为名词,C为动词,在某方面有不同之处应用differ in。答案D5In the early twentieth century,Australia the USA of the eighteenth century.A.is resembledB.is resemblingC.resembledD.resemblance解析resemble不可用于被动语态和进行时态,D为名词。答案C6He is seriously ill.Send him to hospital;.A.theres no a moment to loseB.theres not a momentC.theres no

16、a moment to be lostD.theres no a moment losing解析意为“刻不容缓”,不定冠词相当于any,因此用not不用no。答案B7You neednt pay,its .A.nothingB.freeC.no moreD.busy解析free意为“免费的”。答案B8Of all the colors,yellow is my .A.favoriteB.best color C.bestD.love解析空格处意为“最喜欢的”。答案A9He worked hard but only earned a little money,such his fate.A.ar

17、eB.isC.wasD.were解析such作代词,谓语动词由其后的主语决定。答案C10If the peasants could farm the land themselves,food production would be .A.much higherB.very higherC.much highD.very much解析表比较,但very不可修饰比较级。答案A11Does anyone make a this book?A.claim toB.claim forC.claim onD.claim against解析本题中claim用作名词,与动词make连用,表示“认领”时,mak

18、e a claim后接介词to。答案A12Do you want an umbrella to the rain?A.keep backB.keep offC.keep onD.keep from解析本题主要是分辨几个keep短语。题意是要表示用伞挡雨,故应该用keep off the rain。keep back意为“忍住”;keep on为“继续”之意;而keep from后接doing sth.表示“不做某事”,都与题意不符。答案B13The visit of the police was not the lost child.A.joined toB.joined withC.conn

19、ectedD.connected with解析本题主要是区别join to与connect with。join to意为“连接”,主要指物质的东西;而connect with也有此意,但除表示物质的东西相连接外,还可表示事情之间的某种联系,本题显然表示的是后者之意,故用connect with。答案D14Too terrible!I cant that noise any longer.It will drive me crazy.A.keepB.standC.holdD.touch解析表示“忍受”动词用stand,其余选项均无此意。答案B15Its difficult to a conver

20、sation with someone who only says “yes” and “no”.A.pick upB.put upC.given upD.keep up解析本题的意思是“同一个只说是或不是的人维持交流是困难的”,表示“维持,保持,继续”,用keep up。pick up意为“拾起”;put up意为“举起”;give up 意为“放弃”,都不合题意。答案D16We should put some money for future use.A.onB.upC.awayD.out解析本题是要辨析几个put 短语。本题是要表达将钱存起来以备将来之用,故应该用put away。put

21、 on为“穿上”之意;put up为“举起”之意;put out表示“熄灭,关掉”,都不能用在本题中。答案C17We are all the other teams at present.A.very ahead ofB.well ahead ofC.very head forD.well ahead for解析表示“领先,超过”,用be ahead of,但修饰此短语时,不能用very,而应用well。故选B。答案B18You should take your raincoat with you it might rain on the way.A.in caseB.so thatC.bec

22、ause ofD.as if解析本题主要是检测对几个引导状语从句的连词的理解和掌握,根据题意,带伞是以防下雨,在四个选项中,in case用来指预防措施,提前做某些事以保证安全,或为以后要出现的问题作预先准备,本题即是此意。答案A19We have a lot of food in for the bad weather.A.storeB.effectC.useD.search解析表示准备或储存某物以备将来之需,用in store。in effect意为“生效”;in use表示“使用”;in search for则是“寻找”之意,用在本题中都不妥。故选A。答案A20Our car got i

23、n the mud,which delayed our journey.A.brokenB.stoppedC.stuckD.lost解析表示“陷于中”,用get stuck in,get一般不与broken或stopped连用,这两个过去分词一般与be构成被动语态;get lost意为“迷路”,与题意不符。答案C.单句改错下面每句中有一处错误,请改正。1Australia is the only country in the world where covers an entire continent.答案wherewhich2Australia is a wealth country.答案w

24、ealthwealthy3The climate is different depend on the area.答案dependdepending4China is so old as time.答案soas5The seventh point stands all the territories.答案all前加for6What was the problem to Australias constitution?答案towith7A long fence runs for hundred of kilometres.答案hundredhundreds8The workers are pai

25、nted the walls pink.答案paintedpainting9He is having his hair cutting.答案cuttingcut10Two plus two are four.答案areis.汉译英1对同学要尽可能友好一些。答案Try to be as friendly to your classmates as possible.2棉花可以制成布。答案Cotton can be made into cloth.3到上学期为止,我们已学了2000个英语单词了。答案By the end of last term,we had learned 2000 English words.4假如你愿意,你可以和我一起去欧洲旅行。答案You can take a trip to Europe with me if you like.5大厅里没有这么大的空间来容纳这么多的人。答案There is not so much room for so many people in the hall.


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