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2005学年杭州二中高三年级第五次月考英语试卷 06.doc

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1、2005学年杭州二中高三年级第五次月考英语试卷06.3第I卷(共100分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题; 每小题1分,满分20分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。1. Much to the disappointment of the neighbouring countries, the Japanese government refuses to admit _ crime they did in _ World War II in the history.A. the; theB. 不填;

2、 theC. 不填; 不填D. the; 不填2. -It is quite a few months since I came to work in China. - _A. What do you do here?B. How time flies!C. Do you enjoy your working?D. Where are you working now?3. In north and central Australia the population is so spread out that children in some rural settlements _ be as f

3、ar as 1,000 km away from the nearest school.A. mayB. shouldC. mustD. can4. Every minute was made full use of _ for the performance for the New Year.A. preparingB. being preparedC. to prepareD. prepared5. These foreign experts came all the way to China on business _ for pleasure.A. other thanB. rathe

4、r thanC. more thanD. better than6. What great food youve prepared! Is _ coming for dinner?A. someoneB. anyoneC. allD. another7. I dont understand how you got a ticket. I always _ you _ a careful driver.A. think; areB. thought; wereC. am thinking; areD. think; were8. I wonder what will _ the man if h

5、e is out of work again.A. become ofB. take placeC. change intoD. turn into9. - That sounds like _ used to be in China 60 years ago. Fortunately, we live in a new era. - Yes, our life is changing for the better.A. thatB. itC. asD. what10. Even if they didnt see the towers collapse, they _ missed the

6、results.A. could not haveB. must not haveC. should not haveD. would not have11. The moment _ the Ministry appeared at the press conference, the reporters started raising questions one after another.A. whatB. whichC. whenD. /12. The FIFA World Cup in Germany will be the biggest _ football match in Ju

7、ne, 2006.A. aliveB. liveC. livelyD. living13. - Remember not to pretend to know what you dont know. - _. I wont forget my last lesson.A. No, I wontB. Yes, I willC. Dont mention itD. Youre welcome14. The attack _ less than two hours after Bushs deadline for Saddam to leave his country _.A. would come

8、; passedB. was coming; had passedC. came; had passedD. has come; passed15. - How was your trip to Gulin? - Gorgeous! I had never seen _ Guilin before.A. such beautiful a place asB. as beautiful place as C. so beautiful a place asD. so a beautiful place as16. Why is _ my work is not as good as Ive ex

9、pected?A. itB. thatC. it thatD. that what17. Professor Smith doesnt think that all bad language should be allowed. In his view, there are _ that should be kept up.A. degreesB. levelsC. limitsD. standards18. In Britain, every year 2.5 million animals die in experiments _ scientists develop and test n

10、ew medicines.A. whereB. thatC. whichD. on which19. Google is a miracle and it is much smaller than those giants such as eBay, Yahoo and Amazon, but it _ faster.A. will growB. is growingC. grewD. will have grown20. Betty, still _ excited, took away the box _ with birthday presents for her.A. looked;

11、filledB. looked; fillingC. looking; filledD. looking; filling第二节: 完形填空 (共20 小题;每小题1.5分;满分30分)Once a circle missed a wedge (楔子). The circle wanted to be whole, so it went around looking for its missing piece. It was incomplete and _21_ could roll only very slowly. While rolling, it _22_ the flowers a

12、long the way, chatted with worms and enjoyed the _23_.One day the circle found a piece that fit _24_. It was so happy. Now it could be _25_ with nothing missing. It fixed the missing piece in itself and began to roll. _26_ it was a perfect circle, it could roll very fast, too fast to _27_ the flower

13、s or talk to the worms. When it realized how _28_ the world seemed when it rolled so quickly, it stopped, _29_ its found piece by the side of the road and rolled slowly away.The lesson of the story, I _30_, was that in some strange _31_ we are more whole when we are missing something. The man who ha

14、s everything is _32_ a poor man. He will never know what it feels like to desire, to hope, to nourish(滋养)his _33_ with the dream of something _34_.When we accept that _35_ is part of human being, and when we can continue rolling _36_ life and appreciate it, we will have achieved a wholeness that oth

15、ers can only _37_ to.If we are brave enough to love, strong enough to forgive, _38_ enough to share in anothers happiness, and wise enough to know _39_ is enough love to go around for us all, then we can achieve a fulfillment that _40_ living creature will ever know.21. A. otherwiseB. yetC. howeverD

16、. therefore22. A. admiredB. foundC. looked for D. planned23. A. pictureB. skyC. sunshineD. weather24. A. smoothlyB. sharplyC. roughlyD. perfectly25. A. roundB. goodC. wholeD. nice26. A. ForB. Now thatC. ThoughD. Even if27. A. noticeB. seeC. smellD. watch28. A. wonderfulB. strangeC. differentD. color

17、ful29. A. layB. respectedC. leftD. fixed30. A. advisedB. expectedC. caredD. suggested31. A. senseB. ideaC. lookD. opinion32. A. in some wayB. in the wayC. this wayD. by the way33. A. heartB. soulC. bodyD. brain34. A. happierB. betterC. lostD. missing35. A. imperfectionB. perfectionC. advantageD. who

18、leness36. A. inB. throughC. for D. about37. A. like B. wantC. wishD. have38. A. joyfulB. cleverC. friendlyD. generous39. A. whereB. itC. thatD. there40. A. noB. the otherC. any otherD. no other第二部分: 阅读理解(第一节20小题, 第二节5小题; 每小题2分, 满分50分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。AEarly that evening I

19、 received a call from my hometown telling me that my brother had been killed in a car accident. “Come as soon as you can,” begged my mother.Thats what I wanted to do - to leave at once, to hurry to my parents. But my husband Larry and I were in the midst of packing to move. Our house was a mess. I s

20、tood looking at all the tasks that should be taken care of - and did nothing. I couldnt focus. Occasionally, someone would speak to me with offer, “If theres anything I can do, please let me know.” “Thank you, thank you very much,” Id reply. But I was too confused to concentrate.The bell rang and I

21、opened the door to see Emerson King standing at the door. “Donna has to stay with the baby,” he said, “but we want to help you. I remember when my father died, it took me hours to get the childrens shoes cleaned and shined for the funeral. So thats what Ive come to do for you. Give me all your shoes

22、.” Oh, dear, I hadnt even thought about shoes!Emersons request gave me something specific to do. While he was spreading newspapers on the kitchen floor, I tried to gather all our shoes. Emerson settled himself on the floor and got to work, saying nothing. Watching him concentrate on one task helped

23、me pull my own thought into order. And one by one, I got all the jobs into place. When I finally returned to the kitchen, I only found him gone. Lined against one wall were all our shoes, spotless, gleaming. And the love in that act released my tears at last.Now, whenever I hear of an acquaintance w

24、ho has lost a loved one, I no longer call with the vague offer, “If theres anything I can do” I try to think of one specific task that suits that persons need, and Im always successful. Its just because a man once cleaned my shoes.41. The writer couldnt do anything at first most probably because _.A

25、. there was too much to doB. her house was in a messC. she was shocked by the newsD. her husband was doing the packing42. Donna, as is mentioned in paragraph 3, was most likely to be _.A. Emersons wifeB. Emersons daughterC. another neighbor of the writersD. one of Emersons acquaintances43. The reaso

26、n only Emersons offer was accepted was that his offer was _.A. sincereB. specificC. vagueD. simple44. We can judge from the article that Emerson _.A. must be the writers best friend.B. was a close relative of the writersC. was a mere acquaintance of the writersD. was only a stranger to the writer.45

27、. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. This story happened in the morning.B. Emerson said goodbye to the writer before he left.C. People are in need of help when they have just lost a loved one.D. Specific offers are difficult to accept.BIf you want to teach your chi

28、ldren how to say sorry, you must be good at saying it yourself, especially to your own children. But how you say it can be quite tricky.If you say to your children “Im sorry I got angry with you, but ” what follows that “but” can make the apology ineffective: “I had a bad day” or “your noise was giv

29、ing me a headache ” leaves the person who has been injured feeling that he should be apologizing for his bad behavior in expecting an apology.Another method by which people appear to apologize without actually doing so is to say “Im sorry youre upset” ; this suggests that you are somehow at fault fo

30、r allowing yourself to get upset by what the other person has done.Then there is the general, all covering apology, which avoids the necessity of identifying a specific act that was particularly hurtful or insulting, and which the person who is apologizing should promise never to do again. Saying “I

31、m useless as a parent” does not commit a person to any specific improvement.These pseudo (不真诚的)-apologies are used by people who believe saying sorry shows weakness. Parents who wish to teach their children to apologize should see it as a sign of strength, and therefore not resort to these pseudo-ap

32、ologies.But even when presented with examples of genuine regretting, children still need help to become aware of the complexities of saying sorry. A three-year-old might need help in understanding that other children feel pain just as he does, and that hitting a playmate over the head with a heavy t

33、oy requires an apology. A six-year-old might need reminding that spoiling other childrens expectations can require an apology. A 12-year-old might need to be shown that raiding the biscuit tin without asking permission is acceptable, but that borrowing a parents clothes without permission is not.46.

34、 If a mother adds “but” to an apology, _.A. she doesnt feel that she should have apologizedB. she does not realize that the child has been hurtC. the child may find the apology easier to acceptD. the child may feel that he owes her an apology47. According to the author, saying “Im sorry youre upset”

35、 most probably means “_”.A. You have good reason to get upsetB. Im aware youre upset, but Im not to blameC. I apologize for hurting your feelingsD. Im at fault for making you upset48. We learn from the last paragraph that in teaching children to say sorry_.A. the complexities involved should be igno

36、redB. their ages should be taken into accountC. parents need to set them a good exampleD. parents should be patient and tolerantCHave you noticed a change in NBA players dress since the new season began in November?All players, including Philadelphias Allen Iverson, put on business casual (休闲的) clot

37、hes whenever they participate in team or league activities. Dont be surprised. Its not like your idol is saying goodbye to hip-hop culture. They do so only because of the new dress code that NBA has introduced to distance the sport away from gangster chic (痞子气的时髦). The rules ban baggy jeans, sneaker

38、s and bling bling (oversized) gold and silver jewellery on many occasions including when players arrive and leave games and make promotional (宣传的) appearances. Jeans must be smart dress jeans. Players will also now be required to wear a sport coat on the bench when they are not in uniform. The NBA a

39、lready requires its coaches to wear sport coats, dress shirts, slacks (便装裤子) and shoes on the bench. Suns forward Shawn Marion thinks its a good move: I think it is appropriate, definitely, on the bench. I think you should be in a nice shirt and slacks.But others have a different view on the dress c

40、ode. Denver Nuggets centre Marcus Camby and Charlotte Bobcats guard Brevin Knight said that players should receive extra money to cover clothing costs. Allen Iverson has even said he would fight such a rule.49. The story is mainly about _.A. NBAs playersB. NBAs new dress codeC. the controversy (争议)

41、caused by a new NBA rule D. what dress NBA players should wear50. The new rules were made because _.A. appearances are definitely important for starsB. hip-hop culture is contradictory to NBAs cultureC. the players image has affected the sportD. all the players used to look like gangsters51. Allen I

42、verson is mentioned in the second paragraph to _.A. show that hes against the dress codeB. draw the attention of the readers, who may be his fans C. give us an example of a player who often breaks rulesD. suggest that he used to wear things that the dress code bans52. From the story we can learn tha

43、t _.A. famous players like Allen Iverson lead the fashionB. most NBA players are opposed to the new dress codeC. even some coaches find the new rule hard to acceptD. the new dress code only covers certain occasions DNot only did Eric travel light, but he lived light as well. In all the world he owne

44、d just the clothes he stood up in, a full suitcase and a bank account. Arriving anywhere with these possessions, he might just as easily put up for a month or a year as for a single night. For long stays not less than a month, he might take a furnished flat, sometimes even a house. But whatever the

45、length was, he rarely needed anything he did not have with him. He was, he liked to think, a self-contained person.Eric had one occasional anxiety: the suspicion (怀疑) that he owned more than would fit comfortably into the case. The feeling, when it came, was the signal for him to throw something awa

46、y or just leave it lying about. Having no use for choice or variety, he kept just a raincoat, a suit, a pair of shoes and a few shirts, socks and so on; no more in the clothing line. He bought and read many books, and left them wherever he happened to be sitting when he finished them. They quickly f

47、ound new owners.Eric was a professional traveler, interested and interesting. He liked to get the feel of a place by living in it, reading its newspapers, watching its TV, discussing its affairs. He always tried to make a few friends if necessary even by stopping a suitable-looking person in the str

48、eet and talking to him. It worked well in about one case in ten. Though in good health, Eric made a point of seeing a doctor as soon as he arrived anywhere. “A doctor knows a place and its people better than anyone else.” Eric used to say. But, instead of going to see a doctor, he always sent for on

49、e; that, he found, was the quickest way to confidences, which came out freely as soon as he mentioned that he was a writer.Eric was an artist, too. He painted pictures of his places and, when he had gathered enough information, he wrote about them. He sold his work, through an agent, to newspapers a

50、nd magazines. It was an agreeable sort of life for a good social mixer.53. What can we know from the text about Erics possessions?A. He had thrown and given them away.B. He carried all of them around with him.C. He left most of them at home when traveling.D. He had enough baggage to stay for a month

51、 or a year.54. What worried Eric once in a while?A. His habit of leaving things lying about.B. The thought of having too much baggage.C. Something that he didnt have with him.D. The fact that he never stayed anywhere for long.55. Upon arriving anywhere, Eric always sent for a doctor because _.A. he

52、meant to stay in hospital for a nightB. he thought a doctor was suitable to talk toC. his health gave him some cause to visit a doctorD. he wanted to know the place and its people better56. According to the text, what do you think Eric was?A. A journalist.B. A social worker.C. A businessman.D. A tra

53、vel agent.EIndustrial pollution is not only a problem for the countries of Europe and North America. It is an extremely serious problem in some developing countries. For these countries, economic growth is a very important aim. They want to introduce industries, and so they put few controls on indus

54、tries which cause pollution.Cubatao, an industrial town of 85,000 people in Brazil, is an example of the connection between industrial development and pollution. In 1954, Cubatao had no industry. Today it has more than twenty large factories, which produce many pollutants. The people of the town are

55、 suffering from the poisonous matters in their surroundings, and the bad effects can be clearly seen. Birth shortcomings are extremely common. Among children and grow-ups, lung problems are sometime twelve times more common in Cubatao than in other places.It is true that Brazil, like many other coun

56、tries, has laws against pollution, but these laws are not carried out strictly enough. It is cheaper for companies to take no notice of the laws and pay the fines than to buy the expensive equipment that will reduce the pollution. It is clear, therefore, that economic growth is more important to the

57、 government than to the health of the workers. However, the responsibility does not completely lie with the Brazilian government. The example of Cubatao shows that international companies are not acting in a responsible way either. A number of the factories in the town are owned by large companies f

58、rom France, Italy, and the USA. They are doing things in Brazil that they would not be able to do at home. If they caused the same amount of the pollution at home, they would be severely punished or even put out of business.57. Developing countries dont have strict pollution controls because _. A. t

59、he new industries they want to introduce dont cause much pollution B. pollution is not a serious problem for developing countries C. they dont realize the balance of nature will be destroyed by some pollutants D. if they put stricter controls, few companies would build new factories in their countri

60、es.58. The authors purpose in naming Cubatao is to show that _. A. industry can develop very fast in developing countries B. the pollution problem in Brazil is extremely serious C. industrial growth can cause pollution problem for developing countries D. pollution is killing many people and destroyi

61、ng the whole economy of Brazil59. How is the health of the population of Cubatao? A. There are more diseases among people who live near chemical factories. B. More people suffer from lung disease because of poisonous matters. C. There is affected by pollutants the same way as that of other Brazilian

62、s. D. Babies there are found not as bright as those who live in other places.60. Some foreign companies like to set up their plants in Brazil because they _. A. think Brazil is suitable for them to invest (投资) in B. wont be severely punished for they cause pollution in Brazil C. dont have to pay the

63、 workers much and therefore, they can make much money D. can act in an irresponsible way in Brazil where there are no pollution laws第二节:阅读下列材料,从所给的六个选项(A, B, C, D, E, F)中选出符合各小题要求的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。The people below all want to book a day out by train. After the description of these people

64、, there is information about six days A-F. Decide which day would be most suitable for the person mentioned in questions 1-5 and then mark the correct letter (A-F) on your answer sheet. There is one extra paragraph about one day which you do not need to use._61. Mrs. Williams and her friend enjoy vi

65、siting old buildings especially in large city centers, but they are not free on Saturday as they have to work._62. Jean Paul loves the countryside and is keen on taking photographs, so he is looking for a trip which will give him both possibilities._63. Jancis and Tony would like a trip on a river t

66、hat does not leave London before nine oclock as they hate getting up early like most young people._64. Sarah and her brother love eating on a train and want a trip that includes three meals. They are on holiday in June and would also like to visit a museum._65. Tim is looking for a Saturday trip but

67、 he must be back in London by 21:00 so that he can catch the last bus home. He is interested in boats and sailing.A: SUNDAY 1 JUNETrain leaves London at 7:00 and breakfast is served as we head north. Arrive Durham after a light lunch and visit this city full of history with its famous castle and cat

68、hedral. Travel by coach to the open-air Museum of Northern Life just outside Durham. Leave Durham Station for the journey home arriving in London after dinner on board at 22:00.B: SUNDAY 23 JUNETry a Sunday luxury day out! Train leaves London about 9:00 and breakfast is served on the journey. Transf

69、er to a comfortable coach at Repford Station which takes you straight to the famous Shockton House built in the heart of the city in the sixteenth century. Arrive back in London at 21:00.C: SATURDAY 31 AUGUSTNew route for 1997. Train leaves London about 8:30. Breakfast and a light lunch will be serv

70、ed on the journey and the train will run slowly over the most beautiful parts of the route. Leave the train in the Lake District and take the opportunity to photograph the countryside. Dinner will be served during the journey back, arriving in London at 21:30.D: SUNDAY 9 JUNEThis trip is especially

71、for photographers. Leaving London at 9:30 for the Museum of Photography in the west country. Lunch is served on arrival at the Museum and after a short talk by the Museum Director you are free to enjoy the exhibitions in the afternoon. Train arrives back in London at 20:00.E: SATURDAY 8 JUNETrain le

72、aves London about 9:15 with breakfast served on the way. At Chepstow we transfer to coaches and drive to the lovely Wye Valley where there will be a boat waiting to take you on a river trip. We will stop on the way for a short walk. Dinner will be served on the return trip, arriving back in London a

73、t 21:30.F: SATURDAY 22 JUNEA day trip to the coast! Train leaves London at 8:00 and breakfast is served before you arrive at Poole Harbour. There you have the rest of the day to watch the ferries or take a fishing trip. Supper is served on the return journey arriving back in London at 20:30.第II卷 (共5

74、0分)第一节:单词拼写 (共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词正确的完全形式。(每空限写一词)66. We were on our way to school; all of a s_, a heavy rain poured down.67. It is said that boys have more a_ over girls in finding jobs.68. In the story The Moonstone, Franklin gives the detective as much a_ as he can.69.

75、 Smoking is f_ in the concert hall.70. When building m_ cost more, the price of houses increases.71. All his life he has been s_ against injustice.72. Christmas and Easter are Christian f_.73. There wasnt enough e_ to prove him guilty of the crime.74. It used to be a t_ custom for Chinese brides to

76、be dressed in red.75. Children u_ pick up foreign languages very quickly.第二节: 短文改错 (共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,该行右边横线上画一个勾();如有错误(每行只有一个错误,则按下列情况改正:此行多一词:把多余的词用斜线()划掉;在该行右边的横线上写上该词,并也用斜线划掉。此行缺一词:在缺词处加一个漏字符(),在该行右边的横线上写上该加的词。此行错一词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。注意:原行没有错的不要改。Dear

77、 Grandma,Thank you for your letter and the check. It was really kind for 76. _you to send me such much money. I was so glad to receive them. 77. _I spend one week at an ecology summer camp in the countryside. 78. _Yes, we did see a snake. Five of the boys drove them away. 79. _I was excited when the

78、y did it. Thank you for your good wish 80. _about my that knee. That afternoon, after I returned to school, I fell 81. _over on the stairs. It was not seriously and it is getting better now. 82. _Since I very interested in nature, Ive decided to spend 83. _the money you sent me on a telescope. I can

79、 use it observe 84. _natural things. Will that be all right? Im waiting for your reply. 85. _第三节: 书面表达(满分30分)请根据下面的图表以及中文提示所提供的信息,写一篇报道投给校英语报,简要描述我国近年来私人轿车的增长情况以及可能会带来的影响。 出行方便快捷 有助于汽车工业的发展 污染空气 交通事故增多注意:词数100左右。开头已给出。In recent years the number of private cars has been increasing rapidly in our coun

80、try.2005学年杭州二中高三年级第五次月考英语答卷阅读理解第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10分)61. _ 62. _ 63. _ 64. _ 65. _第二卷 第一节:单词拼写 (共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)66._ 67._ 68._ 69._ 70._71._ 72._ 73._ 74._ 75._第二节:短文改错 (共10小题 每小题 1分)Dear Grandma,Thank you for your letter and the check. It was really kind for 76. _you to send me such much mone

81、y. I was so glad to receive them. 77. _I spend one week at an ecology summer camp in the countryside. 78. _Yes, we did see a snake. Five of the boys drove them away. 79. _I was excited when they did it. Thank you for your good wish 80. _about my that knee. That afternoon, after I returned to school,

82、 I fell 81. _over on the stairs. It was not seriously and it is getting better now. 82. _Since I very interested in nature, Ive decided to spend 83. _the money you sent me on a telescope. I can use it observe 84. _natural things. Will that be all right? Im waiting for your reply. 85. _第三节: 书面表达(满分30

83、分)In recent years the number of private cars has been increasing rapidly in our country. _第五次月考答案:15 DBDCB 610 ABADA 1115 DBACC 1620 CDABC2125 DACDC 2630 BACCD 3135 AABBA 3640 BCDDD4145 CABCC 4650 DBBBC 51-55 DDBBD 56-60 A DCBB6165 BCEAF66. sudden67. advantages68. assistance69. forbidden70. material

84、s71. struggling72. festivals73. evidence74. traditional75. usually76. forof 77. suchso 78. spendspent 79. themit 80. wishwishes 81.去that 82. seriouslyserious 83. very 前am 84. observe 前加to 85. 对One possible version:In recent years the number of private cars has been increasing rapidly in our country.

85、 In 1990, there were about one million private cars. As time went on, the number of private cars went up to 5 million in 1999, and there were more than 10 million private cars in 2004.As we know, it is very convenient to go to any place if we have a car. Besides, the increase of the number of private cars can help car industry to develop faster.However, more cars may cause traffic accidents and more air pollution. Whats more, waste gases from cars can do great harm to our health.Its high time that people should pay enough attention to these problems.


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