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《成才之路》2014-2015高中英语外研版必修4同步练习:MODULE 5 第1课时.doc

1、Module 5 第一课时.根据所给汉语意思或首字母提示拼写单词1Their food supply decreased when they were lost in the_.(树林)2Much of the countryside in East England is very_(平坦的)3Brad sat at his desk, s_by books and papers.4The wide track_(变狭窄) before crossing another stream.5In some area, it is now forbidden to e_mineral resourc

2、es.6Such trees can be found in the _(平原)7The market for sporting g_in America is enormous.8Smoking is not a _ in public.9_(贸易)between China and Sweden has increased.10We judged the d _ to be about 10 miles.答案:1.woods2.flat3.surrounded4.narrows5.exploit6.plains7.goods8.allowed9.Trade10.distance.完成句子1

3、该镇四周围着城墙。The town _walls.2今天他像往常一样穿着一套三件套西装。Today,_,he is wearing a threepiece suit.3由于他母亲生病,他请了一周假。He_because of his mothers illness.4这个妥协将使他得以继续他的自由市场改革。The compromise will_continue his free market reforms.5你永远也不会知道她为了教育孩子吃了多少苦。You will never know what she_to educate her children.6听他说话的口气,他好像是位伟大的

4、学者。He_he is a great scholar.7老人被那个孩子的诚挚所感动。The old man _the childs sincerity.8他的声音充满了赞美之情。His voice_compliments.9他打算在乡下度假。He_a holiday in the countryside.10他们有数年与西方做生意的经验。They had years of experience of_the West.答案 surrounded by/ a week off4.allow him to5.went

5、unds like7.was impressed by8.was heavy to have 10trading with.语法填空1Will $ 200 cover the cost of the damage?Im afraid not, I need_$ 100 more.答案:at least句意:200美元够支付这项损失的费用吗?恐怕不够,我至少还需要100美元。2After class, the teacher stood in the front of the classroom, usually_(surround)by many students.答案:su

6、rrounded句意:下课后,老师站在教室前面,经常被很多学生包围着。surround包围,由句意可知用其过去分词。3Some people of this town used to trade_grain and vegetables.答案:in句意:这个乡镇的一些人们过去做一些谷物和蔬菜的生意。trade in做生意。4Every student as well as teachers who _(visit)the museum tomorrow is asked to be at the school gate on time.答案:are to visitwho引导的定语从句,先行词

7、为teachers,故谓语应为复数;又因为该动作表示一种“有安排”的行为,故用be to do。5The garden was heavy_ the scene of summer when we were taking a walk there.答案:with句意:当我们在花园里散步时,那里到处充满着夏天的景色。be heavy with充满。6The river has_ a lot because of the dry season, so I can swim across it easily.答案:risen考查动词辨析。句意:旱季使这条河变窄(narrow)了,因此我能很容易地游过

8、这条河。7When I came in, I saw my daughter sitting _the edge of my bed, seeming to be reading something.答案:on句意:当我进来的时候,我看见我女儿坐在我的床边上,似乎正在读着什么。“坐在床边”表示在表面之上。8Mary got off the bus. There_a boy she had never seen before, who was waiting for her, with some flowers in his hands.答案:stood考查倒装。句意:玛丽下了公共汽车,一个她以

9、前从来没见过的男孩站在那里,手捧鲜花正在等她。there是一个副词,作地点状语,位于句首时引起句子的完全倒装。故用stood。9Shall we go camping this weekend?_great. Lets do it!答案:Sounds句意:这个周末我们去野营好吗?听起来不错,我们去吧!Sounds great听起来不错,用于赞同对方的提议。10After graduation from college, I took some time _to go travelling, which turned out to be a wise decision.答案:off句意:大学毕业

10、以后,我花了一些时间去旅游,这证明是一个明智的选择。 放假,休息,符合句意。.阅读理解AIn our world today, the media and entertainment industries are constantly focusing on beauty over brains. Movies, television shows, commercials, and magazines all utilize models and actors whose physical attributes will sell their product.As our co

11、untry becomes more obsessed with trying to reduce the obesity numbers, eating disorder statistics continue to increase due to the push for thinner people. While obesity is a serious medical condition that can lead to many health problems, many of us try to lose weight for appearance purposes. Childr

12、en as young as elementary school age have begun to worry about the numbers_that_appear_on_the_scale. In my opinion, it seems that “fat” has become the new “ugly”Two weeks ago, 37yearold Wisconsin television reporter Jennifer Livingston, with 235 pounds, received an email from a man named Krause. In

13、the email Krause attacked her, writing, “Your physical condition hasnt improved for many years. Surely you dont consider yourself a suitable example for this communitys young people, girls in particular.”Today, it seems that a vast majority of people care more about how they look and appear to their

14、 peers rather than what is on the inside. The truth is that every person is built differently; we all come in different shapes and sizes. Just because someone is heavier doesnt mean they eat large amounts of junk food and lounge around all day. Likewise, even though a person is thin, that doesnt mea

15、n they are necessarily healthy and fit.If you are reading this and you struggle with your weight or your appearance, please recognize that you are beautiful and special in your own way. You are worth so much more than you realize, and even if I dont know you, understand that I respect and support yo

16、u. Beauty is not defined by size; it is defined by how we treat others and respect ourselves. In the words of the talented film actress Kirstie Alley, “Theres a lot more to life than how fat or thin you are.”语篇解读:当全民都在减肥的时候;当很多人认为“胖了会很丑”的时候,作者给出了自己的看法:内在美远比外表形象重要,内在美才是真正的美。1With so many people losin

17、g weight, what result will it end in?AModels and actors appearance in ads.BThe fall of media and entertainment industries.CMore and more people becoming obesity.DMore peoples suffering from eating disorder.答案:D细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句的eating disorder statistics continue to increase due to the push for thinn

18、er people可知许多人减肥会带来更多的饮食紊乱。故选D。2The underlined phrase “numbers that appear on the scale” in the second paragraph may mean_Aintelligence BweightCpatience Dstrength答案:B词义猜测题。孩子们担心的就是他们的体重,所以此处numbers that appear on the scale指的是他们的“体重”,所以此处要用weight。故选B。3The writer used the example of Jennifer Livingsto

19、n to show_.Apeople think “fat” looks uglyBfat people are becoming more cleverCphysical condition is goodDyoung people never follow examples答案:A篇章结构题。由第二段最后一句的it seems that“fat”has become the new “ugly”及下一段讲述的Jennifer Livingston的故事可知作者用这个例子来表明人们认为“胖就是丑”。故选A。4What Kirstie Alley said means_.Apeople sho

20、uld pay attention to the appearanceBthere is no need for any people to go on a dietCpeople are beautiful when they concern othersDtheres always someone understanding and supporting you答案:C推理判断题。从文章最后一段的倒数第二句Beauty is not defined by size; it is defined by how we treat others and respect ourselves可知美丽

21、是我们如何对待他人。故选C。5According to the writer, some people become fat because_.Athey dont do much exerciseBthey eat large amounts of junk foodCthey never care about weightDthey are just that kind of heavy person答案:D推理判断题。根据文章第四段第二句的The truth is that every person is built differently;we all come in differen

22、t shapes and sizes.可知作者认为有的人胖,是因为他们本身就是那样的。故选D。BEvery year, thousands of young Europeans set off to explore their continent by train in the summertime. It is a necessary part of growing up. Now you can share this adventure, too.There are so many European places to go: The Eiffel Tower of France, win

23、dmills of the Netherlands and the Colosseum of Rome. How do young people afford to visit everything they want?The answer is the Eurail Pass. This ticket allows a traveller unlimited journeys by rail in European countries which are members of the scheme. Ambitious Chinese travellers can buy the ticke

24、t in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.The most popular type of Eurail Pass among the young people, according to Zhao Jiaji, from China Air Service Ltd, is the Eurail Selectpass. With this you can design your trip by selecting different numbers of neighboring countries from a total 18 nations includin

25、g Liechtenstein, Hungary and Romania.“There are many choices with this pass: in total this range offers over 400 different combinations of countries to choose from!” said Zhao.The Eurail Selectpass gives 5 to 10 travel days within a 2month period.There are also the Eurail Passes which allow you to t

26、ake trains in 17 countries on any day you like. It is valid on a continuous basis for a period of either 15 or 21 days, one, two or three months.If you just want to travel in one or two countries, Eurail Pass also offers two countries passes such as FranceSwitzerland and BelgiumLuxembourg. And count

27、ries like Britain,France and Germany offer a kind of unlimited train travel Eurail Pass.Some tips to save money when buying the Eurail Pass: the 2nd class train is cheaper than the 1st class. And youths under 26 years old or groups can enjoy discounts.For more information, please check out http:/WWW

28、._tteurope,_com.语篇解读: 本文主要讲述在欧洲旅游使用通票的优点:选择范围大,灵活性强,省钱等。6Why are the three tourist spots introduced in Paragraph 2? Because_.Athey are expensive placesByou will have to travel a long distance to visit allCthey are famous places for sightseeingDthey are located in different countries答案:D细节理解题。由文章第二段中

29、“There are so many European places to go: The Eiffel Tower of France, windmills of the Netherlands and the Colosseum of Rome.”及第三段中“This ticket allows a traveller unlimited journeys by rail in European countries which are members of the scheme.”和第四段中“With this you can design your trip by selecting d

30、ifferent numbers of neighboring countries from a total 18 nations.”可知,作者之所以提到埃菲尔铁塔、荷兰的风车和古罗马圆形剧场是因为它们处于欧洲大陆不同的国家。7Which of the following is NOT an advantage of the Eurail Pass?ASecurity. BVarious choices.CWide coverage. DAll kinds of discounts.答案:A细节理解题。由文章第五段中“There are many choices with this pass:

31、 in total this range offers over 400 different combinations of countries to choose from!”及文章倒数第二段中“And youths under 26 years old or groupscan enjoy discounts.”可知,欧洲火车通票的优点在于选择的多样性、广阔的覆盖面及各种各样的折扣等,但安全性没有被提及。8With the Eurail Selectpass,you can_.Astay in Europe for two months or even longerBenjoy a wid

32、e range of combinations of countriesCtake trains on any day you likeDfocus your trip in one or two countries答案:B细节理解题。由文章第五段可知,欧洲自选联票有四百多种组合可供选择。9Which of the following is TRUE?AEurail Pass is like a passport.BYouths under 26 years old cannot buy the 1st class Eurail Pass.CIn Switzerland you cant us

33、e Eurail Selectpass.DWith a kind of Eurail Pass, you can enjoy unlimited train travel in France.答案:D细节理解题。由文章倒数第三段中“And countries like Britain,France and Germany offer a kind of unlimited train travel Eurail Pass.”可知,持欧洲火车通票可以在包括法国在内的一些国家无阻碍地乘火车旅行。10Which is the best title of the passage?ATravel to

34、European CountriesBDesigning Your TravelCEurail PassDHow to Save Money in Your Travel答案:D主旨大意题。通读全文,作者主要讲述使用欧洲通票到欧洲旅游有诸多优点:选择范围大、灵活性强及省钱等。因此Eurail Pass作为文章题目更为合适。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 【全国新课标卷题型】Lake Titicaca, a famous lake in South America, is located on the border between Bol

35、ivia and Peru. But the lives of the ancient people who once lived around the lake and_1_culture was thought to be highly advanced, have long remained a secret. Recently_2_, scientists taking part in an exploration project at the lake have found_3_they believe to be a 1000yearold temple_4_the water.D

36、ivers from the study group have discovered _5_ building scientists think is the remains of a temple built by the people who once lived beside the lake. The project leaders hope to begin raising important materials from the site later this week _6_ bad weather forces a change in their plans. “The sci

37、entists have not yet had the opportunity to study the materials carefully,” said project director, John Aubi. “But some_7_ (put) forward the idea that the remains date from this period because of their_8_(similar) to those found elsewhere.”The research team has so far this year made more than 200 di

38、ves into water 30 metres deep.During these dives,_9_have been recording the ancient remains on film. There will be a meeting, _10_(start) later this year to review the film.1_2._3._4._5._6_7._8._9._10._答案:1whose考查关系词的用法。生活在湖附近的古代人们的生活和他们的文化被认为是先进的。2however考查副词的用法。根据上下文意思可知表转折。3what考查连接词的用法。用what引出宾语

39、从句,在从句中作believe的宾语。4under/beneath/in考查介词的用法。由下文可知是在水下(中)。5a考查冠词的用法。用冠词a修饰名词building,表泛指。6unless考查连词的用法。除非糟糕的天气,否则他们会打捞起一些水下的物质。7have put/are qputting考查动词的时态。根据上文可知此处可用现在完成时,有些人已提出或现在进行时态。8similarity/similarities考查名词的用法。 因前面有their,故用名词。9they考查代词的用法。据上下文意思可知此处用they指那些考查队队员们。10starting考查非谓语动词的用法。start的

40、逻辑主语与句子主语(a meeting)之间是主谓关系,故用现在分词。 【辽宁卷题型】Nate:Gloria,what are your plans for the summer?Gloria:Im going to Thailand _1_two weeks and then Im going to England for three weeks and then back to the US.Nate:Thailand,youre going to Thailand? What are the plans for Thailand?Gloria: Im going with a frien

41、d of _2_(me), Maria and were going to the Bridge_3_the River Kwai and then were going to the beaches and I hope_4_(take) a scuba diving course.Nate:OK, so youve never been Scuba diving before.Gloria: No, Ive only been snorkeling (潜水)Nate:Oh,actually,you know what? I_5_(train) in scuba diving in Thai

42、land in Ko Tao.Gloria: Ah, thats _6_Im going.Nate:Oh,its really good. Its pretty cheap too.Gloria: Yeah, yeah, I got the brochures from that.Nate:Oh,great. So who is this Maria person?Gloria:Shes another teacher, that for two semesters we lived, one semester next door, and_7_semester she lived upsta

43、irs from me and weve just become really, really good friends and then this semester even_8_were not_9_near each other, somehow we still remain being friends_10_we love to go to flea markets and buy cheap kimono.1_2._3._4._5._6_7._8._9._10._答案:1for考查介词。表示一个时间段用for。2mine考查代词。mine在这里表示“我的朋友们”。3over考查介词

44、。我们可以知道桥是建在河上的。不用above是因为它比较常用于表示上下方位。 4to take考查非谓语动词。hope to do sth希望做某事。5got/was trained考查动词时态和语态。I和train是被动关系,用got trained比用was trained更强调动作。6where考查表语从句。从句中成分齐全,因此where作从句的状语,同时整个where从句作is的表语。7another考查代词。由前文可知有两个学期,one.another是固定用法。8though句意:即使我们离对方不近,但我们还是成为了非常好的朋友。even though意为“即使”。9living考查动词时态。由前文she lived upstairs from me可知应用现在进行时。10and考查连词。由空格前面的句意“我们仍然是朋友”和“我们喜欢去跳蚤市场买便宜的商品”可知,两者为并列关系,因此填and。

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