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2019-2020学年人教版高中英语选修七同步课件:UNIT 1 LIVING WELL SECTION 4 .ppt

1、返回目录 Living well Unit 1 返回目录 Section Guided Writing英语返回目录 基础写作知识单元话题写作目录Contents 返回目录 基础写作知识高考书面表达的话题导向性越来越明显,学习并背诵热门话题的相关表达,积累佳句,写作时灵活运用,在有限的时间内写出紧扣话题的高级语句,可以显著提升表达的层次。热门话题必背表达(一)返回目录 生活与学习【必背佳句】1It is universally acknowledged that learningEnglish well will be of great benefit to us all.人们普遍认为,学好英语

2、对我们所有人大有益处。2There is no doubt that keeping an English diaryhelps you a lot with written English.毫无疑问,写英语日记对于提高你的书面英语很有帮助。返回目录 3I always take part in the English Corner where Ioften exchange my English study experience with others,which broadens my horizons and adds to my interest inEnglish.我一直参加英语角,

3、在那里我经常和其他人交流学习英语的经验,这拓宽了我的视野,提升了我对英语的兴趣。4It was my teacher who encouraged me andmotivated me to study hard,convincing me that a返回目录 5As far as I am concerned,to build a goodrelationship,we should trust each other first.就我个人而言,要建立良好的关系,我们首先应该信任彼此。6 Instead of blaming each other,we shouldcommunicate m

4、ore and put ourselves in others place.我们不应该互相指责,而应该多沟通,设身处地替他人着想。返回目录 7I enjoy drawing cartoons,which offers me anopportunity to do something interesting.Meanwhile,itprovides me with a source of pleasure.我喜欢画漫画,它提供给我一个机会做有趣的事情,同时它还是我快乐的源泉之一。返回目录【文体感知】建议信要写出写信的原因、建议的内容及提出建议的理由和根据。理由要合情合理,语气一定要缓和。因此建议

5、信要写得简明扼要、目的明确、具有合理性和说服力。建议信一般采取“三段式”结构。单元话题写作如何写建议信返回目录 1首段:针对对方对自己的信任简单表示感谢,亦可表明自己的诚意。建议信的开头必须表明建议的前提和事情的原委,对自己的立场做一些解释。2中段:应围绕问题有条理、婉转地提出合理的建议。注意充分考虑对方的实际情况,表达时应选择得体的用语,切忌用语生硬,泛泛而谈。通常以firstly,secondly,thirdly或to begin with,then,later等顺序陈述建议。返回目录 3尾段:简单表达希望。希望自己的建议能对对方有帮助。通常要在建议信的结尾部分阐明你所提供的劝告或建议仅供

6、对方参考。【增分佳句】1建议信的开头常用句式提出观点I am writing to express my views aboutYou have asked for my advice onand I will tryto make some suggestions.返回目录 2建议信的主体常用句式建议内容If I were you,I wouldI would like to suggest thatIt would seem to me that you couldI think it would be more beneficial if you couldIn my opinion,y

7、ou shouldIn my experience,it seems that返回目录 3建议信的结尾常用句式表达希望I hope you will take my advice into account.Ihopeyouwillfindtheseproposals/recommendations practical/helpful.返回目录【写作要求】假设你叫李华,你的美国朋友Johnson想和家人来中国定居,请你帮他在A、B两座城市中做出选择。下图是这两座城市在就业、娱乐和环境等方面的对比情况。请根据相关信息用英语给他写封电子邮件,提出你的建议并说明理由。词数80左右。返回目录 注意:图表

8、左边的数字说明了人们对这两座城市的喜爱程度。返回目录【审题谋篇】项目结 论体裁_话题_时态主要使用_和_人称主要使用_和_结构第一段:_第二段:_第三段:_应用文向朋友提建议一般将来时一般现在时第一人称第二人称根据所给信息,给出建议给出建议的三条理由:环境、娱乐和就业表达希望返回目录【词句推敲】1词汇_ 适合的_ 环境_ 和;也_ 娱乐_ 在闲暇时_ 玩得愉快suitable/fit environment as well as amusement/entertainment in ones spare/free time enjoy oneself/have fun 返回目录 _ 就业_ 机

9、会_ 经历;(偶然)遇到_ 赞成employment opportunity/chance meet with approval 返回目录 2句式A市更适合居住。A市的环境和气候比B市好。普通表达:CityAis_.The environment aswellastheclimateinCityA_.高级表达:_more suitable to live in is better than those in City B The reason why City A is more suitable to live in is that the environment as well as th

10、e climate in City A is better than those in City B 返回目录 那里有很多休闲娱乐的地方。闲暇之余,你可以在那里愉快地玩耍。普通表达:Therearemanyplaces_.You can _ there inyour spare time.高级表达:_(用where引导的非限制性定语从句连接两句)for entertainment enjoy yourself There are many places for entertainment,where you can enjoy yourself in your spare time.返回目录

11、A市的就业机会不如B市好。由于你是英语教师,我认为这不是问题。普通表达:The opportunities for the employmentin City A _ in City B.I dontthink _ as you are a teacher ofEnglish.高级表达:_(用though引导的让步状语从句连接两句)are not so good as those its a problem for you Though the opportunities for the employment in City A are not so good as those in City

12、 B,I dont think its a problem for you as you are a teacher of with your approval 返回目录【连句成篇】Dear Johnson,After a careful study of the information about the two cities,I suggest you choose to live in City AFirst of all,the reason why City A is more suitable to live in is that the environm

13、ent as well as the climate in City A is better than those in City B.Besides,there are many places for entertainment,where you can enjoy yourself in your spare time.返回目录 Last but not least,though the opportunities for the employment in City A are not so good as those in City B,I dont think its a problem for you as you are a teacher of English.I hope my suggestion will meet with your approval.Best wishes,Li Hua

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