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2022届高考统考英语人教版一轮复习课时提能练1 必修1 UNIT 1 FRIENDSHIP WORD版含解析.doc

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1、课时提能练(一)必修1Unit 1FriendshipA:知识层面.语境语法填空 A(考查派生词)Li Hua is sitting on the bed, a curl of black hair falling 1loosely (loose) across his forehead. Because the hospital supplies an 2agreeable (agree) environment, he is gaining weight after his 3recovery (recover) from his injury. Three months ago, a t

2、errible earthquake struck his city, which was 4entirely (entire) unexpected and thus caused great 5sufferings (suffer) and losses to the local people. Li Hua got hurt when he was trying to help others. He said, “We are 6powerless (power) to prevent disasters but we can do something about the way we

3、respond to them.”B(考查动词)Although Im a positive person, there is still something that 7upsets (upset) me from time to time. Yesterday I saw Tom and tried to draw his attention but I 8was ignored (ignore). We quarreled last week and it seemed that he was still angry with me. As far as I 9am concerned

4、(concern), something must be done 10to settle (settle) our disagreement. I wish that our friendship would 11be recovered (recover) soon.C(考查句型)There was a time 12when I became crazy about computer games. I played every night, 13forgetting (forget) all about my homework. One day, while 14playing (pla

5、y) games, I suddenly found my computer broke down. I hurried to the Internet bar and went on with the game. Weeks later, I scored 56 in the maths test. It was the first time that I 15had failed (fail) the exam. I realized how foolish I was and decided to change. It didnt take long 16before I got mys

6、elf back and everything returned to normal.语境短文改错(短文中有5处错误)Recently campus violence has become public concern since a series of crimes happened. Many students dislike stay in the classroom all day. Instead, they take plenty of outdoors exercise when they are free. However, quarrels often occur. Some

7、 fail to remain calmly and begin shouting rudely at others, and then fights may break out. In order to prevent such violence, school authorities must take effective measure.【答案】Recently campus violence has become public concern since a series of crimes happened. Many students dislike in the classroo

8、m all day. Instead, they take plenty of exercise when they are free. However, quarrels often occur. Some fail to remain and begin shouting rudely at others, and then fights may break out. In order to prevent such violence, school authorities must take effective .根据提示补全句子 1那是我第三次就如何解决这类问题给他提出建议。It wa

9、s the third time that I had given him tips on how to settle such problems.2直到把课堂上学的东西都记下后,我才开始收拾东西。It was not until I set down all I had learned in class that I started to pack up.3他被告知至少三个月后他才能康复并返回工作岗位。He was told that it would be at least three months before he could recover and return to work.4我

10、们应该学会如何与他人友好相处。We should learn how to get along well with others.5我认为,你在新学校找到几个好朋友并不难。As far as Im concerned,you will have no trouble (in) finding a few good friends in the new school.B:能力层面.阅读理解A(2020洛阳市上学期尖子生第一次联考)I was a newcomer in a class.So was Alice.Thats where the similarity ended.I was tall

11、 and she was small.My thick,black hair had been recently cut short.Her natural blonde hair flowed to her waist and looked great.I was awkward and shy.She wasnt.I couldnt stand her.I considered her my enemy.She liked me.She wanted to be my friend.One day,she invited me over and I said yesI was too sh

12、ocked to answer any other way.No one had invited me over to play.But this girl who wore the latest fashions wanted me to go home with her after school.I got very surprised when she led me into an apartment building.She lived on the fourth floor in a threeroom place with her mother,her stepfather,her

13、 two brothers and her sister.When we got to the room she shared with her sister,she took out a big case of Barbies,which was my next surprise.I would have thought shed outgrown them.I had never played with them.But we sat on the floor of a walkin closet,laughing as we made up crazy stories about the

14、 Barbies.Thats when we found out that we both wanted to be writers when we were older and we both had wild imaginations.We had a great day that afternoon.Our jaws ached from smiling so much.She showed me her wardrobe,which had mostly come from a clothing store down the block.The woman who owned it u

15、sed her as a model sometimes for her newspaper ads and gave her clothes in exchange.Alice had the whole neighborhood charmed.The bookstore owners lent her fashion magazines,the movie theater gave her free passes and the pizza place let her have free slices.Soon I was included in her magic world.We s

16、lept over at each others houses,and spent every free moment together.My dark hair grew and I learned to love being tall.Alice,my first real friend since childhood,taught me an amazing and very surprising thing about making friends that your worst enemy can turn out to be your best friend.【语篇解读】作者讲述了

17、自己小时候与爱丽丝交朋友的经历。原本作者认为自己与爱丽丝有很多不同之处,视爱丽丝为敌人,而爱丽丝却喜欢作者,并邀请作者去她家里。之后,作者更加了解爱丽丝,发现了两人之间更多的相似之处。最后她们成了好朋友。1What made the similarity end?ALeaving the authors old school.BBeing admitted to their new classes.CTheir differences in appearances and personalities.DTheir different demand for friendship and fash

18、ion.C细节理解题。根据第一段的内容可知,两个人不同的外表和性格使得她们的相似之处结束了,故选C。2What did the author think of the Barbies?AAlice was too mature for them.BAlice must have made them by herself.CThey should have been kept well.DThey brought her back to her childhood.A细节理解题。根据第二段中的“she took out a big case of Barbies,which was my nex

19、t surprise.I would have thought shed outgrown them”可知,作者认为爱丽丝已经长大了,不适合再玩芭比娃娃。outgrow意为“因长大而不适用”。故选A。3We can infer from the passage that Alice _Ahelped the author see her own strengthsBwas good with the people around herChelped to bring out the best in the authorDinspired the authors love for fashion

20、B推理判断题。根据第三段第二句“The bookstore owners lent her.free slices”可知,书店老板借给爱丽丝时尚杂志,电影院给她免费的入场券,比萨店让她品尝免费的比萨块,由此可推知,爱丽丝善于与周围的人打交道,故选B。【干扰项分析】由于受到文中“this girl who wore the latest fashions”和最后一段的干扰,部分考生易做出错误的选择。“who wore the latest fashions”仅仅是描述Alice,并没有涉及作者,故排除D项;最后一段是对文章的总结,没有提到Alice帮助作者表现出她最好的一面。故排除C项。4Whi

21、ch of the following best describes Alice?AHumorous.BAmbitious.CCaring. DFriendly.D推理判断题。通读全文可知,原本在作者眼中爱丽丝是她的敌人,但是爱丽丝却想和作者成为朋友;她邀请作者去她家里玩,最后她们成为好朋友;而且爱丽丝与她自己周围的人都建立了很好的关系,由此可推知,爱丽丝是友好的。故选D。B(2020黄冈市质量检测)Empathy (同感) is one of those strange qualitiessomething almost everyone wants,but few know how to

22、truly give or receive it.In a world where selfsatisfaction is emphasized,it is in short supply but high demand.This is all the more reason to teach the next generation what it means to have empathy for those around them.What is empathy? Many people confuse sympathy and empathy,but they are different

23、.Empathy is not just the ability to understand someones feelings;criminals often take advantage of people by appearing to understand their feelings and subsequently gaining their trust.Empathy is more than that.Not only is it the ability to recognize how someone feels,but it also values and respects

24、 the feelings of another person.It means treating others with kindness,respect,and understanding.Kids need to see adults show empathy.While some children are gifted with naturally kind hearts,in most cases kids need to see empathy displayed by the adults around them.It begins with the way parents re

25、late to their children.Parents who show an interest in the things that matter to their kids and respond to emotions in a positive and caring way are teaching the skill of empathy.Meet emotional needs.When children have their emotional needs met,two things happen.They learn how to meet the emotional

26、needs of others and they are anchored in what they are receiving,meaning that they are secure enough to give something to others when the need arises but first they need to receive something.An empty jug cannot fill a cupIts a good idea to talk to kids about emotions and how other people experience

27、them.Give their emotions names (for example,jealousy,anger,and love) and teach them that these are normal.Talk to them about how to handle emotions in a positive way and point out situations where other people are experiencing emotions.Teach them about respecting the emotions of others and show them

28、 how to act in a situation where a response is required.【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了同理心的含义和父母如何去教孩子们有同理心。5Why are the next generation taught to have empathy?APeople tend to be selfcentered.BEveryone needs empathy.CEmpathy is a strange quality.DIts better to give than to receive.A细节理解题。根据第一段最后两句可知,在一个过度关注自我满足的世界里,同

29、理心稀缺,因此更有理由要教会下一代人有同理心。6Which situation can empathy be used in?AWhen a mathematician is calculating the area of farmland.BWhen a teacher is comforting a student about his failure in exams.CWhen a criminal is cheating a victim.DWhen a dancer is dancing to music.B推理判断题。根据第二段最后两句可知,同理心不仅是理解他人的感受,而且要重视并

30、尊重别人的感受,即体贴、尊敬、理解他人,再结合选项可推知,学生考试不及格时老师可用同理心给予安慰。7What does the underlined sentence “An empty jug cannot fill a cup” mean?AAn empty jug is too small to hold a cup.BIts a must to talk to kids about emotions.CAdults should set an example to kids.DKids give empathy with their emotional needs met first.

31、D推理判断题。根据第四段第三句中的“.they are secure enough to give something to others when the need arises but first they need to receive something”可知,孩子们施以同理心的条件是首先满足自己的情感需求。8What is the best title of the passage?AHow to train kids to have empathy.BHow to distinguish sympathy and empathy.CHow to help kids finish e

32、mpathyrelated tasks.DWhether kids can be trained to be more empathetic.A标题判断题。根据第一段的话题导入、尾句点题以及其他段落的主题句可推知,本文主要介绍了同理心的含义以及如何培养孩子们有同理心。.完形填空(2020重庆市第一次学业质量调研抽测)It was a Sunday morning on a subway in New York.People were sitting 1 some reading newspapers,some lost in thought,some resting with their ey

33、es closed.It was a calm and peaceful scene.Then 2 ,a man and his children entered the subway car quickly.The children in it were so 3 and active that the whole 4 of the car instantly changed.The man sat down next to me and closed his eyes,apparently 5 of the situation.The children were screaming,run

34、ning back and forth,throwing things,and even grabbing peoples papers,and 6 ,the man sitting next to me did nothing.It was difficult not to feel 7 I couldnt believe that he was 8 his children to run wild like that,and was taking no 9 at all.It was 10 to see that everyone else on the subway felt annoy

35、ed.So finally,I turned to him and said,“Sir,your children are really 11 a lot of people.Could you 12 them a little more?”The man lifted his eyes and said softly,“Oh,youre 13 ,I guess I should do something about it.We just came from the hospital where their mother 14 about an hour ago.I dont know wha

36、t to do,and I guess they dont know how to 15 it either.”Can you 16 what I felt at that moment? Suddenly,I saw things differently,my anger was 17 .I didnt have to worry about controlling my attitude or my behavior,my heart was 18 the mans pain.Now,instead of frustration,feelings of 19 filled my heart

37、.Everything 20 in an instant.Indeed,shifts in ways of thinking move us from one way of seeing the world to another and those shifts create powerful changes.【语篇解读】一个周日的早上,人们安静地坐在地铁车厢里。突然,一位男士和他的孩子的出现打破了车厢的平静。孩子们在车厢里尖叫、来回跑、扔东西,甚至是抢别人的报纸,而孩子的父亲对此不管不顾。“我”很生气,便告诉孩子的父亲,让他管一下他们。通过交谈“我”了解到孩子们的母亲刚刚去世,这令“我”心生

38、同情。1A.nervouslyBseriouslyCpatientlyDquietlyD根据下文中的“It was a calm and peaceful scene”可知,人们都安静地坐着,或读报纸,或沉思,或闭目养神。2A.suddenlyBoccasionallyCeventuallyDgraduallyA根据空后的“a man and his children entered the subway car quickly”并结合语境可知,突然,一位男士和他的孩子迅速地走进车厢。3A.happyBloudCcuteDcuriousB根据下文中的“The children were scr

39、eaming,running back and forth,throwing things,and even grabbing peoples papers”可知,这些孩子很吵闹。loud“说话太大声的,吵闹的”。4A.climateBdirectionCspeedDtemperatureA根据第1小题和第3小题的解析可知,这些孩子很吵,因而打破了车厢原有的气氛。climate“环境气氛”。5A.afraidBproudCtiredDunawareD根据上文中的“The man sat down next to me and closed his eyes”和下文中的“the man sitt

40、ing next to me did nothing”可知,这位男士很显然没有意识到发生了什么。6A.soByetCforDasB根据上文内容可知,孩子们在车厢里表现得很糟糕,并结合空后的“the man sitting next to me did nothing”可推知,此处前后内容形成了转折关系。yet“然而”。7A.worriedBashamedCannoyedDdiscouragedC此处与下文中的“everyone else on the subway felt annoyed”形成呼应,故应选C项。8A.expectingBaskingCallowingDforbiddingC根

41、据上文表述的孩子们表现得如此糟糕,这位男士却无所行动可推知,此处表示“我”难以相信他竟允许自己的孩子如此恣意妄为,他一点儿也不负责任。9A.risksBnotesCdifferenceDresponsibilityD参见上题解析。10A.easyBhardCfairDnormalA根据上文内容可知,孩子们表现得很糟糕,所以很容易地看到地铁上的每个人都很生气。11A.supportingBcriticizingCdisturbingDorganizingC根据上文中的“The children were screaming.grabbing peoples papers”以及第10空后的“eve

42、ryone else on the subway felt annoyed”可知,这些孩子的行为确实打扰到了其他乘客。12A.confirmBdivideCassistDcontrolD根据语境可知,“我”希望该男子管一下自己的孩子。13A.rightBwrongCtrustfulDcrazyA根据下文中的“I guess I should do something about it”可知,该男子认为“我”说得对。14A.remainedBdiedCworkedDreturnedB根据该句中的“We just came from the hospital”并结合语境和选项可推知,此处应是该男子

43、说孩子们的母亲大概一小时前去世了。15A.describeBaddressCdefeatDhandleD根据该句中的“I dont know what to do” “they dont know” “either”可知,此处表示孩子们也不知道如何应对这种情况。16A.believeBrecallCimagineDpredictC根据上文内容可知,作者因孩子们的表现感到生气,后来经过与男子交谈得知,孩子们的母亲大概一小时前去世了;又结合下文中的 “Suddenly,I saw things differently”可推知,此处表示,你能想象“我”当时的感受吗?17A.blockedBgoneC

44、liberatedDdeepenedB根据上文中的“I saw things differently”可知,“我”的愤怒消失了。18A.filled withBopposed toCbased onDfreed fromA根据上文中的“I saw things differently” “I didnt have to.or my behavior”可推知,“我”也感受到了该男子的痛苦。19A.forgivenessBbitternessCsympathyDappreciationC根据该句中的“instead of frustration”并结合上文表述的“我”的态度的转变可知,“我”的心中充满了对该男子的同情。20A.restoredBchangedCcountedDsettledB根据上文内容可知,“我”的态度很快地发生了转变,所有事情在一瞬间改变了。


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