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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家介词和代词小结考点一 介词1常见的几组名词和介词的搭配:attention to对的注意;devotion to对的奉献;a visit to 对的访问;interest in对的兴趣;comments on对的评论;application for对的申请;an influence on对的影响;confidence in 对的信心;contact with与的联系He should be admired for his devotion to improving education.他对改善教育作出的贡献应该得到赞扬。2动词与介词搭配的短语比较多,需要在平时的

2、学习中逐一记忆。dream of 梦想;insist on 坚持;depend on依靠;belong to属于;lead to导致;deal with处理;argue about争论;call on拜访;refer to提到The man insisted on finding a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby.即使我告诉他我住在附近,这个人坚决主张给我找一辆出租车。3介词短语in spite of尽管;in the form of 以的形式;in addition to 除之外还;in vain 徒劳的;in terms

3、 of 就而言;in exchange for 交换;far from 远非The art show was far from being a failure;it was a great success.艺术展览根本谈不上失败,而是十分成功的。His efforts to raise money for his program were in vain because no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets.他为自己的项目筹钱的努力是徒劳的,因为没有人愿意拿出哪怕是一分钱。考点二 代词1it 的用法(1)

4、用于指性别不详、身份不明的人等。The child smiled when it saw its mother.孩子一看见母亲就笑了。(2)it作先行代词代替不定式、v.ing形式、名词性从句,作形式主语或形式宾语。It felt funny watching myself on TV.(it作形式主语,watching myself on TV是真正的主语)在电视上观看自己非常滑稽可笑。He didnt make it clear when and where the meeting would be held.他没有搞清楚在何时何地召开会议。(it作形式宾语,when and where

5、the meeting would be held是真正的宾语)Its no good (no use,useless)v.ing.Its no use complaining without taking action.(2011年高考上海卷)不采取行动而只是抱怨是没有用的。, (3)表示“喜欢、恨”等心理方面的动词后面接it,构成固定结构,这类动词有enjoy,prefer,love,like,hate,dislike,appreciate等。I will appreciate it if you can give me a hand.如果你能帮我一把,我会很感激。How can I he

6、lp it if people dont read the instructions?如果人们不看说明,我有什么办法呢?I hate it when people talk with their mouth full.我讨厌人满嘴食物说话。(4)When it comes to.当涉及到When it comes to saving energy,big changes start with small steps,like turning off the lights.当提到节能的时候,大变化从细微的行动开始比如随手关灯。2one,ones,it和that(1)one替代单数名词,指代上文提

7、到的同类事物中的一个,但不是上文提到的那一个事物,相当于“a单数可数名词”;it替代前面提到的事物。There is still a copy of the book in the library.Will you go and borrow it?图书馆还有一本这样的书。你去把它借来好吗?No,Id rather buy one in the bookstore.不,我宁愿到书店里买一本。(2)thatthe名词,替代前面提到的特指的可数或不可数名词。Few pleasures can equal that(the pleasure)of a cool drink on a hot day.

8、没有一种快乐能等同于在炎热的天气里喝上一杯冷饮所带来的那种快乐。(3)the one表特指,用来替代同类事物中的另一个。When I moved to a new community,I found it different from the one I had stayed in before.当我搬到一个新社区,我发现它与我从前生活的那个社区不同。 3other,the other,others和another(1)other表示“其他的,另外的”,泛指其余的人或物,通常与复数名词或不可数名词连用。Im busy nowcould we talk some other time?我现在很忙

9、我们能换个时间谈吗?(2)the other可单独使用,特指两个人或物中的“另一个”;也可修饰名词表示“另外的”。Ill spend half of my holiday practising English and the other half learning drawing.假期我会把一半的时间用于练习英语,另一半用于练习绘画。(3)others只能单独使用,表示泛指意义,意为“其他的人或事物”,常与some一起出现;特指“其他的全部人或事物”时用the others。Some people like to stay at home on Sunday,but others like t

10、o go to the cinema.星期天,一些人喜欢呆在家里,另一些人则喜欢去看电影。(4)another指“任何一个”“再一”“另一”,作代词或形容词,用于三者或三者以上。The medium believes the price of petrol will rise by more than another two percent.媒体相信石油的价格将会再上涨多于两个百分点。This young man is very clever;he may be another Edison.这个年轻人很聪明,他可能成为另一个爱迪生。4all,both,either,neither和none这

11、些代词均为不定代词,它们的具体用法见下表:语法训练1(2011年高考山东卷)The two girls are so alike that strangers find_difficult to tell one from the other.AitBthemCher Dthat解析:句意:这两个女孩长得如此相像,以至于陌生人觉得很难把她们区分开。本句中 it 用在 find 后作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式短语 to tell one from the other。them,her,that等词均不能作形式宾语或形式主语。答案:A2(2011年高考天津卷)He was a good

12、 student and scored_average in most subjects.Abelow BofCon Dabove解析:句意:他是个好学生,大多数科目都在平均分以上。below average 在平均分以下;of 不与 average 搭配;on average平均;above average在平均分以上。根据句意可知应选D项。答案:D3(2011年高考福建卷)We have various summer camps for your holidays. You can choose_based on your own interests.Aeither BeachCone D

13、it解析:句意:我们有各种各样的暑期夏令营,你可以根据你自己的兴趣选择一个。either两者中任何一个;each每一个;one一个,为泛指,泛指同类事物或人中的某一个;it为特指,特指上文提到的某人或者某事物。根据语境可知,此处应是表示泛指的某一个,在此泛指上句提到的various summer camps中的某一个。答案:C4(2011年高考重庆卷)Silly me! I forget what my luggage looks like.What do you think of_over there?Athe one Bthis Cit Dthat解析:句意:“我真傻!我忘了我的行李什么样

14、了。”“你觉得那边的那个是你的吗?”根据句中的over there可知此处指远处,故用that; the one特指“同类中的一个”,用于指代可数名词,而luggage不可数;this常指近处;it指代“同一物”,均不符合题意。答案:D5(2011年高考上海卷)Graduation is a good time to thank those who have helped you_the tough years.Athrough BupCwith Dfrom解析:考查介词辨析。句意:毕业时是向那些在艰难岁月里帮助了你的人表示感谢的好机会。句中who引导的定语从句中时态是现在完成时,所以用thr

15、ough表示贯穿这些年始终。其他介词不符合句意。答案:A6(2012年沈阳六校联考)Some American women think it is mens business to earn money and _to spend it.Atheirs BtheirCthem Dthey解析:句意:有些美国妇女认为挣钱是男人的事,花钱是她们的事儿。本题中的后半句是并列句,省略了its womens business,因此这里用名词性物主代词theirs,相当于their business。答案:A7(2012年太原模拟)Which of these digital cameras do you

16、 like best?_.They are both expensive and of little use.ANone BNeitherCNothing DNo one解析:考生容易受答语中的both一词的误导而错选B。解题的关键是best:只有在三者以上范围中才能用到最高级,因此问句语意为“这些数码相机中你最喜欢哪个?”结合答语中的内容可以判断出“我一个也不喜欢”。答案: A8The information tells me that the way of education in Canada is quite different from _in China.Aone BitCthat

17、 Dthose解析:句意:这个信息告诉我加拿大的教育方式和中国的教育方式十分不同。that可以替代上文出现的不可数名词或单数可数名词,本句中that指代the way of education。one 虽然也可以代替一个单数可数名词,但表示泛指意义,此处“中国的教育方法”显然是特指。答案:C9(2012年太原模拟)From Mums love,patience and understanding,I have learned what a huge responsibility _is to raise a child.Ait BthatCthis Done解析:考查代词。根据句子结构,可知这

18、里要选it作形式主语,其真正主语是to raise a child。答案:A10(2012年厦门质量检测)Linda,weve used up all the paper.Well,Ill buy _this afternoon.Amany BthemCsome Done解析:考查代词。paper是不可数名词,而some既可以指代可数名词,也可以指代不可数名词,故C项正确。答案:C11(2012年安徽皖南八校联考)Our company is seeking for a manager,especially _with creativity and imagination.Athe one B

19、eachCone Dthat解析:考查代词。the one表示特指;that表示代词,可以代替单数可数名词或不可数名词;one相当于a/an加单数可数名词,表示泛指。根据语意可知此处泛指有创造力和想象力的人,所以用one。答案:C12(2012年西安五校模拟)People working 10 or 11 hours a day are more likely to suffer from health problems than _who go off duty after eight hours.Athose BthatCthese Dthem解析:考查代词的用法。句意:每天工作10或者1

20、1个小时的人比那些工作8小时后下班的人更可能出现健康问题。此处用those是为了避免重复,代替前面出现的people。答案:A13(2012年银川部分中学联考)The river has been terribly polluted and smells sick.Indeed,_should be done to stop it getting worse.Aeverything BsomethingCnothing Danything解析:考查代词的用法。对方提到河流已被污染,闻起来让人恶心,答话人非常赞成对方的观点,认为应该采取“某些措施”来阻止情况恶化,用something代指“某些措

21、施”。答案:B14Have you heard about an iPhone 4?Sure.It is very hot these days.Im thinking about getting _.Aone BthemCthat Dit解析:考查代词用法。此处one指代的是an iPhone 4,表示泛指。答案:A15(2011年温州五校联考)I wish I could offer you some cakes but theres _left.Anothing BnoneCnobody Dno one解析:考查代词的用法。none表示“没有一个,毫无”。句意:我想给你一些蛋糕,可是一块儿都没有了。答案:B7 版权所有高考资源网


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