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2021届高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 9 Wheels课时作业9b 北师大版必修3.doc

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1、课时作业9Wheels.阅读理解A(2019绵阳中学模拟考试)When I was little, I saw tons of bats flying around streetlights at night in my neighborhood in upstate New York.By the time I turned 7, I noticed something strange: All the bats in my neighborhood had vanished,_and I wondered why. Later I learned what had happened to

2、my towns bats. A disease called “white nose syndrome (白鼻综合征)” had killed 93 percent of New York States bats (and about 6 million bats across the country)! I was shocked. I asked the bat biologist what I could do to help, and she said, “Tell others whats been happening. Help people understand that ba

3、ts are important to our environment and need to be protected.”I thought I must teach people about bats. My first stop? The library, where I eventually checked out every book on bats they had. Next, I started a Facebook page called Buddies for Bats and posted any photos, facts, and videos that I coul

4、d find. Then I wrote a letter to the host of an environmental program on my local radio station, asking if theyd do a show on bats. (They did!)But I still wanted to find a way to educate people face to face. I managed to make a presentation to a school. I also used tools to describe how bats help fa

5、rmers (and protect our food supply) by eating cropdamaging insects.I practiced my presentation until it shone like a polished stone. It went over so well that other teachers started requesting me. Over the past three years, Ive talked in front of everyone from 5yearolds to senior citizens! The more

6、I present, the more I notice that I am changing minds. I have watched people go from dismissing bats as “disgusting (令人厌恶的)” to truly understanding them and advocating their protection.Right now, Im thinking of becoming a marine biologist (海洋生物学家) someday. As long as Im helping animals, Ill be happy

7、.本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者帮助保护蝙蝠的故事。1When the author was little, bats _.Alived mainly in the south of AmericaBwere well protected in upstate New YorkCdid great harm to the natural environmentDexisted in large quantities in upstate New York答案:D解析:细节理解题。由第一段中的“.tons of bats flying around streetlights at nigh

8、t in my neighborhood in upstate New York”可知,作者小时候,晚上能看到成群的蝙蝠,由此可知,那时纽约北部的蝙蝠数目极多。2The underlined word “vanished” in Paragraph 2 can best be replaced by “_”AreproducedBdisappearedCstarved Dexpanded答案:B解析:词义猜测题。由第二段中的“A disease called white nose syndrome (白鼻综合征) had killed 93 percent of New York States

9、 bats (and about 6 million bats across the country)!”可知,一种被称为“白鼻综合征”的疾病杀死了纽约州93%的蝙蝠(全美约六百万只蝙蝠死亡)。由此推断,作者看到蝙蝠都消失了。3Paragraphs 3 and 4 mainly talk about _.Athe authors efforts to help protect batsBhow the author started Buddies for BatsCwhy the author did a radio show on batsDthe difficulty the author

10、 had in educating people答案:A解析:段落大意题。由第三、四段的段首句及其后的细节展开可知,这两段主要讲述了作者为帮助人们了解蝙蝠对环境的重要性所做出的努力。4What can we infer about the authors presentation?AIt was ignored by the audience.BIt was far from satisfactory.CIt was effective.DIt was boring.答案:C解析:推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的“The more I present.and advocating their pr

11、otection.”可知,作者的演讲慢慢地改变了人们的想法,人们不那么讨厌蝙蝠了,开始认识到蝙蝠的重要性,并且倡导大家保护蝙蝠。由此可推知,作者的演讲很有效。B(2018江苏卷)In the 1760s, Mathurin Roze opened a series of shops that boasted (享有) a special meat soup called consomm. Although the main attraction was the soup, Rozes chain shops also set a new standard for dining out, whi

12、ch helped to establish Roze as the inventor of the modern restaurant.Today, scholars have generated large amounts of instructive research about restaurants. Take visual hints that influence what we eat: diners served themselves about 20 percent more pasta (意大利面食) when their plates matched their food

13、. When a darkcolored cake was served on a black plate rather than a white one, customers recognized it as sweeter and more tasty.Lighting matters, too. When Berlin restaurant customers ate in darkness, they couldnt tell how much theyd had: those given extralarge shares ate more than everyone else, b

14、ut were none_the_wiser they didnt feel fuller, and they were just as ready for dessert.Time is money, but that principle means different things for different types of restaurants. Unlike fastfood places, fine dining shops prefer customers to stay longer and spend. One way to encourage customers to s

15、tay and order that extra round: put on some Mozart (莫扎特). When classical, rather than pop, music was playing, diners spent more. Fast music hurried diners out. Particular scents also have an effect: diners who got the scent of lavender (薰衣草) stayed longer and spent more than those who smelled lemon,

16、 or no scent.Meanwhile, things that you might expect to discourage spending “bad” tables, crowding, high prices dont necessarily. Diners at bad tables next to the kitchen door, say spent nearly as much as others but soon fled. It can be concluded that restaurant keepers need not “be overly concerned

17、 about bad tables”, given that theyre profitable. As for crowds, a Hong Kong study found that they increased a restaurants reputation, suggesting great food at fair prices. And doubling a buffets price led customers to say that its pizza was 11 percent tastier.本文讲述了影响餐饮业效益的几个因素。5The underlined phras

18、e “none the wiser” in paragraph 3 most probably implies that the customers were _.Anot aware of eating more than usualBnot willing to share food with othersCnot conscious of the food qualityDnot fond of the food provided答案:A解析:推理判断题。根据第三段内容可知,在餐馆里的灯光昏暗的情况下,顾客判断不出自己吃了多少食物,即使吃多了也不会觉得饱,因为他们意识不到自己比平时吃得多

19、。故答案为A。6How could a fine dining shop make more profit?APlaying classical music.BIntroducing lemon scent.CMaking the light brighter.DUsing plates of larger size.答案:A解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“One way to encourage customers to stay and order that extra round: put on some Mozart.diners spent more”可知,要想让顾客在餐馆多停留、

20、多消费,餐馆可以播放古典音乐,故A项符合题意。7What does the last paragraph talk about?ATips to attract more customers.BProblems restaurants are faced with.CWays to improve restaurants reputation.DCommon misunderstandings about restaurants.答案:D解析:段落大意题。根据最后一段的首句可知,人们认为的一些会阻止顾客消费的因素都不一定会是如此;下文围绕此进行了说明。故本题答案为D项。.完形填空(2019云南

21、玉溪检测)Once upon a time a Brahmin (婆罗门) came to visit Birbal. He came with a strange _1_. He wanted to be addressed as “pandit”. Now the term “pandit” refers to a man of _2_. But unfortunately this poor Brahmin was uneducated. Birbal tried to explain the difference to him, saying that it was not _3_ t

22、o call an uneducated man a pandit and because of this very reason it would be improper to _4_ him so. But the Brahmin had his heart set on this _5_.So, as usual, Birbal had a(n) _6_. He said that as the Brahmin was an uneducated man, he should hurl (猛投) abuse and _7_ at anyone who dared to address h

23、im by the very same title he wanted. Then Birbal _8_ all his servants to call this lowly Brahmin a pandit. The Brahmin was very _9_. But the moment the servants started addressing him as “pandit”, he _10_ to be very angry and started to abuse them _11_. Then as clever Birbal _12_, he picked up a few

24、 stones and hurled them in their _13_.All this _14_ and screaming drew a crowd. When people realized that this Brahmin was _15_ every time anyone called him “pandit”, they all started to _16_ him. Over the next couple of days, he would _17_ hear “pandit” wherever he went. Very soon the whole town _1

25、8_ referring to him as a pandit much to his delight.The _19_ Brahmin never realized why people were calling him in this manner. And he was extremely pleased with the result. He _20_ Birbal from the very bottom of his foolish heart.一个没有学问的婆罗门找到比巴尔,要求被称为“博学家”。比巴尔用自己的办法教训了他。1A.girl BbeliefCexcuse Drequ

26、est答案:D解析:联系空后的“He wanted to be addressed as pandit”可知,他有一个要求,他想让别人称呼他为“pandit”。2A.managing BstrugglingClearning Dtraining答案:C解析:根据下句uneducated判断:有学识的人才能被称为“pandit”。由此,也可以推测pandit是指很有知识和学问的人。learning“知识;学问”。3A.possible BcorrectClegal Deasy答案:B解析:联系空后的“to call an uneducated man a pandit”可知,把一个没有学识的人称

27、为“博学家”是不合适的,也是不正确的。4A.offer BanswerCteach Dcall答案:D解析:联系前文的“He wanted to be addressed as pandit”以及空后的“him so”可以得出答案。5A.program BreportCperson Dtitle答案:D解析:根据后文的“the very same title he wanted”可知,这个婆罗门一心想要这个称号。6A.aim BchanceCidea Dchange答案:C解析:所以,为了教训这个愚昧的婆罗门,比巴尔想出了一个办法。7A.stones BropesCbricks Dbottle

28、s答案:A解析:根据后文的“he picked up a few stones and hurled them”可知,比巴尔让他扔的是石头。8A.forced BorderedCpersuaded Dpermitted答案:B解析:联系空后的“all his servants to call this lowly Brahmin a pandit”可知,他命令仆人们称呼这个婆罗门为“博学家”。9A.interested BshockedCencouraged Dpleased答案:D解析:听到别人称自己为“博学家”,他感到很高兴。10A.failed BpretendedCcontinued

29、Dhesitated答案:B解析:联系空后的“to be very angry”可知,尽管心里很高兴,但是还是要装出很生气的样子。11A.nervously BsadlyCloudly Dfrequently答案:C解析:但是他又听从比巴尔的建议,装作很生气的样子大声责骂那些人。12A.advised BimaginedCbelieved Dthought答案:A解析:按照比巴尔的建议,他又捡起石头朝那些人的方向扔过去。13A.face BdirectionCbody Dpath答案:B解析:联系前文的“hurled them in their”可知,他捡起石头朝那些人的方向扔过去。in sb

30、.s direction“朝着某人的方向”。14A.fighting BshoutingCjumping Dreading答案:B解析:联系空后的“and screaming”可以推断,所有的这些喊叫声和尖叫声引来了一群人。15A.happy BmildCexcited Dangry答案:D解析:联系前文他的表现可知,人们意识到,只要一喊他“博学家”,他就会发怒。16A.beat BhelpCtease Dlaugh答案:C解析:所有的人都开始戏弄他。tease“戏弄;拿开玩笑”。17A.luckily BconstantlyCfinally Dsuddenly答案:B解析:无论他走到哪里,总是不断地听到人们喊他为“博学家”。18A.avoided BallowedCstarted Dconsidered答案:C解析:很快,全镇的人都开始这样称呼他,这让他心里乐开了花。19A.silly BlazyCcruel Dcareless答案:A解析:根据后文的“his foolish heart”可知,这个一直想被称为“博学家”的婆罗门是愚蠢的。20A.thanked BunderstoodCtrusted Dpraised答案:A解析:他从心底感谢比巴尔帮他实现了愿望。


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