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本文(四川德昌县2016高考英语完形填空和阅读理解暑假选练(12)答案.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、【由2013界广东省东山中学高三下入学摸底考试改编】 完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Behind our house is the start of a fascinating trail (小径). This trail is one of the old roads that wind through untold miles of forest. My 1 , Beans, and I walk the trail frequently. Normally, Beans sniffs alongside the 2 to fol

2、low the smell of a deer track or 3 some cause known only to him. Beans is a white dog, quite handsome and very 4 . He not only understands whatwe tell him, but also often makes sounds as if he were trying to 5 back. One morning, we took a different route, which led us to a(n) 6 trail. I was sure thi

3、s trail would eventually lead us to our familiar 7 . But, no. We seemed to be far off course. After two hours, I suddenly realized that Beans probably 8 the way home. So I urged, Beans, take me home. He ran down a new trail. But it merely led to an intersection (岔道口) of trails. Soon it became 9 that

4、 we were getting nowhere. I began to picture the rest of the day in the 10 , without food or drink. We had walked about ten miles. But Beans seemed totally 11 . The sniffing and exploring was going well for him. Finally, we 12 a crossroad near a highway. Lady Luck suggested I should turn left. We di

5、d and 13 reached a cottage beside a field. I knocked on the door and explained my situation to an old man. He laughed and then 14 us home. Since our adventure, I 15 that Beans probably knew all along how to get home.He was just having too much fan exploring new trails.1. A. deerB. dogC. ladyD. man2

6、A. routeB. roadC. trailD. way3.A. imagineB. considerC. exploreD. present4.A. smartB. sweetC. slowD. shy5. A. turnB. kickC. jumpD. speak6 A. unfamiliarB. similarC. indifferentD. changeable7. A. drivewayB. pathC. crossroadD. highway8. A. knewB. sawC. showedD. made9. A. mysteriousB. ridiculousC. fascin

7、atingD. apparent10. A. houseB. forestC. fieldD. cottage11. A. unconcernedB. unconsciousC. undecidedD. uncomfortable12. A. left forB. went offC. came toD. drove toward13 A. punctuallyB. frequentlyC. formallyD. shortly14.A. walkedB. droveC. sentD. carried15. A. regrettedB. rememberedC. concludedD. con

8、firmed文章大意:我的狗Beans领着我沿着一条不熟悉的小路散步而迷路了,结果好不容易才回到家。但从冒险经历来看,我断定Beans可能一直知道回家的路,他只是喜欢探险新的路径罢了。1.【答案】B【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. deer 鹿;B. dog狗; C. lady女士; D. man男士。根据第二段第一句 “Beans is a white dog”可判断故选B。2.【答案】C【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. route路线; B. road路; C. trail小径,踪迹; D. way方法。通常小狗Beans沿着这条小径跟随小鹿的踪迹,故选C。3.【答案】C【解析】考查动

9、词及语境的理解。A. imagine 想象;B. consider考虑; C. explore 探险; D. present提出。根据全文最后一句 “He was just having too much fan exploring new trails.”可判断故选C。4.【答案】A【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. smart聪明的,敏捷的; B. sweet甜的; C. slow慢的; D. shy害羞的。根据最后一句 “He not only understands what we tell him, but also often makes sounds as if he were

10、 trying to 39 back.”可推断Beans的聪明与机智。故选A。5.【答案】D【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. turn转向; B. kick踢; C. jump跳; D. speak讲话,说话。根据句中的 “makes sounds”可判断Beans试图用言语进行回答,故选D。6.【答案】A【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. unfamiliar不熟悉的; B. similar相似的; C. indifferent 莫不关心的;D. changeable可变的。一天早晨,我们走了一个不同的路线,它通向一个不熟悉的小径,故选A。7.【答案】B【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A.

11、 driveway车道; B. path 道路; C. crossroad十字路口; D. highway公路。根据上文 “My 36 , Beans, and I walk the trail frequently.” 和 “we took a different route, which led us to an unfamiliar trail.”可综合判断选B,即“熟悉的小径”这里path与trail近义词,故选B。8.【答案】A【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. knew知道;B. saw看见; C. showed显示; D. made制造。根据下文 “So I urged, Bea

12、ns, take me home.可以推断我突然意识到Beans可能知道回家的路,故选A。 9.【答案】D【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. mysterious 神秘的; B. ridiculous 可笑的; C. fascinating迷人的; D. apparent显然的。根据上文 “He ran down a new trail. But it merely led to an intersection (岔道口) of trails.”可推断其实Beans并不知道回家的路,即:很快,我们已经迷路是很明显的事了。故选D。10.【答案】B【解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. house

13、房子;B. forest森林; C. field 田地; D. cottage小屋。由前后语境可知我们迷失在一个偏僻之处,再结合第一段“This trail is one of the old roads that wind through untold miles of forest”的提示可判断选B项。11.【答案】A【解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. unconcerned不关心的;B. unconscious无意识的; C. undecided未定的; D. uncomfortable不舒服的。根据句中but所表示的转折关系,再结合“The sniffing and explorin

14、g was going well for him.”的提示推断,至于迷路一事我着急,但Beams并不关心,故选A项。12.【答案】C【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. left for动身去; B. went off 离去;C.came to前来; D. drove toward朝某个方向开去。由前后语境可推断此处应意为“我们终于来到了离高速公路不远处的一个十字路口”,故选C项。13.【答案】D【解析】考查副词及语境的理解。A. punctually准时地; B. frequently 经常地;C. formally正式地; D. shortly不久。很快我们就来到一处村舍,故选D项。shor

15、tly意为“不久”,符合语境。故选D。14.【答案】B【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. walked步行; B. drove开车; C. sent送; D. carried搬运。他笑了开车把我们送到了家,故选B。15.【答案】C【解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. regretted后悔; B. remembered记得; C. concluded推论; D. confirmed确认。从我们的冒险经历,我断定(得出结论)Beans可能一直知道回家的路,他只是喜欢探险新的路径罢了。由此语境可判断选C项。【参考答案】1-5 BCCAD 6-10 ABADB 11-15ACDBC阅读理解。阅读下列短

16、文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。(2014九江模拟)Its common for parents to feel emotional when the moment comes for their child to leave home and go to university. Even parents who dont speak about the event are likely to feel a sense of sadness because its the end of an era when you and your family were at

17、 the centre of your childs world. As a parent youll probably continue to support your child in different ways, but the main job of raising your child is over. Its a huge change for everyone involved. There are a few things that you can do to make the transition easier. Plan carefully for your childs

18、 departure and think about how you can help. Many parents take their child to university for the first time. If you decide to do that, be ready to feel a real wrench when the time comes to say goodbye. Your child will probably be as nervous as you are about the moment when you finally say goodbyebut

19、 that might not show! Be positive and cheerful about the choice your child has made to continue studying, and plan to leave once youve unpacked the car and looked around your childs new living accommodations. If you can, save your tears for the caryoull make things easier on your child and yourself.

20、 The more youve invested in being a parent, the more youll feel a sense of loss, so the sadness you feel now is a sign that youve been a good mom or dad. Remind yourself that parenting is all about raising an independent and confident child who functions well without you. If your child quickly settl

21、es and starts enjoying himself, you should congratulate yourself. Its also only fair to allow yourself some time to grieve(悲痛). Dont expect to pick yourself up and move on straight away. But you may decide to find a hobby or sport to fill your extra time. Perhaps youve always wanted to learn a new l

22、anguage, go to yoga classes or take up swimming. You may decide to spend more time with family and close friends, who are likely to be feeling the absence of your child as well. Agree on the best approach to staying in touch before your child leaves, and stick to your agreement. Try not to panic if

23、your child doesnt respond immediatelyremember, he is starting a new and busy life. 【文章大意】本文主要讲述孩子上大学后, 父母如何避免过度伤心。1. Why do parents feel sad when their child leaves home for college? A. Because the absence of their child makes them feel lonely. B. Because their child will start a new life in college

24、. C. Because it means the end of love between parents and their child. D. Because they are no longer the main focus of their childs life. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据文章第一段Even parents who dont speak about the event are likely to feel a sense of sadness because its the end of an era when you and your family were

25、at the centre of your childs world. 可知。2. The underlined word“wrench”in Paragraph 2 means a feeling of. A. sorrowB. regretC. angerD. love【解析】选A。词义猜测题。由后半句when the time comes to say goodbye可知, 分别时会难过。3. What does good parenting consist of? A. Supporting your child in different ways all the time. B. C

26、ongratulating yourself when your child goes to college. C. Preparing your child to stand on their own feet in the future. D. Investing as much as possible in the growth of your child. 【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据文章第四段Remind yourself that parenting is all about raising an independent and confident child who funct

27、ions well without you. 可知。4. Whats NOT advised as the way to recover from your childs departure? A. Developing a new hobby or sport. B. Learning a new language. C. Spending more time with close friends. D. Staying in touch with your child. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据文章第五段But you may decide to find a hobby or sp

28、ort to fill your extra time. Perhaps youve always wanted to learn a new language, go to yoga classes or take up swimming. You may decide to spend more time with family and close friends, who are likely to be feeling the absence of your child as well. 可知A、B、C三项都提到了。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。It wa

29、s reported last week that developers could take photos from Apple mobile and Google Android devices without the phone owners knowing that the images were being taken. In Apples case, developers can also obtain the location information for each photo.Senator(参议员) Charles Schumer said in a telephone i

30、nterview that his office had spoken with officials at both Apple and Google on Monday. “We asked them if they could find a way on their own to prevent Apple from having access to private info,” Mr. Schumer said. “They were friendly and open to the idea that this ought to be changed.”On Sunday, Mr. S

31、chumersaidthat he planned to send a letter to the Federal Trade Commission(联邦贸易委员会) asking the agency to investigate Apple and Google after the privacy concerns came to light.Claudia Bourne Farrell, an F.T.C. spokeswoman, said the agency had received the letter but she could not comment further.“It

32、sends shivers up the spine to think that ones personal photos, address book, and who knows what else can be obtained and even posted online without consent,” Mr. Schumer wrote in his letter to the F.T.C. “If the technology exists to open the door to this kind of privacy invasion, then surely technol

33、ogy exists to close it, and thats exactly what must happen.”Mr. Schumer said if Apple and Google could not come to an agreement to fix the problem, then he would be forced to take the issue further.He said other companies had been willing to work with his office to fix issues. “Im optimistic that we

34、 can get this changed without any regulation,” he said. “If its not changed, then well look the F.T.C., and if that doesnt work then well look at legislative approach.”The F.T.C. has warned companies to try to be morevigilant(警醒的)in their efforts to protect consumers when it comes to privacy.36.The

35、senators spoke with officials at both Apple and Google .A. to discuss whether it is illegal to have access to private information.B. to stop them from developing the technology of taking photos.C. to urge them not to invade consumers privacy.D. to keep them from obtaining the location information fo

36、r each photo【答案】C【解析】细节理解题。根据We asked them if they could find a way on their own to prevent Apple from having access to private info参议员鼓励他们不要侵犯顾客的个人隐私,故选C。37. Which of the following statements is true?A. Privacy invasion from Apple has existed for a long time.B. Privacy invasion from Google has exis

37、ted for a long time.C. Apple and Google have decided to make a change.D. Mr. Schumer takes the privacy concerns caused by Apple and Google seriously.【答案】D【解析】细节理解题。根据Mr. Schumersaidthat he planned to send a letter to the Federal Trade Commission(联邦贸易委员会) asking the agency to investigate Apple and Go

38、ogle after the privacy concerns came to light.可知Mr. Schumer对苹果和谷歌引起的个人隐私问题很重视,故选D。38. Mr. Schumers letter to the F.T.C. mainly shows that the technology to open the door to privacy invasion . A. causes people to worry about the safety of their personal information . B. can be used if permitted.C. ca

39、uses personal information to be posted online without permission.D. causes privacy invasion to happen frequently.【答案】A【解析】细节理解题。根据If the technology exists to open the door to this kind of privacy invasion, then surely technology exists to close it, and thats exactly what must happen.他认为引起人们对于个人安全问题的

40、担心,故选A。39.If the privacy concerns cant be solved with the help of the F.T.C., .A.The companies will be fined.B. The companies will be closed.C. The senators will turn to legislation.D. The senators will force the companies not to invade privacy.【答案】C【解析】细节理解题。根据if that doesnt work then well look at legislative approach如果个人的隐私问题解决不了将采用立法的问题,故选C。40.Where can we read about the passage?A.In a science report. B. In a newspaper. C. In a magazine D. In a textbook.【答案】B【解析】细节理解题。根据短文的内容主要叙述的是对于公司的对于客户的个人隐私的泄露问题的的解决途径,所以这篇文章出现在报纸上,故选B。

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