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《成才之路》2014-2015高中英语外研版必修3同步练习:MODULE 5 第2课时GRAMMAR I—EVERYDAY ENGLISH AND FUNCTION.doc

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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家Module 5 第二课时.句型转换1The reason why he was late was that he had to send his grandma to hospital.The reason_he was late was that he had to send his grandma to hospital.2The house whose roof was damaged has now been repaired.The house_was damaged has now been repaired.The house,_was dama

2、ged has now been repaired.3Have you recognized the man my father just spoke to?Have you recognized the man_my father just spoke?4The children whose diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly.The children_is high in fat will gain weight quickly.5This is the school where he studied two years ago.Thi

3、s is the school_he studied two years ago.答案:1.for which2.the roof of which;of which the roof3to whom4.the diet of whom5.in which.根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词1你下周哪个晚上有空?要是有,我们一块吃晚饭吧。Have you got a free evening next week?_,lets have dinner together.2据说他并未受过大学教育,但他看上去好像学者的样子。_he had no university education,but he s

4、eems to be a scholar.3许多科学家喜欢音乐。例如,爱因斯坦小提琴拉得非常好。Many scientists like music._,Einstein played the violin fairly well.4这只手表坏了,不能再报时了。The watch doesnt work and it cant_any more.5总之,相互理解对建立友好关系至关重要。_,understanding each other plays a key role in building a friendly relationship.答案:1.If so2.It is said tha

5、t3.To give an example4.tell the time5.In conclusion.语法填空1I was so angry at all_he was doing_I left at once.答案:that;that句意:我对他所做的一切如此生气以至于我立刻就离开了。第一空先行词是all,所有其后的定语从句只能用that,第二个空是so.that引导的结果状语从句。2Safety in schools has been of great concern because of frequent reports about accidents_students got inj

6、ured or killed while in school.答案:in which/where考查定语从句。句意:因为频繁校园事故的报道学校安全问题已经引起极大关注。学生们在这些事故中受伤或者丧生。先行词是accidents,定语从句中缺少地点状语,所以用in which/where,表示“在事故中”。3No one asked her for the reason_she gave for her absence.答案:that/which考查定语从句。句意:没有人问过她缺席的原因。先行词是the reason,后面的定语从句中gave后面缺少宾语,所以要用that/which或者省略。4

7、The house_windows were damaged in the storm is now under repair.答案:whose考查whose引导的定语从句。句意:在暴风雨中窗子被毁坏的那座房子正在维修。句中先行词是house,关系代词whose在从句中作windows的定语。5It is a good idea for parents to create an atmosphere_their children can grow healthily.答案:where/in which考查where引导的定语从句。句意:父母为孩子创造一个可以健康成长的氛围是一个不错的想法。句中

8、atmosphere为先行词,定语从句中缺少表示地点的状语,故用where或in which。6It was at the school_was named after a hero_he spent this childhood.答案:which/that;that句意:他就是在一个以英雄的名字而命名的学校里度过了他的童年。第二个空是强调句型的that,强调的是地点状语at the school,地点状语中又有一个定语从句,先行词是the school,定语从句缺少主语,所以用关系代词which或that。7I hate a job_I have to work seven days a w

9、eek.答案:where/in which考查where引导的定语从句。句意:我不喜欢一周要工作七天的工作。句中job为先行词,where/in which在定语从句中充当地点状语。8They talked about the persons and things_they remembered at school.答案:that考查定语从句的关系代词。句意:他们谈论起了所记得的在学校里的人和事。先行词中既有人又有物,关系代词只能用that。9After living in Paris for fifty years,he returned to the small town_he grew

10、up as a child.答案:where/in which考查定语从句。句意:在巴黎生活了五十年之后,他回到了从小在那里长大的那个小镇。定语从句中grew up是不及物动词短语,后面不需要宾语,所以定语从句中缺少的是地点状语,要用where/in which。10The school_you visited yesterday is the place_I used to work.答案:which/that;where/in which考查定语从句。在第一个定语从句中缺少宾语,故要用which或that;在第二个定语从句中,work为不及物动词,从句缺少的是表示地点的状语,故要用wher

11、e/in which。.完形填空Confucius would be happy if he lived in the modern world.He would see his works and philosophies still _1_ among teenagers even though they live in an _2_ of information.In Changzhou No.2 Middle School,Jiangsu,all senior 3 students now _3_ a course in Lun Yu once a week.The school ai

12、ms to improve students appreciation of the Confucian heritage(遗产)as well as _4_ Chinese civilization. “Students attendance in this course will _5_ 30 percent of their Chinese score on the final exam.This reward _6_ their interest in the course,which is _7_ but full of wisdom,”said Cao Yongzhong,a Ch

13、inese _8_ at the school._9_ wont be easy for students to enjoy The Analects(文选)of Confucius_10_ ancient Chinese as they _11_ so many other subjects to learn and exams to_12_. Cheng Yun,18,didnt like the“additional burden”_13_,but now it turns to be a course _14_ she looks forward to.“I thought it wo

14、uld _15_ my time for homework,but it doesnt._16_ sentences are short and concise(精练)I even use some of his wise sayings in my compositions,_17_ makes my writing more attractive,”Cheng said._18_ the fact that all students are required to learn some chapters of the book when in junior school,they may

15、be _19_ young to understand the truths revealed(揭示)by Confucius.“Although I _20_ the language we use nowadays to Confucius,what the master said in the book does help me shape my personality.”said Zhang Junzhuo,18.1A.usefulBpopularChelpful Dhopeful答案:B根据下文中的among teenagers可以推断出最佳答案为B项。在文中意为“他就能看到他的作品

16、和他的哲学思想在青少年中仍然盛行”。2A.ageBalternativeCemail Dopinion答案:A根据常识可判断出答案。孔子生活在古代,而现在是信息时代。3A.survey BwelcomeCconduct Dtake答案:Dtake a course“上课”。文中表示每周上一次论语课。4A.ancientBmodernCunknownDmagical答案:A根据上文的the Confucian heritage as well as和Chinese civilization及下文可看出是中国“古代”文化,故选A项。5A.consist ofBmake upCbe made up

17、ofDaccount of答案:B考查短语辨析。consist of和be made up of都用于表示整体是由部分组成,而make up用于表示部分组成主体,account of通常不能单独用作动词短语。故选B项。6A.discourages BdisappointsCencouragesDinvolves答案:C根据上文的This reward可排除A、B两项。D项也与文意不符。故选C项。7A.easy BinterestingCinspiringDdifficult答案:D根据下文but full of wisdom及下段中的wont be easy for students可知,最佳

18、答案为D项。8A.workerBteacherCcook Dlibrarian答案:B用排除法可得出最佳答案。9A.It BTheyCHeDShe答案:Ait作形式主语,真正的主语是for students to enjoy The Analects of Confucius。10A.across BinConDthrough答案:B根据文意可知,表达用某种语言只能用介词in。11A.haveBtakeCenjoy Dadvocate答案:A文中表示:因为学生们“有”许多其他科目要学并要准备考试。12A.prepareBtakeCprepare forDhave答案:C根据文意及subject

19、s to learn可知此处exams to prepare for,表示“准备考试”。13A.first Bat lastClastDat first答案:D根据but now it turns out可知前后形成对比。at first意为“起初”,符合文意。14A.who BthatCwhere Dwhy答案:Ba course后接一定语从句,从句中缺少宾语。故选B项。15A.make upBtake upCuse up Dpick up答案:B此处表示:我想它(论语课)可能会“占据”我的学习时间,但并不是这样。16.A.Confucius BCheng YunsCZhang Junzhu

20、oDCao Yongzhong答案:A本文讲的是孔子的论语在现代的盛行,且用排除法也可以得出答案为A项。17A.that BwhatCwhich Dthey答案:Cwhich引导非限制性定语从句,代替前面整个句子。18A.Due toBDespiteCThoughDOwing to答案:B根据“.they may be _19_ young to understand the truths.”与前面的内容构成了转折关系,可排除A、D两项;又因为前面的the fact是名词不是句子,故排除C项,选B项。19A.soBveryCtooDthat答案:C考查too.to结构。在文中意为“他们可能太小

21、以至于无法领会孔子揭示的那些真理”。20A.likeBenjoyCappreciateDprefer答案:D此处表示现代的语言与孔子时代的语言相比较,故用prefer。.阅读理解We couldnt forget the historic moment on Oct.11,2012,when the first Chinese Nobel laureate,Mo Yan,won the 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature.Minutes after the award was announced,millions of Chinese expressed pleas

22、ure and pride for Mo Yan on the Internet.So a Chinese getting the Nobel Prize for literature did really increase the national pride.On Dec.11(Monday)in Sweden Mo was given the Nobel diploma,medal and a document confirming the prize amount.In his speech at the ceremony,Mo said receiving the prize fel

23、t like a fairy tale,but of course it was true and that literature was useless compared with science.Mos award filled the blank left by Chinese literature in the world literary history.Meanwhile,Mondays Nobel awards ceremony set off another buying rush on Mos works among Chinese readers.【语篇解读】本文报道了中国

24、作家莫言获得2012年诺贝尔文学奖以及其影响。1Which of the following words can best describe our Chinese feeling when hearing the news?ACalm.BRelaxed.CProud.DIndifferent.答案:C细节理解题。根据第一段中的句子millions of Chinese expressed pleasure and pride for Mo Yan on the Internet.可知数百万的中国人在互联网上对莫言获奖表示高兴和自豪。pride“自豪”是proud的名词形式,故选C。2The

25、underlined word“laureate”in Paragraph 1 most probably means_.AloserBwinnerCfan Dsuperstar答案:B词义猜测题。根据第一段可知莫言获得诺贝尔文学奖,所以莫言是中国第一个诺贝尔文学奖获得者,所以“laureate”是winner的同义词“(荣誉)获得者。”3Which of the following statements is NOT true?AIt was hard for Mo Yan to believe he was awarded the prize.BMo Yan thinks literatu

26、re is useless.CMo Yan was given the Nobel Prize,medal and a document.DMo Yans works were more popular after his receiving the prize.答案:B推理判断题。根据第二段中句子Mo said receiving the prize felt like a fairy late,but of course it was true可知莫言很难相信自己获奖,所以A项正确;根据句子On Dec.11(Monday)in Sweden Mo was given the Nobel

27、diploma,medal and a document可知C项正确;根据句子Meanwhile,Mondays Nobel awards ceremony set off another buying rush on Mos works among Chinese readers.可以推断D项正确;文章中莫言说that literature was useless compared with science是一种客气说法,并不是真的说文学没有用处。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。【全国新课标卷题型】Once upon a time, th

28、ere was a king who ruled a prosperous country. One day, he went_1_a trip to some distant areas of his country. When he was back to his palace, he complained that his feet were very_2_(pain), because it was the first time that he went on such a long trip, and the road _3_he went through was very roug

29、h and stony. He then ordered his people to cover_4_road of the entire country with leather. _5_(definite), this would need thousands of cows skin, and would cost a huge amount of money.Then one of his wise servants dared himself to tell the king, “Why do you have to spend that _6_(necessary) amount

30、of money? Why dont you just cut a little piece of leather to cover your feet?” The king was _7_(surprise), but he later agreed to his suggestion, to make a “shoe” for_8_.There is actually a valuable lesson of life in this story: to make this world_9_happy place to live, youd better change yourselfyo

31、ur heart;_10_not the world. 1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6_ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._答案:1ongo on a trip“周游”。2painful表示脚的状态,用形容词做表语,pain的形容词是painful。3that/which/不填that/which引导定语从句,在从句中做宾语,修饰the road,也可省略不填。4every由空后的单数名词road of the entire country和this would need thousands of cows skin可知是指全国所有的公路。5Definitely在句中做状语,defini

32、tely“肯定地”。6unnecessary在整个国家的路上铺上皮革会浪费很多钱,且后面提了建议“你可以割一块皮革包住脚”,所以这个聪明的仆人应该是鼓足勇气向皇帝谏言:“你为什么非得花那种不必要的钱呢?”7surprised表示“某人因而惊奇”用surprised。8himself主语是he,给自己做鞋应用反身代词himself。9a表示泛指,用不定冠词。10but前后表示转折,用but。【辽宁卷题型】Henry: Hello, Susan. How is everything?Susan: It can never be_1_(good), Henry. How are your famil

33、y members?Henry: _2_is fine.Susan: Youre getting older, Henry, and you are heavier than you used to be.Henry: Everyone gets older. But you look younger than ever. Whats your secret?Susan: There is no secret. And I am careful about my diet. We_3_never be too careful about our food. I get more exercis

34、e than you.Henry: I agree with you on_4_. When the weather is warmer, I_5_(do) it.Susan: No, Henry. You should start as soon as possible.Henry: OK. I will start today,_6_I can enjoy as healthy a life as you do.Susan: By the way, how are the kids getting on?Henry: Peter is at high school now. Gladly,

35、 he always ranks among the ten best students in his school._7_, hes keen on sports.Susan: Thats wonderful! What about Charles? Has he_8_(graduate)from college?Henry: Yes. Hes now working at an international firm_9_(base) in New York. He always says that he wants to make a_10_in life.1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5

36、._6_ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._答案:1better考查固定句式。这里用提示词的比较级与can never连用,can never be better表示“没有比更好的”。2Everyone/Everybody考查代词。注意本句谓语使用了单数形式,因此这里用代词Everybody/Everyone表示“每个人”。3can考查情态动词。can never be too careful表示“越小心越好”。4that考查代词。这里用that指代前面提到的观点。5will do考查时态。when引导的时间状语从句,主句常用一般将来时,故用will do。6so that考查从属连词。这里用so that引导目的状语从句表示“以便”。7Besides考查副词。这里用besides表示“此外”。8graduated考查动词的时态。从句子结构和语境可知,这里用现在完成时,故用graduated。9based考查非谓语动词。这里用base的过去分词形式作定语。base与firm之间为动宾关系,故用过去分词。此处表示“一家总部在纽约的国际公司”。10difference考查固定搭配。这里用make a difference表示“有作用,影响”。- 8 - 版权所有高考资源网


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