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1、20052006学年度高三年级月考形成性测试模拟英 语 试 卷 200510第卷I. 听力(20%)听下面5段对话,回答1-5题1. Where is this dialogue probably taking place?A. In a bank. B. In an office. C. In a clothes store.2. What size will the man probably take?A. A size five and a half B. A size six C. A size seven and a half.3. What does the woman mean?

2、A. The stores are closed on Sundays. B. She doesnt like driving all the way into town. C. Its annoying to make a long trip for nothing.4. What is the mans problem?A. He is tired. B. He is sick. C. He is thirsty.5. What can we learn from this conversation?A. This lab is generally locked on Saturdays

3、B. Something strange happened in he lab on SaturdaysC. The lab should never be locked.听第6段材料,回答68题6. What is the mans occupation?A. A doctor B. A researcher C. A news reporter7. Which of the following room did the man book before he came?A. A warm room with a shower. B. A single room with a shower C

4、. Room 523.8. When is the man checking in ?A. Saturday B. Thursday C. Tuesday听第7段材料,回答911题9. Why does the woman mention the Sahara desert?A. She watched a TV program about it last night. B. She thinks it is boring to hitch-hike across the Sahara desert.C. She knows that the man likes foreign things.

5、10. What kind of film does the woman like?A. Love stories. B. Travel stories C. Horror stories.11. What can we learn about the male speaker?A. He does not like eating lunch with the woman. B. He likes unusual food. C He gets sick of chips.听第8段材料,回答1214题12. Who are these two people?.A. A boss and her

6、 employee. B. A headmaster and a teacher C. A manager and her secretary13. What is the problem?A. The man is late for work. B. The woman doesnt trust the man C. Eight thirty train was cancelled.14. What can be inferred from the dialogue?A. The man might tell a lie. B. The man might not know the time

7、. C. The man might lose his job.听第9段材料,回答1517题15. Why cant the man go to the film with the woman?A. He has a paper on insects to write. B. He has to go to Jills party.C. He is not interested in Shakespeares plays.16. What might these two speakers be?A. Students. B. Teachers. C. Husband and wife.17.

8、What will the woman probably do?A. Give the tickets to Professor Shrimp. B. Sell the tickets to Professor Shrimp.C. Go to the show with Professor Shrimp.听第10段材料,回答1820题18. Which is the reason that so many students ate the food from that soybean milk shop even on Saturday?A. Students liked the food f

9、rom that shop. B. It was so convenient for them to get food from that shop. C. Many students were talking courses on Saturday.19. Why did the father of a girl student say that his daughter was lucky?A. She was sent to hospital in time. B. She ate only little of the food she bought from that shop.C.

10、She vomited out most of the food she ate.20. What is NOT known so far about the accident?A. The cause of this food poisoning accident. B. The number of people hit in the accident. C. The time of this accident.II单项填空(15%)21 He felt rather _when he rushed to the airport by taxi, only_ the flight had t

11、aken off.A. annoying; finding B. annoyed; finding C. annoyed; to find D. annoying ; to find22 What he has done is far from_.A. satisfied B. satisfying C. satisfactory D. satisfaction23 They blamed the failure on George. Actually, he_. A. is not to blame B. is to blame C. is not to be blamed D. shoul

12、d not blame24 If he had taken my advice, he _ in the competition.A. would succeed B. would have succeeded C. should have succeeded D. might succeed25 When I got back home, I saw a message pinned to the door_ “Sorry to miss you; I will call later.”A. to read B says C written D reading 26 The young ma

13、n was brave enough to risk _into _prison by the enemy.A. putting; the B. put; C. putting; a D .being put ; 27 Theres nothing to do but _till it stops snowing .A. to wait B. wait C. waiting . D. waits28 _is it_ you flew to Zhuhai last week?A. When ;that B. How; what C . Why; that D. Why; which29 Is t

14、here anyone who knows the person _ there?A. seating B. seated C. to be seating D. seat30 Kathy_ a lot of Spanish by playing with the native buys and girls.A. picked up B. took up C. made up D. turned up31 -Would you please lend me a hand?-_A. It doesnt matter B. Its my pleasure C. Go ahead, please D

15、. With pleasure32 He hasnt slept at all for three days. he is tired out.AThere is no point BThere is no need CIt is no wonder D It is no way33 It is near the place _there is a tomb _ we found the dead man .A. where ;where B. where ;that C. that where D. that that 34 -What are you busy doing these da

16、ys?-_ the college entrance examinations.A. To make preparations for B. Preparing myself for C. To prepare myself for D. Myself preparing35 No matter what you say, I shall _ my opinion.A. carry out B. keep up C. insist on D. stick toIII. 完形填空 (30%)A lady and her husband stepped off the train in Bosto

17、n. They walked without an appointment(预约)into the outer 36 of Harvards president. But they were 37 by his secretary and kept waiting. For hours, the secretary took no notice of them, 38 that the couple would finally become 39 and go away. But they didnt. The secretary finally decided to disturb the

18、president, though 40 .A few minutes later, the president walked towards the couple with a 41 face. The lady told him, “We had a son that 42 Harvard for one year. He loved Harvard. He was 43 here. But about a year ago, he was accidentally killed. My husband and I would like to 44 a memorial(纪念物)to hi

19、m, somewhere on campus.”The president wasnt 45 . Instead, he was shocked. “Madam,” he said, “we cant put up a statue for every person who studied at Harvard and died. If we did, this 46 would look like a cemetery(墓地).” “Oh, no,” the lady 47 quickly. “We dont want to put up a statue. We would like to

20、 give a 48 to Harvard.” The president rolled his eyes and 49 at the couple and then exclaimed, ” A building! Do you have any 50 how much a building costs? We have spent over 7,500,000 on the campus building at Harvard.” For a moment the lady was silent. The president was 51 , because he could get ri

21、d of them now. Then the lady turned to her husband and said quietly, “Is that all it costs to start a 52 ? Why dont we just start our own?” Her husband nodded. 53 their offer was turned down. Mr. and Mrs. Stanford traveled to California where they founded the University that bears their 54 , a memor

22、ial to a son that Harvard no longer 55 about.36Alab Blibrary Chall Doffice37AwatchedBstoppedCfollowed Dinterviewed38AhopingBfindingCrealizing Dimagining39AsurprisedBdisappointedCworried Dtroubled40AhopelesslyBcarefullyCunexpectedly Dunwillingly41ApleasantBfunnyCcold Dsad42AattendedBvisitedCstudied D

23、served43AcleverBbraveCproud Dhappy44Aset aboutBset upCtake down Dtake over45AsatisfiedBexcitedCmoved Dashamed46AhouseBpartCgarden Dplace47AexplainedBexpressedCrefused Dadmitted48AbuildingByardCplayground Dsquare49AlaughedBshoutedCglancedDcalled50AsuggestionBideaCthought Dopinion51Abored BastonishedC

24、interestedDpleased52AdepartmentBuniversityCbusinessDclub53AOnce BWhileCSince DThough54Aname BcharacterCpicture Dsign55AtalkedBknewCheardDcaredIV. 阅读理解(40%)AMore American people take their troubles with them on holiday, according to a new survey. Although 40 percent said that the main reason for goin

25、g away is to escape pressure (压力) from work, almost all said they worry more than they do at home. Only four in every 100 said that they are happy and free of care.The most common worry is burglary ( 入室盗窃) , with four out of 10 worrying about their homes being broken into while theyre abroad. More t

26、han a quarter fear they will feel crazy with some other noisy and rough holiday-makers and 22 percent worry they may be attacked or their possessions will be missing. One in five think the car may break down; and the same number worry about the chances of bad weather.The survey also showed that the

27、stay-at-home Americans are no more. Three out of every five want to have a holiday abroad, a great increase from the figures only three years ago. The hotel holiday is still a winner, with about one third of all Americana preferring to go on a self-catering ( 自助 ) holiday.56. The underlined word “su

28、rvey” in the first paragraph most probably means _.A. research B. review C. exhibition D. examination57. According to the text, about _ of people worry more on holiday than when they are at home.A. 25% B. 40% C. 80% D. 95%58. The third most common worry of American holiday-makers is that they may _.

29、A. be attacked or lose their possessions B. have problems with their cars on the roadC. have bad weather on holiday D. get mixed with some rough fellow holiday-makers59. Where do American holiday-makers like to stay most?A. At a hotel. B. In a quiet place. C. At a friends house. D. Where they can co

30、ok for themselves.BWhen a rather dirty , poorly dressed person kneels at your feet and puts out his hands to beg for a few coins , do you hurry on , not knowing what to do , or do you feel sad and hurriedly hand over some money ? What should our attitude to beggars be ? There can be no question that

31、 the world is full of terribly sad stories . It must be terrible to have no idea where our next meal is going to come from . It seems cruel not to give some money to beggars.Certainly , most of the worlds great religions (宗教) order us to be open-hearted and share what we have with those less fortuna

32、te than ourselves .But has the world changed ?Maybe what was morally(道德方面)right in the old days ,when one knew exactly who in the village had suffered misfortune and needed help ,is no longer the best idea. Quite a few people will not give to beggars .Let us look at their arguments.First ,some belie

33、ve that many city beggars dress up on purpose to look pitiable and actually make a good living from begging .Giving to beggars only encourages this sort of evil(恶行).Secondly ,there is the worry that the money you give will be spent on beer ,wine or drugs .Thirdly ,there is the opinion that there is

34、no real excuse for begging. One might be poor ,but that is no reason for losing ones sense of pride and self-dependence.Related to this is the opinion that the problem should be dealt with by the government rather than ordinary people .Some people think beggars should go to the local government depa

35、rtment and receive help. It is hard to come to any final conclusion ;there are various cases and we must deal with them differently .A few coins can save a life in some situations ,and even if the money is wasted ,that does not take sway the moral goodness of the giver.60What is mainly discussed in

36、the passage?AMoral deeds of people.BReligious activities of the church.CMoral goodness of the giver.DArguments on giving to beggars.61What can we infer from the sentence “But has the world changed ?”in the second paragraph?APeople no longer know who suffers misfortune in the village.BSome people wil

37、l not do what was morally right in the past .CWe dont meet with those who need help any more.DNow it is the governments duty to help the beggars.62Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?ASome people dress up to pretend to be beggars .BSome beggars want money to help their children go

38、 to school.CSome beggars use the money to buy drugs.DSome beggars have no excuse for begging.63In the last paragraph ,the writer thinks that it is hard to come to any final conclusion ,because .Athe cases can be so differentBthere are so many beggarsCthere is so much money wastedDthere are so many d

39、ifferent argumentsC Walk through the Amazon rainforest today and you will find it is steamy ,warm ,damp and thick .But if you had been around 15,000 years ago, during the last ice age ,would it have been the same ?For more than 30 years, scientists have been arguing about how rainforests like the Am

40、azon might have reacted(反应)to the cold ,dry climates of the ice ages ,but until now ,no one has reached a satisfying answer.Rainforests like the Amazon are important for mopping up CO2 from the atmosphere and helping to slow global warming . Currently the trees in the Amazon take in around 500 milli

41、on tones of CO2 each year; equal to the total amount of CO2 giving off in the UK each year. But how will the Amazon react to future climate change? If it gets drier ,will it still survive and continue to draw down CO2 ?Scientists hope that they will be able to learn in advance how the rainforest wil

42、l manage in the future by understanding how rainforests reacted to climate change in the past.Unfortunately ,getting into the Amazon rainforest and collecting information are very difficult .To study past climate ,scientists need to look at fossilized pollen ,kept in lake muds. Going back to the las

43、t ice age means drilling deep down into lake sediments (沉淀物),which requires specialized equipment and heavy machinery .There are very few roads and paths ,or places to land helicopters and aero planes .Rivers tend to be the easiest way to enter the forest ,but this still leaves vast areas between th

44、e rivers completely unsampled(未取样).So far ,only a handful of cores have been drilled that go back to the last ice age and none of them provide enough information to prove how the Amazon rainforest reacts to climate change.64The underlined phrase “mopping up” in the second paragraph means .Acleaning

45、up Btaking inCwiping outDgiving out 65How will the Amazon rainforest react to future climate change?AItll get drier and continue to remove CO2 .BItll remain steamy ,warm ,damp and thick .CItll get warmer and then colder and drier.DThere is no exact answer up to present.66Whats the main idea of the l

46、ast paragraph?AIts important to drill deep down into lake sediments to collect information.BIts impossible to prove how climate changes in the Amazon rainforest.CIts hard to collect information for studies of the past climate in the Amazon rainforest.DIts necessary to have specialized equipment and

47、machinery to study the past climate.67The best title for this passage may probably be .AStudies of the AmazonBClimates of the AmazonCSecrets of the RainforestsDChanges of the RainforestsDEight Days from just 299Departs MayOctober 2005Includes:Return flights from 8 UK airports to NaplesReturn airport

48、 to hotel transportSeven nights accommodation at the 3 Hotel NiceThe services of guidesGovernment taxes Join us for a wonderful holiday in one of Europes most wonderful corners .Long a favourite with holidaymakersindeed the ancient Romans called the area “happy land” this simply attractive coastline

49、 of colorful towns, splendid views and the warm Mediterranean Sea is a perfect choice for a truly memorable holiday!Choose between the peaceful traditional village of Sant Agata ,set on a hillside six miles from Sorrento ,or the more lively and well known international resort (旅游胜地)town of Sorrento

50、,with wonderful views over the Bay of Naples.Breathtaking scenery and famous sights everywhere .From the legendary Isle of Capri to the haunting ruins of Pompeii ,and from the unforgettable “Amalfi Drive” to the delightful resorts of Positano ,Sorrento and Ravello ,the area is a feast for the eyes!

51、Should you choose to join us ,we know that you will not be disappointed!With a choice of hotels ,and optional excursions (可选择的旅游线路)including Capri ,Pompeii and the “Amalfi Drive” ,this is a truly unmissable holiday.Price based on two tourists sharing a twin / double room at the Hotel Nice.Like to kn

52、ow more? Then telephone Newmarket Air Holidays Ltd on: 0845-226-7766 (All calls charged at local rates).68All the following are included in the price of 299 EXCEPT _.Atransport between the airport and the hotel Btelephone calls made by touristsCthe services of guides to tourists Ddouble rooms for ev

53、ery two tourists69What is the purpose of the passage?ATo invite people to take a breath in the Bay of Naples.BTo advise people to telephone Newmarket Air Holidays Ltd.CTo persuade people to tour in the area of the Mediterranean Sea.DTo attract people to go to Sant Agata or Sorrento for sightseeing.7

54、0The underlined part “the area is a feast for the eyes” in the passage means _.Athe area is pleasing to the eyeBthe area is really unforgettableCthe area catches the tourists eye Dthe area is crowded with tourists71After reading the ad, one will probably join in the tour because _.Athe sights are at

55、tractive and the tour starts in May or OctoberBthe price is low for those intending to stay at the 3 Hotel NiceCthe price offered is reasonable and the sights are beautifulDgood services are offered to those intending to stay in double roomsEDo you have any strong opinion on co-educational or single

56、-sex schools?A supporter of co-educational schools would probably say that schools should be like the societies they belong to .In Hong Kong , men and women mix socially on a day-to-day basis .In many fields men are even likely to have female bosses .It is ,therefore, desirable that boys and girls g

57、row up together ,go to school together ,and prepare themselves for a society that does not value sexual separation.Some would go on to argue further that growing up with members of the opposite sex is important for personal development .Regular contact (接触)can remove the strange ideas about the oppo

58、site-sex and lead to more natural relationships .Single-sex conditions are seen as leading to more extreme opinions, and possibly even as encouraging homosexuality(同性恋),though there is no proof that this is the case.Those who are against coeducation often also fix their attention on the sexual side

59、.Some parents fear that close contact with members of the opposite sex is dangerous for teenagers .They want their children to be attentive to their studies .Such parents feel uncomfortable with modern ways and the free mixing of the sexes.A stronger argument comes from research into school results

60、.Girls grow up earlier than boys ,tend to be more orderly and are likely to be better at languages .In a mixed class ,boys who might do well in a single-sex class become discouraged and take on the rule of troublemaker .Certainly in the UK this situation has greatly alarmed (惊动)the government for it

61、 to be encouraging co-educational schools to have some single-sex classes .In the UK the best schools are all single-sex ,strongly suggesting that co-education is not the best answer .This may ,however ,not be as simple as it looks .It may simply be that the famous old schools that attract the best

62、students happen to be single-sex ,rather than that being single-sex makes them better schools.72In the third paragraph, by saying “though there is no proof that this is the case” ,the writer means that .Astudents in single-sex schools will certainly become homosexualBstudents in co-educational schoo

63、ls cannot have extreme opinionsCstudents in co-educational schools are likely to be homosexualDsingle-sex school conditions may or may not have effects on the students.73All the following arguments can be found in the passage EXCEPT that .Aco-education can produce a society-like situationBco-educati

64、onal schools may lead to love affairs between boys and girlsCco-education will help develop a better understanding about the opposite sex Dco-education can make boys perform well in mixed classes74Alarmed by the situation, the UK government encourages .Aco-education Bsingle-sex educationCsingle-sex

65、classes in co-educational schoolsDco-educational classes in single-sex schools75At the end of the passage the writer suggests that .Asingle-sex schools are the best schools in the UKBbeing single-sex does not necessarily make a school betterCco-educational schools are better for both sexes in person

66、al developmentDbecause boys cannot compete with girls in study ,they go to single-sex schools第卷V短文改错(每条1分,共10分)Time flies as an arrow. Ive already in the second half 1_of senior grade 3 before I realize it. It is only a little more 2_than three months before I graduate middle school. At 3_the presen

67、t, Im busy reviewing my lessons in order to 4_take the college entrance examination. I wish to go to 5_Beijing University, that is one of the best universities not 6_only in China but also in the world. Ill try my best to turn 7_my dream to reality. Most of my classmates are also 8_studying very har

68、d to realize our wishes. I do believe 9_everyone will be able to enter a very good university and college 10_VI翻译短语(10分)1考虑(到)某事物;把某事物考虑在内 _2浪费时间做某事 _3不知所措/不知如何是好;茫然/困惑 _4呼吁某人做某事 _5说中要点;正中要害; 恰到好处 _6有意义; 有道理; 讲得通 _7不打扰或不干预;让独自呆着 _8请两天病假 _9使某人欣慰的是 _10承认做过某事 _VII书面表达(25分)目前,学校存在少数学生考试作弊现象。某英文杂志社拟对此现象向

69、中学生征文,标题是“My Opinion on Cheating in Examinations”。请根据下列提示用英语写一篇征文稿。内容要点如下:主要原因考试偏多、偏难不用功、懒惰取悦父母、老师个人看法作弊不对,违反校规要诚实,努力学习(其他看法)注意:1短文必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥; 2短文标题与开头已为你写好,不计入总词数; 3词数:100左右。 4参考词汇:作弊 cheat(v.)My Opinion on Cheating in ExaminationsIt is known to us all that some students cheat in examinations

70、 at school _参考答案1-5 CCCAA 6-10ABCAC 11-15 BAAAB 16-20ABCCA21.C 22.C 23.A 24.B 25.D 26.D 27.B 28.C 29.B 30.A 31.D 32.C 33.A 34.B 35.D 36.D 37.B 38.A 39.B 40.D 41.C 42.A 43.D 44.B 45.C 46.D 47.A 48.A 49.C 50.B 51.D 52.B 53.C 54.A 55.D 56.A 57.D 58.A 59.A 60.D 61.B 62.B 63.A 64.B 65.D 66.C 67.C 68.B 69

71、.D 70.A 71.C 72.D 73.D 74.C 75.B76Aslike 77.realized 78.graduatefrom 79.the 80 examinations81.thatwhich 82 83 tointo 84 ourtheir 85 andor1 take sth into consideration/ account; take account of sth.2 lose/waste time in doing sth3 at a loss/ at sea4 appeal to sb. to do sth.5 to the point6 make sense7

72、leave/let alone/ be8 ask for a two-day sick leave 9 to ones relief10 admit doing/ having done sth.My Opinion on Cheating in ExaminationsIt is known to us all that some students cheat in examinations at school.As students, we often take examinations at school, but sometimes we have too many examinati

73、ons which are too difficult for us. On the other hand, some of us are lazy and dont work hard at their lessons. So when taking examinations, they sometimes cheat in order to get better results to please their parents and teachers.In my opinion, it is wrong to cheat in examinations because it breaks the rules of schools, we students should be honest and try to get good results by studying hard instead of cheating in examinations. Whats more, we should improve our study methods and get well prepared for examinations.


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