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本文(新教材2021-2022学年译林版英语选择性必修第二册单元练习:UNIT 3 FIT FOR LIFE WORD版含答案.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

新教材2021-2022学年译林版英语选择性必修第二册单元练习:UNIT 3 FIT FOR LIFE WORD版含答案.doc

1、温馨提示: 此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。单元素养评价(三)Unit 3(120分钟150分)第一部分听力(共两节, 满分30分)第一节(共5小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。Text 1M: May I speak to Mary, please? W: Shes not here right now. This is her si

2、ster speaking. Can I take a message? M: Could you ask her to call Max Peterson at 465-878-4931? W: Hold on one second, Mr Peterson. Let me just get a pen. 1. Who is the woman? A. Mary. B. Marys sister. C. Marys mother. 答案: BText 2W: Im going to spend the next year studying in London. Someone told me

3、 that you once lived there. M: Oh, but I was just a kid at that time. 2. When did the man live in London? A. Last year. B. Last month. C. When he was a child. 答案: CText 3W: As most of our customers are foreigners, you must be able to speak at least one foreign language to be employed. M: In that cas

4、e, Im fit for the position I think. I can speak Spanish fluently and can understand French. 3. What is the requirement for the job? A. Knowing a foreign language. B. Working at night. C. Leaving on business. 答案: AText 4M: Is Mr Stephen in his room, please? He has called to see me after dinner. W: If

5、 he is in, his key will be here. Yes, sir. Room 202. He is in his room. Would you like to ring up first, sir? 4. What does the man want to do? A. Book a room. B. Pay Mr Stephen a visit. C. Invite the woman to dinner. 答案: BText 5M: Are you ready? We need to get going. We are going to be late! W: Oh,

6、you say that every time, Jay, and we always end up getting to the place 20 minutes early. 5. What does the woman mean? A. They are always late. B. They dont need to hurry. C. They still have 10 minutes. 答案: B第二节(共15小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前, 你将

7、有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。Text 6W: Where do you want to go for the summer holiday ? M: Im not sure. But I would like to go to Republic of Korea or maybe Japan. W: Ive been to Republic of Korea before. So, maybe Japan is a better idea for this year. M: When did

8、 you go to Republic of Korea? W: I went during high school with my class. Remember? Thats why I missed Chelseas birthday party that year. M: Oh Yeah! And you couldnt stop talking about kimchi for weeks. W: OK, OK. Its delicious! So, shall we go to Japan, then? I will look for tickets online. Hopeful

9、ly, they wont be too expensive. M: Great, I cant wait ! 6. Why wont the speakers travel to South Korea? A. The woman likes Japan more. B. The woman has already been there. C. The tickets are too expensive. 答案: B7. What had the woman kept talking about? A. A city in Republic of Korea. B. A type of fo

10、od. C. A popular clothing brand. 答案: B听第7段材料, 回答第8、9题。Text 7W: Hi, Tony. Nice to meet you here. So you must have had a lot of fun since the summer vacation? M: Yes. As my father puts it, have fun while it lasts, as the excitement wears off really fast. And now Im considering going to New York for a

11、visit, because my parents wanted me to go to an American university for my further education. W: Indeed, itll be a good experience to take a vacation to a different country, so that you can learn about different cultures. How I envy your good luck. Ill have to take a part-time job to help support my

12、 family. M: Well, we cannot choose our family background, but we have to try to make a difference. 8. What does the mans father say? A. Its nice to have friends. B. Life is a struggle. C. Have fun when you can. 答案: C9. What will the woman do during the holiday? A. Get a part-time job. B. Travel to A

13、merica. C. Look after her brother. 答案: A听第8段材料, 回答第1012题。Text 8M: Hi, Carol. Did you see the pictures Amy just posted? I think shes in Germany. W: Yeah, she and her friends decided to go at the last minute. Theyre visiting for about two weeks, then theyre going to France after that. Then on to Londo

14、n. M: I feel like an awful friend. I had no idea. Sometimes I wonder if Id have any idea whats going on in my friends lives if it werent for WeChat. W: Its strange, isnt it? Sometimes I feel like I know more about strangers who post frequently than I do about my closest friends. People write everyth

15、ing on the Internet. M: Yes, youre right. Its interesting how much social media has changed the way we interact with each other. W: So do you think theres a healthier way to use social media? M: Good question. I think its important to limit your time online and put the phone down when youre with oth

16、ers. 10. Where is Amy now? A. In Germany. B. In London. C. In France. 答案: A11. How does the man know what his friends are doing? A. Through face-to-face talk. B. Through strangers posts. C. Through WeChat. 答案: C12. How does the man think we should use social media? A. We should stop using it. B. We

17、should post frequently. C. We should limit our time online. 答案: C听第9段材料, 回答第1316题。Text 9M: Hey, Mom. Whats up ? W: Hi, Chris. Your father and I are coming home tomorrow. Can you pick us up at the train station in the afternoon ? M: What time will you arrive ? W: We land around noon. So, we should be

18、 at the train station by 1: 30 p. m. M: Oh, but I have to pick up Sandy from the vet at 1: 30 p. m. I wont be able to get to the station until 2: 00 p. m. at the earliest. W: Whats wrong with Sandy ? M: Nothing too serious. The vet said she might have caught a cold or something. W: Oh, Im sure she w

19、ill be OK. Shes a strong girl. M: Thanks. Now, what should we do about tomorrow? W: Let me think. . . Your dad and I can just eat lunch at the airport. That way, no one will feel rushed to be anywhere. Well plan to see you around 2: 00 p. m. at the station. OK? M: Works for me. W: Oh, hang on a seco

20、nd. Where are we going to sit? If you are bringing Sandy in the car, we wont have room to sit in the back seat. M: Thats true. Also, what about your luggage? W: Son, cant you put off picking up Sandy until later in the afternoon? That would make everything a whole lot easier . M: I will call the vet

21、 and see if thats possible. Ill call you right back. W: OK. 13. When had the man planned to pick up Sandy? A. 1: 30 p. m. B. 2: 00 p. m. C. 2: 30 p. m. 答案: A14. Who might Sandy be? A. The mans classmate. B. The womans daughter. C. The mans pet. 答案: C15. Whats the woman mostly worried about? A. Enoug

22、h space in the car. B. Sandys health. C. Where to have lunch. 答案: A16. What will the man do next? A. Make a phone call. B. Go to the train station. C. Send a text message. 答案: A听第10段材料, 回答第1720题。Text 10W: It seems that money plays an important role in our daily life. Everyone has an opinion on money

23、. What do you think about it? Do you think money is the most important thing? Do you find yourself a slave to money? Now Ill introduce a book to you, which can help you stop worrying about money. When Susan was 13 she watched her father dive into the flames of his burning house in order to rescue hi

24、s cash. At that moment she learned that money was very important. And so she tried every means to become rich. But years later, when Susan became a wealthy woman with a huge firm, she was unhappy. What went wrong? She had not yet achieved financial freedom. In this book, Susan covers the keys to fin

25、ancial success and her own experience of achieving happiness. If you want to be happy with money, just buy one book and have a look at it. Maybe you will find your answer in this book and have a better understanding of money. 17. What is the speaker mainly introducing? A. A friend. B. A book. C. A p

26、rogramme. 答案: B18. Why did Susan think that money was important? A. Her father couldnt buy her clothes. B. Her father was always worried about money. C. Her father went into his burning house to save his money. 答案: C19. What did Susan do when she grew up? A. An advisor. B. A businesswoman. C. A prof

27、essional writer. 答案: B20. What does Susan try to tell people in her book? A. How to achieve happiness. B. How to run a firm. C. How to get freedom. 答案: A第二部分阅读(共两节, 满分50分)第一节(共15小题; 每小题2. 5分, 满分37. 5分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。A(2021南京高二检测)On your journey, there are some healthy active transp

28、ort options, for example cycling. Active transport benefits*Its a convenient and practical way to incorporate(并入) regular exercise into your day. *Cycling to your stop or station helps to reduce your carbon footprint. *The cost of buying and maintaining a bicycle is around 1% of the cost of buying a

29、nd maintaining a car. *It provides an opportunity to socialize with people in your local community. *Cycling provides commuters(通勤者) with economical and efficient access to public transport services. On average, 10 times more households are within cycling distance of public transport than they are w

30、ithin walking distance. Taking your bike on the trainYou can take your bike on the train on weekdays, except during the following peak times: *7 a. m. -9: 30 a. m. towards the CBD (Central Business District); *3 p. m. -6: 30 p. m. outwards from the CBD; *at any time during weekends and public holida

31、ys. Note: You can travel in the opposite direction during the specified peak times above. To avoid travelling during peak times, you must complete your morning journey by 7 a. m. towards the CBD and afternoon journey by 3 p. m. outwards from the CBD. During peak hours, bikes cannot be brought throug

32、h Fortitude Valley, Central or Roma Street stations. If you travel with a bike during peak times, you may be asked to leave the train until peak time ends. Bike storage facilitiesBike facilities offer greater flexibility as you can cycle to a station and securely park your bike before continuing you

33、r journey on public transport. Queensland Rail and the City of Gold Coast also offer a number of bicycle storage facilities across our network. You can book a bike locker by emailing us at bikelockerqueries translink. com. au. 【文章大意】本文是一篇应用文。文章讲述了骑自行车上下班的好处及换乘公共交通方式的注意事项。21. What is mentioned about

34、cycling in the text? A. It is environmentally-friendly. B. It is convenient to get around. C. It is helpful to reduce your weight. D. It is much faster than walking. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据Active transport benefits部分的Cycling to your stop or station helps to reduce your carbon footprint. 可知, 骑自行车到车站可以减少你的碳足迹

35、。即骑自行车对环境有好处。A. It is environmentally-friendly. 符合以上说法, 故选A项。22. When can you take your bike on the train through Roma Street station? A. 7 a. m. on Christmas. B. 3 p. m. towards CBD. C. 6 p. m. during weekends. D. 4 p. m. outwards from CBD. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据Taking your bike. . . and public holidays.

36、以及During peak hours, bikes cannot be brought through Fortitude Valley, Central or Roma Street stations. 可知, 要通过Roma Street车站把自行车带上火车要避开这些高峰期。故选B项。23. Where can we probably find the text? A. A guide book. B. A health journal. C. A sports magazine. D. A travel website. 【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据文章整体内容, 尤其是结合文章第一

37、段及文章最后一句可推断, 这篇文章可能出自旅游网站。故选D项。B(2021常熟高二检测)Like most couples, my husband and I dreamed of becoming homeowners. Sure, apartment living comes with its own set of advantagesless housework, shared comfort, less to clean up and care for, and usually cheaper rent. As a result, we decided to downgrade fro

38、m our neat five-bedroom, 2, 700-square-foot house on the water to a three-bedroom, 1, 369-square-foot apartment, with two kids. Once we arrived in our new apartment, we were surprised to find that things flowed relatively smoothly. There was so much less to keep up withfewer floors to mop, fewer win

39、dows to clean, fewer walls to wipe, etc. Now I think of our home as our little playhouse, since its much smaller and everything is closer together. That also makes it so much easier for me to keep up with as a mom. I collect laundry all on one floor comparing with having to climb stairs to the house

40、s second floor! In our new home, we use lots of shoe organizers inside of every closet door for more than just shoesbaby items, office items, and medicines. We also have a functional room that serves as an office and gym. Since both my husband and I work from home, we require at least one room to sh

41、are as an office with fitness equipment fitted into a corner. While many people choose to downsize for financial reasons, that actually wasnt a factor in our decision. We wanted to be in a lively area with like-minded young families. That was our first priority. Though we may still buy another house

42、 in this area at some point down the line, for now, were thrilled with the concept of renting an apartment. Let me put it this way: Were not really the “handy” types, so being able to call maintenance(维修) for any repairs is worth every rent coin! 【文章大意】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述作者从一个比较大的房子搬进小型公寓的原因。24. What can w

43、e learn from Paragraph 1? A. Our old house was upgraded. B. Living in a house has advantages. C. Our new apartment was downsized. D. Smaller size means more housework. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段内容可知, 作者的公寓变小了。故选C项。25. How do the couple feel about the new apartment? A. Confused. B. Amazed. C. Tired. D. Cha

44、llenged. 【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据第二段内容可推知, 作者夫妻俩对新公寓大为惊奇, 认为很适合他们。故选B项。26. Why do the couple make changes to their new home? A. To build up their body. B. To create a home office. C. To enlarge all the rooms. D. To make full use of space. 【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段内容可知, 作者夫妻俩对新家做出改变主要是为了充分利用空间。故选D项。27. What is the

45、 couples first concern when moving? A. Transportation. B. Neighbourhood. C. Repair work. D. Money. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段前两句可知, 搬家时, 作者夫妇首先关心的是希望能和志趣相投的年轻家庭一起生活在一个热闹的地区。故选B项。C(2021随州高二检测)Plant breeding is the science of changing the characteristics of plants in order to produce desired ones. Genes in

46、 a plant are what determine what type of characteristics it will have. Plant breeders try to create a specific outcome of plants and potentially new plant varieties by changing the genes of the plants through breeding, which is making new plants from parents of different varieties or species. People

47、 all over the world are arguing about its benefits and disadvantages. Some people use the technology to produce desired characteristics of plants and animals. Other people are concerned that the genetically engineered plants may harm the environment and worried that they may be dangerous for people

48、to eat. There are many reasons for changing plants in this way. International development agencies believe that breeding new crops is important for ensuring food security by developing new varieties that are higher yielding, disease-resistant, drought-tolerant or regionally adapted to different envi

49、ronments and growing conditions. For example, some genetically engineered plants can live through frost or drought. As a result, farmers can make more profit because fewer plants will die. Some genetically engineered plants are more nutritious. They have less fat, taste better or stay fresher than n

50、on-genetically engineered plants. This will allow people to buy better-quality fruit and vegetables. Some can resist natural pests and viruses spread by insects. This reduces the amount of chemical needed to kill pests, which is helpful to the environment. However, genetically engineered plants can

51、cause unexpected problems. Genetically engineered plants that resist pests may pass on that characteristic to a wild relative. This may cause the wild plant to spread fast, because pests are not naturally killing it. They can also harm animals. A type of corn has been developed which kills a species

52、 of insect that destroys it. The pollen from this corn, however, can also kill monarch butterfliesthe most beautiful of all butterflies, which do not harm the corn. Genetic engineering is a very new science and we have a lot to learn about the good it can do and the damage it can cause. The main con

53、cern is that not enough tests are being done to ensure it is safe. 【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了植物育种这门科学, 其目的是生产出具有优良特点的植物品种。全世界的人都在争论它的好处和坏处, 文章解释了进行植物育种背后的一些原因以及可能产生的问题。28. According to the passage, what is the purpose of plant breeding? A. To beautify the environment. B. To change the genes of plants. C.

54、 To produce preferable plant varieties. D. To assess the value of the practice. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第一段内容可知, 植物育种的目的是生产具有优良特点的植物品种。故选C。29. Why could plant breeding ensure food security? A. Because higher production is guaranteed. B. Because farmers can make more money. C. Because drought and frost hardly

55、 happen. D. Because food is of better quality. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第三段内容可知, 培育优良的植物品种可以产量更高, 抗病, 抗干旱, 适应环境能力强, 从而可以保证食品安全。故选A。30. How can some genetically engineered plants benefit the environment? A. Some beautiful butterflies are killed. B. Less harmful chemicals are used. C. The food they produce tast

56、e better or stay fresher. D. They can adapt to different environments. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第四段中“Some can resist natural pests and viruses spread by insects. This reduces the amount of chemical needed to kill pests, which is helpful to the environment. ”可知, 转基因品种可以增强对害虫和病毒的抵抗力, 减少化学杀虫剂的使用, 因此对环境有益。故选B。31.

57、 Whats the authors attitude toward plant breeding? A. Doubtful. B. Disapproving. C. Objective. D. Supportive. 【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据最后一段可推断出, 作者对植物育种的态度是客观的。故选C。D(2021泰州高二检测)A new study, published this week in the journal Frontiers in Veterinary Science, reveals that non-human animals tears are not so diff

58、erent from our own. The chemical similarities are so great, in fact, that the composition of other species tearsand how theyre adapted to their environmentsmay provide insights into better treatments for human eye disease. Previously, scientists had studied closely only the tears of a handful of mam

59、mals, including humans, dogs, horses, camels, and monkeys. In the new study, Brazilian veterinarians analyzed the tears of reptiles and birds for the first time, focusing on seven species. Tears, which are released from tear tubes, form a film over the eye thats composed of three ingredients: mucus,

60、 water, and oil. The mucus coats the eyes surface and helps to attach the film to the eye, the water is a natural salty solution containing crucial proteins and minerals, and the oil prevents the eye from drying out. Humans are the only known species to produce emotional tears; the expression “croco

61、dile tears, ” which refers to a persons phony display of emotion, comes from the mysterious tendency of crocodiles to release tears as they eat. But tears play key roles beyond weeping, notes Lionel Sebbag at Iowa State University, who was not involved in the new research. They help with vision by l

62、ubricating and clearing the eye. They also protect the eye against infection and provide nutrition to the cornea, the eyes clear outer layer, which lacks blood tubes, he says. Learning how reptiles and birds use tears may also inspire new medications for conditions such as dry eye, which occurs when

63、 tear tubes dont produce enough oil. The disease, common in cats, dogs, and people, can sometimes lead to blindness. 【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。一项新研究表明, 动物的眼泪与人类的眼泪并没有太大不同, 实际上这些眼泪为治愈人类的一些疾病提供了思路。32. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about? A. The source of tears. B. The composition of tears. C. The classification of t

64、ears. D. The definition of tears. 【解析】选B。段落大意题。根据第三段内容可知, 第三段主要讲了眼泪的成分。故选B。33. What does the underlined word “phony” in Paragraph 4 mean? A. Tricky. B. Regretful. C. Cold. D. False. 【解析】选D。词义猜测题。根据画线词后文“display of emotion, comes from the mysterious tendency of crocodiles to release tears as they eat

65、”可知, 鳄鱼进食的时候会流泪, 所以“鳄鱼的眼泪”指的是一个人虚假的情感表达。即画线词意思是“虚假的”。故选D。34. Which statement does Lionel Sebbag agree with? A. Weeping contributes to eye disease. B. The cornea has rich blood tubes. C. Tears oil and clear the eyes. D. More tears mean better vision. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段内容可知, C选项“眼泪可以润滑和清洁眼睛”的观点Lione

66、l Sebbag可能同意。故选C。35. What might be the best title for the text? A. Tears, a barrier to eyesB. A better treatment for eye diseaseC. Non-human tears promise new curesD. Other species tears are similar to humans【解析】选C。标题归纳题。根据第一段内容可知, 文章主要介绍的是动物的眼泪为治疗人类眼病提供了思路, C选项“非人类的眼泪预示着新的治疗方法”最适合做文章标题。故选C。第二节(共5小题

67、; 每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(2021泰州高二检测)Everybody eats, and what you eat is getting more expensive all the time. Food prices have risen 15 percent in the past 3 yearsto about $240 a week. Can you really cut a grocery bill that size in half? 36Its no surprise that

68、cooking at home is a huge step in the right direction, and it may require less time than you think. 37 It somewhat makes sense, whether you are growing a garden or investing some volunteer time with a community garden. 38 If you save your receipts (收据) from groceries and eating out for a few weeks,

69、youll have all the data you need to start making plans. Make notes on your buying patterns, which is good for your wallet. When researchers from the University of Utah analyzed the food buying patterns of 10, 000 Americans, they found many folks were spending nearly half of their food dollars on res

70、taurants and fast food. 39 About 7 percent spent over a third of their food budget on alcohol. Once you have known where you stand, you can start changes in your diets to reduce food costs. 40 There are three paths to follow: develop a food-efficient diet, keep a food-efficient kitchen, and spend yo

71、ur food dollars as wisely as possible. And even better, you may find you truly enjoy some of these strategies, which are not only good for your wallet, but maximize flavor and nutrition. A. Growing some of your own food is a big help, too. B. You can get products directly from a farm at a low price.

72、 C. Remember that you dont need to change everything at once. D. They are good for your health, and can save you a lot of money. E. You must also take an honest look at where your food dollars are going. F. You bet you can, and you will also improve the quality of your food supply. G. Only about 30

73、percent of the people tended to buy fresh food to cook and eat at home. 【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了减少食物花销、改善食物供应品质的方法。36. 【解析】选F。上文说明填空处与是否能把杂货店的账单减半有关。下文最后一段说明杂货店的账单是可以减半的。F选项(你肯定能做到, 而且你也将改善你的食物供应质量。)符合上下文意。故选F项。37. 【解析】选A。下文“It somewhat makes sense, whether you are growing a garden or investing some v

74、olunteer time with a community garden. ”说明填空处与自己种植相关。A选项符合文意。故选A项。38. 【解析】选E。下文说明人们需要了解自己的食物账单。E选项(你还必须诚实地看一看你的食物的钱都花到哪里去了。)符合下文文意。故选E项。39. 【解析】选G。上文说明填空处与犹他大学研究的结果有关。下文说明填空处也是一种食品购买模式的数据。G选项(只有大约30%的人倾向于购买新鲜食物在家做饭吃。)符合上下文意。故选G项。40. 【解析】选C。上文说明人们需要改变自己的饮食。下文说明不需要一次性全部改变, 而是慢慢发展保持。C选项(记住, 你不需要一次改变所有的

75、事情。)符合上下文意。故选C项。第三部分语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)第一节(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(2021承德高二检测)Generally, a “good nights sleep” means about eight hours without interruption. However, the 41 of an eight-hour sleep is fairly recent. History textbooks, 42, only tend to record memorabl

76、e events. Sleep is so 43 that it is barely mentioned. Some historians 44 references to a “first sleep” and a “second sleep” in documents. The first sleep started after sunset and lasted until around midnight. Then people would lie 45 for a while and chat or pray. Some neighbors 46 used to visit each

77、 other. After a few hours, they would continue their second sleep until dawn. By the time electric lighting was introduced, the two-sleep pattern had 47, for most people could stay up late with lights. Its a 48 we lost the two-sleep habit because being awake for a period at night is beneficial. It 4

78、9 the bodys natural energy and sleep rhythms. The two-sleep habit wasnt 50 . Sleep patterns vary between different cultures. Sleep patterns also vary according to 51 . Older adults and pre-teens are happy with early mornings, 52 teenagers have a habit of staying up late at night and getting up late.

79、 Thats why parents are always 53 that teenagers wont get up in the mornings. Actually, it shouldnt 54 . Getting up late isnt lazy. Maybe we should 55 what our body clock is telling us and sleep when our body says its tired. 【文章大意】这是一篇说明文, 讲述了不同时期和不同地域人们的睡眠类型以及影响睡眠模式的因素。41. A. character B. endC. resu

80、ltD. concept【解析】选D。根据“a good nights sleep means about eight hours without interruption”可知, 前文是在说明良好睡眠的概念, 空处也应该与前文一致, 应指的是八小时睡眠的概念。故选D项。42. A. naturallyB. finallyC. hopefullyD. casually【解析】选A。根据“only tend to record memorable events”可知, 历史教科书只记录令人难忘的事件, 这是理所当然的。故选A项。43. A. practicalB. commonC. import

81、antD. complex【解析】选B。根据前文 “only tend to record memorable events. ”并结合常识可知, 睡眠是很少被提及的, 因为睡眠是一件很常见的事情。故选B项。44. A. droppedB. preferredC. understoodD. noticed【解析】选D。根据后文“references to a first sleep and a second sleep in documents”, 并对其内容进行详细说明可知, 该句为历史学家注意到文献中的内容。故选D项。45. A. asleepB. aloneC. awakeD. angr

82、y【解析】选C。根据后文“Some neighbors _used to visit each other. After a few hours, they would continue their second sleep until dawn. ”可知人们在第一觉后会进行一些活动, 才会继续睡觉, 所以第一觉后人们应该是醒着躺在床上。故选C项。46. A. evenB. seldomC. stillD. only【解析】选A。根据前文“Then people would lie _for a while and chat or pray. ”可知, 人们在第一觉后会祈祷或聊天。后文说会互相

83、拜访, 可知前后两句应该是一种递进关系。故选A项。47. A. developedB. returnedC. disappearedD. existed【解析】选C。根据后文 “for most people could stay up late with lights” 因为大多数人有灯可以熬夜。所以人们不再睡两觉, 这种睡眠模式已经消失了。故选C项。48. A. pityB. blessingC. puzzleD. relief【解析】选A。根据“we lost the two-sleep habit because being awake for a period at night is

84、 beneficial”可知晚上醒一段时间是有益的, 因此失去这种睡眠习惯是一件遗憾的事。故选A项。49. A. ends up withB. keeps up withC. comes up withD. puts up with【解析】选B。根据前文“we lost the two-sleep habit because being awake for a period at night is beneficial”可知, 晚上醒一段时间是有益的。因此推断这样睡觉符合身体的自然能量和睡眠节律。故选B项。50. A. universalB. interestingC. healthyD. r

85、egular【解析】选A。根据后文“Sleep patterns vary between different cultures. ”可知, 文化不同睡眠模式也不同, 因此推断睡两觉的睡眠习惯并不是普遍的。故选A项。51. A. raceB. ageC. spaceD. season【解析】选B。根据后文 “Older adults and pre-teens are happy with early mornings. . . getting up late. ” 可知, 睡眠模式也因年龄而异。故选B项。52. A. ifB. whileC. whereD. how【解析】选B。根据“Old

86、er adults and pre-teens are happy with early mornings”和“teenagers have a habit of staying up late at night and getting up late”可知, 老年人与青少年有不同的睡眠习惯。所以前后文表转折。故选B项。53. A. complainingB. persuadingC. hearingD. suspecting【解析】选A。根据前文“teenagers have a habit of staying up late at night and getting up late”可知

87、, 青少年有晚睡晚起的习惯, 因此父母总是会抱怨青少年早晨不起床。故选A项。54. A. workB. occurC. lastD. matter【解析】选D。根据后文“Getting up late isnt lazy. ”可知, 起床晚并不是懒惰, 这并不是什么要紧的事。故选D项。55. A. guessB. reportC. considerD. risk【解析】选C。根据后文“sleep when our body says its tired”可知, 当我们的身体说累的时候应该睡觉。所以我们也许应该考虑我们的生物钟向我们传达的消息。故选C项。第二节(共10小题; 每小题1. 5分,

88、满分15分)阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(2021广州高二检测)In modern society, many traditional Chinese festivals are becoming less and less popular. However, they are important part of Chinese culture, and its our 56. _ (responsible) to protect and maintain them. This article focuses on a festival that many

89、 people are not familiar withHanshi Festival. With a history of more than 2, 600 years, Hanshi Festival is the only traditional one in China named 57. _ food, and it is also known as the Cold Food Festival as people are only allowed to eat cold food on this day. Hanshi normally 58. _ (fall) around A

90、pril 3 in the solar calendar, one to two days ahead of the Qingming Festival. In most parts of China, fires might start easily in the dry early spring due to the flammable substances 59. _ (store) by people and the spring thunder. As a result, the ancients usually held grand ceremonies of sacrifice

91、in 60. _ the fire stored from the previous year would be put out. Later, they would drill wood to get new fire for a new year. The gap between putting out old fire and 61. _ (burn) the wood to obtain new fire ranged from three, five, or seven days according to different 62. _ (history) records. Duri

92、ng the gap days, fires 63. _ (prohibit) in households. As a result, people would eat what they had prepared previously, namely the cold food, or hanshi in Chinese. Thats 64. _ the Hanshi Festival gradually came into being. As the Hanshi Festival is one to two days ahead of the Qingming Festival, the

93、y gradually got combined with one another. After the Song Dynasty, cold food did not remain a necessity on this day, and gradually, Qingming Festival took over the folk activities of Hanshi 65. _ (become) a major festival on this subject. 【文章大意】本文是说明文。在现代社会, 许多中国传统节日越来越不受欢迎, 文章介绍了许多人不太熟悉的寒食节的演变。56.

94、【解析】responsibility。考查名词。形容词性物主代词修饰名词, 故填responsibility。57. 【解析】after。考查固定短语。be named after是固定短语, 表示“以命名”, 根据句意, 故填after。58. 【解析】falls。考查时态和主谓一致。空格处是谓语动词, 文章主时态是一般现在时, 主语Hanshi是第三人称单数, 故填falls。59. 【解析】stored。考查非谓语动词。分析句子可知, “_(store) by people”是后置定语, 修饰“the flammable substances”, store与逻辑主语substances

95、是被动关系, 故用过去分词作后置定语, 故填stored。60. 【解析】which。考查定语从句。分析句子可知, “in _the fire stored from the previous year would be put out”是定语从句, 先行词是ceremonies, 在从句中作介词的宾语, 指物, 用关系代词which, 故填which。61. 【解析】burning。考查非谓语动词。分析句子可知, between. . . and. . . “在和之间”, 连接并列成分, 由“putting out old fire”可知, burn也用动名词形式, 故填burning。62

96、. 【解析】historical。考查形容词。修饰名词用形容词, historical“历史上的”, 符合语境, 故填historical。63. 【解析】were prohibited。考查时态和语态。分析句子可知, prohibit是谓语动词, 与主语fires是被动关系, 用被动语态, 此处讲述过去发生的事情用一般过去时, 主语是复数, 故填were prohibited。64. 【解析】how。考查表语从句。分析句子可知, 空格处引导表语从句, That指代上文讲述的寒食节的形成, 可知此处用how表示方式, 故填how。65. 【解析】to become。考查不定式。分析句子可知,

97、“_(become) a major festival on this subject”表示意料之外的结果, 用不定式作结果状语, 故填to become。第四部分写作(共两节, 满分40分)第一节(满分15分)(2021泰州高二检测)假定你是李华, 你的英国朋友Eric写邮件向你了解中医药的情况, 并询问中医药在中国治疗新冠肺炎中的作用, 请你给他回复一封邮件, 内容包括: 1. 简单介绍中医药; 2. 中医药在抗疫中发挥的作用; 3. 表达祝愿。注意: 1. 词数80左右, 开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数; 2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。参考词汇: 新冠肺炎COVID-19; 针

98、灸acupunctureDear Eric, Thank you for writing to me! _Yours, Li Hua【参考范文】Dear Eric, Thank you for writing to me! Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been around for thousands of years, and doctors use it to address health problems. For instance, acupuncture can be used to treat pain and improve ov

99、erall wellness. In the most recent battle against COVID-19, TCM has proved its effectiveness in boosting peoples immune system, relieving disease symptoms and preventing mild symptoms from getting worse. Overall, it helped to reduce death rate and improved patients chances of recovery. Best wishes t

100、o your family and take care of yourself! Yours, Li Hua第二节 (满分25分)阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。(2021随州高二检测)As the sun shone through Poltus window, he was already wide awake in his bed. He got up and ran straight to his study table. There, in an empty jam bottle, was the treasure. A colorful

101、 little butterfly. How difficult it had been to catch it in the backyard of his house. It had kept flying away from his grasp. But catch it he did. And now it was going to be part of his biology project in school. The biology project required Poltu to submit the study of a living creature every mont

102、h. Most of his classmates drew diagrams from their books as part of this exercise. But Poltu was going to do something different. He was going to present a live creaturethis butterfly. Poltu loved the different colours on the wings of the butterfly. Red, green and blue. How beautiful it looked when

103、it fluttered the wings. Poltu had made a few holes on the cap of the bottle to let air pass through, and added tender leaves for the butterfly to nibble(小口地咬)on. He might have trapped the creature, but he cared for it. Excited about displaying his exhibit to the biology teacher, Poltu dressed hurrie

104、dly, and left for school. His school was walking distance from his house. He took a short cut and when he arrived, the gate wasnt wholly open yet. He walked straight into his class, opened the bench window and placed the bottle on the windowsill. The golden rays of the sun streamed through the glass

105、, on the delicate wings of the butterfly. Poltus butterfly looked simply gorgeous. In a few minutes, the area was full of boys, even from other classes, gazing fondly at it. That days biology class was the most interesting in a long time. Pleased with Poltus initiative(主动性), the teacher asked everyo

106、ne in the class to thank him as he made it possible for them to study a butterfly so closely. Poltu felt like a star for being treated like royalty. On the way home, whatever small creature Poltu came across, he felt like putting into the bottle. But he checked himself as he wanted to give breathing

107、 space to his butterfly. 注意: 续写词数应为150左右。However, when he returned home, he found the butterfly not moving. _He ran outside, holding the bottle tightly in his hand. _【参考范文】However, when he returned home, he found the butterfly not moving. Suspecting that it could be sleeping, he patted the cap of th

108、e bottle lightly, but no response. Poltu was scared all of a sudden. A disturbing thought flashed across his mind that the butterfly might have been exhausted to death after being displayed the entire day. He poured a little water into the bottle, which seemed to help as the butterfly shivered a lit

109、tle. Then followed a long period of utter stillness of the poor creature, leaving Poltu even more unsettled. He ran outside, holding the bottle tightly in his hand. The air in the backyard was refreshing from the scent of the green grass. He quickly unscrewed the cap of the bottle and started shakin

110、g it gently. His heart pounded as he waited for the butterfly to come alive. Then slowly, as if waking from a deep slumber, the butterfly started to move. Poltu watched as it fluttered its wings and rose gently up into the air. Staring at the empty bottle for an instant, he had a feeling of emptiness himself. But it was a delight to send the butterfly back to where it belongednature. 关闭Word文档返回原板块

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