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本文(2022届高考英语人教版一轮学案:选修6 UNIT 4 GLOBAL WARMING WORD版含答案.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2022届高考英语人教版一轮学案:选修6 UNIT 4 GLOBAL WARMING WORD版含答案.doc

1、Unit 4 Global warming一、背单词与词块(一)背阅读单词会认就行(背诵时遮住右侧汉语,先自主翻译,后比对词义)1greenhouse n温室;花房2graph n. 图表;坐标图;曲线图3random adj. 胡乱的;任意的4fuel n. 燃料5data n. 资料;数据6trend n. 趋势;倾向;走向7catastrophe n. 大灾难;浩劫8flood n. 洪水;水灾9outer adj. 外部的;外面的10advocate vt. 拥护;提倡;主张11electrical adj. 电的;与电有关的12motor n. 发动机13can n. 容器;罐头14

2、microwave n. 微波炉;微波15nuclear adj. 核的;核能的;原子核的(二)背重点单词写对才行1phenomenon n. 现象2quantity n. 量;数量3per prep. 每;每一4mild adj. 温和的;温柔的;淡的5range n. 种类;范围6glance vi. 看一下;扫视n. 一瞥7widespread adj. 分布广的;普遍的8average adj. 平均的9commitment n. 承诺;交托;信奉10growth n. 增长;生长 11casual adj. 随便的;漫不经心的;偶然的12circumstance n. 环境;情况13

3、refresh vt. 使恢复;使振作14presentation n. 显示;演出15disagreement n. 分歧;不一致(三)背拓展单词用准才行1consume vt.消费;消耗;耗尽;吃完consumer n顾客2subscribe vi.同意;捐赠;订阅vt.签署(文件);捐助subscription n同意;捐赠;订阅;签署3tend vi.趋向;易于;照顾;往往会vt.照顾;护理tendency n倾向;趋势4oppose vt.反对;反抗;与(某人)较量opposed adj.反对的;对立的5consequent adj.随之发生的;作为结果的consequence n结

4、果;后果;影响consequently adv.因此;所以6state vt.陈述;说明statement n说明;说法;声明 7steady adj.平稳的;持续的;稳固的steadily adv.平稳地;持续地8economy n经济;节约economical adj.节约的;经济的economic adj.经济(上)的9exist vi.存在existence n生存;存在existing adj.目前的;现在的10pollute vt.污染pollution n污染;弄脏polluted adj.被污染的11educate v教育;培养educator n教育工作者;教育家educat

5、ion n教育;培养12contribute v贡献;撰稿;捐助;捐赠contribution n贡献;捐助13environment n环境environmental adj.环境的语境活用1At first he was opposed (oppose) to the plan, but we managed to argue him into accepting it.2Waste water from the factory is the main cause of the pollution (pollute)3In consequence (consequent) of your

6、bad work, I am forced to dismiss you.4They have contributed a lot of food and clothing to the refugees so far and their contributions will certainly help the refugees live through the winter. (contribute)5Many people do not believe the existence of the ghosts. Some young children doubt whether there

7、 exist all kinds of ghosts in the world. (exist)6The storm tends to hit our city, and we will observe the tendency of it closely.(tend)(四)背高频单词先“记牢”再“用活”,不背绝对不行1quantity n量;数量背词条用法in quantity/in large quantities大量a large/small quantity of 大/少量的(large) quantities of 大量的背写作佳句Large quantities of water

8、are polluted every year so the government should take effective measures to solve it.每年都有大量的水受到污染,所以政府应该采取有效措施来解决它。(2018天津高考书面表达)I know you once participated in a Robotics Competition and won the award, so you must have accumulated a large quantity of/quantities of experience.我知道你曾经参加过机器人大赛,并且获了奖,因此

9、你肯定积累了大量的经验。2oppose vt.反对;反抗;与(某人)较量背词条用法(1)oppose (doing) sth. 反对(做)某事oppose sb./sb.s doing sth. 反对某人/某人做某事(2)be opposed to (ones) doing sth. 反对(某人)做某事be opposed to sth. 反对某事背写作佳句People are strongly opposed to violence and bullying on campus in any shape or form.人们强烈反对任何形式的校园暴力和欺凌。They opposed buil

10、ding the new hotel because it will be harmful to the local environment. 他们反对建新旅馆,因为这会破坏当地环境。3consequence n结果;后果;影响背词条用法as a consequence因此;结果 由于的缘故in consequenceconsequently 因此;结果背写作佳句(2020天津5月高考书面表达)As a consequence, more and more people have turned to online learning these days.因此,最近越来越多的人转向在线学习。In

11、 consequence of their conscience, they worked constantly to raise peoples consciousness on the conservation of natural resources. 由于良知的缘故,他们不断地努力来唤起人们对自然资源保护的意识。4average adj.平均的;普通的;正(平)常的n.平均数;平均水平;一般水准v.平均为;计算出的平均数背词条用法(1)an average of平均有(后跟数词) (2)on average 平均起来above average 在平均水平以上below average

12、在平均水平以下(3)average . out 算出的平均数背写作佳句On average, each report requires 1 hours to prepare.准备一份报告平均需要1小时。The prices were a little above average, but theyre of the highest quality. 价格略高于平均水平,但它们的质量是最好的。(五)背短语词块表达出彩,需多积词块才行单元短语再认再现1come about发生;造成2subscribe to 同意;赞成;订购3quantities of 大量的4go up 上升;增长;升起5res

13、ult in 导致6be opposed to 反对7keep on 继续8make a difference 有影响9on the whole 大体上;基本上10on behalf of 代表一方;作为的代言人11put up with 忍受;容忍12and so on 等等重点短语拓展用活1come about发生;造成背相关短语come on 快点;加油;开始(工作、运转)come to 合计为;达到;恢复知觉come up 走近;(困难或问题)出现;发芽;被提及come across 邂逅;偶遇come up with 提出;想出come into being 形成;产生背写作佳句(2

14、020全国卷书面表达)She has a mental toughness that did not come about by chance.她有一种坚韧不拔的精神,这并非偶然产生的。When we surf the Internet, we often come across such English words as “ASAP” and “AFK”上网时,我们常会遇到像“ASAP”和“AFK”这样的英语单词。He is very quick thinking, and is often able to come up with new jokes.他思维敏捷,经常能想出新笑话。2res

15、ult in导致背相关短语result from由造成;因而产生as a result 结果as a result of 由于的结果背写作佳句(2020天津5月高考书面表达)Personally, online learning results in more motivation to learning, because so many learning materials are available.就我个人而言,网上学习可以带来更多的学习动力,因为有很多学习材料可用。Many species dying out results from more and more pollution.许

16、多物种的灭绝是由越来越多的污染造成的。3put up with忍受;容忍背相关短语put off 延期;推迟put out 熄灭;扑灭put up 建造;张贴;供给住宿;举起put aside 留出;存(钱)备用;把放在一边put away 收起来;放好put forward 提出(建议);把向前拨背写作佳句In that case, we will have to learn to put up with some of his shortcomings and try to discover his advantages.既然那样,我们将不得不学会忍受他的一些缺点并尝试发现他的优点。The

17、 sports meeting which is to take place this Friday has to be put off because of the heavy rain these days.由于这几天下大雨,原定于本周五举行的运动会不得不被推迟。A suggestion has been put forward that we should recycle the textbooks.有人提出建议,我们应该循环利用教科书。二、背佳句与佳作(一)背写作佳句多“输入”才能巧“输出”教材内句式举一反三1Even if we start reducing the amount o

18、f carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases . (even if引导让步状语从句)即使我们开始减少二氧化碳和其他温室气体的含量佳句Dean still refused to join in the game, even if/though we all did our best to persuade him.尽管我们都尽最大的努力去说服Dean,但是他依然拒绝参加这场比赛。佳句Be openminded to different opinions even if/though you dont like them. 尽管你不喜欢不同的观点,对它们也

19、要采取开放的态度。2It is OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using it if not, turn it off!(so/as long as引导条件状语从句;if not是if you are not using it的省略形式)只要你在使用电器设备,你可以让它开着如果不用就把它关掉!佳句(2020天津7月高考书面表达)As long as I have confidence in myself, I believe I will have a wonderful future.只要我对自己有信心,我

20、相信我会有一个美好的未来。佳句As long as the green hills are there, one need not worry about firewood.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。佳句It is OK to accept the job so/as long as you like it. If not, dont do it. 只要你喜欢这份工作,你可以接受它。如果不喜欢,就不要做这份工作。同主题佳句熟读成诵1It is well known that the global water shortage is becoming increasingly severe due

21、 to global warming.众所周知,由于全球变暖,水资源短缺(问题)正变得日益严重。2Air and water are being polluted so much that the environment in which animals live is destroyed.空气和水正受到如此多的污染,以至于动物生存的环境被破坏。3Its (high) time that we took measures to protect the river from being polluted.是我们采取措施防止这条河流被污染的时候了。(二)背满分作文好习作就靠“仿效”和“背诵”本辑学

22、点倡议书(一)题目要求假定你是李华,是校英语报的编辑。近日你从国外网站上了解到一种新型运动plogging(跑步捡垃圾)很受欢迎,请你据此为校英语报写一封倡议书,呼吁同学们积极参与。内容包括:1介绍plogging;2.参与plogging的好处;3.发出倡议。注意:1.词数100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。背范文Dear fellow students,Plogging is a new fitness trend which combines jogging with picking up litter. Since it was created, it has swept ac

23、ross the world.It has been acknowledged that plogging has lots of advantages. Firstly, more calories will be consumed in order to pick up rubbish while jogging, thus improving exercise efficiency. Secondly, no matter what age you are, you can easily adopt this sports style. It doesnt require special

24、 training or extra costs a pair of gloves and a garbage bag are already enough for you to make a difference. Most importantly, our environment can benefit from such a sport, which can make our world a better and more beautiful place to live in.In short, plogging not only benefits our health but also

25、 does good to our environment. Lets spare no effort to take action! Li Hua学亮点1学谋篇布局2学亮丽开头开头使用含定语从句的句子对新型运动plogging进行了介绍,点明了发出倡议的背景。3学高级表达(1)使用高级词汇和语块,如:a new fitness trend, acknowledge, pick up litter/rubbish, make a difference, benefit from, spare no effort等。(2)准确运用复杂句式结构,如:限制性定语从句which combines jo

26、gging with picking up litter;it作形式主语It has been acknowledged that .;“no matter疑问词”引导的让步状语从句no matter what age you are;非限制性定语从句which can make our world .等,体现了考生过硬的语言功底与灵活的语言运用能力。4学精彩结尾结尾使用了In short和not only .but also .总结参与plogging的好处。最后用祈使句Lets spare no effort to take action!发出倡议,表达了希望和决心,铿锵有力。5学过渡衔接

27、衔接词since, firstly, thus, secondly, most importantly, in short, not only .but also .等的恰当运用,使得文章结构严谨,层层递进,读起来朗朗上口。6防微点失分考生容易把“a pair of gloves and a garbage bag are already enough for you to make a difference”中的are错误地表达为is,或把“Most importantly, our environment can benefit from such a sport, which can m

28、ake our world .”中的关系代词which错用为that,从而导致失分。学案(一)重点单词的查漏补缺打牢必备知识全面练练清易错微点.单词拼写1The witness stated (陈述) that he had never seen the man before.2I have subscribed (订阅) to China Daily for several years.3He glanced (扫视) through the newspaper while having breakfast.4Wherever you go, you can find this kind o

29、f widespread (分布广的) plant.5However, ocean expert Curtis Ebbesmeyer does it in a special way by studying movements of random (任意的) floating garbage. 6Have a look at this graph (图表). It shows the total sales to date.7First they collected sound data (数据) from 67 nests in four sites in Queensland before

30、 and after hatching. 8He is a mild (温和的) man, who is reasonable.9A cool drink refreshed (使恢复) me after my long walk.10In my opinion, this phenomenon (现象) is a serious problem which needs to be solved.根据语境写出加黑部分的汉语意思1.(2020江苏高考)LoveFone, a company that advocates repairing cellphones rather than aband

31、oning them, opened a mini workshop in a London phone box in 2016.提倡;主张2He received his award at a presentation in London yesterday.颁奖典礼3The area is famous for its very mild winter climate.温暖的;和煦的4.The gulch would be flooded in the rainy season but were dry now.淹没A wave of happiness flooded over me.涌

32、上心头5(熟词生义)I like Simon very much hes a very steady boy.稳重的;沉着的6.(熟词生义)Rumours of his illness have been fueled by his failure to attend last nights dinner.增强;加剧.单句语法填空1These years, our company has been developing steadily (steady)2.No one can change the general trend of world history.3If you are seri

33、ous about our relationship, you should make a commitment (commit)4There has been a growth (grow) in the number of college students.5Roberts contributions (contribute) to the company should also be remembered.6There was apparent disagreement (disagree) between their stories.7They are thinking of ways

34、 to deal with air pollution (pollute)8“Whats in those books youre always reading?” he asked casually (casual)9People under stress tend to develop (develop) their full range of potential.10Public worries that accidents are threatening the very existence (exist) of the nuclear power industry.名师点拨“一站清”

35、(1)advocate 后接动词ing形式。(2)flood 用作名词时意为“洪水”,用作动词时意为“大量涌入;淹没”。(3)fuel 一般用作名词,意为“燃料”,也可作动词用,意为“加剧;增强”。(4)trend和tendency均含“趋势;倾向”之意。trend指事物发展的总的方向、倾向或趋势,它指的是整个社会或者较大群体的一种趋势或者潮流; tendency指固有或习得的倾向性,强调没有外来的影响或干扰,一般指的是人有某种倾向性或者某种趋势。重点练深化高频考点1quantity明其义n量;数量 通其用(1)补全句子(2019浙江6月高考)Experts say that the qual

36、ity of praise is more important than the quantity.专家表示,表扬的质量比数量更重要。The vegetables will be a lot cheaper if you buy them in quantity/in large quantities.如果你大批量购买的话,蔬菜会便宜得多。(2)一句多译由于破坏了森林,大量的沙漠覆盖了陆地。As a result of destroying the forests, a large quantity of desert has covered the land.As a result of d

37、estroying the forests, large quantities of desert have covered the land.解其困含quantity的短语作主语时,其谓语动词的单复数与quantity的单复数保持一致。2oppose明其义vt.反对;反抗;与(某人)较量通其用单句语法填空However, many students and parents oppose separating (separate) students into science and art.Her parents opposed her (she) going abroad.The mayor

38、 is strongly opposed to building (build) a new hall, which may cost a lot of money.Opposing(oppose) the plan of raising prices, the public decided to go on strike on Sunday.解其困表示“反对;不赞成”的表达还有:disagree with, disapprove of, be against, object to, hold negative attitudes towards等。3consequence明其义n结果;后果;

39、影响通其用(1)单句语法填空As a consequence (consequent), they cant concentrate on their study and tend to be sleepy in class. Consequently (consequent), she understood it and became interested in traditional Chinese culture.The warming of the Earth and the consequent (consequence) climatic changes affect us all

40、.(2)翻译句子成千上万的人因那场大地震而失去了生命。Thousands of people lost their lives as a consequence of the big earthquake.4average明其义adj.平均的;普通的;正(平)常的n平均数;平均水平;一般水准v平均为;计算出的平均数通其用(1)写出下列各句中average的词性及含义(2018全国卷)The average number of electronic devices rose from four per household in 1992 to 13 in 2007. adj.平均的(2020浙江

41、1月高考)It isnt just that people are, on average, living longer. n平均数Freddy was an average student, but not an average person. adj.普通的The hotel averages 50 to 100 foreign guests daily. v.平均为(2)语段填空There were 90 students getting full marks in the exam, an average of 18 students in each class. Toms was a

42、bove average while Johns was below average.在这次考试中有90名学生得到了满分,每个班级平均有18人。汤姆的成绩在平均水平之上,而约翰的成绩在平均水平之下。学案(二)词块、句式的活学活用强化关键能力词块的验收盘点.词块点点练选词填空come about, result in, put up with, subscribe to, on behalf of, quantities of, go up, even if, keep on, on the whole1The old Chinese proverb “Dont fail to do good

43、even if its small” teaches us how to be a good person in this world.2(2019江苏高考)However, they have real impacts, as they result in misguided use of scarce resources.3.With the housing price going up, more and more people advocate the government take more strict measures to lower property prices.4.Wit

44、h my English teachers patient instructions, I kept on learning, practising oral English for three months.5To get good jobs, they are willing to put up with many of the disadvantages of city life such as heavy traffic and pollution.6.Amy thought it was worthwhile to read English newspapers every day

45、so she subscribed to the 21st Century.7.First of all, on behalf of all the members of our school, Id like to express our heartfelt thanks to you.8Up to now, large quantities of food have been sent to Africa to save the starving people there.9.Its already 10 oclock. I wonder how it came about that sh

46、e was two hours late on such a short trip.10What do you think about the measures taken to prevent global warming?On the whole, they are good.名师点拨“一站清”(1)go up 上升,无被动形式。(2)keep on/keep/insist on doing继续做某事。(3)subscribe to 认购;订阅;赞成;同意;subscribe for 认购;预订;预定;捐款 。(4)on behalf of“代表”,是介词短语;stand for“代表”是

47、动词短语。(5)come about 发生;出现,没有被动语态。.易错对对碰辨析比较result in VS result from比较(2020新高考全国卷)His efforts have resulted in 1,360 acres of naturallygrown land that has become home to many plants and animals.The fact that many species are dying out results from more and more pollution.辨清result in的主语是“起因”,宾语是“结果”;re

48、sult from的主语是“结果”,宾语是“起因”。句式的验收盘点so/as long as引导条件状语从句通其用补全句子/句型转换“Nothing is impossible to a willing heart”; as long as you have a dream, keep trying and youll make it, too.“世上无难事,只怕有心人”;只要你有梦想,坚持尝试,你也会成功的。(2020天津7月高考)Jim says we can stay in his house as long as we leave it clean and tidy.吉姆说只要我们保持

49、他家干净整洁,我们就可以待在他家里。As long as you keep studying hard, you can improve your maths. (on condition that)On condition that you keep studying hard, you can improve your maths.解其困(1)引导条件状语从句的连词短语还有:in case 如果;万一;on condition that 只要;provided that 如果;条件是。(2)as long as 和so long as表示“只要”时,可以互换;as long as表示“与一

50、样长”时,多用于肯定句;否定句多用so long as。学案(三)高考语篇的价值发掘提升学科素养2020新高考全国卷完形填空对接课标主题:人类生存、社会发展与环境的关系精读真题拓展语言能力(语篇中黑体词汇为主题词汇,请注意积累并揣摩其用法)1Molai grew up in a tiny village in India. The village lay near some wetlands which became his second 21 . He learned the value and beauty of 22 there from a very young age.2When h

51、e was 16, Molai began to notice something 23 happening around his home. A flood had hit the area earlier that year and the 24 it caused had driven away a number of birds. 25 , the number of snakes had declined as well. He 26 that it was because there werent enough trees to protect them from the 27 .

52、 The solution, of course, was to plant trees so the animals could seek 28 during the daytime. He turned to the 29 department for help but was told that nothing would grow there. However, Molai went looking on his own and 30 a nearby island where he began to plant trees. 3 31 young plants in the dry

53、season was 32 for a lone boy. Molai built at the 33 of each sapling (幼树) a bamboo platform, where he placed earthen pots with small holes to 34 rainwater. The water would then drip (滴落) on the plants below.4Molai 35 to plant trees for the next 37 years. His efforts have resulted in 1,360 acres of na

54、turallygrown land that has become home to many plants and animals.,微技法合成词猜测词义:adj.n.n.wet (adj.潮湿的)land (n.土地)wetland n湿地;沼泽地微技法“瞻前顾后”结合常识解题有的完形填空题目解答需瞻前顾后,综合语境信息解答。文中第27题可以根据下句中的“during the daytime”再结合常识得出正确选项。微积累表示季节的词语集锦:the dry season旱季the rain season 雨季the plum rain season 梅雨季节the dog days 三伏天;

55、酷热期微积累熟词生义:homen家;住所;家乡(熟义)n栖息地;生息地(生义)be home to的栖息地理脉络内化读文规律解析真题感悟素养立意考什么怎么考真题再做21AdreamBjobChome Dchoice解析:选C文章首句提到Molai在一个小村庄长大,结合语境可知,此处表示一些湿地变成了他的第二个家(home)。22Anature ByouthCculture Dknowledge解析:选A根据上文提到的湿地和下文讲述的Molai为保护动物而种树可知,这里指的是在很小的年纪,他就知道了大自然(nature)的价值和美丽。23Aprecious BinterestingCdistur

56、bing Dawkward解析:选C根据下文表述的洪水发生后,鸟和蛇的数量都减少了可知,这里指的是他家周围发生了一些令人不安的(disturbing)事情。24Awaste BtensionCpain Ddamage解析:选D根据语境和空后的“it caused”可知,这里指的是洪水袭击了该地区,造成的破坏(damage)使许多鸟类被迫离开。25ABesides BHoweverCTherefore DOtherwise解析:选A空前提到鸟的数量减少了,空后提到蛇的数量也减少了,故此处用Besides(此外)。26Aagreed BrealizedCremembered Dpredicted解

57、析:选B根据语境可知,这里指的是他意识到(realized)这是因为没有足够的树木来为它们提供保护。27Anoise BheatCdisease Ddust解析:选B根据下句中的“during the daytime”并结合常识可知,这里指的是没有足够的树木来保护这些动物免受高温(heat)的伤害。28Adirections BpartnersChelp Dshelter解析:选D根据空前的“plant trees”及语境可知,解决方法是种树,以便于这些动物在白天可以寻求到庇护(shelter)。29Alabor BpoliceCforest Dfinance解析:选C根据上文提到的解决方法是

58、种树以及下文中的“for help but was told that nothing would grow there”可知,他向林业部门求助。forest“林区,森林”,符合语境。30Arebuilt BdiscoveredCleft Dmanaged解析:选B根据空前的“Molai went looking on his own”以及空后的“a nearby island where he began to plant trees”可知,此处表示他发现(discovered)了一个附近的岛屿,他可以在那儿植树。31ADecorating BObservingCWatering DGuar

59、ding解析:选C根据下文中的“The water would then drip (滴落) on the plants below.”及语境可知,这里指的是在旱季给小树浇水,故用Watering。32Atough BillegalCfantastic Dbeneficial解析:选A根据空后的“for a lone boy”可知,对这个男孩来说,独自一个人在旱季给小树浇水是艰难的(tough)。33Aback BtopCfoot Dside解析:选B根据下文中的“The water would then drip(滴落) on the plants below.”可知,他是在每棵幼树的顶部(

60、top)搭建了一个竹子制成的平台。34Acool down Bkeep offCpurify Dcollect解析:选D根据空前的“where he placed earthen pots with small holes”和空后的“rainwater”以及“The water”可知,他在竹子平台上放置了带有小孔的陶罐来收集(collect)雨水。35Areturned BlearnedCfailed Dcontinued解析:选D根据空后的“to plant trees for the next 37 years”以及下文可知,他在接下来的37年中继续(continued)植树。为什么考有何

61、价值导向解读一、发展思维品质文中第33题主要考查学生的逻辑性思维。根据下文中的“The water would then drip (滴落) on the plants below.”可以迅速地确定装置是放在每棵幼树的顶部,他是在每棵幼树的顶部(top)搭建了一个竹子制成的平台。back“背面,后面”;top“顶部”;foot“底部”;side“旁边,侧面”。二、聚焦核心价值本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了印度人Molai从小就意识到大自然的珍贵与美丽,在发现洪灾给动物带来了危害之后,他坚持长年植树造林改善环境。他的付出为许多植物和动物创造了新的家园。文章旨在弘扬Molai植树造林改善环境的无私精

62、神,与此同时也在倡导人们关注自然生态和保护环境,意在提高人们与自然和谐共处的意识。借力真题发掘学习能力.单句语法填空1It is important to protect my fair skin from the sun.2It suddenly hit me that I had left my keys behind.3The report says lack of water may result in several problems.4Wet books should be placed (place) on end (竖着) with their pages kept apart

63、.5Traveling around and seeing so much happening (happen) in the world around us is a wonderful experience.补全句子1Johns rudeness soon drove Monicas friends away (赶走)2As we all know, China is home to (的栖息地) pandas.3When his parents died he had to learn to live on his own (独立地).分析长难句1He realized that it

64、was because there werent enough trees to protect them from the heat.句式解构本句是一个含有一个宾语从句和一个表语从句的主从复合句。主句的主语是He,谓语动词是realized。其中that引导宾语从句,because引导表语从句。句意翻译他意识到这是因为没有足够的树木来保护它们免受高温的伤害。2Molai built at the top of each sapling (幼树) a bamboo platform, where he placed earthen pots with small holes to collec

65、t rainwater.句式解构本句是一个含有定语从句的复合句。主句的主语是Molai,谓语动词是built。where引导非限制性定语从句,对“a bamboo platform”进行补充说明;“with small holes”作定语修饰pots;不定式短语“to collect rainwater”作目的状语。句意翻译Molai在每棵幼树的顶部建造了一个竹子做成的平台,在平台上他放置了带有小孔的陶罐来收集雨水。.语法填空Molai grew up in a tiny village near some wetlands in India, 1.which became his secon

66、d home. He learned the value and beauty of nature there from a very young age.When he was 16, Molai began to notice something 2.disturbing (disturb) happening around his home. A flood had hit the area earlier that year and the damage it caused had driven 3.away a number of birds. Besides,the number

67、of snakes had declined as well. He realized 4.that it was because there werent enough trees to protect them from the heat. The solution, of course, was plant (plant) trees so the animals could seek shelter during the daytime. He turned to the forest department for help but 6.was told (tell) tha

68、t nothing would grow there. However, Molai went 7.looking (look) on his own and discovered a nearby island where he began to plant trees. 8Watering (water) young plants in the dry season was tough for a lone boy. Molai built at 9.the top of each sapling a bamboo platform, where he placed earthen pot

69、s with small holes to collect rainwater. The water would then drip on the plants below.Molai continued to plant trees for the next 37 years. His 10.efforts (effort) have resulted in 1,360 acres of naturallygrown land that has become home to many plants and animals.主题语境写作两个月前,你注意到你居住的社区有人乱扔垃圾,你为此向相关部

70、门反映,并利用空闲时间在社区内开展宣传活动,社区环境得到了极大的改善,请就此场景写一篇小短文。注意:1词数80左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考范文:Two months ago, I noticed that there were some people littering in our community. Therefore, I reported it to the relevant departments and at the same time I spared my free time to carry out various activities to call f

71、or the citizens to take care of our living environment.To my great delight, the relevant departments paid attention to the situation and took a series of measures and all the citizens were all very active in protecting our living environment. Gradually, the community environment has been greatly imp

72、roved.课下主题训练人类生存、社会发展与环境的关系一、主题语基拓展练(一)主题词汇盘查(已会词汇,在内打“”;欠熟练词汇,多翻阅识记)residentradiationimmigrant environmental emission awareness decline fierce endangered severely shrink industrialized greenhouse nutritious dangerous satisfaction experience create reduction theme (二)主题词汇训练.选词填空(有两词多余)resident, emis

73、sion, radiation, decline, severely, greenhouse,shrink, industrialized, create, theme1I think every country should cut the emission of carbon dioxide to protect the earth.2Local resident groups have united in opposition to the plan. 3The number of staff has declined from 217,000 to 114,000.4An aircra

74、ft overshot the runway and was severely damaged.5A greenhouse is a glass building in which you grow plants that need to be protected from bad weather.6If you give up exercise, your muscles shrink and fat increases.7Our school has organized a photography exhibition with the theme of “love my hometown

75、”8It was with faithfulness that we created a harmonious atmosphere.用所给词的适当形式填空1The government has decided to tighten its immigration (immigrate) policy.2The laws have led to a reduction (reduce) in fuel consumption in the US. 3Examples of unsafe environmental (environment) conditions are noise, radi

76、ation, dust, etc.4It is always important to choose enjoyable, nutritious (nutrition) foods.5I hope everything is to your satisfaction (satisfy), Sir.6Some effective measures have been taken to protect endangered (endanger) species.7I can feel my heart is beating fiercely (fierce)8It is common for ch

77、ildren to experience (experience) frustration and anger when growing.9Overtaking on a bend is dangerous (danger)Do be careful.10The old people held an activity two months ago to raise awareness (aware) of the needs of grandparents.二、主题语篇押题练.阅读理解While the human world is suffering from the novel coron

78、avirus outbreak, our planet is actually showing certain signs of “recovery” from the damage caused by human activity. According to the BBC, new satellite images released by the European Space Agency showed that levels of air pollutants and greenhouse gases have “fallen sharply” in major cities in Eu

79、rope and the United States ever since the lockdown started.This is what happened after recent discoveries in Antarctica. An international team of 89 scientists found that the ice in Greenland and Antarctica melted six times faster in the 2010s than it was in the 1990s. And in February, Argentinas Ma

80、rambio Base in Antarctica recorded a record high temperature of 20.75 on the continent.So what exactly will happen if the temperature keeps rising and the ice keeps melting? A third study might give you an idea. A team of scientists drilled a hole into the seafloor in West Antarctica and extracted (

81、提取) material from underground, in which they found traces of roots, spores and pollen typical products of a rainforest that dated back 90 million years. In other words, Antarctica was very likely a rainforest back when the dinosaurs walked on Earth. But given the fact that the South Pole has four mo

82、nths of darkness during winter even millions of years ago scientists believe that the rainforest could only exist if the greenhouse gas concentrations were extremely high back then to keep the continent warm when there was little or no sunlight.“We didnt know that this Cretaceous (白垩纪的) greenhouse c

83、limate was that extreme,” Johann Klages of the Alfred Wegener Institute in Germany and a coauthor of the research told the Guardian.“It shows us what carbon dioxide is able to do.”With ice or no ice, Antarctica will be and has always been fine with extreme changes. The human world, however, may not

84、be.Now, during the coronavirus lockdown, weve seen the changes resulting from less human activity. Hopefully, well hold on to those changes not for Antarctica or the planet, but for ourselves.语篇解读:文章主要介绍了人类活动的减少给环境带来了好处。为了人类的生存,我们应该继续保持住由于人类活动减少而带来的变化。1What does Paragraph 1 mainly tell us?AOur plane

85、t is returning to its original state due to the novel coronavirus outbreak.BThe lockdown of major cities contributed to the decrease of greenhouse gases.CThe novel coronavirus has no effect on the human beings.DThe novel coronavirus outbreak resulted from human activity.解析:选B段落大意题。根据第一段的内容可知,该段主要介绍了

86、自从对人的活动限制开始以来,欧美主要城市的空气污染物和温室气体水平急剧下降。故选B。2What do we learn from the third study?ATypical products of a rainforest were dug out in Antarctica.BTraces of dinosaurs living in rainforests were spotted in Antarctica.CThere was a good possibility of high greenhouse gas concentrations in Antarctica.DThere

87、 used to be enough sunlight for the rainforest in the Cretaceous Antarctica.解析:选C推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句可知,考虑到数百万年前在冬天南极也有四个月的黑暗时间,科学家们认为,只有当时温室气体浓度极高以便在很少或没有阳光的情况下依然能保持大陆温暖时,热带雨林才可能存在。由此可推知,该研究表明,南极洲曾经的温室气体的浓度很可能非常高。故选C。3Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?AHuman activity doe

88、snt threaten life in Antarctica.BThe ice in Antarctica melted faster in the 2010s than now.CWe should reduce carbon dioxide emissions for our own sake.DThe lockdown can be carried on to slow down global warming.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句以及第五段和第六段的内容可知,二氧化碳能造成巨大的变化,而对南极洲来说,这些巨大的变化一直都是也将会是可以接受的,然而对人类世界来说可能不

89、是;我们应该为了自己而保持住由于人类活动减少而带来的变化。由此可知,为了我们自己,我们必须减少二氧化碳的排放。故选C。4What is the main purpose of the passage?ATo encourage us to defeat the novel coronavirus.BTo explain the effects of greenhouse gases.CTo draw our attention to the ecosystem in Antarctica.DTo call on us to reduce human impact on the environm

90、ent.解析:选D写作意图题。根据文章内容尤其是最后一段可知,人类活动的减少给环境带来了变化,因此为了人类自身的生存,我们应该继续保持住由于人类活动减少而带来的变化。由此可知,本文的主要目的在于呼吁人们减少人类对环境的影响。故选D。.完形填空Ive been into environmentfriendly things for ages, which started when I was 13 and my favorite teen magazine 1 in the mail with a “Save the Earth, Girl!” cover. I remember it 2 !

91、It was filled with all sorts of easy 3 to go green.Among many of the 4 I learned that day: turning off the water while you brush your teeth 5 200 gallons of water every year per person! I started doing that 6 . I mean, it is kind of a big deal considering Earth doesnt have an unlimited 7 of fresh wa

92、ter.My parents were also 8 for recycling and reusing, so we became the ones who 9 rejected containers and used them for 10 , and the ones who carried our own bags to the grocery store and our own 11 to the coffee shop. I knew it was the right thing to do for the environment.Later, I tried to let my

93、12 flag fly! I either called out to whoever littered in public or collected magazines from my friends to 13 . Then the strangest thing happened: people started 14 me. One by one, my friends began to turn off the lights, buy recycled notebooks, and 15 paper back into the printer to make use of the ot

94、her 16 . Its not that they were so 17 about the environment, but they were drawn to my confidence.Im wild about environmental protection and would stand 18 , saying, “Yeah, this is what Im into.” 19 others dont share your enthusiasm, they will envy your confidence and want to be like you, and that m

95、eans 20 your example.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者热衷环保的健康生活。1AexistedBarrivedCreturned Dprinted解析:选B根据空后的“in the mail”可推知,作者最喜爱的青少年杂志到了。2Acarefully BcorrectlyCclearly Doccasionally解析:选C根据空后的感叹号,和上文提到那本杂志是作者的最爱可推知,作者清晰地(clearly)记得那本杂志。3Atips BquestionsCjobs Ddecisions解析:选A根据上文中的“with a Save the Earth, Girl!

96、cover”可推知,那本杂志里提供了很多环保的小贴士,与下文中的如“刷牙时关掉水龙头”等具体的建议形成呼应。4Areasons BdebatesClessons Dfacts解析:选D根据语境可推知,每个人刷牙时关掉水龙头一年可以节约(saves)200加仑水是一个事实的陈述。5Aweighs BstoresCsaves Dtotals解析:选C参见上题解析。6Aat times Bright awayCafter all Dat last解析:选B根据下文“I mean, it is kind of a big deal considering Earth doesnt have an un

97、limited of fresh water”可推知,作者认为节约用水事关重大,于是立马行动。7Aamount BcontrolCuse Dflow解析:选A作者意识到地球上的淡水资源数量是有限的。amount“数量”。8Afamous BsorryCeager Dsuitable解析:选C根据下文可知,作者的父母也加入进来,践行环保。be eager for“渴望”。9Awashed out Btook awayCgave out Dthrew away解析:选A与空前的“reusing”呼应可推知,作者一家把遗弃的容器清洗后用来贮存(storage)。10Acollection Bshow

98、Cstorage Ddecoration解析:选C参见上题解析。11Adrinks BbooksCcoins Dcups解析:选D根据空前的“carried our own bags to the grocery store”和作者一家的环保理念可推知,他们带着自己的杯子去咖啡店。12Anoble BhighCambitious Dgreen解析:选D根据上文“Ive been into environmentfriendly things for ages”和“It was filled with all sorts of easy to go green”可推知,之后作者试着把自己的环保理

99、念传播给他人,故选D。13Arecycle BprocessCresell Ddonate解析:选A结合作者的环保理念并根据语境可推知,作者从朋友那里收集杂志,循环利用。14Aserving BcopyingCobserving Dreminding解析:选B根据下文“One by one, my friends began to turn off the lights . make use of the other ”可推知,作者的朋友开始仿效作者,加入环保行动。15Apay BtakeCfeed Dturn解析:选C根据空后的“paper back into the printer to

100、make use of the other ”并结合语境可知,此处应是一种环保做法,即把纸放进打印机,使用纸的另一面(side)。feed“把放进机器”。16Asheet BpartCversion Dside解析:选D参见上题解析。17Acurious BconcernedCoptimistic Dserious解析:选B根据该句“Its not that . drawn to my confidence”可推知,他们这样做并不是他们关注环境,而是被作者的信心吸引,与上文作者的朋友开始效仿作者,践行环保理念呼应。18A.proudly BpolitelyCcalmly Dpatiently解析:选A根据上文中的“but they were drawn to my confidence”可推知,作者热衷环保,信心满满,并以此为傲。19A.Now that BEven ifCUnless DBefore解析:选B根据语境可知,此处表示即使其他人不能分享你的热情,但他们将羡慕你的信心,并且想像你一样。20Asetting BmakingCgiving Dfollowing解析:选D结合语境“they will envy your confidence and want to be like you”可推知,这意味着人们会被你的信心所感染,效仿你的环保行为。

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