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本文(2019-2020学年人教版高中英语选修七同步课件:UNIT 5 TRAVELLING ABROAD SECTION 4 .ppt)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2019-2020学年人教版高中英语选修七同步课件:UNIT 5 TRAVELLING ABROAD SECTION 4 .ppt

1、返回目录 Travelling abroad Unit 5 返回目录 Section Guided Writing返回目录 基础写作知识单元话题写作目录Contents 返回目录 基础写作知识科技发展【必背佳句】1There is no denying that modern science andtechnology bring us convenience and comfort in life.毋庸置疑,现代科技为我们的生活带来了便利和舒适。热门话题必背表达(五)返回目录 2Chinas advanced technology contributes to thetrains high

2、speed,comfort and safety,which enjoysgreat fame home and abroad.中国先进的技术使得(高铁)列车快速、舒适、安全,这一点享誉海内外。返回目录 3 Because of its convenience,people,whetheryoungorold,arepayingbyusingtheirmobilephones.What they have to do is enter the app of Alipayor WeChat,and scan the QR code.因为其便捷性,无论老少都喜欢用手机支付。他们需要做的只是进入支付

3、宝或者微信客户端,然后扫码。返回目录 4Using WeChat is a relatively cheap way ofcommunication,which cut down a great deal of the costof making phone calls.使用微信是一种相对便宜的通讯方式,大大降低了打电话的成本。5While a mobile phone can help us get relaxed,without it we can be more devoted to our study and life.尽管手机能帮助我们放松,但是没有手机我们可能会更专注于学习和生活。

4、返回目录 6It remains a question how we can solve theproblems regarding making online friends.如何解决网上交友所产生的问题仍然是个难题。7People can also choose to buy or sell whateverthey want by the Internet,while traditional shops dontprovide them with such great freedom.人们也可以通过网络买卖任何东西,而传统商店不能提供这么大的自由。返回目录 8With the rapid

5、 development of science andtechnology,a variety of hightech products have spilledover into each field in living.随着科学技术的迅速发展,各种各样的高科技产品涌入到生活的各个领域。返回目录【文体感知】写给笔友的信属于应用文,其基本结构为:第一部分:呼应来信、介绍现状。第二部分:回答问题或叙述经过。第三部分:提出愿望。单元话题写作写给笔友的信返回目录【增分佳句】1常见的开头语:How nice to hear from you again!You want to know whats g

6、oing on in school inChina?2常见的结束语:(With)Best wishes/regards!Give my best wishes/regards toPlease remember me to your family.All my best wishes for the future.Thankforearly返回目录 3常用的谦称:Sincerely yours/Yours sincerely(用于熟人之间)Truly yours/Yours truly(用于不太熟悉而应该客气的人之间)Respectfully yours/Yours respectfully(

7、用于对上级或长辈)4常用的词汇或句型:I would like to;I think/suppose/believe;HereIwantto;Ilearn/amtold/knowfromthat;Im glad/feel it my honor that;I(do)hope/wish that;As far as I know;Ill appreciateit/feel grateful if;Best wishes 等。返回目录【写作要求】假如你是李华,请根据下面提示给你的笔友John写一封信,介绍你的海外留学过程,词数80左右。返回目录【审题谋篇】项目结 论体裁_话题_时态主要使用_和_人

8、称主要使用_结构第一部分:_第二部分:_第三部分:_应用文(书信)介绍海外留学过程一般过去时一般现在时第一人称介绍现状在秘鲁一家大学攻读学士学位叙述经过签证、适应、学习等提出愿望返回目录【词句推敲】1词汇_花费时间做某事_ 做了充分的准备_ 适应_ 安顿_ 忙于_ 提出继续干下去;保持优秀成绩spend some time on/(in)doing sth make full preparations adjust to settle in be occupied with put forward keep it up 返回目录 2句式现在我在秘鲁的一所大学里为我的学士学位而学习。Now _

9、in a university in Peru_ my bachelors degree.改写:_(用不定式作目的状语)Im studying for Now Im studying in a university in Peru to receive my bachelors degree.返回目录 离开我的祖国前,我花了大量时间排队得到我的签证。Before _,_I had spentmuch time queuing to get my visa.改写:_(before作介词)I left my motherland Before leaving my motherland,I had

10、 spent much time queuing to get my visa.返回目录 虽然我为新生活做了充分的准备,但刚开始我还是不适应。普通表达:Although_,Ididnt_ it at first.高级表达:_(用 非 谓 语I had made full preparations for my new life adjust to Having made full preparations for my new life,I didnt adjust to it at first.返回目录 后来,我逐渐适应了那里的日常生活。Later,I gradually _ of life

11、there.为了提高学习,我的朋友建议我住在当地人家里。To improve my study,my friend recommended that_.改写:fit in with the routine I(should)live in a local family To improve my study,my friend recommended me to live with a local family.返回目录 当我在我的新家安顿好以后,我就忙于自己的功课。普通表达:After_,_I_ my subject.高级表达:_(用非谓语作时间状I settled in my new ho

12、me was occupied with Having settled in my new home,I was occupied with my subject.返回目录 我的导师是一位很严厉的教授,他提出很多要求。普通表达:Mytutor_,_andhe_many requirements.高级表达:_(用非谓语作原因状is a strict professor put forward Being a strict professor,my tutor put forward many requirements.返回目录【连句成篇】Dear John,Thank you for your

13、letter dated September 12.Now Im studying in a university in Peru to receive my bachelors degree.Before leaving my motherland,I had spent much time queuing to get my visa.Having made full preparations for my new life,I didnt adjust to it at first.Later,I gradually fit in with the routine of life the

14、re.返回目录 To improve my study,my friend recommended me to live with a local family.In this way,I can improve my study.Having settled in my new home,I was occupied with my subject.Being a strict professor,my tutor put forward many requirements.Now I do well in my subject and I will keep it up.Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua

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