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2018年人教新课标高中英语必修三课件:UNIT4 LANGUAGE POINTS .ppt

1、Unit 4 Reading I1.However,according to a widely accepted theory,the universe began with a“Big Bang”that threw matter in all begin with和 to start with:两个词组都有“以开始”的意思.1)to begin with 以为起点;开始(做)2)to start with 以.开始;从着手;由作为开头这两个词组都可以单独使用,表示“首先;第一;起初;最初”.在句中作时间状语.e.g.To begin/start with,I c

2、ouldnt understand every word.起初,我一句也没弄明白.2.What it was to become was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust settled into a solid globe.1._(使大家吃惊的是)is that he didnt come to the meeting.What surprised everybody 2._(他所做的)added to our difficulty.What he did 3.The earth becam

3、e so violent that it was not clear whether the solid shape would last or not.问题是地球开始变得激烈动荡,不知道这个固体形状是否会继续下去。n.固体solid,liquid,gasadj.固体的;实心的,无空隙的;结实的,坚固的solid fuelssolid fooda solid spheresolid furniturea man of solid build1)Matter has three states:solid,liquid and gas.2)When water freezes,it becomes

4、 solid and we call it ice.4.It exploded loudly with fire and rock.1).(使某物)炸开,爆炸2).(指感情)激发3).(指人口)突然或迅速增加The firework exploded in his hand and he was hurt seriously.I was frightened when she exploded into loud laughter.Now it is not easy to find jobs with the exploding population.explosion n.爆炸(声)exp

5、losive adj.爆炸性的,易爆炸的 n.炸药,爆炸物 5.They were in time to produce carbon,nitrogen,water vapour and other gasesin time(for sth/to do sth):not late 及时;不迟She will be back in time to prepare dinner.她来得及回来准备晚饭。in time:sooner or later;eventually 迟早;最后Ill see him in time.总有一天我会遇见他。in/out of time:in/not in the c

6、orrect time 合/不合节拍The audience clapped in time to the music.观众合着音乐的节拍拍手。6.What is even more important is that as the earth cooled down,water began to appear on its surface.随着地球的冷却,地球的表面就开始出现了水。cool adj.凉快;冷静;冷淡v.(使)变冷;冷静下来1)Lets sit in the shade and get cool.2)I knew I had to keep cool.3)His play re

7、ceived a cool response from the public.4)The rain has cooled the air.5)Let your soup cool a little before you drink it.6)A heated argument can be settled better if both sides cool down first.7)I tried to cool her down but she was still very angry when she left.7.It was not immediately obvious that w

8、ater was to be fundamental to the development of life.水会对于生命的发展起关键作用,这一点在当时并不太明显.本句体现的是名词性从句在句中作主语的作用,虽然是以It开头,可是It只起到形式主语的作用,真正的主语是that water was to be fundamental to the development of life.用It做形式主语是因为that引导的从句较长,如果按照正常语序来安排的话就显得头重脚轻了.如:It is no wonder that he has passed the exam.8.What many scien

9、tists believe is that the continued presence of water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acidsinto the oceans and seas.allow vt.允许、许可、容许allow+n./pron./doing allow do be allowed to doMy father doesnt allow smoking at home.In fact he doesnt allow us to smoke anywhere at any time.父亲不

10、允许在家里吸烟。实际上,他不允许我们在任何地方任何时候吸烟。Are we allowed to use the computer?我们可以用电脑么?be harmful to 对有害do harm to sb.=do sb.harm 伤害某人,对某人有害处1)Pollution is especially harmful to animals.2)Smoking will do you a lot of harm.1.The foreign Minister said,“_ is our hope that the two sides will work towards peace.”2.I

11、like _ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright.9.This produced a chain reaction,which made it possible for life to develop.Ititit作形式宾语,其真正的宾语可x不定式,动名词和从句。3.Why dont you bring _ to his attention that you are too busy to do it?it4.Why?I have nothing to confess.What is it _ you want me to sa

12、y?A.What is it that B.What it is thatC.How is it that D.How it is that5.Was it at the school _ was named after a hero _ he spent his childhood?A.which;that B.where;whereC.that;where D.which;wherethatwhichthat10.They multiplied and filled the oceans and seas with oxygen.multiply(数目上)增加,增多;乘;(使)繁殖1)Ou

13、r problems have multiplied since last year.2)2 and 5 multiply to make 10.4)The plants here multiply rapidly.3)6 multiplied by 5 is 30.=Multiply 6 by 5 to make 30.11.which encouraged the later developmentof early shellfish and all sorts of fish.encourage 鼓舞;促进;怂恿。后接名词、代词,也可接不定式作宾语补足语。如:High prices fo

14、r corn and wheat will encourage farming.玉米和小麦的高价将促进农业的发展。My success encouraged me to continue.我的成功鼓励我继续干下去。He encouraged me to learn dancing.他鼓励我去学跳舞。development(1)U成长,发育;发展(过程);扩展The development of this industry will take several years.这项工业的发展要经过几年的时间。(2)C开发区,新社区a new housing development 新建住宅区(3)C进

15、化,进展;新情况,新闻What are the latest developments?The use of computers in teaching is a recent development.教学上使用计算机是新近才有的事.12.Others,called amphibians,were able to live on land as well as in the water.另外一些叫作两栖动物,它们既能在陆地上生活也能在水里生存.as well as 表示“(除.之外)也;既又”.如:Im learning French as well as English.我学英语之外还学法语

16、.He grows flowers as well as vegetables.他既种菜也种花.13.They produced young generally by laying eggs.Its generally believed that一般认为 generally speaking 一般而言,概括来说1)Its generally believed that girls work harder than boys do.2)Generally speaking,women cry more easily than men.14.They produced young generall

17、y by laying eggs.它们一般是通过孵蛋而繁衍后代的.Lie,lie,lay 的区别如下:动词原形第三人称单数过去式 过去分词现在分词中文释义lieliesliedliedlying撒谎;谎话lie lieslaylainlying躺;位于laylayslaidlaidlaying放置;下蛋15.small clever animals,now with hands and feet,appeared and spread all over the散布,传播,蔓延,伸展,扩展vt.铺开,摊开1)The news spread through the school

18、 very quickly.2)Theres a desert spreading for hundreds of miles.3)He spread out his arms to welcome us.4)I spread a new cloth on the table.16.They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere,which prevents heat from escaping from the earth into space.阻止某人做某事:prevent sb.(from)doing

19、op sb.(from)doing sth.keep sb.from doing sth.1)We must prevent them from making trouble.2)You should prevent the child from injuring himself.If nothing prevents,如果没有什么阻碍的话,17.So whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved.在未

20、来的千百万年中,生命能否在地球一延续将取决于这个问题能否得到解决。depend vi.相信,信赖;依靠,依赖(尤指钱);视而定 You can depend on John he is always on time.你可以相信约翰,他总是很准时。相关短语:believe sb.相信某人(所说的话)believe in sb.信任/信赖某人trust(in)sb.相信/信任/信赖某人depend oncount on sb.rely on 信任/相信/依赖/依靠某人 PracticeI.用所给动词的适当形式填空。make,watch,wonder,be,cool,multiply,begin,e

21、xist,explodeWhere do we come from?How did the universe_?When we _ the stars through the telescope,we _ why the universe _ .After the“Big Bang”,the earth _ just a cloud of energetic dust.beginwatchwonderexistswasSomehow it _ loudly with fire and Rock,which _ the earths atmosphere.As the earth _ down,water _ to appear on its surface,which was important for the beginning of life.Then living things _ on the earth.madecooledbeganmultipliedexplodedHomework1.Read Reading I aloud.2.Do Workbook Ex.1,Ex.2 on P.63.

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